4 jj Let Your Christmas Gift Be A Substantial One | L In These Days of Christmas Buying This Store Offers You a High F 1 Grade of Service, A High Grade of Quality at a Low Range of Prices & \M What would please your son, your husband, your father, grandpa or perhaps a good old uncle more V r than a good warm serviceable Overeoat. We are cuttingg prices this week in high-grade Overcoats, Bal- [ J ft ( many cases one-half off. All styles, up-to-date Coats but they must, all go before our Inventory, which is Jj *jT taken right after Christmas. V | ! Bovs' Overcoats, Mackinaws and Reefers that formerly sold for $6, d*Q (J? A 7ft and I y $7, $8 and $lO reduced to nd one »on, Tony, 7, were taken out dead. Henry Haner, JT., 11, is missing., Mrs. Pertka and her daughters, Mar garet and Susie, who occupied the ground floor with t)he Hanes, are dead. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hartnwun, with their tiwo daughters, Barbara, 8, and Elizabeth, 9, are at the German hos pital, believed to be fatally injured. John Engst, 38, ami his daughters, Mlay, 4 1-2, and Lizzie, 8, are also at the German hospital, and their injuries are said to be fatal. Engst's arms were blown off. Othens belioved to have been in the 'building wthcn the blast let go are not accounted for. L G. Sohooley, who had just passed the buildim* oai a weetilvound oar, said tho explosion almost lifted the car from the tracks. "I looked mound quickly," he said, | 'and saw a sheet of flames shoot out in all directions. We rushed froim the car, and by the time we reached the spot nothing remained but the ruins piled up in the basement, with walls ajul timbers thrown clear across the street.'' DGN'TPUT JFFSHOPPING Everybody Will Be Rushed From Now on Until tho Christmas Trade Ends If you've got any more Christmas shopping to do, do it now. The longer you put it off, tho harder it will be come. Crowds will be the rule until the holidays. Of course, if you want to avoid all worry and trouble, and at the same time make everybody 'kle limp leather, with overlapping covers * ~ ILLUSIKAI to and title stamped in gold, with numerous full-page plates { I > A{- Edltloa in color from the world famous Tissot collection, together ♦ Jt ol the with six hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating J 'BIBLE tna ' c ' n K plain the verse in.die light of modern Biblical $ I knowledge and research. The text conforms to the# J! authorized edition, is self-pronouncing, with copious ■ t , , marginal references, maos and helps: printed on thin I* - j/y Amount • U bible paper, Hat opetiing ml beautiful, I* 1* EXPENSE ♦ j J readable type. One Freo Certificate tnd the Items J J [ The $3 l* he e Vs C bloS e"r p e t " Ai so an Edition for Catholics t ( I ILLUSTRATED the style of bindiag, Through an exclusive arrangement we Z ' ' BIBLE which is in silk cloth: have been most fortunate in securing the • I I contains all of the illus- Catholic Bible, Douay Version, endorsed $ ' ' tratlon, and I a T - " b ' r Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop • II mipi «u fm I Ql*» fypfnVp (now Cardinal) Farley, as well a. by the • !' certificate and OIC JJirtwat various Archbishops ol the country. The# I I ■»" Item. illustrations consists of the full-page en- ♦ ' ' g-ravings approved by the Church, with- • ' I out the Tissot and text pictures. It will be distributed in the saftie bindings as the Prh- ♦ ; J lestant book, and at the snnje Amount Kxpense Items, with the necessary Free Certi6cate. J [ MAII. OKDKKM- Any b«--k by paro«l post, includs'EXTßA 7 cents within X . . ISt miles: 10 cents ISO to (00 mtlM; for traater distances ask your poatmutar T , ; amount to Inolude for • pounds. K X I I* hair," said he, "and I am worrying more about its loss now than 1* am about my prison term. He was convict ed of a wihite slave offense. TWICE IN JAIL FOR CONTEMPT Failure to Keep Promise This Time May Mean Long Term Pottsvijle, Pa., Dec. 15.—Fred Su per, a business man of Mt. Hope, was yesterday imprisoned for the second \ titno within a week by Judge Bechtel j for contempt of (Jourt in refusing to open an alley or street adjoining his property, which he has closed up. Last week Super was imprisoned for this offense, but when he paid the costs j and promised to open the street, he was | allowed to go. Hut when allowed his | liberty Super again refused to open the ( street, and his imprisonment term is j now indefinite, as Court declares the | order will not be denied again. SOLD 12 ON THEIR 36 Doses 2Bc MERITS A All Druggists For Headache, Neuralgia Quick, Sure, Safe i i