The StaiMndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded. To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page i Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you hud out. It you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited I —mmmmm^— i Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKINO PACKING— A. H. JSHRENK. 190S Norltt Sixth street. ilrst class packer o* fur- Blluie. cfcina and bricabrao. boll yaone SI_W. W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— Furniture, china ana piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone >.:> w. WEATHER PROTECTION 3LASS WIXDQWS will be placed in 1 auto curtains while you wait. C. A. ; IAIK_CAIUiaUK A.NO Al'Tu UOUK.S 4 STORAGE. STORAGE in 3-story brick building. real 406 Market St. Housenold goods In clean, pruaie looms. treasonable rates. Appiy to A*. U. DIKNEK. Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new sigtu-sloiy brick warehouses, one abaoiutelj fireproof, divided into ureproof private rooms oi various' Slits tor tne storage Household goods; the other warenouse oi the most approveo type of Are retardaut con- I auction for geatrai merchandise. They .in <|uu>tKd 'it:i two large electric freight elevators and spiral chute tor ir.e quiCK and safe hauuiing of House hold goods and all kinds of merchan dise. Lew storage rates. South Second i street, near Fax toil, OH the tracks of fenna- R R. ~ " I MONEY TO LOAN LOAN'S—sa 10 s:t class condition, irom }1 ■ and .ook i, ■ ve;. open evenings. 6. S St. FOi: SAI. ; Cheap Addressograph i" '-p • . :Ai..;ne with cabinet. 1! : : ISBUKU SHOE MFG. CO., Han is irg. i d. FOR SALE—AI '• ABLK*H, 113. 115 and 117 S Second St.. a.vOO ira.lons N*w Kia iiady-mixid paint. A :;;e quality. All the fi .. iiuo or the Acme make. I | Death and Obituary DIED. Mi'MPKH -Mrs. llarv .1. Mumper died ... r home. H ae St.. Klkwood. New <"i;;berland. D<. ember 1. I<>H. after a tno it illness. Funeral will b*- Saturday. De ember K'. It'll. at o. Im-k. from her resi dence. Ilev. T J. tJuiKeson iH officiate. Interment In Silver Sprint Presbyterian •met. ;;.. Itclat < > an. friends will please attend withe r further notice. EATON On December 16, 1H, Abram \. Katon, aged 7n years. * Mineral on l-'Tida\ evening at 7.43 • ■'■• lock, from his la'.<■ residence. No. 17::3 Market street. Relatives and friend* i invited to attend without further notice. Interment wi-l take place in Kini;>iey, Susquehanna county, Satur d.-r. ifternoon t'l jK.MENS—On Sjnday. December 13, l#ll. Iteuben Clemens, nt .lis home In Progress. Pa., aged 73 years. I'uneral on Friday forenoon .it 10 (■clock, from his late residence. Itela t; eg and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment in Snoop's cemetery. Tne Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispcnsarv "ill be open daily except Sunday at I p. in., at its new location. Front and Harris htref-t-. lor tli> free treatment of the worthy poor. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. / \ FOE SALE 1833 WHITEHALLST. A brick house with eight rooms, beth and steam iit; electricity antf gas; front porch. Lot ft. This is a splendid property front ins? Park. > Moat reasonable selling price. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE REAL ESTATE I-Ire laaarnnce Surety Bundn I.Qi'lMt and c/onrf Street* ' Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED-—'A boy for general work around the store must come recom mended. Apply Grand L'nion Tea L'u.. i 208 N. Secon4 St. ■ | 1 I At'TO transportation school wants men s to become practical chaulTeurs and earn $75 to JIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical i work for *33.00. No. SN. Cameron. Hell I day afternoon. i SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. ' j WANTED—Position as cook or all around work in private family, hy I colored man. Can. sive references. Ad | dress or call 510 South St. | WANTED—Any kind of work by mar-, I ried man; chauffeur by trade. Address or call IMI Kmerald St. COLORED MAN wislns a position in a private family; handy man around the kltch6B. Address 638 Briggs Su ! WANTED—Position as waiter in hotel ; or private family. 509 North Ave. ' WANTED—A middle-aged man desires a position -as janitor; can do all kind I of repairing, and Ik handy with all I 1 kind of tools. Can furnish reference. Address or call at No. Keglna St., I ! : j WANTED—Any kind of work for a white man, between the ages of 40 ' and 45; handv around stock. Address , -Ql7 Wallace St. I CLEUK wishes a position in office; has | two years' experience bookkeeping, j and typewriting; can furnish good ref erences. Address Jo\ 108, Carlisle, Pa. BAKER wishes a position in city; has ; three years experierct in ,'ake £nd I bread baking; can furnish good refer- ! I ences. Address Box 10S, Carlisle. l*a. HANDY, middle-aged colored man i |. wants position of any kind. Address ! Landen St. | WANTED—Experienced cook wishes position in town or out of town. Ap ply 63S Briggs St. YOUNG MAN desires position of any kind, three years experience in gro !cery store. It. S. HIDE, 2543 Agate St., City. SITUATION—Two reserved seat tickets i were awarded to-day to Miss Etta Gipe. 53J Race St., good for tlie even ing performance at the Orpheum, De cember i;>, H'l4. Call for tickets at Star- i Independent business office before S j o'clock p. oi., December IS, 1914, or liiey will be forfeited. WANTED--By middle-aged white man, a position as watchman, janitor or, tiring a furnace. Understands steam heat; very handy, good worker; cau i give reference it required, will work ; 1 tor board, lodging and $2.00 to $3.00 a ! week. Address L. H. FHANKLIN, Lien, j :>e.ivery, Hummeistown, Pa. WANTED—Positioi# as chauffeur; prl- ; ate or light delivery work; can fur- . n;sh reference. Address or call 238 i . Hamilton St. . WANTED Position at repairman's I work in store or as Brst class chauf feur, can do all work required about . automobiles, wit. tools. H. F. HAK'f , . LBV. 17 34 Park St. WANTED—A position as clerk, mes- ! \ senger, or in mechanical lines, am in' need ot woi k, in tact of any kind. In quire of HAKRV 1". HARVEY, 1111 N. i- runt St. | ; HELP WANTED—FEMALE. . WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady for gen . era! housework; good wages to right [ party. Apply lauS Market St.* ; WANT CD —A young white girl to as j sist with Housework. Apply 15s S. ' l | eC^Ufa 'l/l A '—|IMII_J ' ! SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. \> \NtKI —Nursing. Call on or ad dress MISS EL.EIE RESSER, 2052 ' l Swatara St. WHITE I,ADY would like to have days' j work of %ny kind. Itoom 20, 429 1 : Broad street. WANTED Colored woman wants day's ■vork. Address 108 Christy Court. City. WANTED—Day's work of any kind. Add: t-s' il'S Christy Court, City. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer de sires position; seven years experi ence; now employed. Address 3112, care Star-Independent. , j WOMAN wants washing and ironing to i -ake home; or day's work. Can at t . 1631 Wallace St. WANTED—Cleneral housework or dish '( washing. Call 1228 Spruce Ave. 1 1 WANTED—Neat colored girl, one that I is capable of cooking, doing first I class dressmaking, or caring tor tne hair, wishes position doing anything 1 aoout the house. Address ti3l Forster . street. ' A DADY experienced in housekeeping, * settled habits and without a lamily, r desires position as housekeeper. OUB 1 Showers Ave, Harnsburg, Pa. WANTED —A German girl would like housework, cooking or washing and ' ironing. Address 4U2 Muhn St.. Steel ton, Pa. J | - \\ -VNTED—By a capable while girl, 16 years old. position as general house i ! work. E. F. BEDE, phone 280-IX. , GERMAN GiKD wants general house r work. Apply to or address MISS MARY KOENIG. Enhaut, Pa. WANTED—Colored woman wants day * t | work or bundle washing. Address N. I | DI'FFINS, 515 Primrose Ave., City. ! COEORED GIRD would like to have place as cook or maid in or out of ? the city. Write or call t>2B Primrose Ait.. City. / N Lost and Found FOUND. ! FOUND—Don't go anv further, for the right place la at EGGERT'S Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, I 1245 Market 8t We deliver and call promptly. Both phone* LOST. | DOST—Purse containing ton dollar bill I and a one dollar hill and change, be | tweerc Thirteenth and Market and 132 | lloerner SU Reward If returned to 132 f Hoerner St. ; x . TTARRTSBEHRO STAH INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 17, 1914 ' 1 \ Real Estate BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. •'OR SADE—In New Cumberland, Bridge street neat Tenth. 2 1 --story frame, nearly new. properly; rooms, bat ■: and steam heat, new f.ame stable' and garage on real lot 35x110; pos session soon. BRINTON-PACKBR CO., Second ami* Walnut Sts. FOR SA DE-..514 CalUer St.: SU-atory! frame; good condition; 2 1 V-story; frame on rear, facing on Wycth Ave., | lot 17x1.61). BR IN TUN -PAC KEK CO., Second and Walnut streets. >4.800 WtDL BUY two brick houses on Third street above Harris Plot 25x 140. Also ippjt. .njodeni steam heated suburban property with plot 50x150. BELJ, REAL.TY t'O.. Bergner Building. NO 20SS SUSQUUHANNA STREET—3- story brick house, all modern im provements. Price reasonable: f 1.800 will buy another property on Susque hanna near Broad stieet. BEDI, REAL TY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SADE—No. SOU N, Sixteenth St.— j inspect this property and consider the | location. The price Is right. $2,700 will 1 buy two Regina street houses. BEUE 1 REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. ■it .S.vDi; -House No. I S3l N. Sixth St. Remodeled throughout; all improve v . nts. Apply GEURGt; V\ . ORTti. 423 j s r APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE of the Keister apartments. Fifth : and Market streets; live rooms and i bath. Apply H. KEISTER. ground / REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT —Fine S-room house with j furnace, bay windows, window shades, j | chicken house, gas stove, and lights; ; rent sl2. Apply V. BRINSER, 2635 Cur- | j tin St., Penbrook, or Bell phone 342 R. | FOR RENT—:>,i-story brick dwelling,! 1230 North Seventh street. 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; immediate possession; rent. Sl6 Apply J. R. STF- j BINSKY, care The Hub, 32U Market St. ! NICE HOUSE FOR RENT at 1206 Penn | St: all conveniences; rent reasonable. Inquire of H. COHEN, 202 Market St. j iFO RRENT—2636 Jefferson St.; all ini- | provonients: rent $16.00 per montli. ■ Call on AUGUSTUS WILDMAX, 2206 N. ; Third St. I ; FOR RENT—SIS Geary St.; 3-story | brick: S rooms and bath: ail improve- 1 ments; fine new home: rent reasonable. S v FOR RENT—Houses with all improve- j ments, at moderate tentais. J. K. ' GIPPL,!.:. IL'sl Mantet SL , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT ! HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H-storj j dwelling houses for sale Elder Real ' Estate Co.. 24th and Drrry Sts FINANCE STOCK MARKET CONFUSED 1 BY DERANGED MACHINERY Only a Few Initial Quotations Obtain able and These Showed Little Change From Yesterday's Closing Level—Trading in Minor Volume J !'■ i Aatociatfd Prti'. >.'ewl Vork, Dec. li.—Wall Street. — | ; Some eontusio-r. attended o.'tyiiug deal ings iu the stock market to-day be ) cause of a derangement of the ma jc in tie i_v which distributes market prices. Only a few inditial quotations wore obtain table and these showed lit tle change from yesterday's losing i level. In the main, however, the trend was lower. Amalgamated yielding liaJf • a point with smaller losses in U. S. j ■Steel, Brooklyn Transit, Canadian l'a effic an.i Great Northern, pfd., the hit- 1 ter selling under/festerdav. The only notaWe exception to the general move -1 meat was Reading, which rose 3-S. Trading was in minor vokune. F'ri'-cs soon recovered from the open- 1 i ing but the twying appeared to be | largely in the nature of short cover ing. Union Pacific. Reading anf the moderate inquiry resulted , | in another receding movement, vitii ■: "reater dtilLness. Throughout 'he ; morning many hitherto active issues ■ remained unquoted. In fact, the sr-- f>n w ' i was chiefly conspicuous for its extra narrowness. Bonds were steady. LIVE STOCK PRICES Conditions in the Philadelphia Market' i ■! - for Three Days This Week I l Philadelphia, Dec. 17.—Conditions for ; three days ending Wednesday evening, i December 1: Ueef Cattle—The market was dull and ' lower, with moderate but ample offer - I ings for Ohio and Illinois stock. Cows ] and calves sold slowly at former ratest . quotations; Steers Average best, IS.Su ft 9.00,, choice. s..">o; good. js.OUUS.l'a/! ,' medium. J7.TSt 8.00: common, S.'.oufy \ • 7.73; bulls. $3.50@7.50; fa; cows. $3.25'' .(StniO; thin cows. milcii . ; cows, common to clioiee. s4i®i7o; ox- i tra, 580; veal calves, exceptional lots, ' 111. good to choice. $10,504/11; it medium. common, $6.1(0® 7.00; southerns and barnyards, sj.ooifl i 7.00. | I Sheep and Lambs—There was a laiik of activity prevailing, with ungrade - lambs barely steady. Quotations. . I Sucep— ' . i Wethers—Extra, ; | i Choice ij.jOtOS.Oi) | , Medium s.'>.oo4i i.oO i < 1 Common 1 t Ewes, heavy, fat, $5.00^3.50'l Lambs— i Extra. $.9.756 9.00 i Oood to choice $8.50©5.70 1 Medium. $8.00®8.50 - Common sfi.oo2.r><) 1 Hogs—Arrivals being principally di - rect to tlie packers, prices of a reliable 2 character were unobtainable. I 2 City Dressed Stock—All varieties of : choice and prime meats ruled steady ; __ -If Be Independent A Bank Account will make you so START ONE TO-DAY n fl ; The First Xational Bank invites your account for any T, amount over one dollar. You can deposit large or small amounts, and get a regular pass book, which enables you to " draw or deposit your money at will. Qp this modern plan you can draw a part of your money without disturbing inter- t | est on the balance, and if your money has been here three ii months, you will get 3 per" cent., compounded semi-annually. One of the Strongest and Oldest Banks in Central Pennsylvania [ Capital stock, $100,000.00.'. i Surplus 500.000.00 t FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5 224 Market Street J Harrisburg, Penna. '< a V I ■' I, IjSF xmas I jjjp MON^Y I-iat E are ready to supply salaried peo- 1 pie with the ready Money for 1 Christmas demands in amounts from $5 to SSO It would be to your advantage to call on us, when-in need —Our Motto is: Liberal Terms— Quick Loans- Strict Confid Open Evenings From December 12-24 j ■ Employees Discount Co., j jm 36 N. 3rd St. |Ag |S| 2 | Securiiy Trust Licensed Bonded __ under light trading. Quotations: Steers. lO'i&li". h'-ifers. row *, veal calves. Ir. ti 16c; ex-- ' tra calves, i7c: southerns and barn-I yards, lOifi 12c: country dressed, 13® !4r: exVfa. 16c: sheep, luijjille; extra, wethers. 12c; lambs. IS® 16c; extra! lambs, 17c; hugs, 11@1H<^ > • Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, liec. '7.—Wheat flrmpr; j No. 2 "'"'l -pot. export, 120' i tfS> 1 22; No.' 1 nortiurn, Duluth export, 1290131. • orn Arm: No. :!^r72. Oats steady, No. 2 white. *4ffs4H. I Bran Mrm; winter, pe • tort. -S.r>')<9 IT.ini: spring. p> . :>in. JJj.OOft 25.50. rielned sng irs firm: powdered, 5.03; Bhh granulated, i.'Ji; Confectioners' A. j 4,5:.. Butter linn; ues triT crerfmery, ex- j tra. 34: nearby prii. fancy, 37. | Uggs steadj : nearby rirsts. free case, $12.3n®12.*5, •!>>.. current receipts, free case, H.'.IW: w estrn v..r:> fl>t, free ase. SI2.JO® 1 _.HP: do., firsts, free casa, Si-.00. l.H'e poultry k ; fu'.\is, }l@l3: old roosters, lo: • h • k>- . '.Ufa 13; turkeys, lb r u ii: ducka, 1301.:; neese, 13<&l"i. " Dressed poultry firm, turkeys, fan cy. 21022: .urkeys, H\e;iige. 17©19; fowls, heavy. do., average, 14% 16; do., small. 12013; o;d roosters, 12H; broiling chickens, nearby, 16022; western, 14(a>i0; roasting chickens, 144*23; ducks, 11015; geese, 12013. Flour steady: winter straight. 5.000 5.25; spring straight, 5.3595.6"; do., patent, 5.6505.1)0. Hay weak; Timothy hay. No. 1 large bales, 18.OO01S.5O; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50515.00: No. 2 do.. 15.50016.50; No. 3 do., 14.00015.00; sample, 13.00 0 14.00; no grade, 11.00®13.00. Clover mixed 1 hav, light mixed, 17.00® 17."0: No. 1 do.. lß.'lO'd 1fi.50; No. : do.. 14.jOfS 15.50. Potatoes weak: Pennsylvania, per bushel. JSft.ftJ; New York. 45iJer sey, per basket, 35® 10. Chicago Livestock Ma bet Chlcasro. Dec. 17.—Hosts —Heceipts, 32,000: steady. Bulk. 7.05 ft 5: iißh;. 6.75©7.26; mixed, heavy. r.SO <97.30: rough. pies' l . -">.50 i< 7.30. Cattle —Receipts, 7.000; wealc. Native steers. o.OOulO.o" western. 4.:io?j-7.51>: cows and heifers, -'.9oift' 7.75; calve*, 6.00 i #8.50. 'Sbefp—Receipts. 5,000: slow. S .eep, ' J.r.i? >t t:.55; yearlings. t.'H, 7.8: lambs, •;.75g9.00, c M^nt'Cik. Bonn- folks tion s Uellevo w-n once iiwO.OOo, including furnishings. Jn the third anil fourth floors of the building arc quar ter* of Perseverance ixidge No. 21, Robert Burns Lodge No. 4fi4, Harris hurg Lodge NO. GII9 , Chapter No. 21, Pilgrim Conummdery, Ki iglits Templar, and Harrisburg Coun cil No. 1 2. The building was threatened bv a fire on the morning of November 21. when a wall paper store on the Myrtle street side of the building caught lire and the flames spread to tine second door. The loss to* building and non tents on that occasion did not exceed SKOO. The building had been repaired since then and no evidence of the first fire was left. The room formerly oc cupied by the wall paper store is now vacant. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY < outinurd From l'lrat I'Hgf. oft the east coast of England in the territory covered/ . yesterday .by the raiding German warships. These ves sels were said in England to have scat tered mines to cover their retreat. Seventy-lour persons were killed and 147 woundod, according to the best, figures now available in the raid on the east coast of England yesterday by German warships. The heaviest losses , were in Hartlejpool where, the British information bureau announces, fifty.five persons were killed and I 15 wounded. : Unofficial reports give tho casualties ;in Scarborough at 17 killed and :li i wounded, and in Whitby at 2 killed and | 'J wounded. The success of the Germans in mak- I ing their way past the line of British ! warships and through mine fields and i escaping after the bombardments leads ! England to expert another attack, prep arations for which are under way. Ber ' lin is elated and the newspapers thero hint that yesterday's exploit may bn the prelude to greater events on the seas. Germany's new plan for the opcra : tion against the Russian armies is un folding gradually. Petrograd dispatches say that the Austro-German flanking operations in the Carpathian mountains and on the Vistula are being conducted on a large scale, and that they threaten Russian lines of communication. Stuh importance is attached to these nian ■ euvers that apparently Germany is s willing to risk an invasion by the Rus sian armies in the south, withdrawing troops from that region for use on tho battlefields west of Warsaw. An official statement from Vienna says that in Galicia and Southern Poland the Rus sians are retreating along the entire front and are being pursued. i Russia's Caucasian army is having frequent encounters with the Turks but official statements are at such vari : ance that it is difficult to form an opinion as to what is happening. The Russian general staff states that the Turks, reinforced, assumed the offen ■ sive in the Van region, Armenia, but were beaten decisively. The Turkish statement says that these battles "re sulted in our favor." NIAGARA FALLS. T ' At One Time the Mecca of American Brides and Grooms. Niagara Is the spectacular center of the whole great system of fresh wati** flowing toward the Gulf ot St. l