14 <? | "Through Fairyland" can be seen to best ad- I j* J i Large Variety of Neatly vantage at 10 o'clock in the morning when the j Framed Gift Pictures at crowds are not so great. You owe it to your little j V'"" boy or girl to see this wonderful Christmas f|v| |tzz|| k! j * |[ iff spectacle. l ; | Many attractive subjects in these two groups of jujift pictures. Afternoon performances are given at 2 and V , *7* r %.< - . r' * I/' ' Thc larg<> var ' et J" affords n »#»y pleasing selections. „on " ~ ' 1-1 . I>icturt,s in K>'t Hn <l oak frames 5-. t» linnd colored prints of nn O.OU. ! , including "Old Masters," .....10c tore scenes by George I'etty at 1J1.H5 ' —r ' : A Comprehensive Gift Showing of s£ **?>. *. 33 •!»;&« sra N #\ \ i ( D FRAMED PICTURES REDUCED David Davidson's Nature Prints / \\ . French liaud colored prints in in Circassian walnut and mahogany / 11 _ 1*1" T% 1 "Hl* beautiful frames, $1.90 to $2.50 frames, all hand colored, ■(• 4H«: ——Military Brushes, Manicure Sets and Toilet Cases Lovely Qualities Kid Gloves , ... Tho most complete showing of eased leather goods that we have ever an- Attractively Priced for -— ri /V nouneed is now in the holiday display in the Basement leather goods store. The /^«r, 1 ' ""dressing eases are fitted with the best novelties obtainable in glassware, brushes V>lll v>l Vlll^ \ ~ and toilet articles. All hair brushes in these cases are of solid backs and the bristles fo^gtff^lviing "at U aUra»Mfve^pric"s ( ' ape a ar ° oflon tl \ ' are hand drawn One-clasp Prix seam cape gloves, in tan and Mack. Pair, / '"■) \ SI.OO to $1.75 / '' A, Genuine black leather seal grain dressing eases, i Military BrUSII6S One-clasp Mocha gloves in grey, l'air. $1.50 and $1.75 with turned stitched edges and full leather lining and i . . , .... , . Two-clasp Paris point kid gloves with three rows of embroid- Men's Gloves for Dress S^U!? t0 "" b ™ h ' '""■"J™ w= i» wik .»,Vy.«.;W e,,r o mens \jioves lor Lress. iJS»SIS Mis Wi». u»,a ..«> «« i . ... . . iwwh. m«»i« ».i m ki.™. mi.»« «* Mm™*. m | with hair brush, nail brush, tooth brush, comb and nail UOllflX ir OUCII6S ing stitching; 111 tail, gic.\, white and bluck. I air, Tl'mriflff on n \y\/ r\ t* If 016 St.OH \ gift that a man will be glad to stand on his chif- $1.75 to $2.25 JL-/11 VII iy dllvj. VV Ul Dressing cases of genuine seal leather with complete fonier, 08c to s:{.so ; fittings for the traveler S-.50 to !i>:s.so | \ comnlete showing of best makes of doves for crepe seal leather cases. • with sewed turned edges Jewelry Cases and Manicure Sets 1\ iumpit.it* MH'wiUj. UL HUM nuuvts. U1 iui and black leather lining, fitted with military brush, J _ 1 „ f men, with many styles to choose from in leather and ! comb, soap box, ebony tooth brush, toilet water 75c, $1.35, 91.0s to *s.9B |h f OltOflS lOf fabric. Seal grain and black seal leather with complete fit- Tie Racks and Coat Hangers Men's Gloves tings, ........... .. .. »:t..>o to #.1.00 Tin racks in various styles, at 50c IS * A O Men's Scotch wool gloves with snap clasp button, . ,V)c, 75c and St.OO j aj,d°purp?rmoir^Timng,"ith complete Outfit fo? the Coat han 6 erß - m leather cases, four to a cwie, at XVItTIOIIOS <111(1 WCICQLIGS Men's golf wool gloves in grey and block 35c, 30c, 75c and Sl.tM> toilet. $5.00 «i i i t Men's black jersov and astrakhan gloves 25c and 50c Better toilet cases cf genuine leather at j •Music rolls genuine eat er, to .«.» Kimono fleece weaves in fancy figures, for dressing sacques Men's velour gauntlet gloves with leather palm. _ $5.»8, $0.50, to SIO.OO i W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. and kimonos. Yard 15* 4 and 18<^ «oc, B»>c and SI.OO . . . . . . . . , - r . Men's automobile and driving gloves, wrist and gauntlet lined with Kussian cords, With colored stripes and grounds, i ard, «>JC iamb's wool s3.o<» and «4.05 ! " , Half silk crepe de eliine, in plain and figured designs. Yard, Men's lined tan kid street gloves, soc to $1.50 and 6f)<T Handkerchiefs Solve Many a Gift j makes, 50c to 91.50 t/ j t/jr j)j VCBi Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Boys' lined tan gauntlet gloves with long ouflV, , . ~->oc, ."Oc and SI.OO Problem When It Comes to Boys' and girls' tan and grey lined gauntlet gloves with plain and I a • r T"\l , C\ j / 1 fancy star and fringed cuffs, wrist strap, sizes 2to 16 years 50c i * * A I HP\ I i 100(1 Boy, tan and "'"'"""t . ChOOSltlCf for 8. Man KCIICCIb UOOU Boys' Scotch wool gloves with snap butt6n elasp :»9c and 50c V/llv/V/Ulll>i JL C 4, T 1 (T t A IV K 1 " Boys'golf wool gloves in black, grey and mixed 35c and 50c j I 1 tl iD 1U iVlflCKlflflW Children's kid mittens 35c. 50c and 5,,,0 Most men are alike whe „ it comes to receiving gifts at VV nr Dues, Pomeroy i Stewart. Men's Store, street Floor. Christmas time. Very often you will hear them say, "Oh, 0Z(~\ don't bother aliont giving me anything." And yet when IOf vj) / .OU - the distribution of gifts occurs on Christinas morning a man L/UACvi LJIUUbCO, V dIUC is as glad of the presents lie gets as any other member of the Youths' and men's SIO.OO mackinaw coats in navy blue and L rf*l Id*o 1 r~r\ household. I seal brown. Specially priced at $7.50 3.1 1 OvJ V slue st Jpl OvJ ' jtBL. Important in the list of gift things for a man are hand- Men's heavy weave sweater coats in grey and Pique Blouse, voile vestee trimmed with hand embroidery, *f ilea's initial all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, one-half j Better grades of sweater coats $1.98 to $7.98 pique collar trimmed with venise lace edge, voile sleeves with 1 uf >i '•'dozen, boxed, ...'. 70$ p; VCSi pomeroy & Stewart, Men's store. s cuffs trimmed with lace edge. *1.95 value at SI.OO Jfc ii B Men's initial tine quality linen handkerchiefs; one-half Voile blouse, pique yoke, vestee and collar, embroidered front, t> v m Ljnu! %- 9 yj'j dozen, boxed. $1.40. Each - sleeves with lace insertion and pique cuffs, $1.95 value at SI.OO ' ■//F' "T' V%''' Men's plain hemstitched all linen handkerchiefs. Each, j p Voile blouse, pique vestee, embroidered back, pique collar and fP-- Mm .... 13 •••!< to 50£ *9h III) IJ I SnP cuffs, $1.95 value at SI.OO Vf JLT ji i[ L ' MM Men s fine cambric initial handkerchiefs, in two new styles i iVlvlyll o VJ lOlblo Pique blouse, embroidered front, pique collar embroidered, 1 >/[ of initials, one-half dozen boxed, Each, 12 ! d» 10 f\s\ voile sleeves, trimmed with pique cuffs, $195 value at . .SI.OO < *V' l Silk Handkerchiefs ciallV PnCeCl dt SIo.UO Voile blouse, military style, embroidered front trimmed with ! TI 1 1 1 111 1 , . „ .• , 1 X 1 1VyVyVA lace insertion, sleeves trimmed with cluster tucks and lace inser- Ile.nstitehed and corded border white silk handkereluefs. | . tion ; $2.50 value at $1.50 La hi .......... ™fj a 0 ? This is the weather that makes a Voile blouse, embroidered front trimmed with lace insertion, : b wo>en toloutl border silk handkerehicls, voile collar with venise lace edge, sleeves trimmed with lace ! . ... , .„ , ~ v. f Warm UlSter appreciated and £L time insertion and lace edge, $2.50 value at $1.50 Initial silk handkerchiefs 25£ to 75< vvainiwxoi , Flannellette Gowns Six Hundred Fancy Bordered Silk Handkerchiefs ly announcement is this special 3)25 Flannelette gowns, pink and blue stripes, collar or eollarless, 50c Grade 3 for SI.OO ulster at $lB, in oxford frieze. White flannelette gowns, high V-shaped neck or round neck, A special purchase that brings a rare chance to save on gift handkerchiefs—a group of six bun- Double breasted, 50 inches long, also white with pink or light blue trimming, dred representing au importer's samples. The actual retail valufe is 50c—priced now as a holiday . /lO At. , qq , A A SI.OO, 81.25, $1.50 to $1.95 special, each, 35tf. 3 for SI.OO. , SIZeS OD tO 4Z and StOUtS OO tO W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor —Three Elevators. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. t-S" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Hear. CUNARD LINER'S NARROW ESCAPE FROM EXPLODING MINE ON IRELAND COAST New York. Dec. 16.—The Cunard liner Transylvania, in to-day from Liverpool with 366 passengers, had a narrow escape from destruction by a mine at 4 o'clock in the morning of j December 6. During a storm off t'ho north coast of Ireland, two mines were dashed together by the waves and ex ploited about 25 feet oft the steamer's bow. A fragment of steel from one of the; . mines shot across the deck of the liner' I and tore awav a part of the railing. Jt I then fell upon the deck and was pick- j Vel up by one of the passengers. The! lforce of the explosion, it was said, lifted the bow of the Transylvania| «veral feet out of the water. 1 The Transylvania left Liverpool at Til o'clock in the afternoon of Decern I>V 5. During the the steamer i rail into a heiavy storm and many of i the passengers were awakened by the : rocking of the ship. A few minutes! after 4 o'clock in the morning a ter-: rifie explosion caused the ship to trem ble from bow to stern. The passengers rushed on deck. Officers told the passengers that nothing had happened, that what they had heard was a thunder clap. Then the passengers found the space that h id been torn out of the deck railing end one o>f them picked u,p a fragment of the mine that had caused the dam age. Among the passengers was Sir| < Uarles Allom. chairman of the Herman Prisoners of War Help committee. Sir Charles said he came to America to try to have American and other neau trals appointed to investigate coudi- tions and surroundings of British, French, Belgian ajid Russian soldiers in German detention camps and mili tary prisons. SANTA CLAUS IS EXPECTED AT USUAL TiME IN BERLIN Correspondence of the Associated Press. Berlin, Nov. 26. —The stores of the city have already begun to announce a message of comfort for the little people. This message is that, despite war, em bargo and hard times, Santa Claus is expected to put in his appearance at the usual time. He may not bring quite so much in his pack as in past years, but he will bring something, and "there is ground for rejoicing in that, for thou sands of persons hail feared that Christ mas this year would mean nothing more than two figures on the calendar. The Christmas trade has begun some what earlier than usual, since so many persons know that the field post, with the best intentions in the world, will need all the time it can get to bring gitts to the soldiers in the field. A war time feature is the opening of an elaborate exposition of "what the soldier needs in the field." There is a surprising range of things that must have been manufactured since the war began, going from condensed foods and drinks to elaborate sleeping sacks, and including literally hundreds of ingeni ous devices to make the field duty of the soldier more comfortable. A round of the larger stores shows the regular ante-Christmas picture in all departments, il'erhaps the only dif ference is in the stocks of military toys, which are rather larger than usual. Regiment upon regiment of toy soldiers appear, all uniformed in the new field uniforms, and swords, tiiiy uniforms and soldiers' raps, always prominent in the tor.* departments, take up more i FTAKKTSRrRn STAR-IN'DEPENDENT, [space than in peace times. A large proportion of the books deal also with | the war. Business, too, is good, according to the ! veidict of the principal stores of the I city. Carloads of Christmas trees, pines ' and balsams have been arriving for sev i eral days and evergreen trimmings are j beginning to appear iti shop windows, i The idea of the Christmas tree came ! from Germany, and no home w'ould j think of being without one on Christ i mas. whether tbeie were any presents ; to accompany it or not. In one respect it will be mote nearly ] like the old-fashioned Christinas than | for many years. There will be more home-made to;•«, garments, etc., and do | mestic fruits will take the place of various tropical products, which are ei ther very dear or not to be had at all. Provision is being made for the thou | sr.nds of homes devastated by the war. i Relief associations arc springing up ' everywhere to see that the orphans of ! the war shall not be forgotten. It will, lof course, be a sad Christmas. That | cannot be helped, but whatever can be j done to make it less sad is being done. PEOPLE ENDORSE ACTION IN ABANDONMENT OF LODZ Petrograd, Via Ijondon, Dec. 16, 12.02 P. M.—An ex-Minister of the Russian Cabinet, explaining the mili tary situation in an interview, stated that public opinion solidly endorsed the decision 'of the Russian general staff re cently announced regarding the discon tinuance of the Russian attacks on the Austrian fortress of Cracow and the yielding of Lodz to the Germans. The ex Minister said "It is now apparent that the Austro- German aim is not the taking or holding of certain tow UB, but by a continuous WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1914. harassing of the Russian flanks and by nivalis of their extensive railroad sys tem to throw troops at various points here and there in an attempt to weak en and tire out our army. '•Hence the Russians decided to straighten their line, abandoning all places jmtside of that line, no matter how important or how poyjlous. The Russian plan is to conserve the Russian forces rather than to hold geographical points. ''This explains why, despite the new Austrian offensive from the Carpa thians and the German attempt between the Vistula river and Lowicz, great life-sacrificing battles were not re ported." GRAVESTONE LUNCHEONS One of the Curious Sights of New York's Financial District In old Trinity churchyard, where Hubert Pulton and Alexander Hamil ton lie buried, dozens of girls can be seen through the pickets of tho bronze fences every day enjoyiny their noon day lunches a raid the tombs of the old time New Yorkers. AH about are high skvscraping office buildings. The elevated trains clatter and bin;; over head. and on Broadway tho trolley's gongs add tumult to the roar of the city. Within t'he old churchyard all is peace and quiet. It is here that the girls from these big oflice buildings confe of a noontime to eat their lunch, "far from the madding crowd," yet within a h'aod'a reach of tihe bustle of Broadway. It was only a few years atgo that some girl, a typewriter in a nearby oflice building, changed to let he* eyes fall over the gravestones of oid Trin ity. They did not bring thoughts of ghosts to her mind—they only made her think that it would, be lovely if she could cat her lunch among such peaceful scenes. The next day she and a girl friend brought their lunehes. They entered the dhurchyard and, scek ing a secluded spot behind the old church, sat down on an old tomb ami began to eait the sandwiches. Norttody objected. The next day they came again. Other girls emerging from stuffy restaurants, saw them and resolved to imitate them. Next day there were half a dozen there, and nowadays, when tlio noon hour is bright and sunny, the number has increased to sometimes seventy-five.—New V'ork Co*. Pitts burgh Dispatch. HIS TWO TENSE MOMENTS One Was a Ninth Inning and the Other at a Dinnor Table I heard a prominent Cambridge man tell of the two most tense moments of his life yesterday. Hut the tension in each case was different. "I doubt if I ever shall forget either occasion," he said reflectively. "They were big moments. "The first was when I was in college. I was captain of the baseball team that year. We came to tho end of the ninth. We needed one run to tie t'he score and another to win the gam 6. Two men were down and two on the sacks when I came to bat. Ami for once in my career I did it. I lined out a three-bagger, right over t'he railroad track. When I felt it go—well, that was one occasion. "And the ot'her." He chuckled, but a slow flush crept over his cheeks. "It was thirty years ago, soon after I left college. I went over to see a girl I thought was pretty nice and to meet her folks for the first time. I went on a Sunday. AH t'he men were away. And fchey had duck for dinner." He stopped. '' Ever carve a duck ? " he ask ed meaningly. "No, neither had I be fore. Nor have I since." His flush deepened. "I never even went to see that girl again," he added plaintively. —'Boston Journal. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. BLOOD OF THE VIKINGS The Men Whose Descendants Con quered Normandy and England The vikings and their followers who swarmed up the Seine and the Thames and whose descendants conquered Nor mandy and then Kngland were bred of long years of independence and property rights, while those they over threw were dependent anil non-land owners. They were the hardiest and boldest travelers of their time. The Norwegian sealers still eraise about the sea as far north as it is open, and the history of polar explora tion has been associated with Norway from Othar in King Alfred's time to Nansen in our own. In the Shetland islands the people still talked Norwe gian in the last century, Greenland and Iceland were colonized from Norway, and from Iceland comes a literature in old Norwegian, still the language of the people, which ranks with the hero tales of the cast, of Greece, of Germany and England. The Orkneys, the Shctlands, the Hebrides and the Isle of Man were possessions of Norway for hundreds of years, and for more than 300 years Nor wegian kings ruled in Dublin. Many of the Danes who conquered England were Norsemen, and the conquerors of Normandy were mostly of the Nor wegian viking breed. —l'rico Collier in Scribner's Magazine. Englishmen Discard Gloves The silk "topper," as wc know, has almost disappeared, except on state oc casions. But are men discarding gloves? A walk in Hyde park among the fashionables certainly shows that gloves are carried in the hand rather than worn now, a sure sign that they are "going out." Another indication of this decadence is that the policeman now no longer wears them in the sum mer, except on some great occasion. 'So much importanco was formerly at tached to gloves in tiro metropolitan police that their "order books'' pro scribe a penally for not wearing them on the beat. It. was <uio of the great est trials of flip young vonstablo fresh from the plow to incase his hands in the cotton abominations thought so es sential in the days of .Sir Richard Mayne.— London Chronicle. # BEARDS IN BATTLE And Why Clean Shaven Men Became Prized as Warriors The habit of shaving is not of a very ancient origin. According to James Stephens in "Mere Are Ladies," w:bcn humanity lived a quiet, rural and un ambitious life men did not dhave; their hair was t'lieir glory, and if they had occasion to swear, which must have been infrequent their hardiest and readiest oath was "By the beard of my fa ther," showing clearly that this feature was held in veneration in early times aud was probably accorded divine hon ors upon suitable occasions. With the advent of war came the habit of Shaving. A beard offered too handy a grip to a focnian who had got to close quarters; therefore, warriors who hail no true hardihood of soul preferred cutting off their beards to the honorable labor of defending their chins. Many ancient races effected a com promise in order to retain a fitting mil itary appearance, for a barefaced war rior has but little of terror in his as pect. The ancient Kgvptians, for ex ample, who had cut off or could not cultivate or had been forcibly doprived of their beards, were wont to go into battle clad in heavy false whiskers, which, when an enemy seized hold of them, camo off instantly in bis hand, and the ancient Egyptian was enabled to dispatch him while in a trance of stupefaction and horror. Clean srhaven men became by this cowardly stratagem very much prized as lighting men, and thus the founda tion of the shaving habit was laid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers