The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 16, 1914, Image 1

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Ortrtlrd Hrpurt. fas* « '
VOI,. 77—NO. 11.
DEC. 4.
Kaiser s Warships Make Sudden
Dash Into the
Bombard Scarbo
tlepool, Whitby
Great Damage to Property
Reported At First Named
While At Hartlepool Nine
Persons Are
Been Killed and
—Reports Curre
That Two Ger
Were Sunk---Attack
Made Under Cover of Heavy
Fog - 1
By Associated Press,
London, Dec. 16, 11.52 A. M.—A German fleet made a
sudden dash into the North Sea to-day, shelled Scarbor
ough, Hartlepool, Whitby and Redcar, English coast towns
on the North Sea, and engaged certain units of the British
London, Dec. 16, 12.35 P. M.—Reports are current in
London that two German cruisers have been sunk in the
North Sea.
Hull, Dec. 16, via London, 3.12 P. M.—The arrival of
the German raiders off Scarborough took place under
cover of a thick veil of fog. Some people declared they
saw a German cruiser lying off Castle Cliff.
The roof of St. Martin's church was struck and one
woman is known to have been killed. Another church was
damaged, and the roofs of several houses were carried
away by shells.
The people were greatly excited. They rushed from
their houses at the first sound of firing, and women and
children were seen running through the streets in their
night clothes.
London, Dec. 16, 3.12 P. M.—The Yorkshire "Evening
News" reports that two German cruisers were sunk in to
day's engagement and that the British flotilla was
Hull, Eng., Dec. 16, via London.—Fugitives reaching
here from Scarborough say the German bombardment of
that port was heavy and that great damage was done to
property at Scarborough.
Hull. Dec. 16 ,via London, 5.10 P. M.—Nine persons are
reported to have been killed at Hartlepool, and a number
injured in the bombardment of port by German
cruisers this morning. The bombardment of Hartlepool
■ asted for 25 minutes.
The hostile warships which took part in the operation
a 1 estimated from two to six, but never once were they
ck rly visible from the shore.
'lie forts on the river Tees replied to the fire of the
Gei *n vessels.
F :es of shell have been found all over Hartlepool.
The d mage inflicted on the town is said to be consider
able. One of the shells hit a gas tank and set it a fire.
Hartlepool, Dec. 16, via London, 2.45 P. M.— Many
business premises and private homes were wrecked here
by the German shells.
Whitby, . r ork, England, Dec. 16, via London, 1.48
P. M.—Two German cruisers bombarded this town be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock this morning.
Whitby is in the north riding of Yorkshire, on the coast,
and about half way between Scarborough and Hartlepool.
It is a town of about 12,000 people, and also is a seaside
resort. It has a group of hotels along the cliffs and the
town itself is situated on both banks of the Esk.
Redcar, York, England, Dec. 16, via London, 1.27
P. M.—Heavy firing was heard off the coast here between
8 and 8.20 a. m. to-day. The forms of three cruisers could
be discerned looming out of the haze and the flashes of
artillery fire could be easily observed from the Redcar
The people of Redcar sought the water front, but they
Continued on Seventh Pngtb
SI) tStar- 4mmhStdtepcnknt
The eastern coast of England was
raided to-day by German warships
which dropped shells in several towns
along a forty-mile strip of coast. Con
siderable damage was done in Scarbor
ough, Whitby and Hartlepool and it is
reported that several persons were
killed or wounded.
The German raid apparently was per
formed by a few fast cruisers and so
far as is known the main British and
German fleets were not engaged. London
has a report that two German warships
were sunk. The British Admiralty stat
ed that naval encounters were in prog
ress but details as to size of the
engagement and the outcome were
Official announcements from the
British official information bureau came
through with unusual celerity. Some of
these dispatches wern passed by the
censor and transmitted to New York in
about an hour, as compared with delays
of two to four hours, which are not un
usual in tie forwarding of news from
Although the raid on England over-
Continued on Klfchth I'afff.
Hull, Dee. 16. Via London, 1.40 P.
M.—James Harvey Scott, of Scarbor
ough, who arrived here after the bom
bardment of the seaside resort by the
Germans, said:
"1 could uot believe it was a real
attack; 1 thought the battleships were
practicing. Then I saw a shell fall
on the roof of a house which caught
fire and there was a cloud of smoke.
I also noticed that the Balmford Ho
tel, right in the center of the town,
was struck. As I walked to th e sta
tion I saw sheils bursting overhead and
at the station shells fell into the yard.
A i«>rter than picked up a fragment.
"A man accompanied by his wife
and children, came running into the
station, saying t'tiat the roof of their
house had been damaged by shells."
Another eyewitness from Scarbor
ough said that a large amount of debris
was scattered about the square near
the railway statiou by the shell fire.
Roofs of lK>uses were torn away, win
dows were broken and hole* were bored
entirely through some houses. The huge
chimney at the brick works was knock
ed down.
It is reported here that word had
been received that au attack by the
Germans was anticipated and that con
sequently the authorities were in readi
ness to meet it. The coast defenses
had been thoroughly prepared anil all
the units of infantry and artillery
were at their stations and in the
t"p to 3 o'clock this afternoon no re
liable estimates of the casualties were
London, Dec. 16, 11.20 A. M.—The
official bureau announces that German
movements of importance are taking
place in the North Sea and that the
Germans are shelling Scarborough and
The official announcement regarding
this important development follows:
''German movements of some impor
tance are taking place this morning in
the North Sea. Scarborough and Hartle
pool have been shelled and our flotillas
have at various points bee« engaged.
The situation is developing."
Ijondon, Dec. 16, 1.46 P. M.—A
statement given out by the Official In
formation Bureau says that the German
warships which have been bombarding
the Ea-tern coast of England have
been driven off by the West Hartlepool
fortress. .
London, Dec 16, 2.30 P. M.—The
Xiw Castle "Evening Chronic.le"
places the number of German cruisers
which bombarded Hartlepool at three.
It says that these cruisers were at
tacked almost im nediatelv by four
British destroyers
Several entire rows of houses at
Hartlepool were destroyed and the gas
works were seriously damaged, this
newspaper says. It is believed several
persons weie killed or wounded.
Paris, Dec. 16. 4.15 A. M.—A Ma
drid dispatch published in the "Jour
nal '' says:
'' Reliable news received here says
that Emperor William's condition, al
though recorded by the bulletins as im
proved, is giving great anxiety. His
doctors speak of a serious sore throat,
following diphtheria, which the Em
peror contracted during a visit to the
eastern front."
Tribes Declare War on Servla
Amsterdam, Via London, Dec. 16,
2.50 P. M. —A telegram from Constan
tinople to the "Telegraaf says that
the tribes in northern Albania have de
clared war on Servia.
1 RELIEF 111
River Is Icebound and
Skaters Begin Win
ter Season at Wild
wood Pafk
Zero Temperature Did Not Materialize
But Mercury Will Stay Around Ten
For Remainder of Week—Yester
day Was 23 Degrees Below Normal
There will be ivo decrease in the
streniJth of the eoM wave tinning the
remainder of the week anil below nor
mal te imp Matures win continue, accord
ing to officials in change of the local
office of the weather bureau.
While the ntiniimim mark of last
night diil not reach the expected zero
murk, the river became icebound dur
ing tie night and skating was made
possible 011 the lake in Wiidwood ;ark.
The ice is nothing to brag about at
present, but the continuation of the
oold snap Will make it Meal.
Four times since 1870 the Susque
hanna river at this point became ice
bound earlier than this year, but 110
comparison van be made because the
municipal dun nearing completion and
t r ue i offer dajns arpanU the piers at the
Cumberland Valley bridge all served to
keep the floating ice intact. There were
two small channels open yesterday at
nightfall but they were closed this
Not As Oold as Yesterday
The mercury touched a minimum of
T ikvrees here this morning, three
ribove the record-breaking temperature
of yesterday. Two high pressure areas
Continued on RlKhth I'asr.
Lawyer for Dissatisfied Commuters
Asks Tener to Remove the SIO,OOO
Members of Public Service Board
I'd win M. Abbott, an attorney, of
Philadelphia, representing business men
of that city and th< Commuters' Asso
ciation, who are not satisfied with the
recent ruling of the Public Service Com
missioners in the matter of the in
creased passenger rates put into effect
yesterday by the Pennsylvania, the
Philadelphia & Reading and the Balti
more & Ohio railroads in this State,
called on Governor Tener this after
nodn and, according to Mr. Abbott's
statement made afterward, asked the
Governor to tire all the Commissioners
from theii SIO,OOO jobs and appoint
an eutireiv new board.
Mr. Abbott first called on the Public
Service Commissioners to ask when he
Continued on Klxhth Page.
Pleasant View Grammar Building
Closed Yesterday by Order of the
State Health Department
The Stite Health Department yes
terday olosed the Pleasant View grajn
mar sc hool building due to an epidemic
of diphtheria. Sin<*« the opening of the
building in September nearly fifty
«wes of the disease have been reported
in the schools and a number of deaths
have occurred.
In order to check its progress it
was decided to close the building until
after fihe Christmas holidays. This
gives aver three hundred * children
about two weeks more vacation than
they would otherwise have gotten. It
is hoped that by January 4, when the
school will again open, that the dis
ease will have disappeared.
Christmas Pay Saturday After Lots
of Trouble
The public school teachers in the
Harrisburg district will receive their
Christmas pay tiatuTday. The total
money to be distributed will be some
thing oveT $27,000.
There were all kinds of complica
tions that may have caused some in
convenience in getting out the war
ranto. First it was the fear that the
board could not organize in time to
have the president sign the warwnts
and then the printer did not get the
new check book out in time. Secretary
D. D. Hainmelb&ugh solved this latter
problem by making the printer send
down some sheets not yet bound i-mthe
new book.
The "Two Johns" of the Western Union
Telegraph Office Have Been Crack
"Wire Ticklers" Since Boyhood
' A
Here are the "Two Johns" of the
Westerh Union Telegraph office in Har
risburg—two of the most widely known
telegraph operators in the State, one
of them a "wire-tickler" for almost
fifty years, the other since his thir
teenth year.
"To the right," as the man on the
rubberneck wagon says, is William 11.
Boggs, night wire chief of the West
ern Union, a gentleman who
the weight at 250 pounds. Mr. Boggs
coin ms m
Strikes Bargain Where
by He Redeems $20,-
OOO.Par Value, Bonds
Including Interest for the Next 10
Years This is a Gain of $7,120 for
Taxpayers—He Has Saved $2,517
In This Year Alone
Through the redemption of two hun
dred Dauphin county SIOO serial thirty
year improvement bonds, due in 1931,
at S9O each or $lO below par, County
Controller Henry W. Gough and the
Board ad: County Commissioners have
effected a saving for Dauphin county
estimated at something like $7,120.
Controller Gough conducted the trans
action and to-day asked the Commis
sioners to draw a warrant in the sum
of SIB,OOO to cover the redemption
of the bonds.
The dea>l was made with Warner &
Fitzharris, Philadelphia brokers, anil
was closed on Monday, the bonds ar
riving here this morning. A voucher
was drawn and the boiuls taken up.
The bonds .originally were offered a
week ago to the county at sl)4, just
$6 below par. Mr. Cough refused to
consider the offer, urging tihe company
to make a more attractive price, and
under a second proposal the brokers
agreed to turn over the boruls at
92 1-2. That also was rejected by Mr.
n/il in a succeeding communi
cation the price was dropped half a
point, to 92.
That" too was rejected and a fourth
offer was made, this time the S9O fig
ure being set up by the brokers and
Mr. Cough closed the deal. Interest
on the bonds from July 1 to the pres
ent day, December 15, exactly five and
Continued on Seventh PnKe
Evangelist Subpoenaed to Appear for
Trial Next Monday
Papers were to-day served on tihe
Bev. Dr. Henry W. Stough, evangelist,
requiring him to appear next Monday
at Wilkes-Burre to answer to four
separate charges of libel, preferred
against him by 'business men whom he
attacked in an evangelistic campaign in
Luzerne county.
The subpoena was served by Sheriff
Campbell, of Wilkes-Barre.
|is a native of franklin county. He
l came to llarrisburg from Fayettcville '
in 1869 to visit his uncle, John
Hutchinson, who was superintendent of
the restaurant in the Pennsylvania
railroad station, and in a short time ho ,
was up stairs among the telegraph op
erators. It wasn't long before he was
handling a key with the others. Then
he j»ot a place in the Western Union
and he has. been there ever since, and
now, when sixty years have frostc,! his
head, he is still ;is useful as ever. Out
side of a short time spent in Chambers
burg, where he handled a wire in a.
| broker's ollice as a diverion, Mr.
Boggs has been stationed in Harrisburg
all that time. He began to take on
i weight at an early age, and he is still
accumulating avoirdupois in order to
i catch up with his side partner.
"To the left" is Harry W. Hitter,
! only 38, and he looks to' be 30, but
'he certainly has "weight for age," as
| they say on the turf. Mr. Ritter tips
the beam to 315 pounds, and is as ac
! tive as a young fellow of 21. He be
gan to look into the mysteries of tele
graphing when he was thirteen years
• old, and was a messenger boy at the
I Western Union at that age. He com
' mitted the Morse code to memory in
9 one night and then set about putting
- it into practice, the result being that
, in a short time he could receive and
e send with the best of them, and he is
' still at the business. He was with
' the Norfolk & Western railroad for a
• while, but finally went back to his first
j love and William Boggs, and is now
e the reliable night man.
The two operators strolled into a
night photographer's one time and
s that's the reason for the picture that
s accompanies this story.
More Letters Entered
for Competition This
Week Than Any Pre
vious Time
There Is Chance to Get Christmas Mon
ey in Pleasant Way By Submitting
Choice ol Best Offers on Bargain
Page of Star-Independent
Last Wednesday s bargain page in
the Star-Independent called forth more
letters than in any previous week's
contest., and for the most part they
were very good ones. The writers se
lected the offers they considered the
'best bargains, and presented good rea
sons for doing so.
A number of boys and girls were
among the leitter writers, as indicated
by the handwriting, and they showed
tehmselves to be good judges of best
bargains. They did very well for a
start, and should ketp at it from Wed
nesday to Wednesday until they are
ajnong the prize-winners.
Chance to Oet Christmas Money
Another page of bargains appears
to-day in this paper, offering readers
their last opportunity to get Christmas
money in an easy and pleasant way.
The usual cash prizes will be awarded
next Wednesday for the best letters re
ceived by the Bargain Editor on what
the writers consider the best offers on
the page.
The prize-winners this week, unlike
preceding weeks, all happen to be of
the fair sex. Thejv are: First prize
of $3, Minerva Creager, 402 North
Third street; second prize of $2, Lil
lian Miller, 701 Garfield street, and
third prize of sl, Mrs. 8. M. Taylor,
903 North Second street.
The winning letters follow:
First Prize Winner
Bargain Editor.
Dear Sir—The "best bargain" to
the greaitest number of readers, is the
Arcade Laundry advertisement; be
cause it insures satisfaction and a just,
equivalent for value received. And si*
other valuable reasons added. Saves
Continued on KltTnik Haze,
Mummers Meet To-night
The Harrisburg Mummers' Associa
tion will meet this evening at police
headquarters. Impo r : ,nt business will
be transacted and a large attendance is
1410 25 CRITICAL
ME. SITS 511
Declares Protestants
Should, Like Catho
lics, Take Children
Early Intothe Church
Evangelist and Party Are Vaccinated
to Ward Off Smallpox—Belief Is
Expressed That Tabernacle Will Ea
Properly Warmed To-night
The closing week of the Stough cam
paign started nt the tabernacle last
night with one of the smallest audi
ences at any of the evening meetings.
The big building was cold and the
nursery was not opened because it
could not be properly heated. Dr.
Stough, who had just been vaccinated
so as to take the greatest precaution
against smallpox, to which he had been
indirectly exposed, was nevertheless
cheerful and displayed his optimism by
declaring that lie was glad ho had tho
privilege of talking to people so cour
ageous as to venture out on such a
night, lie said that he believed tho
tabernacle wonld be properly heated
this evening. Announcement will be
i made when the nur.. ry is- to bo re
| opened.
Delegations of city firemen attended
the meeting and a speaking trumpet,
! which has not yet reached the city,
| was awarded by Colonel Demming,
| president of the Firemen's Union, to
I the Royal Firo Company tor the larg
] est attendance. Dr. Stough preached a
brief sermon, emphasizing the impor
tance'of training children in the church.
Believes in Child Conversion
"Some persons do not believe a child
can be a Christion," he said. "I be
lieve in child conversion. When a
child is old enough to love its father
and mother, it is old enough to lova
Continued on Seventh I'ace
i Police Telegraph and Fire Alarm BOXC3
Are Placed in Residential
The person whose avocation has been
| frightening couples in Bellevue Park
and contiguous territory during the
: past two summer seasons will have to
look to his safety next year for a po
lice telegraph station has been placed
within tiie confines of the park and aft
er it has been placed into service it
will be a regular report station on a
police beat through the East End.
With it on the same standard at
Twenty-first and Chestnut streets will
be a fire alarm box. The fire alarm
box is No. 48 and the same district
companies which now respond to Mar
ket street boxes on the Hill will re
spond to alarms from that box. This
box was tested out at noon an 1 was
placed in service tliis afternoon.
The police telegraph station will he
No. 35. It will ultio be equipped with
a telephone on the police system. Both
boxes are arranged on a standard sim
ilar to the ones on Market street.
Prominent Former Hotel Man Is Con
fined to Apartment With Diabetes x,
James RUSH, for many years identi
fied with hotel interests in Harrisburgrf
is seriously ill with diabetes in h.f
apartments in the Bodearmel, Third
street near North.
Mr. Kuss some time ago retired from
the management of the Senate hotel,
which he originally established, and
after more than half a century with
drew from active business pursuits. He
was in ill health at the time ami re
cently diabetes developed. One foot i<
affected to such an extent that he il
unable to walk.
Fur three weeks Mr. RUSB has bees
confined to his bed and his condition
has been such as to cause apprehension
among his friends. Hp was reported
to be feeling somewhat better today.
New York, Dec. 16.—The closing
was heavy. Prices sagged again in the
■final hour from sheer inertia rather
than anf pronounced pressure. A num
ber of issues went under yesterday's
low and several touched minimum
prices. Foreign developments were part
ly responsible for the heaviness shown
by to-day's market. Dealings showed
a marked contraction from yesterday'«
active session.