The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 19, 1914, Image 1

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Octvilrd Report. l'ag« 0
VOL. 77—NO. 14.
DEC. 4.
Mother Claims Body of
Bandit Rilled on
Thursday by Cincin
nati Police
Are Convinced That at Least Part of
the Stolen SlS,too Was Shipped
by Parcel Post to Louisville. Ky.— 1
Clue Is Being Followed
The body of Frank Q. Hohl, the »itto-!
mobile ban.lit of this city, who on
Thursday robbed two' l>ahks, fat.-ih"
■hot <i policeman and waj later killed by
the police' iu Cincinnati, was last even- ;
ing claimed by his mother, Mrs. Annie 1
Hohl, 316 North Court streef. Flarris
burg, through a local undertaker. The
body was re; are.! to-day for shipment
to this city and Mrs. HoUl has ar
ranged for the burial here.
Last evening Coroner A. W. Foert
meyer. <■{ Cincinnati, wired Chief of"
Police Hutchison asking what
tion should be made of the body. The
telegram was turned over to an under
taker who ha I been engaged by Mrs. 1
Hoh! in the afternoon. Last evening
the undertaker wired to Cincinnati,
claiming the body.
Funeral arrangements will not be 1
n ade until after the arrival of the body
in tli ; s city. It is likely that the 1
funeral will be held in the chapel of!
< ,-arl-s 11. Mauk, undertaker, Sixtn
ar.d Kelker streets, on Monday after
noon. It will he private and morbidly
en" :« crowds will not be permitted to
view e bod v. Uurial will be made in ;
Vi •> Harrisbarg cemetery where Hohl « (
lathe and four brothers and sisters are'
buried. j
P.elstives Arrive Here
Mrs. Mary Hohl, of Pine Grove, a
f iter-in-law of the bandit's mother, ar l in the city this morning and will
help the mother with the funeral ar
rangements Mrs. Foster T. Wallace, a
sister of frank Hohl. came here this
af'crtioon aid i- stopping with Mrs.
I!o:ii at 31K North Court street.
A dispatch from Cincinnati telling of;
the «ear -h by t'be police of that city
for 'he missing money taken by Hohl
from the two banks, says:
"Tie 513,100 obtained by Frank G.
Hold, or at least a part of it, was
Former Harrisburg Girl, Widow of Ban
dit Killed by Police
shipped by parcel post to Louisville,
Kv., by the robber.
'"This information was ascertained
by the police when a groceryman
named John O. Keller identified the
dead bandit as the nran who had come
to hi* store shortly after noon Thurs
day and obtained a box in whioh he
placed several bundles and then secure
ly wrapped the package. It was also
ascertained that Hohi was in Station V,
of the poetoffiee, about 12.30 p. m.
Sent Box to Louisville
"It is known that he sent a box de
cidedly similar to the one he wrapped
up in the grocery store, tOiP. C.
and thp postmaster at that
city has been notified to be on the look
out for the package. A post office money
order application also was found in .the
dead man's clothing addressed to P. C.
Wright, Louisville. Ky.
"It is now believed bv the police
that one of the two revoivers carried
by Hohl contained blank cartridges
This was used, the police assert, merely
to frighten those whom the bandit en
countered in the banks.
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Detailed Story of Harrisburg Bandit's
Death at Hands of Police Shows He
Dropped *4,000 Besides the sl3,
lO© He Made Way With
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Cincinnati. Deo. 19.—A thrilling
story is toM in detail by the Cincin
nati "Enquirer" of how Prank G.
Hoii!, the Harrisburg. Fa., bandit, was
shot to death by the police after he hal
looted two banks of $13,100, attempt
s' 1 to rob a thirl and fatally wounded
Patrolman Knaul last Thursday. This
story shows that in the second bank en
tered by the leeperalo he dropped an
additional $4,000 when making for his
The scene of the first robbery was
the branch of the Provident Savings
Bank and Trust Company, at Eighth
street and Freeman avenue.
The bandit who looked more like a
bank clerk than a desperado, went into
the bank shortlv before 12 o'clock.
Edward Hughes. 1313 Vine street; the
cashier, Catherine Walsh, 20 Calhoun
street, and Grace Allen, 649 Neave
street, bookkeepers, were there. The
bandit's entrance was unusual. He
felled a man who had just paid a wa
ter bill and was coming out, with a
blow of his fist. Then the robber fired
two shots at Hughes.
Holding an automatic revolver in one
hand the bandit climbed an eight-foot
brass railing r.inning the length of the
bank room. Hughes dared not start
toward the intruder, for the muzzle of
the gun was pointed straight at him.
In the other hand the stranger carried
a satchel. The marvelousness of the
feat appalled the three attaches.
The performance was soon over.
Sticking the revolver under Hughes's
nose the thief forced him to help fill
the satchel from the desk and money
Coatlaned on Seveatb Pave
Cincinnati, Dec. 19. —Frank G. Hohl,
the dead automobile bandit, had anoth
er robbery added to his list of crimes
here to-day when two money order
clerk.« in the Dayton, Ohio, postoffice
identified him as the man who robbel
that office on August 6, last. He ob
tained $947 in that raid.
No trace of the missing $13,100 ob
tained by Hohl in the robbery of the
two Cincinnati banks on Thursday had
been found to-day. The Louisville
postoffice authorities notified the local
officials that the package sent from here
about noon Thursday had not been lo
cated there as yet.
The dead bandit has been further
identified by two saloonkeepers from
Covington, Ky., as the man who recent
ly held up their places of business at
the point of a gun obtained small
amounts from the cash drawers.
Mrs. Mary Rimmons,
70, Afraid to Call Aid
Because She Is
"Breaking Rules"
Only Shoes Bemain of Her Clothing
When Her Screams Finally Attract
Persons to Her Bedroom in the
Cumberland County Almshouse
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 19.—Fearing that
if she called for assistance it would be
learned that she hal violated one of
the institution's rules by smoking in
her bedroom, Mrs. Mary Kimmons, 701
years old, an inmate of the Cumberland |
County almshouse, made a vain attempt!
to beat out a fire in her clothing, and!
she was so badly burned that she died
at 5 o'clock this morning.
The lire is believed to have been |
started either by sparks from her pipe
or a match which she had used to light
her pipe. The accident occurred last
night about 8 o'clock, or immediately
after she had gone to her bedroom.
When it was too late Mrs. Kim
mons' screams attracted officials and
other inmates to her bedroom, but then
Coatlaaed •• Seventh Put
Brakeman Injured Between Can
John W. L.awver, 1909 North
•Fourth street, a brakeman on the
Pennsylvania railroad, suffered a frac
ture of the right foot when he was
caught between two cars. The injury
was treated at the Harrisburg hospital.
Thrown From Sleigh ,
William Gardner, of West Fairviow,
was thrown from a sleigh near his
home last evening when the horse be
came frightened by an automobile
truck. He suffered a fractured
foot. He was treated at the Harris
bang hospital.
Dies of Blood Poisoning
Mrs. William Richardson, 500 North
Cameron street, died last evening at
the Harristmrg hospital from blood
poisoning. She was admitted to the hos
pital, December 10.
Middletown Youngsters Confess to
Many Bobberies and Show Where
Part of Loot Is Concealed—Three
Are Held For Court Trial
♦ Special to the Star-Independent.) |
Middletown, Dee. 19.—Besides con- j
fesning to a charge of breaking into
and robbing Pennsylvania railroad
freight curs, Elmer Dasher, Kobert ami
William Seibert. Rovalton boys, at a
hewing before Squire W. J. Kennard, j
here late yesterday afternoon, laid bare j
details of halt' a dozen robberiee ■ in I
which they have participated in and !
round Middletown and Royalton dur- j
inj,' the last six months.
The bovs also implicated half a
dozen others for whom warrant® have
been issued, and more arrests axe ex
pected soon, .lacob Kreiser, just out of
his teens, was mentioned as one of the
train robbers' comrades, and he was
arrested by Constable T. K. Stipe and
John H. Stipe, last evening.
On the train robbery charges—the
three defendants intimated that they,
preferred to be called "car crackers"!
—Squire Kennard held the trio for the
January criminal sessions and commit
ted them to the Dauphin county jail in
default of bail. While, the youngsters
were telling tljeir stories the constables
and railroad policemen went out in
search of robbery victims and had '
them enter additional tarcenv changes.
Had "Fun" With Police
Dasher and the Seiberts were appre
hended by the railroad police, including
Lieutenant Cramford, of Harrisburg;
Coattened as Streatl Puce
Body of Unidentified One-eyed Man la
Picked Up on South Street Near
Railroad This Morning
Somebody 'g Christmas will be spoiled
when he learns that his brother or fath
er was found dead at 6.30 o'clock this
morning at the rear of a warehouse at
South street and the Pennsylvania
Railroad. The body was first seen by
William Devan.
Who the man was or where he came
from is not known. He is described
as being about 45 or 50 years old,
five feet, four inches tall, and having
but one eye. He weighed 135 pounds.
Coroner Eckinger was summoned and
he said the man had evidently been
frozen to death.
The body is now in the undertaking
establishment of Rudolph K. Spicer,
313 Walnut street, where it will be left
for a while in the hope that relatives
will be able to identify it. No letters
or cards were found that would give a
1 clue as to who he was. The only thing
in the clothing wae an old-time watch.
It Is Found Nine Miley
Beyond Dauphin by
Noble Band of Cits
Head of Street Cleaning Department
Learns in Country How It Feels to
Trudge Through Drifts—Taylor's
Auto Balks on the Mountainside
Nine miles northeast of Dauphin, in
the heart of the "Bayard Tract," a
committee of Harrisburg city officials
yesterday afternoon selected the tree
that will be the central stage setting
for the municipal Christmas celebration.
Commissioner Lynch, part of whose |
'business is cleaning snow off the city
streets, after tramping for twenty min
utes through five inches of the beauti
ful on the mountainside, announced
that the next time he goes for a tree it
will be in June. In the party were
Mayor Royal and all the City Commis
sioners, save Mr. Gorgas.
It is a pine tree. The committee
men did not ask Mr. Bayard what kind
of a tree it was after they selected it
and chopped it down, but they decided
while on the homeward trip that it is
a pine, not a member of the committee
i being able to give it any more fancy
name —the City Forester not yet hav
ing been appointed.
The story of the trip is one of pri-
CoßtUufd oa Thirteenth Page.
All Hunting in County Prohibited
Bunting in Dauphin county is pro
hibited, and no matter whether a man
holds o hunter's license or not, he can
not hunt in this territory. That is the
edict given out to-day by Dr. Marshall,
State Veterinarian of the Live Stock
Sanitary Board, by direction of the
board. Under the edict there can be
not hunting in any part of any county
in the State that is now quarantined
for the foot and mouth disease, and
Dauphin county is so quarantined.
Heart Trouble Kills Steel ton Man
Daniel Griva, 513 South Second
street, died last evening at the Harris
burg hospital of t heart trouble. Griva
was in the hospital three times for
Eeal Live Man Induces Governor Tner
to Help Him Hunt a Wife—His
Name Is and He Is Fond
of "Home, Sweet Home Affairs"
Here you are, Harrisburg girls! Get
busy! Santa Claus has hung something
on his Christmas tree out of the ordi
nary. ]<t is a real, live husband, and
you get the first whack at him. Get
iu line, and don't rush, and observe the
amenities. Only get busy, and yours
may be the prize.
Edwin Lovekellv, Rural Delivery No.
2, Match, Tennessee, wants a wife, and
he has written to Governor Tener to
get him one. Now, Governor Tener has
never been accused of conducting a
matrimonial agency along with his other
multifarious dutieß, but he could not
see the poor man suffer, so he gave
out the letter from the Tennessee man
in the hope that some nice Pennsylvania
girl will make the lovelorn youth hap
py. He couldn't be otherwise with a
Pennsylvania girl as his wife. Note
that his name embodies the word
"Love," and that he resides in
"Match," which is itself indicative of
(his matrimonial inclinations.
Mr. Lovekelly, after telling of his
life's history, wrote he is "very in
dustrious and a willing worker, aJso a
kind disposition," and adds he has
brown eyes and hair, 5 feet 8 inches
in height, weighs 165 pounds and is
25 vears old. His letter continues:
"I would be <lad to become ac
quainted with a few of your ladies in
Pennsylvania tor the purpose of matri
mony. I would prefer one not over 30
years of age, one who is nice, and it
doesn't matter as to her looks. Those
who may be interested in this overture
may write and enclose their photos and
references. Those who is willing to
help a trustworthy young man in busi
ness and home, sweet home affairs is
welcome to my help."
Round Up All Save One of Gang Al
leged to Have Attacked Policemen
Swift punishment will probably be
meted out to the si* foreigners who, it
is all«g«d last Monday made an assault
on Troopers Amman and Marshall, of
the State poKce, at Wyoming, Luzerne
county, while the policemen were
searching a house for stolen goods.
Seven Italians and a crowd of wom
en and children were in the mob that
assailed the two men and they inflict
ed painful injuries on the troopers,
after taking away their guns. The
troopers wore compelled to jump from
a window to save their lives, but they
managed . immediately to get two of
their assailants.
Obtaining reinforcements they made
a prompt search for the other assail
ants and four more men were taken,
one escaping. All six prisoners are un
der SI,OOO bail for trial. The two
troopers are getting well, but they
were terribly cut and bruised with
ciubs, stillettoes and other weapons.
An Armored Train En
Route From Lemberg
to the Carpathians Is
Blown Up
London Newspapers Declare That An
glo-French Forces Have Occupied
Town After Fierce Assaults on the
German Trenches in West Flanders
- ■ ■ •
Amsterdaan, via London, Dec. 19,
10.15 A. M.—According to the Buda
pest newspaper, " IVsti Naplo," au
armored train en route from Lemberg
to the Carpathians with ammunition
and food lias bean blown up.
The route of the ih spate h '' Lem
berg to the Carpathians," makes it ;.p
--ponr that the supply train blown up
was wMit bv the Russians who have held
Lemberg for some time. The report, if
true, would indicate that a line of Rus
sian communication with their forces
operating in the Carpathians has been
successfully attacked.
London, l>ee. 19. 3.50 A. M, Sev
eral London newsipapers to-day revive
the reports that the allies have cap
tured Bowlers, West Flanders. The
"Chronicle" says that Koulers has
been captured after fierce assaults uu
the German trenches.
The " I>aily News" publishes the
'• Reports current in Northern
France are that the French and Brit
ish have taken Roulers and also that
they are in possession of a part of
Lille. Ho.wever, the capture of Rojl
orf would mean a victory so important
. au immediate official annonnce
m«ait protmibly would be made."
The German War Office announce
ment of an overwhelming victory in Po
land still fails to bring a response
from Petrograd. Berlin is puzzled by
the absence of details and is said to be
experiencing "a shade of disappoint
| ment,'' although stiU celebrating the
I reported victory.
Petrograd dispatches say that the
new Austrian expedition across the Car
pathian mountains Into Oalicia has been
checked, and that the Russian forces
near the Silesian frontier are holding
their positions firmly. The Cracow re
gion is described as the real pivot of
the operations now developing, which
would indicate that the Russians were
content for the present to remain on
the defensive in north and central Po
land, while planning an attempt to in
vade Germany from the south.
London newspapers have revived the
report that the allies have captured
Roulers,in one of the most furiously con-
Con tinned on Mevrnth Pan
It Is Rlack From the Middl« of Decem
ber Clear Rack to March and
That Means Hard Winter
The goose-bone for the winter of
1914-15 says severe weather all during
the winter months, and then some.
And, what is more, the weather thus
far has stuck by the goose-bone fore
Old weather prophets, who have pre
dicted the weather for years, still stand
I by the goose-bone and their prediction*
| and the reading of that ornithological
I weather map, of the member of the
tribe of anserinae, govern many iu
their preparations for the winter
A goose-bone brought to the Star-In
dependent office this week announces in
loud tones (if a goose-bone can produce
tones) that this is going to be a hard
winter. A goose-bone savant, who
knows how to read the signs on the
bone, says that in the reading of it the
projecting part of the breast bone i*
divided into three parts, from the
sharp tip to where it reaches the flat
part of the hone—theae parts meaning
the winter months of December, Janu
ary and February.
The goose-bone brought to this of
fice shows that the forepart of Decem
ber is white, tvpifyirfg mild weather,
but after that, from the middle of
December the goose-bone is very dark,
which means that we are to have severe
weather from now until the end ' of
But, more than that, the black part
of this particular goose-bone runs over
into the flat part of the bone, indicat
ing that even March will have its se
vere weather.
Thus far the goose-bone has been
▼indicated, for the beginning of De
cember was pleasant, but nobody can
say that the latter half of the month,
thus far, has been by any means mild.
Just what January anil February ami
the beginning of March will be, tho
bone says, and that means that yon mnv
as well make up your minds to bur'i
more coal than you had calculated ou