The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 17, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report. Page 8
itTAi.i<iHEn vni —r vn 10
DEr. . tsru. \ 'Mi. 1 1 .\v>. 1J
Scores of Houses in the Two
Hartlepools Were Wrecked
and Scarcely One of the Large
Factories in Both Towns Es
caped the Flying Shells-
Many Ships in the Harbor
London. Dec. IT. 11.43 A M.—The
casualties at Hartlepool as a result of
♦he German naval raid, according to an
ertiasl bureau statement to-day were
r- persons killed and lir> wounded.
Jnofiicta! reports have indicated that
J 7 were killed and ; wounded at Scar
borough as a result of the bombard
ment here and that at Whitby two
were killed and two were injured.
a.> a result of the raid most of the
coast towns of England aud many la
ir ud towns are adopting the strictest
trecaurions. Street lights have beeu re
tiuced to the utmost and all along the
coast a sharp lookout is maintained.
Majority of Victims Civilians
Miidlesuoro, Kng., Dec. IT, Via Lou
don. 3.20 A. M. — Latest returns of the
k ile I aud wounded as the resuit of tue
tierman naval raid show that at Hart;e
|>ooi 29 were killed and 50 injured,;
wnile at West Hartlepool 19 were.
■ killed and SO injured. Of the wound
e<t twenty are housed at the military i
; husp:tai n Masonic Hail and fifty in
■the Lanieton Hospital.
The majority of the victims were
civilians. About eight of the kiiied and
>Z~ of the wounded were men engaged
fin coast defense work but of the re
i*i'tinder the bulk were civilians who
were sno whiie at ork in the streets
while in their own homos.
Scores of houses in the two Hartie
jpools have been wrecked and scarcely
[one of the large factories in the two, 1
'towns escaped damage. The telephone
'•#ervie? is completely disorganized.
Gas Holders Out of Business
The gas works were shelled with ex
weptional severity and every gas holder
•as put out of commission. Severa
rhur.-hes and schools also suffered from
Une enemy's fire.
fc-ast Hartlepool stfffered the most in
the bombardment bit there was also
t> uch damage done in West Hartlepool.
Man v ships in the harbor were dam
sued including the steamer Diobola. le
tained sue the outbreak of the war,
which was completely pier.ed by a'
At iiarth. in the eng aeermg
woris, two workmen were killed an f
tnree other persons were killed in the,
Smgle Shell Killed Nine Men
In Dover street. West Hartlepool,
■which is right in the heart of the busi
ness .-eater, a iiell carried away the
enhance of a cottage and kiilej the
<■• -u; ant, an o i woman, namej Mrs.
Sloon. Sjuelis fell indiscriminately in
a part* of imo town. Special con
staoles were .ailed out anil ambulance
men and doctors nere quickly on the
■" No: • moment was lc-; n .. lv .
i''- aid to tile wounded.
i ■ "rn._' is - na\e oeen ver\
.1 -u-ate. In owe .-s*.. , ,| ie |[
• !.ed nine nien and in another instance
three men were kiilo i and eleven
oun ed. Another shell killed a whole
family aud there are manv instance*
where severa! persons in a'house were.
y- [ I together.
Ihe populace is qu et and has ev|-'
• • y been reassured v the proelama
ut the mayor of We*: Hartlepool..
. l:or Fryer, requesting the civil
population to keep their houses as far
a* possible for the present. '<
I'be nearest parallel to the visit of'
yesterday is found in the activities of
•"fin aul Jones, the terror of English.'
i' 'ing. who menaced Knglisn . oa*t '
towns in 1779.
A majority of the vnm, at Hartie- '
V"Oi were women and children. Fifteen '
school buys were killed by a single shell '•
f>nl. one boy in a group escaping. Ten
per-ona killed bv the collapse of
a building in whi h they had taken shel
tor. One shell damaged a building live
riles from shore.
Warsaw, Dec. 17, Via Undon. 4.20
P. M.—A great battle is in progress at |
f*oehsc7.ew, 30 miles west of Warsaw. !
The German wedge which is proceeding :
in a southeasterly direction from Ilow I
ha* managed after heavy fighting, in j
which serious losses are reported to I
have been inflicted, to establish itself >
a quarter of a mile west of Soe4ia<-*<*•.
The Polish campaign mw renters at
that point. i
®t tStar- fnkpettktti
TAKE 31 .COO PRISONERS IV . 17. Bv Wireless to
ville A ta:ement given out to-.ia> by
the German official press bureau says:
"The Austrian general staff reports
that 31.000 Ku-sians hav e been taken;
prisoners in West Galieia."' j
Berlin. Do.-. 17. B> Wireless to Say
ville —The fi st . -tual successes against
the Russian* in the last few day* ap
pear to have been achieved by ttv Au
strians in West Galieia. Here the Rus
sian*. according to advices receive i
f:om the zone of hostilities, have been
attacked simultaneously from two
siocs; on the r r.'iit by au otfeus ve
from the eastward of Cracow and ou
their left front by a movement di ce:
ed south.
The report that the Au*tr ;in> are
follow ng up the retiring Russian amy
farther south show* in the opin.n of
militarv observer*, that the Hu* an*
are being forced northwards upon their;
forces in Western Poland. Whether
this retirement w ill exten i to the Rus
sians massed to the north of Piotkrow
will depend on the events of the next
, few days.
• j
Four Steamers. One Be
lieved to Be a Pas
senger Vessel, Are
Reported Wrecked
Casualties on the Other Vessels Have
Not Yet Been Ascertained—Prob
ably Victims of Mines Left in Wake
of German Fleet
South Shield*. Eng.. Dec. 17, via
Ixiajon 2.4 5 P. M.—Three steamers,
one believed to be a passenger ship,
were sunk by mines in t-he .North sea
off Plamborough head lastNiiyht.
Only one of these three vessels ha.*
so far been identified. This is the
steamer Klterwater. Twelve of her crew
were saved but *even lost their lives. I
Tne casualties on rhe other ships have
not yet been determined, but it is re
ported that the crew and passengers of
the passenger vessel were seen taking
to their boats.
The Admiralty has announced that
all traffic between Plamborough Head
and New Castle nas been stopped indefi
Plamborough Head is about twenty
milee down the coast from Scarborough,
one <jf the points bombarded yesterday
by the German cruisers. Them hostile
ships were reported to have left mines
in Mieir wake as they steamed awv
from the British cpast.
The area from Plamborough Head
(•■llliaH mm SUth Pas*.
One of the greatest victories of the
war is claimed to-day by Germany.
The German official statement contains
these words:
"The Russian offensive against Sil
esia and Posen has completely broken
dwon. In the whole of Poland the
enemy was forced to retreat after fierce
and stubborn frontal battles and is be
ing pursued everywhere.
A semi official statement from Ber
lin speaks confidently of the situation
in the east and says that the Austrians
appear to have achieved their first
actual successes against the Russians
in the last few days in Western Gal
icia. Petrograd admits that the Ger
man flanking movements threaten the
Russian lines of communication and
that it has been necessary for the Rus
sians to draw back their lines in cer
tain seitious, but it gives no intimation
of such reverses as are reported from
The gTeat battle in the west, which
is being carried on most fiercely in Bel
gium and Northwestern France, is the
subject of conflicting claims. The Ger
man war office announces that the al
lies have made new attacks but that
they have ben beaten back with heavy
losses. The French statement s*ys that
several German trenches in. Belgium
have been captured by infantry as
saults and that at other points to the
south and east the artillery of the al
lies has done effective work.
Four steamers were sunk by mines
CoaMaurd on riftrmth rase.
State Police Hope to Capture Five
More of Party AUeged to Have Beat
eu Two Members of Constabulary
< a r-tain George F. Lumb, deputy su
perintendent ot' State police, received a
re,>ort tiii" morning of the alleged at
t; ; .s made by een Italians upon two
State policemen .11 Wyoming, lju*:eriie
coi-ny*, yesterday. The two troo[,ers.
Amman un Marshal;, called a: the
house of an Italian to search for stoleu
goids alleged to be secreted in the
lie-use. The Italian, it is claimed, met
them with smiles and told them to
proceed with ;j, P search, and tliev went
through the lower part of tile' house,
finding nothing. They then went to
the upper part of the house and while
both were stooping over in the small
room, lifting a mattress from a bed to
look under it, they were suddenly at
tacked from behind by seven men.
Both Amman and Marshall are skill
ful with their tists. and they succeeded
in beating their assailant? for a time,
but finally, it is alleged, tiie foreigners
drew revolvers and began to shoot, one
bail ploughing a rida,. across the top
of Amman's head, the blood blinding
hi A,.
Both men knew that it was death
to remain longer, and they jumped
f r om the window to a snow pile, escap
ing further injury, although both were
badly bruised and cut. They succeeded
in arresting two of the men. but the
others got away with two guns thev
had taken from the troopers.
The members of B -troop have been
notified, and Captain Lumb says that
all of the men who participated in the
assault on Amman and Marshall will be
arrested before the day is over, as thev
are all known and it will be impossible
for them to get away.
Held on a Forgery Charge
Elmer E. Hunter," 350 Ridge street,
Steelton. charged with forging the
names of two women to the backs of
Christmas checks and then cashing
them at a Harrisburg store. wa held
under $>00 bail for court by Mayor '
Royal this afternoon. He was arrested
yesterday bv City Detective Ibach. '
The ajnoun* of the checks was $76.6!* j
and he had $33 left when apprehended '
and his arms full of purchases.
$2,000,000 FIRE D
Blaze That Starts in Woolworth Five and Ten Cent Store
Levels a Score of Buildings, Including the Pennsyl
vania National Bank and the Academy of Music, One of
the City's Leading Play houses— Worst Fire in the History
of the Town—Masonic Lodge Made Homeless
By Aasoiiated Press,
PottsviHe, P.. l)et 17.—A 2.0))0,
000 fire wiped out one entire business
block in the heart of the business dis
trict of PottsviHe early this morning
and at 8 o'clock it was burning fiercely
after i-ommunicating to a second block,
but it was believed that it had been
controlled. The fire burned itself out
about 9.C0 a. m.
I 1 roro Centre to Second and from
-Norwegian to Mahantongo is a mass of
red embers and smoking ruins or with
flames shooting skyward from the
buildings yet unronsumed. Twenty
store buildings, including the Pennsyl
vania National bank and the Academy
of Music, one of PottsviHe's leading
playhouse*, are among the buildings de
stroyed. The postoffice was afire, but
was not badly damaged.
The fire started in the rear of the
Woolworth Five and Ten Cent store,
■ oromumcated on both sides to the Brit-
Wu Hoffman furniture store and the
City Commissioners
May Split When It
Comes to Balloting on
Half Mill Reduction
Asserts There Are Votes Enough to
Lovrer the Levy—Mayor Royal Be
lieves a Decrease Now Would Mean
an Increase in the Rate for IttlH
With the lotal of the 1915 hudget i
requests already reduced to a trifle less,
than lofiO.OOO, the City Commissionersi
went into extraordinary session begin
ning at 3 o'clock this afternoon deter-'
mined to finish their pruning work and!
to have the measure prepared for print
ing. so that it may be in shape for final |
passage at the regular meeting next'
There is now some doubt in the i
minds ot city officials as to the pos- j
sibility of reducing the tax rate from I
niue and one-half to nine mills, al l
though Commissioner 11. F. Bowman
said this moruiug lie now is satisfied I
there will be sufficient votes to pass the)
tax levy ordinance providing for the
decrease. v -
Mayor Royal and other city officials,'
however, declared that if a nine mill
< nntlnued on Slith I'm*.
Cold Wave to Last For Two Days, Say ,
Weather Bureau Officials—Sunday's
Snow Remains Frozen to the
There was mj indication'no-day of i
any let up in the cold wave, the Weath
er Bureau officials here continuing to
forecast extremely low temperatures, j
fixing to-night's probable minimum at j
11' degrees, one degree higher than ;
that of last nigbt.
The Susquehanna ri\er under the I
influence of the protracted cold spell
had become generally icebound and it
will remain so. Slight decreases in the
river stage are forecasted for the next:
twenty-four hours. The ice on the riv
er at this point is five inches thick I
where tests were made by Weather Bu
reau officiais. It will likely average
close to that point in thickness.
The weather continues far below the
normal temperature for this time of the'
year and since the first big fall in,
temperature the mercury has not been
within twelve degrees of the freezing
point, the maximum since the cold wave
set in occurring yesterday afternoon:
when the twenty-degree mark was
Coder the influence of this kind of
weather there is no hope that ice-coat-j
ed pavements will be cleared by the
sun. The life of the present cold wave 1
is believed to be two days yet. A!
storm of unusual strength has appeared
off the coast of California causing:
heavy rains. That may develop east,
following the present cold wave.
Generally fair weather will prevail!
to-night and Friday east of the Mis
sissippi except in the lower Mississippi I
vallev where rain or snow will fall and
in Florida where rains are predicted.
Railroad Dividend Takes a Drop
New York. Dec. 17.—The Atlantic
Coast Line railroad to-day declared a
semi annual dividend of 2J,., per cent,
on its common stock. This "is the first
time since 1912 that the stock has
paid less tihan 7 per cent, annually.
City department adore, owned by a New
York-Cleveland syndicate, part of the
second floor of which was occupied bv
law offices. The other buildings de
stroyed were:
W. S. Coweu. druggist: C. \V. Morti
mer. men's furnisher: E. A. lusher,
jewelry; Harry Schaiblein, pool and bil
liards: IH. I,arer & Company, millinery;
K. J. Mills, automobile supplies; T. P.
Brennan, residence: Mrs. E. K. Kabe
nau. residence; f. Reif, tailor and
residence: Guv W. Mortimer, resi
dence; E. A. Gocdall, medical in
stitute; G. T. Burd. fire insurance;
George Wiederhold, shoe store, and five
new brick store buildings just complet
ed but not yet occupied.
The Pennsylvania bank building was
occupied by lawyers' and other offices
on the second floor and on the third
floor by the Masonic- lodge. The
bank's vaiuable* were all locked up iu
a fireproof vauit and are believed to
be safe The Union Safe Deposit bank s
Miss J&ne L. Rohiuson Left More Thau
• I.QOO to Her Cousin, Miss
Catherine F. Blgler
Notations made on two pieces of pa
; per, neither of which is larger than a
postal card, make up the will of Jane'
L. Robinson, formerly n school toa.'h
er and nurse, late of 1013 North Front!
Miss Robinson was more than 60
years old. She nave the hulk of hei i
estate, which consists of bank deposits'
| and a small tract of land, to Iter cousin.
Miss Catherine R Bigler. with whom j
she lived at the Front wtreet address.
It does not appear on tihe "will "I
just when it was written However,
three Harrmmirgers. personal acquaint
ances of the deceased, made affidavit!
that the papers are in the handwriting!
of Miss Robinson. The one reads as
"1 leave 150 deposited in the Com-j
mercial bank, Kgg Haribor, to Kilty |
| The other carries Bins provision:
''l leave my hank deposits, over.
I sl,t>oo, to Kitty Hitler. In bank in j
Atlantic avenue and Clinton i
i streets.''
Miss Robinson, years ago, followed I
| the profession of a nurse and for somel
time had been employed in New York
I City.
f The two papers wfhich go to make upj
. the will were found among other less
valuable papers and letters shortly aft
er Miss Robinson's death on March X,
last. The will was not probated earlier
because a search was being made to
learn whether there was a later docu
Miss Robinson was a sister of An
drew Robinson, formerly a bank clerk
in this city, who is believed to have |
been killed by bandits in Texas years
Reman Catholics Will Fast Next Week
on Thursday. Not Friday
Roman Catholics will be permitted to
eai meat on Friday of next week, !
i-A-'luibtmas day, according La the Uev. .
M. M. iHassott. of St. Patrick '* catlhe
dral. The Roman Catholic Church has
a ruling that when a church festival '
| falls on a Friday a general dispensa
I tion may be given in every diocese.
The custom will next week be t'ol }
] lowed of observing the preceding day i
; as the fast day. Fasting always pre
cedes the celebration of a church t'es 1
tival. and Thursday of next week will
accordingly be fast day.
This will nffect the meat and fi>h
markers of the entire world. Fish will
be on hand a day earlier than usual
and meat will be furnished on Friday
to Catholics as well as non-Catholics. I
Obey the Deathbed Request of Mrs.
Julian Dare Who is Buried To-day
In obedience to their mother's dy
ing request. James, Rk'hard. Jonas. Jo
seph. William and John, the six sons
of Mrs. Julian Dare, acted as pall
bearers at t'lie funeral of t'lieir mother
wihivh was held this afternoon at 1.30
o'clock J'rum the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Annie Morris. 1341 North street.'
Further services were held a.t 2
o'clock in Pleasant View Church of
God, the Rev. E. C. Herr officiating. (
BuriaJ was made in Paxtang cemetery. J
Find Children Barefooted
City Detectives White aud Murnane |
yesterday afternoon found a family of
Roumanian gypsies living in a room at j
Williams and Sayford streets. There |
were nearly a dozen little boys and j
girls insufficiently clad aad having 110
shoes and stockings. The women of
the party were trying to make ends
meet bv telling fortunes. Chief of Po
lice riutehison has ordered them to
leave the city.
new fireproof building on the corner
was little uamaged and opened for busi
ness while the fire raged around it.
This bank building and a grocery store
at another corner and a briek restau
rant next to the bank were the only
buildings left standing in the entire
Inability to secure n sufficient water
supply in' the early stages of the lire
is given as a cause for the rapid spread
of the conflagration. The electric pow
er was shut off and the trolley lines,
electric lights and electric power are
all dead.
AH but one of the buildings were of
brick, the frame one being a small resi
dence on Second street. The (ire is lo
cated in ont of Pottsville's principal
business blocks and the merchants all
had big stocks of holiday goods, which
adds greatly to their loss, as Wiis extra
stock was not covered by insurance,
n was the worft &Te in PotUviile's
| history.
Fire Sweeps Parts of Three
Floors of Handsome Building
Damaged Less Than a Month
Ago—Costly Uniforms Burn
in Steel Lockers—Shivering
Firemen Eat Ice Cream Left
From Banquet
Klames, for the second time in less
than a month, this morning attacked
the Masoni c Temple, al Third and
(State streets, and for a while threat
ened tin handsome stone
building with destruction. Three of the
upper floors were damaged by lire, and
water caused losses ti other parts of the
building. The damage was greater than
that caused i>y the lire on November
21, and is estimated al $15,000. The
flames started in the kitchen on the
seventh floor, just off (lie hall where
last evening Perseverance Lodge No.
21, of Masons, held a banquet, and
were discovered shortly before (i
0 V lock.
The kitchen, with the pantrv anil
serving room in the seventh floor, are
completely gutted. The tire ate its way
to tiie sixth floor, did thousands of dol
lars' worth of damage to the parapher
nalia there of Pilgrim Commandery,
Ki.ights Templar, and went 011 to the
fifth floor, where part of the ceiling
and one piece of furniture— a handsome
high-backed chair, used in the lodge
ceremonies—were burned. Much dam
age was done by water in some of the
lower floors of the building.
The loss 011 the building is esti
mated to-day at $5,000 and it may be
gteater if the plaster throughout should
be found to have been damaged li -
the water. A detailed inventory of
Ibe contents will have to be taken to
determine the loss to furnishings nnd
paraphernalia, as much property de
stroyed by fire or damaged by smoke
and water belonged to individuals.
This may reach SIO,OOO. The various
Masonic organizations carry insurance
011 the contents of their rooms and the
loss 011 the building is covered by in
surn nee.
Staudpipe Helps Save Building
Two linos of hose from the stand
pipe 111 the building, one line from a
steam lire engine, one chemical stream
and many "pony" extmguisnors, car
ried liv the central district tire compa
nies, were used 111 fighting the fire. The
firemen were in service for more than
two hours.
Two men on their wav to work be
Auto Bandit Robs One
Institution of SB,OOO
and Escapes With the
| Police in Pursuit
At Latter Place the Robber Shoots the
Cashier and Escapes With Another
Bundle of Money in Automobile
But Afterward Is Arrested
By Associated Press,
Cincinnati, Dec. 17.—Late this aft
ernoon the bandit was captured. He
had rented a room yesterday in a West
I Ninth street apartment house and the
! owner of the apartment, having read a
description of the man, called the at
tention of the police to a similarity.
Three policemen called at his room and
upon opening the door were received
with a shower of shots. Policeman
Knaul fell wounded and the bandit,
jumping past the other two officers, fled
to the street, re-entered his automobile,
which was standing in the front of the
house, and fled. /
His flight proved unlucky for him,
inasmuch as he crashed into a pole
rounding the first corner i and wrecked
the machine. He extricated himself
from the wreckage and started to run.
but the officers by that time were close
to him and after an exchange of shots,
the bandit fell.
r olio wing an examination the phy-
fore ilnvUj>lit Hotbed ;i b:;ht |.;{ht n
windows of tlio kitchen on the seventh
floor of the M.villt' street side, or rear,
of the lniiMiii; and sent in mi nlnrm
from box No. -SI, State ami Nlyrtie
streets. William I'.. Ma.hlin, superin
tendent of the temple, who li\e> in the
basement, wis soon aroused, and let,
the lirenien into the building.
\t Hist small extinguishers were
ean-ied to the seventh floor by tiio tiie
men who went u;> in the elevator. Kite
t'liief Kiniller, who was with the tir-t
men to m-akc the trip to the seven! Ii
floor, saw that the bla/.e could not lie
checked bv siunJl extinguishers, anit
directed his men to Use the building s
own hose lines from the standpipe
which was through all floors of the
In addition a line of hose was run
from Third ami state streets to the
rear ot the building and thence np the
fire escape whieh leads to the kitchet .
Firemen were stationed on the fire es
cape and, in the almost zero weather
fought the bla e from there until they
had conquered it sufficiently to be able
to crawl inside. This was a line from
the Hope steni Are engine and it was
used for but five minutes. Then Chief
Kindler saw that the building equip
ment and one chemical stream would
be enough to vanquish the flames and
he ordered the engine stream discon
Difficulty Reaching Blaze
Pile chemical line was run into the
building on the St lite street aide, the
hose beinij wound 'round ami 'round
the elevator shaft and at first it proved
too short to reach the blaze. A sec
tion from a second chemical wagon wa-s
then with it. The water pres
sure in the building's stiuulpipe was
good, considering how high up in the
building the blaze was.
I here was no fire left in the kitchen
range, according to .Machliu. Members
ot the Masonic organizations are at a
loss to account for the origin of the
blaze. The exact position of the place
where the lire started cannot be deter-
Co nll n uril on I'-IMI-I-IHII |'ng f .
siclans at the hospital said probahlv
both Policeman Knaul and the bandit
would die. Both wer c shot four times.
Cincinnati, ().. 11,;.-. IT,— ~
mobile bandit believed to be operating
alo'iie, terrorized the west an.l business
sections f Cincinnati to lay, r'o ,'bc I
two banks within a radius of ten
biocks of each other, shot and serious
ly wounded the cashier of one ban';,
1 snot at the of the other and
apparently elude.P the police by re ap
ing in an automobile.
It is known that he ribtaiuc.l Js.tiuo
in the first bank, the West Knd ii anch
of tiie Provident Savin., Hank tin I
Trust Companv at Ki-h.h an I l-renmi
avenues, and ttie olli.-i iis of the Liberty
Hanking and Pavings Com, an* at Lib
erty and Pieman avenues, the se oud
bank robbed, believe that the amount %
j obtained from them will ran into thou
-amis when a check up is made.
No fewer than twelve persons were
in the banks a: the time the ro beric<
were committed, but the premiscous
use of the bandit's revolver held |hem
in check although a minute description
of the man and his automobile was ob
At 10.30 o'clock the bamlit drove
up before the West Kn.l branch of the
Provident in a small automobile. He
scaled an eight-foot - -reen in the bank,
fired at Cashier Ivdward Hugiies, grab
bed SB,OOO, backed to the door and
disappeared in his machine followed
by a fusillade of sihots from Hughe's
revolver. The police in their auto
picked up his track which led through
various streets in the Wee; Knd so ■-
tion but had almost given up hope of
locating him that way, when a bandit
WM reported to have robbed the Lib
erty bank.
The same ta"ties which had proved
successful at the I'Wivident bank were
employed by the Ivandit at the Liberie
bank, the only difference being that in
the latter case he shot Cashier (Jeorge
Winters, probably seriously wounding
him. The police once more picked >
Continued on Slufh
New York, Dec. IT.—The closing
was heavy. Aside from a further down
ward drift the market developed no
new features. Steel was steadiest of
the prominent shares. A duller and
more contracted movement, in which
the average price level went lower;
marked the course of to-day's opera
tions on the Stock Exchange.