The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 15, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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jj Let Your Christmas Gift Be A Substantial One |
L In These Days of Christmas Buying This Store Offers You a High F
1 Grade of Service, A High Grade of Quality at a Low Range of Prices &
\M What would please your son, your husband, your father, grandpa or perhaps a good old uncle more V
r than a good warm serviceable Overeoat. We are cuttingg prices this week in high-grade Overcoats, Bal- [ J
ft ( many cases one-half off. All styles, up-to-date Coats
but they must, all go before our Inventory, which is Jj
*jT taken right after Christmas. V
! Bovs' Overcoats, Mackinaws and Reefers that formerly sold for $6, d*Q (J? A 7ft and I y
$7, $8 and $lO reduced to <O-±. I O tpt) Lft
Men's satin faced lapel black Overcoats that formerly sold for sl7, $lB, s2l and $21 — 98 E*fi
Special fur-lined Overcoat original A (I Balmacaans and Mackinaws as AO I'M
price sl2, this week l| i ow as Lf?
Would Nat Fnoihar, Sister, Wife or Sweolhaart |
| Appreciate tha Gift ef a Sst ef Furs f Jf\ |l'
2 much more tliini two dozen American Beauty Roses and perhaps she could f jdgks \
k get more use and comfort out of them. We have some special values in f mBSajBO/L 1 IJ|!
;r genuine Furs that we must clean up. Prolits are forgotten. 1, i 4 |fj
|| Some Handsome Sets from $lO to S6O. II
Worth One-Fourth More
111' you want the gift to be a Watch, a Diamond Ring or any piece of §§« tM
Jewelry we can save you on the purchase and give you Credit if you want it.
SO HE QSIEAT SPECIALS whjle they last II
An Automobile for 29c Spasi&l A Large flS* "L'Tfoiff Si
( -• Coffee Percolator
sortmsnt of |j
19C tQntnsS (4
This is a regular 75c Toy but wo only have a few Baßlg I|| ■lJafj Eternal" pure aluminum. Lftj
left — w f arp closing thorn out for 29c. It runs; all r „ . IW U IV Eacli one packed in a nice |£~ (4
yon have to do is start it. DUG VaIUC. carton. Jjs» 3
A special lot of Children's Rockers being closed out. Rockers worth 75c and $1 —for
pwT $1.25 values,
JM Our Location Means a Great Saving To You < i(g%g |
: jj
Test Shows Resistance Just the Same
as a Human Being's
Beliefoll te, Dec. 15. —In a hun
dredth of a second the State's death
chair at the new Central penitentiary,
near here, killed a big gray rat in a
tost made by the board of prison in
spectors yesterday.
The death choir will be put into ac
tual use with a human occupant .Janu
ary 2, and rats weTe selected for the
final te»ts because it hias been found
that their resistance to the current is
precisely equal to that of man. The
rodents" were fitted to the chair with
special appliances. The first was killed
so suddenly that the frightened glitter|
was frozen in his eyes. Delicate in- j
srtrunients attached to his body showed |
that his heart tod stopped midway in
* jumping beat.
"It's five times as quick as
I ~ I
thought." said the chief electrician,
''and 50 times quicker than feeling.j
The rat didn't feel so much as a
j twinge. Ho didn't have time. It wasn't]
any more painful than—well, than the
dlarkness is when you switch off the
'Several similar tests indicated mar
velous efficiency and almost unthink
able precision in tlhe management of
the chair.
Supreme Court Decides Against Rail
road In Action for Damages
Washington, Dec. 15. —The Supreme
Court yesterday reversed the opinion
of the United States District Court of
| Eastern Pennsylvania refusing dam
| ages to the nan-resident parent of an
| alien lalberer killed on a railroad. This
I is the first decision upholding the Fed
| eral railroad liability act on this phase.
Tho decision was. given in the case
of Bridget McXlovern vs. the Philadel
phia and Reading railway upon an ap
peal from the decision of Judge
Thompson, who ruled that a foreign
parent could not recover the death pay
The Supreme Court in reversing the j
opinion, placed the costs on tho railway.
Former Wins in $1,500,000 Order to
the Pullman Company
Chicago, Dec. 15.—Yuietide good
feeling won a race with strict business
at the (Pullman Company offices when
the recent order from the Northern Pa
cific railroad for $1,500,000 worth of
equipment was under consideration.
And the spirit of YuJetide won. From
an authoritative source it is learned
that the order was accepted on practi
cally a cost basis for the purpose of
giving Pullman employes—there are
6,5'00 of them—a chtuice to bring
Christmas good cheer into their homes.
' Maybe it wasn't good business and
ma.Vbe it was," said a high official of
the company. "We think it was. We
feel that in times like these it is up to
the big concerns to set a good exjimplo
by looking on the humanitarian aide."
Honesty the Best Policy
Doubtless the sorest man in t)he Unit
ed 'States to-day is the fellow who
dropped his purse, containing S9O, while
he was robbing a chicken coop, and who
is afraid to c(ajm his property. Verily,
honesty ia-the 'best policy.—Pittsburgh
Killed Sou; Now Gets Divorce
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 15. —Five years
ago, Mrs. Mary Granger, of Ashland,
while temporarily insane, cho'kod lier 6-
: year-old son to dentil. She alleged that
'her husband's harrfh treatment was re
| sponsible for her condition and yester
day the court granted her a divorce.
Eight Other Victims, Mostly Children,
Injured, Some Fatally, and
Several Are Missing
Cleveland, Dec. 15. —Seven are
dead, eight injured, some fatally, and
half a dozen are missing as the result
of a supposed gas explosion which de
molished a two-story brick apartment
ami business block at 11616 Madison
avenue, at 6.10 last evening.
Of fifteen dead and injured, dug
from the burning ruins immediately
after the Wast, eleven are children.
Five of the dead are known to be chil
Henry Ha/ner, 40, 'proprietor of a
photograph gallery on tfoe ground floor
of the building; his wife, 35, a>nd one
»on, Tony, 7, were taken out dead.
Henry Haner, JT., 11, is missing.,
Mrs. Pertka and her daughters, Mar
garet and Susie, who occupied the
ground floor with t)he Hanes, are dead.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hartnwun, with
their tiwo daughters, Barbara, 8, and
Elizabeth, 9, are at the German hos
pital, believed to be fatally injured.
John Engst, 38, ami his daughters,
Mlay, 4 1-2, and Lizzie, 8, are also at
the German hospital, and their injuries
are said to be fatal. Engst's arms were
blown off.
Othens belioved to have been in the
'building wthcn the blast let go are not
accounted for.
L G. Sohooley, who had just passed
the buildim* oai a weetilvound oar, said
tho explosion almost lifted the car
from the tracks.
"I looked mound quickly," he said,
| 'and saw a sheet of flames shoot out
in all directions. We rushed froim the
car, and by the time we reached the
spot nothing remained but the ruins
piled up in the basement, with walls
ajul timbers thrown clear across the
Everybody Will Be Rushed From Now
on Until tho Christmas
Trade Ends
If you've got any more Christmas
shopping to do, do it now. The longer
you put it off, tho harder it will be
come. Crowds will be the rule until
the holidays.
Of course, if you want to avoid all
worry and trouble, and at the same time
make everybody '<appy that receives it,
give tho Star independent 's Bibles as
Christmas presents. And what delight
ful presents they do make, too! It is a
$5 volume, unless you present one cer
tificate clipped from the Star-Independ
ent, which entitles you to a copy o[
this magnificent Bi.ble for only the ex
pense items of distribution.
It's an easy way to get your Christ
inas presents, and the saving certainly
makes it worth your while.
How many of these $5 volumes will
you want? It wi'! be better to get one
too many than not enough. Clip to
day's Biible certificate from another
page of this issue and got your Bibles
as soon as possible.
Miscreants' Dynamite Is Found on I
Lawn of Edifice
Lebanon, I'a., Dec. 15.—The police!
yesterday began an investigation into!
the mystery surrounding the finding of
several sticks of dynamite on the lawn
of St. Luke's Episcopal church, tho
handsomest edifice in the city.
There are no evidences of an attempt
to explode the charge, sufficient not
only to destroy St. Luke's, but sur
rounding church and school properties.
Lancaster County Project Promises
Lower Meat Prices
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 15. —A company
is being organized in this county to
raise cattle for beef. The intention is
to purchase 500 acres of good grazing
farm land, aud to secure options on
5,000 acres adjoining, for use when the
business grows.
Those interested say that extensive
cattle-raising in this county will mean
lower meat prices.
Mail Parcels at New Office
It has been announced by Postmas
ter Sites that the postoflice desires per-1
sons mailing parcels to do so at the
new station, which was opened yester
day morning in the Donaldson building,
206 North Second street, in order to
relieve the congestion of the temporary
quarters, in the Boyd building. It was
said that the sub-station was necessary
to take care of the largely increasing
business of the local postoffiee and pa- \
trons can be accommodated with lnore
satisfaction at the new station.
Gentle Reminder
A gentleman on a visit to another
city entered a restaurant ami on leav
ing took away with (him 'by mistake a
hat belonging to another man. The
liatfi were so nearly identical that the
mistake was not detected, and the sur
prise of : ttbe gentleman may 'be imagined
when, reaching home, he glanced at, the
lining of the hat and found written
thero the words, "You darned fool,
what did you ta'ke this hat fort"—
New Band Organized at WrightsvHle
Wrightsville, Dec. 15.—This place
now has a band, an organization being
effected by the election of the follow
ing officers: ['resident, Paul Fitzkoe;
leader, William Raymond; vice presi
dent, Joseph McLain; secretary, Clar
ence Staple; treasurer, Samuel Siple;
trustees, James Hamur, Paul Kinard
and George H. Fahringer.
For Longer Council Terms
Heading, Pa., Dec. 15. —Mayor
Stratton, president of the League of
Third Class Cities, will advocate the
adoption of a resolution at the meeting
of Bhe league in Harrisburg December
30 urging tho Legislature to amend the
Clark ibill increasing the terms of Coun
eilimen of commissiongoverned cities
from two to four years.
Carpenter Pluages to Death
Philadelphia, Dec. 15. Plunging
from a wall to a pile of stones, 30 feet
below, William Byrnes, a carpenter, yes
terday was killed at a building opera
tion at 25 South Sixteenth street. He
was superintending the placing of joists
and stumihled while walking along the
wall. Byrnes was 64 years t old and
lived at Sharon Hill.
It is given out that golf in the limit
ed States costs $50,000,000 a year.
Even so, it is cheaper than the Euro
pean game of ultimatum.
yfiwwMiVu n&\
You'll Have
to Hurry 1
When you have photographs made you want the best that it
is possible to produce. Nothing else will answer when it comes
to giving them to your most intimate friends. And yet, twelve
photographic portraits cost no more than one average Christ
inas gift of other kinds. Hut we must have time to make them
right if you want the best. Therefore, arrange at once for a
FROM 7.00 A. M. TO 6.00 P. M.
Rain or shine, light or dark, we can make good negatives of |
you with our superior lighting effects.
A speakable likeness in a photograph is the rule, not the I
exception, in our work. All that money can buy in modern ap- j
paratus, all that skill and knowledge can do is here, and make f
it possible for us to guarantee absolute satisfaction. ,
Queer Clause In Broker's Will Based
On Friend's Experience
Now York, Dec. 15. —"I hereby
solemnly declare that 1 am mimferried j
and have never becin married," read,,
tho will of Robert L. Kee-ne, a broker, j
which was filed yesterday in Moutclair, |
N. J., where he 'had long resided at 31»
South Ful'lerton avenue, "but having j
observed cases where claims have been |
made against estates by reason of al- j
lciged marriages, I direct fh'at if imv i
woman shall satisfactorily prove that
she is my widow, she is to have the
sum of SSO and no more."
Robert M. Boyd, Jr., cousin of Mr.
Keone, his lawyer, said yesterday j
Keene had no cause to fear the claim '
of any woman, tat he dictated the j
clause 'because tihat thing once happen j'
ed to the estate of a bachelor friend.
The will devised $50,000 to a broth-j
er, Herbert, and the remainder to his!
mother. A brother, James, of Tacoma.j
Wash., is ignored.
Cut Off "Medicine Bill's" Head With
Mustache for Full Woe
Columbus, 0., Dec. 15.—Tears of 1
real sorrow trickled down tilie cheeks
of William Melvin, known as a inedi- |
cine fakir throughout the Middle West I
under the name of "Medicine Bill," as j
his luxurious hair, falling well below 1
his shoulders, was (Topped close bv di- j
, reetion of the superintendent of the |
i Bertillon room when he was committed
' to the Ohio penitentiary yesterday on !
i an indeterminate sentence of from 3 to j
■ 20 years.
; Following this his cup of woe was !
■ filled when his mustache was removed. 1
i "It took me 18 years to raise that |
111 "" & |
0 The above Certificate
£ Entitles bearer to this $5.00 Illustrated Bible |
1 ► If preNnted at the office of tSis newspaper, together with the stated amount that i
I i I covers the necetrary EXPENSE items of this great distribution— including
clsrk hire, cost of packing, checking, express from factory, etc., etc. w
f MAGNIFICENT (1 ijlustration in announcements from day to day) is ♦!
I! ii i ncTDATrn bounc ! ' n fl c:: >kle limp leather, with overlapping covers *
~ ILLUSIKAI to and title stamped in gold, with numerous full-page plates {
I > A{- Edltloa in color from the world famous Tissot collection, together ♦
Jt ol the with six hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating J
'BIBLE tna ' c ' n K plain the verse in.die light of modern Biblical $
I knowledge and research. The text conforms to the#
J! authorized edition, is self-pronouncing, with copious ■ t
, , marginal references, maos and helps: printed on thin I* - j/y Amount •
U bible paper, Hat opetiing ml beautiful, I* 1* EXPENSE ♦
j J readable type. One Freo Certificate tnd the Items J
J [ The $3 l* he e Vs C bloS e"r p e t " Ai so an Edition for Catholics t
( I ILLUSTRATED the style of bindiag, Through an exclusive arrangement we Z
' ' BIBLE which is in silk cloth: have been most fortunate in securing the •
I I contains all of the illus- Catholic Bible, Douay Version, endorsed $
' ' tratlon, and I a T - " b ' r Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop •
II mipi «u fm I Ql*» fypfnVp (now Cardinal) Farley, as well a. by the •
!' certificate and OIC JJirtwat various Archbishops ol the country. The#
I I ■»" Item. illustrations consists of the full-page en- ♦
' ' g-ravings approved by the Church, with- •
' I out the Tissot and text pictures. It will be distributed in the saftie bindings as the Prh- ♦
; J lestant book, and at the snnje Amount Kxpense Items, with the necessary Free Certi6cate.
J [ MAII. OKDKKM- Any b«--k by paro«l post, includs'EXTßA 7 cents within X
. . ISt miles: 10 cents ISO to (00 mtlM; for traater distances ask your poatmutar T
, ; amount to Inolude for • pounds. K X
I I*
hair," said he, "and I am worrying
more about its loss now than 1* am
about my prison term. He was convict
ed of a wihite slave offense.
Failure to Keep Promise This Time
May Mean Long Term
Pottsvijle, Pa., Dec. 15.—Fred Su
per, a business man of Mt. Hope, was
yesterday imprisoned for the second
\ titno within a week by Judge Bechtel
j for contempt of (Jourt in refusing to
open an alley or street adjoining his
property, which he has closed up.
Last week Super was imprisoned for
this offense, but when he paid the costs
j and promised to open the street, he was
| allowed to go. Hut when allowed his
| liberty Super again refused to open the
( street, and his imprisonment term is
j now indefinite, as Court declares the
| order will not be denied again.
36 Doses 2Bc MERITS
A All Druggists
For Headache, Neuralgia
Quick, Sure, Safe
i i