The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 15, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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SV „. (V.Q* * AN ALUMINUM SPECIAL <JV f~\ (\ 0
c4#XjV\S AX %'\VVY\ K fit U1 Practical demonstrations of Wear-Rver Aluminum Cooking War* are Win* tfiven i n thp Basement this Ijl m\ <*HW% f l.lfn aV* i_ j _ _ _ 4
\ V, interest centers ar,.un,l this booth through tho sale of « qt. lip|«d kettle. at 8»c. Tho usual \ T^)^V\Xir\^
Fur Skins and Trimmings An Ideal Fireless Cook Stove One $5.00, $5.50 and $5.95
For Hats and Dresses of the Best Gifts a Man Can Giye tQ His Wife Crepe De Chine Petticoats
We aiv showing in the Millinery Section a varied • ~ .
st*H'k of fur skins, ornaments and fancies for hat Women who have never believed in the principle 111 3.
adornment and dress trimming I t ires are moderate, of tireless cooking are the wonieu to whom we spe- xiri i
too. for up-to-date fur goods of such tine quality. , WpHnpcrl a\r of 1—lr»1f
Let us trim you to order a new fur hat for Winter. A ciaJly want to show the "Ideal. We heartily ad- ▼ ▼ C-UliCoUclj <ll llclll I lIGO
We have all the latest shapes and frames including mire the woman who does not get all her eonvie- Crepe do chine Petticoats have heen one of the moat popular
the new and popular Tipperary» which has its touch tions from some one else and it is to this class of stales this season and such dainty garments us these at half price
of fur. MP Ty'SH 1 * , . , . „ ~ IS a rare occasion. Two shades— liirht blue and pink. None of
in % .il! , women that we want to explain the value of a tire- these petticoats will be sent on approval and none exchanged.
TPiiv KuAiin ntfh orr.#rot , nts. . . ill) j .
fur heads .vk- fl™ ■/ loss rook stove that is able to roast and bake and ,nk dp petticoat* with pleated flounce. $5.00 value at $2.50
Seal and white fur wiujrs. Sl.7J\ S-nalt fur heads t.V Hfl*,, ■! ''«*ht blue and pink crepe do chine petticoats, pleated lace flounce
Mole ornament with gold sword White fur pompons SWc If JIV j Stcaill aild StCW aild fl'V aild boil. *">. so value at Ti ,
«■«>••• • •• • ; White fur bow knot fancy with * . fink and li K ht blue crepe de chine petticoat, trimmed with laco inser
and white nir omaimente frhip quill?. «»c EvCl'V daV that VOlll* hoillC IS WltllOllt tlltS ideal ~<m " nd Plated lace flounce. $5.95 value at *2.05
Flir Skills • j • • 14? e P White crepe de chine or jersey petticoats trimmed witHi bins fold or
fonvoiueiuv you arc depriving vourselt of one of pleated flounce, $7.50 and vaiuev at $5.00
' o '. AT." *U«
j/jEtSP*' Slc^Vi B «!» U ill six sizes, from SIO.OO to $25.00. n,vo ß . Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Kloor-Throc levator*.
" »»«• ,
; • • iv.r. WHO J | * * 1
boxed 1 owels Make
Fur Bv the Yard T T I*l * C 1 11
— Holiday- J tme Oroceries bpecially Attractive Gifts
,JJL_£2 1 in> ' h - - v,ni ;M>c
I Nu'raivnm biue.' >\ tl 1101111P fOfTo - TTI OrrD W • towels appropriately boxed of linen and Turk
biaek, yard 2,v xm.l IIIU U.I IVyV>U. IvJI 1 U lllvJl I\J W i s ] t yarns are offered in the linen section at very at-
M Dives. Cwmeroy .v Stewart. Millinery. Second Floor. Front. t trai'tivp ni»ir»r»«
Three Elevasor? " ith each hV purchase to-morrow we will sell o lbs. jrranulated sugar for 27C. ll,lulu r nufl '
pks aSc Hest seeded raisin*. pU.c . 1 <or ,0c ■l !,rs ar stitcliorl purls Kju-h «>(• . . - l( \„
! x—>. £ Of -p. . California (able raisins I3v California lemons, doxen. Tuna tl*h Mr .UTiIHfl HlflS. n ClO OUC
1 C 1 O \/" Q tnr I rlQt" 1 of- *' ox, ' s< He* t cleaned currant*: Itt '' Re<i Alaska »aimon, .. no Kmbroidered piicst towels, with lace insertion and hemstitched
V>iW > CJO lUI UUL- I IlCll dll I Bxtra fancj mixed n.its pks »3«- sterilised tig* in baskets. .. sk , pper » sar dlne* in j cs • i i
lb - Pennsylvania flour. 1-". »«' tomato »auce;: can*; »e ends. Special, each 39f aild 5©C
!~> | —v 1 1 —I. I'iiper shell almonds; lb., l'o. bag. . »V Pulled tigs, large boxes. Kippered herring; oval
Kp I If 10110 H IC{?> 2SH ' Whole Wheat flour: 5 lb. cans toe All linen damask towels with hem- i Fin# grado of huck towels; heni
*— LX L-/11 v,'cl IVZ-V_i. 10 ™ •v'er: da;es. pks *e b.ic. I'asaba melon*: each. «>e 'Vod roe. round cans. stitched ends. Special 'J.Tc stitched ends with handsome damask
lb./ .. ~ ! . .. i.V- "virahan" flour » lb. bAg. Purity coffee; 1 lb. cans. herring..ln glass damask towels; h(>m bordera . Each . ;m c to «l .00
--.-l- I ._ 1 1 AA Glace citror. lb.. ! 2tr Fancy head rice: S I>.- Banquet coffee; is un- Pure cocoa, the very best; stitched in a wide range of handsome j Irish huck towels with hemstitched
\V riCyrG \~J llClcTl I V7\ / ruro d;>vorins extracts. sse equalled in quality: lb.. ROe lb.. t.Vi 3 lbs..»o designs. Each, iWc to SI.OO ends and handsome borders,
1 v*'w vanilla, orange, pistachio. New Pearl tapioca: Our Favorite tea: lb., 4So Peanut butter; the flne*t H.muMtrhud «JI lin»n hnrk *o\e«tl«. «i mi n,„i «i
< Hie and »e lbs S3* Senate tea: lb use obtainable; lb I.V Hemstitched aU linen UucK towels. ?» .00 and Sl._.»
TJ,-,. .» „ . i;„ . ; , n Karly June Pens; cans. Macaroni or spag.icf.l. Sugar-cured bacon: sllc- - lbs a*e P lniu whlt« and colored borders. Turkish bath towels with borders
till} < .illH tO i."» Oil UlUtt lllipOl tat ion and \\lll !ji\e pkgs.. 2.V ed; lb s>c Rosedale baking Choco- Each U.V; dozen, #-.75 in pink and blue with place for a
i hal\l service throughout the Winter >n '" , w ov,rn 3 Po * l To - lst;i '- < : u,u ° l> ' cnio ~am* \^ p la -?N\,m. , «uch" *mlnVe \n'c-?T Bath towels with plain white or monogram. Each. :i»c
• Waldorf b.NAHf, S can*. Special prices given on Dried beef. lb Hie pkg io<- colored borders. Special, (Oc to 50c Plain colored Turkish bath tow
.Womcn's k'.i silov.n in two. Tr.-t'.«wx,> ~,,1 2.v- fruit* in case lots. Minced ham. lb.. . we Nutmeg*, doxen Re Towel sets with wash cloth to els: mercerized in pink and blue
I una K a,uvtj>mi . UOU»t t n, >I « rrill aiul ..5old«- State a*pa-.-.g«* CI -rida grnp. me. Full cream cheese, lb.. 23e Pure fresh ground, .pices: | matc h; initialed and boxed. Set, l»Hc and lavender. Each r.Wc
Oia>P »i . OiaCK. hltO ailii leuteiueri - oiasp cloves Ot till- —to can: C.I . diuin srst. .V: « fur 2T»c l>om«stic Swiss cheeso: all kind?; 3 regular oc cans. j
i Sr»r la' -vrr Ssf »'st ki ) s in< ; »i V 1 »L- w < Florida i;~ai»e fruit ex- lb ...... ISc I ? r Dives, Pomeroy A; Stewart, Street Floor.
: , 1 ' * ."** >KIIIS, 111 Dial K. NS.iltt, >.r. Clara prunes, i tra lat*K<. ...Tci 4 for S«v Vimento cheese: 1b....2Te Tomato pulp, for rnak- J
» o oniOll S 2-oklsp kiJ fiflovt's tail aiul ijrov Pair *" .m* Florida oranges: srood Pimento stufTed olives: i in»f soup: can, JVc, 6 for Me
, i> jTi o- " * _. v _ ' _ _ V:*e»;or. primes to sire; dozen. isr large Jars SSr Mother Cook's" catsup:
j ill i.X ailii tan. *. iUt\ M.«O ®1,75
.Women'« 2-ciaap kid gh>rm 16-buttoa best quality real kid , '::.'3? chowl Ma,on ,op '*£> . _
black, white, tan and grey. Monarch 16-button glovas, • Ww* Ptantgi 4 Stevart, BaaaaMat. Six Styles Boxed Blouses II
Pair. ..... 51.50 with P. K. stiteliinir. in fancy .
omeu < li>-;iutiou kid aKuos black aud white embroidery. . _ _ , . . _
" ?4 - 25 Special Sale Silk Kimonos Dataty Uo „. es „ 8h „» w
* | find a place on many Christmas lists.
T^\.l „ r 'A 53.95 anci 1 CT $0 to SIO.OO Voilp bi ° us < ,!l ' fronts trimmed with bunch tuck* an.l embroidered or
JJaintV iNOCK\VOSr Q- \1 , TNI V - 1 I rhtJ gamly pam-l, orpmdv collar, tum-hack cuffs ou s $1.95
\ allies V allieS . . Xf-'Voile Blouses, front* trimmed with, combination bunch tucks and side
C \\ ' £.4. T T * pleat, military collar with frill $1.05
lOr \> Omen: Vjllt llintS None sent t'll approval and none exchanged. Voil ° B, ? useß ' fronts trimmed with pin tucks, embroidered organdy
1 «ii 1 • • 1 l- w 1 1 1 • x i 11 panel and lace insertion, bunch tucks trim back, military collar, $1.95
Beautiful Styles that rnak appropriate *ifts from a girl to .1 , Lo "? # fJ lk ll ! 1 oponhagen. light blue, pink. Wistaria, red. navy and lax- voile Blouses, lace insertion vestee, box Pleats trim front and back,
" eilder, •**<>..'•» and 80.1K.1 values at military collar trimmed with pleated frill, sleeves trimmed with box
Ilea ; « •: wir. pla-.a fi.-.:r*d styles with hemnitehed end». Silk I'lepe «Uld Cl'epO de ellilie kitllOUOS ill l'OSe. lavender. Copenhagen, light pleats - and turn back cuffs $1.05
*'/n . chine head 'scarf, with In blue » apricot and purple, $5.00, $6.00, $8.50 and SIO.OO values at $3.95 M I,ixw - Pomeroy & s, " wart - pe " ,mi Bloor —Bto^atow.
* * *''??!* iM.SS and ».>.i»S t-j- p lXe s. Pomeroy i Stewart. Second Floor—Three Elevators.
1 JLaiuo > scarfs with fringed etias —tor motoring or skating,
Gift Certificates Are Designed to Help Those | Winter Headwear for Boys
\estees of orgmndy and net la,e. low _ o J , Qrey an( , navy t .J,i 1,.-hll 1 a Rah Rah hats with velvet lined hand
u otad'.,.e 50c iacr»u;.:si $1.50 to WVin Arp in Dnilht Ahnilt What to that pulls down in the back over the eara $1.23
. - - _ y . . tV 11W AIC 111 L'ULIUI UlI V Y lldl IU { Same style in fancy Scotch mixtures iu light and dark stvles,
iMarabou INeckpieces ..,, , ~ . v „ n I at
Marabou and marabou and ostrich capes, mulls and sets in black natural Kodeoiliabh' 111 All lopaitlllCllt> 1 Colored knit skating or hockey toques 50C
. k and white a«d M w ;q In Whatever Amount the Giver Chooses to Name Wooll - V "aeroplane" toques that pull down over head, . .50*
... ~ c. 1 , 1. „ „ r „, I* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Millinery, Second Floor, Front.
L-. Dives, lomeroy i Stewart, Floor. On Sale 111 Kvery Section ot I lie Store Three Elevators.
====== 7/
Young Mau Caught by an Electric Mo
tor at Williamstowc
Williamstown. Dec. 15. aught t>v
an elen;trk- nutor in one of the collier-
What We Say It Is, It Is
This store is above all things a Gift Store. Among the very
niau> different kiii-J »" art in ». _\ u will 'ind something appropri
ate for every man. woman, boy. trirl or baby who will receive a
Christmas present from you.
Diener '(uality K hisrh. It s good to give and good to receive.
\\ se eot our su ic- from th-' best offerings of the foremost manu
facturers \o,»!ore an deal in better quaiity.
But Diener prices are not high. Your money always buys as
j good quality here—ofu-n better—t.'ian you can get for the same
j price elsewhere. Ours is a strictly one-prk-e store, with all arti
cles marked in plain tigures.
Nowhere else will you find so many tine Gift Things for all
agr- and both at prices ranirinu from SI.OO :o SIO.OO -
and for presents to cost less than a dollar you will find the great
est number of pretty, useful articles of thoroughly worthy quality
to select from.
Pendants and Chains. Sheffield Plate.
\ Diamond Rings. Tea and Coffee Sets.
Bracelet Watches. Children's Silver Mugs.
Gruen Veri Thin Watches. Casseroles.
Society Emblems. Baking Dishes.
Fountain Pens. Haviland Dinner Ware.
Silver and Gold Pencils. Cut Glass Fern Dishes.
Toiletware—Sterling ajid Plated Cut Glass Water Sets.
Silver, Parisian Ivory. Chime Clocks.
DIENER, Jeweler
408 Market Street
ies at thi- place yesterda.y afternoon.
George Hollowav, 2years old, was 90
?ajly injured that he died on the way
to the Poturille hospital. Hollowav
suttered a fracture of the right leg
I above and below the knee and death
was due to s-hock.
Coroner .!aco.i Kckinger. of Harris
burg, made an investigation an-i tvill;
iiold an inquest on Thursday night a
this place.
Former Harris burg 805 Gets Bewara
for High Standing in Spanish
Clarence K. Hall, a graduate of the !
Central High r-hooi in 1912 and a;
present a student of the Pennsylvania j
."••.ate College. won one of the John W.
White scholarships for high standing in
the Spanish language.
In order to sTiniulat ■ the of
She Srani-li language at the s. hool. Mr.
White, who is one of the most promi
ncnt alumni of the college and believes
1 that in the future aiu-.-h of the com
! merce and industry of the world will b"
•entered about the Spanish-American
'countries. this year offered three SIOO
One of the scholarships was to go
to the student of the min ne or engi
neering course having the highest
standing, one to any student native to
one of the Spanish-American countries
an ! one to a student in any of the
nther courses of the college having the
hignest standing. Mr. Hail is a miner
and. having the highest standing, was
. a-varded the scholarship.
Young Man Again Confesses That He
Is a Bobber
Kaston. Pa.. Dec. 15.—After confess
ing that he had robbed Young Broth
ers' store, in Nazareth, Spurgeon - Wel
ty, aged 22. was yesterday sentenced
by Judge Stewart to serve from five
to seven years in the Eastern Peni-
I tentiary. This is his third sentence.
In the hope of correcting the boy's
! criminal tendencies, Philadelphia sur
geons several years ago performed an
| operation on him that attracted wide
! attention.
More Births Than Deaths
There were 110 births and 76 deaths
in Harrisburg during November, anjeord
iug to the monthly renport of the City j
Health Bureau. This is au increase
of eight births and nine deaths over j
the corresponding period of last year. I
Penrose. McNiehol and Vare Frame
Program Winch They Will Put
Through the Legislature—Leave i
Opsn Question of Speakership
United states Senator Peurose and'
-<: ate Senators Mi-Xichol and Vare. of j
Philadelphia, held a conference - ester-1
•lay to agree upon legislation for the 1
city during the coming session. Among
other things agreed upon for ITiiladel-1
[ i ia. was that it is to have au appro
priation of $1,000,000 for its port; the
Constitutional amendment authorizing
the eitv to borrow $25,000,000 is to
oe passed again, as are also the amend
ments to permit the eitv to increase its ■
borrowing capacity from 7 to 10 peri
1 cert, on its assessed valuation and to I
■ consolidate the Philadelphia common
pleas courts.
It was agreed that the session should ;
adjourn about April 1.", but the coun-1
try members will have sonic say on t.ha» i
• |uest;on. The Speakership was not ta- ■
ken up at the conference of the trium-;
i virnte, but it is expected that the mat- j
ter will be discussed at another meet- j
QC Nicily Bund
to Fir Gilts
$1.23, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.25 and 93.00
Guaranteed by Gorgas
It N. 3rd St. and Penaa. Statioi 1
! ing to be held in Senator Penrose's of
j tice on Friday Senator McNiehol and
j his family will go to St. Lucie, Fla.,
on Friday evening and will not return
j until January 2, on the eve of the or-1
! ganizaticn of the Legislature.
| Senator McNiehol is said to be elis-!
: inclined to interfere in the contest for j
the Speakership and will leave the mat
i :er to the decision of Senators Penrose
and Vare. Senator McNiehol is saiil
j to also favor approval for ''progres
sive" legislation generally, which may'
| be urged by Dr. Brumbaugh, with the ;
exception of local option. At the j <
i meeting on Friday it is expected that
the leaders will endeavor to agree jpon
| pians for child labor and workmen's
j compensation acts. It is prateieallv un
j derstood that seme legislation in this I
; direction will be enacted, but the ex-1
tent of the reform has not been deter
The leaders also propose to reach a i
decision regarding the Congressional re
apportionment. All plans so far sug
| gested for this redistribution of dis
tricts call for one extra Representative
I each for Philadelphia and Allegheny,
and two new members for the country j
' districts. It is understood that the lo
| eal Organization leaders, both in this
; city and Allegheny county, are favor
able to this proposition, but doubt if
the country interests can agree upon
i an amicable scheme of reapportionment j
I for the rest of the State.
, Knights of St. George Elect Officers
The German Roman Catholic Knights j
of St. George,. Branch No. 168, elected j
, the following officers for the year 1915: i
Spiritual adviser, the Rev. D. J. Carey;
president, John Czerniski; vice presi
dent. John F. Eckenrode; recorder,'
Frank J. Suter; secretary-treasurer, Au
gustus Waldschmitt; marshal. Francis j
J. Hare: trustees, John J. Keenan, Ed-j
ward Weiss, Joseph Schaffer; guard,]
I William Blade; medical examiner, Dr. i
iC. M. Sullivan. The meeting was at
| tended by a large number of members. I
|On Wednesday evening, December 30, j
j the branch will hold a public installa-1
; tion of officers and also initiate a large
! class of new members. *
, Lancaster Medical Society's Officers
I Marietta, Dec. 15.—At the meeting}
| of the Lancaster City and County Med-1
I ical Association, physicians from all I
sections of the county were present j
and a number of important topics were |
discussed. The following oflioers were |
chosen: President, Dr. ,T. L. Atlee; vice:
presidents. Dr. George E. Day and Dr. j
George Hershey; secretary and treas
urer. Dr. H. C. Kinzer; reporter, Dr. H.
B. Davis; trustees, Dr. A. G. Bowman,
Dr. J. H. Musser and Dr. J. Newpher.
Incendiary Fire on Farm
Bowmansville, Dec. 15. —A fire of}
incendiary origin occurred last night j
on the l'arm of William T. Good, which j
Beginning To-morrow, Wednesday,
This Store of a
Thousand Gifts
at 25c or Less
Will Remain Open Every Evening
Until Christmas
Where every day is Bargain Day
215 Market Street Opp. Court House
I —— m
| destroyed the barn, chicken house and
i corn crib, entailing a loss of several
j thousand dollars. All the live stock was
j saved with the exception of the chick-
I ens. By the heroic work of neighbors
the farm house was saved,
Willie Paw, what is unconscious
Paw—That is something that is
| never indulged in by tho man who
j laughs at his own jokes, my son.—tin
j einnati Enquirer.