'' 1 The Star-independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky persou. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited = ■N Miscellaneous - FURNITURE PAC32N9 PACKING—A. H. SHRSN'K. 1906 North Sixth street, first class paclter of fur- Elture. china and bricabrau. Bell pnone U»\V. • W. J. WENRICH. S3S Hamilton street- Furniture, china and piano packing, bhiyuienm looked alter at both ends. Aiao all kind* of hauling. Bell pooui ■*.2 l W. WEATHEB. PROTECTION 3LASS WINDOWS will be placed in auto curtains wnilc you wait. a. fc'AlK CARtvIAGE A.NIJ AU'l'U W'OKKo. STORAGE. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two ucw eight-story bricli warehouses, one absolutely iueprool, diviaea into lireproot private rooms ol various eizes lor the storage of housciiout goods; the other wareuouse of itie most approved type at are reiaruaiu eou ■iruetiou lor general merchandise. They •i.> i|ui,vi}i. viiiii two large electric freight elevators and spiral chute lor tlte ijuick and sale hamaiiiig ol house hold goods and all kinds of merchan dise. U>* storage rates. Soutii Second street, near Paxtou, OH the tracks of Venua. R. it. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—SS to ja»o fro» Holiest working people without batik credit ut less than legal rates, payable in install oieiits to suit borrowers' convenience. CO-OPKItATIVE , Loau and Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut St FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAJr upon real estate se curities in any amounts and upon any terms to suit the borrower. Address I >. Box 174. ALL KINDS OP HAULING ALL kinds of hauling, large two-tea truck; furniture. pianos, freight, in the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure irips, day or evening. WM. H. DAIiE, 1453 Vernon fet. Bell phone 0517 J. ■% Sale and Exchange FOE SALE. FOR SALE —We have 50 pairs of gills' and boys' ice skates, newly sharp ened, which will he sold for 2.7 cents a pair. We also sharpen ice skates while you wait. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 X. Third St. FOR SALE—At a bargain—an electrio player-piano, in first class condition; must be hear i to be appreciated. Apply at the HOTEL WALLACE. 1915 CALENDARS FOE SALE Good selection. A feSv more sales men's samples left, at a bargain. MY ERS MFG. CO., Third and Cumberland Sts., above Miller's Shoe Store. FOR SALE—One Merkle motorcycle engine, aluminum case; 3-11. p.; in good running order; complete—coil carbureter, etc. First $lO takes this engine. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO.. 814 N. Third St. 7 —— MR. guards for this week only—put on j your wheel complete, at *I.OO per pair. ' These are the regular $1.50 kind; also SI.OO luggage carriers; 75 cents. Come quick at this price. KEYSTONE CYCLE 1X3., 811 N. Third street. OVERCOATS FOR SALE—Slightly used —all in tirst class condition, ironi $1 up. Also $11.50 felt boots for $1.95 Men's $1.50 Arctics for 95c. Come and look them over. Open evenings. S. MELTZER, 513 Walnut St. FOR SALE Cheap Addressograph fooNpower machine with cabinet. HA KRIsBURG SHOE MFG. CO.* Harris burg, Pa. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113. 115 and 117 S. Second St., 0.000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. ■N Death and Obituary DIED. CLEMENS—On Sunday, December 13 , L Reuben Clemens, at his home in Progress, Pa., aged 75 years. .Funeral on Friday forenoon at 10 o clock, from his late Yesittenee. Rela tives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment in bhoop h cemetery. Lost and Found FOUND. FOL'ND—Don't go anv further, for the riffht place is at EGGERT'4, Steam i Dyeing and French Cleaning "Works, I 124u Market St. We deliver and call 1 promptly. Both phones. ' 1 "" \ FOE SALE Up town Houses Bargain Prices Block of three houses—2 V 6 -story 1 bricks—each eight rooms—bath and i furnace—front porch—cemented col- j lar—paved street. Lots 13.9x70 ft. j to 10 ft. rear alley. Miller Bros. & Neefe lEAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds LOCUST and Court Streets Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. I WANTED—A boy for wash room; | I wastes $5.00 [KM- week. IMPERIAL I LAUNDRY. 1."34 Howard .St. | i WAXTKD—Boys with bicycles to de- I liver packages from now until Christ- i I mas. Airily BOWMAN & CO. ' AHMY OF UNITED STATES. MCN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of I'nited States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d & .Market sts., Harrisburg, 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster. 253 Pine st„ Willlamsport. or 37 W. Market st„ York. Pa. EARN Christmas Money, selling elec tric lanterns (or lnmpi)), suitable for Christmas gifts. The best seller of the season. Warranted. Apply 903 Kutikel Building, Harrisburg, Pa. j AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL j The oldest, best and most reliable au- i j tomobile school in the country. A full I course of practical instructions for $35, | including long driving and repairing i iessons. Hunareds of good-paying po sitions aro open for competent men. Make application now. Easy payments. Open day and evenings. 5 N. Cameron St. Bell phone 1710. i SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE, j WANTED—Position as waiter in hotel : or private family. 509 North Ave. WANVKD—A middle-aged man desires J a position as janitor; can do all kind ' of repairing, and is handy with all I kind of tools. Can furnish reference ! Address or call at No. 1602 Regina St., --TT ! WANTED—Any kind of work for a white man, between the ages of 10 and handy around stock. Address 2017 Wallace St. CLERK wishes a position in office; has two years' experience bookkeeping and typewriting; can furnish good rer ereiki s. Address iio\ 10k. Carlisle, l J a. | BAKER wishes a position in city; has! | three years expenen. in ake ; lid : bread baking; can furnish goo I r. ter ences. Address Box 10s, Carlisle, H, | ; HANDY, middle-aged colored man wants position of any kind. Address 28 Linden St. V\ ANTED—Experienced cook wishes position in town or out oi town. Ap- 1 ply 63k Brings St. YOU NO MAN desires position of any kind; thret' yearii experience in gro cery store, it. iS. MILK, - Afcuie Sc.. : city. ; \\ A.XTKD—By middle-aged white man, ' ! a position as watchman, janitor or tiring a furnace. Understands steam , iieat. very handy, &ood worker; can! give reference if required; will work . lor board, lodging and $2.00 to So.uo a week. Address C. H. i-'K.VMvUN, Gen. Delivery, Hummelstown, Pa. I WANTED—Position as chauffeur; pri : .vate or light delivery work; can iur nisn reference. Address or call -as ' Hamilton St. \\ ANTED Position at repairman's I work in store or as tirst class chaur- j teui , can do all work required about! automobiles, wit.i tools. 11. F. HART LEY, 173 i Park St. WANTED—A position as clerk, mes- I senger, or in mechanleai lines; am in I need ol work, in fact ot any kind. In j quire of HARRY P. HARVEY. 1111 ,\ I !• ront St. j YOUNG married man wishes position as ' watchman; experienced; references ! Address 11. A. HILGROV E, care Gen. Del.. Harrisburg, Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Good. honest girl for gen- ! j eral housework; no washing. Apply this evening between 5 and 10 o'clock. ' j io 1811 Kudy St. . W ANTED—Middle-aged lady for gen-I eral housework; good wages to right' parly. Apply lUUB Market St. WANTED—-A young white girl to as | mat with housework. Apply ios s Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. ? WHITE LADY would like to have day's work of any kind. Room 26, 429 Broad street. WANTED—-Colored woman tvants day's ' CiTy" Address 10k Christy Court, WANTED-Day's work of any kind. | Address 108$| Chriflty Court, City. ! BOOKKEEPER and stenographer de sires position; seven years experi ence; now employed. Address 3412 care Star-Independent. I WOMAN wants washing and ironing to | take home; or day's work. Call at ! 1637 Wallace St. WANTED—General housework or dish washing. Cu.ll 1228 Spruce Ave. WANTED— Neat colored girl, one that is capable of cooking, doing first Class dressmaking, or caring tor ttie hair, wishes position doing anvthing aoout the house. Address 631 Forster | street. • A LADY experienced in housekeeping, settled habits and without a family, desires position as housckeoper. 6UB Showers Ave- Harrisburg, Fa. WANTED—A German girl would like housework, cooking or washing and ironing. Address 4U2 Mohn St., Steel ton, Fa. WANTED—By a capable white girl, 16 years oid, position as general house work. E. F. HKUU phone JStHX. GERMAN GIRL, wants gfr.eral house ; work. Apply to or address MISS MAR* KOE.NIG, Enhaut, Fa. WANTED—Colored woman wants day's j work or bundle washing. Address N. j PUFFINS, 515 Primrose Ave., City. j COLORED GIRL would like to have place as cook or maid in or out uf ) the city. Write or call 628 Primrose j Ave., City. WANTED—By a young colored woman, ! a position at general housework. Call or address 3U4 Cherry Ave. ' WANXED—By young white girl, gen eral housework. Apply 1327 Bartine Ave. "I'lll say this for the prune," re ; marked the groiusby boarder. We all listened attentively. "Yon <-an eat it or leave it, and I tihat ends it. You don "t find it coa ' tinually bobbing up as a made over."— /"AF9.TSBURG STAR-TNDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1914. Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOE SALE. (50) ACRKB ($1,600) Stock (Machinery) ("ropß .at extra price. Farm alone ( $2600) terms ($600) cash (800) March, rest Easy Payments. Handy to school ancl church (2) mar kets (3) mile each way, (Telephone) if you wish .and Rural delivery (10) o'clock eAch day—(Meadow) for cattle, spring water and (.">) acres good woodland— Straw (hay) eornfodder and Winter Grain to make (good bargain)— Pain ted Home front and side porches, bank barn, (2) wagon, hog. poultry and corn houses. All kinds of choice fruit. (Low Pvice). (Wl) ACRivS ($2,500) (Woodldnd) about (40) acres valued ($11*00) mile and halt to Market (7) room painted home, bank barn, bi? straw shed and good wagon house. For ($1100) more (5) horses (5) cattle (4) hogs (.80) chickens (new) big wagon, one horse wagon (2) horse wagon, new hay ladders, new plow, one horse plow, new cultivators, new hay rake (new) mower). Cipher's incubator and brooder, new harrows, set truck wagon harness (2) set single harness, new set double harness and crops. (120) ACRiKS ($3,700) Buildings (all) Painted except Bank Barn. (2) orchards. flowing spring water, (2T.) acres (woodland) valued (S1300). Ten minutes walk to trolley, railroad and edge of Town Market (14,- 000) population. Barn full of straw (hay) and give possession at once. Re member (Fine Home). Part of Land like river bottom. Joining above (70) acres with small home and spring at ($1000). Both together .make fine large farm. Great Bargain (190) acres onlv ($4500). GEO. B. OSTRAXDER Danville Phone Hours Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings ?'OR SALE-—ln New Cumberland, Bridge street near Tenth. 2t4-story frame, nearly new; single property; 6 rooms, batli and steam heat: new frame stable and garage on rear; lot 35x110; pos session soon. BRINTOtfJ-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—SII Calder St.; 2 frame; good condition; 2 V_> -st or y frame on rear, facing on Wveth Ave.; lot 17x160. BRI N'T OX-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut streets. SI,BOO WILL BUY two brick houses on Third street above Harris Plot 25x 140. Also most modern steam heated suburban property with plot 50x150. PELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. NO. 203S srsyUEH \NNA STREET—3- stor.v brick house; all modern im provements. Price reasonable; SI,BOO will buy another property on Susque hanna I,EN Broa-.l street. BELL REAL 'I"i CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 809 N. Sixteenth St.— inspect this property and consider the location. The price is right. $2,700 will b;i> two R sinn street houses. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. LOOK AT THIS—A quarter acre of ground with a new 5-rcom bungalow, electric light, porcli 7-2 1 tVet: grano lithic walk, chicken house; close to trolley, 3c fare !-. - o>u city. Price $ 1,9r.(». Apply H. G. PEDLuW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. :'R SAL 'souse No. IS3I X. Sixth St. It mod > 1 < . t;.. u.at, all improve .".cnts. Apply GEOKGE. W. OKTH, 423 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE of the Keister apartments, Fifth and Market streets; live rooms and bath. Apply H, KEISTER, ground lloor. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. NICE HOUSE FOR RENT at 1206 Penn St.; all conveniences; rent reasonable. Inquire f 11. COHEN, 2u_ Market St. FO RR.ENT—2636 Jefferson St.; all im pro\cments; rent $16.00 per month Call on AUGUSTUS WILDMAX, x" Third St. , FOR RENT—NEW HOUSES 2131 Deny St., steam heat $23.00 2133 Derry St., steam heat 28.00 2135 Derry St., steam/littu 28 00 Inquire P. VANDERLOO, 2119 Derry St. Or Masonic Temple, Third and St.Ue. FOR RENT—A ii' w brick house in Le moyne, 7 rooms and bath; gas and electris- light; steam hea;, side entiance, large lot; 'ental SIB.OO. 11. o. PEP LOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. REXT—Twsi reserved seat tickets were awarded to-day to John H. Doming, 507 Mueneh St., good for the evening performance at the Orpheum, Decem ber 18, 1914. Call for tickets at Star- Independent office before 8 o'clock p m„ December 17, 1914, or they will be forfeited. FOR KENT—6IS Geary St.; it-story brick; 8 rooms and bath: all improve ments; lino new liome; rent reasonable. Apply 621) Geary St. 10R RENT—AII improve ments — 1614 Catherine, ..,.. .$16.00 535 S. Sixteenth, $17.00 539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third street. FOR RKNT—Houses with all improve ments. at moderate rentals. J. E. GIPPEE, 1261 Market St. SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OR BENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2-story dwelling bouses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Derry Sts. Sometimes Happaus so The family had gone off for their holiday iu a taxi. Twenty minute* later the taxi snorted back up the road. "Forgotten the tickets?" cried a neighbor. "No," said the irate householder, "but my wife's just remetnl>ert*l that she's left a kettle boiling on the gas Stove." He dived into the house and came back the next moment with a ghastly calm on his face. "All right now!" said tie neighbor cheerily. "Ivight! I'd forgotten that Id turn ed the gas off at the meter, and now we've two hours and a half to wait for t'hts next train.'—Glasgow Dispatch. Artistic f rintiiig at Star-Independent. Frank R & Son Real Estate and' Insurance Office NO.IBN. Third St, Harrisburg, Pa., FOR SALE 127x100, S. E. corner Jefferson and Seneca Sts. 110x127, East of above lots, on east side of Sen eca St. 80x127, West side of Curtin St., east of Jeffer son. Price right to quick bn\er. FOR RENT No. 410 Spring Ave.— Brick dwelling with 6 rooms. Rent $10.50 Legal > i Harrisburg. Pa., Dec. 2nd, 1911. To Jane Ettinger (lately of Baltimore, Md.): Take notice that by virtue of the act of assembly in such case made and pro vided, The City of Harrisburg, on Feb ruary 10th, 1912, tiled its claim in the court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, to No. 263, M. L. D. ", against all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate in the Twelfth ward of said fiity ot Harrisburg, Dauphin rounty, Penn sylvania. bounded on the north by Ham ilton street; on the east by a four feet alley; on the south by property of Geo. J. Leib estaty, and on the west by Third street; known as southeast corner of Hamilton and Third streets, and having a frontage along Hamilton street of one hundred and eight feet more or less, and a depth of fifteen feet, more oi less; owned by Annie E. Boles, John l. Wagner. John Wagner, Edward L. Wagner, Charles W. Wager, Jane Et tinger. Carrie E. Wagner Barrymore mrl Mary Jane Rowe. ""--it ;aiil clnim was filed for the paving and curbing of Hamilton street on the south side thereof in front of above descrtbed property; that the amount of the assessment for which said claim was filed is $311.86; that 5 per cent, penalty for non-payment, and in- terest at .i pel- cent, per annum, from November 23rd, 1911. and costs, have ac crued thereon; that no part of said i claim has-been paid; and that the whole ; is still due and remains a lien against said property. Now, you are hereby notified to (lie your affidavit or defense to said claim, .f ueleiisc you have thereto, in the ulHce f the prothonotary of our said Court > ithin fifteen days after December 16th, 1911. If no affidavit of defense be filed with in said time, judgment may be entered against you and the other owners In common for the whole of said claim remaining unpaid, and the property de scribed in the claim be sold to recover the amount thereof. Witness the Honorable George Kun kel, president judge of our said court, this 17th day of November, 1914. HARRY C. WKLLIP. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES • __ By virtue of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias, llberari facias, venditioni exponas and alias venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common l'leas and Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me direct ed. I will expose at Public Sale or Out cry. at tho Court House, in the City of Hirrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., on Thursday January 7, 191!., at - o'clock, p. m. the following real estate, to wit; (SEITZ, ATTORNEY) No. 11.—All that certain piece or par cel of land, situate, lying and being in the Seventh ward of the city of Harrij burg, Dauphin .tnunty, Pennsylvania, described as follows; Beginning at a point on the southern line of Harris street, eastwardly eighty feet more or less from the southeastern corner of Wallace street and Harris street, being the center of a partition wall between this and adjoining house, now known as- No. b_>9 Harris street; thence in a southerly direction through tii" center of said partition tvail and .continuing in a southerly direction along the line of property of Catherine I'nrt rwood Kckele, one hundred feet more or less to a point on tiin northern line of a four feet wide private alley; thence in an easterly direction aiorig the northern line of said alley seven teen feet six inches, more or less to a point on the division line of this and property now or late of \V:n. U Gor gas. Trustee; thence in a northerly di rection toward Harris street; along the line of this and adjoining property now or late of Wm. L. Gorgas, trustee, forty feet more or less to a point; thence in a westerly direction and at right angles two feet more or less to a point; thence at right angles in a northerly direction along the western line of a four feet wide private alley way sixty feet more or less to the southern line of Harris street; thence in a westerly direction along the south ern line of Harris street fifteen feet six inches more or less to a point, the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house now known as No. B"1 Harris street. Together with Ilie use of said four feet wide private alleyway on the pastern side in common with the own ers or occupiers of the adjoining prop erty, also the use of the private alley in the rear of said lot in common with the owners and occupiers of other prop erty abutting thereon. (F"or title, see mortgage hook "Y," vol. 6, page 173). Sfcld as the property of Florence S. KaufTman and James H. KaufTman, mortgagors, and Harrisburg Trust Com pany, committee ad litem for said Flor ence S. Kaufman, defendants. HARRY C. WKU^, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Harrisburg, December 16, lUI4. Conditions of —The highest and best bidder to be the buyer. Terms—The purchaser shall be re quired to pay l&tl.oo of the amount ot his bid when the property shall have been knocked oIT to Kin under J.">OU.UO: above that amount ten per cent, on the purchase money, and the residue befor. the confirmation of sale by the Court. If the purchaser rails to comply with the terms of sales the property will be riu.nld at his cost. BELGIAN WEEK IS DRAWING CROWDS Evening Crowds Al most Cause "5.R.0." Sign at the Orpheum Box Office BESSIE WYNN A HAPPY ACTRESS She Has Taken to Skating on Wild wood Lake and Is More Pleased Every Day That Manager Hopkins Sought Her Out in New York While afternoon crowds are above tlie average, evening crowds continue to tax the seatinji capacity at the Or plieum theatre this week in the cam paign to make as happy a Christinas as possible for the Belgian war sufferers. The actual work doue by the Rotary Club, which is managing the week at the playhouse, is showing up at the box office. Many tickets sold by th'e nieirfbers of the club are being transferred for seats. Every possible exchange agree ment for tickets sold outside has been made at the Orpheum so far and per sons have been generally satisfied, but ticket holders are askej to make reser vations early for the remainder of the week. The cold weather is bringing a lot of .patrons to the Orpheum for the en tertainment but it is hard to believe that in so doing is aiding a worthy charity. Even the .boy who buys a gallery seat is helping the cause. Prospects are bright for a con siderable sum to be turned into the Belgian Relief Fund by the Women's Home and Foreign Aid Committee, through which committee the contribu tion will be made. Next to the managers of the week, the happiest person is probably Bessie Wynn, the dainty singer on the Orphc um bill. She scanned the evening pa pers and saw that skating at Wildwood | Park was the prospect to-day and when J *he verified it this morning she could not be restrained. Skate she must and skate she did. The managers were considerably worriod this afternoon that she woubl not turn up in time for the matinee, but she allayed heir fears. She is sincerely thankful that Man ager Hopkins searched her out on his booking trip to New York and is hav ing as much fun here skating at Wild wood Park and singing the Rotary C'lub "anthem" as any other actor on tho bill. Miss Wvnn will take good care| that her booking agent includes Harris burg on her itinerary next season. FINANCE \ REACTIONARY HOVjHERT FEATURES MARKET TO-BAY International List Evinces the Greatest Weakness—Baltimore & Ohio and Beading Also Share in the Losses— Trading Very Dull By Associated Press. Now York, Dec. 16.—Wall Street— Reactionary tendencies were again up permost at the opening of to-day's stock market, tibo interna/tionai list evincing girea/teslt weadrness. Union Pa cific, Southern Pacific, Canadian Pa cific, St. Paul, U. 8. Steel and Smelt ing soon fell under yesterday's lowest quotations. Baltimore and Ohio also shared in the declining movement to gether witth Reading and some less prominent stocks. Practical wains were scored by some of the coppers, bat pursued an uneven course. Prices strengthened on moder ate buying orders, but the undertone continued uncertain. Trading fell to very small propor tions soon after the opening, the total business of the morning session being less than half that of yesterday 'a cor responding period. Prices rose and fell Lucrative Employment With ©me of Our Largest Financial Institutions Men of character and ability who have been successful in other lines of business, but who are handicapped by the conditions now prevailing, are in vited to write, giving some details as to their present business and experi ence. Whereupon full particulars re garding an exceptional opportunity will be promptly communicated. To those possessing the proper quali fications, efficient aid will be given, HIK! remunerative success will be the result of intelligent, diligent work. U413, care of Star-Independent. GRAND JURY STILL INVESTIGATING COPE-ALEXANDER MANN ACT CASM MjF jr", lo' miss v&jsw '■>\j w^m ff JLSSI& «™«"^»il^ tA W \ft» ELIZABETH {MiHßH||^^^H^Br>taJß \ COPF The Federal Grand Jury at Chicago began ane<%er laweatlgattoa «• the charges agaiust Colonel Charles Alexander, of PwiHiho% I. I. kr Was Jesse E. Cope, aileglug violation of the Mann Act, as well as the «f nttompted bribery which were made against Miss Cope. It «h wind that letters which were said to have been written by Ooleml Alenuafer mad Dai Cope with regard to a possible settlement of the cut ware read by the Qtud Jury. Miss Cope is still In the custody of the Sheriff within narrow limits as buying or sell ing, orders apipeared, tout the under tone remainod extremely feveris'h. A few osf the s'tosck's recovered to a frac tion over yesterday 's close. Bonds were steady. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Dec. 16.—Wheat easier; No. 2 red spot, export, Uganda; No. 1 northern, Dulutli export, 1290131. Corn steady; No. i yellow, local, 81® 81%. Oats steady; No. J white, 64@r>4%- Bran firm; winter, per ton, $26.50® 27.00; spring, per ton, $25.00@25.50. Refined sugars steady; powdered, 4.95; fine granulated, 4.85; Confectioners' A, 4.75. Butter firm; western creamery, ex tra. 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37. Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, $12.00®i12.30; du„ current receipts, free case, $11.40; western extra firsts, free case. $12.00(g)12.30; do., firsts, free ease, $11.40. Lice poultry weak; fowls, 11@13; olij roosters, 10; chickens, 10@13; turkeys, 15<<i 16; ducks, 13©13; geese, 13{i15. Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fan cy. ::I#22| turkeys, average, 17@19; fowls, heavy, 17 ',4 (&• 1 8 Vfc ; do., average, 14#16; do., small, 12#13; old roosters, 12',4; broiling chickens, nearby, 16<§>22; western, 14 @2O; roasting chickens, 14C(i23; ducks, ll(6>la; geese, 125"13. Flour steady; winter straight, 5.00® (. THE DAILY FASHION HINT. j cently held In New York. This model is of waterproof covert cloth. Th« modal shown at the ffite had a brown velvet coat on the same lines. The "shooting girl," T.ith the wonderful dog, brace of birds and her boylisti swing, made a picture not soon to be forgotten. 13 5.25; uprinß straight, 6.35»®5.fr0i da^ patent, 5.65@5.90. Hay weak; Timothy hay. No. 1 largut bales. 18.00@18.50: No. 1 medium bales, 17.50@18.00; No. 2 do., 16.50@14.50; No. 3 do., 14.00® 15.00; sample, 13.00@14.00: no grade, 11.00@13.U0. Clover mixed hav, light mixed, 17.00@17.50; No. 1 d»., 16.00@ 16.50; No. 2 do., 14.50® 1E.50. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, p»r bushel, 58@62; New York, 45@6£; J»r sey, per basket, 35@40. Chicago Livestock Market Chicago, Dec. 16.—'Hogs—Receipts. 33.000. PiR«, 5.50@7.30. Cattle—Receipts, 19,000; weak. Na tive steers. 5.26®10.40; weatern, 5.000) 7.90; cows and heifers, 0.00@7.W; calves, ti.00@8.50. Hheep—Reeeipts, 15,000; strong. Sheep, 5.50<®6.65; yearlings, 6.75@7.75; lambs, 6.75@8.80. Must Chew the PHI "Is there any way you can suggest by which, we cam euro (her of her im fatuation for himf" "Oh, yes, that's easy. Just" — J "I mean without letting her marry I him?" "Not that I know of."—'Houston Post. Artistic Printing at Star-Indepeudout.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers