We Are Buying Christmas Presents Teo-For You t Convincing Argument An Overcoat Purchase Why You Should Buy That Suit Now. That Is Almost Sensational— It means a saving of many dollars to you— . . , , _ _ right now, at Christmas time when you need Very rarely indeed do such opportunities . money most of all. We have assembled for a come—especially at this time of the year, with special selling the greatest variety of the finest ze f° wea|her close at hand. We have just re- Custom-Tailored Ready-to-Wear Suits "Made in ceived a shipment of 200 overcoats—overcoats America"—including the famous FASHION- of the better sort—overcoats made by the best CLOTHES—ATTERBURY SYSTEM and AD- makers—overcoats to please all— LER-ROCHESTER CLOTHES. ' The young man who wants a toppy Balmacaan— Every mw mo iel — zvzvy new fabric svery wanted The conservative man who wants a neat Chesterfield shade —and that suits of Black Thibet cloths, Un- elderly man who wants a sedate Black Coat finished vVorsteds and Slue Serges are included. Beautiful Chinchillas—warm Silesian Beaver Cloths—Shetland Cloths Suits for men of regular build—the short stout man—the tall slender —Meltons and many other unusual overcoat Fabrics. Some are satin lined, fellow—everybody can be fitted and at one price. Each one represents an extraordinary saving. Regular £* 1 Regular S2O, $4 A A S2O and $25 I K'*" $22.50 and $25 | K ,VV Suits at . . JL v= Overcoats at Buy Him One of These $6.50 SJT.OO an Ever Has He Always CwooWe For Men—For Women House Coats or Bath Robes at %J Kbr&li Too Manv Shirts Needs OVVcalcra" "For Boys—For Girls - XlWlrwA'ir heavy shaker sweaters, He'll enjoy being at home evenings if he has one of 0 C 1 • , j cj*n cn •*■ tT • iiCLIkWCdI ff, \ Special at $3.50 —actual 54 . 0 value I these nobby House Coats—they are made to fit— hand- /if I WWHX onH'tS Ot fellk—bhirts Ot Mnen— — modeled after the finest college H somely finished with corded edges and fitted with two silk of percale and Madras. A complete Gift neckwear —an un- • cellar— handmade o ' button "liotes—"m- ' frogs. Bath Robes are made of Eiderdown and Terry variety of Sliirtdom's newest and usually fine array of ini- ~S roon and nav - v - Cloth in very striking color combinations. ' ,I. , . . . , , norted silks ill special £ BOYS' shaker worsted T , „ most favored fabrics— lll any stvle 1 / m K , -sweaters at s.SO. For that *1*111'lMBaK; Bath Robe Sets—robes and slippers to match in lieauti- 1' t>„. j DOXes. Liie most gtufdy chap who romps and plays in "Elffii M ' ful holiday boxes. Special at $5.00. (lesne. jrriceci moaeiateiy beautiful patterns we C a , r al! kinds of weather — they'll stand the Higher Grades at $7 50 to $lO e a * * Ol exce Ptional qualities, have ever shown. 50c tO $1.50 SH aker' worsted'sweaters n gner i* aaes at to J>±U of Madras and Percale and advanced by easy stages for men and women at ss. £| a. 'ITS ISST 1!$ ".jE Neckwear Hosiery, Neckwear P j m ~BT I W ■■ l* AA ST at * loo ' and Handkerchiefs Neckwear JL — & ffl. cape and Mocha Oioves at i.M to $2.00. a ' Washable Buckskin Gloves at $2.50. Scarf Pin and Cuff Link Sets, at * ' F " r Ijined Glo%es at #3.no to 90.n0. to $1.50 The Store That Values Built Automobile Gauntlets at $ll.OO to $5.00. NEWS OF S MEN OF TRANSPORTATION GIFT RETIRED MEMBER C. A. Ford, iii Appropriate Speech, Tells of Esteem for Ferdinand Boiler Held by Former Steelton Workers— Handsome Presents Given A largo number of employes of the [vans' ortatiun department of the Penn \ lvania Steel Company, chaperoned toy ?. A. Ford, superintendent of that de purtment, last evening surprised Ferdi nand Holler, a recently retired engineer 11 .the lucal yards, and his wite, at A oil' Gamp Hill home, and gave each a present to show the esteem of the rail roaders. I'. A. Ford acted as spokesman for llie men, and in their behalf presented Mr. Holler with a handsome rocking Aair and a Bi'ble. The gift to Mrs. Roller consisted of a magnificent cut i'lass vase filled with carnations and Ilematis. The men then spent an en joyable evening. Mr. Holler entered the employ of the itcel company in 1875 a>d was one of 'lie oldest shifting engineers in its em ploy when he was retired a short time Igo. ENTERTAINMENTS BY SOKOL Proceeds Will Be Devoted to Sokol Funds Rehearsals on a play to be rendered J.V the Croatian Sokol on the evening >f December 2ti in Croatian hall, South Second street, have been commenced. Tile proceeds of the entertainment are 'or tiie club fund and not for the Croa ian Red Cross as reported. Prepara ions are also under way for the annual S'\v Year's entertainment which will >e held in tihe same hall on the even ng of January 1. Extensive programs t'H in course of preparation for both citertainments. Handsome costumes ind scenes depicting life in Croatia will le features of the two affairs. The choir of the First Reformed rhurcli will hold a special rehearsal this veiling of music to be rendered on -iiristmas Day. Entire Stock of Jewelry and Musical Merchandise at and Below Cost To discontinue the jewelry businesb in Steelton so as to devote my time to other interests, I offer my entire stock at and below coat to close out everything by the first of the yoar. This is au unusual opportunity to secure elegant gifts at Big Bargain Prices. Fixtures and room for rent after January 1, 1915. E. L. DARON, 41 North Front Street -H " / \ . HARRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 17. 1914. POUND DONATION FOR ASSOCIATED CHARITIES Request Is Made That Oifts for Steel ton at Stough Tabernacle To-night Be Marked Plainly "For Steelton Associated Charities" The pound donation which will fea ture the meeting at the Stough taiber nacle this evening has greatly interest ed residents of the borough, particular ly since tihe gifts will 'be given to the Associated Charities of Harrisburg and Steelton for use among the poor of both 'plates. Steelton donors are requested to mark each package left at the tabernacle with a tag stating that it is for the Steelton Associated Charities. Should there be any liberal-minded person in the 'bor ough, or vicinity, unable to go to liar risburg this evening, such persons are requested to leave or send their pack ages to J. A. iMcOurdy's drug store, Trust building, Front street. In the ease of orders for coal or wood, the donors of such gifts are also requested to send the slips to the same drug store. Hhe demand for assistance since the advent of zero weather has greatly in creased and the local charities commit tee is in need of all contributions which it is able to secure at this time. _____ Shop for Men Right at home with more convenience. Prices as low and lower than elsewhere. Gifts of quality. Everything guaran teed or Y. M. B. O. D. if not satisfied. The (Quality Shop. Front and Locust streets, Steelton, Pa. Open evenings. Adv. STEELTON NOTES The Higthspire School Board on 'Mon day evening elected D. VV. Teager pres ident and C. C. CuMbler was manle vice president. The Highspire public schools will observe Christmas holidays from December 24 until January 4. A special meeting of the Steelton Glee Club will bo held in the home of Charles Krout, 72 South Second street, to-morrow evening. PERSONAL IMrs. Mary Murphy, New York City, is visiting her sister, ley, and family, 457 North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Dengler, Port Arthur, Texas, are guests of the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Dengler, South Front street. Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting nurse employed by the Steelton Civio Club, will be in her office from 8 a. m. to 9 a. lji., from 12.30 p. in. to 1.30 p. m. LOST L/OST—Small brown poeketbook. con taining sum of money, between Fourth and Poplar streets and watch box at Front and Swatara, Steelton. Reward if returned to J. E. STAHLER, 449 S. Front St., Steelton. AGED PERSONS IT: ISETSEB Autos This Afternoon Convey the Infirm to Tabernacle as Special Guests i FIRST SPIN FOR "MANY OF THEM Dr. Stough in Last Night's Sermon Pleads for More of Spirit of St. Paul in Modern Preachers—Ridi cules "Rock of Ages" ALany automobiles this afternoon about 2 o'clock drew up to the en trances of the Stough tabernacle, with .aged men and women as trheir passen gers, conveying them there to take piart in the "Sunset service," arranged by tthe Stough party for the benefit of pier sons in the sunset of life. A number of the old persons experi enced their first automobile rides in be ing transported to the tabernacle this afternoon, and the faces which had 'been pale from long confinement within doors were flushed as they had not been for many days. Comfortable chairs, in the front of the building, furnished 'by wom en active In the campaign, awaited thope of the decrepit visitors who could not sit on tthe board benches. Carnatloiiß for Guests Iu additioa to the invalids conveyed to Ae tabernacle in automobiles, large nuuubers of aged men and women went there on foot, and these all had seats in the front rows. Five hundred carna tions were distributed among the old folks. Although in other cities there have been eases discovered of old persons', feigning debility, so as to get automo- | bile rides to and from the tabernacle, j it is believed that all men and women ! who benefited by this afternoon's gen erosity were genuine invalids, since great care was taken in the selection of names of those on whom the auto owners called to carry to tUie service. Donations to Be Received To-night at the tabernacle there will be an admission fee charged for the first time. It is a fee. that thousands will j willingly pay, for it is to be in the form i of articles of food or clothing for the ! needy poor of the city. 'Die donations j will be heaped on the platform, and arc expected to como in great quantity. The food and clothing thus collected I will be turned over to the Harrisburg | and to the Steelton Associated Charities j foi distribution. Articles intended for j Steelton will be so marked, and all | others will be tised for tthe Denelit of ] the noor of this city. Humor In Last Night's Sermon Dr. Stauij'h in his sermon at the tab ernacle wist night sought to reach his crowd rather by using humor and sar casm tibam by employing pathos, and his sermon was full of the comedy ■which he had put aside for the past week or so of more sober preaching. He took his text from St. Paul's de fiance of political authority in t!he cause of righteousness, and secondarily from tlhe martyrdom of John the Bap tist. "When Paul went preaching,'' said the evangelist with a side ftdance at the ministers' section, "he might have talked about the works of Rome and Greece. He could have talked about Socrates and all the ancient poets, and have spokeiu about babbling broqks and all such sweet nothingness. Burt what dad he do? He prej.-hed right eousness, that's whiat he did. Right eousness, righteousness! Good Night Nurse!" "Why, if you want to stir up the devil among officeholders like theso here in Pennsylvania, just preach righteousness to them. Talk on ballot stuffing for instance. Couldn't a fellow raise the devil in Pennsylvania on that BELL PAINLESS DENTISTS 10 North Market Square Harrisburg We do the best dental worh that can possibly be done and we dq it at charges that are most m'oderate. Painless extraction free when plates are ordered. Largest and inos*: com plete offices in the eity; sanitary throughout. Lady attendant. Hours: 8 a. in. to 9 p. in. 10 a. n. to 1 p. a. subject alone? Suppose you preac.li on the subject of the necessity for a political pull Do get on Capitol Hall. Good night nurse! "Those are subjects, which if a preacher would let loose on them, he'd loose his pastorate inside of thirty days. I know, because I've tried it. I've just splattered and splashed a little here ou that matter, but some of the splashing hit all right, and I heard about irt. "Temperance is another good sub ject to preach on. What would happen if they preached temperance to that official at Washington' who, it is said, tried to make a speech at Detroit and was so drunk that the lights had to be turned out and the audience dismissed Paul Had Hard Task "Even in my place, it is easy to preach against sin compared with Paul. When the man w*ho you are preaching to could cut off your head, it takes a lot of nerve to stand up and hand it out in packages as Paul did. He never got a call to the first church of that city, not on your tin. "I believe to-day, with all due re spect to my brethren of the ministry, that we need to put more of the spirit, of St. Paul in our preaching Don't tel ma that John the Baptist made a mistake. He made a mistake if it was to save his neck, but it would be bet ter for the gospel if more Christians made mistakes like that. Would that (lod gave me more the spirit of St. Paul and of John the Baptist." At this point in his sermon the preacher digressed in order to give his opinions of the well-known painting, ''Bock of Ages," which he called the greaitest travesty on religion" he has ever seen. "Rock of Ages" Called a Lie "Thait picture of the beautiful young lady in a night gown —notice they ncv ev take old maids for such pictures— hanging on to tho stone cross with a ' claon and plaekid' expression on her face is a lie. That is no more the Rock of Ages than Plymouth Rock is. No wonder people have gotten an idea thait this is a finger-nail religion and that they are likely to let go at any time. ''lf I were to paint the Rock of Ages I would have electric wires coin ing down to the cross from the skies and having the girl take hold of the cross as you take hold of a battery. When she takes hold of the rock the rock takes hold of her.' *As soon as you take hold of the Lord he will take hold of you, and hold you tight." Usual Number of Converts The evangelist appealed particularly to the railroad men to hi't the trail, tell ing them of the perils of their fives on the road and warning them that to put off a decision may be dangerous. There were about eighty trail-hitters, the average number, including repre sentatives of the railroaders and of the Harrisburg Rotary Club, members of which were also among the guests of tho evening. Mrs. Throne Greatly Better Mrs. Beulah Throne, who was shot three times ami seriously wounded btv her husband on Sunday afternoon, is reported as much improved to-day at the Harrisburg hospital and physicians now bolieve that she has a chance of re covery. RAILRQAPS ~~ CHEW JARD HARBISBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division —ll6 crew to go first after 4 p. in.: 103, 127, 119, 108, 104, 101, 110, 123, 124, 109, 107, 118, 114. Engineers for 101, 104, 109, 112, 124. Firemen for 103, 107, 108, 109, 126, 127. Conductors for 107, 109, 110, 124, 126. Flagmen for 104, 109. Brakemen for 103, 104, 107, 110, 113, 116, 118, (2); 123, 127, 128. Engineers up: BruefoaJcer, Welsh, Sober, Tennant, Snow, Statler, Long, Young, Minnich, Kennedy, Hennecke, Kelley, Wolfe, Keissinger, Smith. Firemen up: Shaffer, Huston, Achey, Penwell, Barton, Yentzer, Reno, MeCur dy, Martin, Gilberg, Duvall, Spring, Wagner, Kegleman. Conductors up: Fraelich, Fesler. Flagmen up: Bruehl, Mellinger. Brakemen up: Gouse, MeGinnis, Mc- Intyre, Stehman, Bogner, Hurk, Bal tozer, Allen, Frock, File, Coleman, Hippie, Brown, Collins, Jackson, Bu chanan, Co*, Morris, McNaughton, Wii and. Middle Division— lls (*rew to go first after 2 p. m.: 251, 228, 239. Firemen up: Zeiders, Drewett, Sim mons, Wright, Davis, Ross, Seagrist, Kuntz. Brakemen up: Stahl, Kerwin, Bell, Schoffstall, Frank, Reese, Mathias, Spahr, McHenry, Troy, Henderson, Pe ters. Yard Crews— Engineers up: Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, Hohenshelt, Thomas, Houser, Meals, Stahl, Crist, Swab, Harvey. Firemen up: Shipley, Crow, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schieffer, Rauch, Wei gle, Lackey, Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Getty, Hart, Barked, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Essig, Ney, Boyle. Engineers for 1454, 1758, 14, 885, 1820, 2393. Firemen for 14*54, 1831, 90, 2393. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2 02 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 239, 222 241, 232, 216, 226, 246, 228, 211, 247, 223, 230. Engineers for 201, 208, 239. Fireman for 226. Conductors for 227, 246. Flagmen for 208, 226, 244, 246. Brakemen for 208, 247. Conductors up: Stauffer, Logan. Flagman up: Ford. Brakemen up: Wolfe, Crosby, Vand ling, Fenstemacher, Malseed, Rice, Shaffner, Rowe, Long, Arment, Hoopes, Twigg, Albright, Goudy. Middle Division —224 crew to go first after 2.50 p. m.: 218, 225. THE READING P., H. & P. —After 12.15 p. m.: 16, 4, 9, 10, 17, 6. Eastbound—After 2.15 p. m.: 51, 70, 71, 59, 67, 68. Conductors up: Philabaum, Gingh er, German. Engineers up: Crawford, Boger, Wood. Firemen up- Kelly, Bowers, Zukos wiski, Rumibaugh, Boyer, Sellers, Dow hower, Lex, 'Longenecker. Brakemen nip: iHiinkle, Hoover, Grimes, Hogentogler. Turks on Offensive in Caucasus Peitrograde, via London, Dee. 17, 6.23 A. M.—A communication issued by the Russian staff in the Caucasus says t.'he Turks, considerably reinforced from Bagdad and by a new formation, assumed the offensive in tlhe Euphrates valley and t'he Van region, whicih re sulted in a minvber of engagements of secondary importa-nve. — "I: Greek Condemned for Spying London, Dec. 17, 11.25 A. iM.—Ren ter's Telegram Company has received a di)aJt<"h from its Athens correspondent saying tlhat a Greek naval officer at tached to the Greek legation at Con stantinople has been court-martialed and condemned to death on the charge of spying. 7e i Day f Thtat FIIE WATCHES The Wmtch and the Price Defy All Competition Women's and Men's Open fare or Hunting ease. These watches fully guaranteed, Elgin or Waltlatn movement, ex pansion . balance, polished regu lator, diSplav winding works, pat ent selffocking setting device, aod rosC-proof case guaranteed for 26 years. Perfect in every respect. Only $14.00 80c a Week—Can You Full Line of Xraas Goods Now on Display American Watch ft Diamsod Cempany Open Evenings COE. 4TH and CHESTNUT STB.. HARBISBUBG 9