The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 17, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
CALLI99I-ANY l£9t& - JSoamixZti *l® f. You Are in the Store. 3d Floor ggA/i*W/£l44fJS4t f 5m T^Jjy k*ARIU* POPULAR MftfcRTTIKNT STOM HAIWISKUMt POPULAR MMkJVTMKMT •'TOM Christmas Is Coming a Week From To-morrow The Carpet Department Suggests And All Must Be ReadV— The Famous Kilmarnock Rugs vJORJJ si , tost „ * When you have given lip in despair trying to find the rug to earrv out jVUT 1 I hLCJ up in neat gift-looking packages. There's a friend, too, you'll want to re vour color scheme; let us show you the Kilmarnock line. —X member: there are absent ones to whom will he sent gifts that speak Cheer, A rug specially designed for high-class decorative work in bedrooms; m*i and no doubt in the past year you have received favors from certain folk mostly plain centers with straight band borders; or pretty festoons, or cou- A #OO.I thing to remember—This store whom you'll care to extend a slight token of appreciation. ventional borders. Besides all the staple colors we show mulberry, rose, , t,,,'',' ? v °e%-bod.v. ''jJjhiV THIS STORE IS READY light blue, French grey and many shades not found in other lines. The family, may spend this evening at home. . material is a heavy Scotch weave. Reversible; will lav perfectly smooth on —aii responsible persons are invited to , to aul you in selecting the right- gift, and from assortments that the floor without tackinff open a charge account here, ami receive the have never been equaled here nor anywhere. **' numerous advantages that such an account Body Brussels Rues— f A,mto,fer k£L - "" - ***** L ' nCnS f ° r G ' ffS Gift ThingS fOr Body Brussels Rugs Axminstar Rugs—• wait, a through win run between the Scarfs and squares, laee trimmed, 19< O 6x9 to 11.3x16 feet, priced a 1 $16.00 1 l!-*x3b to 36x<2 inches; ai sl.lo to 1 Main floor aud Tov Town, only, allowing the . pin . W-- , -other ort counwt . ["n.n Irari. Ml., 3.Q0 to *6.00. Allll 01 HPr Royal Wilton Rugs— ; 6x9 to 1-xlo feet; at to —Everyone having a Christmas Saving Madeira lunch sots, ]\\ pieces, $4.98 ® dlAvi V/lUvl 18x36 to 3tixs3 inches, at $2.15 to $38.50. I Fund t'hcck is invited to get it cashed at our I tll Ift OO sfi 98 . n , t* Transfer Department, Main floor. This is i " " , ■ c,r tun ■% • i ~ , , . e-go r n Tapestry Brussels Rugs— merely an accommodation, and whether you Madeira napkins, s*<.oo to So.OO f hi 1 n ■j'Ati SGO.Oo!' $ 10 ' 6x9 to 11.3x15 ft.; at §7.25 tb ?25. Purchase or not. you're invited, just the same. dozen. Velvet Rugs Hassocks —all bright, new goods. —By doing your Christmas shopping on a . nl!'*! 1 ' °' '' U ' Infants' lrm< Hi, 1.1.i l i * tn i£ T 7>) innhoa ,i aft/, ~ ■ lai-cr> Wilton Ssl ftO Itmlv UPIWSKU transfer, vou save considerable time and an- hemstitched, to s.**.oo. j ' „ and shoi I dresses made of is Bft i Large \\Uton ?I.W). Boch Brusels, ; novanrei b vou are reVicved of a „ Second Floor BOWMAN S. , na.nsook, with dainty round embroidered • OCm Wilton \tl\et, S&r. Axnuus- bundles until your shopping is complete. vnkov |o„„ i i , , ftx9 to 11.3x12 feet; at $8.98 to i ter and velvet, 59c\ Tapestry brus- _ , „ , ■, a e tnmmed at neck and sleeves; $20.00. seis, 39c. - Ma,n FIoor " _BOWMAN 8 - Damfy Neckwear hntv st * vles - At 59< *- r ■ ' % ~ £"/*. **iAa*" flit* ■ ' ,llants caps— plush, niossaline. bengal . . _ iTNs. ■ fOf ner KIITI lue and embroidered silk; lace and ribbon Showing the Latest Everybody is Buying oriental ia e collars, 2,v and soe. ,runmed - At 25^to 2 - 50 - all in /. 5 Organdie collars. 25<> to SI.OO. Infants' and childreirs sweater coats— omaii Oilapes in ' 3 I H ra\ Vjloves lor IJlltS euff s,>ta 111 or ? andle > pl'iin and fancy weaves; roll and shawl hjt'll* I! ' 4i 1 . -i , , to $2.00. collars, pockets; all white, and white with Millinery /Mm* Ajd . < Scar(s _ . pillt i,i 110; ~,L Kr „ v „, (l are here, from the lower priced gloves to Crepe de chine scarfs in a large assort- hbgen; sizes to 6 years At 59c to $U 00 During the past week new arrivals ™ the very finest French kid. Prices are ment, at SI.OO to $2.95. i , have been unusually large, so that now j J£J*\ in keeping with the qualities. I u",' B V^ l ® of , chiucl } illa . Millinery Department presents ? EvPrV Hdlir T(1 1 Kkl ,W t Jhi'j&l" inj"itallS,rSSrf. very attractive and complete showing j . of the newest and most authentic styles. V i 1L ' A GOOQ UlllDrClld Tfc • ' ,<pß, ° o, Small shapes are among the number . IXIOXIO W BHIIgS d . Children's lingerie frocks in lawn, ba of new hats; these are extremely smart - T q o T __ # tiste and! dotted Swiss; charming tunic and and stylish, showing white, sand, puttv TT_i •J _ tt j i t._ p_ a J-rfCvO lllic VTIxL "|\J cjttt Qnari ' 011 (? waist styles; trimmed with tiny tucks aud other new shades. Jl0ll(13.y Jtlclllu.KeirCllieiS . Xl V W wpCvldl and Swiss embroideries, some with ribbon „ ; . ... I And You Could Not Give a More . t „ i sashes ; sizes 2to 6 years. At $1.25 to will purchase a fine quality vel- Fl'om foreign countries which IJ+fpY"-!-ri ry 4"n|a $6.50. vet hat .and pust at this time this low produce reliable }I oot l s also high- Useful Or Acceptable Gilt V/llCl AJA VllW I p..,, , I. no Miction of the of Krade do.nosti. mke S . A large Wom.n' ! ,26-inchUmbMla-tapeClftflk IWartfllMlt ! stock requiring enlarged space. American taileta cover; case and tassel; < vIUdA JL/CJJCLI LlllvllL trimmed with feathers, fur flowers and Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Stvles for llieil, wouicu and cliil- guaranteed waterproof; fast color', han- ribbou. At to $3.50. dron ttondval iP* dies all of beautiful designs. At....980 Items offered during hour sales will be , * * v ' ' 'inn. viwu \<uu*.cs. arranged so that you may'buy in comfort, Children's hats—nlnsh an>l vpltrot ($' ' American tatteta cover, nne qualitj, case deciding. Plenty ot salespeople to wait on fur, flowers and ribbon. Suitable for chil m m * t plain carved and trimmed with gold and is offering of * V WwrA r.liri /w| silver. At 980 tiiowtrtMiiniinnofe ,t 81ft Knitted drawer leggings in white, grey, Women's 26-inch Umbrellas —tape edge. $12.50 to $20.00 Coats at $lO red and brown. At 59f to $1.25. is. b b, , s . . , t H ft' pt u oiu- pnver- On Sale From 2to 3 Only „ , A Gift of Rare Beauty and Charm frame; long mission handles with neat and There are about one hundred coats—all j colors At 250^cf$1'oo alU^ ... . rt . . . , ii- ! Is i*ge ends, in plain, carved and trimmed the pick of the season's models—and all A beautiful nig in true Oriental design and colorings will make a tl'cas- with gold, silver and pearl. At ...$1.50 absolutely new. jlany of them are sain- Girls' wash dresses —made with double and "'•edßift; This high-grade stock is from the regions of Smyrna. Elizabeth- Men's 28-inch Umbrellas-boxwood and ples ' t and / h " e h is a g °° d c °i or and size luTew su-it. 1 ' 1 a" sc° rs; sizes 2 pol. Tigris A alley. { aspian feea and southeastern Persian provinces. Special mission handles, fine grades in all the new- assortment. Tbere are a great many more . C-IYIQ 11 ninrliinu anH rnnm civt.c inrtlnrlii-irr 1 • ' „ c • n , i • slo.oo lllld ->lb.oO Coats among them tliail (Tlr,s white galatea midd.v blouses with red prices on . Uia 11. lU I uni <i (l 1 111 . /u. mt hiding est designs; cov CI of silk aild varn piece- s]2 g 0 eoats _ antl quite a gOO J many f and blue collars; sizes 6to U years. At Xc. Anatobian Mats, at s4.7s—Value $7.50. dye taffeta; tape edge ; guaranteed water- them are *2O 00 noats Thtv will hp I . , . p nrvc Irt Value liTSdO- ft neunt' Al Sil SO Uiem are tf-U.UU COatS. inev Will be on ( hlldren s dresses in serge—jauntv stvles Smyrna Rugs, , on({ waißt . sailor ait^ Moussoul Rugs, Value 2.5x6.6 ft. Women's and Men's Umbrellas—fine be sold at the regular prices. trimmings of braid; plaid ties; sizes 6 to li CabisUn Iran Rugs, Sh-J.o4ito value $5b.00; 4x7 ft. Paragon frame; handles are of dark mis- Arabian lambs, chinchillas, broadcloths Girls' wash dresses—imported .-hambravs Kirmanshah Rugs. >• >-^ ,e SBO 00 4.2x6 ft sion beautiful designs, inlaid with gold and kerseys—and in the wanted colors— ginghams and linens; sizes 6to 14 years.' Mahal Rugs, Sf)S-OOto $130.00-^Value $202.00; 10.1x6.8 ft. and 11.10x7.10 ft. and silver. At $2.00 black, navy, dark brown, dark green and At " 8c to so,o *' Sarook Rugs, $316.6 < Value $475.00; room size. | Main Floor _ Copenhagen. Second Ploor-BOWMAN'S. AMUSEMENTS /iii i , ■ ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high class vaudeville. COLONIAL Daily continuous raudeville and pic tures. J At the Orpheum 0:' the sister teams that have ap peared at the Orpheum, it is doubtful if any otf them wwe more popular or more "clever than the Fanber Girls, who offer one of the sterling hits of the j Keitih show that the Rotariarfs are giv ing at the Locut-t street play house: this weejt. The youngest of the sisters is Constance, the little blonde, and she is certainly a clever little mite. Her Mster is a brunette, graceful and beau tiful. When the two are not singing mid da living they are indulging in' sparkling repartee, with plenty of line comedy lines handed wit by Constance. And long before this something should have been said about their gowns. They arc creations of chiffon and rhine-! stomas, the cut an<l style of them could probably be explained by a Parisian! designer, but words are feeble things | when it comes to more man telling about them. Anyway they are dreams, too beautiful for words, and the girls i wear them gracefully. The Farber Girls are presenting one of the clever turns up]H>rtin-g Bessie Wynn, the celebrat ed singing comedienne and Joe Jack-1 ton, the king of funmakers. adv. At the Colonial There's two cle-ver comedy attrac tions booked to start the last half of i the Colonial to-day that will likely run a close chase for the big honors. l One of them is a comedy playlet to be presented by 11alien Fuller and com ' ipany and the other is called "400 Pounds of Comedy and Song," to be orved up by Santos and Hayes. A sen* ■national gymnastic act will be that of the two Franks, who offer a neat and' :• 3 '• • ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17. 1914 high class athletic act; and Miller and Carmen, olever couple in songs, dances and comedy will round out the roster. , An interesting program of motion pic- 1 ' ture features comes to t'he Busy Corner, to-day also. adv. *** | OLD SWEETHEARTS WED Lov e Affair of Forty Tears Ago Leads to Marriage Philadelphia, Dec. 17.—A love af fair. interrupted forty years ago, yes- j terday culminated in the marriage of Frank H. Conner, formerly a silver j miner, and now a wealthy ranch owner! of Pagoso Springs. Col., and Mrs. Kate; E. Parker, of 1306 North Sixty-first j street, of this city. The ceremony took place at the home of the Rev. P. K. 1 Bierbauer, 1403 Courtland street. They j were boy and girl sweethearts in Gi-: rardville, Schuylkill county, Pa., but | lost track of each other when Mr. Con ner went West 40 years ago. Both married. Mr. Conner's first wife died three j years ago. and last summer he again met the sweetheart of his boyhood, who ' for 20 years has been a widow. He is 62 years old, and has two sons. Fol lowing the wedding a reception was, held at the home of one of the sons, i Frank H. Conner, Jr., of Sixteenth i street and Columbia avenue. Masons Hold Annual Election | The following officers were elected i at the annual meeting of Perseverance; l<odge Xo. 21. Free an.i Aeceptei Ma sons: W. Harry Musser, worshipful l master; John X. Peregoy, senior war-1 den: W. M. Ogelsby, junior warden;! John K. Royal, secretary; Henrv C. Orth. treasurer; Harry C. Ross, George! E. Whitney and Clark E. Diehl, trus-! tees. < Take Care of Your Eyes and They'll Take Care of You For advlff, conault \% ilk U. C. Hauler DO NOT LOOK FOR WAGE ( I T Steel Employes Satisfied With Condi- I tions of Existing Agreement Pittsburgh, Dec 17-.—Employes of: the I nited States Steel Corporation do not believe there will be any cut in i wages for the coming year. The men have been working along on two and three days' worn a week. In the last two weeks there has been a slight im provement and they are working from half to three-fourths' time. A fe>v| I men occasionally get in a full week's 1 work. ! Since the strike of 1892 the various! mills have b'>en operated under an agreement. This has been one-sided, as ! : the company will not deal with com mittees and the men accepted whatever j they were offered. Two years ago the i companies gave their employes a volun- ; I tary increase and, although the agree ment declares notice shall be given by ! , both sides before any change in scale lis made, the company has not given I the required notice. Ninety per cent, of the 10,000 em ; uloves in the Homestead Steel Works, i Carrie Furnaces, Howard Axle Works arid Schoen Steel Car Wheel Works, it is claimed, are satisfied with the pres ! ent agreement. The workmen say they j realize the conditions are such that the companies cannot operate their plants ; fully, anil that in the absence of any ! cut they feel they are being treated j ' fairly. The operation of the plants on I >-hort time was devised to give all men j : some work, while the policy of re | trenchment was being carried out. j To Reclassify Passenger Crews Notices of a reclassification of the; passenger crews of the Middle division I which will go into effect on January |l have been posted in the Harrisburgi I and Altoona offices of the Pennsylvania | Railroad Company. New assignment i sheets, copies of which will be placed | in trainmen's rooms at the Harrisbtirg and Altoona station, has been prepared by W. Brooke Moore, passenger train master of the Middle division. The re classification will be made according to seniority in service. Trainmen have \ been requested to send in their prefer-1 ences. There will be no increase or de-1 crease in the number of train crews. I PRESIDENT GOES SHOPPING Mingles With Crowds in Stores, but I Is Not Annoyed Washington, Dee. 17. —President; Wilson went out to do some Christmas j shopping yesterday afternoon and had a very enjoyable experience. He took Dr. Cary T. Grayson, his physician, with him. and several of the secret service guards of the White House staff followed in their wake. The President and Dr. Grayson left the White Housp in a big limousine I adorned with the official crest of the 1 President of the United States. After making some purchases at a shop which specializes in rare books, the President re entered the car and was taken down P street. Washington's principal shop ping thoroughfare. More purchases were made at two jewelry stores and a book store. The President spent some time in a large department store, where he was recognized by many of the shoppers. The pla e was crowded, but nobody bothered the President or showed any offensive curiosity as to his purchases. One woman, who appeared to know him, shook hands with -Mr. Wiison and talk ed with him for a moment. The President was in excellent spir its. The shopping tour kept him away , from the White House for two hours. I WALKING WITH SKELETON Man Carries Bones of Infant While He Gathers Souse Philadelphia, Dec. 17.—Arrested by Reserve Policeman Horan at Thirteenth . and Market streets yesterday on a ! charge of drunkenness, a man who said lie was Milton Copperiawis, of Quaker- Mown, Pa., was taken to the Central station to be locke ! up for the night. | I'nder his arm he carried a package, | tnd the police supposed he was an early | Christmas shopper wlfo had imbibed too I freely. After the desk sergeant had l slated the man and the charge against | him he asked what was in the pack ' age. i '"Oh, that's something we have had i in the family for 50 years," replied Copperiawis I The sergeant opened the package. In it. he found the skeleton of a 2-year-old infant. Copperlawis was closely ques tioned about the skeleton, but his re plies were vague. After he becomes sober the police will make an effort to II AMERICAN COFFEE FOR 199 | AMERICAN CONSUMERS jif | Porto Rican Coffee jjj f One hundred Per Cent. Pure fSi 10 We are pleased to announce that we are flow OQz § prepared'to supply Genuine Porto Rican Coffee, 90s 0 1 which coffee, while highly appreciated by coffee OOZ 0 drinkers throughout all Europe, lias heretofore 00Z J been a scarce product in the United States. 00Z Z | One trial of Grand Union Porto Rican Coffee ZZO 2 l will convince you of its purity and excellence and 220 m | make you a steady and loyal consumer of a coffee 220 1 H i GROWN AND SOLD UNDER THE AMERICAN jfi I |l | For sale by ■ V | Grand Union Tea Co. ill Over 200 Stores—Over 5000 Salesmen |!l Established 1872 992 HEADQUARTERS, BROOKLYN, N. Y. OOZ 1 208 North Second Street ill I 1 find out whv he was carrying the skele ) ton around. New Steel Plant Nearing Completion Lebanon, Dec. 17. —The new steel 5 plant of the American Iron and Steel Company, erected at a cost of morn than a half million dollars, will b'n ready lor active operations next spring, and from the air of activity about tlw place in the way of preparations, it is evident that they expect to have a bu*v season. Steel billets will be made in tke new plant. 'J DOUBT HE SHOT IX MISTAKE Detectives Believe Colored Man Is Mur der Suspect Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Although John Smith, colored, of Knoxvillc, Tenn., told Detectives Kmanuel ami Geonnetti that he shot and killed MrS. Marget Davis, 1717 Addison street, on Tuesday night, fearing somebody was trying to break into his room and rob him, they believe he is a fugitive froi|i justice and tired the shots apprehending he was about to be arrested for another murder. They say his description tallies with that of John Smith, also known as "Money" Smith, who is wanted at Co lumbus, ().. to answer a charge of shoot ing and killing Policeman John Btillnrd in that city on November 6, last. The lebtel'from the Columbus police warned the police here to be careful in attempt ing to capture Smith, as he was known as a ''bad man with a gun," who had been mixed up in shooting affrays in Tennessee. Smith was committed by Magistrate Hens haw in the City Hall police court, for his appearance before the Coroner on the charge of murder. Best for Kidneys—Says Doctor Dr. J. It. T. Neal, Greenville, So. Car., says that in his 30' years of ex perience he lias found no preparation for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Pills. Pain in back and hips as an indi cation of kidney trouble—a warning to build up the weakened kidneys, make them vigorous, ridding your blood of acids and poison's. Foley Kidney Pills will help any case of kidßey and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. In 50c. and SI.OO sizes. Sold in your town by Oenrge A. Gor gas. 16 North Third'street and P. B. R. Statiou. adv. Artistic Printing at titarludepeudent.