The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 15, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    " i i i i Ti i i i i I i """"
, CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE."#- ">«•«" any advantages in I I Bring your Christmas Fund 1 rAir inni »mv «. i
. bounded 18 71 # g opening a charge account here. « Checks HERE to be cashed. You vALL 1991 "AllY rnUi\L. v *,& *> <
; j2jOUfflU&ll4 We solicit accounts with re- ' JSM^^T^A
!: sponsible people. Transfer Desk-Main floor. +%*JVI4//Jl&l/iS4
{ All Aboard!f 1
mpv*l*l T 1 j Q- - "R" V 11 h I j
f Pl/*Tllf*A \AJ 111 T Otl H *' lve her a Bissell. will be sure " <
First stop. Toy Department. i A XvtUl V TV IJ.X XiCliU of pleasing her and know that you have TT "%T "\T* *J- TT* <
\ ' Ease to the Giving t0 Have You Visit Him <
Mam Floor and Toy Department onl> Kourtu Floor— bowman'S. You know lie's very fond of children and esueciallv wind little lmv« i
* so no delay will be met with. \o need to tear that the receiver will : ~„i „:,i „ , , • • . , ctmi good little OOVS
TU «, •„ ,„ n 110 < appreciate it. M . R .. Q . c ?.? d uho him - But there are no children, good or bad, who don't <
The "local will connect all floors. me n S Bath KOOes like Santa, so all come along and visit this iollv old elf <
„ / , And ~av,' • VOll evel- » oti v etl what a , Ji . f - ' Special at $2.50
terenee one or two good pictures make 111 , r m m ▼ m . .
: Beautiful Dresses Toy Town Is Attracting •;
Pictures that beautifv and brighten the Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. _ ,
: for Gifts home that one never tires of seeing. j LdTgC CrOWdS TlttSC DaVS
► A maker of party who has a rep- ftcttnes thai tell a story of some h.s- CMU ChriStfliaS . , , ?
► utation for thl? smartness of his models 0111 l ""' 01 event that speak a iiniver- . Alld the reason for this, is because Tov Town eniovs the hnnnr nf V>r> i
► MSffiSESSISSS: 1 Blasts Bring to ,oys " ro :
► ested in such things, but these were so ! le, ' tloU - MiriH tllP hearing complaints of a scarcity m toys. <
; daint / and V** ; h t a J ,he - v \ ere hard . I t ,° Pictures at 25c and 35c _ lUmU tUC This may be true, but for a complete line, where there is NO senrmtv <
► resist—especially at the prices he was will- TVf j r j , rp r „ f ' " Ulie nine is Scarcity,
► ing to sell them at. Off they go, to-morrow. One section devoted to pictures that sell I JjOOQ OX FlllTS ' upon ov 1 own. <
► and if one dress is left when the store j from 25<* to Here you will find . . <
closes we'll be disappointed. Prices to- religious, scenery, fruit, children, comic ... .ta, too, is taking a peep at most —— TIJli am i *
morrow will be and marine. All in attractive frames. gilt lists tor he knows the merits of such !'I 1 I JICIX X Oil vOIII6 tO
► ono ce\ no tA oo „ You may feel satisfied that a set ' iffllitli!l,
► IO.VO. ||y,VOi JplU.yO Genwne Oil Paintings— beautiful sub- ol handsome furs will long carry the meiu- v'■■''■■Wlifc; !i J m *
► jg ctt CA jects, for the parlor or living room. Priced ory and thoughtfulness of the giver. 1 fcs. 1 I 10V I fIWTI i
3.11(1 fl2«Dl) from $1.69 to $6.00. First step in purchasing furs, however, I iB 1 i
► They are spic and span-new—fresh. Pastel, scenery, fruit and game pictures vJtt/T l^U° n , 0 \ r? Bt ° ( * k ' #nd VlQlf fVIA ■
Dainty creations of lace, net, chiffon and at 52.89 to 53.89. vauety.of stales and skins. \ XwAL tAv <
► satin. Sizes from misses' 14 to women's ~ .. ~. DAUTUtvIo I , " • vou were ,e largest cities of r/AWol U
► 42. These dresses were made to sell at Fourth Hoor—BOW MAN 8. the Last, in each one you would find that ng® F|f O TTT-J -ri nr
► $lB 50 to $25.00. j the largest and most, comprehensive stocks HftLf )/f-' , \S-_J LflaWlllt vOlllcSt
Silk Petticoats for Wearing With ; *hieh quality demands; first; consider- j£Zh n f , v tl , Jr
Party and Evening Drelses \ , K°"tt men rlg e re '" o»r Fnr ISMKmfA UK On the Ponrth Floor, ,»ery honr-e»er, ,
► Crepe de ehinea, brocadee and fancy ! / \ J This comes of our relations with one of (jMF .\~J mmitte of the day, new intereat ia ahnwn 1
► weave silks. Trimmed with pretty laces , : jWI. the largest furriers, who makes all his own \ \ 'tflP 1,1 these drawings. Parents, as well as A
and hand embroidered flowers. In white, •. un .j u „i I ■ . . .. . 4
* pink lieht blue maise \ile and helio \ot sets, and who takes a personal interest in V children, are displaying great enthusiasm,
pins, ligni Diue, maise, Aue ana neno. aoi V * - I every fur department where his stock is /v t Hbh niw i ,1, „ ... . , <
* one in the lot that was less than so.oo |iiT<«l represented. \\ aiul the race grows exciting as it draws
many were considerably higher. Special Genuine Black Fox Sets, with double ORO ® near a finish—Saturday. Come and cast i
► at | and single animal scarfs: large pillow, Em- a vote
► Women's and Misses' Bath Robes ur t • r A pire or barrel muffs; beautifully lined, at i
at sl.9B—Value $3.00 KCrCilieiS AfC Oil ?25.00 to $45.00. "
► Just fifty in the lot. Tb»y'll be gone Genuine Red Fox Sets—animal scarf, roA-** J D . ___ <
y with the first fifty gift seekers. All sizes i Tj^ trot*T7 T large trimmed muff, at $15.00. €Qdt 311(1 JSttinQ DOXCS \lTam fil ATTOC i
to 44: and a big assortment of stvles and VCX V VJIXL lilot Grey Fox Sets—large muff and scarf; Cf|>f. t f nt U/nmon anA Mon vIUCIL w \JXUV"O <
colors. beautifully marked. Special at $20.00. TOr WOlTien 3/10 men
[ Japanese Quilted Robes Of NAur I Black Coney Sets in new models; pillow, You can do no better than consider one i High Grades That Are Made
' Habutai Silk at 56.98 A,UW I and barrelmuffs; tie and animal of these handsome boxes. They're here in UmmMt m . ML .
" Black, navy, Copenhagen, green. Im- So you should be among the first to $15.00? °' n * t0 various styles and sizes. Some have trays." " ere a nrf Abroad
h ported. Habutai silk outside, and Jap silk j select from large stocks, including styles Onitp lh n ®v o■. , ~ t , , You have vour ehm™ nt «r«n l.
► lining throughout. Full length and cut in for everybody. For women, are unusually ! At ink sets- hlso Hudsnn \' a e - ' 4
► generous widths. Quilted with good white ; large assortments, including initial, hem- ?k L, 1 , • near seal, boo, having feet, castors and handles. makes, as Fownes, Bacmo, Autocrat, and ,
, cotton-neat workmanship, as only the stitched, lace and embroidery styles. j üßua ]l y i ow prices. ons. . t un- Cedar boxes are well finished, plain and »<hers. All are made of carefully selected
" aSJfhing for I , at S* l°f, 15g, and up | an ? l^ i l^ e fl ! a r i ,g ?; t bt with brass trimmings. | skins, and carry the prestige of the maker.
► ent for wife, mother or sister than one of ° UIU M> " K s.o , from ?I ; 5Q ' t() and'up' to Priced at ? 2 * 25 to ?17.00. , Prices range from SI.OO to $2.35.
► these comfy robes? *ull length sleeves. | Main l'loor— bowman's. j SIO.OO. (
► • Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. | Maiu FIoor—BOWMAN'S. <
rrr~ ■ —— " -
Two Well-Known People Die During
Last Week
Special Correspondence.
Fisherville, Dee. 15.—Miss Flor
ence Fauber visited at Harrisburg on
Simon Brownewell, of Harrishurg,
was in town calling on the business
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Holtzman, of
near town, visited at Tamaqua a few
days last week.
Alvilda Seiler and Samuel Fauber
.spent last Friday at Harrisiburg.
The Oregeon Medieine Company
closed their show here *on Saturday
evening. The show was 'held every
night last week.
Susan Lyter, wife of Allen Lyter,
living a few miles southwest of town,
died last Thursday after an illness of,
several years. On Sunday her bodyl
was buried in the Fetterhoff's churcii i
cemetery. Sunday afternoon the re
ligious services were conducted by the!
Rev. C. P. Wehr, of Blizabethville, and i
assisted by the. Rev. .T. F. Stablev, ot'j
this place. She was a faithful member
of the Reformed church. She leaves her
husband and an adopted daughter and!
several brothers and sisters. George
Buffington, oif Elizabethville, was fu-1
neral director.
Services in the Lutheran churches
for Sunday are as follows: Communion
at Enders at 10 a. in. Preaching at
Fetterhoff's at 2 p. m. by the pastor,
the Rev. J. p. Staibley.
G. W. D. Enders, one of the oldest)
citizens of town, died on Saturday aft-i
ernoon. He was nearly 81 years old. j
Last Thursday he took sick with an at- j
lack of pneumonia. Mr. Enders was a 1
member of th« Reformed church. He!
was also postmaster of this place for
many years and was vice president of
the Halifax National Bank for manv
years. In his younger days he taught
school in the Bural districts. Wednes
day hie body will be buried in th e Fish-'
erville cemetery. Mr. Enders leaves
his wife and one daughter, Mrs. M. D.
Lehr, of Lykens.
The program which will be used for
Christmas service in the Lutheran
church on Christmas night is entitled
the "Welcoming of the King."
Citizens' Hose Company to Attend j
Stough Meeting To-night
Special Correspondence.
- New Cumberland, Dec. 15. —The Git- j
izens" Hose Company w ill meat at the r
hose house this evening at 6.45 and
attend the Stough meeting in a bod v. I ]
The company will wear full uniform." |l
1 members of B. F. Eisen'berger t
Post No. 462, G. A. K.. and their wives!
will have a turkey dinner at the I to- ! i
quois hotel Saturdav evening, Decern-1
ber 19. ' I (
The Ladies of the Maccabees will J j
meet at'the home of 'Mrs. George Beck-1 I
ley on Fourth street on Friday evening, h
December 18, for the purpose of elect-!
in# officers.
At tiiie convention of tiie Teachers'!)
Training classes held in Trinity L". 8.1
I church the past week an alumni was
organized and the followiug otticers
| elected: President, the Rev. (Mr. Hart
zel. of Harrisiburg; vice president, (Mrs.
|H. 01. Blosser, Knola; secretary and
I treasurer, Miss Grace Heffleman, this
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wickeraham, of
HarrisJburg, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Parker Buttorff on Sunday.
_ IMiss Sara iFetrow visited ifriends in
| York on Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. E. D. Bamberger ami son, Roy,
of Highspire, spent several days with
iMr. and iMrs. Alfred Bamberger.
Rife Pox, of Baltimore, was the guest
of his parents, Mr. and IMrs. Albner
Fox. on Bridge street, over Sunday.
The pavements are very icy and chil
dren arc enjoying sledding on them.
'Mrs. Annie Kirk anil W. D. IMoyer,
of Harrisburg, were quests of Miss
Euphemia Moyer yesterday.
Fire Department Making Plans for a
Mummers' Parade
Special Correspondence.
M illerstown, Dee. 15. —>M isses Sarah
Kipp and Anna Bollinger were in 'Har
risiburg on Saturday.
Mrs. 'Mary Allen has returned- home
fro;iu a visit in Lancaster. .
'Mrs. Thomas Diffendafer was in New
port on Saturday.
The members of the fire department
are making plans for a mummers' pa
rade on New Year's evening.
Miss Helen Rounslev spent Sunday
in Harrisburg.
IMrs. Ellen Sellers. o«f Harrk'burg,
spent the past week wit'h her daughter, |
Mrs. Charles Hoffman.
Miss Maude Kerstetter was in New- j
port on Saturday evening.
Funeral of Cornelius Reese, of Pen
brook, Held This Morning
; Sppcial Correspondence.
Linglestown, Dec. 15.—Cornelius
Reese, Sr., who died at his home iu
I Penbrook on Saturday, was a former
resident of this place. Funeral serv
' ices took place at his late hom e this
morning and interment was made in
the family plot in Willow Grove ceme
The School Board of Lower Paxton
township met at Paxtonia Inn on Mon
day evening and paid the teachers
their third month's salary.
A family reunion will'be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Freisin
ger in honor of Mrs. Fannie Schaft'nor
by her children, Christmas Day.
Tlie general stores in town present a:
hoiiday appearance, showing that the
joyous Yuletide is Hearing.
Mother Zeigler is convalescing from
her late illness ann able to sit up in
her chair part of the day.
Mrs. Matilda Shuey will spend the
winter season at Enola aud Harrisburg 1
among friends.
Miss Margaret Kauch spent several'
days of last week as the guest of her'
former pupils in music, Miss Bertha
He!rich. Miss Grace Stable and Miss
•Sallie Hetrich.
Mrs. (>. B. Luse visited her parents,!
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waliner, at Steels-1
town. Sunday and Monday.
William Zimmerman, of Harrisburg,'
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Zimmerman
on Saturday.
Mrs. John Geyer, of Middletown, was
the recent guest of- Mrs. Rebecca Ba
ker and family.
Charles Rabuck and family, of Ober
lin, have taken possession of their
home they recently purchased from the
John Rabuck estate.
John Keller has rented Samuel
Rauch s tarm and will take possession
on April 1.
Miss Fannie Martin, of Hershe.v, is
spending some time as the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Harry Russel.
The lake which is being made at the
Colonial Club is almost completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bjckenstoe.
son, Ward, and daughter. Lillian, of
Mount Joy, visited friends here on
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Balthaser, sou,
Robert, and daughter, Elizabeth, and
the Misses Rebecca and Kate Mell-i
hennv, of Harrisburg, spent Sundav as'
the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser.!
Dr. E. !i. Ifliein and family, of liar-;
risburg, were the guests of Mrs. Marv ,
Mrs. Kroll and daughter, Emma, of I
Harrisburg. were the guests of Mr. aud
Mrs. John Rergner on Sunday.
United Brethren ilinisterium in Ses-
sion Here Yesterday
Special Correspondence.
West Fan-view. Dec. 15.—The Unit-1
ed Brethren migjsterium met iu the I
i l". B. cthurch here yesterday afternoon.!
i The Rev. A. R. Ay res, of New Cuouber-1
; land, read « paper on "Mission Study!
a I' actor. Ministers were present from
Duneantiou. Oar lisle, Mechanicaburg,
Lewiovne, Knola and West Fairview. i
Mrs. Lucy Bretz. s'.ipped and fell on |
the in|| below the N. ('. bridge Supdav ,
afternoon and tore the ligaments at the!
Kolla Sparrow called upon his fa>lh- j
er. K. <i. .Sparrow, vestfidav.
Mrs. Gertrude Sw'artz and daughter, |
Grace, are visiting Mrs. Swart z'ti moth |
er at Bhirlevsburg this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. S'hettel and si>n,|
David, spent a few days with Harry i
Derr, at Mt. Joy.
Mr. and Mis. O. K. Esheoiuer are)
assisting < Stiuton Denjy, oif Swatara
Hill, to butcher.
Harry Swartz unfortunately had his
thumb badly mashed, and while wait-'
ing tor it to heal is visiting at Tvroue
and Altoolla.
The Mite Society of Grace U. B.
church, elected the following. officers'
President, Mrs. H. D. Mnsser- vice
prwidewt. Mrs. J. A. Shettel; secre
tary, Miss Anuie Neidig; treasurer,
Mrs. F. L). Luse; collectors, Mrs. l>ui- ;
lei Stiles and Mrs. Solomon Eckert.
U. B. Sunday School Class Purchases j
Engraved Pins
yp <vl Cor-esnondeiico.
Shire manstown. Dec. 15. —Charles 1
Whistler, of Harrisburg, spent several
days with Mr. and M is. C. B. Ising, I
Green street.
Melvin Uliironister, of Harrisburg,
spent Friday afternoon with his sister,
Miss Belva dironister.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cromleigh and
i children, of Mechauicsburg, were vis
itors to this place 011 Sunday.
Miss Flora Sutton, of Harrisburg,
spent San,lay with Mr. and Mrs.
George Flicikingeir.
The class in the United Brethren
, Sunday school consisting o>f fourteen
girls, taught, by Mrs. John Nestor,
I have purclnse.l class pins with M. of
H„ 'l4, (Maiids of Honor), enyraved
eu tbeni.
. The members of the Church of God
will hold their Christinas eatertain
ment, December 24, at 7.30 o'clock.
Waiter Weigle and Herbert Winters,
,of Harrisburg. were entertained at
diner at the home of Walter's uncle
'• and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. I\ Keister,
! on Sunday.
Mrs. A ills w ,>rt h spent several days
iu New York.
M'.:U Belva Chroniister, of this
place, and brother, Melvin Chronister,
| oif Harrisbung, sp.ii't Saturday with
Mir. and Mrs. R. Chronister. Dela
ware street, Harrisourg.
T\ro Hundred Participate in Banquet
Given by P. O. S. of A.
| Special Correspondence.
I Halifax, Dec. 15.—The banquet'held
| by the local I'. O. S. of A. on Saturday
Golf, TenniN, Hontlug, liatliluK,
und Cycling
Tourn I nr. Ho (rid. Shore Exeurilom.
liOHful Rate*.
: Twin c •*HI DM| I|I4N" lU '"' lS Tolls
I Screw 3. A DLBinUUIAn displacement.
Fnatent, nrHf*l aud only steamer land
ing paNHfiiKrrN at the dock In Itermtiria
without trnnftfer by tender.
S. S. Guiana and other Steamers
every fortnight for St. Thomas, St.
| Croix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe,
. Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar
; bados, and Detnerara.
For full in format lon n»»nl> to A. E.
OITERIIHIDOE C 0.. A W ent» Quebec
j S. S. Co., Ltd., 2U llroadnay, \>n \ork,
1 or any Ticket Aftent.
Winter Cruises
——— '■»
from New York to the
American Mediterranean
Sailings Thursdays and Saturdays.
Weekly .ervice Irom New York and
direct connection, with Havana.
forinightb Service
Separate or combined tours of 10 and
• • nc ' U P- Steamers built
in America and sailing under American |
Maj. Lxcellent service, spacious pas
»«n*er quarter*. Booklets, rates and
schedules will be promptly supplied on
application. j
(War 4 I'M )
Or any Railroad Ticket Office or
Authorized Tourist Agency
evening was largely attended anil near
ly 200 people partook of the feast.
Miss Helen Wcstlfall, of 'Harris'burg,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Westfall.
"George Matchett, of 'Harrisburg,
was a Sunday visitor at the home of his
sister, IMrs. David 0. Sweigard,
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Bottomstone, of
Watsontown, spent Sunday at the home
of John Cratzer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wagner and
daughter, Rhoda, of iHarrisfourg, spent
Sunday with 'her parents, (Mr. aud Mrs.
Tobias Wolfgang.
H. C. Sipe, of Herudon, was in town
Saturday evening.
Edward Harper, of Millers'burg,
spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Valentine Harper.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Luther Poffenibcrger, of
Sunbury, spent Sunday at the home of
j Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Pott'en'berger.
Miss Mabel R. Seyler and Raymond
Pentz Married
Special Correspondence.
Mechanicsburg, Dec. 15.—Saturday
| evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Seyler, South' Market street, their
daughter, Miss Mabel K. Seyler, and
Raymond Pentz, of this place, were
married. The officiating minister was
the Rev. 10. C. B. Castle, of the First
U. B. church.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Luke's Episcopal church, who have
been holding a Christmas art sale the
past week, will continue the sale this
The borough lockup has been in
spected and condemned.
The trolley ears schedule, which was
affected by the snow and sleet, is now
all right.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. P. Ebersole, of
Highspire, were guests over Suuday of
Mrs. Ebersole's mother, Mrs. Sarah
Dornbarh, West Main street.
Wayne G. Snyder has returned to his
home in Harrisburg after a visit of
several days to his grandparents. Mr.
Uhy suffer? Take Gordon's "BROMO
SODUS". Quickest and surest relief j
for dull, splitting Headache. New Ef
fervescing Headache Remedy, guaran
teed absolutely pure. Much more pleasant
to take than powders or tablets. Gives
instant relief without depressing after
effects. Ask your dealer for it and in
sist upon getting Gordon's "BROMO
SODUS" on sale at all first class drug-1
gists, soda fountains and department j
stores. Buy a bottle to-day, your dealer :
will refund purchase price to any dis- '
satisfied customer. If unable to obtain'
quickly, send 25c for large bottle to!
BROMO DRUG CO., Harrisburg, Pa.
anil Mrs. K. C. Gardner, South Market
Mrs. J. E. Taylor and daughter, Miss
Bessie, of Dillsburg, were recent vis
itors to friends here.
There are a number of sleighs seen
on the streets. Among the first was
| that of A. C. Reich, who with his fine
j white horse, is always expected to bo
j out with the first sleighing.
The cold wave has come. The ther
| mometer at (i o'clock this morning was
I two above zero.
! Large Hay Shed and Forty Tons of
Hay Destroyed by Fire
J Ppprlal ("orvosnonfifn, j.
Hummelstowu, Dei\ 15.—A large
■ hay shed containing about forty tons
jof hay, owned by Robert .1. Walton,
j was destroyed by fire yesterday at 1
j noon. The shed was situated along the j
1 Hound Top road south of the borough
; and was consumed quickly bv the
j flames. The hay was valued at about I
J SSOO. The origin of the lire is not!
( known but an investigation is being!
| made as several boys were seen at the
j shed yesterday morning and it isj
j thought they may have accidentally set!
| it on lire.
Miss Margaret Fernsler and tliot
Misses Rhoda and Hilda Focht. of Leb- j
anon, were guests of Miss Hetty Far-1
ling on Sunday.
Mrs. George Drysdale and little son I
i left this morning for New York and j
; will sail from there to-morrow for (ilas-
I gow on the ship Ausonia. Mrs. Drys-j
j dale is returning to her former home!
in Scotland. She was accompanied to
j New York by her brother, James Wil- >
j son, of Scriber, Ont„ Can., who spent !
the past week in town.
Church of God Sunday School Board
Elects Officers I
j Sp*"lal Corresponds .c .•
Middletowu, Dec. 15.—At a meeting 1
jof the Sunday School Board of the
j Church of God, held Sunday afternoon ;
after the Sunday school services, the |
j following officers were elected for 1915:
> Superintendent, J. B. Martin; assistant,!
E. O. Gish; secretary, W. E. Baxtres-
I ser; assistant, H. E. Derrick; treasurer,!
| James Myers; pianist, C'harlene Fishel;j
assistant, Marian Hat/.; librarians, Wil- j
liam Weidner, M. Leonard, J. Myers,l
| Charles Ackerman; orchestra leader,!
j Robert Flury; primary- department su
j perintendent, William F. Keever; as i
i sistants, Mae Nagle, Pearl Condi an.
Minnie Monaghnn and Mrs, Thomas!
| Donley; superintendent of Home De-!
| partment, James Myers; assistant,;
| Miss Ella Vance.
Ralph Schaefler, of Reading, is vis-1
iting his brother, Lee Schaeffer, Water
Mrs. (ieorge Stipe will move from the |
Doutrick property at the rear of Mr. I
Doutrick's home on North Union street!
to the Ainos Huntzberger property on !
Spring street. Mr. Doutrick will build I
a garage on the site.
Jacob Weirieh, of Reading, spent
Saturday "and Sunday in town with his
family on Susquehanna street.
The chimney of Tillman Mvers'
home at Spring and High streets caught
fire yesterday. The blaze was ex
11 tinguisheo b v th e Liberty chemical en-
I Km*.
* j Harold Steele, of Pittsburgh, is hontja
• to spend two weeks as the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele,
i i Kmaus street.
! j Oliver Sides, of First Lock, is spend
: nig the week at Philadelphia.
> i H. E. Force, traveling salesman for
| the Wincroft Stove Works, spent tlm
past several days in town with his fam
i 1 ily on High street.
| Charles F. Beard will play with the
Mystic Shriners Zembo band at Har
, risburg this evening and on Thursday
; evening will play at York.
Mrs. John O'Hara, of Lewistown,
spent Sunday in town a s the guest of
| her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kline,
' Water street.
The School Board met in regular sei
|si on last evening. The number of pu
pils enrolled for the month of Novem
! !\ er is , The schools will close
December 24 and remain closed until
January 4. After the holidays about
| thirty beginners will be added to the
roll, which may require half day ses- !
I sions. The Board extended a vote of '
i thanks for the new lantern presented '
to the schools. After the holidays the <
lantern will be used once a week to *
. F! i , (:h "' ps in different grades. '
tioo ' ol< ' Rre( ' l ,a ' ( ' amounted to'
,? I 93.86. Following are the standing!!
j committees: Supplies, Beard, (iingri-h •
and Garman; finance, Ackerman, Force'
j and I'lihrman; building, Beard. Acker *
j man and Fuhnnan; sinking fund Dr '
iH. W. George, Bear,l an.l Gingrich. ' *
-lr. and Mrs. Lee Good spent Mon- '
day ,*it Lancaster.
! Miss Lillian Campbell spent Sundav ■«
at Duncannon as th e guest of friends. *
Citizens of Borough Attend Shooting '
Match at Urban
l Special Correspondence. '
Berrysburg. Dee. 15.—The Rev. lr- 1
j vin Runk, of Scottdale, was the guest '
I "f his father, the Rev. Mr. Runk, who '
is ill. >
Sallie Heckert visited hor parent '
fur a few days last week. >L
Mr. and Mrs. Mary Swaib and .
daughter and Mrs. Allen *wab. of EH» i
Jibe tin i lie, were the guesits of John
Kourberger and family on Sunday.
Mr. Snyder, of Ohio, is visiting his
cousin, Mary Enders, for a few days.
Harry Deibler, John Weaver, Wil
liam Komberger and Cieorge Finlobono
th ( . .hooting motel, which wj*
held al Oban on Saturday.
John Forney, who is employed at
\\ iconiseo, visited ihis familv over Sun
Mark Keiboch was a visitor at Urban
over Sunday.
Mrs. Mutch. w*ho ha* been visiting her
father, the Rev. Mr. Hunk, returned to
her home at Schuylkill Haven law
Democratic Leader Dying
( Pottsville, Pa., Dee. 15. K. A. Grift,
tith. for years' oue of the Democratic
leaders of tins county, was stricken
with apopletv yesterdav and is dying •
He was twice a deputy sheriff in this
county and was once defeated for Clerk
of the Courts by only four votes. >He
served thioughout William H. Barry's .
term ae State Tieasurer as a deputy.