BEECHAMS PIUS All of us are striving for happiness; & happiness, comfort, even—good work and K prosperity—are alike impossible to those m suffer from defective digestion or from constipation B and biliousness. But why should you so suffer jj experience has proved that Beechams Pills correct un- # healthy bodily conditions, relieving speedily, surely, safely. I • If you will try a few doses you will know that this I famous family remedy so tones the stomach that with V J good digestion your food will nourish and sustain you—so \ I stimulate your liver, and so gently regulate your kidneys 1 ft and bowels that your system will be cleared of the I 1 impurities which cause biliousness. With headaches gone— 1 1 when free from lassitude, bad dreams, low spirits, stomach 1 % pains—you, too, will regard Beechams Pills as of incal- | % culable value and will be glad to have at your com- I A mand so reliable and so splendid a remedy for the V common ailments of life. Indeed, Beecham s Pills 1 ||\ Promote / and Comfort because they JF Health-/ Directions inc Largest Sale qf Any Medicine Special Value to xn tM worid. Women u ith Evtr ' j Box - PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM FOR WEDNESDAY CLUB CONCERT Christmas Music Will Be a Feature of the General Concert to Be Given To morrow Evening in Fahnestock Hall The Wed needav Cltrb will give out* of it? delightful general concerts to morrow evening at 8.15 o'clock in ! Fahnestock hall. The program will consist of selections! appropriate to the <*hristmas season. Each men >er < privileged to bring a guest to thi« con -erf. which is an inno ■ ation. as heretofore <.n v to the clos •ig i-oncert of the season were guests invited. Tie program will be as follows: Men lotto and Einale. Mozart, from Symphony in 0. minor. Miss SiirtlT, Mrt. Keller, Mrs. Weaver. Miss Henr.e-; :■!.! . An cut Music and Carols. Miss J - p: "My Heart Ever Faithful," Bach. Mrs. Bum >;» :gh; Antiphonal Carols, a) Bwe< t I hrurtmas Belis. Oour, Mrs. Hull and chorus, (bl Child Divine, Bow, Mrs. Bambaugh, Mrs. Hull. Miss I Mid Ulgh, Miss Woriev and chorus: j ' - - ■ phony. Hat lei. from ••The! Messiah. Mrs. Rhodes: "When Ouistj Was Born,-" Beioecke, Mrs. Decevee.! Ms- S-iinan: Intermezzo. Wott'-Fer from "The Jewels of the - " USu Lamer; Trvste NoeLI Ballard, after t*he manner of the XIII | century, Mrs. Decevee, Mrs. Harris.; What It's Made of The ingredients are plainly stated on every tin of and also drugs that make coffee harmful. Anyone with signs of nervousness, indigestion, heart flutter, sleeplessness or other ills so often caused by coffee, can learn something of value bv quitting coffee and using Postum— ' Delicious—Healthful--Economical Postum now conies in two forms: Regular Postum— must be boiled to bring out the rich flavour. 15c and 9 5c packages. Instant Postum— soluble form, made in the cup with hot water instantly. oUc and <>oc tins., * 3 Both kinds are delicious, cost per cup about the same, sold bv Grocers everywhere. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Miss Dee tor. Miss Seaman: introductory 1 •Symphony from ; art II of the Christ - mas Oratorio, Bach. Miss Coukling. Miss Robinson; "O Thou That Tellest. from ''The Messiah." Miss Middauga: Old > arols. :0 Draw Nigh i Immanuei. Xlli century. . b) The First Noel, Traditional MeioJv. (c) Holy J Night. German Folksong, the Wednes i day Club chorus. Guests of the Misses Stamm The Misses Stamm. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, will enter- I tain a house party during the holidays and many informal social affairs are being arranged in honor of the guests, who will include M i-~ Elizabeth Penick, of Lynchburg. Va.: "Miss Pauline Detroit. Mich.; the Misses Wi-sterveit. of Englewood, X. J.: Miss Lena Chur-h. of 'Hartford. Conn.; Miss Dorothy White, of Buffalo, and Miss Eleanor Edmonds, of Germantown. i Cards were issued by Mr. and Mrs. Stamm yesterday for a dance at the Harrisburg Country Cluib Monday even ing, December 2S, which will be at tended by the younger dancing set. Vpdegrove 's orchestra will play. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford PeWitt Coe. L'OIT North Second sr r tet. have issued cards for a dance at the Country Club Wednesday* evening, December 30. fot 11-eir daughter. Miss Dora Wickersham j Coe: her house guests and the debu- ' tantes of the season. Mrs. John K. Tenor. Miss .Teanctfe Hollenbaeh. of Philadelphia: Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders. John Ericson. John Len hart and William Philler made up a bo* party at the Orpheum theatre last evening. HAKRrSTtrRK XT A R-f XH K PEN PENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DE( 'KM BKR IH. 1914. HARKY FAMILY RKIMON Mr. and Mrs. George M. Harry Are En tertaining Relatives and Friends Mr. and Mrs. George M. Harry, of 15J1 North Second -tieet. are having ' a house party of guests this week that ha- assumed the nature of a family re union. With them are Mr«. Jennie H. McCulloh. of Bedford, the h ,'ine towu of the Harry family: Ru-h N. Harry, a brother, of Cincinnati!. treasurer or' tjie Big Four railway system, and M;<s lon - nie llarry. « daughter, who is attend ing the Maryland College at Lather* ville. Marylau . aud is home fov> holidays. It is the first ti:u, in year* jh«t the members of the lam'ly hf.had the opportunity to ( juin n .i reunion, and it is au event marke i with much pleas . ure. Reno-Camp Wedding Bain bridge. Dec. ll>.—Miss Harriet Camp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wi;- liam Camp, aiwi Pia ik Reno. Jr., were married vester iay .it the par-onage of the Cookman Meihodi?t Episc pa! church by the pa.-to . the I!e\ . Will am J. Lindsay They were unattended. A reception followed at th c home of the. bride. Married by Dr. Meek i Marietta, Dec. 10.—Miss Florence Hacker, daughter of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Snasna uel H. Hacker, of Kphrata. and Charlc- Ijausi h were married ycterdav at the parsonage of the Bethany Reformed church iiv the pasic.r, Rev. A. S. Meek, the ling eren.onv was u-ed and the couple was unattended. HARRISBURCIO SEND FIRST CONSIGNMENT DEC. 24TH Warm Clothing and Other Heeded Ar ticles Gathered Together by Home aud War Belief Committee Will Go to Belgian Sufferers The first consignment of warn) cloth ing and other needed articles will he scut to the war-stricken countries of Kurope by the Harrisrtturg Home and War Relief Committee Christmas eve. The contributions from Harrirfjurg will oicupy a section of a ship sailing from Philadelphia the night before Christ mas, bound for Belgium. A meeting of the Foreigu Relief Di v ision was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lymnn I). Gilbert aud the announcement of the plans were made and officers of new committees elected. Only articles of material use to the suß'erers will be seut to Kurope, and the work of the Foreign Relief Division i\ill be to leaiu the required articles of need in E .trope and the proper manner of sending the same. The commit too of the Foreign Belief Division includes: Mrs. .1 nines P. Bul litt, president; Mrs. Philip T. Mere dith. vice president: Miss Prances Mor rison. secretary: Mrs. Henry M. Stine, Mrs. S. C. Todd, Airs. P. E. Downes, Mrs. John Montgomery Million, Miss Mary Jennings, Mrs. John Oenslager. the 'Misses IjOtt. Miss Letitia Brady, Mrs. C. M. Kaltwasser, Mrs. Walter !H. (•aither, Mrs. Herman 11.I 1 . Miller, Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton, Mrs..John J. Moflitt, Mrs. Wallev W. Davis, Mrs. Prank P«,-.»ne, Miss Rebecca Cox, Mrs. W. P. Hiidrup, Miss Bailey, Mrs. John E. Pox and others. The Home Division will meet at the home of Miss Maiy Reilv. Front and Rfilv streets, this afternoon and the work or the committee outlined. It is hoped that by Saturday the headquarters 011 South Front street will be oai'v' for occupancy. A large ban ner, with the in.-.'ription, ''Home and War Relief Association," will be placed on tJie building. All* SOtIKTY MEETING Important Christmas Work Outlined at Session Held in Y. M. C. A. The regular monthly meeting of the {Children's Aid Society was held ves-| j terdav in the V. M. C. A. A commit-j I tee was appointed to buy gifts and ar-1 j vinge for then distribution among twol : hundred and fifty children of the city. ,in charge of the society. Plans were 'also discussed for the raising of Christ-J mas funds which the organization is in | need of. The Junior Society donated live dol lars to the Senior bo.;v and also filled' :i number of stockings and scrapbooks i tor the ciiil.ivenChristinas. Mrs. Elsa . Middleton i« daily re- 1 reiving applications frum persons out: iof employment and many children 1 ; have been placed in private homes for tiie holiday season, with a view toward ■ adoption later. HAVE LEFT FOU WASHINGTON; Mr. and Mrs. WTieatou Will Continue Their Work in That Place Mr. an t* Mrs. Harrison H. Wheatou who spent the past six months iti this city, have gone to Washington. D. C„ j to take up th-eir residence. Mr. Wlieaton. who is collaborator] with the l'nite.l States Bureau of EJu- 1 cation, is widely known as an author' an : tor his research work along vari ous lines, particularly immigration, has' been doing speciai work in this State! for the Department of Labor and In-' dustry. Mrs. Wheatou. who as Mi<s Frances Eddy, of Michigan, a famous psycliolo-j jiist, did considerable editorial work I for the University of Chicago and { Cornell University, has been appointed! police matron in different cities so as ! to be able to carry on her work. Gifts for Bride-elect A surprise miscellaneous shower was j given in liono of Mi«s Alma Lucille | Martin at her home in Meehnnicsburg Monday evening Miss Martin's en gagement to S Harper Myers, a promi nent young business man of Mechanics -I'urg, was recently announced. Announce Eir*h of Son Mr. and Mv«. A. Floyd Rapp, liioo I sr-oncer street, announce the birth of a son, P'.oyd Anthony Rapp, Monday, De- I ■ ember 14. Mrs. Rapp was Miss Irene Miller prior to her marriage. Will Winter in Philadelphia Miss Alva Pennebacker, of this city, who has been seriously ill at York for thp past four weeks, i-s improving and will leave shortly for Philadelphia to spend the winter with the Misses Engle burt, 6209 Jefferson «treet. Meeting of Bo*rd of Directors 'Die regular monthly meeting of the : board of dire-tors of the Harrisburg | ountrv Club was held last evening at j the home of A. Boyd Hamilton, Derry I -treet and Rutherford lane. Routine | business was transacted. AMERICANS ON WAY HOME Two Trainloads Lsave London to Em bark at Liverpool i.\ Asaocioted Prcak. London, Dec. IC.- —Two trainloads of passengers left L mdon tor Liverpool this morning to sail tor the United i States 011 board the Lusitania, t'.ie last steamer that will reach New York in time for Christinas. The railroad sta tion in London was crowded with Americans bidding good-bve to their friends. Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation: Koberl Baron, former American Ambassador to Frame, and Mrs. Walter H. Page, wife r.f the American Ambassador at Lon don. are among the passengers 011 the Lusitania. EXTRA CAMP HILL CAE Valley Traction Company Heeds Civic Club President's Bequest An additional car to this city from Camp Hill will be run by the Valley Traction Company beginning on Satur day. The car will arrive at the Square at 5.45 o'clock, extending the fifteen minute service by one car. There has been a demand for the ex tra car by business men aud high school students living in Camp Hill, and a request for it was made of the traction company officials through the S resident of the Camp Hill Civic club Irs. J. W. Mllhaus. News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. Robert Clark ami daughter, Josephine, of St. Joseph, .Mo., are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seidel, 1936 North Second street. Miss Leoua Hooker has returned to her hom t > in Middletown after spending several days with Miss Maud Miller. Nineteenth aud Market streets. Miss Bess Poffeuberger. of Sunbury, and Miss Umberger, of Dauphin, have returned to their homes after a two weeks' visit with Miss Emma Reel, -039 North Second street. Earl Williams, deputy prothonotary of Armstrong county, will arrive next week to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Williams. 1924 Park street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm and Miss Julia Stamm, 333 South Thir teenth street, are spending several weeks at the Waldorf-Astoria", New York City. Miss Maude Stamm. a student at Vassal- College, and Miss Katherine Stamm. who attends school in New Wrk, will arrive to-morrow to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, South Thir teenth street. Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson. 2005 Green street, have returned from a visit with friends in Philadelphia. Mrs. Paul (iruiuion. 22 North Fif teenth street, is spending the week with friends in Philadelphia Ma-s. Hartville Wall ami daugnter?., Martha and HeJen, 27 North Fifteenth street, have returned from a visit in 'Philadelphia. Samuel Burns and John Burns will arrive home to-inorrow from Mercers •burg Academy to spend the holiday sea* son with their parents, Mr. and" Mrs. Benjamin Bums, 213 State street. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Pell and daughters, Eleauore and Louise, of Ger mantown, spent yesterday with friends in the city en route to Chicago for the holiday season. Miss Marian Burns, a student St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J., will speud the holidays with her parents, 213 State street. J. P. SCOTT GRAM) MASTER Local School Teacher Again Honored By Colored Masons J. P. Scott, a city school teacher, was reelected grandmaster of the col ored Masons of Pennsylvania at the annual convention at Philadelphia on Monday. | This is a distinct honor, as the cen- J tennis! of the colored grand lodge "will I be celebrated in Philadelphia, Septeni | ber, 1915. .1 a.nie? M. Auter. of this city, was re elected superintendent of the Masonic Home, at Linglestown. George E. Phillips and B. Y. Grev were elected trustees of the home. An drew Grey, of Chosen Friends' lodge No. 415, was the representative of said lodge. Wanted for Jumping Board Bill Lebanon. Dec. lt>.—Deputy Sheriff James J. Merke!. of Reading, c ame here yesterday mtruiny with a capias for the arrest of Samuel Lux. of this city, who is wanted bp tho Berks county court in the trial of a case of defraud ing a boarding house keeper. HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! It Gets to That Sore Spot Like Magic A-a-h! That's delicious relief for those sore muscles, those stilt joints, that lame back. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard and other home simples. It does the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster, mihus the plaster and minus the blister! You simply rub MUSTEROLE on the spot where the pain is—rub it oil briskly—and the pain is pone. No muss, no bother. .lust comforting, soothing relief —first a gentle glow, then a delightful sense of roolness. And best of all, no blisters like the old fashioned mustard plaster used to make. There is nothing like MUSTEROLE for Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Peet and Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c .jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUB - Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. , PHILADELPHIA, 13 AND Fllbert Streets.! 2 Minutes from PENNSYLVANIA enfl PHILADELPHIA 6 READING TERMINALS - NEAR TO EVERYWHERE. 200J3eau/e/ul IDut- J&oomj zoitfi, Jtlafh aadtfflotving Jce Tdcitefr, artcO upr. ar Cafe, Gril 1 nd Restaurarxt 'F\S C.Walsh. .iajghjltf Ittjtf 11 11 Itfi I JulI IN A Victrola Nothing Better For Christmas our tamilv couliln'l wish anything hotter than that which brings them the best in the world of music. And that pleasure lasting for all time. Entertainment whenever von wivh it. Yietrolas ranjte in price from SM.VOO to 9200.00 on convenient terms if yon wish. Better see our salesmen now while styles are complete. STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Siller, Inc. Pianos Vietrolas oo N. 2nd.81. --<■ ----- —•' —IT UWUIUIM r.. ~ , j F HARRISBVRG LIGHT l 1 &pOWER.ff). j j Every Home Should Be Lighted With Electricity Thousands of homes are being connected to our I lines every year. When can we count on yours? | It is just a matter of a year or two until we have I every home in the city using electric light. I Let Us Quote You Our Wiring Prices insiD mmam Red Cross Hospital Tent Has Place on Stage and Band Plays "Tipperary" GOVERNOR PLEAS FOR THE CAUSE I Figlxt Against Tuberculosis Begins in Earnest in This City With Sale of Nearly £(,570 Christmas Stickers at Hall Last Night i Red Cross Christmas seals to the number of nearly 23,570 were sold last levelling by the twenty-four Red Cross | nurses at the big Zembo blind and pa -1 trol benefit concert an 1 drill in Chest nut street auditorium. Real, biting wintry weather had no appreciable ef fect on the attendance for long before , the band struck up the opening selec ! tion, the great hall was Klled. Zembo band and patrol demonstra | tions are always color spectacles and ■ last evening's trooping of the forty six Zouave-clad men in the drilling 'squad and gayer scarlet and gold uni- I l'oms of the ban. 1 added an especially I brilliant color touch that was set oft by i the white caps and gowns of the nurses, j While the uniforms of the patrol sug | "ested in a way the far-flung battle \ fines of the allied armies of Europe i and the white-clad nurses emphasized | the thought, there were .just two other i more or less realistic touches that call led up the war-time idea. I'p on the } stage a big khaki field hospital tent ! living the Rod Cross flag had beeu I pitched. And the band played that popular air of the Englishmen along the Ypres—" Tis a bong Way to \ Tipperary.'' ! In addition to the band concert and 1 the drill a couple of vocal selections by 10-year-old Harry litter, Jr., ac- I companied by Professor Alfred C. j Kus.'hwa, were features of the program. I (iovernor John K. Toner was guest of j honor and had a place on the platform j with Chairman John Fox Weiss and I other members of the committee. Dur ing the evening both the Governor an-1 Mr. Weiss gave brief talks on the Ked Cross seal campaign, its far-reaching 1 efleets in State and city, and of the purposes to which the proceeds of the annual seal campaign are put. Director C. IS. Shope and Captain Frank H. Hoy, Jr., leader and comman der respectively of the band and pa trol, never had their men in better form and music and evolutions attract ed rounds of applause. Special move ments effectel by the patrol were the arranging of the men Into human let ters that spelled "Tener."' " Red Cross - ' and "Zembo." To-day was "Jewelers and Musi* Dealers Day" in the Merchant Day series and these business men pasted «eals on every package that left their stores: Jeweler*, H. (J. blaster, K. G. i Hoover, Tausig's, i>. A. Faunce, George A. Hutinan, I'. H. Cnplan Company, R. Boas. H. G. Seibert; music deal ers, C. M. Sigler, Inc. From to morrow on the special days in tb* series will be: Thurs lay, Butch-1 ers and markets. W. W. Thumas, H. C. I Koons, Hull Brothers, Russ Fioli mar-' ket; grocers, Gaults', A. P. Kitchen, W.! M. Runkle. Grand Union Tea Com ; puny, Polleck's Hill grocery. Weir's Pure Food store. K. K. Mount/., J. l.j I Hetrick, C. Studebakcr, F. H. Seiders, | 'Charles E. Low, J. I.'. Smith, Wagner' 3 and Smith, D. H. Neff, J. H. Trip no r .1. W. Kimmel, H. W. Sallade, H. K Wildie, l>. \V. Raub, Houseman's gro eery, 11. C. Devor, S. R. Harris, Walt man Gross, S. S. Pomeroy, J. H Frantz, E. L. Koek. Friday, department and dry goods, Souters' 25-eent store, A. 0. Senseman, K. M. Sible. D. H. Miller, Alvin H. Krai in. Regal Umbrella Company, Moui anne Kindermarket; bankers, Union Trust Company. Church Holds Anniversary Services Lebanon, Dec. IB. —St. Mary's Cath olic church, this city, was dedicated .just :!4 years ago yesterday, and in celebration ol' the anniversary appro priate services were conducted in that ediftee. There were three masses, in charge of Rector Adam Christ. Other officers of the mass were: the Rev. K. 0. Plynn, of the Sacred Heart church, Cornwall, deacon; the Rev. H. G. Kap pes, of St. Gertrude's, East Lebanon; the Rev. K. T. Feesey, assistant rector, master of ceremonies. At 7.30 p. m.« a reception of the Blessed Virgin's >So dality was held. Why Worry? She was very nmli in love with him', and one evening, While they were alone, she asked: "Frank, tell me truely; you have kissel other girls, haven't you?" '• Yes,'' replied the young man, "but no one von know.''—New York Times. | Our Trnilr >lnrk \n. •! | I'ntont Office an N<>. I In the grill cr after Ji^ll the play it is always fMlgi - * correct to call for * I ORIGINAL No. 6 : } EXTRA RYE WHIS- ' Ff! I! t KY. In the neck of :1 1|| | each bottle now you '(f jj| fc will find a | "1| 5 | New Silvered j;;|JSj } ! Non-Refillable Device « permitting an absolutely *» f] free flow without in any j |U way affecting the color t>| /f S or purity of the con- |jjjjjfc j Patterson & Coane NilS® 1 P| iMiii.AnKbi'in \ | Jp , STEAMSHIPS. BERMUDA Tkfie Cli irminc lalnn<l» At-* j-. ot Their Best S. S. "BERMUDIAN" holds the record—4o hours—i 8 tba newest and only twin-screw steam, chip sailing to Bermuda, and tit* only one landing passengers at the dock at Hamilton without transfer by tender. Round Trip with meals Oe.ind and stateroom berth 9AD up For lull particulars apply to A. R. OITKHIIHIiM.I; A CO., \ K n|, u_r" bee S. S. Co., ait llniminav \-_ VorUt 11.I 1 . I.OIt.Mi II VMM lot.. 103 Mar. krt St., llarrlaburu. I'u., or i D) Ti,.h_ rt Aceat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers