« D The Star=B ndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page I erhaps \ou are the lucky person. L/*ok until you tin J out. II you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to*morrow evening ! I or they will be forfeited Kiscallaneous - FURNITURE PACXINQ PACKING—A. H. SHKENK. 1904 NorA Sixth street, tlrst class packer of fur- Oltuie, china and bilk-aura.-. Hell eiwi.a S*>W. i W. J. WEN RICH. 334 Hamilton street Furniture, a:, a p.uuo va. Kin*, fchipuiem.-. looked after at uoiu euda. Ai»o all kiuus of ben ptwu. UliW. WEATHER PROTECTION 3LASS WINDOWS will be placed In i autv curiums w utle juu wait. C. A. : CAll. AUUlAlit- A.\_> ALIU iVOI.K^. f SIORAUE. STORAGE in 3-story oricit ou.ldi.-is rear Market St. ilouscno.u IQ v.t.v'.i. frMl.u.e rOOIUHi UMI ...u.i I tilt s. lv/ 6 Jluruei SL s UARRISBURQ STORAGE CO. Two ucv» ei&hl-stoiy biiciw warehouse*. Clic a Jatiiua'o Ufeprooi, U.aUcu Mi J uicpr vol yritale ioouis ol »axiuU4 fcucj lur iuc of nouseuo.u fcooas, lae uua-r vs ea-.*uj>e ol wilt- uioal tiypi oteU *>*-« ol lifts retdiuuai cou bwiuouou lo: &enerai inei v.itinuise. iucy »- ,-• i » •< i. t l*» o eiectric l.vi£ht (fUviturs uiiu ciiuwc .or , 1..C btno £ootts uau u.i KtUaa «..! m«;cluQ* Ulau UOW lUiCd. deCwUd 6ht«Ck. ui.ii r'&.viou. uH ;Cc ox i «a~X Ai. it. MOMEV SO j la >A • - I . s.f€ lot :•.«worklag . \:.uu >ioii rckwea. IU liiJtAi. L. io;s to suit JCI.J.HU cuavcu.ci.kft v 0-OPc.UA l'i V'Jci wc\ir. iuvcs«.:atii( Cv •'J4 CU<siau( iL ALL KL.\D3 OF HAULING /.rv.r.a-* of liwck. Xa»nitu:v. pianos, ireigiit. ia the cits ixrisi .tuburbs. Pr:et'» ifasjL tile I'icnlw JUld pleasure .rips, uay or «»tiling »• •1. DARE. li.j \ noa ti. Bc'll *>hoii€ *jl?J | Sa's aoeExshaiige FOR SALE. 131.1 CALENDARS yos SALE selection A : v.- more sales '' U." !• . npic-s left, at a S>arsain. MV- Ow MF*G. CO.. Third and Cumberland t. . 11. I \\GI.ETZ Lumber—We are • - l «Ith all kin la and I.S ... .tins. I; will ;,:>you to see i ■ a..- Ron ana >Hlb»T>y sti 1 v»x BAUB—One Merkl* suotcsvyll.- 1 - nil '••• -it. p.; In f »a r i .n.n< orcur; >mpfete— -coil, t *rbun :et , I'irst $1 t.tkrs :hu \ K£H SI • . CYCLE .. II •. ?*K. .WKit—pairs of mud > -• ( +t< sl.otf ... P r " •' Kkrsn >xe , t 0.. Sit N. r:ril Slrtct. * 7RS- la n , ltrf< >v; of % ihial U bLi ; illow m jf~. animal si4ap t s.v.rt very set; new. never •f. . i. worth Lady ii t iK'd; \\iii «en«l r o any iJdress, r » »>.. of :ioa ;>ay • i; all xi ki - . BiISS v \ i.aititnore, Aid. I SALK—Not. Two reservetl seat ti ket 'A to I SI) do I'Jchar :son. Z?~ Verbeke St.. for t.ie evening: perrorman *e at the Or- Ni » • '• • n or l:. !j#n. i. all for tiv'keti .ti i?;ar-Independent otfi.-c be for* s o'ci • k •». m., i»eceinber i»>. or tiiey will be forfeited. OVKM».'OATS FOR SAL«K—Slightly used —all in class condition, r:om $1 up. Als S-."o feit boots for $1.95. i.en's $1.30 Arctics :or 95c. Come and look them over. upezi evenings. S. MICL.TZriIi. 13 Wainui l*Oil SALE CLeap Addressograph foot-power ma :;.ne with cabinet, KAi<KIS3UKG SHsjiu MFG. CO» Harris bur®;, Pa. FOR SALE—XI GABLE'S?. 113. 115 and 117 8 Second St.. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme vjua.Uy. Ail the lull Una o. t.:e Acme maka. -i Death and Obituary _ DIED. CLEMENS—On Sunday, December 13. lJ\ 4. Reuben Clemens, at his hom in Progress, Pa., aged 75 years, r uneral on Friday forenoon at 10 •'clock, from his late residence. Rela- f lives and l lends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment in b to >p 3 cemetery. r— —— v FOR SALE Up-tcwn Houses Bargain Prices Block of three —2 l *»-?tory brieks —eaefc eijfht rooms—bath and furnace—front porch—cemente'l eel - lar —paved street. Lot« 13.9x70 ft. to 10 ft. rear alley. IMier Bros. & Neefe IEAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locnsr and Court Streets Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. EAHN Christmas Money, selling elec tric lanterns (or lamps>. suitable for j Christmas The best seller of the 1 s; ason. Warranted. Apply 905 Kunkel • Bulldipfc Harrjaburg, Pa. Al" TO TRANSPORTATION Si'HOOL The oldest, best and rr.ost reliable au tomobile school in the country A full course of practical instructions for SJS. , including long driving and repairing lessons. Hundreds of go ui-paying po- I sit ions are open for competent men. Make application no v. Easy payments. Open da> and evenings. 5 N. Cameron Bell I: SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. | CLKRK wishes a position in office; has two years' experience bookkeeping land typewriting, can furnish good ret erences. Address Jox lv>. i.'ariisle. Pa. BAKER wishes a position in city; has t i.ee years expeneiAt i'\ ake end bread baking, can furnish goo 1 refer ences. A,L.: es-4 :; >\ ; Pa. HANI>V, middle-aged colored man wants p sUun of any kind. Address -S Linden St. Fl r KN ITUIiE PACKING—First class, reliable, at live and let live prices. W ill estimate. S. E. JOHNSTON, -5 Linden St. HBRfi IS A QOOD QKI-SI years old and has selling, advertising, clerical i and retail store experience; hard and intelligent worker; well recommended \ New York concerns. Will start at a : casonable :. o t;re. What iia\e you to l otter . Box 3411. care Star-lndepenuent. | WANTED—Experienced cook wishes position in town or out of town. Ap j ply Uriggs St. MAN dfs.res position of any kind, three years experience in gro cery store. R. S. HILE, -543 Agate St.. ; city. \\ ANTED-—By mlddle-agad white man, a position as watchman, janitor or ririr.g a furnace. I'nuerstanus steam •at. \ ery handy, good worker; can xtiereuct :f required; will work i • ooatd. lodging and $2.00 to a week. Addreaa c. n. FRANKLIN. Qen. delivery. Hummelsiown, Pa. WANTED—Position as chauffeur; pri . ate or light delivery work; can fur ntsh reference. Address or call J3S iiamilton St. WANTED Position at repairman's work in store o: as first class chauf fe-ui. <an QO all work required aoout 1. Ute».liuL»lie S, Wit. tools. ii. F. lIAKT LEI. 173 4 Park St. \\ AN i % ED—A position as clerk, mes senger, or in mechanical lines, am m r.ecu e t work, in xact ot any kino, in quiiv i HAak 1' p. UAK\EV. 1111 N I ront bt. \oi. .\"G married man wishes position as wawc.imaa; experienced, references. AUui ess 11. A. liIiAjKoV E, care Gen.' i-' e L. narrisburg, Pa. HrLP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—A young white girl to as sist with hu.iM-work. Apply 15s : >*>•■ Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. 'BOOKKEEPER and stenographer de sirej. positioit. seven years «xp*r:- (tue. no* empli Ved. Address Jli:, i V, OM AN wants washing and ironins to take me; or day s work. Call at loU. Wallace i-t. WANTED—General housework or dish ; washing. Call 1321 spruce A.e. I |" | U ANT EI >— Neat colored girl, one that is capable ot cooking, doing tirsi l ' dressmaking, or caring tor t.ie hair, wisnes position doing anything .. a; the house. Address .31 l'orster A LADY experienced in housekeeping, settled habits and without a family,' c-s position as housekeeper. o'J& showers Ave. Harngburg, Pa. WANTED—A German girl would like ..ojsework. cjokins or wasnlng and .r<»ti.:.- r . Audress 4V- Al-'iiu sjt., ;«teel ton, fa. - V\ ANTED—By a capable white girl. 16' years old, posit; 'n as general nouse worn. • E. t. BKUL, phone "BS4X. GERMAN GIRL wants general house- V. ! V uv t. to or adoress iIiSS iIAHI KUE.slu, Enhaut. Piu WANTED—-Colored woman wants day s I nrSv°. r bundle Walking. Address N. I DLrrlNii. Ola I rimrose Ave., City. i COLORED GIRL would like to have as cook' or maid in or out of Ih, city. \\ rite or call t»-S Primrose Ave., city. I WANTED—By a young colored woman a position at general housework, call' , or address 3i'l Cherry Avf. WANTED—By young white girl, gen- i tral nousework. Apply 13;; Bartine Ave. WANTED—Washing and ironing to do at home, or days work, bv a white i »v:i;ar.. Call a: Appl- AV fc . Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND— Don't go anv further, for the' right place Is at EGGERT'-S Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, IJ4* Market St. We deliver and call promptly. Both phones. Long Lived Ships If the life of the old man-of-war j was longer than that of the present Dreadnought the old merchantman liv- j ej longer still. The Lively, for in (stance, when wreclteH at Cromer in IS BB, had been afloat two years over a century. The Liberty, too, built at [ W hifby in "1750, was in regular use i t.il 1536, and the Betsy Cains which I'egan life as a frigate and ended-as a j collier, went down in her one hundred i and tiiirty.seven-till year. Anil in 1902, according to a daily paper, the Anita, ' then trading 'between Jspain and Amer ' ica, dated from the days of Columbus, j I Standard. HARRTSTtrRO STAIMNT>EPENT)EXT. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1914, Real Estate _* j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LOOK AT THIS—A quarter acre of ground with a new j-room bungalow, electric li>r!it. porch 1-Zt f. et; grano lithic walk, chicken house, close to trolley, 3c fare from cio. i'rlcr S1,1»30. Apply H. G. PEI>U)W, 110 S. Thirteenth ' rft. I'iKEE brick houses, practically new, for sale on easy terms; now vacant. All modern improvements—porches. Small cash payments as rent. BELL. KEAETY CO., Hergner B.iiLling. BI'SINKSS PROPERTY FOR SALR—No. IS2O N. Third St.; corner; brick con struction; steam heat; lot iOxST. Look at this property and get particulars. 1«E 1.1. Rl-.AI.TY v'O.. B«rgner Building. FOR SALE—IS 36 Regina St.; 3-story brick; 10 rooms; bath; steam heat; oak finish; single property, attractive price. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second Walnut Sts. NEW HOUSE for sale, price t-.SOO; now vacant, at Riverside: S rooms and bath, electric light, steam heal; lot iox 130 ft. Small cash payment needed; balance on easy terms. For particulars apply to S. Haldeiuan & Co., 3;i'J North Sixth street, >. arpenters and Builders. Bell phone JSl'l'JJ. , - .IOUSI No. I*3l N. Sixth St, i.enioueled th;oug.ioui, ail iinprove ciits. Apply GEO RUE \\ . ORTii, 4J3 . St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 ONE of the Keister apartments. Fifth and Market streets; rive rooms and I bath. Apply H. KEISTER. ground :mor ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, both facing Green street. Large porch; use of batn ■Hid phone* Apply ROBERT L KREKi. een and Ke,kcr streets. _ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. NICE HOUSE FOR RENT at 1206 Penn St; all conveniences; rent reasonable i Inquire of H. COHEN. 2«". Market St. I* OR RENT—A new bri.'k house in Le moyne, 7 rooms and bath; gas and ■ electric light, steam heat, side entrance large lot; rental SIB.OO. 11. ii. IJEDLOW.1 JED LOW. 110 S. thirteenth St. FOR RENT—Large, roomy house, on Twenty-first St., four doors below Perry St.; large front and back porches with improvements. Inquire ICO South Twenty-tirat street. DESIRABLE HOUSE ON MACLAY ST —steam heat—gus and electricity— porches—bay windows—etc. Apply' to Rent Department. MIiABH BROS. & NEEFE, Federal Square. FOR RENT—6IS Geary St.; 3-story ; brick; 8 rooms and oath, all improve ments; tine new home; rent reasonable Apply 620 Geary St. tOli RENT—AII improve ments — 1614 Catherine sl(j.t)o 535 6. Sixteenth $17.00 539 8. Fifteenth, ... 16.00 Apply Kuhn & Hershev, 18 South Third street. FOR RENT—Houses with all improve ments. at moderate rentals. J E. , CIPPL.. :■> ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. I*l RNISHED ROOMS and apartment for relit, in a p:-i\'ate family; private bath, telephone, light, eat and all con v_e:i.' !. e--. Appiy 23.; N. Second SL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 24-story dwelling houses for sale Elder Uea. Estate Co., 24th and Derry Sti FOR SALE A knitting factory, all Improve ments. electric power; two-story frame; steam heat, well l.ghted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rem if party would be interested In the manu facturing of ladies garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74. Steelton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 N. FRONT STREET STF.ELTO.X, I'A. . _ AMUSEIIENTL V CIO lA—special To-day MABEL NORM AM) and CHARLIE C'HAPLI.V ia a Nereaiulng Keyntoae Couaedy, Whj Shot Bud Walton 2 Parts "THE MYSTERY OF THE POISON POOL*— A Powerful Drama of thf Heart of Africa, In 11% e parts, vtitk an all Ntar caM, Inrlndlng JaineA <>ordoa, Betty Haatc, E. A. Turaei and Frank Sliewell. * '/ \ Photoplay To-day The Prodigal Two-art Kalem. with Tom Moore and Morsruerlte Conrtot THE 1101 SE OF IVOR, 2-ltct I ohln MVSTERIOIS MR. DAVEY, Vlta- Krifh. « FRIDAY THE NAKED TRUTH Five Aela i Story of a Heal Woman lift I MONEY •yy E are ready to supply salaried peo pie with the ready Money for Christmas demands in amounts irom It would be to your advantage to call on us, when in need —Our Motto is: L heral Terms—Quick St- id Confidence Open Evenings From Employees discount Co., JBi 33 fi 3rd Si Rom No. 2 //■''reM Security Trust lL L Us:nsed Bonded > rt —1 PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate The undersigned will offer, at public sale, in front of the l ourt House, in Harrisburg, Pa., 011 Saturday, December 19, 1914. at 10.00 a. in., for the payment of debts of the late Eugene M. Ensminger, deceased, the following llarrisburg real estate: TRACT NO. 1 front ins tO.'.S feci on the enst side of North Front *treet. Mil feet north of *■ e decs all . et. and extending in depth a dixtttnee of 1!MI feet ou the auuthern aide to a IT. iv P t nlde alley, upon which It front* 77.4 teet, more or le*»; together with the present interest. 11 any. cf miid decedent in the extension of »nld trnct of Innd to low ivatr! niark. Erected on said tract of land is a S'/s-Ktory frame dwelling house. TH U T KO. S Fronting 40 feet on south aide of Derry street, and extending In depth to llerryhltl street. Thereon erected two-atory, mansard roof, frame ''.welling. No. 1*47 Derry street, and two frame dwelling houses, N'os. If%}» anil IVI2 lierryhill street, and frame ham. The above described premises will be sold clear of all liens. Terms of Sale —lo per cent, on day of sale, balance on or before December 31, 11)14, upon delivery of deed. JOHN M. ENSMINGER. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, Executors of the Will of Eugene M. Ensminger, Dec'd. Referring to the above sale: Arrangements can be made with the undersigned by purchasers to borrow 60 per cent, of the purchase money on bond secured by ti-st mortgage on the property purchased. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY Harrisburg, Pa. AMUSEMENTS _ _J AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM COLONIAL Hick Class Vaudeville* 2.lft aud S.lu Vaudeville and I'leturea. 2.lft, 7 A U ROTARY WEEK ST ELMO BENEFIT OF _ . . IN .MOTION I'ICTI KES AND Ee'gian War ufferert Big Show—.No Increase ia I'rlees |Ji jJ| L 8 % BESSIE \VY\.\ FARBBIt GIRLS lueludiag the JOE JACK SOX T". ... 6 Little Honey Bees Eii Mean War Pic ures Sho,v AuT " h *~ in the r World for the Money Seat" ordered h> telephone muM he called for before IJO anil 7.30 o'clock. Matinees ."e A lOcj F.venlncs lOe 4 l.Yr Read the Star-Independent ' MAY ESTABLISH MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL IK ALMSHOUSE Plan Is Being Considered of Putting It in Quarters Now Occupied aa. Tuber cular Ward Whose Patients Would Be Provided for Elsewhere The abolition of tho tubercular ward in the Dauphin counrty almshouse and the transfer of its dozen patients to an i institution where they can receive the same if not better treatment, has 'been suggested as a means of providing quar ters at the Almshouse for the Muuicipal I Hospital which is proposed by the Di i rectors of the Poor us a place for the f treatment of patients suffering with I transmittible diseases. Should the Poor Board decide to open the Municipal Hospital in the almshouse it will be the means of saving, pri | marilv at least, the cost of constructing ] a hospital building. However it is esti mated that the cost of building and equipping a hospital would not exceed | reports of similar institutions Which | now are being operated in other cities. Data obtained regarding the Jlu ! nieipal Hospital in Providence, R. T., | till rough a ! H a rrisibu rg girl who until re cently was a nurse in that institution, I shows that the initial cost of eoustruct j ing and equipping the Providence hos \ pital was but $22,052. However, that i hospital is built 011 a larger scale than 1 would be necessary in Dauphin county | since provision was made there for tak i ing eare of a hundred or more patients 1 at one time. 1 During one year exactly t>l9 patients | were enrolled in the Providence lios ! pital. The average stay of the patients was thirty-five days while the average | daily population was 71. The average j cost was $1.52 per capita. This in ; cjuded the month of January and Feb ruary when there were no patients in the hospital and also included the cost of new equipment purchased during the vear. The Directors of the Poor, it is ex pected, will take some action toward establishing a hospital in this county I in their January meeting. BUtLDiNC THOUGHT UNSAFE Contactors' Witness Says He Would Not Live in the House at GO;s York Avenue Tiie hearing in which Judge MtfCar • rell is asked to make 'peremptory a preliminary injunction restraining Building Inspector James H. Grove from razing the three-story brick prop erty at UU3 York avenue, dragged along to-day with the sixth witness ou the ! stand all of the morning and most i of the afternoon. It is expected that the case will not j be given over to the court for decision for a week or ten days. Thirty or more ' witnesses yet must be heard" and the city will not open its ease before the latter part of the week. The York avenue, house belongs to John Wagner, who is made a partv de fendant to the proceedings ami Who, it is alleged, by James J. Lynch and \V. F. Martin, the plaintiffs, "entered into la conspiracy with Grove to cheat the contractors out of something like $2,- ; 600. 1 One of the side walls of the building bulged several inches and it was con demned by the Building Inspector. The contractors declare tliey were compelled to "go ahead with the work and finish the work" during winter time and aft j er the owner discovered the flaw. One of tiie witnesses for the contractors this morning said he considers the building to be dangerous and added that he •| would not take a chance at living in LUTE WM NEWS SUMMARY Continued From Flrat Page* vious to the southern extremity of the wedge thrust by the Germans into the French line, Such confident claims have been made by the allies during the last week concerning the success of their new movement against the German line that the Berlin military authorities have is sued a special statement to contradict them. The French official statements, in particular, have recorded a long se ries of victories, including the destruc tion of a number of Oerman batteries, the capture of trenches and the rout of | the German infantry attacks along al- I most the whole line, tfhe German ! statements, however, have said that there is little activity and to-day's an ; nouncement from Berlin characterizes , the French report of December 12 con -1 cerning the destruction of batteries and capture of trenches as "'a pure I invention." The definite statement is made in Rotterdam that the Germans have be gun a retreat, falling back in Belgium toward a prepared line further from the coast. Official confirmation was lack ! ing, however. It is announced in Berlin that the Turkish cruiser Midirli, formerly the German warship Breslau, has bombard ed the Russian Black sea port of Seb astopol, although with what effect is not stated. The Sultan of Turkey, ad dressing Parliament, asserted that Tur key had been forced into the war by the hostile acts of Russia, France and ; England. Very Brief Lesson Farmer (to country boarders) —i?or- rv that you young folks got stung. | llow M it happen Spokesman—Well, you see, we were I standing beside the beehive* wonder- I ing how the bees made honey. I guess ! they must have overheard iw, for tbey j came out and gave us a few points.— J Boston Transcript. 11 FINANCE GENERAL RISE IN STOCKS IN OPEN TRADING SESSION Participated lu by the So-called Inter national Group, Most of These Issues Making Conspicuous Gains Over July 30 Prices /?.ty Associated Press. Wall Street, New York, 10.30 A. M. —The first o-pen session of trading in all the shares listed ou the Stock Ex change began to-day with a further general rise which was participated in by t'he so-called international group, including I nion Pacific, Southern Pa cific, Canadian Pacific, Baltimore and Ohio and IT.l T . S. Steel. Most of these issues made conspicuous gains over July ;i() prices, particularly steel and Cana dian Pacific. Steel was offered in largo blocks and Southern Pacific also changed hands in round amounts. The balance of the list was inclined to re- I sume its upward movement of the two preceding sessions. Within the first fif i teen minutes, however, it became ap parent that offerings were in excess of •demand and numerous substantial reces sions set in with declines of 1 # to 3 points below yesterday's closing. Business fell away during the first hour and prices continued to sag. Be fore the end of tile morning session practically nothing remained of the opening gains. Instead, declines of l'i to almost four points from top figures were general. Union Pacific was heav iest of the high grade shares. Tiiere were indications also of moderate sell ing in steel. I'tiion Pacific and Balti more and Ohio for foreign interests. I Honda were less active and irregular. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Dec. 15.—Wheat steady; No. 1 red spot, export, 119© 120 y.; No. 1 northern, I>uluth export, 129© 131. Coin steady; No. i yellow, local. >144 81U. Oats steady; No. 2 white. r>4@s4V4. Bran tlrm; winter, per ton, $26.50® 27.00; spring, per ton, $25.00@25.51). Ketlncd sugars steady; powdered. 1.95; fine granulated, 4.50; Confectioners' A. 4.75. Butter firm: western creamery, ex tra, 24; nearby prints, fancy, 27. Kggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, sl2.oo©' 12.20; du., cu.ient receipts, free case, $10.80; western extra firsts, free case, $12.00@ 12.30; do., firsts, free case. SIO.BO. Live poultry weak, fowls. 12©14; old roosters. 10M11; chickens, 11W13; tur keys, 15@16; ducks, 1314; geese, 13 @ 15; Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fan cy, 214(22; turkeys, average, 17 @ 19; fowls, heavy, 17 *2 @lB ; do., average, 14@ 16; do., small, 12@13; old roosters, 124; broiling chickens, nearby, 16@22; western. 14 @2O; roasting chickens, j Ufa 23; ducks, 14@15; geese, 12® 13. 1 Flour steady; winter straight, 5.00® 1 5.25; spring straight, 5.35@5.60; patent, 5.65@5.90. Hay weak; Timothy hay, No. 1 larga bales. IS.OO© 18.50; No. 1 medium bales, | 17.50© 18.00; No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. i 3 do., 14.00@15.00; sample, 13.00© 11.00; I no grade, 11.00© 13.00. Clover mixed I hay, light mixed. 17.00® 17.50; No. 1 do., ' le.OOii 16.50; No. 2 do., 14.50@15.50. | Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 58@62; New York, 45@5L; Jer sey, per basket, 35@40. Chicago Livestock Market ! Chicago, Dec. 15.—Hogs—Receipta, ' 10,000; steady. Bulk, 6.85@7.10; light 6.45® 7.10; mixed, 6.65®7.15; heavy, li.SiJ @7.15; rougll, 6.60@6.70; pigs, 5.00©7.16. Cattle—Receipts, 8,000; weak. Na tive steers, 5.50© 10.75; western, 5.10@ 8.15; cows and heifers, 3.10@8.15; calves, 6.00 ©7.75. Sheep—Receipts 20,000; steady. Sheep, ! 5.25(U 6.50; yearlings, 6.50@7.60; lambs, I 6.50©8.60. IN COLLECTORSHIP RACE Friends of Mr. Harris and Other Candi dates Do Not Concede Warren Van Dyke Will Get Plum Despite the alleged "straight tip" that Warren VauDyke, of Carbon coun ty, secretary of the Democratic State committee, is sure to get the appoint ment as Internal Revenue Collector to take charge of this revenue district when Collector Fred C. Kirkendall as sumes charge of the Hcranton district, it is not at all certain that Mr. Van- Dyke is to get the appointment, as the friends of the other aspirants for the place are still active and busy and do not concede that the decision has beeu reached. The friends of George A. Harris, of 'McConnellsburg, are by no means let ting up in their efforts to 'get the ap pointment for him. .Three strong Dem ocratic Congressmen are working in Mr. Harris' interests, and this may ma terially change the situation. Congress men Derhem, of the Seventeenth dis trict, in which Mr. Harris resides; War ren Worfh Bailey, of the Nineteenth district, and Wood X. Carr, of the Twenty-third district, are roported ali to have declared for Mr. Harris. Warren VanDyke, who is favored by some, but not all, of the leaders, is re ferred to as having resided in this dis trict tint a *hort time, coming here from Cartoon county, the home otl Fourth Assistant Postmaster General James I. Ulakslee, who is backing Tiint The friends of Dr. M. M. Dougherty, of Cumberland, are just as sanguiJa of his chances, but his opponents s*y that Dougherty was a last hour convert for McCormick and should not I>e con sidered, while many Democratic lead ers of Cumberland county have endorsed Harris. T. Kittera VanDyke, of Harrisfourg, has txxoii very active in presenting his claims to the State leaders, and it is said that he has strong backing. The Dauphin County and Harris'burg City Democratic committees who arc said to be back of 'Howard W. Jones, trea.nurer of the county committee and president of the Central Democratic Club, have not in the least relaxed their efforts to secure the appointment for him.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers