The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 19, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
2 | KENNEDY'S BIG CUT] I Of Perfumes and Toilet Preparations K jj Just Before Xmas—All Useful Gifts I 0 321 Market Street | N Liquid Bouquets! The fragrance of the roses and violets in June, bottled and put Up in fancy Christmas boxes. All the delicate sweet-scented varieties are here including the I II famous Mary Garden, Djer Kiss, Roger & Gallet, Azurea, Colgate, Hudnuts, and a score of the leading perfumes and toilet requisites. Always appropriate as tokens of remembrance H at Christmas time. The money you save on these standard preparations before Christmas will come in handy on your shopping trip. ■ m Perfumes & Toilet Prefl/irfltiOTK Djer-Kiss fcaee Powuer, large, 85* Tetlow's Swan Down Face Powder, 12 * Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, Kv JBfl ICIIUIIICS vx lUilCl II C[/dl(lllUll3 Djer Kiss Creme, 45* Tetlow s Gossamer Face Powder, .. .17* ig* 28* 38c n I 650 11 (COTY'S) "Jack Rose" Ext $2.30 R«*er & Gallet Violette DePorme Ext a Freckle Orean.,' ..38<> HB 'M (COTY'S) "Jack Rose" Toilet Water, 89* «?•o w v Powdei, ' ?ef Satin Skin Creairh IS* CI B| *2.10 Roger & Gallet Violette F^C c Powder. !.'!! !!!j! If $ Krnlinc !!! ! ! "'.l7* || Ml (COTY S) L Origan Ext $2.65 atei, ...... ... 79* Roger & Gallet Rice Powder, 23* Sempre Giovine 39c 1 rr^a SB (COTY'S) "L'Origan" Toilet Water, Roger Ac Gallet Violette tace Powder Hudnut's Face Powder 45* Charles' Flesh Food 1 j $2.10 45* Sanitol Cream 17c •KJ Piver's Azurea Toilet Water 89C Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water 55* CreaillS Kintho Cream' 1 jnj 0 -Piver's LeTrefle Toilet Water 89c Pinaud's Hair Tonic 37* and 74* Wilson Freckle Cream 39* WVI li Piver's Azurea Ext., oz 90* Hudnut's Violet Sec. Toilet Water, Mary Garden Cold Cream 45* Hazeline Snow 29c PHI Bl Piver's Azurea Sachet Powder, 59* 69* and $1.35 Djer Kiss Creme, 45* Hudnut's Violet Sec! Cream 45* fei HQ Piver's Azurea Face Powder 95c Colgate's Toilet Waters, / Creme Eleava 38* Oriental Cream ... 7 !$1.19 &(S 1 « Mary Garden Ext., V 2 oz m SI.OO 25*, 38* and 74* DeMeridor Creme, 19* and 38* I Palm Olive Cream, ... r 34* fl|l Mary Garden Ext., 1 oz $2.00 Hoyt's Cologne 18*, 35* and 70* Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Cream, Eptol EJH Mary Garden Toilet Water, 8 oz.. $3.00 LeDoriue Face Powder, . .. 39* 19* and 39* I Othiue, 73c mJi VI Mary Garden Sachet Powder, .. $1.50 Dorin s Face Powder 95* Colgate's Cold Cream. 20*. 25* and 50* Hush 13*- 9 fnviU3 ■J Man - Garden Face Powder $2.00 Laßlache Face Powder 38* 1 Hind's Cold Cream, 19* I Mum, 17c >H «S Mary Garden Talcum Powder 50c Cliarmis Face Powder 25* j Derma Viva ..'39* : Aubrev's Sisters Cream,.. .19* and 39C ftj l).ier Kiss Ext., 1 oz - 90c Leichner's Face Powder, 23* Pmaud's Beauteviva 39* Hokara 18* and 37c* tpM II Djer Kiss Toilet Water 90c Carmen's Face Powder 39* Pompeian Massage Cream, Haean's Mairnolia Bairn Wr H Djer Kiss Sachet Powder 65C Woodbury's Face Powder 17* 33*, 49* and 65* Frostilla, 16* Ml Djer Kiss Face Powder, small 45c Java Rice Powder, 38* Viola Cream 39* Peoxide Cream. . .'.7.7.713*;' 2 for 25* | |j A Complete Line of Rubber Goods at C 2 SUBURBAN^ HUMMELSTOWN Officers Elected at Board of Health Meeting Fpecial Correspondence. Hummelstown, Pa., Dec. 19.—The regular meeting of the board of health was held on Thursoay evening and all , members were present. The bills of The bnar.i were presented and ordered paid i and the report of the healoh officer ap-j proved. The following officers of the b<.iar.l were elected for the ensuing l year: President, H. Wells Buser; seere-; tary, George T. Ricker; treasurer. Dr. I W. M. Shull: health officer, Jacob i Thomas. There is at present but one eaje of contagious disease in the bor-1 ougn. Miss Annie Burkholjer has returned i from the Indiana State Normal school j and is spending the holidays with her | parent®, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Burk-1 holder. i Christmas exercises will be held in, several of the schools next week, in teresting program? have been arranged for the exercises. Paul gk'haffner. of the Lancaster i Theological Seminary, and Herbert S.-haffner, of Franklin and Marshall > College, are visiting .their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Scaaffner. Mrs. Wilson Kline and children were] visitors in Philadelphia yesterday. Mrs. Jcfcn Zerfoss and Mrs. John i Mtitzabaugh spent yesterday in Harris-' burg. Miss Katherine Shull has returned from Wellesley College to spend the Ctiristmas vacation with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Shull. Mrs. Grover C. Buser visited her auut, Mrs. Rebecca Rettew, at Har- ( risburg, yesterday. During the next two weeks the Wednesday evening prayer service in the Reformed church will be omitted. William Mullin and sons, James and , Michael, spent yesterday in Philadel phia. DILLSBXJRG^ i J. L. McCreary, Champion Hog Raiser in York County Special Correspondence. Dillsburg, Dec. 19. —The following officers were elected in the Lutheran C. j INITIAL TUMBLER OFFER ! ■►COUPON^ f This coupon and 48 cents, entitles the bearer to \tlSb I One Half Dozen Fancy Sterling | , I Silver Initial Tumblers j 1 I | I Coupon most bo presented at the office of I ,111 THE STAR-INDEPENDENT 111! 18-20-22 South Third SL, H&rrlsburg, Pa. I'liLil If wanted by mall, 10 cents extra. IE. Society for 1915: President. J. S. | Kapp; vice president. M. C. Thummn: secretary, Ray Klugh; treasurer, G. E. Seibert; musical director, S. W. Mc- Creary. The Rev. O. E. Kreuz is at present engaged in evangelistic work at Middle burg, Pa. The Rev. F. H. Snell, of Ha gerstown, will preach in the U. B. | church at this place Sunday evening. The Monoghan Presbyterian Sunday school will render their Christmas pro j gram to-morrow evening at 6.30. lMrs. William Seibert, of Chappell, , Neb., spent a few days during the week I visiting friends in town. The new Christmas Savings Cluib at ! the Farmers' and Merchants' bank will | begin Monday, December 21. ' ' The senior class of the High school jjave their class play j n the opera house Thursdav evening to a large and interesting audience. The class of 1915 ; numbers twelve. There were thirteen . until a few weeks ago when one merh i ber of the class. Miss Grace Le>rew, | became the bride of J. E. Arnold, pro prietor of the local laundry, and she i then discontinued her school work. Calvin Rnaub, of Grantham, Pa., is at present assisting the force of clerks in the J. H. Dick general More. A number of large hogs have been reported around town, but the largest one in this section was reported bv J. L McCreary, proprietor of the local bakery. Thursday he had his largest nog killed and when dressed it weighed 556 pounds. WILLIAMS TO WN Funeral of George Halloway Held Yes terday Afternoon Special Correspondence. Williainstown, Dec. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller left for Philadelphia to visit their daughter Joseph Durbin, of Mercersburg Academy, is visiting his parents. ° _ Cleo Haller, of Shippensburg State ■Normal School, is spending her Christ mas vacation with her parents. Verna Adam*, of Pottjrtown, is visit ing her parents. I The funeral of George Hallowav, who was hurt at the colliery and died while on the way to the Ashland hos pital, was held this afternoon. Inter ment in the M E. cemetery. William Smith, of Mt. Carmel, is visiting relatives. A foreigner was found dead in a HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1914. shanty neur the colliery. It is supposed i he suffocated from gas. Flossie Williard. of Harrisburg, is visiting her parents. MILLERSTOWN Interesting Notes About People Who Come and Go Spuria! C'orres»on<ienc& Millerstown, Dec. 19.—Mrs. Edna i Simmers was in Harrisburg ou Tuesday. Kenneth Ulsh, a student at Mercers burg Academy, is home ou his Christ ; mas vacation. Mrs. Gideou Fogleman is visiting rel atives at Elizabethville. ; Miss Alice Alexander is in Xev» York City on a business trip. Mrs. C. C. Page has returned home from a two weeks' visit in Altoona aud | Pittsburgh. Mrs. Thomas Dift'endafer was in Har i risburg on Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Riland, of Herndon, is 1 visiting her sister, Miss Nellie Diffen- I dafer. HALIFAX High School Sent to Philadelphia SB.BO for Belgium Sufferers I Special Correspondence j Halifax, Dec. 19.—Lieutenant Les- I lie R. Shope is home from the Staun ton (Virginia) Military Academy where I he is an instructor, to spend the holi j days with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. j R. Shope. Mrs. G. W. Westfall and daughter, 1 Gertrude, spent Thursday in the Capi tal Citv. The Halifax High school, through Professor S. C. Beitzel, have gent to the Philadelphia "North American" the sum of |B.BO to be applied to the Belgian relief fund. The Otterbein United Brethren Sun day school will give their scholars the annual Christmas treat on Sunday morning. Mrs. Jbseph E. Lyter picked several pansies out of her yard during the past week. The Halifax High School Literary Society have changed their meeting time from afternoon to evening and held their first meeting last evening. They will have their society meeting every other Friday evening in the fu ture. MILLERSBURG Henry Feidt, an Aged Resident of This Place, Died Wednesday Special <*op?e«ponc? Millersburg, Dec. 19. —O. H. Watts, jeweler, has opened a branch store at Elizabethville, to continue till after the holidays. The Rev. D. E. Long, of Mt. Joy, and formerly pastor of the U., B. chnrch here, called on friendß here on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Heilmau, of Bal timore, were entertained on Wednesday by Mr. an.] Mrs. H. L. Lork, at their home on Union street. In the evening Mrs. Heilman gave a lecture in the in terest of missions in St. Paul's Luth eran church. )An entertainment will be given by the Lebanon Valley Glee Club on January 11 in the High Sehool room. Henry Feidt died at the home of his son, diaries L. Feidt, on Wednesday noon. He was 82 years old, and had been ill t'or the past year. He was preceded to the grave by his wife, many years ago, and besides his C. L. Feidt, is survived by a sister, Mrs. ('hallos Martz, of Killinger. In terment was ina.le this morning at Kil liuger. Funeral services were in charge of the Rev. W. J. Kohler. Arrangements have been completed for th e e-xercises 'round the municipal Christmas tree, to be held on Christ mas eve at 7 o'clock. During the sing ing of a Christinas hymn, the church bells will be rung and Burgess S. N. Kawel will press the button which will turn on the 300 small lights on the tree. The music will be furnished by the Citizens' band. The choir of the Lutheran church will render a cantata on Sunday even ing. Thomas J. Long has moved his hard ware goods into his new store room on Market street. Miss Mary Voss, of this place, at tended the funeral of a friend at Ly kens on Wednesday. MIDDLETOWN Infant §on of Mr. and Mm. Charles Brown Died Yesterday Morning Special Correspondence. Middletown, Dec. 19.—Charles Ed ward, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lharles H. Brown, died at the home of his parents on Lawrence street yester day morning. The funeral services will be held at the home on Monday after noon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. C. Buck ley will officiate. Interment will be made in the colored cemeterv, East Middletown. William L&ndis, the drayman, is ill at his home on Brown street and John Houser is working in his stead. Miss Minerva Peters has returned home from a seveml dairs' visit to Philadelphia Thieves entered the chicken coop of the Emaus Orphan Hone on Thursday evening and stole between 40 and 50 chickens. The heads of fourteen chick ens were fmind near the eoop. Thev tore off several boards at the back of the coop. Mrs. Elijah McCreary has gone to Butler, Pa., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Arthur .Bausman, for several days. The funera 1 services of the late Francis Flnry were held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Kramer, on Emaus street last evening at 7.30 o'clock and the remains were taken to Wrightsville on the morning train to day, where interment was made. The Rev. W. R. Ridington, pastor of the M. E. dhurch, officiated. Yohn Brothers, of Harrisburg, pre sented an organ to tho children at the Emaus Orphan Home for a Christmas present. The gift is highly appreciated by them. Robert. Heibert and brother, William, were given a hearing before Squire W. J. Keanard yeaterdav, charged with robbing freight car* on the Penngylva nia railroad in Boyalton. The evidence was sufficient to hold them under SSOO bail each for court. t They were taken back to the Harrisburg jail. Walter Oit ia aponding Saturday and Sunday at Lewistown aa the guest of relative* at Lewistown, Pa. Misa Helen Fiahal, who had been studying nuraing at Columbus, Ohio, and finished her course there, is spend ing some time in town as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Fish.el, Main street. Leonard Bover, wife and son, Charles, spent the day at Philadelphia. Harry Smith, of Lorain, Ohio, is visiting his sister, Miss Sadie Smith, Market street, for two weeks. The Union drill team will take part in the mummers' parade at Harristourg on New Year's Day. Charles Henry, of Chambersburg, vis ited his sister, Mrs. George Carr, South Wood street, on Friday. NEWVILLE Installation of Officers of Big Spring Lodge, No. 381 Special Correspondence. Newville, Dec. 19.—Big Spring Lodge, No. 361, F. and A. M„ held a meeting and banquertted on Thursday evening. The installation of officers took place at the lodge rooms, High street and Big Spring avenue, by Dis trict Deputy Grand Master Samuel Goodyear, "of Carlisle, after which the members and visitors repaired to an adjoining room which presented an at tractive appearance. Here the banquet was served hy Caterer George P. James. Covers were laid for 63. Mrs. F. W. Parson and son, Arthur, are guests of the former's parents in Harrisburg. The Bev. Mr. Parson will join them next week and remain for Christmas Day. Mrs. Perry McLaughlin left Friday for Norristown, where she will spend the holidays at the home of her par ents. The Rev. George W. Nicely, of Han over, a former pastor of the Zion Lu theran church, was the guest of Dr. E. W. Remsburg on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Duulap, Parsonage street, has been suffering from an injured knee, which he recoived through a fall on Big Spring avenue, on Tuesday even ing. Lieutenant Ernest Locke stationed at Fort Meyer, Washington, D. C., spent Thursday in town. MECHANICSBURG Building of Evangelistic Tabernacle Is Progressing Rapidly Special Correspond *nee. Mechanicdburg, Dec. 19. —The build ing of the tabernacle which begun yes terday progressed rapidly. The intense cold prevented beginning work as early as had been planned, but at 8 o'clock a large force was on hand and by noon the 'building had assumed shape. Dinner was served to all the workers and dir rectly afterward work was resumed and continued until 5 o'clock when f'ne work was ended for the day atnl supper Rump's Leather Goods Traveling sets. Manicure nets, Col lar boxes, Cuff boxes and Emergency medicine cases. Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 Z. Market Square. solved to the workers. It was an in spiring sight to see men of all occupa tions and walks in life, including mem bers of at least six denominations anil men who make no profession of re ligion, working together on tlic build ing in which the claims of the Carpenter of Nazareth are to be set forth to the people of Mechanicsburg. While a great deal was accomplished yesterday, there still remains considerable to do, and the work will be continued until completed by small companies of volun teers on different days. The frame work is completed. The building will be 12S l'eet, by 84 feet, and will seat two thousand persons. The Community Christmas tree was lighted last evening and a number of persons braved the cold to listen to the Christmas carols sung under the direc tion of Dr. Eisenower and to an ad dress by the Rev. E. C. B. Castle, pastor of the First U. B. church* The electric lights which were strung from High to Arch streets 011 both sides of Main street during the week were turned on early last evening. The cottage prayer meetings last evening had the usual good attendance ami the interest is increasing with each evening. There were fourteen meetings held last evening. Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess, West Main street, their daughter, Miss Elsie J. Hess, and Samuel <M. Simmons, of Locust Point, were married. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. S. Games. Thursday evening the Woman's Home and foreign Missionary Society of Trinity Lutheran church paid a Christmas visit to iMrs. S. R. Ort at her home on East Main street. Mrs. Ort, i*j| XMAS GIFT BOOKS The Spirit of Christ mat, by J. H- Jowett; comas box edition, SOe The Story Of the Other Wise Man, by Henry Van Dyke.SOc The Lost Boy, by Henry Van Dyke, BOc Finding His Soul, by Norman Duncan ...Me The Anjrel and the Star, by Ralph Connor, Me | The Hands of Esau, by Margaret Deland, •1.00 I I Come la ui ere our J mi|Mi atork. N Evangelical 1 Book Store I 201 N. Second St. I who for several years was a verv ac ti\e menvber of the societv, has for the past two years been confine,l to hrr room by ill health. On Thursday even ing the society rendered a Christmas program and presented Mrs. Urt with a number of useful and pretty gifts. Mrs. Ort greatly appreciated the visit. A temperance meeting will be held to morrow evening in the Church of the 'Brethren in Christ on West Bimpson street. The youug people who have been ab sent from the borough atteiu ' ig school and college are arriving homo to spend the Christinas vacation. Mrs. T. ,T. Ferguson, of Silver Spring, and Miss Ailsio Ewalt, of Boguestown, were guests of Mrs. J. /,. Prowell, West Main street, Thursday and yesterday. Miss Hanuah Bucher was a visitor to Harrisburg yesterday. The Rev. Mr. Robb, of New King ston, was the jjuest of the Rev. H. H. Sharp at Trinity Lutheran parsonage this week. The thermometer was 22 above zero at 6 o'clock this morning. A protracted meeting will 'be inaugu rated to-morrow evening 'by the Church of the Brethren in the meeting house on West Marble street. The meetings will be in charge of the Rev. Mr. Engle, of Hummelstown. MARYSVILLE Birthday Party for Mr. and Mtb. Flcish er'3 Daughter Special Correspondence. Marysville, Dec. 19.—A birthday party was hold Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fleiali er in honor of their daughter Ethel's 7th birthday. L. C. Wox spent Thursday in Mt. Joy with Albert Zaepfel. The Rev. T. B. Tyler, of Philadelphia, is spending some time with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. .Heck, of Balti more, spent Thursday with Mrs. Heck's sister, 'Mrs. »M. C. Dick. R. H. 'Holmes, of Enola, spent Thurs day in town. Mrs. P. M. Miller spent the week visiting relatives in New Bloomfield. Miss Helen Wise, teacher of music at Shippensburg Normal school, is spending her Christinas vacation at her home on Dalhlien street. Mrs. N. J, Robinson spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Wormleysburg with Mrs. S. W. Custer. EEJEOT WAGE OFFER Wilkes-Barre Trolley Employes Will Stand By Original Demands W-ilkes-Barrc, Dec. 19.—8y a vote of 239 to 12, employes of the Wilkes- Barre Railway Company at a meeting early yesterday, rejected the offer of General Manager Wright for a new contract to start January 1. The employes demand 8 cents" in crease in w«g»s, increased pay for over time and pay for the men on the extra list who report daily, but get no work. The company offered an increaso of 1 cent an hour for the first year and an. additional eeait an hour far the next two years. This offer was rejected a week ago. The company agreed to some slight concessions as a compro mise offer. This latest offer was re jected yesterday.