12 Commencing To-Night the Store Will Be Open Every Evening Till Christmas On Day's Like To-day When If You Have Planned to Spend A Special Christmas Sale the Weather sto Blame An Christmas Out of Town a Dressing Turkeys and Groceries Umbrella Is Needed Ix 7-11 1 w > Combination Baskets Includes Ev tO Keep Off the Rain 1 SG Wlll Complete. Y our Outfit erything That You Will Want Either as a gift to yourself or to a friend who is going away we | for DinilCr » And it is on just commend this list of dressing eases, military brushes, collar pouches ' I " . . • ' . \ and jewel cases. {,< 1 One of the most such davs as this that 1 J . , , /O v onnvomato llio twin Genuine black leather seal grain dressing cases with stitched edges {&*j important grocery > ( \ 7^-- ■jl jKgSiKiißh. Ui " '' ' and full leather lining, and fitted with hair brush, comb, tooth brush, occasions of the va^ue a K°°d um- tooth powder holder and nail file, $1.50 vear is the Combilia brella. Seal leather dressing case, leather lined and fitted with hair brush, / \ ,/jjPfii , • t, , , , , . The worthy gift nail brush, tooth brush, comb and nail file, $1.98 I tlon basket, oale 111 -v. stock in OUT umbrella Dressing cases of genuine seal leather with complete fittings for the T* the Dives, Ponierov j T section has been aug- traveler, ... — t .° p 3 ;? 0 //°V & Stewart Grocery \Ji yn * mnntr +;»w>u Crepe seal leather cases, with sewed turned edges and black leather lJ o>x 'IhI ci j.- • 1 -4 /. M .... ~ , , lining, fitted with military brush, comb, soap box, ebony tooth brush, 0 \ Section this week. within the past two toilet water bottle $3.50 ||M If you cannot come NhK weeks —and to-day it Seal grain and black seal leather with complete fittings, M rajM to the store to take is as complete as it has $3.50 to $5.00 —VW — —wmi—tiltm advantasre of this v * PVei* been Better toilet cases of genuine leather at. TIE RACKS AND COAT HANGERS attrnptivo nfFor will UMBRELLAS FOE WOMEN , ri„, .ilk > _ .«5 98, «G. 50, «8.98 lo iflO &0 Ti„ rack, i„ v.riou ß »tyl« 8 »t .......50# be rfS to ha« your ' - Waterproof American taffeta um- «n,,e edge! handles of boxwood and Seven-piece limousine cases of black saffian Coat hangers ,in leather cases four to a nv ,t i„ 'u nT iL «r brellas, handles of plain and carved j mission, .. .$1.50, $2.00 and $3.50 leather and purple moire lining, with complete a t SI.OO to $1.50 oraer UV pnone Ol mission and fancy trimmed, ..SI.OO Union sillc taffeta • umbrellas, outfit for the toilet, $5.00 : Music rolls of genuine leather, post card. Piece dyed silk taffeta umbrellas, handles of boxwood and mission, COLLAR POUCHES $1.19 to $1.75 ~ ,„ , . handles of plain and carved mission I $3.00 and $.1.50 . ~ . „ ___ _;ii i,„ „i„ J n Ulie OaSKet, and ,-i.onoid $1.50, $2.00 Silk taffeta umbrellas, handles of A gift that a man will be Ro stand on MILITARY BRUSHES One turkev averae-p 10 llw Union silk taffeta umbrellas, carved wood and gold and silver, his chiffonier, 980 to s»>.oO _ UIIC llUKcy, d\eitlge 1U lIJS., handles of carved and trimmed mis- $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 up to SB.OO JEWELRY CASES AND MANICURE SETS An ideal gift to a man is a pair of military One quarter peck potatoes, sion and ebonoid, .$2.50 and $:».oo UMBEELLAS FOR CHILDREN 750, $1.125, $1.98 to $3.98 brushes in a leather case, $1.98, $2.98 to $5 One call Earlv June neas Silk and taffeta umbrellas, handles Children's umbrellas of American r» t > f -r T A 7 i i , ' of hardwood, carved mission and [taffeta in 18, 20, 22 and 24 inches. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. One Can hand packed tomatOCS, .... _ _ gold and sterling silver trimmed; Handles of Congo and mission, ——— r\,.„ mi-vo/l vm+c fl/ /I «'SX manv beautiful novelties, $:1,50, j 50c and 75c . I 1( ptIUIIU lIUACU IlUlb, s4,<)o, $4.50, $.->.OO, S«.(M), $0.50, Children's American taffeta um . OllC pint Cranberries, \L/ I $7.00 to SIO.OO. Ibrellas, handles of mission and fancy #l,#' **JI f . f|no lvil+' nnnnrl ' 1 " nnffnn " UMBRELLAS FOP, MEN shapes SI.OO »!#*#<». in;js. J ? I Uiie Halt pound uanquet eoltee, Waterproof American taffeta um- ; Piece dyed silk taffeta umbrellas, \ 1 r 1 One stcllk CClcry, breUas, handles of box-woo,l | handles of " Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor.' ' jWV/ | gue half dozen jiucy Florida oranges, | : / ff J > /jWV 1 ® a * ves > Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Gift Furniture Specially ~— Priced For a Friend Who a Mahogany toilet tables with HmbrOidCfS Furniture department for T T T T~\ I—l H 4 T jwo Here Is to Be round the Largest -^fTTTT> r> A m : "Sfi " O 1 i* L l_f Jt A At 'i\ — aD j nove lties have «a»'s3L I sa,».«i Selection of Gift Handker- A fhfjH i : KaS Zt XZ $19.50 beds. Reduced to 1 * /* • f T *1 l.g 1 < I J vcr .y acceptable gifts to pUi pfo i ir\ I —l Q t*t*l C P\ll t*rf friends who are clever $16..>0 beds. Reduced to Cyllltlylo 111 1 LCXI 1 luUU.I X B^^gßuecdleworkers $18.50 beds. Reduced to There are thousands of dainty handkerchiefs in this gift showing for dis- lisi?^nsook' 59c d 7sc and"»i 00 Turkish Rockers Reduced tribution to women and the displays of sturdy cambrics for men are so complete &c ' ftijfflW stamped nainsook knickers! $16.50 Turkish rockers, fitted that you will lose no time in choosing. _ I®L', J§/ Stamped camisoles or Dorset with serg springs; guaranteed ILtlstlly ClulGu for lcist-ininute shopping! I covers, 2.1 c and 50c for five years. Specially WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Madeira hand embroidered handkerchiefs, m^T. 0 ' 1 . ."" 0 . n ..noc^andYVc v A^'oU 50<>, - Work bags with double pocket, Cnairs and KocKers Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs with one- n'e*. \ 41 u* e m i f signs in stamping, initials, mono- Stamped in bowknit pattern, 25c Old Ivory ehairs and rockers quarter and one-eighth-inch hems, SC, IOC, . Gltt handkerchiets I " no ™p' a "' l K r am» and sprays. Boxes covered with pretty ere with snrine rest and unholster- 121/#* 2IW* nnd boxes, .1 or b in box, oO£, 7i><, Pullman slippers stamped on tonne 25c, 20c, 50c to «0c wun spring rest ana upnoisier l*y 2 f, and -nC g9 . « 100 $1.25 and 51.50. moire in black, pink and blue, in- Many sizes and shapes sweet , , _ ed back. Special, .... ..$7.95 Linen handkerchiefs with initial, eluding case SI.OO grass baskets and mats. • *3 ? .00 golden oak - 15c and 25c " MEN'S AND BOYS' HANDKERCHIEFS tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor-Three Elevators. Special $25.00 ets. Special, $29.00 „ ... ,T ~ ,„ „ .• P . .... „„ - Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs \\ith one Men's linen initial handkerchiefs; box of six, tables. Special 57.95 jcial ./.... .$39.00 " . 75< «r Dive, Pomeroy Stewart, Third Floor-Three Elevator.. an,. $1.50. ' ' ' ' ' * Ws eambrie Hemstitched hand kerchiefs o_ s T a 'L n Men's linen initial handkerchiefs, each. 25<^ Page and one corner embroidered, 25<, 50<, R f • $1.40 1 IT j. <£ 1 CTV "IHpfll" pirplpcc OoW StnVPQ < and SI.OO. Men's hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, aflCl lldtSj *pl.oO 111 t/lv/OO V Dainty lace trimmed handkerchiefs of sheer- 12 ] to 50^ , . . , ~T J . est linen, 10£, 121/j.f, 15£, 25£, 50tf, 75<>S Men's plain and fancy border cambric hand- A Christmas sale of $2.50 raincoats for boys at $1.50 Cheap cuts ot meat cooked m the deal become as tasty SI.OO to $2.50. kerchiefs, 100, 3 for 25<* Each raincoat has a rainproof hat to match. and tender as expensive cuts cooked >y the. old style stove. pj ne handkerchiefs with touch of color in Men's 50c silk handkerchiefs; plain and fancy Sizps (i 810 and 12 vears. ere will be no waste or evaporation ot tooil. It roasts, bakes, corner or colored bonier, 100, 12»/ border and center, each... 35f*> 3 for SI.OO . , _: vp ' f r ; ( .nd's little bov Alanv nnrnnts tvill steams stews fries or boils. Comes m six sizes; all compart- an(| 2 Men's fancy border silk handkerchiefs, 55< A K ° od thmg to glVe a u ?. y " . * par^! S Wlll ments have aluminum lining. Prices range Iron, Crepe de chine hanclkerc hiefs with neat hem- Men's silk initial and plain white hemstitched Provide their young sons with tins combination that will insure SIU.UU to stitched edges in all the popular shades,. .250 handkerchiefs, 250 to $1.25 dry clothing on a wet day. rs* Dives, Tomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Hear—Three Elevators. \ ' J) Desultory Fire at Naco Continues j By Associated Press, Washington, Dec. 21. —Brigadier j Genera) Bliss commanding the border j troops at Naco, Ariz., reported to-day j Ik IS "IT "The Quality Store" | 25% OFF | On All Furs ( jk A most opportune reduction on Furs caused j ¥ by an unusually backward season —a reduc- # » tion that comes at the right time —when M f Christmas buying is at its height. You'll \ need Furs in a hurry when the mercury drops 1 \ so why not buy them right now and make a M substantial saving of 25 per cent, on any T Ladies' Fur Sets, Fur Coats, Fur Neck Pieces, 1 Fur Muffs and Children's Furs you may select. !r EXTRA SPECIAL f Our entire stock of Men's Bath Robes at y 3 OFF— >'2L 2 $5.00 Bath Robes at $3.34, etc. 'M 2 L. W. COOK I that the rival Mexican factions were still holding their positions and that desultory fire continued. He made no mention of any shots falling on Amer ican soil. HARRISBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT, MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21. 1914. Additional Personal and Social News ' Leo DoLone, a student at the T'ni-. versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Miss Florence Uel»one, of St. Jo- ; siph's College, Kmmittsburg, Md., are J I guests of their parents at 920 North ] | Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zerbe, New' York, are guests of the latter's parents, I | Mr and Mrs. Edwin Fischler, 1 207 1 I Swatara street, during the Christmas! j holidays. George Schillinger, a student at Get | tysburg College, is spending the Vule ! tide season with his sister, Miss Kath ! erine Schillinger, 1341 Vernon street, | and Dennis Cocklin, 1329 Vernon I street. Miss Caroline I'atschke, 2225 North ! Second street, returned from Lebanon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Grundon, 22 ! North Fifteenth street, are home from | Philadelphia. Preston Erdley, Hardburg, W. Va., is spending the holidays with his fam ily at 1805 State street. Miss Helen Woodward, of Rochester, N. Y., is the guest of Miss Elizabeth HOBS, 219 ; Pine street. Misß Katharine Elizabeth Gorgas, a j student at the National Cathedral j School, Washington, D. C., is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. George A. Oorgas, 216 Maclay street. GLEE CLUB'S CONCERT Lebanon Valley Students Will Give An nual Affair on Evening of January 7 Arrangements are about completed for the annual Harri.«burg concert of the Lebanon Valley College Glee Club, to be held in the Technical High school auditorium the evening of January 7. Lebanon Valley's clii'b is made up of I young men well known in this city so j i-ially. Faber Stengle, of Oberlin, tenor {in the club, is the business manager. | Professor Sheldon, director, is well 1 known in Harrisburg musical circles. | | Harry K. Ulrich, now a student in the I Princeton University Theological Semi j nary, a former business manager of the, I clulb, will have charge of all local ar rangements. I John D. Whitman, violinist, will as ! sist the club in itt local concert. / » ('H EAP €ANDY ANI) (HI LI)HEN Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., LL. D., Commissioner of Health Alow# with Saiiva Glaus' other pro-! visions is usually a generous store of sweets. No matter how many dolls and drums and other things may have been requested by the younger members of the family, they take it for granted that there will be candy. Much of the indigestion and conse quent distress which follows the hoii- I > NOTICE The Quality Shop's Ad I On Page 7 | day feasting is due to the excessive use of candy by both young and old. Of course the principal constituent of candy is sugar. Sugar is a food and one that is necessary to the human body. It produces heat aaid energy but when taken in excess it undergoes fermenta tion in the digestive tract and gives rise to various disturbances in the stomach and intestines. Not only this but it overburdens the liver witfi evil results. If the children and grown-ups are to hare candy it should be eaten with or immediately after t'he meals. The usual custom is to have sweets within everybody's reach and to stuff them | between meals. To properly carry on their functions : I the stomach and intestinal tract re | quire a certain degree of rest. This is ! t'he reason that it is much better to eat i 1 regular hours. When candy is eaten i between meals it means that the digee- I tive organs mu«t be continually at j work. As a result, instead of exercis ing their functions during the usual portion of the twemtv-four hours, they [ are overworked and it is not surprising when they rebel from exhaustion, par , ticularly on these feast days wihen the consumption o<f food is apt to be ex cessive. Pure candies are not harmful if they are token in reasonable quarntities. Unfortunately there is an enormous I | amount of eheaip candy sold throuigb ! out the country, which is grossly adulterated. Much of this is colored with coal tor dye to make it attractive to t'he eye of youth. Following the holiday season there is always a notable increase in illness whicih are traceable to disturbances of the digestive system and there is like wise a perceiptible increase in the mor tality from these causes. There is, little doubt but that the overfeeding and the excessive use of sweets which does not permit the rational rest of the diiges- I tive origans and so reduces the general resistance of the entire system, is the «ause. THOUSAND GIFTS FOB POOR Money and Food Supplies Donated by Stevens Memorial Sunday School The crowd that filled the auditorium and the Sunday school room of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets, I FANCY BOX GOODS! Christmas candy in fancy boxes from 25£ to $5.00 per |&j| box. Other home-made candies in splendid assortment, all (|l] made here under our own personal supervision, of the best W materials. * Clear toys, lb., ... 10? | I lira/.il and Walnut Taffies, lb. ul Assorted Cream Nut Cara- 40? m mels, box 25< Chocolates and Hon Hons, Assorted Chocolates, box GkS Nuts and Fruits,'S M Chocolate Straws, box, 25< Candy Canes in all sizes at B|| , Christmas mixture, lb., Special Prices. ,jm SPECIAL PRICES ON CANDY FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS tfH Palace Confectionery |g 225 Market Street |! yesterday afternoon was a record-break -1 er for good cheer and real enthusiasm. The occasion was the Giving Christmas Celebration in the Sunday school. Fully 1,000 gifts of money and food sup plies were given during the afternoon. The beginners', primary and junior de partments received 450 boxes of candy. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week a special committee will" distribute to the poor and needy the gifts re ceived.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers