The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 14, 1914, Page 6, Image 6
6 Slje &tar-3nfc?peniUtU ( J&taMwW m J876) Published b * THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY. f Star-lndepe-ident Building. M-aO-22 South Third Street, HarrlaUurg. IN. Every Kvaning Except Sunday Ofrictis Dincfr*. BUMAMW F. MITERS. JOHN L. L. KPMK. Praai4aat. WM. W W ALLOVTER, „ Vice President. Wm k W,tbb * Wm. K MITERS. Secretary and Treainrer. WM. W WALLOWCK. WM H WARNER, V. Hi-MMEL BEEOMACE. J*., BuMneti Manxsrr Editor. All communication! should ba *ddre*»NL to INDEPENDEMT, Business. Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department according to the subject matter. Sntered at tbe Post Oflire in Harrisburg as second class matter Benjamin & Kentnor Company. New York and Chicago Representatives. New York Ode*. Brunswick Building. Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office, People's Gas Building. Michigan Avenue, Delivered by carriers at • cents a week. Mailed to subscriber; (or Three Dollars a /ear in advance THE STARTNDEPKNDENT The paper witti the largest Horn-. Circulation >n Harrisburg ano ■earby towns Circulation Eisialnra by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES SEuT~ Private Branch Exchange, No. 3200 CUMBERLAND VALLEY Private Branch Exchange, . No. 345-246 Monday, December 14, 1014. DECEMBER Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, iind; Last Quarter, 10th; New Moon, lttth; First Quarter, 24th. WEATHER FORECASTS Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair and J /josr3D& much colder to night with lowest tem- yBBT perature about 10 degrees. Tuesday f fair, continued cold. ' I VS3ijU Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair and much colder to-night and Tuesday. I Strong west winds diminishing. V.—- v->> YESTERDAYS TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 32; lowest, 26; 8 a. m., 27; S p. m., 32. A SUGGESTION TO MR. LYNCH Highway Commissioner Lynch could make a hit with the people aud. incidentally, ward off tbe pos sibility of pneumonia or at least bad colds for many Harrisburgers who go to work early in the morn ings, by directing his street sweepers, who at such times as this become snow shovelers. to shovel little paths out to the near-side stopping places of the trolley cars near all the street intersections. The near-side stop requirement makes the place at which the passengers must board the cars a ins tance of the length of a car from the regular cross ings. and unless a path is shoveled there passengers are pretty sure to get wet feet as they start for iheir day's work aud consequently their feet are likely to remain wet all dav. If the regular street cleaners were directed, first thing in the morning after a snow storm, to shovel even a narrow path from the sidewalks out to the tracks at all the stopping places of the cars, it would do a great deal toward preventing passengers from' being exposed to illness from wet feet. This morn ing, for instance, it would have placed only a very little bit of extra work on the street cleaners if they had been directed to give their big scoops one push from the sidewalks out to the car tracks at each stopping point. That comparatively slight effort would have been sufficient to have removed the slush from a good-sized path. Commissioner Lynch's men, in most instances, are prompt in clearing paths at the actual street inter sections. and this is very proper, but it is even more important that the paths to the stopping places of the cars be made tirst. MOVIES FOR SING SING PRISONERS Sing Sing prison apparently is becoming a hap pier place in which to live. The new millionaire warden of the penitentiary has his own views on how to handle the 1,600 convicts confined to the institution, and he is rapidly putting his theories into practice. One of his theories is that in order to have a nice happy family spirit in a place like Sing Sing it is neeessary to give the inmates a good time, so yesterday there was provided for their entertainment a motion picture show. The audience was very appreciative and enjoyed the pictures immensely. There was a good deal of dissatisfaction among the inmates of Sing Sing before the new warden took hold. The guests of that famous resort on the Thanks of the beautiful Hudson made frequent dem onstrations of their discontent based on the fact tnat there was not enough consideration shown them bv the management in the matter of the quality of tne hospitality extended. In! fact many of the guests frequently showed a desire to change their boarding place. Indeed, there were frequent riots among the dissatisfied patrons within the walls of the noted hostelry and at times some of the sojourn ers were restrained from seeking quarters else where only by sight of the loaded muzzles of the guns of the Sing Sing guards. There have, indeed, been some recent instances of Sing Sing guests actually departing before the prescribed time, de spite the precautious taken. Perhaps the new warden has the right idea. Cer tainly there is something to be said in favor of treating even criminals like human beings, no mat ter how black the crimes for which they are incar cerated. There are always some good instincts left even in men sent to Sing Sing and if those instincts are to be encouraged to develop rather than to HARRISBUKG STAR-INDEPENDENT. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. 1914. disappear it can only be done by permitting the men to live normal lives even within the priatm walls. The days of torture for prisoners are past, or at least are passing. The throwing of men into dark, damp dungeons still is resorted to in some countries, but not in the more enlightened ones. Many of the Sing Sing convicts will he turned loose hgaiu on the world, after serving prescribed terms, and they will prove to be far more useful nnd far less dan gerous members of society when at large if during the period of their incarceration they are permitted to exist in something like normal human conditions. INDUCEMENTS FOR SPIES The charge of the Paris "Matin" that army officers are admitting many dernians and Austriuns to the service who are acting as spies and sending information in indirect ways to the enemies' ranks, recalls how the business of the spy flourishes in wartime, and suggests an inquiry as to what inducements are offered to those eugaged in it. The punishment of a spy, if caught, is quick death. The same penalty is exacted of him as is exacted of murderers in times of peace wheu homi cide is a punishable crime,—only that it comes more surely and more quickly. It would seem that the possibility of an ignominious death would not be much of a lure for recruits in the spy service. Yet spies are always plentiful in times of hos tilities and instances are recorded of men contesting for the privilege of being sent into enemy's lines on commissions of deception and trickery. Perhaps the risk has an appeal. An alternative is offered of success and consequent praise from comrades, or capture and resultant death at the hands of ene mies, and the element of chance has certain at tractions. x Whether a spy is a hero cr a sneak cannot be defi nitely settled upon, for in the eyes of his comrades he is one, and in the estimation of his enemies he is the other. ALTERATIONS IN THE CLASSICS The Bulletin of the Simplified Spelling Board which, appearing in the orthography which it ad vocates looks not unlike literary productions of one Artemus Ward, .calls attention to a certain faet which is often overlooked, yet is worth bearing in mind. When the Board's proposals regarding radical changes in spelling began to make a stir in Eng land, we are told, a popular writer put himself on record as being opposed to any such changes, de claring that the spelling of Shakespeare was good enough for him. The Bulletin points out that the works of Shakespeare and of other masters of Eng lish literature are printed to-day, not in the original spelling of the authors, but in the spelling which conforms with present day usage. "When any man invokes the spelling of English literature," pursues the "Simplified Spelling Bul letin," somewhat sarcastically, "he must not think to find it in the scool readers or in the Loudon and New York newspapers. If he really wishes to use 'the spelling of Shakespeare,' (aud who does?), he must find out what Shakespeare's spelling was. It was in intent the same as other men's spelling in that age: only it was les orderly, because the cop iers, players and printers of plays wer in that age a careless and piratical tribe." It is well for us to remember sometimes that in our reading of the literature of yesterday in edi tions of to-day we are reading not the pure prod ucts of the master writers, but the results of many careful alterations made by editors and printers in the course of years. We need to bear this in mind, not as a discredit to modern editions of the classics, but to make us appreciate fully the excellent serv ices of the editors and printers who have made the gems of literature of past centuries intelligible to us. There is no waste in Christmas giving if you buy only useful gifts. Yesterday's snow storm caine a little early to insure a white Christmas. It doesn't seem lsng since last Christmas,—but, really it comes only once a year. You can see a good show and at the same time help the suffering Belgians by going to the Orpheum Theatre any afternoon or night this week. Go to Chestnut Street Hall to-morrow evening and buy Christmas Red Cross seals from the pretty girls, to help the fight against tuberculosis'. The concert and drill by the Zembo patrol will make it well worth your time and your money. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN / TIME'S REVENGE The old-fashioned bully who used to whip his wife now has a son who is afraiji to go home for fear his better half will take a wallop at him.—Cincinnati Enquirer. CANNON FOOD Customer —"Here, waiter. Where are the olives! Hold on. Bring me a half melon and some cracked ice." The Waiter (loudly)—" Dumdums, half a bombshell and a bowl of shrapnel."—Cleveland Leader. LOVE IN A MODERN COTTAGE "Could you be satisfied with love in a cottage, dearestf" sighed the poor young man. "Certainly, I could," responded the girl, who really loved him. "But there must be a breakfast room, a music room, parquetry flooring and a big marble fireplace in the front hall."—Louisville Courier Journal. A REALLY NICE MAN Our idea of a nice man is an industrious and well-behaved young fellow 34 yeara old who abandons the shame and dis grace of bachelorhood and marries a widow with five chil dren.—Houston Post. THE REASON Simms—"You're a pooT sort of a club member. I very seldom see you around at clubhouse." Timms —"Why, I get arouiW once or twice a week." Simms—"Well, look at me—l'm there every night." Timms—"Yes, but you're married, and I'm single."— New York Times. / 1 ' \ [Tongue-End Top ics| Thieving Squirrels It was a dealer in fruits, nuts, erte., who was anathematizing the squirrels that tirst came to Capitol Park a"bout fourteen years ago. Since then the squirrels ha\> thrived and prospered mid increased ami multiplied, and now they have complete possession of the city, roaming hither and thither with out fear of molestation, defying injury, and behaving just as if they owu the j city. The fruit dealer said: Something's g(Jt to be done with ' ttu> squirrels in this town, the little thieves! They do incalculable mis- I chief. Since they can 't get food fTom the trees they go hunting it all over | the city. They can smell a nut a mile off, and they go after it like "Vpointer after a quail. I find them a very cost ly matter. At my place of business they get in almost every day. and they j go for the bags of nuts, and raid them. Now, it doesn't take a squirrel very long to acquaint all of his family, in eluding father, mother, sisters, cousins, I uncles and auuts. and the whole freund sehaft, with the information that they can get nuts for the taking at my p!aee of business, and thoy are sure to call ou me. A bag of nuts under their assaults lasts but a short time, ami that means a dead loss to me. IV) the; eat them? Not ail of them. They take the nuts out and bury them. I wouldn't mind it so much if the squirrels were hungry and ato the nuts as they took them, j but they don't do that. Thev carry off nuts and bury them. We have kept U?e rear doors closed and all of the en trances blocked to keep them out, but if they can't get in the back door, they go around and walk into the front door, and steer a straight course direct to the spot where the nuts are piled up in ] bags. Why don t I kill fcome of them? Say, I could as soon kill one of those squirrels as I could a pet cat." * * * Squirrels Know Their Friends A man who has fed nuts to the Capi tol Park squirrels for a long time be longs to a club on Market street. Quite recently he was much amused to see some of the squirrels come into the up per rooms of the club house and en deavor to attract his attention while he was reading. They were after nuts i and had followed the scent of the pe i cans he carried in his pockets. Investi gation showed that they had reached the club house by journeying over ! wires to Market street, getting to the building and then into the house through the window, after which it was an easy thing to find their friend and | get the nuts in his pocket. • „ » Suggests Thinning Out the Squirrels In a yard at the rear of a residence i on North street in this city is a re : markably fine Knglish walnut tree that I for years has borue from three to five | bushels of fine nuts annually. For the I last few years the owner of the tree has not gathered a single nut from the ; tree, the Capitol squirrels having got ten every one of them. They know the location of that tree, and at the j proper time they leave their stamping ! ground in the park and make forays ou this particular English walnut tree, and j they take everything that is takable. \ All manner of devices have been em ■ ployed to prevent them from getting the nuts, but all in vain—nothing i seems to serve to prevent them from I "scutching" the tree, and the owner j has given up the idea of gathering any nuts from it. There is nothing to pre ! vent him from killing the squirrels when they are destroying his property, but he shrinks from taking the life of a squirrel when it is so trusting and fearless. It has been suggested that their numbers be thinned out in the park by shipping them to some of the State game preserves where hunting is not allowed. Cats and Wildcats Wild cats are now rarities in Eu rope, though formerly they were com paratively common in most y*rts of the continent. The few survivors ce cur mostly in Hungary and occasion ally in Spain and Greece. In Spain, bv the way, the animals build nests in trees or among tali bamboos for the rearing of their young, though gener ally they prefer a crevice in a rocky country in which to make a lair. Our domesticated cat is not derived from the untamable European animal, but was introduced ready tamei from EgJ'pt. —London Mail. What Bobwhite Eats Fifteen per cent, of the food of the bobwhite is composed of insects, in , eluding several of the most serious | pests of agriculture. Half of its food consists of weed seeds, one-fourth of grain and about one-sixteenth of wild fruits. Taken in ail the bobwhite is ; very useful to the farmer, anil while : it may not be necessary to remove it 1 from the list of game birls .every farmer I aoouM see that his own farm is not I depleted by sportsmen. Keep Your Lungs Strong 1 This advice is doubly important with the knowledge that every three minutes some one in the United States succumbs to consumption and many refuse to realize they are afflicted until it is too late. It is after colds or sickness, from over work, confining duties or when general weakness exists that tubercular germs thrive because the resistive powers of the body are weakened. Only with fresh air, sunshine and abundant rich blood can one hope to arrest their progress, and the concen trated fau- in Scott's Emulsion furnish fuel for rich blood, and its rare nourish ment helps strengthen the lungs while it builds up the forces. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or run-down Scott's Bmulsion is the most strengthening food-medicine known and is free from alcohol or stupe fying drugs. Avoid substitutes. 14-63 Scott * Bowac, BlooafieM, If. J.? I£FE AND ITS TENACITY Plant Germs That the Most Intense Cold Could Mot Kill In reply to a number of questionsj regarding life and its tenacity, here aro results of biological laboratory experi ments made by l)r. Paul Becquerei, of Paris University Seeds and spores of plaats were sealed in glass tubes. All air was re- i moved to the extreme modern vacuum I limit and theu the tubes were sub- j merged in liquid air during three weeks I at the temperature of 310 degreos be- | j low zero F. and under liquid hydrogen I at the tem;>erature oi 418 degrees dur ing 74 hours. After a year some of the spores, and after two years all of them, germinated and grew. This is a remarkable fact —that is, some of the spores required two years to awaken from their sleep of apparent death in liquid hydrogen. Life seems, therefore, at least in the case of these seeds and germs, to be a chemical process—the activity of chem ism was suspended or stopped by the intense cold. Ot put your finger into liquid air. The cold kills the flesh and the dead part must be amputated. But life in seeds and plants, whatever tit may be, survived. Humans have no clue to the nature of life. Calling it a phase of chemisni does not help, since none knows what that is Mv theory is that chemism is n mo tion of and readjustment in atomic states of electrons. These are elec tricity. But what electricity is is un known. —Edgar Lucien Larken in New 1 York American. RADIUM AND LIGHTNiNG And the Better Protection of Horses During Thunderstorms Radium has been discovered vastly to improve lightning rods in their pro tection of buildings during thunder storms. Of course the enormous cost of radium prevents any practical use of the fact as yet. But there is a very fair possibility that the information gained in this way will leart to a new form of lightning rod which will be most efficient or that furt'her experi ments will show that a tiny quantity of radium at a reasonable cost will im prove the protection. The purpose of lightning rods, of course, is to catch the electrical cur rents iu the air during a storm and lead them safely into the ground in stead of allowing the lightning to pick its own course down through a house j or church steeple, and their use is based ! ou the principle that a metal rod will) give the electricity a smoother p ot less resistance than ordinary build-' ing material. The whole trouble with lightning rods now is that, though they can be made to j do the trick if tlie electrical discharge j is near them, there is no way to lead I electricity through the air to the rod. Radium will do this ;»rt of the work, as has been demonstrated in scientific experiments. Two milligrams of ra dium x on the end of a rod made the lir a considerable distance away a vast ly bette- conductor. Thus any electrical discharge within several \ards of the rod had a path open for it along the radium rays to j the roil and then down the rod to the earth.--Saturday Evening Post. BANKUTU CANNIBALS A Belgian Kongo Savage Tribe Tnrt Cannot Be Subdued The cannibal Baukutus of S"lgian Kongo make a practice of removing the upper incisors. Their dress consists of a plaited skirt, which does not quite j meet on the right thigh. But the worn- j en of the south wear a hide girdle vitli a deep fringe of palm fibre string.! Among this tribe the slaves are com- | pelled to wear a special dress, vv'iich is, in fact, the ordinary costume of the i I Akeis, to which tribe most of them '>e- j | long. The Bankutus are great eanni l bals as far as the male members of! | the tribe ar concerned, and the victims! I are always slaves. In fact, all sla. es' | ar» ultimately eaten, since it is believe 1 ! thrx if a slave were buried his ghost j I would kill his master. Their chief weapon is the bow, poi-' | sou being used ou the arrows. -S!i elds | j are now obsolete. One of their mos>t | interesting points is their use of a con j ventional throwing knife as currency. I The Bankutus are almost the only tribe 1 ! of this region who have been successful ' i in resisting the advance of the white 1 | man. This fact is due to their skill in forest warfare. The way leading to i their village is defended by poisoned spikes hidden by leaves. They use bows and arrows set like traps iu the form of primitive firing guus and are quite ; ready if a white man is expected to : bait such traps with a live baby, being I sure that the European will be una'jle I to resist the temptation to pick up an j apparently abandoned child. The poi- i son they use is absolutely deadly. MODERN WARFARE Manning the Trenches and Locating | the Enemy by Dust Clouds A column of infantry, marching four i ' abreast —the regular inarching form — will pass a given point at the rate of [ ' 175 a minute. .At that rate it will | take a division, which contains about 10,000 men, about an hour to pass.' A division, which is the largest body known in the organization of the Amer ican army, will fully man two miles of trenches/ The regulation distance in the manning of a trench is a yard to a man. There are three lines, how ever, needed to fully man such de ! fenses —the firing line, which is down j |in the trench, a yard between each J j man; the support, which is back a! | short distance, and the reserve, which j is behind the support. These three parts of the defense are of equal size. ' In locating an enemy dust clouds j are often excellent indications, A low, | thick cloud indicates infantry, a high j and thin cloud indicates cavalry, while , a broken cloud indicates artillery or i i wagon trains. An experienced scout! ! can closely estimate the character and ; strength of an enemy solely by the ! dust cloud. An aeroplane to be perfectly safe must keep at an elevation of at least 4,000 feet above the ground. Although the telegraph and telephone have become generally used in battle for purposes of communication, for dis tances under half a mile the old fash ioned courier and horse are still exclu sively used. These have been found a swifter and surer means of communi cation for short distances than either telephone or telegraph.—Washington Star. He Wanted to Know "Ohaj-les," said the teacher, "do you know the etaoisea of the Revolu tionary war?" Ghi&rles looked interestedly art his instructor and replied, as if carrying on a social conversation, "No, do you?"— Ladies' Home Journal. The Globe The Globe Balmacaans— The sls and $lB Kinds At §S 1 1 .75 AK EN ! here s ah unusual I ■J-** saving-snap. Another lot ol exceptionally handsome Balmacaans just received striking models that possess all the "dash and go demanded _ by all good dressers. AS an accommodation to our customers THE GLOBE will be open evenings until Cliristmas, beginning to-night. • Bring your Xmas Saving Fund Checks here to be cashed. "THE GLOBE View From Mount Rigi The mouutain of the Kigi, in Switzer land, commands a panorama of 400 miles in circumstance, which includes the lovely lake of Lucerne, and is un surpassed for beauty. The Uigi was known to only a few travelers in the eighteenth century, but after the peace City of Harrisburg Bonds j Denominations SIOO and SSOO | Free of All Taxes in Pennsylvania | FIRST NATIONAL BANK f 224 Market St. • Harrisburg, Pa. f b= Diamonds Superior Qualities—Unusual Values DIAMONDS and Diamonds. L'ike many other things, diamonds ar» good, bad ami indifferent. Every per son wants a good diamond and wishes to be positive about it. Tile TAUSIG STOCK represents the best. Forty seven years ago we stood for and maintained quality. We stand for it to-day. It is this universal regard we have for diamond quality that has helped us build up the enviable reputation we enjoy. The supreme Christmas gift. Diamond Rings, l-64th to 3 carat, from $3 to SSOO Diamond Cluster Rings, Diamond Earrings, $5 to SIOOO $6 to $550 Diamond Lavallieres, Diamond Cuff Buttons, $5 to S2OO $5 to SSO Diamond Bracelets, Diamond Scarf Pins, $8 to S2OO $3 to S2OO i / Jacob Tausig's Sons DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELERS Reliable Since 1807. 420 Market Street Open Evenings. ■ 1 YOU DESIRE to give your boy the very best possible chance for success in life. But do you realize that you are not giving him the "best" chance if you have neglected to teach him the value of money? An account in our Savings Department is one of the best encouragements to save the small sums which you can give him. SI.OO is enough with which to open a Savings Account with us, and we pay 8 per cent, interest, compounded every four months. I *I4AIIW fiJL ii'TIHTJ 1 f I iT TWH 1 of 1815 it became a resort for the curi ous, the first dwelling having been erect ed in ISI4. Now mauv hotels are in a flourishing condition, and it is popular even in winter. There is a little ahapel, with its walls covered with votive t«l>- lots, for many have been the victims in the ice gorges of this lofty peak.