The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
Co R 0 BOAS Christmas Oifts Jeweiler l or Scarf Finns Watches r Cuff Liraks Watch Chains I Pocket IKmSves Cigarette Cases | Key ChaSinis, Silver Belt Buckßes | Safety Match Cases, Stone RSegs 21!4=2f16 Market Street Establ fished lißso <k t SOCIAL and PER SOCIETY WILL DANCE AT HOME OF MISSES MHELM Christmas Greens Will Figure in tlie Decorations of Paxtaug Residence To-night—The Affair Is Given in Honor ot Miss Louise Carney One of the most delightful social niVai: s of the season will be the dinner' and dance given this evening by the Misses Wilhehn at their beautiful sub urban residence at Paxiaug compliment ary to Miss I»>uise Carney, of Steel t<>n: Miss Sta.r, of York, and M'ss Nes. of I.aneaster. The spa ious rooms will be decorated iv Christmas red an I green, with south e n srnilax and poinsettias carrying out the color s heme. An orchestra will j ay for the dancing. LOAN OF AUTOS REOUESTEO To Assist in Distribution of Food and Clothing to Needy of City Through the enthusiasm-of the mem bers of the Roberta Disbrow Lloyd hiunslnne Society to be real "Sunshin ers" and through the kindly interest of ' e society's many friends in the city, tieir work of Christmas cheer and helpfulness is almost completed. All articles of every kin I—clothing,l—clothing, groceries, candy, fruit, etc.—must posi tively be sent to the V. M. C. A. build ing on Tuesday morning next between the hours of 9 and 12. The members desiring to take part in the wrapping and marking of these' articles are expected to be at th.« Y. C. A. Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock! Offers of automobile service for the distributing of these articles and bas kets to the poor families will be most gratefully accepted. KIETS FOR BRIDE ELECT Miss Pauline Brenner Given Surprise Shower Miss Rebecca Shulniati gave a mis cellaneous snower at her home, 1524 Susquehanna street, las: evening in compl ment to Mi-s- Pauline Brenner, a popular bride-elect. Those present! were: Misses Pauline Brenner, Sad ye t'ohn. Gertrude Kerson. Bessie Kerson. Tillie Freed man. Moilie Freedman. Til i:e Bason, Rose Cohn, Anna Garonzik, Kdna Garonr.ik. Dora Cohn, Mary Ba turn. Lene Finklestein, Mrs. Obarle* K rouse. Mrs. Samuel Finklestein, Mrs. M. Mo . M ss Cecelia Sbuiman, Anna .-•huliuan. Rebecca Shulman and Mrs. David Shulman. Home for Yuletide Season White, of Brady, Texas; Paul Howell. Wooster. Mass.; William Tav •or, Alleutown; Howard Shugg. Middle town, 0.; George Tag._iu-t, St. Lea is. Mo., and Ceeelier Broefkelixmk. of New students at Mercersimrg College, were guests of Jack Kuhn. Ill) North Third street, en route to their homes for the Christmas holidays. Patient Is Improving v ma ' Haniawii. of North Fourth -"tree;, who underwent a slight operation .-•■veral ,iays ago. at the Harrisburg hos pital. is improving. EXTRA SPECIAL 0 250 of these 3 - Piece Individual ! Triple Silver Plated » CASTORS Regular SI.OO Value; Special at mWm ( a^es ' ri?ht t^le griddle, and a morning. \\ e desire to have you call and become acquainted with our store and our prices, whether you buy or not. "The Store Where Standard Quality is Modestly Priced in Plain Figures" The P. H. CAPLAN CO. JEWELERS 18 North Fourth Street PARTY FOR JAZEL STROCK Mr, and Mrs. Strock Entertained Little Friends of Their Daughter on Her Birthday Mr. and Mrs. William M. Strock gave a birthday surprise party at their home. 111 Pax ton st-eot, last evening, in compliment to their daughter. Hazel, j who yesterday celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary. Games, music and contests were fea tures o; the evening's entertainment and refreshments were Served. The guests included: Misses Helen Graver. Katie Mick las. Ha :el S:ro.k, Dorothy Stull. Sara O 'Brine. l\»rotby McCurdy, Helen Re ckert. \ iola McCurdy, Annie May Pancake. Dorothy Wiley." Katie Hurter, Miriam Koons. Naomi Michael. Marv Mc urdy, John McCurdy, Mrs. James Kaker, Mrs. P. Stull, Mrs. Ruth Koons, Mrs. R. M -Curdy. George Russ aud Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Strock. ••HISTORIC PAXTON'" AS A GIFT Published Under Auspices of Woman's Aid Society of Paxton Church Have you a former Harrisburg friend, to whom you would like to semi an appropriate Christmas gift f Why not buy " Historic Paxton Her Dav's and Her Ways," by Helen Bruce Wal lace, published under the auspices of the Woman's Aid Society of Paxton church. This book, full of local color, with its numerous illustrations and enter taining sketches, will be more appre ciated than a far costlier gift by the ; man or ' v hose heart turus loug ngly at the l hristn>as tide to the old i home sv-enes. IVsides its h'stone interest the worn ' en of this funwnw old church have ever been noted cottks. They have consented to share some of their best recipes with others for the good of the Aid Society. There is likewise valuable in formation for the amateur gardener and 'on 1 try raiser, .written from prac tical experience. The money obtained from the sale of r.iese books is devoted to keeping in repair the famous old stone church building which is nearly one hundred and seventy-five years "old. They . an be obtained at 214 Pine street."or at the leading book stores. BIRKHOLDER-HETRICK Wedding Took Place at Home of Bride's Parents Marietta. Dec. 19.—Miss Irene Het nek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ' Hetriek. of Lancaster, was married last evening to Allen B. Burkholder. <>t Oregon. The oerenionv was per formed at the home of the bride bv the Rev J. W. Memiager, pastor of the ra.rn R«forme«.i church, who used the ring ceremony. The attendants were Mss Mary Hetriok. a sister of the t>nde. and the best maji was Samuel b. Evans. A reception followed. Thev on a tour of the east. At Hotel Wolcott K iward Bailey. North Krout street, is spending several days at the Hotel' >v oicott. New York Citv. Mrs. Weaver and daughter. Miss •'essie. returned to Columbia after a i v ' s 't w 'it.h Mrs. Harrv Vouug. 16 South ; Thirteenth street. TtARRISBT iKi STAIMN'OKPKN'DKN'T. SATITRDAV KVKN'INO. DF.CEMBER 19. 1914. MISS SARAH EDNA F. J. LAUBBNSTBIN, I Jll Sarah Edna Kuhn The wedding of Miss Sarah K.tna i Kuhn, daughter of \tr. an 1 Mrs. .1 ohu U L. Kuhn. an 1 Frank .1. Lambenstein, a prominent young attorney of \sh land. Pa., will be an event of New Year's Pay. taking place at 7 o'clock in the evening, a: the home of the bride, "112 North Third street. Dr. J. Kitvhie Sunith, former pastor of Market Square Presbyterian church, now a member of the faculty of Princeton Theolog ai Seminary, will perform the ceremony, using the beau tiful double ring service. Mis# Helen Keister will play the wedding marches tnd preveding the ceremony will sing ''O Promise Me." accompanied bv Walter F. Kuhn, •brother of the bride. The bride, who will be given in mar riage by her father, will wear a gown of silver cloth with draperies of tulle and touches of rare old lace, and her veil, falling to the hem of her gown, will bo held in place by a cap of pearls. She will carry .i shower of white or chids an 1 valley lilies. Miss Johannah Reese, as maid of honor, will wear a gown of pink crepe meteor and carry an arm bunch of Killarnev roses. The best man will CHILDREN TBSEE "SANTA" Members of Roberta Disbrow Lloyd Sunshine Society Plan to Dis pense Christmas Cheor The latest evidence of tha helpful Interest of the people of Harrisburg in the work of the Roberta Disbrow Llovd Sunshine Society, is shown by the generous offer of A. Floyd Hop kins. of the Orpheum. in giving the use of two boxes for next Wednesday's aft ernoon's performance, that the little cripple children, cared for by this so ciety, may have tire great pleasure of seeing Claus it the Oinhouni. The use of automobiles, for the pur pose of carrying those little people to and from the, would be a bit 1 ot sunshine, with par: of some of our friends, most thankfully receive.!. The members of the society grate fully acknowlc Ige all the interest and help of the good people of our city, toward the consummation of their aims. WAVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Pupils of Miss Barrington's School Render Delightful Numbers Christinas exercises were hel l by the pupils of Mss Barr.ngtou's school and kindergarten at the school. Seon.i and State streets, yesterday. The program included the following numbers: Carol, "Come, Dear, Den- Christ mas." by the school; recitation, "San ta Claus." Kir. abeth B'ough; recita tion. "Commander for Santa Claus," .Tack Ambler. Richard Walker, Walter Spahr, James MoQatt; recitation. "Tne Trees Are Huiii; With Crystal Limps," Sarah Margaret Hawthorne; carol, "Babe Jesus," school and kindergar ten; recitation. "Hurrah for Kris Kin gie. Dorothy Motter: recitations by kindergarten children; reflltati.n, ''Toy land," Sara Jeanette 1)» evee. Sara Jane Tunis; kindergarten game. --Tne Toyshop." lei by Miss Sarah A. Mut.i and Miss Ruth Lapp ley, children. Ninne Spahr. Lau.-e Slide. Sara Mil ler. Jane Messimer, Joseph Mille.-. Margaret Miller, Gilbert Pen lerirast. Robert Murray. Constance Morrell, Margaret Louise Hershy. Rita orun- Jen; "Dolly Song." Sara Jeanette Decevee: recitation. Miss Sera-phine Martha Newell.'' Anna S urbecr; wand drill. Joseph (.lenient. Frank Leim. •lames Moffatt. .Tack Ambler, Walter Spahr. Richard Walker; rhythm play, kindergarten 0. P. S. HL1.,1,0 DINNER Members of Delte Chapter Arc Plan ning Delightful Affair A reunion dinner of the Delta Chap ter, Omiercn Pi Sigma. will be held on the evening or' December 26 in the rooms of S. S. liutherford, 318 North •Second street-. The chapter has more than 150 members in the city, and plan* are being made by a committee to have a large number of the old grads present. The active fraternity dropped out of school life when a School Board order went into effect and there are no more active members in the Central Hig'h school, but thr grads have planned a reunion dinner to talk of old times. Members can secure seats by making application to the following committee men: Robert R Free, chairman; Ralph E. Parthemore. secretary; Richard McAl lister, Paul E. Esm°r. Thoma-s Fairlamb, •lames Q. Handshaw, Raij'u Hesser. Harper Spong and Rov Egolf. Attended Shrine Dance In York Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Snope, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Etter, MT. and Mrs. Foster Shirk, Mr. end Mrs. Fred Web i ber, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Etfbenour, Mr. j and Mrs. Kirk Shelley, o>f this city; \ Miss Florence Pieree.'"rvf Xew York; Miss Verna Swartz. of Pittsburgh, and i Edward Snyder, of this city, attended | the Shriner's danve at Vork, Thursday i night. F. J. La u ben stein be D. .1. Ferjisou. of Shenandoah, a former classmate of the bridegroom. The bridal party will stand under a canopy of white orchids, valley lilies and Southern smitax. 1 There will be no reception and only the immediate members of the families and a few friends will be present at the winkling. Following the ceremony a wedding sup per will be served, Rutherford cater ing, after which Mr. and Mrs. Lauben stein will leave for an extended wed ding trip through the South. On their return they will be at home after Jan uary 15, in their beautiful new home at Ashland. Among the out-of-town guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laii'benstoin, Mrs. M. laiwrence, Miss Ida ljauben steiu, Raymond, Harry LaubeiiAein, of Ashland, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Kuhn, of Philadel phia. The bride-elect is a graduate of the Seller School and of National Park Seniiuary. Washington, P. C. Mr. Laub enstein s a graduate of IMckinson 1 /.iw School and of Lehigh University, and is one of the most proisressive of the younger members of the Schuylkill bar. Neves of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. (>. H. Muck lor. 274 Muench rtreei, has returned from Philadelphia, where she spent several shopping. M. Luther Hooker, who is attending Si hool iu New York City, will spend the holidays with his parents, the Rev. Dr. M. P. and Mrs. Hooker, at Middle town. Mrs. James B. Montgomery, 309 Chestuut street, re.urned after spend ing several weeks in New York. Miss Olive Hocker, a student at the Shippensburg Normal School, is spend ing her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. P. 1.. Hocker. IS3 4 Derrv street. Miss Lilah street, le.t fßr Newark.-nfJitJ., whore she will spend the holidays. Miss Martha Trace, Hollidaysburg, will arrive home, to-morrow t.i -uenl the (. hr stmas holidays with her mot 1 e • Mrs. Kmma Trace, 227 State street. Charles Ising returned to Altoona after a visit with his sister, Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street. Homer Ctimniings, Washington, D. (.., w ill b- 1 a holiday guest of his par ents at 22S Cresce.ii street. Mrs. Charles lsing returned to Shire manstown after a visit with Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoverter and daughter, Mary, returned to Elizabeth town after a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Hoverter, 1257 Mul berry street. Mrs. Isa'aeile McClearv, 1S 2 Market street, is the guest of her daughter, Mr.-. Henry Clayton, in Philadelphia. George Schillinger. Gettysburg Col lege. arrived to-day to spend Christmas with his aunt. Mrs. Henry Thompson. 127 South Fourteenth street. Kmory Mi'.ier. 14 21 Hunter street, is spending the week-end with his par eats in Buffalo. Mrs. Roy G. Cox, 1011 Xorth Front street, has returned from a short trip lo York. Miss Ruth Koons, a student at Kee- College. Frederick, Md., is at her PILES CUBED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD you suaer from bleeding, itching, elind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to c.ire yourself at home bv the new absorption treatment; and will also sen" some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re quested. Vsers report immediate relief and speedy cures. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Xotr'e Dame. Ind. Adv. Nearly Freeze? Br-r-r-r! More coal, more coal —the furnace demands the lower the temperature drops. But —with the increased consumption of coal is there a corresponding increase of heat i - Kelley's Coal will give more heat for the same money because it's good coal and clean coal. Best for the average fur nace is Kelly's Hard Stove at $6.70. H. K. KELLEY &CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets ASTRICH'S Extra Special Christmas Monday Sale December 21st, Beginn None sold before that time. None C. 0. D. None exchanged. No phone orders. Hats Actually Worth $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, This Monday at 69c Silk Velvet Hats. Hatter's Plush Hats, Large Silk Plush Sailors, Felt top Hats with silk velvet brims, Lyons Silk Velvet Hats- all the latest shapes a purchase of over 200 dozen—the entire output of a whole 1 factory closed out to us at an enormous loss—to go in this sale. 1™ II ■ Your Unrestricted Choice of 5 Large Tables, 8* j Black Velvet and ] Monday New n h , ait . er t' I Monday I Plush Hats #%i» s l Aft 1 Sailors and Turbans, Also Some j W Value $2.00 11 I 'elour Plush Hals. | Another shipment of tlmsr i "TIB 8 K UTpra CO ftA sra»l elegant nohbv little shapes . were sz.uu I with silk hlsh frwMi J w w Phis lot includes small Hlaek Silk Velvet lints. Silk Roses, Value, IQ r Ostrich Tips f 3to Bunch; u h 49c. Monday, . . 'Value, J 1.00, Monday, fit I Large Silk Velvet) Imported Velour } mNDAY Sailors (M .44 €l-88 Colored tops or all blark. Ipil —— Flossie Allen, assorted •]) I Value $2.98 J T x t . o | ovg . Value $6.00. \ *r ** 98c and $1.49 Os- khf Ostrich Tips, With Aigret/efifi trich Fancies, Monday. ■■ v Centre, Value sl. Monday iil Velvet and Plush | AY Black and Colored MONDAY I J", r A 3 ." w0,,, | 1 5 J/ tail turbans. f/ \J __ , Ar -* Values up to $5.00. J Values $5.00 j « 51.95 6 $2.98 Ostrich Fancies, Ostrich Lobster Bands, 8 New 00# All the New Colors, Monday, 001 Colors, Value $2; Monday, 001 ! Children's Untrim^^ AY Children's Ready-) MONDAY med Hats IQkA to-Wear Hats iJQrt 1 Felt, velvet and velour. m■ Cloth, corduroy, velvet 1 Values up to SI.OO. J and felt. Values up to $2., 1 $4.00 Ostrich 1 MONDAY Black & White and Co/-] MONDAY Plumes >BB ored Aigrette Fancies IJ M | IS. inches long, 8 im-hes wide; Arc B ■ : Including New QuilJ Fancies. ■*■*! black, white and - v jV * Values up"to-$1.50 ; K Hundreds of Other Monday Specials This Christmas Monday—Look for the Red Monday Tickets home, 2121 North Third street, for the holiday season. K. Chester Sparser, of Madison, Wis., is spending the holiday season with relatives in this citv. Miss "Martha Davis Bullitt, of Belle vue IPark, is home from the OUMields School, Glencoe, Md„ for the Christmas vacation. George Kunkel, dr., Daniel Herr Kunkel and William Minster Kunkel, of Franklin and Marshall ,'ollege, Lancas ter. are home for the Christmas vaca tion. Miss Anna Katherine Hart, of Miss Beard's School, Orange, N. .1.. arrived last night, to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Scho field Hart, Jr., Duncannon. Miss Marion Burns, of St. Mary's School, Burlington, N. Y„ is visiting her parents, M.. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Burns, 215 State street. Arthur King Kunkel, of Franklin and 'Marshall College, Lancaster, is \ is iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel, 1607 North Second street. Dr. Hubertis Cummings, Morristown, X. J., arrived to-day to spend the Yule tide season with his parents, Mr. and iMrs. H. Cummings, 22S Crescent street. Miss Sara Pratt, of Baltimore. Md., is the guest of Miss Margaret Miller, 1207 Xorfrh Second street. Miss Hannah Fahnestock, Greens ville, X. C„ is spending the Oiristmas holidays with her parents. Prof, and Mrs. Fahnestock, 1837 Xortli Second street. J. Phillipelli. State College, is spend ing the holidays with his parents, 38 South Summit street. Alexandei Speel returned to \Vash ington. I). C„ after a visit wih his sis ter, IMrs. J. Boas, Walnut street. Miss Sara Ellen Cummings returned from Hot Springs', N. C., and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cummings, 22? Crescent street. Mrs. Thompson returned to Mexico after a visit with Mr. arid Mrs. Jerome Hetrick, Sixteenth and Regina streets. MONDAY BELGIAN DAY Profits of Big Special Sale to Go to War Sufferers Mondav the United Manufacturers Company, 9 North Market square, will hold a big special sale for the benefit of the Belgian war sufferers. Ten per tent, of every dollar taJien in will be urrned over to proper channels for transmission to the relief commission. The prices on the merchandise will not be increased to cover the donation. On the other hand the original low prices will prevail. Extraordinary preparations have been made to make this sale a big suc cess on account of the benevolent pur pose which it is intended to help. Many special values have been se cured and patrons will have a feast of bargains to select from. The sale from every standpoint is worthy of public interest. CAMP FIRE (iIKLS TO HKLP i Will Gather Together Clothing, Toys and Food Desirous of supplementing the ad- j ' mirnible work now being done by the I i various charitable organizations in I | Hnrrisburg, it is the purpose of the Camp Hill Camp Fire girls to collect I toys, food and clothing which any resi-j i ileut of Camp Hill may be disposed to | I give. Any one who has clothing which J i their children have outgrown or do not | | need, may dispose of it and feel that it !is going to help someone who needsl it to keep warm this winter. The means the Camp Kire girls will ItteMin Inverted Grand Piano In your Home This Christmas you will not only enjoy a Merry Xmas, but will be assured a lifetime of piano satisfaction. MEH LIN INVERTED GRAND PIANOS, while constructed to meet space limitations of modern homes and apartments, embody that unequalled tonal quality of a Mehlin Grand Piano—a tone desirable beyond your fondest expectations. Come in and hear these matchless Mehlin Inverted Grand Pianos we'll gladly demonstrate them and arrange convenient terms of payment. Other instruments taken as part payment. C. AV. Siller, Inc. Pianos Victrola* 30 N. have of knowing where they may cafl for clothing will be through Mrs. L. H. Dennis, Airs. A. E. Strode, .Mrs. Wit- Ham M. Dennison and Mrs. George V&. Kehr. who will s«v that the informt tiim is imparted to the Camp Fir* 1 girls, who will call anywhere in Camp Hill Tuesday, December 22. Home for Christmas Vacation ' Albert 8. IHiartwick, 27 South Fif teenth street, and John R. Gaugler, 3 Evergreen street, students at Carnegip Tech, <Pittsburgh, have returned home to spend the Christmas vacation with their parents. 3