The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 17, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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No Snow Pile Was Ever
Too Deep for a Boy in Boots
/v*\ hardly able to ton
are always on s<>
many gift lists.
Men's rnhber boots. above Boys' two-buckle Arctics —
the knee $5.00 Sizes 11 to 2 $1.50
Men's rubber hoots, knee zos '° (> $1.70
T* Overgaiters _
... . , ~ . \\ rrtnen s black jersey leg-
Men s one-buckle ratlroad, j abovp , hc knco
Arctics. $-.00 75<% #nd 9gr
Men's one-buckle Arctics, Women's black i-lotli over
9Sc l" $1.75 gaiters SI.OO
Men's wool-lined sheep skin' Women's black kidskin
,i aso warmly lined. ihl.oO cc ftiJ.UU
" i Women's beaver cloth shoes.
Boys' Rubber Boots warmly lined. SI.OO & $1.25
Misses' and children's black
and Arctics jersey leggings. above the knee:
„ ,_ ~ , ' Sizes 6to 10 50* and 75<*
Roys above Bizps ~ to 75* and 98*
Ihp knee ?3.00 to $4.00 Sizes 3 t() H - 5r and 9§r
Hoys one-buckle Arctii-s. Children's blue and grey chin-
Sizes 11 to '2 $1.25 i-hilla leggings, above the knee.
Sizes 3 to 6 $1.50 $1.25
Boys' high cut tan storm call' Children's brown corduroy
shoes with two buckles at top—| leggings 7oC and SI.OO
Sizes 10 to IvPo, I Children's rubber boots—
s2.oo and $2.50 Sizes •"> to 10' o. $1.25 & $1.75
Sizes Ito •>, $2.50 6c $3.50 Sizes 11 to 2." $1.50 & $2.00
tf Dives, I'omerov & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear.
A Galaxy of Gift Things
in the Upholstery Section
Utlitv boxes covered with matting with oak, mahogany or bamboo
trimming, Sl.its, $2.50, S;S.OO to $6.00
Satin top pillows filled with silk floss l8c to $1.50
Serving trays in mahogany ami Circassian walnut frames anil fancy
cretonne bottom 8c
Dainty serving trays in white and gold frames 50c, 75c to $1.50
Tapestry curtains for doorways in green and brown, $5.00 and $<1.50
Velour curtains in brown and green $15.00 to $27.50
' ouch covers in tapestry, fringed or plain edge. $1.25, $1.50 to $5.00
Table co\ers, mats and scarfs in felt, leather and tapestry,
$1.50 to s:s.oo
Imported table runners In velour. mixed colorings $1.05
t* Dives, I'omerov k Stewart, Third Kloor—Three Elevators.
Large Dolls With Eyes
That Close, 98c
.'•1 sleeping-eve dolls with parted sewed wig. eye lashes, full
ball jointed; shoes and stockings. For Friday only 9So
ti Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor—Three Klevatort.
50c Fiction Among the
Gift Books
The Harvester • Mother Carey's Thickens
Their Yesterdays The Melting of MolJv
Thp Secret Garden The Iron Woman
The Lighted Way The Way of An Kagle
Old Rose and Siher The Valiants of Virginia
Prom the Car Behind The Trail of the Ax
' ailing of Don Matthews The Shepherd of the Hills
The Trey O'Hearts The Blue Wall
The Winning of Barbara Worth Blue Anchor Inn.
*- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Rome. Dei*. IT. —It is difficult to sav
whether the nes reaching here from
Servia is arousing a greater degree of
admiration for the heron' qualities of
The Servian people thao it does pity for
t iieir sufferings.
While the assistance and sympathy
of Hie entire world has gone out to
carry relief to the Belgians, to the
French people, to the Poles and to the
people of Galicia, nobody seem to real
ise that in Servia disease and the cold
weather are to day finding more victims
tnan do foe bullets of tiie Austrian sol
diers. The conditions in !<erv,a are
such that the wounded die unattended
>n the battlefields and are atHwdoned
• n isolated villages. There is a la. k of
ambulances, of doctors anil of nurses,
of medicines and of surgical instru
ments. even of bandages and disin
In several Servian villages there are
more than 1.000 wounded in each com
munity. In some cases a single doctor
ha no fewer than 1,000 men in his
Turks Admit Torpedo Raid
Amsterdam, Dee. 1 7.—Telegrams
from Constantinople referring, for the
tint time to the torpedoing by the
British submarine B 11 of the Turki-li
Messudieh. in the Dsrda
ne-Hes, on December 13, say the war
>-hip sank at her ancWrage ami that
ptrts of the vessel aie still visible
above the. water. The Meeeudie&'s crew
Has oaved.
New \ork, Dei l . 17.—Should the Ger
man fleet succeed in breaking through
rhe British blockade and reaching the
open sea from the Knglisb channel, tre
| nienJotis damage would probably result
| 'y Knglisb -ihi (jing.
It is estimated that fully sixty Brit
ish ships of different classes are due at
Liverpool, ami tiiat the approximate
value of these vessels and their cargoes
is $-00,000,000.
Few of the larger "British liners are
at sen just now. as the service is much
! curtailed because of the war.
Comparatively 'ew British liners have
'ailed from this port for Liverpool re
| cently -because of the curtailed service.
| The Cunarder Orduna and the Atlantic
transport liner Minnewaska sailed for
' Liverpool lust Saturday. They are not
J due there for several days yet, and
| could probably be recalled 'bv wireless
if the North Atlantic became dangerous
for shipping. Both are comparatively
< new ships and represent a combined
I value of $5,000,000.
In the large Knglish fleet bound for
! the open ports of Great Britain are
j many large ships of the I'nion Castle,
P. and O. and other big liues, as well
I as those engaged in the North Atlantic
' trade.
Dies After Winning Praise
Paris, Dei-. I 7. —A son of ex-Premier
Marthou Has died from wounds received
at. Thaun. Although only 18 years old,
young Barthou \olunteered during the
first days of the war. He declined tn
accept an easy place on t'he war staff
and requested to be sent to the firing
, A Hint of Gifts for the Home—
Rath Mats in many distinctive color,ngs and a I salad bowls SOC
arge range of sizes 50c to $2.00 50c decorated china tea pot, sugar and cream
china chop plates and oval I sets • 8c
Distinctive Gift Pieces in the
Furniture Section
Think of the pleasure afforded by the gift of
flh a beautiful mahogany library table to father and
\ mulher—•or a princess to sister—or
Chairs and Rockers
(10 solid mahogany rockers, $1K,75
Royal easy chairs, $1 1.50 to $25.00
S"J'.t..iO mahogany library tnbles $15.00
Princess Dressers s7.nO mahogany parlor tables $4.50
it:..on bird's-eye maple dressers $11.05 Golden Oak Buffets
SIS..iO mahogany dressers $1:1.05
579.00 walnut dressers, $05.00 $39.00 golden oak buffets SS!.SO
s:>.on walnut dressers $85.0(1 $35.00 golden oak buffets $25.00
Dives. Poineroy & Stewart, Third floor —Three Elevators.
Toyland Is Full of Laughter and Fun
for Grown Up Folks As Well
As Boys and Girls
Thorp arp scores of amusing sights to hold you interested in tnytnwn, on tlio
Third floor.
Demonstrations yon cannot afford to miss include:
Armstcad's baseball game, interesting and in- The Mcvycr Whirl, an endless running toy.
strutting to young and old alike Uof easily operated, suitable for hoys and girls, 25V
Simplex typewriters arc easily operated and Arithmatelle, ten pins or bowling, teaches
very practical SI.OO, $2.00 and $3.00 addition and subtraction SI.OO
Tireless spinner tops: no springs or strings The American Model Builder furnishes lots of
to operate them; easy to operate lOf fun for the boys; hundreds'of toys in one.
Gravity Jim, the little man who walks down j SI.OO to $12.50
the platform but docs nol fall off 25c Krector Solors. the gift riddle; the girdles are
Chromatic Wonder; 1 .(MX) color changes, a ! like structural steel; newest designs,
new effect with every turn, 10r* SI.OO to $7.50
rutorgraph. a useful and valuable toy; it is Mexican war whoop, an ever varying and baf-,
a moving picture spelling board, drawing chart fling mystery in reversible motion, devised into
and numeral frame all in one 50t' a unique and fascinating game, 10c
Dives, l*omeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Gifts That SI.OO Will Buy in
Lingerie Section '
Fifty styles Clowns in heck styles with long sleeves and low necks with
three-quarter or short fancy sleeves: trimmings of hunch tucks, lace or embroid
ery insertion and edge and rihhon SI.OO
Nainsook corset covers trimmed with lace or piii ! Maicella combinations, crepe or nainsook, lace or
lroidery insertion medallions, tucks and lace or em enibroiderv trimmed
broidery edf-e SI.OO i Black satine or percaline petticoats, tailored or
Long white skirts in cambric or nainsook, flat trim- ! pleated flounce SI,OO
minjj or with lace or embroidery flounce, St.OO a _ _
Combination corset cover and drawers, lace or em- sl.jO PETTICOATS AT floe
broidery trimmed SI.OO j Black cotton petticoats, pleated flounce trimmed
Satine bloomers, black and white SI.OO I with Roman striped border, $1.50 value at fl."c
* ; Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second floor—Three Klovators.
Fur-Edged Velvet Tipperary
Turbans at $1.49
~ The Tipperary Turban is the millinery mode of
th (> and we are sure you will be interested
&Q9 in t,lis new slli l>"ei)t of velvet hats of this popular
, *?- 1 t.rk in cerise, brown, navy and black trimmed
ojsS* with fur band around crown splendid value
[ •>. > r
\ '■ //■ Other Pipporarv Turbans in velvet trimmed
-fffSlmi' 1 Vj>7 with fur, fruit and flowers at
$4.95, $6.50 to $12.00
Black Velvet Shapes
( t v,*lvet sailors with soft edjjr and crown for
girls and misses $1.95
I he new large black velvet sailor with soft crown and stiff brim $2.95
Large sailors with satin top trimmed with band of monkev fur and velvet
fa( ' ms ! $2.95
M |)ives - P'"Oftoy I Stewart, Second Floor, Front -Three Klevatora.
line, where he won the highest praise
for courage from h'.s chiefs.
Tynemoutii, Dec. IT.—The Mayor
of T.vnemouth. a popular report on the
North Sea coast, with a population of
aibout 25,000, has issued a notice de
claring that the local emergency com
mittee has been advised by the mili
tary authorities to have the gas in
Tyuomout'h turned off at once for mili
tary reasons.
The civil population has been advis
ed to remain indoors, but if necessary
to leave the dwellings they are advised
to go in the direction of New Castle,
eight miles away.
War Helps Tanneries
Mercerrfburg, Pa.. Dec. 17. — Byron
& Sons, who operate steam tanneries
here and at Williams-port, Md., will
largely increase the number of their
employes as a result of receiving large
orders for leather accoutrements to be
used by the allies in the European war.
j Begincinor with the new year, the Byron
plants will go on extra fill the
orders. ' ,
Catholic Kutghts to El#ct Officers
I'he following officers for the com
ing vear were elected at a meeting of
| the German Roman Catholic Knights of
i.St. (ieorge. Branch IHS, of this citv:,
Spiritual adviser, the |{r\. I). .1. Carey;
i president. John (/'/.cniski; vice presi
dent. .lohn K. K-kenrode; recorder,
I'rank .l.Suter; secretary-treasurer, Au
gustus WaMschmidt; ma/*hal. Francis
j .t. Hare; trustees, John .). Keenan, Ed
-1 wairl Weiss and Joseph Sphaffer; guard,
William Blade; medical examiner, Dir.
S C. M. flullivar. /
At the Photoplay
Great five-act production, "The
t Naked Truth." shown to-morrow at the
Photoplay theatre, is the story of a real
woman and her real torrows and joys,
i To-day we present a two-act S. & A.
drama'. "The Time, the Place and the
Man," featuring Richard Travers, also
' a Vitagraph comedy, "The Methods of
11 Margaret," featuring Lillian Walker.
At the Victoria
One of the funniest comedies' ever
shown in motion pictures in Harrisburg
is "The Perfect Thirty-Sis," a ripping
four reeler, by Montague Glass, author
of "Potash and 'Perlmutter," which
tops a bill of above the average photo
plays at the Victoria theatre, 223
Market street for to-dav only. Another
hoadliner is "The Reader of Minds," a
Thanhouser special in two parts, and
"Other Penplc's Business." alsrt in
two reels.
Gertie's rise in the business is rap
id. The princess of the ray a I family
calls at the emporium to seiect a cos
tume. Through Gertie's skillful show
ing the princess purchases liberally and
leaves, stating that she desires Miss
Gertie to always wait upon her in the
future. The fame of her ability trav
els and she is offered a position at dou
■ble her present salary by a rival con
cern. Gertie decides to accept it, and
so does not go down to business thai
day. It so happens that the princess
requests Mayer to call at the palace
that very dav and bring Miss Gertie
wilh him to show the new gowns.
Alarmed by the model's absence, he c-
This Year's Best Fiction
Books tor Men and
Women Who Love to Read
, I 91.50
Mic Auction Block, . ,$1.3.> Diane of the Green Van,
The Duke of Oblivion. $1.25 $1.35
i The Patrol of the Sun Dance ' Love Insurance, $1.25
Trail $1.25 Nancy the Joyous, .. SI.OO
tT Dives, Pomeroy A; Sttwart, Street Floor. *
:—. . ,-fN
The Athletic Waist Has
High and Low Neck in One
The waist is so designed that hy unbuttoning the high collar
it Forms a low neck. Jt is a practical and suitable garment lor all
outdoor sports and general wear.
Shown in white madras with colored strifics. in lavender, pink,
light blue, green and black, SI.OO
Middy blouses in while with while collar and cuffs or white
i with navy collar and cuffs SI.OO
t'C Jiives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor —Tliree Elevators.
A Handsome Piece of Table
Linen Will Gladden the
Housewife's Heart
70-inch all linen bleached j Scotch table linen, 72 inches
table damask. Yard, wide. Yard, ... $1.25
69£, 75£ and SI.OO Double damask, 72 inches
Scalloped damask table cloths, wide. Yard, $1.30 and $1.50
2 vards in diameter, j Hemstitched table cloths,
$2.95 to $4.50 I $2.50 to $5.00
t-ir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Gift Gloves for Women
Choice Qualities at
85c to $2.25
Women's 2-clasp kid gloves, in tan. grey, white and black.
Pair, 85^
Women's 2-clasp kid gloves in tan. white, grey and black.
Patr $1.50
Women's 2-clasp gloves of finest, quality kid. in tan, white
and black. Pair, $1.75 to $2.25
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
A Little Flurry in Reduced
Nemo Self-Reducing, Redfern and Rengo Belt Corsets, in an
incomplete range of sizes, embracing values to So.OO. Specially
priced to-morrow, $2.50
l€ Divea, l'omeruv & Stewart, Second i'loor—Three Klevators.
cepts Morit/.'s advice and calls upon
the absent girl in person. He per
suades her to go with him to the palace.
At the conclusion of the most, success
ful call he determines to make the girl
I his for all time, proposes and is ;ac
cepted. Adv.
Chocolate Manufacturer Will Erect j
Massive Bean Storage Plant
Hershey, Dec. 14. Work has nl-j
raedv commnce<i for the ere*tion of'
a large cocoa bean storage building.
This structure will have the capacity;
of thousands of bag and" will be the j
lanjest and most modern of its kind |
in this country. It wil'l be 56 feet long,
80 feet wide, four stories high, and i
will be of reinforced concrete. An
elevator will be placed in this building ;
which is a new achievement in mo- j
Hhonical skill. .It will be flexible and;
wind its way to any point of the build
ing desired. This maseive plant now
has-a floor apace of 35 acres.
Only Told the Truth
When lie was a student at Heidel
berg .lohn Sharp Williams was regard
ed as having the most robust imagina- j
tion in the student body. That truth
is stranger than fiction, however, was
proved one day at his boarding place, ,
when the future United States Senator
chanced to describe the kind of pota
toes he had been raised on in his na- j
tivo Mississippi. They were so unlike
potatoes as the German people knew ,
them that the whole proposition was
beyond belief. Yet John Sharp had
done nothing but describe the ordinary ;
sweet potato of every day commerce.
New York Sun. i
Here's the Answer to a Very Puzzling
•lust before the Christmas holidays,
when the stores are thronged by the
"last-minute rush;'' when you've often
rocked your brains for an idea that will
solve the question of what to give hus*
band, father, Brother Tom or .lack;
when you've looked back on former
trial-, ilue fo your having picked the
wrong tie or a misfit shirt or socks that
were 100 small —did it ever occur t<i
you that you might settle the matter
quickly and satisfactorily without los
ing any beauty sleep bv giving him
a glass humidor of I'rince Albert, the
national joy smoke?
It's a neat looking crystal-glass re
ceptacle. holding n pound of the best
liked tobacco made. Whenever ths
supply is exhausted it may readily be
replenished, and the humidor keeps tlis
tobacco moist, fresh and fragrant all
Ihe time.
Von will find it in all stores where
tobacco is sold, and you needn't hesi
tate to walk right in and ask for it.
The clerk won't bite pud the tobacco
can't, either. The bite has been taken
out of P. A. by a wonderful patented
process. Think of the pleasure it will
give "him" and the possible annoy
ance it will save you It's a gift that
will not be slipped to the janitor or
tihe oflice boy. like a tie that doesn't
strike ' 'his" fancy.
And, furthermore, when "he" is
thinking of a gift, for a business asso
ciate or acquaintance or n male rela
tive, help him out of the difficulty by
suggesting a crystal-glass humidor of
Prince Albert. As a man's gift it can
not be duplicated in acceptability hr/
anything else at so nominal a cost. It's
found at. the nearest shop that sell*
tobacco. Adv,