The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 18, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    'vwwrvw******* * v v + v *v + w wrww w v wv w v wv v r w T"* y ■#> T ▼ ▼ T f » » » f „.- - fjj
fijouffiand XT,', ' p m JsjO%M&n2 Tim '
; Only Five Days More—Start at 9 A. M. To-morrow ]
™r ; SS' ! i Bay rsnart, New Soit:
* Piiiow Cases tor Christmas at a Very Little Price <
K the last day for voting, ami every visitor fc-yr fe|f£r>k . - A _ _ __ # * <
; f«4--fry Special at 75c Pair Choice of Our Entire Assortment at sls -
* "L*, Contest Closes „9P. M, To, W CpJ ** S* £K g S ,vav tadS.J* 7* *° **?. * hi "" B ">« V
morrow evening. Prize wiiiiers will be an- i dee tubing, and for tbe same large sizes
v lounced and prizes awarded, before Christ- j Jfe and fine texture, vou would ordinarily pay . '• a M les ,111(1 1 lie new covert suits) tor $15.00. This price ill- <
* mas. . ! $1.25.- Come in attractive holly boxes. eludes all the hue broadcloths—long or short coats —all the gabardines pop- *
► Tai/c f/lf Main Floor—bowman's. hiis, novelties and serges. * •
Candies, Sweets and UUI-UOUr loy* lur Among them suits that sold at $39.5°, $37.50, $35.00, $32.50, $;K).OO <
: Goodies Out-Door Boys Smf oltffor the <"»**>*»■ .
: ! Christmas Gift Misses'and Women's Suits at $9.98 :
him warmly and watch him be happy. White wool blankets —large size, weigh- That WQTQ $15.00 cllld Si 650 4
Tow Town is showing a splendid line of ing over five pounds; pink and blue bor- _ _ .' * "
* Qlllrc f Pl< toys for out-door amusement —toys that ders, at $5.00 pair. <«ood suits. (io<jd in material, style and work- <
► \JaAL OAAJiO""" XIIC j last a long, long .time. j Down comforts—made of handsome sat- HUjIH inansliip. Late models. All sizes. Desirable
Ara QnapiallTr Sleds. 98c to $2.50-skates. 50c ine with finished border; patterns espe-
Are specially ;• :;:E^r o " ,for,ai,nrose ' ~M ' v - The Waists at *1 98 •
Priced S k«i*** , e waists at „
, $7.50 —Shoo flies. 98c to 81.50 - 1 «Ift on s boo ' 97, °° jtl Cft Or\A' O OQ ' 1
32-inch Jacquard Wash Silks at 39C hobby horses. $3.98 to $9.98 - ve- j " lU,UU ' dllU <
yard < regularly 50c; single and two-tone loeipedes, $1.49 to $15.00. Mni " FIoor—BOWMAN'S. dBSW* BBBjEBaMK u . ... .... <
► stripes u{l specialize on these three prices. We show
: S** * ™nes3W r d., Santa Will Be Fur Caps for Men and Boys 1
regularly .j.)e; all the wanted shades. - ~ _ Af<VATTy The caps for out door work, and sport- vHHI and fancies. All the odd shades. All the natlv <
i fcj shower-proof bilk toul- Here 10-mOITOW ing, as well as motoring. Come m coney, \ touches of embroidery and braids.
► aids at o9c yard; regularly 8oc: set and , near seal and marmot. Priced at SI.OO jw./.nh!„ ii .«i ««
, floral designs, in all shades. "Every child," Santa says, "ought 1o $3.50. X Alessahnes l lepe de ( lines and baee, at $1.98
30-inch Kimona silks at 59r yd.; reg- to come and pay me a visit—come ThjrJ F| oor _BO\\'MAN'S. jSEg&gOt", trepe de t lune, Messalmc, Lace and I'affcta, at <
K ularly 7-3 c; beautiful, large, floral designs twice, .just as often as they wish." So 1 fg£B£&K|P|
y in all shades. you can see that this jolly old "North Ha/V Switcfl€S dt
► 36-inch Wash Habutai Silk at 690 yd.; Poler ' likes little children. Come and 1/ C * I ' bace, $2.98.
► regularly -+1 .CM»; pin, double, narrow and tell him what you want for Christmas ru6 I /6TY jpSCIdl A extensive assortment of lingerie and 4
► space stripes; all shades in white. and if your parents are satisfied, hell OF splendid quality hair; 28 and 30 v °ile waists at SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50 *
40-inch Cascadue Silk at SI.OO yd.; bring you everything you want. inches long. A good quality. *
regularly #1.50; in navy, black, ('open- Sneomt FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ; *)UQCjeSt€u JOF (jltlS <
hagen, wistaria, brown. Russian and Sev- I ; ' • • •<
► ~..s _, DftVa- n-n A TJahco ' " " omen s knit jackets, with and without sleeves,
► 35-inch Black Satin Messaline at 89C A IlSfiflll Gift Batll ROuCS dnd HOUSC • black or grey, at SI.OO and $1.50.
► yd.; regularly $1.19. COatS—-Ideal GiftS ,v Women's full length quilted silk Japanese robes, *
k 3t)-incli Black Peau de Soie at 89f vd.; c 44tt e lined, in grey, navy, Copenhagen and black. *
regularly $1.19. tOr HeiT fOT Meil '-llflWMr At $7.50.
u ( ''' ne at A new shipment of Bathrobes, features 1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $5, i
SI.OO \ard; regularly O-1 "1_ Q4*f\pTf« f| OTQ mauv new and pleasing patterns, and some $7.50 and SIO.OO. *,
y .nS'IS Sati " to?***** at *** vJ - : OllJl O lUth.lllgO have slippers to Convertible shawl © iin'ort B#t ?3,98, s '°°» $7.50 <
40-inrh Black s :l tin (h.irinous,- ;n «»c >d.; j Onyx Hosiery—thread Silk, in black at ?2.98 > "l!arffe "shawls at "82 00 «2 9S Stn J»S •"
regularly $12., ( aUf j co i orK . double soles, wide garter ,0 SIO.OO. 85 *OO and S7 50 " ' ' <
I 4 0-int-h blai'k Silk (.rcpe do chine ;it Sl.i» f ei OO and SI 50 n-iir Among the various patterns in House JpD.UU ana *'•""* •
I ■ sm v.rd: O l; , shawls,
I regularly 8.")<•. black and colors; double soles and wide that men like. \ 4
IL iH'-inrh S'lk • rejie do ohine, at KB C yard; garter tops, at 50< pair. \\ eha ve them as low as $3.98, and as Oa/flf|/ 9 K oVfh l£>f C f/lf fit ft *
lr si "t>'o ..i■ !nt .»c >aM. rc«ula«l> and colors at SI 50 nair in between. And "stouts are included.
Tv ' if-a t tor eoats. ; ~ , Third Floor BOWM \N'S Crepe de chine handkerchiefs, in all the wanted 5c each, 6 for 25c—for women and children;
if Main Floor BOWMAN'S. \\ omen S extra Size hosiery, thlcad third FIooi—BOWMAN b. shades, at 25c each. a host of different styles; all neatly finished. A <
► silk, in black only, at SI.OO, $1.50 Colored initial handkerchiefs (old English good 10c quality. «
V. TTT *1 1 $2.00 pair. j | style), 6to the box, 50c. lOc each, H for 50c —an almost endless assort- J*
i 10-mOriOW Will Women's Hosierv, plain and silk lisle, o, B ? u « f ,"L hand <,n,l,roidcrefl handkerchiefs, ment of embroidered designs; women's sizes;
v v V - vT7 aaa • i . > , izvn..O , 25c to sl.»>o. * good values up to 20c each. 1
w • - j
F4 f* 1 &7 ulai* and extra sizes, at 39c and borders, colored initials and plain white, 15c some styles in colored and white for women and
. § I Avvw 50c* pair. and 25c a box. children. 25c to 50c qualities.
'Y\ -■ Burson seamless stockings, medium - -'<• & Main Floor — BOWMAN'S. . \
OH l>reSS trOOQS and heavyweight cotton and silk lisle; i
x regular and extra sizes; black only, at fAKQf ?
, iL-inch Silk and Wool Brocade Tussah 25P pair. A t*A ! / *
at t?f)p yard—lormerly sl..»u. In navy, Women's cashmere hosiery in plain JHwi kivS d Al v a\
If Copenhagen, brown, wistaria, sand and black at 25r, 39c* and 50c pair: nat- IHH lt. A j£T V, i <
ir |U «i v .' ural wool at 25£ and 50<* pair. wyw VA/ji JtlolTo 10T Xll6 Sa] afii
: v 26-inch Cream Storm Serge at 25c Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. W . tffrw\ 1
It; y 36 inch"'Black and white shepherd Gift T?ihhf»nQ Splendid Line of Four' Whole Family \ ffl/ /
' Checks at 39c yd.; regularly .i(le. " J in-Hdnd Ties 3t 50c lien's soft kid slippers in black and I yR g-X'VV a t 7ftt r\S
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Satin ribbons in almost everv shade. v- i , ,• brown with turned soles; all the wanted V/ {vWI y'C' ill"BpjT <
Widths range from "babv" to 8 inches No man .-an have too.nmny attractive including the always popular-Ro- XtyStyMtogr ' »
Gift Things Made of 59< ' i"" J - m T" nj-•« w-w.
i ° Suitable for all kinds ol tancy work. , , f „... . ■ , , and $1.90. Mat* >
». TvPathPT Persian ribbons at 29c to 59C vd. 1,11 '"!? ' ? ■ ,l - 8, ■ (< "I" 11 ' ,1( Women's soft kid boudoir slippers with "
Persian ribbons-4 inches wi,le."ia a ; st * vles - H ° X^ll ,f deßired - low heels; an ideal house slipper in lan,
beather travi'liiig cases, with all the tit- , big assortment "f shades. Special at MoniiO Thresd Silk Hose black, red, gray and blue. Pair. $1.25.
► tings, from SI.OO to $6.95. 150 yard ; 23c quality. F/», rifte Women's fine felt slippers with either I
► -M iiitary brushes in leather eases. SI.OO Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. UIITS comfy soft kid soles or thqse of sole leath- TlllS StOCk Of \
► _ l*eathcr nuisii- rolls in black and tan. An excellent pure thread silk hose at or; high and low; plain, ribbon and fur- I . f
► *>o<'to 83.50. o Wall Pork or- 50fr - Cmne in black and colors. Have trimmed; all colors. Prices are 49<, I filftTrpe Tc TTn Clirna CCaH '
► beather collar boxes and bags. SI.OO »V dli -L ctptJX double soles and high spliced heels. Boxed*
► "''l SJ -SO. i « T?n11 if desired. n j ce iy packed in a llollv One-clasp gloves in white, black and tan, *
i. <1 no'. " '' uo httings, fnmhinatinn <!<>fc Christmas Box, free of charge with heavy contrasting embroidery, at i
I* "I ?I . * A good -time to think of securing wall paper J „ . «-«»"*»//<*HUH $2.00 and $2.25 pair. <
. ► ai K-auxM- iiaml hairs, leather and at so low a price. Many patterns ta select from. Hosiery, ties, suspenders, belts, arm- / \ Two clasn KVeneh kid in white '
™ov s i".«i, wi.l, ««i"p, „ si.oo to i Another Shipment of with m.a '**> -i"* l - !
(-i.i1,1......• I ~1, ,11 • . P ra des. Floral, conventional, satin stripes in matting up he sets. .Neatly ar ity; special at $2.35 pair. I
„ M ' an, lri ,,re ba » s w,,h a »'l 'le-ißns. suitable fo, all rooms. 9 and 18- ! ranged in attractive Holiday boxes. Priced AlflfflUlllffl PerCOlatOrS Pownes' French kid gloves in the new .«
puisi and mirror. oOc. .nch sfa.ght aud cut out borders to match. at to SI.OO. A hue assortment. buff shade, with heavy embroidery, at •
* Main Moor BOWMAN'S. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I ' Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. dtSI.OO $2.00 pair.
► r s „„ . . ~ , i . Two-clasp overseam French kid gloves
, T,p s . ame Percolator we offered las in blaek w P ith white embroidery; excep
, black ebony finished handles; sell regu- and ?2 00
ROyal Rocnester Real chamois skin gloves in white and 1
j. n |J_ i,< j l ' < ' i^ s *| 1J uvel ' c ' oat 01 ' tin* Christinas trip; tlit're is a style for general dress wear; there are coats for MdChllieS Specicll $3 98 natural, at $1.50 pair.
y lii selecting an overcoat here, yon are not limited to a few patterns, for there are scores of different weaves coffee S it°saves. l£ Auto- Embroidered Flannels , 1
► <tnd color mixtures. Any particular cut you may have in mind, will no doubt be found somewhere in this large matic process of pump- We have a large assortment of embroid- 1
► Stock. * ing the hot water up the fihbx prt ' t ' H ann °l s i n both hemstitch and em- '
► r . ... tube and over the broidery edges, ranging in price from >
Heavy materials are now replacing the lighter weights, and included are chinchillas, vicunas, cassinieres grounds—extracts only to $1.25 yard.
and scraggy Scotch mixtures. Form fitting models for young men —conservative coats for older men Bal- the g° od ot " t,l(! coffpe - W]Sff Val - ,acos and insertions in match sets,
lliacaans for all men. * Kas y to operate—easy g. lUIIL.-'' at to yard.
* to clean. They are pro- Cluny laces for doilies and center pieces *
► Priced at $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50. vided with alcohol lamp I to yard. 41
► I ~,„ .. .......... —absolutely safe. Reg- iDouble, width shadow laces, 36 to 40 <
► I or MOW MAN H. ular price $3.90. Very inches wide, for waists, boudoir caps, etc., «
( v similar to illustration. < at 69C to $1.25 yard. (