The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Image 1

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Detclled Report, l'tge O
VOL. 77—NO. 15.
nrr. 4. ikt«.
Czar's Forces Keeping
Raiser's Soldiers in
Check in Advance on
For Three Days German Army of 200,-
000 Men Endeavors to Cross Chan
nel and Throw Back the Russians
on Eight Bank
Petrogrnd, via London, Deo. 21, 1.48
P- Al.—The Russian forces are still
holding at bay the German column
which is seeking to cross the Ezura
river at Sochaczew and advance an
Warsaw, thirty miles away. For three
days this German army of about 200,-
000 men has been endeavoring to cross
the river and throw back the Russians
wnd are holding the rig'ht bank.
Sochaczew continues to be the Ger
man objective in the attempt to reach
Warsaw. The Russian forces on the
right bank oif the Bzura are heavily en
trenched. Their artillery is so placed
thahjjt commands the river to its junc
tion a't Vistula eighteen miles nortli.
Southward the Russian line extend to
<> o zano, twenty-five miles east of
I'ietrkow, which recently was evacu
ated, and miles east of
S.haczew, w+iere the Russians first op
posed the German extreme right.
It is j>oiiited out that the Russians
■ have Hiii" assumed positions on their
third line of defense. The evacuation of
Lodz, which lies to the west of this line,
was thus in logical sequence to this
movement and. according to the gen
eral opinion here, had no bearing on the
httack on Warsaw. The Russians for
the present apparently are attempting
nothing more than to retard the enemv
and to defeat attempts at flanking
London, Dec. 21, 3.10 P. M.—The
departure of Eaiperor William for the
front, announced yesterday, is said by
the Exchange Telegraph Company's cor
respondent at \msterdam to have 'been
decided i/) on ..gainst the advice of the
'Emperor's physician, who strongly op
-5 oscd hi* making the trip at this time.
"Pile military chiefs, however, insist
ed, the correspondent adds, that the
Kmperor spend Christmas with his
troops, and he decided to do so.
Pittsburgh. Pa., Dec. 21.—After
emerging unscathed from a number of
battles while serving under the Russian
colors, Joseph Kaminski deserted, made
a perilous trip to a seaport, boarded a
tteamer as a stowaway and came to
America, only to meet death three days
after arriving here.
Kaminski was employed at a coal
chute and was killed yesterday when he
fell and was buried under tons of coal.
January 10 Day of Repentance
Amsterdam, via London, De,*. 21,
9.40 A. M.—The newspaper, "Xieuwe
Rotterdamsehe Courant," learns from
Cologne that the ar hbishops and
bishops of Germany have ordered Chat
January 10 be kept as a general re
pentance day by the Catholics in the
Japs Loosen to Salvation Army
- Tokio, Dec. 21.—The Emperor ami
Emjn-ess, according to an announce
ment made to-day, have donated 3,000
yen (aibout $1,500), to the Salvation
Army. This is the first time, it is stated
that imperial recognition has been
given to that organisation.
Christmas Hours at the Markets
All of the markets will
be oipeu on the usual days this week,
with the exception of the State street,
markeit, wh/ich will be open all day on
Thumday, the only day in the week.
The Bast Harriaburg market will be
©pen Wednesday, Saturday ami Satur
day night; the Chestnut street market
on Wednesday, Saturday ami Saturday
night; the Verbeke street market, on
Wednesday, Saturday and Saturday i
night, and the Kelker street market on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. J
£l)c Star- Jtikf&ewknt
The operations of the allies in Flan-
The heaviest fighting ill the west
since the Germans made their attempts
to force * way to the English channel
is now in progress The French and
German statements oi to-day show that
yesterday's engagements were contest
ed keenly along most of the front from
Alsace to Flanders and on each side
claims are made of the capture of
trenches and other victories of impor
The German War Office gave out
what was described as a French army
order signed by General Joffre and
found on the body of a French soldier,
calling for a general attack on the Ger
mans. The order recites that heavy re
inforcements had been received by the
allies and "it is now our business to
clear the fatherland of the invaders."
! • "In Poland the Russians are offering
determined resistance to the German
aimies which are advancing on Warsaw.
Less than 30 miles from the city one
of the most stubbornly-contested battles
of the campaign is still in progress, the
Russians for throe days having held in
' checks the German column which is
I seeking to force a passage of the Bzura
! river.
Emperor Williams' departure for the
front, announced yesterday, is said to
have been decided upon against the ad
vice of his physician, notwithstanding
his improvement in health. The Em
peror desires to spend Christmas with
his troops.
ders, for a long period of sporadic light
ing at detached points, apparently have
now assumed the character of a general
movement in an attempt to press back
the entire western end of the German
line. The latest French official state
ments say that appreciable gains have
been made, although it is admitted that
the Germans are resisting with determi-
Continned on Eighth P»»je.
Six-Horse Team Brings It From Nine
Miles Beyond Dauphin, With
out a Mishap
The city's Christmas tree, from the
mountains nine miles northeast of Dau
phin. arrived in Harrisburg at 1
o'clock this afternoon after a trip free
from mishap but an hour behind sched
uled time on account of the ice cov
ered roads. It came by six-horse team.
It was in plenty ot' time, however, and
immediately arrangements were start
; ed by the tree committee to have it
i unloaded at Front and Market streets
where it will be erected.
A force of iuen from the Harrisburg
Light.& Power Company will tie put to
I ivofk early to-ifi'fTfro.v and they will
stay on the job until the tree is placed
I and fully decorated with electric lights.
A platform similar to the one of last
year will be erected.
Final plans for the celebration on
Christmas Eve will be made by the
committee which will meet at the may
or s office this evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Professor K. ,1. Deeevee yesterday is
sued a call for singers of the various
church choirs to meet him in the Tech
nical High School building to-morrow
I evening at 7.30 o'clock to rehearse
State Fire Marshal Is Active During
November and December
During November, and up to the
present time in December, the Depart
ment of the State Fire Marsha.l lias ob
tained the conviction of seventeen fire
bugs. the majority of whom set tire to
buildings in order to get the insurance
i money.
These convictions covered a wide ter
ritory. showing the extensive work of
the deputy marshals, convictions being
made in Berks, Crawford, Carbon,
Westmoreland, Lackawanna, Franklin,
Mc.Kean, Westmoreland, Schuylkill,
i Clarion and Beaver. There was one
case in Dauphin county, that oi Ward
Sheets, who pleaded guilty to setting
lire to the property of K. I. Young,
near Midd'letown, in October, and was
j sent to the penitentiary from two to
ten years.
Six of the men sentenced, when con
fronted with the evidence of their
guilt gathered by the deputy
confessed rather than go to trial. All
were sent to the penitentiary except
one who was sent to the insane asylum,
two to county jails and two who are
awaiting sentence.
Mrs. Ella Getkin Enters Suit Against
Pennsy Relief Department
Suit for $2,250, the amount of an
insurance benefit claim, was to-dav
tiled by ('. H. Backenstoe, counsel for
-Mrs. Ivlla Getkin, against the relief de
partment of the Pennsylvania railroad.
The claim, Mrs. Getkin alleges, is due
as the result of the death of her hus
band, David Getkin, who, she sets out,
was killed in a railroad accident at
Willijvmsport and who was a member
of the railroad relief.
Some months ago Mrs. Getkin, in a
suit for damages growing out of the
death of her husband, was awarded a
verdict of $7,160. It is said that the
relief association contends the court
verdict offsets this latest claim.
Attache of Attorney General's Office Is
Suffering From Gangrene
Daniel W. Brubaker, messenger at
the Attorney General's Department, is
seriously ill at his home, 1101 1-2
Capital street. Gangrene developed in
his left foot making the amputation
of two toes necessary.
Mr. Brubaker -was able to be about j
for a while after the operation but his
entire foot became affected and yester
day an incision was made, exceed
ingly painful operation. He was report
ed as better to-day and resting com
Mr. Brubaker was for two years as
sistant mercantile appraiser until ap
pointed messenger in th<> Attorney Gen
eral 's Department by Mr. Bell.
Man Who Ran Notori
ous "Rose Garden"
Sentenced to Pay $2,-
000 Fines and Costs
No Prison Sentence Imposed On Hotel
Man Who Surrenders Himself
After Absence Following the Re
voking of His Liquor License
A. A. Boschelli, who, until his liquor
license was revoked, ran the "Rose
Garden," a notorious resort on Mar
ket street, near the Pennsylvania rail
road, this morning surrendered himself
to the authorities, after having" been
absent many months from the city, lite
entered pleas of guilty to each of ten
separate changes of violation of the
liquor laws, and was sentenced to pay
fines and the costs, aggregating close
to $2,000. The fines alone amount to
>\o jail sentence was imposed. The
court, ait the suggestion of D. S.'Seitz,
Boschelli s counsel, followed the rule
laid down in the case of Jacob Eckert,
former proprietor of the White Hall
hotel, which license was revoked, who
escaped a prison sentence after it was
shown his hostelry was conducted in
a disorderly wav.
The Boschelli penalty, however, is
heavier than that imposed upon Kck
ert. Three of the ten Eckert indict
ments were quashed at the suggestion
of the District Attorney for want ot
sufficient evidence.
On each of seven counts charging
Boschelli with furnishing liquor to
minors, the court imposed fines of SIOO
and directed the defendjuit to pay the
costs. A fine of $l5O and the costs
was imposed in each of two indict
ments charging "furnisftiing liquor to
persons visibly affected 'by intoxicat
ing 'liquor," while on a single disor
derly house charge he must pay a fine
of S3OO and the costs.
Boschelli's Health Broken
Boschelli appeared to bo much brok
en in health and his counsel was pre
pared to put physicians on the stand,
the attorney said, who would testify
that prison confinement would place
his lire in jeopardy.
War on ill kept salpons was begun
by District Attorney Stroup more than
a year ago when he petitioned to the
court to revoke the liquor licenses held
by the proprietors of the "Hose Gar
den'' and the White Hall hotel, at 217
Market street. Court hearings were
conducted by Judges Kunkel and Mc-
Carrell at which mere children, —boys
and girls anywhere from fourteen to
twenty years old, —told of being
served intoxicants at the Rose Garden.
The White Hall cases differed from
Boschelli's, so the District Attorney
said, in that the minors who obtained
beer and whiskey at the Eckert pla-e
were of more mature age, the young
est being nineteen years old.
Friends to Pay the Fines
Immediately after the court revoked
these hotel licenses and ordered the
hostelries to be closed, the District At
torney drew up several indictments
criminally charging the hotel proprie
tors with \ iolatiug the liquor laws.
After many of the Commonwealth's
witnesses had testified in the Eckert
case, the defendant changed his plea
to that ot' guilty and he was sentenced.
The Boschelli case, however, never
went to trial. The defendant, so the
story goes, had, in the interim gone to
Chicago, where he entered a hospital
for treatment. At one time the county
authorities here declared they knew not
the whereabouts of Boschelli.
In court house circles it was sail
this moruing that friends of Boschelli
will help him to pay the tines and costs
so as to prevent his going to jail.
Court Refuses to Grant a Behearing in
Divorce Case
A motion for an arrest of judgment
and a rehearing of the Jacob against
Ix>uis« Snyder divorce case, was re
fused by the Dauphin county court in
an opinion filed with the I'rothonotary
this afternoon. The court holds tint
the jury's decision shall stand and
sets out that a decree granting Snyder
legal separation from his wife will be
Snyder is his wife's senior by a
score or more years. Their seperation
occurred shortly after the wedding,
the wife going to New York. While
she was being paid alimony, the hus
band brought suit for divorce, alleging
wilful and malicious desertion. Mrs.
Snyder op|>osed the suit, claiming that
the desertion was forced upon her
through her husband's failure to carry
out a pre-mnptial contract.
At the hearing Mrs. Snyder said her
husband before marriage promised to
grant her title to a part of his real
estate. She admitted that she did not
love her husband and that she entered
into the marriage contract solely be
cause she would have a home and also
because she would get the real estate
Mummers' Committees Meet To-night
The parade and prize committees of
the Harrisburg Mummers' Association
will meet this evening in the Mayor's
office to make plans for the Sow Year's
Day parade.
Home and War Relief Association
Hunts Out Woman and Gives Her
the Opportunity to Earn Bread For
Her Four Little Children
Weary from trumping the streets in
a fruitless search for work, a mother
of four children, who had lost hor
"part time" position in a factory
where she got $2 a week, dragged her
self into her tireless home Friday
night. She had only bread and cab
bage for tibe evening meal. The chil
dren gathered 'round her as she slowly
prepared it. As she worked, tears for
her hungry little ones came to her eyes.
She could see no way out. One day's
washing each week couldn't keep the
little family going.
The five were eating their meal in
silence when a representative of the
Associated Charities knocked. She
brought with her nourishing food and
—better still —-news of work to be had
if the mother could sew.
The mother could, so on Saturday,
Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall, chairman of
the Home Relief Division of the Home
and War Relief Association, gave her
enough work to permit her to earn $3,
and at prices which would still permit
of her keeping the day's washing she
had obtained.
Throughout a full day—Saturday
was no half holiday for the division
chiefs at headquarters, 7 South Front
street—busy volunteers passed out un
sewn clothing to needy and worthy
women. There was a brisk demand for
sewing though announcement of the
fact that work was to be had had not
then been widely published.
Mondays, Tuesday an-d Wednesdays,
work will be given out. It is to be re
turned Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
Stranded Steamer Total Loss?
By Associated Press.
Turks Island, Dec. 21. —The Nor
wegian steamer Anita, 734 tons, from
Halifax for Jamaica by way of Turks
Island and Santiago, Cuba, stranded on
North (Jaicos island on the night of
December 19 and probably will be a
total loss. She was carrying a general
cargo which is now being saved. The
members of the crew of the Anita also
wero saved.
V "
It was too cloudy to-day to take an
effective photo of "Chiefy" in hia
new Christmas togs, so last's year's
picture is used. He looks just the same
8s then except that he now has a "Bill
"Ohiefy'' Gilner, self-appointed
custodian of the public grounds and
buildings and all that appertains there
to, enclosed in the Capitol Park, blos
somed forth to-day—if the weather is
fine—in all the glory of fine raiment,
with a pride that goeth not before a
Kd. S. Eisley, messenger in the State
Health Department, made his annual
pilgrimage among the departments this
week and collected the money to deco
rate "Chiefy" with new glad rags,
etc., and has succeeded in getting
quite stunning in the way of joyful
toggery. The careful watcher of the
destinies of the public property, has
been furnished with a new suit of
clothing, a "Bill McCann" overcoat,
as he calls it, 0:1 c of those swell ones
that bell out -hind; new shoos of a
beautiful ecru shade; a new lid
or topper of iate style; shirts, un
derwear, gloves, collars, neekscarf,
socks of cerulean hue; supporters for
those same socks; susjienders of the
dependable kind, handkerchiefs, a new
cane, a bull dog pipe, a horseshoe scarf
pin with an emerald in it, and, on his
manly bosom, a new set of medals for
low; service.
Before donning this gorgeous outfit,
"Chiefy" jjot his annual bath in
the fine Taj Mahal l>ath room in the
Capitol basement, ami haul his hair
cut, which with a close »h«ve will suf
ficiently disguise him, so that oven the
park squirrels will have to look twice
to make sure that it is their "old col
lage ohuni'pie.'' To all of this will Be
added a new $2 bill, and to crown his
joy "Chiefy" will be seated at a din
ner that will consist mainly of roast
Christmas will be a great day for
the custodian, and there will be no
prouder mam than he in all the wide
domains of the old Keystone State.
No Trace of Structure
Will Remain, It Is
Said, by End of Nexk
At Closing Meetings of Campaign Yes
terday Dr. Stough and Party Re
ceived SO,OO0 —Trail-hitters Total
Work was to-day begun 011 the dis
mantling of the Stough taibernacle.
where the last service was held last
night. The plumbing is being taken
out to prevent freezing and consequent
bursting of pipes, and the electric light
gldbes are also being removed. At a
meeting this morning of the committee
in charge of the disposition of the
building it was decided to continue the
lire protection on the structure for sev
eral days. It is said that by the latter
part of uext. week there wil'l be nothing
on the taibernacle site to show that the
building stood there for seven weeks.
The structure will be razed by the
company which supplied the lumber, ac
cording to the contract made with them.
There will be no cost to be met by
the campaign committee in the work of
demolition. The sawdust will be taken
to Mec.haniesburg to be used in a taber
nacle now being ereeited there, together
with the signs 011 the posts. Many ap
plications have been received by the
committee for the use of the building
for secular purposes, but all have been
refused. It is thought best that the
tabernacle be used for no other pur
pose except that for which it was par
ticularly erected.
Thank Offerings Total s<l,ooo
The "thank offerings" taken at all
tabernacle services yesterday for the
lbenefit"-of Dr. Stough and his party
amount, it is thpught, to little less thnn
$6,000. The morning collection Was
$1,700 and the afternoon collection
$l,lOO, in round numfbers. The re
ceipt* in the evening, in bills, amounted
to $2,200. Pan collections, which Br.
fitWgh took with him in hags, uncount
ed. would brin(' the tot-o! - vJose to
$6,000. The mnniitjj- expenses of the
campaign together with this remunera
tion to Br. Stough and his party for
the seven weeks, amount to approxi
mately $25,000. The total number of
converts is 7,000.
Dr. Stough Bound for Home
Although Br. Stough has been suh
pocnaed to appear at VVilkes-Barre this
afternoon for a hearing before a board
of arbitration in his slander suits, he
left at 1.25 o'clock this morning for
Continued on lilnhtti rose.
Former U. S. Treasurer Was College
Mate of Vance C. McCormick
' Knoxville, Tenn., Bee. 21. Mc-
Clung, former treasurer of the United
States, died in a hospital in London
after a three months' illness of typhoid
fever. Relatives here received a cable
gram from his brother.
Mr. McClung was a former treasurer
of Yale University and had held execu
tive positions with the S>t. Paul and Du
lutfh Railroad Company. The body will
be brought to Knoxville for interment.
Mr. McClung was well known in this
city, having visited Vance C. McCor
mick 011 several occasions. They both
attended Yale at the same time ami
both played on the Yale footiball team.
Mr. McClung was the principal speak
er hero several years ago before Group
5 of tfoe Peunsylvanian Bankers' As
Aged Man Found Frozen to Death
Identified by His Niece
Funeral services for Amos Sheesley,
72 years old, who was found frozen to
death Saturday in South street, will
be held this evening at 7 o'clock in the
funeral chapel of Undertaker R. K.
Spicer, 313 Walnut street.
Mrs. George VVentzel, a niece, who
identified the body, said that Sheesley
left her homo two months ago to go to
a soldiers' home in Tennessee. A hun
dred dollars which he is supposed to
have had on his person has not been
located by the authorities.
Liquor Licenses Transferred
Two Lykens liquor Licenses were
transferred by the court this morning.
John Stadnar will take over the whole
sale liquor store heretofore conducted
by D. 8. M>att<*r, while J'jhn Andulis
has purchased the hotel of which
Stadniar has for some time been the
Stores Remain Open To-night
The big/ department stores in the
city will remain open for the Christmas
shoppers for the first time this evening.
The stores will be closed at 6 o'clock
on Christmas eve. A number of cloth
ing and .jewelry stores have been open
evening for a week.
Well-known Band Leader Dies
Leacock, Dec. 21.—Charles S. Mear
-37 years old, died yesterday from a
complication of diseases. He was a
trombone player of no'.e and a member
of the Knights of Malta band. He
was for many years the head of the Me
chanicsburg band.
Woman Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Henry Phinney, 63 years old, of
<Hummelstown, died at the* Harrisburg
hospital Saturday evening of a compli
cation of diseases. She was admitted
to the hospital December 16.
Gray-Haired Offender, With Prison Rec
ord, Sent Back to Penitentiary for
Two to Three Years
His hair iron gray, his face wrinkled
and his body stooped with age, Harry
Fortney, 62 years old, stepped ivp to
the bar before Judges Kunkel and Mc-
Carrell this morning and coolly admit
ted that he stole money, jeweirv and
clothing from half a dozen Harrisburg
homes, all within two weeks.
'Besides several jail terms he said
without hesitancy t'hat he served out a
three-year penitentiary sentence im
posed by the Dauphin county court in
1909, on several larceny charges, and
also did time in Ohio penal institutions.
The Court sent him 'back to the peni
tentiary, this time for a term of not
less than two years or more than three.
City detectives said Forney is one of
the "slickest" boarding house thieves
known to thejn. His scheme, they said,
was to engage boarding at a place by
representing himself as a carpenter and
his residence as Mechanicsburg, and a
day later to "skip out" with any val
uables lie can get his hands on.
In one home he took a child's bank
containing s.'l; in another he got a urse
containing money, and in a third he
walked out with sl6. 'He got a pair of
trousers in the next, stole a watch from
the fifth ami got money in a sixth.
Forney had no excuse to offer, pre
ferring to have his story told by his
attorney who said the defendant is
'' simple-minded.''
Insane Youth Indicted on Murder
Charge Ordered to Norristown Hos
pital—Not a Criminal Institution
Edward G. Smith, under indictment
on a charge of murdering his grand
father, John E. Bush, and who, a crim
inal court jury has decided, is a lunatic,
will be sent to the State Hospital for
the Insane, in Norristown, Pa., under
an order tiled by Judge McCarrell at
the opening of court this afternoon.
Smith will be transferred from the lo
cal prison to the hospital within the
next several days by Sheriff Wells.
This order practically marks the
closing of the last chapter in the
Smith case, since physicians have said
that lie can never be entirely cured of
his insanity. However, if lie should at
any time recover his reason ami his re
lease from the Norristown institution
be recommended by the superintendent
there, he will be brought back to Dau
phin county and compelled to stand
trial on the charge of murder.
The Norristown hospital i* not an in
stitution for the criminal insane and
attorneys here figure that the court's
decree really settles all doubt ns to
where shall be committed insane per
sons who, before being tried of crimes
for which they are indicted, are found
to be lunatics. Tt was contended by
Smith's counsel that only such persons
as are acquitted pf crime on the ground
of insanity or who after being con
victed are found to be mentally unbal
anced can be sent to a hospital for the
criminal insane.
Service Commission's Ruling May
Have Its Effect on Harrisburg
Just how the decision otf the Public
Service Commission in the matter otf
reducing anthracite coal carrying rates
from the coal regions to Philadelphia,
will affect rates from the coal regions
to Harrisburg, is not yet known by the
Harrisburg dealers. If the decision ap
plies all aJong the lines oif the coal
carrying roads it is exipected that the
reduced rates will ajvply to this city—
in other words, if there is a reduction
to Philadelphia, there ought to be a
corresponding reduction here, and a
consequent drop in the retail prices.
A manager of a big Harrisburg re
tail coal company said this afternoon
that ho could not see why the decision
reducing nates to Philadelphia should
not make a difference all around, in
eluding Harriabitrg. In the matter of
the rates for carrying egg coal from
the mines to Philadelphia the rate has
toeen $1.70, and to Harrisburg $1,50,
or a difference oif twenty cents for an
additional carry of 104 miles, which,
to Harrisburg dealers, seems to be out
of all proportion. It may mean an all
around reduction in retail prices of
coal, but dealers here cannot figure it
out until the decision is interpreted by
the commission to apply locally.
This information will be obtained
as soon as the commission meets here
on January 4, but it is possible an
interpretation on the Harrisburg rate
can be obtained sooner.
Carload of Virginia Fowl Received by
Local Dealer
Fifteen hundred Virginia turkeys,
exactly a carload, were received at the
H. D. Ivoons stock yard, Sixth and .Ma
clay streets, yesterday, and this morn
ing more than two hundred of the birds
were sold. Koons said the demand l for
turkeys is far greater than the supply.
The turkeys are being sold by live
weight, the price ranging from 22 cents
a pound for 100 pound lots to 23 and
25 cents a pound for single birds. There
are all sizes of turkeys some weighing
as little as six pounds and others ex
ceeding twenty-five pounds.
Governor Will Act as Santa Olaus
Governor and Mrs. Tener will pass
their last Christmas in Harrisburg in
the Executive Mansion. On Christmas
morning the poor children will be re
membered, as usual, tw the Governor,
with boxes of candy. James Auter will
sujierinteml the distribution and the
small child Who tries to double-cross
the distributing agency by assuming a
disigwiso will be foiled.
Schools Close Wednesday
Schools will close for the Christmas
'holidays Wednesday afternoon, to re
main closed until January 4.
Act i on of Cincinnati
Coroner Upsets Plans
for Hohl Funeral Here
$8,160 OF LOOT
Money Is Found Concealed in Various
Articles of Furniture in a Room the
Harrisburg Desperado Had Occu
pied in Western City
Arrangements for the funeral in this
city of Frank <i. Hohl, the automobile
bandit, who last Thursday robbed tfco
Cincinnati banks and fatally wounded a
policeman before being killed after a
revolver duel with bluecoats, were held
up today by the refusal of the coro
ner 'a office in Cincinnati to release the
According to advices received in this
city this morning the bo iy had not
been released although all arrange
ments for its shipment to the mother in
this city had been ma.i'c. Money cov
ering the cost ot' transportation has
been deposited with an express com
pany here and everything had been
planned for its reception by a local
undertaker, but the Ohio coroner must
release the body before it can be
shipped ami that legal formality had
not been gone through with at an early
hour this afternoon.
It was at first believed that tile dis
position of $8,160 found in one ot
rooms in Cincinnati that had been oc
cupied by Hohl had some bearing on
the failure of the western authorities
to release tlie body. District Attorney
Stroup, of this county, however, when
asked what bearing this could have on
the case, said he conld not see how it
could have any bearing whatever.
The plan of Mrs. Hohl was to boll
the funeral from the undertaking rooms
of C. 11. Mauk, Sixth anil Kelker
streets, at 2 o'clock tomorrow after
noon, with the Kev. A. M. Stamets, of
Augsburg Ijiitheran church, officiating,
but this arrangement may now have to
be altered. The funeral, when held,
will be private, and there will be a
squa i of police reserves on hand to
keep back the curious »rowd.
The $8,160 was recovered Saturday
in a room at 1405 Vine street, Cincin
nati, according to a dispatch from that
city. Detectives found the money
stuffed in mattresses, behind pictures
and in many other places concealed
from the eye. A valise and a revolver
also were found in the room.
it had been believed that Hohl had
obtained slll,lOO from the two banks,
but a final check up to-day revealed
that the West End branch of thie Provi
dent Savings Hank and Trust Company
had lost $7,100, while the liberty
Banking anil Savings Company was
minus $5,560, and the total of the loot
(Special to the Star- Independent.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. SI. —Public
spirited citizens have started a move
ment to raise a fund for the family of
Patrolman Edward Knaul, who "died
from bullet wounds inflicted '.ast Thurs
day by Frank G. Hohl, the Harrisburg,
Pa., bandit, who looted two banks hero
and finally was shot to death on that
day. The wife and mother of the dead
blueeoat are practically penniless, and
it is proposed either to hold a benefit
for the family in Music Hall or to cor
eulate a subscription list to raise $5,000
to lift the mortgage carried on the home
Knaul bought last spring. ,
The police relief fund immediately
advanced enough money to tide the be
reaved family over for the present. The
brave policeman was insured iu the Po
lice Protective Association and his heirs
will receive about $1,500 from that
The surgeons in the City Hospital
who operated on Knaul just before his
death learned that the last death-deal
ing bullet from Hohl's revolver peue
trated the policeman's liver, tearing its
way through the anterior and posterior
abdominal walls, and the marvel is that
the blueeoat did not die in his tracks.
One bullet pierced the right lower arm,
coming out above the elbow; another
imbedded itself in the middle upper
arm; a fourth entered the right shoulder
and the tiftn plowed its way into the
loft leg between the knee and the
(Special to the Star. Independent.)
Cincinnati, Dee. 21.—Fred O'Con
nor, a fireman of Engiine Company No.
8, who was standing at Richmond aud
Freeman avenues, and was shot at sev
eral times by the bandit, Hohl, in the
lattter's dash for the automobile after
the scooting of Policeman Knaul, last
Thursday, dispells all doubt as to who
killed Hohl. O 'Connor to-day told his
Continued on Elfthth Page,
New York, Dec. 21.—The doting
was weak. Concentrated selling of
Bteel sent the entire list to its lowest
average in the final hour. Steel de
clined to 49'/,, or witnin I'/, points of
its minimum. From the very outset to
day's market movement was one of
steady recessions, which reached their
climax in the final hour. Most of the
prominent Issues then registered their
lowest quotations since resumption of