The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 17, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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"CUSTER"! „ a#STER ' S *"* ™" *"H „) .A
~. . A ~, Among the Uurasand* of Christinas presents we offer we Diamond Ornaments in all fashionable forms. In ' JP*
/ X Sfatfin At lllfHllTV nd m,de •ettinfs of platinum and solid gold; Diamond. Platinum and Solid Gold Kings. Tested and guaraatsed Goods delivered without ex-
Stamp ot quality I " - ™" TE AND runrn
DIAMONDS EXTBAORDINARY 1 niflimn irA, I—r1 — r - LATE cn?
Diwiouilf at SIOO.OO |wr carat are as y v3liilC : A CflflUlC Gold - - Qf AfIiIIO' QIIuM
cheap as wheat at 50c a bushel. vet that is ~JT I • A e>,* ~ IffTPHI I "I • I 1111 £ Vll V9f Our line of tea and chocolate sot,
all we are asking for these l>eautifully ,ut NJk - V lonflim W v4</->frr> A/_ —M 0 1,1 P n ■ I without a dnnht
white and brilliant diamonds. A written £TllliflEf) ST luDrlini JIICKS VflflltV IB J Lufifi fl I •■(I _
jiuarautee given with every stone that we I |l|||Jr|J ( > njcH * Jbl IS^ >si ,H I 880 First- The finest quality ob
will allrw full price paid at any time in cx IliJluiJtiiil ®r /*•___ !lc 9CJf ID I 4%* l Ml tainable;
change for another larger stone or for am l||a||innn ' .-J<* WuSCS If? ? t 3f I RlllfttP Dlft#All Second—Of the highest artis
merchnadise in our store t onld you ask YI P niu A Stt " HII wIIVW IIVIQU tic designs;
*if n n TIE I IvIS fw' $lO I /slues T la* Third—Our prices are tjie
ISSSSS:::::: 'ISiS Cliff Buttons W War# JX'if:?" * 1 "'""
1 carat stone skmi.iki UK fig 1 W £ f w
4 carat stone *75.00 , ~ er ftn A Special lot. $4.50 tO;' I ' HW 1 * <P3t {lf !< I J Our stock is new and complete. Not
H carat stone $50.00 N>lld (lOld. V if II Mg 171 J r |N lp |ai-.rf.t shciwitirr <vf ' one * two or thre ® se,f '• hut of
\i carat stone 525.0U npl . n ..;.. (V.,, ,f $6.00 VPIT hi-illi-int if 11 "V J rTrn . .... .. . 1 ' sets to select from. l.arge sets, small
_ . „ , , . I CI P au - UIU <l ' NO, . X Olllliant. \Jf mm SI FRI INII VANITIFS le newest patterns IS ! sets, medium lets, fancy sets, plain sets
We challenge any other dealer anywhere Olir eXtiaOl'dlUalV if i , ' AIMUW hero ilicllldino- frlw. nm ; " in t*ct. anything yo„ want, tome in
to give you ch extraordinary vahies for thcC larger DiatllOllds. SlUffle €Q S €1 OC Real HeaVV - ! /. T ' le P r< >" ! and look our line over if vou want to
same money. \ dllU S. w A , jl./j ikaa i dllotlOUS of the forelllOSt | buy or not. Vou are always welcome
autl clusters. I'roni TO JW. fO values manufacturers. * f nur * tor< '-
LADIES' SIO.OO no sls SIO,OO 8t $5.00 -
solitaire . ' - T W o.i. c; i-
Diamond Rings
§ Havalin China Stands Hi Match Beautifully cased in
533 . ttj I •Wlateieis [rjSSjm fj n • hogianv cabinets and ele
! sgg< Newest Patterns . ( 1 \\ k:S2:K!^ CaSIS sant boxes, fjL
205 Mr $38.00. $45.00. $50.00 i Hg 1 a* WW g|2s nn 4- *3O
■ 88' i® 1 and up to $429.00 s2^ and UD M> "St- W valnes °P , _ . .
and up lets S4 . M to MO.OO i $1.50&52.00 FrfitlCh IVOTV
Also the famous LENOX AMERI y WIIWII IV VI J
1 CA ? CHINAI decorated 1° order 1 A PERCOLATORS m&jiifr-* \ Combs
VyM' $l5O your nionpfjrani or i-r'st. wiiini "* L 3 V3lllCrCS fsJ s ' '
Watches SANDWICH * •■■•-; ,T W ITHrSS
All the best known SPP A T MM CUT GLASS $3.75, $4.50, $5.00 Up
American and imported Ol
t-iaVes for Ladies. Gen e T em *7.50 and up to W&z" T? D C ManiClll'C Sets $1.75,
tlei.-en and Children in Beautiful patterns. 93, #O, #/, #IU. S.vto n<t 4TtIJIiJuIVU q0 ®o rrA ®r- /in
< l ld -,. GoM Fi,led quadruple Plate. ' *1.50 for set of doren.
>. \er ,-ues. __ Beautifully cut grape pattern. MaUV Other articles,
A thoroughly reliable jHT .1, VV (Til . : , and Up
.XZ&tr*" eacll Li A CPFD Cut Glass
H • H . ■ Amlb -*-k. . I ysr we were fortunate in securing the
§ CLOCKS / g3St. lit V-/* VlixllJ 1 l>l\ . Pitchers
Our Clock is oojn |W7aQ pitchers, beautifully Cut, giving our patrons the benefit, of our
piete in ever- respect. 1 loifc? n J6/ JWK A i** M a irillFl All limiai ■Mf $3.73. Glasses to match. jtood fortune.
M-p-jtitul soin-: mahipany .'ascj, P.
-.e t ..imc ClOcli*, Office C!ocli, ' of the newest and choicest patterns,
u„-l rtoeks. n fnet wrytli'.ng : n f* * /-w a I*. /T A T'fc x - _- ! all of the new cuttings. Everv piece Meerschaum
or * "P to msgmrcent Hall L_ |\/|j A lIT | C!' I A l3 T7 i l>'te, deep eut aud sparkling.' There plnp
' .ocks with Chimes. | J V/ l*lx\i\|\|l/ X X l\.l]ili/ A ' is so much in this department it is "^pOS
I treat to look at the display. $3 TO $lO '*
Michigan Wife of Illinois State Auditor
Visits Chicago District Attorney
Chicago. Dec. 17. —J a me* J. Brady.
Auditor; yesterday was accused of
(laving violated the Mann white slave
H' t. The i'Large was brought by Mr?.
Vary Quintan Kuhns Brady, hi* Michi
gan wife, whose suit alleging breach of
promise by Bra*iy "s having refused to
remarry Iter in ilinois at the expiration
of a year from lier divorce is pending.
Mrs. Brady visited Charles F. Cline,
Vnited State* District Attorney, yes
terday and charged that the State Au
ilito- had violated the Federal law in
transporting her from Detroit to Chi
cago. She ai*" is said to have tolil
the United States official? of utiier in
terstate trips in addition to her wel
ding journey. Cline said he would an- '
Mrs. Brady charges the auditor wit"
having married here in Mi. iiisan a few
ciays after she bad been divorced from
i f rmrr husband. The Il'inois Supreme
• Court nas held that remarriages within
a year of the divorce are illegal. Rrady
mused *o make he 1- his legai wife in
this State. M-s. Brady charges.
Plan Lancaster County Cattle Farm
Marietta. Dec. IT. —A plan is on foot
to establish in aster county a cat- !
tie farm, the i iea being to secure a
.arge tract of land o? more ?%an five
hJndred acres. A business .ran from i
Johnstown ;3 at th hea I ot" the trans
action and a number from Lancaster
• i'v are interested, ""ince the hoof and;
inourh disease cattle are very scarce,
and it is the intention to raise both
beef and milco cow*. The mouth and
hoof disease is still on the increase. On
the farm of <"hristian Ix-ese. several
miles west of here, a large number of >
liis :ic'2 are affected, but fhe cows are
Woman, HO, Wanders in Cold
Wilkes-Barre. Pa., Dec. IT.—Mr*.
Bridget Harris. SO year* old, who wan
.icred from her iiouie 111 Scranton, was
found on the street here almost frozen
at a iate hour Tueviay night. She wan
dered about this city until exhausted
from hunger and cold, she is in a seri
. ous rendition, but there is hope for her
roi-ov cry.
1 Dr. Howard's Dyspepsia Specific: Regu
lar Price SOc, H. C. Kennedy's
Price 25c
The special half price .ale of Dr.
Howard's B[>eiifie for the cure of <on-~
stipation and dyspepsia by H. C. Ken
nedy means the saving of a few Hollars
on every family's yearly bill for med- ,
-'■.aeli .iO-cent bottle (Mr. Kennedy I
se!W :t for 25c) contains sixty doses'
of a medicine that is pleasant to take
and which can l>e depended upon to
' >-ure the worst case of constipation, i
dyspepsia or liver trouble.
This remedy is not an ordinary medi
, cine. It is the favorite formula of a
well knowt physician, and has the en |
dor*ement of hundreds of physicians of
eminence in their profession, who pre-|
scribe it in all cases of constipation,
dyspepsia or liver trouble, .knowing j
from experience that it will make a
complete and lasting cure. Adv. j
Chicago's Model Officer Never Wa.<
Reprimanded in ,tU Years
Chicago, Dec. IT.—After thirty -two
j ears of ser\ice. William S. McGuire,
nho is called Chicago's model poiUe
nan. has res.gned. He is declared to
' be the wealthiest man on the force, and
is reps.;ed to own property value! at
more than SIOO.OOO.
Mvuiiire ,oes not drink, never has
been reprimanded 'and never has been
before the triai board. In aduition, he
has made a good record in the capture
I of criminals.
He started h;s financial success when
he sold a piece of property for more
than ten times the amount he paid for
it. Other realty transactions, by which
he always profited, followed.
McGuire is planning to spend the win
' ter on his country place at Palm 'Beach.
' Fia.
Workmen at League Island Say Sal
aries Are Too Low
Washiugton. Dec. IT.—A protest
against the wages paid at League Island
was made to the Assistant Secretary of
the Navy by a delegation representing
the workmen of t>hat yard. O. M. Tress
ler. .'234 South Fifteenth street, pre
sented the claims of the men.
'Mr. Tressler quoted the wage* paid
mill men. fotindrv men and otlie - ;>ri
rate concerns in Philadelphia. These arc
trom - to S rer cent, higiier. Mr. Tress
!c said; than the government wage.
Protest was also made that the wages
in the Philadelphia yard were below
those in other government yards.
Postmaster Klinger, of AHentown. Re
quested to Testify
Washington, Dec. IT.—Representa
tive Rothennel. of Heading, who is
charged by Charles •• oles, of AHentown,
with having agreed to the palding of
an expense account to the amount of
InOO, reiterated his denial of the truth
of the charges yesterday.
Mr. Rothermel said he had requested
Postmaster Klinger, of AHentown, to
testify. Klinger, be said, would swear
that I oles had taken some matter from
tie mails, and then attempted to sell
tSiis information during the campaign.
The hearing will be continued to-mor
Ludwic Adamic, Greensbnrg, Shoots
Parent, Then Himself
Greensburg, Dec. IT.—Enraged be
cause he was reprimanded for draining
the last drop of liquor from a kej;.
Ludw-.c Adamic, 19 years old, shot and
instantly kiHed his' father. John Ad
amic, last night.
He tihen turned the weapon on him
self. inflicting an injury about the
heart. He was brought to the West
moreland hospital here, and is dying.
Veteran Celobrates 78th Birthday
Marietta. Dec. IT.—lra C. Knell, a
vetera>i of the Civil war, and one of
the oldest residents of the western end
of towii,,yesterdav celebrated his TSMi
birthday anniversary, He is enjoving
good health. During the Civil war he
served with distinction. He retired a
number of years ago, being engaged for
nearly forty years in the grocery busi
s Eugagemeut of Miss Elizabeth Rogers
and Prince Christian
j Washington, Dev. IT.—Miss Kma-!
,] i beth Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
0 1 Richard R. Rogers, has won a prince of
j the Hoheii/.ollerr. dynasty and their en
. gagement soon will be announced, ac
cording to friends of the young woman
in Washington. The prince who is to
n wed Miss R .gers is Prince Christian,
e nephew of Kaiser Winielm. The mar- j
p riage will be in no sense a morganatic
union, and it is reported that the Kai-*
ser has consented to it and to his kins
: man's voluntary reduction in rank, |
r ; which, indeed, as imposed upon him j
* by his determination^to inarrv a com
! moner. • |
News of the romance and of the
forthcoming official announcement of
the betrothal came to Miss Rogers'
friends here in letters from her. She
, has been abroad since last January,
' traveling with lier parents, and met
.! Prince Christian last winter in Cairo. 1
Egypt. Love at first sight on both sidc= j
led to an extension o;" the acquaintance.!
' and finally Prince Christian announced
; j that he would demand from his royal
1 mule the right of marrying where his .
* | heart led him rather than for political
' ! reasons. How much difficulty he had in
getting the rovai consent Miss Rogers'
letters do not say, but he got it.
Texas Court Rules Against Stringent j
Anti-Shipping Measure .
Austin, Tex.. Dec. IT.—-The ftringent ■
! AlUson liquor law. prohibiting shipment ]
i of liquor into dry territory in Texas.
> virtually was invalidated yesterday by i
' a decision of the Court of Criminal Ap- 1
J peals which Judge Prendergast. who
presided, said "wiped it off the statute!
. books.''
Yesterday's decision declared any i
' person or a£eut might carry or ship I
; liquor into drv territory provided it J
. were not the intention to use the liquor
for unlawful purposes or for resale in i
1 dry area. The Allison law forba ie news-1
( papers to carry liquor advertisements
j in dry territory.
Useful Gifts |i
s AT
Golden Seal Drug Store,
: • IIS. Market Snuare.
. • -*|
H. M. F. WORDEN, Proprietor.
Slag, Slate and Tile Roofs,
; Damp and Water Proof- ;
| ing, Paints and Roofers'
| 1 Genuine Pen Argvl Inlaid
I Slate for Flat Roofs.
Employes of Pittsburgh Concern Will!
Aid Export Trade
Pittsburgh, Pa.. IV . 7.—An agree
ment between the American Window,
(.•lass (Manufacturers' Association and
;ts workmen has been entered into'
wlm h makes special provision tor ex- j
port gl:'s. Hererot'ore the workmen j
have refused to make such an agree- •
! ment.
( The scale agree.! on provides that for j
all export 4lass there shall be special !
1 working rules and wages, and that sin -
gle —=t rengt'.1 or double strength glass!
shall be taken from any pot for export |
j business up to of'li>u inches.
This— And Five Cents
Don t miss this. Cut out this slip,
enclose five cents to Foley & Co., Chi
cage, 111., writing your name and ad-j
. dress clearly. \ou will receive in re- j
turn a free trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, ior
coughs, colds aud croup; Foley Kidna"
. Pills, for pain in sides and back, rhed-1
j matisin, backache, kidney and bladder 1
ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets,
a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
■ cathartic, especially comfortable to
stout persons. For sale in vour town bv
George A. Gorgas, It! Xortli Third
street aud P. R. E. Station. adv.
1 Illinois es-Sen&tor Appears in Court—
Trial Date February 1
■ Chicago, Dec. I.,—William fforimer,
! president of the defunct ha Salle Street
I i rust and Savings bauk and once holder
* of a sen-: in the United States Senate,
j appeared in the criminal court yester
day to urge a speedy trial of the '
j Charge? against himself and other ofti
vers wt the Ija Salle Street bank who!
1 were indicted on charges of conspiracy
1 to defraud.
The Court set the trial for Febru- j
i ar.v 1.
lieutenant Governor-elect Honored by
Hamilton Organization
Lancaster, l'a., Dec. 17.—Lancas-I
iters Mayoi; and the Lieutenant Gov-i
ernor-elect, Frank B. McClain, was the
guest of honor at a banquet last night
at the Hamilton Club given by its mem
bers, 11" covers being laid.
1 The guests included Governor Tener.
j Unite! State s Senator Penrose, Lieu-j
tenant Governor Reynolds. Congress
man Lafean, Boyd *C. Wilkinson and'
James A. Dale, York; Revenue Collec
tor Kirkeudall. Wilkes-Barre; W. H.!
| Gaitiier, secretary to Governor Tener; J
Milton S. Hershey, of Hershey, and.
Judges Charles J. Landis, A. B. Hass
j ler und Eugene G. Smith, of the Lan
-1 caster courts. Governor-elect Brum
j ba.igh sent regrets.
John A. Xauman, Lancaster, was
| toast master.
Criticism Leads to Suit
; Reading, Pa., Dec. 17.—Professor
j George Hnage. a prominent Reading
1 musician, yesterday instituted suit for
1 SIO,OOO damages against the Reading
Printing Company, owners of the Read-L
ing "News-Times," morning, andf
"Telegram," evening, because of a
criticism pubiisli&l in the two papers
of a concert by Francis MacMSllen.
j New York violinist, in this city re
| cently.
Everybody Will Be Rushed From Now'
on Until the Christmas
Trade Ends
If you ve got any more Christmas
| shopping to do, do it now. The longer |
: you put it off, the harder it will be
-1 come. Crowds will bo t-lie rule until
the holidays.
Of course, if you want to avoid all'
J worry and trouble, and at the same time
| make everybody '-appv that receives it.
I give the Star-independent's Bibles as
I Christmas presents. And what delight
ful presents they do make, too! It is a,
s.> volume, unless you present one cer
j tificate clipped from the Star-Independ- \
ent, which entitles you to a copy of'
this magnificent Bibie for only the ex- j
| pense items of distribution.
It's an easy way to get your Christ
mas presents, anil the saving certainly
; makes it worth your while.
How many of these $0 volumes will
you want? It will be better to get one
too many thau not enough. /Clip to
j day's Bible certificate from anotiher
! page of this issue and get your Bibles
as soon as possible.
Berks Senator Also Against Any Local
Option Legislation
Reading, Pa., Dec. 17. — Expressing
the opinion that neither Jefferson norj
Jackson would favor local option, Sena-.
tor E. M. Herbst, in an interview ves I
ter.iay, said that he would oppose worn-,
an's suffrage and local option at thol
j next session of the Legislature. Sena- i
j tor Herbst said he thought it wrong
! for any Legislature to dictate what
: people should eat or drink.
On the subject of woman suffrage,
, the Senator said that the quarrel of
; most women seeking the franchise is
MfliHl/7 ■ (INK While they last, an open face. finely
\JV/llLi Jeweled, thin model gold watoh.
"Tyafeafvy" with Elgin movement. This watch
I ll.Ml IkKI |W 18 practically the,same a* the Lord •
' * * ITIV/IVIXW "T Elgin. •If you see It you will want
■ 1 ■ ■ i ■ . it for a gift. nflUm
o a pj an Jr
m JI Stt
The~p77T sls I
at a All the other standard watches.
■ v ■ #m fine diamonds and a jewelry stock
mj ■ IjM 1 ll I. to choose from at 'The store where
V standard quality I* moderately
| b .. _ ~ _ . . Priced in plain figure*."
mr 18 North Fourth Streot
Will Open a •
Christmas Savings Club
Club Year Reckoned From, and Regular Payments Begin
Monday, December 28,1914, at 9 A. M.
Open An Account Paying Each Week
25c 50c SI.OO
the I "o.w^rdub e ye ed 10 3U aCCOUnta PRid ln fUU at the end
E c O S^k A 2 COUNT before JA NT7ARY a, 1015.
not with men, but because they wore
not created men.
Suitor of Girl Who Committed Sui
cide Is Also Accused
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. 17.—Dr. J.
W. Denison, of Parsons, is under ar
rest here and has been held under |l,-
000 bail on a charge of performing an
operation on liillian Hennemuth, of
C'arbondale, who committed suicide in
that city on October 23.
William Bell, suitor of the girl,
has also been arrested.
Man Killed Near Scran ton Was William
Slaboda, Insane Patient
Scrantou, Pa., Dec. 17.—'Phe finding
yesterday afternoon along the 'railroad
track o>f the remainder of the 'body and
parts of the clothing of the man whoso
torso was brought to this city Tuesday
nig'ht on the locomotive of a Ijui'k.i
wanna freight train led to the discoverv
that he was William Slaboda, an insano
patient who had escaped from the
Blaklev poor farm.
Equality of Sex
There is a little girl in .Springfield,
Mass., who, like many of her sex, re
sents the imputation that the feminine
mind is not so strong as the masculine.
One da.v her mother remarked on the
apparent lack 0 f intelligence in a hen.
' \ou can't teach a hen anything,"
she said. " Ihe.v have done more harm
to the garden than a drove of cattle
would. You can tadh a cat, a dog or ;i
pig something,'but. a hen—never! "'
" H 'm!" exclaimed the child indig
nantly. "[ think they know just lis
much as the roosters!' - —Vouth's Com