The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 18, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Np Stock Offerings to Employes by
U. S. Corporation Apparent Basis
of Prediction, but Improvements
in Other Channels Are Noted
New York. Dec. IS.—"The Iron
Ago" says buying of finished steel for
lb? first quarter of 1915 has intMtscd
somewhat, but it is evident that De
cember will uot put ou the books the
volume of new business ntnvuM for a
strong revival of mill operations after
January 1. The last two weeks of the
year, from ail signs. will take their
usual quiet course.
The possibility of wage and salary
reduction* at the beginning of the year
is again having attention »ince it bo
came kawwn that no stock offering to
employe* will be made by the Steel
Corporation, and with the expectation
that there will be no bonus district
tion. Counting apmist wage reduction*
are the improvement in tinancial sn i
security markets and the better rail
road buying looked for after the gen
erally pr*?dieted advance .:i liablern
ireight rjites. On the other «ide are the
poor balance sheets of the year and the
indications that profitable iron r.nd steel
prices are» some months distant.
The sitiiatiou still faiis to develop
the extreme concessions in price which
mark the beginning of broad buying
movements. Bars and shapes can be
had at 1.00 c., Pittsburgh, for early de
livery. and piates are weaker than eith
er at that price; but I.loc. holds for
first quarter delivery and a goon many
bar sales have been made ou that ba
Concessions on sheets and tin plates
continue. Chi the latter, while $3.20
was named as the season price, the
large contracts closed have been at $2
to $o lower. The requirements of the
leading can interest wiil exceed those
for 1y 14 ami in that industry 1915
is expected to make a now record. Com
petition in sheets has been sharper.
No. 2S black selling below 1.80 c.. whiie
galvanized have gone to 2.75 c. and in
the Chicago district to a bas.s of
2.70 c.. Pittsiwrga.
A new and urgent inquiry for barb
wire for export has sprung up and in
one case 12,000 tons are wanted for
quick shipment to the war rone. It is
vioubtful if some of this demand can
be met in the time set: vet wire mills
are looking for business for the next
•wo or three weeks. Some of them
have taken on about all the rod busi
ness they will want for four or five
The export movement in other lines
is rather stronger. Greece has placed
10,000 tons of steel sleepers with two
companies. An order for 35.000 steel
barrels has .iust followed one for 25.-
000 at Cleveland. Russia is expected to
place a larje order for cars.
Standard Oil Company contracts are
being closed including plates and riv
ets. bolts and nuts. The plate inquiry
is for 20,000 tons. In the Fast 4.000
tons of piates will be required in ad
dition to 2.000 tons of shapes, for two
Standard Oil tank steamers to be built
at Newport News, and the Navy De
partment will buy 2.000 tons of piates
for fuel oil tanks.
Structural business is more promis
ing. but a cording to the Bridge Build
ers' and Structural Society 's est.mates
only 20 per cent, of the country's ca
pacity wa- contracted for in November,
the lowest rate for the year. At Chi
cago structural steel letting* were 4.
•'OO tons, with 7.000 tons pending.
Cleveland reports 2,100 tons placed by
automobile works aud 2.500 tons
pending. The B. & O. bridge at Pitts
burgh over the Allegheny river. 12.000
tons, will soon come up for bids. At
New Orleans bids have been taken on
3.200 tons of shapes and,5,000 tons of
reinforcing bars for cotton warehouse
and dock work. Fabricating prices
have not improved, a Massachusetts
pier ontraet last week bringing out
a bid of $45 per net ton. erected.
The Pere Marquette has come into
' the market for 5.500 tons of 90-lb.
rails. Norway's award of 25.000 tons
was made to-day. A little car work is
, coming out. but the year's record will
run but little over SO.OOO. against
147.000 last year. Orders for 70Q are
expecte-i this week and the Pennsylva
nia will build 1.050 box cars in" its
own sbeps.
The pig-iron market has quieted
down greatly. Pittsburgh reports sales
of 15,000 tons of basic and an Ohio
river steel works will buy 10.000 ton*.
In foundry iron buyers are not disposed
to pav recent Northern advances. Some
Southern producers, however, are still
selling at SS.oO to $9.75 for No. 2
iron at Birmingham.
Her Husband Is Democratic Chairman
in Greene County
Wash ngton, Pa.. Dec. 18.—Mrs. Vir
ginia Isabelle Swart lams, former
wealthy woman and society leader in
the most exclusive circles of Wavnes
burg. and a few years ago. had her
favorite bulldog's te«fh capped with
gold. was g-ante-i a divorce yestordav
rrom James 1.. lams. Democratic eount'v
■aa rman n Greene county, and a po
litical power m Wes'ern Pennsylvania.
In tie failure of the Farmers' and
Drovers' National bank, at Waynewburg.
lams lost heavily, after "the bank
j'ailure and the inability of the lams
family to maintain its palatial resi
dence in a Wayne#burg suourb, rumors
"f domestic i:fferences became current
and mo-e than a year ago Mr. and Mrs.
lams separated.
Applicant Was Born Here, but Lived
in Old Country Many Years
Mauch Chunk. Pa.. Dec. 18.—The
Bureau of Naturalization at Washing
ton is puzzled as to whether Paul Hollv
is a citizen of this country. He wa«
born at Pittston. Pa., but'when oniv
'0 months old his parents, who were
not American citizens, removed to Aus
•-o-Huogary. After being 22 years in
that country he returned to America.
The Bureau of Naturalization states
that all persons born on American soil
ire American citizens, but in the case
>f Holly they do not know whether he
relinquished /lis citizenshio by residing
f<> long in Austro- Hungary. "
Prothonotarv f'orkill will have the
man file his declaration of intention to
be ome a citizen. The department wiil
lake up the matter and file an opinion
in the case.
Beading Sets "Denial Day"
Heading. Pa.. Dec. IS.—Tuesday. De
cember 22. has been «e* aside as "Self
denial Day" ill Reading. On this day
the people are urged to denv themselves
some luxury and -lonate the cost of it
to tie city oor fund.
I Now For the Grand Wincj-Up—-This Tremendous Sale Closes Satarday I
Let Nothing Prevent You From Being Here. This Is the END.
n " the enstonieea» Ru> <jul«*t*. \\~hen the Piano >ou RfrA
iMano. A p ** lt,ve *»■••■■««*'« of siue an) These three Pianos are only a sample of the many that must be sold here Saturday. Come in and loot at them. Bring along any professional musician of SI
your acquaintance. Come prepared to buy. This is your last chance. Get your Christmas Piano now.
T»r»xr>rr nnnnrn „ n T"L?*ia7 wVh!*' l" «J.o!" ? lf"thr . . ThU I'laaa will be Hold for the above price. I llerr Ix II I' that nlll be cleaned out for B
UOrl 1 UROWD DON T PUSH prlcc Bof ion *»oujch you t«n name It your- M ( nB > ou affon ' lo ' ow th l " opp«rtuilt|f This in A lltV Aa lew an 92 down unit #1 <i week. Stool, |
■_ WHMHWMM «elf. H " bargain If ever lh« i rr iraa one. I M-url delivery and tiinini; free.
been witneaaed. and why
■an low a* fio each If It hwenif» aeeesur>. Do not croud. Don't - - - . - - i i—— ■ ■■ -*
■■ puah. Nothtns can be nceonipllahed b> It. Every ruNtomrr will Trff^W99&9PSSST. UUIL*.■ - r JQUL* !g ~ssrsa=iw^-T-TrnMift
B •• exactly alike. One naa'i neoey la as icaod aa another's ""' "' J
fci Whr« you PI aao you price a nil tern:* nrr RR-NfITF. M^rali
H *atlafa<tory. «>all It." Dna't hold bark. Thr Plann von unit m» Sh&SSiSh W3S2SP, M jftMfcESjfill t*§9 lIUIU ft L
IB b » takro while you nrr beaitatiag. Von nlll nut , , iMHisiik -—J 4 Klgfiiiadi naairnn MWi rfltflTil I»B1I a P iJ^H
IB to wait on TOO. Evrr> I'laoo la marked la plala Inure*. Mnlrk CiMMHIIBi tigiiVs&; " i- ~T|SHSai JfiS PI !lVf-K •"Oil gSJ
M »alr* thr motto uri 1 Llll
H Tbla tremeadoua atock muit br nlll ant takr "M>" I 0 N
I "J| When the doitrs clone Saturday sight at ]('• J| B
|g uadrr'tb" lb "d"" h 1 *"* """' Wl " readme tubmi .
rUhnra who ran not afford t» par raab for a piano or uny tbr I MI^HBtfH/ftf SC3.TI J? T66 K-S
trrmrndoua prlrra aakrd by >mall dralrra. C'omr to tbla atorr u PlSWflff?lßßKsl Free.
S Bi Tuning and JIME PIANO B u YEE s , READ THK!
::v„.jr. B
J"' /»* iree prlrr. ami lrrn» that Mill .tnrllr Ihf I'IHU.I IIUJIIIJ nnMlc. lie hrrr Ufl
A LAST WORD ' ' 1 1 ' . r .. | e. r Vh t o V nor — are open to-morrow e%enliiK till J
I— ——^— — » *"' ~v3 SE*: dKP *■ Take of It. ' Itr brr". the "ml. > "'"' opportunHy.
Ihi« IK tbr Innt call. Thr rnd la hrre. It U only ————,——————ZUIL————
u inattrr uf houra uon and tbla a real mammoth ——■ EM
iMffplnc and trrmrndoua aalr will be a mattrr of '. •« 7" T T -*—* T a r-r-, A _
YOUR LAST CHANCE Ufa uf;ii neliuari
'•J moref la thrrt aaytblns la thr Kagllah lan- ~, .. ..... Wt S2 WW 111 Ucilltßl
maitf that will makf tbla prof*>ltlna more attraet- ' '"' klddlra a I'lano. Buy thrm their I hrlatniaa I'lnno SOW. I'rirra and terma arr torn to atomay Head rvrry word <»f thin mwiilVl BI
7 h *" "•'/ "111 *o down la hlatory aa the moat advertlaeiaent. Brine It with you and nak the aalranian to ahow you the I'lanoa ndyrrtlaril In thla paper to-da>. tan vou e\er hour to ■%•
.he-SiaTor? n „ r ,-r:;:^::„ h ;" - "■■••'v*'" hk,. k «b K kthatt...h,a,. k c, OSE w..» ,„.3o ,i.:„;: Pianos
7 the HulldlßK muat K o at «onr prlee. Be here Saturday.
niwMfi———a We Will Positively Close at 10:30 Saturday Night Until ftr'llni&Ht M
R. R. Fares and Freight I TT ~~7~~ _ c,* llr j au & 1
Paid to out-of-Town I WINTER PIANO CO. ?■!— J
rlirrhflQPK 9 '<■'< «•<•' ua (without any extra Kftj
I St ' Harris burg, Pa., H. M. ELDRIDGE, Manager ITZ™"V," r " m "" ,ver " g
ai^M^—■MM— a—BHW HiMim luß II
Mystery in Death of Fayette County i
Pottery Manufacturer
Cniontown. Pa., Deo. 18.—Froienj
solidly ;n six inches of ice in a itream.
the body of Arthur Eobbine. -.reaithr j
f ropr.etor of the Hobhins hotel ami a |
•▼•11-known pottery manufacturer of'
j Xeiv Geneva. Fayette county, was found 1
late Wednesday night by a searching
! party which rtarted oat" to hunt him ,
, wnen he -failed to return home.
Rubajna wa; in Pittsburgh Tuesday.
| He wont there to »ell soma pottery. Ac- I
1 cording to adrieee received here W»d-i
nesday he left Pittsburgh Wednesday
morniag for his home.
State CoU«g« Students to Vitit Pan
ama Oanal and California
I State College. Pa., Doc. 18.—The
quartet of the Pennsylvania State Col
lege has been re-engaged to nialte two
trips such as it made last year, one to j
the Panama canal zone in June, ae the
I guests of the government, and one to
California, in the Taster vacation, as
the guests of the Santa Fe railroad.
At the San Kran'moo exposition the
quartet will sing in the Pennsylvania
Salary Reduced But Not Applicants
Lebanon, Dee. 18. —The announce
ment of the reduction in salary of the
Palmyra postoffice from $2,300 to $2,-
000 lias not resulted-in the reduction
> of the efforts of a half dozen Demo
■A-rnts to get tho office. The present
fOKtinaster, Frank H. Hart/., ItojwbticNin,
will not vacate until March. 19ffi.
Among the candidates are George N.
Bruml)cin, clerk in Theodore l.ercii's
store; Dr. •!. N\ Becker, veterinary sur
geon, and Dr. C. I*. Marks, dentist.