2 I An Old, Family Cough f Remedy, Home-Made i Easily Prrarr<-(Mt> Very T I.IUIr, kilt la Prompt, S are I •H Klrrtln ♦ fry nukinc thit pint of old-time ctvijfii srrup at homo vou not only stn e about K. comprl with the redv-made kind, hut you will also have a much more rromm and positive remedy in everv wav. 1 overcomes the usual coturhs. throat and chest cold* in 24 hours —relieves even whooping coujfh quickly—and is excellent. t. tor bronchitia, bronchial Asthma, hoarseness and spasmodic croup. Get from anv driyr store ounces of Tine\ 100 cents worth >. pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle yvith plain granulated sucar svrup. Full directions wiih Pinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes cood. ■\ou en feel this take hold of a eouph or oold in a way that means business. H quick I V loosens the drv. hoarse or pain ful cough ami heals the inHamed mem branes. It also has a remarkable effect in overt-online the persistent loose cough bv stoppins the formation of phlespn in the throat and bronchial tubes. The effect of Pine on the membranes is known by almost everv one. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine N'orwav pine extract combined with truaiaeol and other natural healing pine elements. There are minr worthless imitations f this famous mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ask vour druggist for **2 Vi ounces of Pinex.'' and do not accept ear thing else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Fi Wayne, Ind. TKADK R VL.WCK GROWING November Figures 922,000.000 Great er Tiian for October Washington, P. l'„ IVo. IT.—Novem ber t'oreigu trade statistics show a bal ance of trs-te in favor of the I'niteJ States of $79,-99,417 for the mouth. The balance in favor of the United State< was $.">6,630,650 for Odober and $16,341.72. for September, while in August the balance was i 19,100. 406 against the United States. November's exports, announced yes terdav by the l>epartment of Ooni nierce. totaled $2'0.T66.424 aud im ports sl27.Oo7. There was a de crease of $71,000,000 in the exports of cotton against November, Kilo, but ! all other articles as a whole showed a net increase of $o 1.000,000. Novem ber's export total was an increase of $9,000,000 more than October. $49, 000.000 more than September and $90,- 000.000 more than August. Foreign trade for the 11 months en i ing with November with the 1 >ame 11 months of IJ* 13 showed a de < tease of $;'S'J,94 3."61. the total being $1,674,619,401, an i an increase of' s66.t'4s,4SJ in imports. Hold export* in the II months cudiug with Novem ber were $ against SSI.- 2-6.017 in the same months last year. To I'orc n Cold is One Da* Take LAX ATI VK BROMO QUIXIN'B Tablets. DrugnUti" refund monev i; it fails to cure E. W GROVE'S sisna ture is on each box. Jsc. BANK TET.T.ES ARKESTED John W. Baldwin. Pittsburgh. Is Charged With S! 1.000 Pittsburgh. Dev. 17.—John W. Bald win. feller at the i,i*>ert\ National Innk. of this city, was ar estcd y ester- , day charged with the. omite lenient oft $14.00" of tiie hank s funds. Ii forma tion was'made by S. H. I* - oo;>er, ua tional bank examiner, who lis. overed the alleged snortagc. Baldwin, who has been employed by t%e bank for >ix jreui,'was recently I promoted. The ir "ormation alleges rha: SI,OOO of the money wm taken this week and the other $13,000 sin e June Q STEAMSHIPS fcfcdrmuaok (*olf. I runln, Hoatinfi, Knthlau. xnd 1 Tur* I nr. Hotel*, Shore Kxoursioni. I.tnfil Knten. Twin "KFBXI HliN" ; ' 15 Tons Screw -.2- DCH.m.VIA.I displacement Filrl, noHf( nod only steamer kind- Ibk paaoeaßcrx at the dork in Ilermuda without trauMfer hy tender. WEST INDIES S. S. GuiEQ3 and other Stoainers fortnight for Thomas, St. St. Kitt>. Antiqua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia. Bar* bados. and Demerara. For lull Information apply to A. E. Ol TKRBtIIIHrIC A I 0.. iKrnt.i ijurhrc K t 0.. I.td.. Si Broadway, New York. • r aa> Ticket \)teot. •iaBEgfLINE to HAVANA a 7n d c p^ ts Sailing? Thursdays and Saturdays. NASSAU V eeltly service from New York and direct connections with Havana. JAMAICA ForT.-s' <: u Strait J. S. HAVANA !*.NP T Dngla-n,,! $• S SAtATOGO !* CM T.u DapkceMl •nd Rett of lixje •' r. n, - r J m lcn jce. B jut ii Antfrc and uiiing under the Air.rr.cn FT*®. ScpaMtearcoanbinrd tour, of 10 and 23 oay*. /0 00 and up KxcaUcat trmcr. >wc.i paw™ Qti.rtM., BwAieta, mie. and adiaJuln w,i| be prompti, •applied on app.icalioa. NXW YORK and CUBA MAILS. S. CO. (Ward LmtJ GEWEXAL OFFICES. P!Et 14.EJ1..N. Y. Oi any Itailroail Ticket Office or Authorized Tourist Agency i* - - - ~ - . INITIAL TUMBLER OFFER ' S| This coupon and 4ft cento, entities the bearer to hfffM Oae Half DozenFancySterling jjj > 1 liVllil Silver Initial Tumblers H'VUJ j I ||J Coupon must be presented at the offlce of I 1 ,1 ||| THE STAR ■j —1 IJjjjji 18 M 20 22 South Third St., 11b rrisburg, Pm. If wanted by mall, to centa extra. - j'i > | CHEAPER roiLTHY FALLACY > Farm Chicken Flocks Mot Big Enough to Produce Effect - - | ! 3ta:e t\>ilejp?. Ha., Dec, 17.—Soaring > I prices of ejljis aui the steatiT decreaj-c > J in poultry products yvill contiuue tndeti- J j uitciy in th*s rpuntry unless there is an > j unprecedented increase in. the number of fowls kept on farms, was the c\i i • piauatiou tillered yesterday fur the ad vancing prices, bv M. t*. Kilpatrick. in | i charge of poultry husbandry at the ' Penasylvania State College. Ha said j the operation of the law of supply and , . demand, and uot the cold storage 'ware , t house or the foot and mouth disease . j was the cause of the present market , . condition. | "Market reports show," said Mr , Kilpatrick. "that the prices of poultry 4 products have been steadily advancing s j for the last 20 years, due to the j-api.i iuerease iu consuming population, au t , increase in the per capita consumption, 'a due both to the increased price of beef " I and other meats, and a growing pre t ference for poultry products, and it , | slow increase in the number of barn i yard fowls. He poitito >. out that Penn sylvania ranks lifteenth among the ' States in average farm income from J poultry." j Speaking of the average farm rtock, Mr! Kilpatrick said in this state they averaged only 62 fowls, and i that th t > average income from • was only annually. He could | see no reason why farmers cbuldn't have 150 to 300 chickens, that would , yield greater profit with little addi t tional trouble and expense. Pittsburgh's Leper Dies l Pittsburgh. Dec. 17.—Yee Tom, 46, ? I Pittsburgh > only leper, died at the mu ) n -ipql hospital here Tuesday night. He ! w"hs stricken about four vears a SO and j s nee that time had livod under in a shanty wlii h was iuilt aS,>u: C>oo >ard< from the main building of the I bo^pital. lll 11 t' SPECIAL NOTICE TO |j HAKRISBURG FOLKS We wish to announce we are cx , elusive Harrisburg ageitts for the simple mixture oMtuckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. known as Adler i-ka. This remedy, used successfully for appendicitis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold. It is so powerful that ONK SPOON'FI'I. relieves alntist ANV CASK of sour or gassv j stomach. Adler-i-ka tivver gripes, is safe to use and the INSTANT action is ; surprising. (!. A. Gorgas. 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station. Adv. QHZ CAPTIVE OX MI RDER Cliieken Handler Arrested in Connec tion With Bad Case New Vork, Hec. 17.—James Moore, a chicken handler, employed in the yards of the Un-katvauna Railroad at Hobokeu. was arrested yesterday after noon Detectives Allen aud Ton r. of th t - Homicide Bureau, and taken to headquarters to be questioned about the murder of Barnet Haff by gang gunmen three weeks ago. Moore's ar res was made on su old warrant rharg ing assault, but it yvas admitted bv Captain larney that the Baft' murder was behind his appreheusion. Two or three uiore arrests in connec tion with the Baff case are to be made sooa. It is reported at headquarters j that the detectives have duishej their , investigation and the time has come to round up the suspects. However, there was nothing said directly implicating! Moore with the murder of Baff. RICH POLICEWOMAN QUITS Friend of Maude's Wayward Girls Will Have No Successor Muncie, ind., Dec. 17.—Muncie's rich policewoman. Mrs. Thomas F. Hart. ha resigned. The wife of a million aire. Mrs. Hart joined the force a year ago :u order to heip wayward girls. She wore a uniform and carried a mace. Her health, she says, will not permit her to continue the work. No successor will be appointed, ac cording to memi>ers of the police; board. KILLED WITH CEOWBARS Harry Smith Charged With Slaying David Dempsey at Jerome Jerome. Pa.. Dec. 17.—David Demp-j sey, aged IS. is dead, end Harry Smith, 22 years old. is in jail charged with murder as a result of a fight fought with crowbars ;n a mine of fhe Jenner- Coal Company here Tues ' day night. The fatal fight took place; several hundred feet under the ground following an argument over t'ne dis-! , tr ion tion of coal cars? Smith, a young married man. i aij a: Somerset, and is sail to have onfessed that he struck the fatal blow. Dempsev was taken from the mine unconscious and died a few hours later . from a fractured skull. BOILERS RIP FINE MANSION Two Explode in Wirt Home aud Do 550.000 Damage Bloonis-inirg, Pa.. IV-. 17.-—Damage wii h will run into the thousands was • -e in the home o*f Paul E. Wirt, the' fountain pen manufacturer, when one of two hot water boilers in the i-cllar ; exploded. Doors leading into the 'basement were • torn off. pictures were thrown from the ' walls aud the hardwood floors of the ' mansion, said to have cost over S-"i0, 000. were torn up. Chairs were hurled several feet and the front porch was :noved about a foot on its foundation. . A - ra'k runs from fhe first floor of the , building to the roof. Carelessness Kills Physician Lancaster, Pa.. Dec. 17.—Dr. Clar-! ence H. Hagmeier picked a pimple, blood poisoning developed and death re- • suited. He was a graduate of the I'ni- 1 versitv of Pittsburgh aud had practiced ■three months here. TTAUKISIU HG STAT?-I\DBPENDKNT. THURSDAY KVENTNCi. DBOKM BKK 17. 1914 ' wisrn A mrm m£ I THIS SALE ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY CLOSES WITHIM 24 HOURS B Every Piano—Every Organ—Every Player-Piano—All Must Go—At Some Price ii , k THIS IS THE CRACK OF DOOM IN PIANO SELLING a THIS IS THE LAST STAND, OUR BACKS ARE TO THE WALL A M t"lir riflpii Ik mi Hie wall. Tlie His .*ale la ni-urly over. All Piano*. Itcsnnllrn* of \\ lirn our doora nlam open al S O'clock Friday MornUm We Will Hump Ihe lialanee of m I;i nli< >. I'rlce ur Tvriua, *1nI He <o for an Vusnrr. The " :i " ""'e "toek upon the >lnrke< nt I'rleeM ho itldlciilonnlv lon that ii nill liecanr coin- jP3 I'iant.. >ln <;o. rii Is Final, tome t thl Store Hrln \loo E >lii M teal I rleml lrlon. We will Offer IMnno* that hnve stood for (iuii!it> and IMaalt; for year*. :il m I-1..U <1... ... I ... ... " ~n> 1 1 • price* nnd terms that Will Kevolutloniae l*iano Scllluk. Kvcrv Piano and Plaver Will IK k Oll renlire what tliia meant.? Piniios tli:t H bility We will Accent it. We hnvr asaln tione Over the Stock and flit and Slashed have xtood the test of lenr* Will Practically lie auctioned off. tome to ficent i I T£RMS AWeek | j | Ter ' ms Down A Wetk 1 1 1 EASY PAYMENTS EASY S® 1 "* 1 **■■■ THIS STORE IS OPEN TO-DAY ggfegpS WINTER PIANO COMPANY |S|fSi£:™|| 23 N. 4th St., Harrisburg, Pa., H. M. ELDRIDGE, Manager liiBBBManJ | The Tvutb j said the moralist. "I see \erv few of 1 tiers on raiuy days to stare at "Thai's riffht.l' uprce.l hi offserv -1 t hev