The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out, If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited
* \
Real Estate
WHY BEI A RENTER, when a small
cash payment and balance as rent can
procure one of the following new
houses; improvements; side entrance;
15.18, 1540, 1542. 1544 and JS4G Thompson
Ave. 11. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth
NEW 2-story brick house; 6 rooms and
bath; gas. electric light, furnace;
porch, cemented cellar, granolithic
walks; combination ranges; reasonable
price further reduced.' BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
ley; within 5c fare of Harrisburg; six
rooms; bath, electric light, steam heat,
large porches; lot 80x512. BELL REAL
TY tX>., Bergner Building.
TOR SALE—S2I N. Fifteenth St.; cor
ner property; 2%-story frame; eight
rooms, bath and furnace; lot 24x95.
Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—6I acres; one mile south of
Rutherford; 4% miles from Harris
burg; A No. 1 buildings;, well fenced;
running water in every field but one;
p<»session at any time. BRINTON
PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts.
I'tlM SALE —House No. 1831 N. Sixth St
Itemodeled throughout; all improve
ments. Apply GEOItGE W. OItTH. 423
FOR RENT —I offer my residence, 116.1
Derry street, for rent; three-story
brick, all conveniences;, .steam heat;
rent reasonable to right party. Apply
1163 Derry St.
FOR RENT—I7IO Carnation St.; two
story brick; six rooms, ail conven
iences, with front porch. Apply 75 N.
Seventeenth St.
2131 Derry St„ steam heat $23.00
2133 Derry St.. steam heat, 28.00
2135 Derry St., steam heat, ... 28.00
2119 Derry St.
Or Masonic Temple, Third and State.
FOR RENT'—IOIS Kensington St.; all
improvements; rent $13.50. Apply
1430 Market St.
FOR RENT—No. 1249 Market St.; 3-
story brick, 10 room-house with all
Improvements; rent *26.00 J. E. GIP
PLE, 1251 Market St.
-1637 Apricot $15.00
1813 Briggs $16.00
Bosler Ave., Lemoyne tnew), ..SIB.OO
415 S. 17th $1.0.00
72 N. 17th,i $24.00
■H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St.
FOR RiENT—Large room, 105x32 feet;
good, central location on Market St.
Rent cheap—s7s. Suitable for any kind
of business. Call or address 1531 N.
Fourth street.
FOR RENT—6IB Geary St.; 3-story
brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improve
ments; fine new home; rent reasonable.
Apply 620 Geary St
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. IS.
GIPPLE, 1251 Market St
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 H-story
dwelling houses for sals. Elder Raal
Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts
renovated apartments; two large
rooms, kitchenette and bath; three
rooms, kitchenette and bath; second and
third floors; furnished or unfurnished;
city steam; janitor service; modern lm
|M|ovemenj:s:_^Ap|)ly_a_t_ above address.
FOR RENT—Two furnished front
rooms for married couple or two gen
tlemen. Address 3414, care Star-Inde
Providing for the opening of Second
street, from the eastern line of Wolf
street to the northern line of George
Section 1. The Town Council and
Chief Burgess of the Borough of High
spive hereby ordain that Second jutreet
in the said Borough be opened to the
uniform width of sixty feet from the
southern line of Wolf street to the
northern line of George alley, as shown
upon the official iplan of the said Bor
ough by C. H. Hoffer, Borough Sur
veyor, dated 1907, and now on file with
the Clerk of Council.
Passed by the Borough Council this
11th day of December, A. D. 1911.
Pres. of Council.
(Signed) S. A. BOOK, Secretary.
Approved this lltli day e/f December,
A. IX 1914.
(Signed) AARON D. KLUGH,
Chief Burgess.
The Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary
will bo open daily except Sunday at
p. m., at its new location, Front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment
of the worthy poor.
I 1108 Green St.—A three-story brick
dwelling house with eight rooms— i
bath and steam heat—*com : bination
lighting—cemented cellar. A most
excellent bargain In a first class
down-town location.
WON Si. Third St.—A substantially
constructed three-story brick build
ing with store room—twelve house
keeping rooms and bath. Also, a
two-story brick warehouse (25.6x60)
with cemented cellar. Lot 25.6x155
144)4 llnrkrt s«—A three-story
brick dwelling house with nine j
rooms—bath and furnace.
Fir# Insurance Surety Bonda
Locust and Oourt Streets 1
% J
WANTED—Young men to learn adver
tising business; must be well educati
ed and neat; also willing to travel. Ap
ply Monday, Tuesday, between 7.30-9
p. in. Mr. Kltzgibbons, St, Jaines Hotel.
WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men
between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts.,
l'lurrisburg, 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster.
353 Pine st„ Williamsport. or 37 W.
Market st, York, Pa.
A manufacturing corporation wants dis
trict manager who will be given
elusive territory and training for the
best and most salable office specialty
on the market; It will sell to many pro
fessional people; every place of busi
ness; general manager to appoint local
dealers; SIOO.OO to $.">00.00 capital re
quired; investigate this at once, as it
is a high grade business proposition
that is right in every particular and a
permanent 'bUdiiiess you are building up
for yourself. Address 3415, care of the
LINEMEN WANTED—'Experienced in
catnnar.v trolley line work. Applv
J. A. Vandergrift & Co., care Ephrata &
Lebanon Traction Co., Lebanon, Pa.
AUTO transportation school wants men
to become practical chauffeurs and
earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a
thorough course in crude and practical
work for $35.00. No. SN. Cameron; Bell
day afternoon.
WORK WANTED—Young man would
like to have position as chauffeur in
private family; can do own repairing.
Address 315 Myers St., Steelton, Pa.
PAINTER wishes a 'position; experi
enced in ail kinds of paintings; will
start at a reasonable figure -and can
furnish best of reference. Address 1008
■S. Ninth St.
CHAUFjnEUR—Young man, 21 years
old, desires position driving a private
or delivery car; can make own repairs.
Address H. L, 3416, care Star-Independ
OOt/3RED MAN desires position as
cook, waiter or houseman, or any
kind of work. Apply or address 116
Liberty St.
WANTED—Position as cook or all
around work in private family, by
colored man. Can give references. Ad
dress or cull 510 South St.
WANTED—Any kind of work by mar
ried man; chauffeur by trade. Address
or call 241 Enjerald St
COLORHD MAN wishes a position in a
private family; handy man around the
kitchen. Address 638 Brlggs St.
WANTED—Position as waiter in hotel
or private family. 509 North Ave.
WANTED—A middle-aged man desires
a position as janitor; can do all kind
of repairing, and is handy with all
kind of tools. Can furnish reference.
Address or call at No. lUO2 Kegina St..
WANTED—Any kind of work for a
white man. between the ages of 40
and 45; handy around stock. Address
2017 Wallace St.
CLERK wishes a position in office; has
two years' experience bookkeeping
and typewriting; can furnish good ref
erences. Address dox 108, Carlisle, Pa.
BAKER wishes a position in city; has
three years experience In cake tnd
bread baking; can furnish good refer
ences. Address Box IPS, Carlisle, Pa.
HANDY, middle-aged colored man
wants position of any kind. Address
28 Linden St
WANTED—Experienced cook wishes
position in town or out of town. Ap
ply 638 Briggs St.
YOUNG MAN desires position of any
kind; three years experience in gro
cery store. R. S. HILE, 2543 Agate St
WANTED—GirI for general housework
in small family. Call 1520 State St..
or call on phone 13081*
WANTED—MiddIe-aged German lady
would like place to do general housc
work. Address 115 Royal Terrace, City.
WANTED—MiddIe-aged white lady de
sires -position at work of any kind.
Address MRS. SARAH RUED, Fort
Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa.
WANTED—Young white girl desires
position at general housework. Ad
dress, in care of MRS. S. A. REED.
I'ort Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa.
WANTED—Young white girl desires
position to work in. a boarding or
rooming house; not afraid of work. \d
dress ANNA REED. Fort Hunter, Dau
phin County, Pa.
WANTED—A position as second girl or
companion to elderly lad.v, by a lady
>f refinement; can do any kind of house
work; no washing; wages $6.00 per
week. Address MISS MARY B. HIBB.S
R. D. No. 2, Millerstown, Pa.
WANTED—Nursing. Call on or ad
Swatara St.
WHITE LADY would like to have day's
work of any kind. Room 26, 429
Broad street
WANTED—Colored woman wants day's
City 0 ' Address 108 Christy Court,
WANTED—Day's work of any kind.
Address 108 % Christy Court, City.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer de
sires position; seven years' experi
ence; now employed. Address 341"
care Star-Independent
WOMAN wants washing and ironing to
?.• P r day's work. Call at
1637 Wallace St.
WANTED—General housework or dish
washing. Call 1228 Spruce Ave.
WANTED—Neat colored girl, one that
is capable of cooking, doing first
class dressmaking, or caring for the
hair, wishes position doing anything
about the house. Address 631 bolster
A LADY experienced In housekeeping,
settled habits and without a family,
desires position as housekeeper. 608
Showers Ave., Harrisburg, Pa.
1 >
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 180« Nortll
Sixth street first class packer of fur
niture. china and bncabrac. Bell phon,
w J. WENRICH, 330 Hamilton street—
i urnlture. china auu piano packing,
bhipinonts looked alter at botli ends.
Also all kinds of hauling, bell phou,
11LASS WINDOWS will be placed in
auto curuuus while you wait. (J. A.
The next regular meeting of Dorcas
louge, No. 40, u. A. to the B. of R. T„
will be held Tuesday, December 22nd,
instead ot 'lhurauay, December 24th.
IDA J. IyUINE, Secretaiy,
-^_^ N. 1' ifth St., city.
MONEY TO LOAJT upon real estate •»-
curlties in any amounts and upon any
Lerius to suit ihu borrower. Address
. I *. Box 17 4.
new eight-story brick warehouses,
one absolutely lireproof, divided into
lireproof private rooms ot various
siisea for tne storage of household
goods; the other warenouse of the most
approved type of lire retardanl con
struction for general mercnandlse. They
am niuippuu wiin two large eleutrio
freight elevators and spiral chute tor
the quick and safe hanuiing of house
uold goods and ail kinds of merchan
dise. Low storage rates. South Second
street near Pax ion, ou the iracks of
Penna. R. R.
LOANS—Sj lo S2PO tot Honest working
people without bank credit at less
than legal rales; payable in install
ments to suit borrowers' convenience.
Loan and in vestment Co,
ALL kinds ot hauling; large two-tea
truck; furniture, pianos, freight in
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE. Vernon
St Bell phone 3517 J.
Sale and Exchange
FOR SALE—On account of leaving- town
will sacrifice my practically new
piano. Would like to sell for cash, but
if I can not get cash will sell on eanv
terms. Address J. M. U, 3417, care Star-
tX)R SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St.; Ked Tip, Ring- Point, Bliz
zard, Rowe Junior, Cant Slip. (Jlant
(jrip and Always Sharp Calks.
tOR SALE—Not—Two reserved scat
tickets were awarded to-day to Win.
Mausteller, 1 122 N. Second St., good for
the evening performance at the Or
pheum, December 23, IDM. Call for
tickets at Star-independent business of
uce. before X o'clock p. m., December
191*1. or they will be forfeited.
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
.Second St., 5,000 sets New Sash, Bxlo
xl- U. primed and glazed, at sl.lO per
set. Also other sizes.
Good selection. A few more sales-
K, e , l .'. s .?S nll,lea le£t ' at a bargain. MY
MBG. CO., Third and Cumberland
Sts., above Miller's Shoe Store.
—all in first class condition, from SI
UP» t Also $2.50 felt boots for SI.OO.
Mens $1.50 Arctics for »sc. Come and
? ver * Open evenings. S.
Death and Obituary
PHINNEY—On December 19, 1914, ga-
Helsey I'llianev, ot Huiiunels
town, la., H£ed 63 years,
funeral will take place from the
residence of Mrs. John Lentz. obetliu.
Pa., on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock •
1 uneral car leaves Oberlin, at residence
of Mrs. John Lentz, at 1.30, for Shoop's
Church, where services will be held ill
the church. Burial immediately after
i^^l£e j cemetery.
Lost and Found
FOUND—A black water spaniel ling'
owner can have same by paying for
this advertisement. Call 107 Mulberry
FOUND—Don't go any further, for the
right place Is at EGGERT'S Steam
pyci"K and French Cleaning Works.
1245 Market St. We deliver and call
promptly. Both phonea
LOST—Saturday, in Steelton, bunch - of
keys with JVnnsyivania Steel Co.
brass check attached. Heward if return
ed_to__44j_Lt2icoln St.. Steelton.
Business Opportunities I
«- j
FOR SALE—Uctnil cigar store iloing a
paying business; low rental. Address
J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market.
[Si When the Clock
a Jfj Strikes Twelve j
ushers ill the New Year, it
iMf, should be the objeet of everyone
to make it more profitable than
ff'l, the last. One way to do it is to
IKMi i.mfflimi ß money, artd the best way to
''M-.\ accomplish this is to open an ae
count the First National Bank,
224 Market St. [
casioh calls for a
Made bv JOHN C. HERMAN & CO.
IYiAJS:oMb&, APPELL, Mgrs.
Mntlnpe ntnl December 2."»
FRiriiS Itfattlncc, lo $ 1.04^
Mfchf. SB© to sl.r»o.
*- -
High Claww Vaudeville, 15.15 nnil 5.15 Vaudeville and Pictured, 2.15, 7 A 1)
With a Ituiieh of Pretty Cilrln and nud Hi* Comi>fin>, Playing;
Derkins'Dog Comedians "THE FIXER"
«<-■'- a»»
An Kxeellent Holiday Shoir Lust of the Red Men
Santa Clou* Will Have n <ilft for IV . InII „ a
Every Child Who Attend* n Matinee MO\IM
Between on and < liriMtnutN Coming Chriatmafr—Treat's Seal*
% ■
Wa. * Fun Fest ln Acts
Special To-morrow
Conditions iu the Philadelphia Market
for Three Days Last Week
Philadelphia, Dec. 21, —Conditions for
the three, days ending Saturday even
ing, December 19:
Beef Cattle—The market closed dull
ind lower, under moderate but suffic
ient supplies, with trade temporarily
diverted to the holiday poultry needs.
Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio cattle were
on sale. Cows ruled weak and not
much Inquired after. Quotations:
Steers Average best, $8.50 <{slß.6o;
:hoice, SS,IQOB.4Oj good, lt.XO08.2O;
medium. $7.75®)8.00; common, $7.00®
7.78; bulls. $5.50®7.50; fat cows, s."> 25
©6.50; thin cows, $2.75® 1.50; milch
cows, common to choice, $45®70. ex
tra, $80; veal calves, exceptional lots,
$H.504(/12; good. to choice, $10.50®11;
medium, $8.00®9.00; common, s6.ou®
7.00; southerns and barnyards, jo.OU®
Sheep and I.ambsi—White values
showed no material change, demand was
very conservative with arrivals by no
means excessive. Quotations:
Wetherfl —Kx Ira s(>.oo ig> 6.50
Choice $5.50r«>6.00
Medium |s.oofr/)5.50
Common $3.00(^3.50
Ewes, heavy, fat $5.00(^5,50
Lambs —
Extra $8.7*>®9.00
Good to choice $8.50 f®8.75
Medium $8.00®8.50
Common $6.00® 6.50
Hogs—'Market unsettled; reliable val
ues unobtainable. Quotations nominal.
City Dressed Stock—Trading at pres
ent was only of a limited character,
with choice and prime meats steadily
held. Quotations:
Steers. ioi4®lsc; heifers, 10@M3',sc;
cows, B<g)i2c; veal calves, ls@lGc; ex
tra calves, 17o; southerns and barn-
No Will Left by Wealthy Uncle, Nep
hews Are in Line
Sunbtiry, Pa., Dec. 21. —Webster
Kauffman, a baker; Lee Kauffman.
Danville, and Daniel Kauffman, of
Paxton, yesterday received unusual
Christinas gifts in the shape of infor
mation that they ate three of seven
heirs to the estate of Levi Kauffman,
of Lower Mahanoy township, North
umberland county, who is believed to
bo worth more Wian $350,000.
No will has been found, so the prop
erty and money will be divided among
his next ot' kin.
N'oniln TalniHflKr. feaiurrd In 2 art
\ ItiiKriiph, "Suiinlilm* mill Shallow.-'
"Coiimlii I'onx." 2 :i«'t lllojcrniih ilrnnin
liii luri-il from Italznr'x <lriiimt ot tlic
Name raptiua. "The It,,*,- „ t (he
Door." I'disnn.
» ___^——l
yards. 10012 c; country dressed, 13®
14u; extra, ltic; sheep, lOffjillo; extra
wethers, 12o; lambs, 15 16c; extra
lambs, 17c; hogs, ll@U^e.
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Dec. 21.—Wheat higher;
No. 2 red spot, export, 1.26® 1.27 %; No.
1 northern, Dnluth export, 134® 136.
Corn lusher; No. 2 yellow, local, 73©
73 W.
Oats higher; No. 2 whift, 53@>55>£.
Bran llrm; winter, per ton, s£
27.00; spring, per ton, $25.00f()25.50.
Refined sugars Arm; powdered, 5.03;
line granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A,
Butter firm; western creamery, ex
tra, 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37.
ICggs steady; nearby firsts, free
sl2.tio; do., current receipts, free case,
Sl.'.ut); western extra firsts, free case,
$12.60; do., lirsts. free case. $12.00.
l«(i()IS; dueks, 13<fil4; geese, 13<U) 15.
Live poultry firm; fowls, 11@13; old
roosters, 10; chicken*. 10(913; turkeys,
Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fan
cy, 21@22; turkeys, average, 17 19;
fowls, heavy, 17 <,£ Civ 1S % ; do., average,
14®l(i; do., small, 12@13; old roosters.
12Vb; broiling chickens, nearby, l'#@22;
western, 14@20; roasting chickens!
11#23; ducks, 14®>15; gee so, 12(3)13.
Kluur steady; winter straight. 5.00@
5.25; spring straight, 5.30 4J5.60; do.,
patent. 5.65{j)5.90.
Hay firm; timothy hay, No. 1 large
Hay w.ak; Timothy hay, No. 1 largo
bales, 18.00# 18.50; No. 1 medium bales.
18.00® 18.50; No. 2 do.. 16..)0jD17.»0; No.
3. I I.oo® 15.00; clover light mixed, 17.00
18.30; No. J mixed, Jfi.OO© 16.50; No. i
mixed, 14.50@15.50.
Potatoes weak; New York, per bushel,
58®62; Pennsylvania, 45fei50; Jersey
per basket, 35®40.
Fighting Favors tho Russians
Petrograd, Deo. 20. —An official
communication issued bv the Russian
staff in the Caucasus says: "The fight
ing with the Turks, who liad coucou-
trated considerable forces in the direc
tion of Van, has developed favorably
for lis. We havo repulsed the attacks
of the enemy near the village of
Alagoez where the Turks had a great
number killed."
f i
Christmas Day, matinee and night, |
"A Pair of Sixes."
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous vaudeville and pic
"A Pair of Sixes"
It is not often that a pair of sixes
wins the " big pot," but it has proven
so in the case of Edward Peple's now
farce of that title, which will be seen
at the {Majestic, Friday, matinee and
night, as the Christmas attraction. It
has been running for nearly a year in
New York, at the Longiacre theatre,
and has now started on a long run in
Chicago. It can safely be stated with
out fear of contradiction, that no play
of this kind has ever received such
swperlative praise, from the New York
critics. Many of t'he metropolitan writ
ers iboldly declared that it was a "riot
of fun," and made no apololgy for in
dulging in this oft-abused phrase. It
will be presented hero by a very excel
lent comipany, including Bertha Krity
hoff, John Kearney, Nellie MtoHenry,
Kendal "Weston and Caroline Leonard.
adv. ***
At the Orpheum
The Orpheum begins its yuletide
celebrations to-day. A special holiday
bill will be introduced there. Santa
Clans will be there with gifts for the
children, and the play house will begin
to take on a festive hue with its
Christmas dress of evergreens. "The
Dream Pirates," a delightful one-act
musical comedy with a fine east, two
sets of special scenery, and any amount
of tuneful frolic, wall lead the holiday
vaudeville 'bill. Hart MwHugh, who sent
"The Lawn Party" to the Onpheum
a few weeks ago, is also the producer
of "The Dream Pirates." Pretty and
fascinating Flo Bert is featured in the
cast. She in turn has the support «f
four or live principals and a chorus of
youthful beauties, who will inject the
catchy song hits.
The headl'iner for the "kiddies"
will be Derkin's animal novelty, called
'' A Busy Day in Doigvillo.'' Here is a
comedy animal act that is a veritable
scream from start to finish. The dogs
and monkeys have a little town of
their own ami the excitement that hap
pens in the 'borough in the twenty min
utes they are on the stage, is scream
ingly funny. Also Josephine Davis,
after a tour of the would returns to the
Orpheum after a five seasons' absence.
'Phis charming song bird wild have some
interesting songs and some interesting
gowns, and she will have the assistance
of one Billy OelleT at the piano. Emmet
Devoy and company will be seen in a
comedy called "His Wife's Mother"
that belongs in the headline cites ailso.
Other names of the Orpheum's Christ
mas bill include Dolly and Mack; Lew
is and Norton, and Nolan and Nolan.
odv. ***
At the Colonial
The Colonial inaugurates a bill to
day that looks to be of unusual calibre.
Walter D. Nelanil and company, who
were members of the "Detective
Keen" playlet seen in Harrisburg be
fore, will present a surprise comedy
sketch as one of the most important
attractions. Norman and Clare, declar
ed to be vaudeville' cleverest children,
appear on this bill also. The Nikko
troupe, famous exponents of oriental
skill; and Von Dell, in impersonations
of famous composers and musicians,
complete the vaudeville bill. Patrons
of the Busy Corner must bear in mind
that a Christmas Country Store will
be a pari of the Wednesday evening
performance. The management is
warning patrons to get to the play
house early, for the shopping promises
to be heavy, and the presents very,
very fine. adv. * # * "
At the Photoplay
''Sunshine amt Shadows, a two-act
Vitagraph drama, featuring Norma Tal
tnadge and Van l)vkc Brooke, is filled
with adventure and anguish/ Spiteful
tiess on the part of an employer, John
Gates finds himself wrongfully accused
and is discharged. After many shad
ows, sunshine at last omes to reward
the hoy and girl. Adv.***
Victoria Monday Special
A stirring story of barbaric cruelty,
showing life under the shadow of Si
beria, is the exceptionally dramatic
feature film "The Nihilist's Daugh
ter," in three reels, which hoads the
Monday special hill a't the Victoria
theatre. 223 Market street, to-day. It
is the extraordinary tale of trtic strug
gles for freedom of a Russian qprf
whose daughter becomes infatuated
witth a count who returns her love. Her
chauffer also falls in love with her but
she turns him down. The fjtfJior comes
bacik after thirty years in exile to see
his daughter's happiness when who
marries the count and is made a pris
oner. The climax of the exciting story
is reached w'hen the old man miracu
lously escaipes through a secret cham
ber in his house where he was nursed
ba«'k to healtlh.
Another headlines to-day at the Vic
toria is "The Fortunes of War,'' in
two parts, and the Pathe comedy.
adv. ***
Proprietor of Cleveland
Hostelries Found
Stabbed in Room Aft
er Being Robbed
Woman's Voice Over Telephone Appris
ing Bluecoats or Tragedy Leads
Them to Believe That Bobbery
Prompted the Orime , .
— v v
By Associated Press.
Cleveland, 0., Dec. 21.—William .T.
Troy, 50, proprietor of several hotels,
was found stabbed to death in a room
in the Troy hotel, at St. Clair avenue
and Ontario street, early to-day. There
■were half a dozen stab wounds in his
The fact that ovir S2OO of Troy's
money and a'diamond ring were report
ed missing caused the police to work
on the theory that ro'Wbery prompted
the crime. The suicide theory, however,
has not (been abandoned. The police
were apprised of the death of the hotel
owner by a woman's voice over the
telephone, which said:
"Our old friend Troy is dead—been
stabbed in hia own hotel. Better come
over and look at him.'
Who called the police has not been
Paris, Dec. 21, 2.57 iP. M.—Progress
all along the line is claimed in the
French official statement given out in
Paris this afternoon. There is not one
single mention of a German success or
a French repulse. Gains, although
slight, are recorded in Belgium, between
the Lys and the Aisne, in the Cham
pagne country and in the Argonne. At
one point an advance of 1,200 yards
is recorded and at another the French
made 500 yards. Progress has been
made between the Argonne and the
Meuse, on the right bank of the Meuse
and on the heights of the Mouse. The
French heavy artillery is described as
having been successful on the Aisne,
near Biheims and elsewhere.
The text of the communication fol
"The day of December 20 brought
nothing of importance in Belgium if
exception is made of some progress in
the region of Liombaertzyde and St.
Georges and at a point to the southeast
of the inn of Kortaker, which is south
east of Bixschoote; the occupation
some houses in Wartelem, south of
Zillebeke and the bombardment by
the enemy of the Ypres hospital.
"Between the Lys and the Aisne,
we have occupied a forest near the
route between Noulettes and Souchez
and we also took possession of alt the
first line of German trenches between
this highway and the first houses of
Notre Dame De Lorette, southwest of
"Our heavy artillery silenced on re
peated occasions the artillery of the
enemy to the north of Carrioy, which
is to the east of Albert. This artillery
also demolished the German trenches
and sent head over heels two cannons
of a battery established near Horn,
which is to the southeast of Caruo.v.
The heavy artillery also secured dis
tinct advantages on the Aisne and in
the region of Kheims.
"In Champagne the region of
Prosnes. Perthes and Beause.jour, as
well as in the Argonne, we made along
our entire front appreciable advances.
This is particularly so to the northeast
of Beausejour, where we won ;.nd occu
pied 1.200 yards of the enemy's
trenches, in the forest of La Grurie we
blew up four mined saps and we estab
lished ourselvos in the positions thus
"Between the Argonne and the
Meuse there has been progress along
all the front, particularly in the region
of Varennes, where the brook of Chep
pes has been left 500 yards in our rear,
and in the region of Gercourt-Bethin
"On the right bank of the Meuse
we have gained ground at IM. Croupe
at a point two kilometers northwest
of Brabant and in the forest of Con
"Finally, on the heights of the
Meuse we have made slight progress in
the forest De* Chevaliers, to the north
cast uf I'ort of Coyon."
11. S. Steel
Bulletin 1M tell* of
Common and Preferred
Clarence Cone & Co.,
4* Broadway, New terk