The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 19, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    u -■
The Star lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited »' &
Real Estate
' 4
NEW 2-story brick house; 6 rooms and
bath; gas. electric light, furnace;
porch, cemented cellar, granolithic
walks: combination ranges: reasonable
price further reduced. BELL REALTY
CO.. Bergner Building.
ley; within fvc fare of Harrlsburg; six
rooms; bath, electric light, steam heat,
large porches: lot 80x512. BELL REAL
TY CO., Bergner Building.
v FOR SALE—62I N. Fifteenth St.; cor
ner property; 2V4-story frame; eight
rooms, bath and furnace; lot 21x95.
Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—6I acres; one mile south of
Rutherford; miles from Harris
burg; A No. 1 buildings; well fenced:
running water in every tleld but one;
possession at any time. BRINTON
FACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts.
OK SALE—House No. 1831 N. Sixth St.
Remodeled throughout; all improve
ments. Apply GEORGE W. OR Til, 423
'■"•Tate St
FOR RENT—.OIS Kensington St.: all
improvements; rent $13.50. Apply
1430 Market St.
FOR RENT—No. 1249 Market St.; 3-
story brick, 10 room-house with all
improvements; rent $25.00 J. E. GIP
PLE. 1251 Market St.
-IG"7 Apricot sls 00
1813 Briggs $16.00
Bosler Ave.. Lemoyne (new), ..SIS.OO
415 S. 17th SIO.OO
"2 N. l?Ui $21.00
H. G. PEDLtVW, 110 S. Thirteenth £!t.
W HY BE A RENTER, when a small
cash payment and balance as rent can
procure one of the following new
houses; improvements; side entrance:
1538, 1540, 1542, 1544 and 1546 Thompson
A* e. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth
FOR RENT—Large room, 105x32 feet;
good, central location on Market St.
Rent cheap—s7s. Suitable for anv kind
of business. Call or address 1031 N.
Fourth street.
FOR RENT—Fine S - room house with 1
furnace, bay windows, window shades. '
chicken house, gas stove, and lights;
rent sl2. Apply V. BRINSER, 2635 Cur
tin St, Penbrook, or Bell phone 312 R. !
FOR RENT— brick dwelling, I
1230 North Seventh street, 7 rooms I
and bath; all improvements: immediate '
possession; rent, sl6. Apply .1 R STU- I
BIN3KY, care The Hub, 320 Market St. j
St.; all conveniences; rent reasonable.
Inquire of H. COHEX, 201, Market St.
FOR RENT—6IB Geary St.; 3-stor)
brick; 8 rooms and bath; all Improve
ments; fine new home; rent reasonable
Apply 620 Geary St.
FOR RENT—'Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. E
GIPPL.E, 1251 Market St
dwelling house* for sale. Elder Rei
Estate_Co :: _JMth_and Perry Sts
FOR RENT—Two furnished fronl
rooms for married couple or two gen
tlemen. Address 3414. care Star-Inde
AT Hasting?, Fla.. fine 60-acre farm S
years in cultivation. thoroughlv drain
ed. every foot cleared, irrigated'bv self
flowing Artesian well; acre will pro
duce oO barrels Irish potatoes. .10 bush
i j C l rn ' " tons ha >" same year; tines
land for stock raising in country; thor
oughly fenced, good outbuilding's, smal
dwelling house; well adapted for or
anges; guaranteed title; part cash, ba!
ance on terms. Address Owner. Bo>
ill 5. Jacksonville, Fla.
f legal 1
holders of the Roll Bros. Mfg. Co. wil
be held at the office of the company
fourteenth and lfou-ard Sts. Mundav
January 11, 1!>15, at 11 o'clock a. ni.
for the election of directors.
C. t). RUDY, Secretary,
The annual election for nine dlrec
tors of the Merchants' National Ban!
of Hairl»burt, Pa., will be held at the
banking house, 1358 N, Third street
Tuesday, January 12, 1318, between th,
hour» of 10 a. m. and 1 p, m,
H. O. MIL.L.ER, Cashier.
Business Opportunities
Folt SAl*K—Retail cigar store doing ,
paying business; low rental. Addres:
J. E. GIPPI..E, 1251 Market.
<■" ■ ' «• ■ - . .
lIBK (irrru St.—A three-story -brick I
dwelling house with eight rooms— ,
bath and steam heat—'combination '
lighting—cemented cellar. A most '
excellent bargain in a flret class i
down-town location. j
MMW X. Third St. — \ substantially |
constructed tßree-story brick build
ing with store room—twelve house
keeping rooms and bath. Also, a I
tWO-llory brick warehouse f26.6x*(>)
with cemented cellar. Uu 23.«x135
feet. '
1404 Market St.—A three-stnrv
t>rick dwelling house with nine
rooms-—bath and furnace.
Ftr« Incurance Bursty Bonda
Tomtit «nd Court Btreats ]
*•-*•■ - - i I
A manufacturing: corporation wants dls- '
I trict manager who will be given ex- I
elusive territory and training for tlie
I best and most salable office specialty !
on the market: it will sell to many pro- i
fesslonal people: every place of fousi- i
nogs: general manager to appoint local
dealers: SIOO.OO to $500.00 Capital re- ■
quired; investigate this at once, as it
ts a high grade business proposition
that ts right in every particular and a]
permanent business you are building up 4
for yourself. Address 3115, care of the
$2,500 ANNUALLY—Co-operate wit. me i
evenings at home; everything iur- |
nished. Don't worry about capital, i
Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr.
SSO MONTHLY and expenses to travel,
distribute samples and take orders or 1
appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer- j
lean Co.. Chicago.
LINEMEN WANT ED—'Experienced In \
catanar.v trolley line w>ork. Apply I
J. A. Vandergrift & Co.. care Ephrata A
Lebanon Traction Co., Lebanon, Pa.
WANTED—Young men to learn adver- I
Using business; must be well oducat- j
ed and neat; also willing to travel. Ap- j
ply Sunday afternoon between 1 and 5. i
MR. FITZGIBBONS, St. James Hotel. |
ough Instruction. $5.00. Returned if
not appointed. Particulars tree. Amer- j
ican Civil Service School, Washington, !
D. C.
AUTO transportation school wants men
1 to become practical chauffeurs and
earn $75 to SIOO per montli. We give a '
thorough course in crude and practical I
work for *35.00. Xo. SN. Cameron; Bell I
day afternoon.
CHAUFFEUR—Young man, 21 years J
old. desires position driving a private i
or delivery car: can make own repairs. I
Address H. L., 3416, care Star-Independ- I
i ent. |
COLORED MAX desires position as
| cook, waiter or houseman, or any !
, kind of work. Apply or address 116 1 »
Liberty St.
! IVAXTED—Position as cook or ail
around work in private family, by
I colored man. Can give references. Ad
dress or call 510 South St.
WAXTED—Any kind of work by mar
ried man; chauffeur by trade. Address 1
or call :241 Emerald St.
COIXJRED MAX wishes a position in a !
private family; handy man around the
kitchen. Address 63S Briggs St.
WANTED—Position as waiter In hotel
or private family. 509 Xorth Ave.
WA XT ED—A middle-aged man desires
. » position as janitor; can do all kind
ST repairing, ana is handy with all
kind of tools. Can furnish reference.
Address or call at No. 1602 Regina St.,
WANTED—Any kind of work for a
white man. between the ages of 40
and 45; handy around stock. Address
-011 Wallace St.
CLERK wishes a position in office; has
two years' experience bookkeeping
and typewriting; can furnish good ref
erences. Address liox 108, Carlisle, Pa.
BAKER wishes a position in city; has
three years experierct in cake end
bread baking; can furnish good refer
ences. Address Box 103, Carlisle, Pa.
HANDY, middle-aged colored man
warns position of any kind. Address
is Linden St.
WANTED—Experienced cook wishes
position in town or out of town. Ap
ply 638 Briggs St.
Y VV K , G MAN desires position of any
kind; three years experience in gro
cery store. R. S. HIDE, 2343 Agate St.,
WANTED; —By middle-aged white man,
a position as watchman, Janitor or
flrmg a furnace. Understands steam
heat; very handy, good worker: can
give reference If required; will work
lor board, lodging and 12.00 to 13.00 a
week. Address C. H. FRANKLJN. Gen.
DelW»ry,_Hummelßtown, Pa.
WANTED—-Middle-aged German lady
would like place to do general house
work. Address 113 Royal Terrace, City.
W ANTED—-Middle-aged white lady de
e res position at work of any kind.
Address MRS. SARAH RBED, Fort
Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa,
WANTED-Y«ung white girl desires
position at general housework. Ad
dress In caro of MRS. S. A, REED,
rori Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa.
WANTED—Young white girl desires
position to work in a boarding or
rooming house; not afraid of work Ad
dress ANNA REED, Fort Hunter Dau
phin County, Pa,
W ANTED—A position as second girl or
companion to elderly lady, by a lady
>f l eanement; can do any kind of house
work; no washing; wages 16.00 per
Jt. I). No, 2, Millerstown, Pa,
WANTED—Nursing, Call on or ad
dress MISS E-LLIE RBSSER, 2052
Swatara St.
SITUATION—Two reserved seat tickets
were awarded to-day to George W.
Buller, 936 N. Second <st., good for the
evening performance at the'
December 22, 1914 Call for tickets at
.star-Independent business office, before
So cloi'k p. m., December 21. 1911, or
they will be forfeited.
WHITE LADY would like to have day s
work of any kind. Room 26, 429
Broad street.
WANTED—Colored woman wants day's
CiTy ' Address 108 Christy Court,
WANTED—Day's work of any kind.
_ Ad<lr>gs 108 Christy Court, City.
I LOUKKEEPER and stenographer de
siren position; seven years experi
| ence; now employed. Address 3412
1 care Star-Independent.
. WOMAN wants washing and Ironing to
I take home; or day s work. Call at
I 1637 Wallace* St. '
WANTED—General housework or dish
washing. Call 1228 Spruce _Ave.
WANTED—Neat colored girl, pne that
is capable of cooking, doing first
class dressmaking, or caring for the
hair, wishes position doing anything
about the house. Address #3l Forster
A LADY experienced in housekeeping
settled habits and without a family
desires position as housekeeper.
Showers Ave. Harrieburg. Pa.
WANTED-rA German girl would like
housework, cooking or washing and
ironing. Address 402 Mohn St.. Steel
ton. Pa.
I 1
necessary, easy work, big pay. Write
for large list of openings offering op
; portunltles to earn SIOO to 1500 a month
■ while you learn. Address nearest office,
i Dept. 245, National Salesmen's Training
Association. Chicago. New York. Kan
' Sl>3 City. San Francisco.
SALESMEN—Business producers, to sell
our high grade punch boards. I>arge
'commission. Selling outfit free to saies
i men sending satisfactory references
wit|,i tlrst letter, (,'haa. C. Slack. St.
Joseph, Mich.
EX-GASMAN'S invention. Gas users
buy two to twelve. New selling sys
tem. Postal brings particular.''. Ger
ald Co., 1042 Trinity Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at
home: good pay, no canvassing; no
experience required. Illus. particulars
free. HelufTig Hand Stores, Chicago.
WANTED—GirI for general housework
in small family, ( all 1520 State St.,
or call on phone 13081*
LADIES can make $lO to sls weekly
copying, addressing and mailing sam
ples. Particulars for stamp. Rex Co.,
259 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y,
LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO
per 100. No canvassing requited.
Send stamped-addressed envelope for
full particulars. Eureka Co., Dept.
112 D. Kalamazoo, Mich.
LADIES sew at home; good pay. Send
stamp. Work sent prepaid. King
Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, New York
> ——
| PACKING—A. H. SHREXK. 1906 North
Sixth street, first class packer of fur
-1 niture, caina and bricabrac. Bell phone
: mw «
W. J. WKNHICH, 33tf Hamilton street—
r urnlture. china and piano packing.
Mupuient* looked alter at both ends.
lcincJa ot hauling, hen phone
JL»ASS WiNt_)Q\\S will be placed In
auio curtains wnile you wait. U. A.
UADIES—When delayed or
use iriumpn always a^pciio
able. i\eiiei " anu partu-Uiai:» ire*.
Write National Medicai insutuie Mil
waukee, \v is.
STORAGE in 3-story orick building,
iear 406 Market Household uooaa
in clean, pnvaio ruotus.
rates. Appiy 10 f. u. wc t #r
4us Maritti
new eigni-etoiy • brick warehouses,
one absolutely meprooi, divided into
fireproof privats rooms oi various
sizes lor me slot age ci nouseuoiu
goods; tne otuer wu cuoust ot Uie moat
approved type ot lire regardant con- I
mruction tor general mercu«nuiae. 'iliey
ai n >n|ujp„ tm two large electric
ireight elevators and spiral chute lor
the quick and .ate hmiuiuig oi uou.e
hold goods aim ail tunu. of merchan
alse. Low storage rate.. auuia oecuuu
street, neat Pa.vtou, tne Hacks ot
Penna. K. K,
LOANS —}h to Kji noneii working '
people without bank credit at l« a »
than legal rates, payable in install- ;
□cents to suit borrowers' convcuit-nca
Loan ana investment C*.
ZU4 Ctiestnut at.
f ALL kind* of hauling, large two-tan
truck, fui nitui k, pianos, freight, in
the city ana suburbs. Prices reason
i tula. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
u - 3 v « rnaa
Sale and Exchange
- ■ j
C. W. H. LAJIQLETI, Lumber— We are i
overstocked with all kinds and
grades of lumber and we can offer you
big bargains. It will pay you to see
us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts.
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St.; Bed Tip, Ring Point. Bliz
zard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip. Giant
Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
TOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St.. 5,000 seta New Sash, Bxlo
xli u, primed and glazed, at per
eet. Also other sizes.
Good selection. A few more sales-
S, e > 1 2,' , .. s S!? pleß left - at a bargain. MY
ERS MFG. CO., Third and Cumberland
fats., above Miller's Shoe Store.
—all In first class condition, rrom 81 I
up. Also tZ.SO felt boots for t1.96. i
Mens $1.50 Arctics for Bsc. Come and'
100k 'hem over. Open evenings. S. '
MiiLTZER, 513 Walnut St. i
FOR SAl_*E—About five (5) cord-s fire
wood, in Capitol Park. Sealed bids
by the cord or lot will be received not
{A-ter than 12 o'clock, noon, December
zs tin A 4, b j th? Superintendent of
Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol
£ a llding, Harrieburg, Pa.—SAMUEL B.
RAMBO, Superintendent.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
r——————— ———i_________
I gSff XMAS"
:§R,. mone Y
lwl E are ready to supply salaried peo
glg pie with the ready Money for
Christmas demands in amounts
$5 to SSO
It would be to your advantage to call
on us, when in need —Our Motto is:
Liberal Terms—Quick Loans-
Strict Confidence
Open Evenings From December 12-24
Employees Discount Co.,
M 36 N. 3rd St.
Room No, 2
1 - mn 1
lost and Found
FOUND— Don't go anv further, for the
rlsht place Ik at EGGERT'S Steam
Dymng and French Cleaning Works,
124„ Market SL We deliver and call
promptly. Both phones.
LOUT- —Purse containing ten dollar bill
and a one dollar bill anil change, be
tween Thirteenth and Market and 133
Hoerner St. Reward If returned lo 131
Hoerner St.
/" \
The Status of the
Goldfield and
Tonopah Stocks
Our offices in Goldfield and Tonopah
keep us promptly arid continually |
advised of corffHtion* in these re- I
spective tamps, and this information
is always avallableTo our customer*, i
Yaur Ordtrt Selioiieri
Correspondence and Inquiries Invited i
Spragos & Schwaikert
Members of San Francisco Stock I
Bellevur Court Bids;., MIS Walnut St. i
Tonoyah, Nev. New York. N. Y.
Goldfield, IseV. San Francisco, Cal. !
Private Telephone ( luofrtlnn with
Xew \ork Curb Market
Quotations furnished, orders exe
cuted after the official close and up
till 5 P. M. each day in Tonopah and
Goldfield Issues.
A knitting factory; all Improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame; steam heat well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sewing machinery. Possession
given at once. We will rem if party
would be interested in the manu
facturing of ladies' garments.
Information Wanted—Call Bell !
phone 74, Steelton, Pa., or
The Harrisbnrg Polyclinic Disponsarr
will be open daily except Sunday at
3 p. m., at its new location, Front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment
af the worthy poor.
4Vi% to 6/4%
On Your Savings
may be obtained by purchas
ing well-secured mortgage
bonds at present low prices,
which in many cases are
y from five to ten points below
quotations of a year ago.
Write for offering No. M-102
A. B. Leach & Co.
(■treatment Securities
149 Broadway, Now Y«rk
Jjgggjgjw ii i J
Ilarttng Cum Rikar Hegaman
UnHad Cigar Stares United Preffl Sharing
v 1 amblya Drug Ca. * p.-.j.
Unltad Cigar Storas ) MMM
Ask for Letter 107
** Broadway >ork
Continued From First Page*
vation and suffering. Oommiseionor
Lynch suffered more than any one else.
(Hia suffering was so that be or
dered tlhe Highway Department ctiauf
teur to negotiate the side of the moun
tain in the department machine against
the chauffeur's wishes and hotter judg
ment. On that very hill Commissioner
Taylor's machine slipped a non-skid
chain and the occurpauts of the ear,
including the Commissioner and 'Mayor
KoyaJ, had to push the car the rest of
the wa.v up She mountainside.
•While this operation wa« on. the
Lynch car approached the hill and the
chauffeur stopped. It looked like poor
walking and the Commissioner ordered
Hia machine to go up the hill. It did
not overturn, as the chauffeur predicted
would !be the case
Twenty minutes in the woodLand
tract brought the party to <the tree se
lected and, after Mayor Royal took sev
eral cuts at itj a regular tree-chopper
made short wi*k of the joJa. A six-
horse team will bring tihe tree to this
city later.
Charley Sellers, former Sheriff and
genial host at the Dauphin 'hotel, saw
the party go through on the outward
journey and prepared for them on the
return. It was steaming ihot clam
i soup—and s*ioh soup, with chicken giz
zards in it. It touched the spot and,
j despite the gizzards, it was eagerly gob
i bled up.
The tree is about the same size as
hist year's only the brancihes begin at
i the ground, and, spliced to a pole, it.
; will seem higger -than that of inslt sea
itobert W. Hoy, chairman of the treo
| committee, lias arranged that employes
j of t>he Harrisburg Light & Power Com
| pany will erect the tree aud drape it
! with lights. Further details of the
I celebration will be arranged later.
; Interstate Commerce Commission's De
cision Has Apparently Spent Its
i Force as Price Changes in the Early
Dealings Indicated This Morning
By Associated Press.
New York, pec. 19, (Wall Street-
Price changes in to-day 's earlv dealings
suggested that yesterday's Interstate
Commerce Commission decision has
spent its force, for a time at least. The
opening was exceedingly narrow with
?n-I volume of business, mostly in
100-share lots. Canadian Pacific and
its subsidiary, ' '6oo,'' were prominent
tor one point advances, with two points
for Delaware and Hudson. These were
partly offset by fractional declines in
some of the better known shares. !Bv
the end of the first half hour a firmer
tendency was noted.
Trading dragged along for the bai
lee of the session, the market develop
ing no special feature. The overturn
was the smallest of any day since the
resumption of operations, many specula
tive all ares being unquoted. The clos
ing was irregular.
The only notaible featnre of to-day's
two-hour market wae its extreme nar
rowness and dullness Interest again
converged albout the Interstate Com
merce Commission's decision, but that
even had only a passring influence upon
the stocks of railroads directly affect
ed. Some earlv gains were lost in the
final dealings.. Bonds were steady.
Summary of the Week
New York, Dee. i9._The most im
portant event of a wdek replete with
interesting developments was the de
cision of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission to grant a Ave per cent, rate in
crease to the eastern railroads. The an
nouncement of the •commission's action
was made early yesterday at a time
when stocks were manifesting their
greatest weakness. It was effective in
arresting the decline and 'bringing about
some material recoveries.
Trading in the full list of stocks
approved by the exchange began on
Tuesday and was accompanied by a
more or less irregular movement. Prices
moved upwards smartly at the outset,
•but noon receded on moderate offer
ings. There appeared to be a small in
vestment demand, but this was offset
by persistent short selling, Sentiment
was rather more cheerful until the lat
ter part of tihe week when reduced div
idends by such important railroads as
Michigan Central, Louisville and Nash
ville and Atlantic Coast liine were an
nounced. The foreign situation also
helped to dampen the ardor of the ."bull
Conditions In the steel trade were
unchanged, except that some increase of
foreign business is expected early in
the coming year. The larger manufac
turers are considering ttheir wage ached
i ulee for that period, with indications of
a redaction. The foreign trade situation
•continues to favor this country, large
ly as a result of increased «oW«n ex
Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker,
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York. Dec. 19. 1914.
.. . °PC" High Low Close
Alaska G. Mines 24'. 25% 14111, 25
Ama.l Copper... 54% 55 53% 54
Am. Beet Sugar, .11 31% 31 311/
Amer Can...... 2BS 2«% 25% 26%
Am. Ice Secur.,. 23 23
Amer. Loco . 23% 33% 22% £3%
Amer. -Smelting, 58% 59 58% 58"s.
Amor. Sugar,.. 107 .... 107
Anaconda, .. . . 26 % »<W
:: i-.:;118 Vi 116% 118??
this week, with percetnages of change
Canadian gsaggregate $134,
Atchison 93% !>S% 93% 9314
Bal. and Ohio, I ; 69% 70% 69% 70 U
Brooklyn R. T... 85 % 85* 854 85%
Canadian Pac.. . .157% 158 167% 157%
Cent. leather,.. 37% 37% 37% 37%
Ches. and Ohio, I 42%
Chino Con. Cop.. 33% 34% 38% 34%,
Col. F. and 1 24%
Erie 33 23% 22% 22^
ss '* 3S * 35^
Gt. Nth pfd 115 .... 115
Lehigh \ alley',. . 131% .... 134 a;
Mo. Pacific 10% 10% 10% 10M.
Mev.Con.Cool2% 13% 12% 12$
Ne«" York Cent.; 83% 83^
N. Y„ X. H. &H. 58 59 5S ' 58%
Nor. and Wea,.. 100 100
Nor. Paclfle,.. : : 102 10J' 101 101
Pan. Mail, 17% .... 17H
Penna. R. R.,:::i07% 108 107% 107%
Pitts. Coal 16% 16 >2
Press. St. Car,. . 3,". 36 ' 35 36 *
Ray Con. Copper 16% .... ISt
Reading 147% 14?% 146% 147
Southern Paclttfc, 84 84% 84 S4U
Tend. Copper 32% 32% 32% 32%
Union Pac -.::117% 118% 1174K 117%
l\ S. Rubber; .. 54 .... 54
U. S. Steel, ... :. 50% .11% 50% 50%
do. preferred,. 105 10D
Utah Copper, .. 49% 49% 48% 48%
West. Maryland. 15% 15*
West. Union, ... 58% it
Westlnghouse,. .88% 68% 68% 68%
Philadelphia Closing Prices
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 19.—Stocks closed
Cambria Steel 42.%'
Gen. Asphalt 32
do pfd., K7
linJte Superior Cor., 10
liChigh Navigation 771.,
Ijehig-h Vallev ■ « 717.
I\ R. R. . . . 53 *
I'ha. Electric 23 :, 4
Pha. Company .14'.,
I'ha. Rapid Transit 12>,
Storage Battery 49 s
Union Tract/ion 40
United Gas Improvement 82'< i
U. 8. Steol 50y"
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Dec. 19.--Wheat higher
No. 2 red spot, export. 123(8! 124 N0!
1 northern, Duluth export, 131® 133
Corn Armor; No. 2 yellow, local. 72 U
Sj>73. '•
Oats Arm; No. 2 white, 54V4®55.
Bran Mrm: winter, per ton, $26.50(<T
27.00; spring, per ton. $25.005J)25.60.
Refined sugars Arm; powdered. 5 05-
fine granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A,
Butter Arm: western creamery, ex
tra. 34; nearby prints, fancv, 37
..Ff,? 8 ? tead y; nearby firsts, free ease.
do " current receipts, free cas-*
J!2.00; western extra firsts, free case,
112.60; no., firsts, free ease, sl2 00.
Liive ■poultry firm; fowls, 11@13' nid
roosters, 10; chickens, 10® 13; turkeys
15®T' 1 6; ducks, 13@13; Reese, 13®15 ' '
Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fan
cy, 21@22; turkeys, average, 17019-
fowls, heavy, 17H01SW; do., average'
14 ® 16; do., small, 12i»13; old roosters
12 Vi; broiling chickens, nearbv, 16® 22-
western, 140>£O; roasting chickens
14®23; ducks, 140)16; geese. 12®!;!
Flour steady; winter straight. 6.00<»; spring straight. 5.35#6.60; do.,
patent, 6.65 ©6.30.
Hay weak; Timothy hay, No. 1 largs
J 8 - 50 ' No - 1 modium bale.).
No. 2 do., 15.500116.50; .N'o.
3 do., 14.00@15.00; sample, 13.00@ 14,00;
Chicago LiTwtPck Market
Dec - 19 -— Hog*—Receipts,
.;t,000; slow. Hulk, 6.96 fn 7.10; Ugh!
5.70®7.15; mixed, 6.80®7.20; lieavv fi 7"i
@ 7.20; rough, 6.7506.85; pigs. '5.60®
Cattle—Receipts, 6,000; weak. Na
tive steers, 6.00® 10.00; western. 4 SO®
7.66; cows and heifers, 2.8007.75-
calves, 6.000)8.76.
Sheep—Receipts, 3,000; weak. Sheep.
6.26®6.30; yearlings, 6.400 7.45; lambs.
6.40® 8.60.
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago, l>ec. 19, 1914.
Wheat— Open High tx>w ('loss
December 120*4 122** 1 20", 1
May 12*} J25% 123% 126',
May 70 70% 69*. 7014
December 64 VA 64 \ 64 64';
May 70 70 \ 6914, 70 >i
December 48Vi 49 48% 48-\
"ay 52H. 62 V* 62 V 4 62Vi
Bradst reefs Figtires for Last Week In
Harris burg and Other Cities
Bank clearings in the United States
for the week ending December 17, as
reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New
York, aggregate $2,987,662,000,
against $2,770,003,000 last week and
$3,291,776,000 in this week last year.
Canadian clearings aggregate $134,-
542,000, as against. $148,423,000 lant
week and $186,318,000 in this week
last year. Following are the returns for
this week, with percentages of change
from this week last year:
New Turk $1,506,789.0t»(t 1> 1 t.S
Chicago. 29n,4SS,non n :».<»
Philadelphia, 152,858.000 I) K.o
Boston 144,410,000 I) in.n
| St. Louis 75,877,000 V> 10 K
; Pittsburgh 46,730,000 Dir.. I
Kansas City 71.1K6.000 T 25.4
Snn Pianolseo 54.671.000 r l.t
Baltimore, 34,1.70.000 1)10.8
8c ran ton, 2,983,000 1)20,2
Reading. 1,568,000
Lancaster, 1.509.000 1 > 13. t
Wilkes-Barre 1,611,000 D 19.3
Erie, 1,318,000 I 5. t
York, 955,000 I) 2. |
Cheater. 677,000 I 4.(1
Harrlsburjr, ..,,,,, 1,714,000 1) 9.2
Republican Leaders Hastily Call of
Conference at Which It Was Ex
pected to Prepare Slate
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Philadelphia, Deo, 19. —-Senator»
Penrose, McNiuhol and Vare failed
yesterday, to carry out their program
to slate the Spealter of the next House
of Representatives, and prospects
brightened considerably for a battle
over the position at the 'Republican
caucus on January 4. The conference
scheduled for the day was hurriedly
called off during the morning and no
reasons made public.
In some quarters it was stated that
the leaders feared the resentment of
OovernoT-eleet Brumbaugh against
this resort to old-fa«bio»od methods of
bossism. In other circles it was report
ed that the meeting was c,adled off to
avoid the direct protest of Sonatoi
Vare against the selection of Richard
J. Baldwin and thus stave off a threat
ened factional light. Senator Penrose
announced during tho day thiat he waf
in an agreemont with Senator Olivei
and other western State leaders by I
whirfh the Speakership would go to thl
country districts. To this announce,
ment, Senator Vare later oiguifieantlj'
declared that the "city or country '
iasue had no place in titan Speakership
question and that he would support
William H. Wilson if he should dcclar«
his candidacy.
Values la Exhaust Steam
A common error among plant owners
is to ascribe undue economy to tthe heat
that may 'be carried in water resulting
from tho condensation of steam. Thev
conversely greatly underestimate the
heat carried in exhaust steam. As a
matter of fact, the heat in a pound of
water at 212 degrees is only 380 Brit
ish thermal units reckoned" above the
freezing point, whereas in a pouhd of
steam at the same temperature the
heat units number 1,160. Hence if this
steam is condensed in a radiator it
gives out 970 heat units, and the drip
will contain 180 heat units.—Engineer
ing Magazine.