10 PBPfi 1U BETTER MfIPLNMSE fOR ItSS MOHfY O I Beginning Friday Until < Christmas Store Open 'til 9 % /Off] O'clock iressure area, and cooler air from over the ocean rushes in to fill it. After sunset land cools in less time than the water, and the direction n{ How is re versed. Bnt this may not always oc cur. bo al causes, as fog, saturation : of air, electrical conditions and others ] may prevent.—New York Journal. < AT YOUR SERVICE Kinney's Rubbers, . Kinney's Arctics 98c TT. , ~ ~ „„ Kinney's Arctics >1 Kinney s Rubbers, .. . Kinney's Ar<-tics, . si">9 Kinney's Kui.i.its. . 49p iS*:; : :;;;; :S£ [2l NORTH FOURTH ST. NEAR WALNUT'I *">'• 8lme " "*| Kinney's Boots, ...81.98 Kinney's Shoes 5, c Kimiey's Roots, lligh, Kinney's Shoes 51.23' 50 Kinney's Shoes ,SI.4U KillllOV's Stoi'lll NIIOOS, Kinney's Shoes $1.98 gg We Have Served You Seven Years ; ' | HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENfNfi, DErEMBKT? 17. 1914 Doughty Berbers The ancient Berbers, who still live ! in the mountain territory of Kabylia, were never conquered by Roman, Goth, I Vandal, Arab or Turk. Thev made | their first obeisance before the firearms I ' From ' h under the second empire. I Through all these millenniums they have lived in their papulous village's perched high on the tops of steep hills, vround them in all directions is a zone of trees, wit'h pasture above, beginning at about .1,000 feet, and the oft con quered open valleys below. Here for un known ages the Berber has lived among and from his trees. There are four >ta les ot life in Kabylia—dried fig-i olives, bread and meat. For miles Where is one unending succession of villages set in this open forest of figs and olives.—Argonaut. ST- will be open daily except Sunday ai The Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary I •• p- m., at its new location, Front and ' Harris streets, for the free treatment' ot the worthy poor. Town HELPLESS WHILE Ml IE Scarborough Recovers From the Unexpected Bombardment by the German Squadron FEELING ONE OF „ BITTER ANGER Big Resort Hotels on Esplanade Tempt ing Targets for Bain of Shrapnel and Lyddite Shells—Woman Liter ally Blown to Pieces Scarborough, Via ljondon, Dec. 17, | A. M.—The Queen of English Wa -1 taring Plaices has recovered to-day frqtn i t.he unexpected bombardment and the j feeling is one of bitter anger at the | town's helplessness when under t'he j guns of t'he German squadron. The first warning sound of distant firing, which attracted little attention except from the military authorities, came at 5.30 in the morning. At 8 o'clock three German war craft, which the majority of witnesses agree were one battle cruiser and two lighter cruis ers. loomed out of a heavy fog so close underneath the cliflfs that they were unaible to train their guns on the wire less station on the heights. Great Damage to Hotels However the big resort hotels on the esplanade of tl\,e old town offered tempting targets and a rain of shrapnel and lyddite shells began to fall in this section, doing great damage to the ho tels and destroying houses and shops in the poorer districts. A woman in one of these shoips was literally blown to pieces. One of the light cruisers seemed to be doing most of the firing. First she let go with her stern guns and then, maneuvering further out, devoted her broadsides to the most conspicuous 'buildings on the higher ground. As the result of this bombardment three shells ; found a target in the Searboro.ugh hos pital, one tearing a chimney from the roof, another striking the nurses' quar ters and the third demolishing the orna mental facade above the entrance. The ' wall of the old castle, which looks for- I midable, but which has been unoccupied [for hundreds of years, was breached by j an eight-inch shell. Residential Section Suffers The gunners got the correct eleva j tion of the wireless station, but failed | to injure it, most of the shells falling j in an adjacent field, the turf of which was completely ploughed up by them, j Some of the better class of resi dences began to sutler, one of the first being the home of Russell Rea, mem ber of Parliament for the district. His life and that of his wife were saved I by the.,faet that they had gone down for an early breakfast and were in the kitchen, the only part of the house untouched, the rest being a total wreck. At the same time a siba.ll house occu pied by a soldier, his w r ife and their child and nephew was struck by an ex plosive shell, reducing t.he place to kindling wood and killing the whole family. Whole Row of Houses Wrecked The bombardment had now been on for fifteen minutes and the town was given a five minutes' breathing spell. The streets were cleared of people when the light cruiser, after turning, brought a new broadside into play. The Ger man squadron th >n faced what looked like a deserted city. • The gunners di rected their attention to the railroad slation t with the result that a whole row of houses, including a church iu a nearby street, were wrecked, but with out loss of life, as the occupants had sought refuge. This second bombard ment was more- violent t.han the first, but did less damage. At the expiration of this second, fifteen minute period of firing the war-' ships drew off in a northerly direction i and when the people of Scarborough i again heard the booming of their, dreaded guns at 9 o'clock the town! of Whitby, up the coast, was the vie-1 tim. Death Pill Envelops Peop'.e During the early stage of the bom-J bardnient the screeching shells caused | an indescribable pandemonium, later' the people became still as death under! the thunder of the guns which rose to! a tumultuous eresendo when the full j broadsides were used. When the ships drew off the sad I search for killed and wounded began, j At Jhe hospital, when the wounded be- j gan to arrive, the large entry hall wit-! nessed many pitiable scenes as anxious I relatives awaited the result of the sur geon's examination. Among the | wounded were many women and chil-1 dren, an infant of four months having its skull fractured by a shrapnel while in its mother's arms, who escaped un scathed. A surgeon at, the hospital also had a marvelous escape when the casing of an eight-inch shell burrowed into the ground at his feet. The military authorities, assisted by the police, directed the exodus of the i townspeople from the city. Women , were favored with seats on the tra>ns 1 with the result that but few men de-! parted from the town. Helplessness of Refugees The pathetic helplessness of the refu-j gees brought home the reality of 'war! to this part of England. Many poor 1 people whose homes were destroyed i sought refuge in nearby towns. Crowds j of these waited about the station, j thinking that the scenes of the morn-' ing were about to be re-enacted. One of the first notices posted in-' strueted citizens to bring to the po- I lice station all unexploded shells. In accordance with these instructions a policeman brought in a projectile which he had picked up on the street. Ex amination showed it had not exploded, so it was hastily plunged into a buck et of water. By nightfall the town bore an out ward appearance of calm but anxious groups lingered about tho streets. Many of the persons in these groups were unsparing in their expressions of resentment because the town was help less to retaliate on the raiders. PREPARING COAST TOWNS OF ENGLAND ACAINST ANY FUTURE GERMAN ATTACKS London, Dec. 17, 3.28 A. !M.—The news of the German raiders' arrival ws promptly sent to the military authori ties ot all coast towns and pre-pjrauged steps were taken so as to be prepared in case a raid developed at other points. >'or instance, the -Mayor of Tynemouth, on the North sea, eight miles east north east of New Castle, immediately order ed the gits supply turned off, directed the police to round up a large number of aliwis and issued a proclamation and warned the |>eople to remain in doors. There is much speculation in London as to how far the German raid has suc ceeded in creating a feeling of uneasi ness or panic in other coast towns. Refugees With Bandaged Wounds One of the Loudon newspapers tele graphed to the mayors of all cost towns asking them what effect the news of the enemy's visit had had. All replies received so l'ar indicate that no i>asic is felt. A number of refugees and travelers arrived in London from the bombarded towns during the night. Some of them showed signs of the raid in bandages covering minor injuries received. A commercial traveler who smoked a cigar on the porch of a hotel at Scar borough throughout the bombardment said: '' Although there was some* excite ment in the town the attack was over so feoon that there was no panic. The guns engaged in the attack were evi dently of small calibre as the damage done by each shell was confined to a small area while some the shells mere ly cut clean, small holes in buildings, passing on harmlessly. "My hotel was struck by several shells, but nobody was injured. One shell wrecked two rooms, but fortunate ly neitiher of them was occupied." Cool Housewife Tells Story Another passenger from Scarborough was a cool young housewife wtoo said: '' At daybreak 1 glanced out of my kitchen window and saw three warship lying quietly in the haze a mile or two off snore. It never occurred to me that they were anything but English ships so 1 went quietly about my preparations for breakfast. '''About 8 o'clock I heard the sound of guns, but paid no particular notice. A few minutes later there came a shock -—I cannot think of a better word for it. A shell 'had struck the house and passed straight through the room 1 was in. "1 was poaching eggs at that time. 1 looked up anl saw great holes In the walls near the ceiliug, indicating the course o>f the missile. I was puzzled for a moment and then suddenly realised that the Germans were shelling Hcar borough. "I took t'he famlv io t'he cellar, where we remained for an hour, during Which one more shell struck the roof and fell into the drawing room, smash ing up the furniture. Another shell ploughed up our garden." WAR OPENS TRADE IN CHINA TO AMEHICAN MANUFACTURER Philadelphia, Dec. 17. —American capital l probably will obtain-, increased opportunities in China as a result of the war, in the opinion of William Bar clay ('arsons, a consulting engineer, of New York, who spoke last night at the Franklin Institute. Foreign capital, almost altogether from Europe, hitherto has been applied to the modern developments of Ohina, said Mir. Parsons, who, in 1898 made a survey for tihe railroad from Uankow to Canton, but the war will cut off the sources of such investments. Accord ingly, the field for the American who will find himself free from competi tion with the investor of other wealthy countries. The lecture, under the title "An American Engineer in China," was il lustrated with lantern slides from pho tographs taken by Mr. Parsons. French Want Pick Axes Philadelphia, Dee. 17.—The French government wants 500,000 pick axes to dig war trenches. The inquiry for the pietks, which is a lib vet ty in the 1 TURKEYS I H. D. Koons will have fifteen hun ; dred Turkeys at Harrishurg Stock | V ards for Christmas Turkeys. Will i arrive on Monday, December 21, J 1914, and they must be sold by Thursday/ the 21th. We will seil j from 7 . m. to 9 p. m. each day. j Everybody can get Turkeys. Come' j early as you know last vear lots : came after they were all sold. They | are very fine. Hand in your orders, j We will deliver Turkeys. Both ! phones. H. D. KOONS, Linglestown, Pa. 111 More Heat —-from the same amount of coal will prove two tilings: Ist—that you know your fur nace; fd—that you know what kind of fuet to feed if. Are you getting more heat from tin; same amount of coal 1 You pay the same price for coal as others, but if you do not get the same re sults, it's time to talk over your heading troubles with Kelley and to change the furnace's diet to Kelley's Coal. There's a reason—you 1 11 soon FEEJU k it—the MORE HE A 7. H. M. KELLEY&CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets (C. E. AUGHINBAUGH! I THE UP-TO-DATE PRINTING PLANT 1 S J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary-Treasurer I PRINTING AND BINDING f Jtj Now Located in Our New Modern Building B1 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street, Near Market Street | BELL TELEPHONE 2013 m Commerical Printing Book Binding mj We ar e prepared with the neceßsary equipment Our hindorv n* n i j u j, . MJ to take care of any work you mav want cards . , can does handle large edition Fo stationery, bill heads, letter heads, programs! our rarfni t° ® lndin 6 of ail kinds receives yj legal blanks and business fonrs of all kinds! PuTcH NO ON S;t;?5 XING M LINOTYPE COMPOSITION FOR THE TRADE. , STAY PLAT WHEN OPEN. ffl LI Book Printing pj |y With our equipment of five linotypes, working PreSS Work Q] fy day and night, we are in splendid shape to take _ |RH| care of book printing—cither SINGLE VOL- r press room is one of the largest and most &y UMES or EDITION WORK. complete in this section of the state, in addition Oj jfn| to the automatic feed presses, we have two rfl -r\ _ , „ , , folders which give us the advantage of getting m Paper Books a Specialty the work out in exceedingly quick time. I; j Ip No matter how small or how large, the same will _ .Oj be produced on short notice. To the Public IP * When in . the market for Printing or Binding of L 00 Xvullllg any description, see us before placing your order, hf'j Is one of our specialties. This department has We believe it will be to our MUTUAL benefit. sp|, been equipped with the latest designed ma- trouble to give estimates or answer question*. |4i Uy chinery. No blank is too intricate. Our work Oj M in this line is unexcelled, clean and distinct lines, PpmomW k|| no blots or bad lines—that is the kind of ruling IvemeillDer |JJ ky that business men of to-day demand. RuUng for We give you what you want, the way you want wii ra the trade. it, when you w*nt it. |fj IC. E. AUGHINBAUGH | 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street | ujj Near Market Street HARRISBITRG, PA. g§ A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. i . lonlist if war materials furnished so i far by this country, was received at \ the Foreign Trade Bureau of the Phila-1 delphia Commercial Museums yester day. It caune from the French purchas ! ' \ Rump's Leather Goods Traveling sets, Manicure sets, Col lar boxes, Cuff boxes and Emergency j medicine cases. Golden Seal Drug Store, 113. Market Square. - ! SCENES AFTER BATTLES IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM tViITT) PRlS<^E ' ?t TA * tM AT OH THE VOAP TO KlieuPORT U NDfg ..UARP Or ' JE|Ti >•• ■ > f v ■■ . t >^QUMC>eD Allft ' VlNO FROM ™e WONT AT COMPUTE station : In the upper picture are shown German pmoner, who were captured dura* the recent fi ß ht.u g around i)„ " Belsium ' • S,,a '" s of thp Frpn <* "ny are <-"'>"'? then, The lower picture shows French soldiers brln 3 " B ,U tt,e "' CO, " radW Wh ° Were wouuUd 1,1 l,attle ' I"ey are see.. arming at Compline aUtion. France. ' ing commission, with headquarters at, | Imiia house, King'sway, ivondon, and j specifications were enclosed. No War News Christmas Day London, Dec. 17.—The official press bureau and censor office, propose to' take a holiday from 2 o'clock on the' afternoon of December 2 4 to o'clock; Christmas night, during which period! no news will be passed for transmis sion. Wool Boots For French Jlastin,gs, Dec. 17.—A local manu facturing concern has received from France an order tor 10S,000 pair of! wool boots for the soldiers of the j French army. The shipment, which will) fiM thirty ears, is to be connpleted by January 15, 1915. j SOLD 12 Do '" Wc ON THEIR 30 Doses 33c MERITS I 11 I Boa t ***[** A All DrugglsU. For Headache, Neuralgia Quick, Sure, Safe, j