The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 14, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Diamonds at SIOO.OO per carat are as cheap as wheat at 50c
a bushel, yet that is all we are asking for these beautifully cut
white and brilliant diamonds —not a small lot of small stones but
. a very large assortment in sizes ranging from V 4 carat to 1%
carats. If you are at all interested in diamonds you cannot affoni
, to miss this extraordinary sale. A written guarantee given with j
every stone that we will allow full price paid at any time in ex
change for another or larger stone or for any merchandise in our
store. Could you ask anything fairerf
1 H carat stone, 9150.00
1 carat stone $125.00
1 carat stone, : SIOO.OO
85-100 carat stone, $85.00
* 75-100 carat stone 975.00
70-100 carat stone $70.00
05-100 carat stone $«5.00
60-100 carat stone SOO.OO
55-100 carat stone $55.00
50-100 carat stone, . .., $50.00
45-100 carat stone, $45.00
40-100 carat stone $40.00
85-100 carat stone,' $35.00
30-100 carat stone $;<o.oo
U5-100 carat stone $25.00
While we are trying to convince you that these diamonds are
extraordinary bargains, we also want to say that our stock of
finer and perfect stenes has not been neglected. Our line of dia
monds we believe to be by far the largest and most varied in this
section of the state, ranging in price from SIOO.OO per carat to
$275.00 per carat in size from $5.00 to $1,237.00 —some dia- ;
mond--stock. Call and be convinced that we have the goods at
prices that are right.
302 Market Street
- 4
Two Clothing Stores Burned Out and
Three-story Building Was
Hagerstown. Md.. Dec. 14.—Fire
catted a loss of probably $50,000 in i
the business section of Hagerstown, I
burning out'the clothing establishments :
of Max Simon and Max Kuben and
wrecking the three-story brick building
of. Mr. Simon, in which they were lo
cated. Much damage was also done in
the adjoining store of Duffield & Reetl.
Six persons wer? hurt by an explo- \
sion, which hurled b-ick.4 and glass into i
the crowd of spectators and which was
n \ '
Lumber Won't j
Get Away
from the job if you do
business with us.
You won't need to have j
it delivered until you are
ready to use it—and we
won't disappoint you
We own 100 horses and
many wagons so you cart
easily see why we can
make prompt deliveries.
Lumber piled on the job
a long time before you
want it is liable to be
taken—besides it discolors.
Remember this next
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster and Cowden Streets
Make Your CHRISTMAS a Hummer
Are you looking for good value in Plants?, We are in a position to give you the
best to be had. If you buy our stock we can assure you that you will have the satis
faction of getting quality that is bound to please you. Therefore take no chances
I at this season, and let us till your Christmas orders.
1 Place Your Order Now J*lants for Xmas
JjfLA HOLLY (Loose) B®f,onia», Cyclamen, Ferns, Poinsett! a«,
nJk\ (tXy-< Lwirel. Ground Pine, Crow's Foot. Fox Wholesale and reti-lL We have the only
WKA) W .. _ _ .. M car of Canadian Balsam Fur Trees coming
E«P«iig. Southern Wild Smilax, Pine to Harrisburg. :?(>« of these are already
lln \ / f Tops, Sheet Moss, also our Native Moss. sold. The kind that de not fall off.
Our business has been so seriously interrupted by the construction immediately in front of our door of the
subway to go under the C. V. R. R. tracks and conditions are such that it is almost impossible to reach our
store. We have been compelled to locate at
No. 106 and 108 South Second Street, in the Adams Building,
where we will have a grand Christmas opening and where we will subsequently continue our seed and implement
business. We take this opportunity of thanking our many friends in view of the unfavorable conditions favored
as by the use of the Telephone and patronizing the salesmen we were compelled to send out.
HOLMES SEED CO. No. 106-ICB South fcond Si.
c. V. 78 \ HARRISBURG, PA.
probably due to ignition of escaping
gas in an upper story. One fireman,
Henry Hagen, was so badly hurt he was
taken to the hospital.
Sales May Be Hampered
Gettysburg, Dec. 14. —Dr. G. P.
Mlinger, a representative of the Bureau
of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C.,
after a week's stay in Gettysburg in
connection with the work of "investiga
tion regarding the hoof and mouth dis
ease, gave scant encouragement regard
ing the lifting of the State quarantine
before March first. Xo definite state
ment regarding the lifting of the coun
ty quarantine by the State Live Stock
Board has yet been secured.
All the farmer" in Adams county are
interested in this action, for on it
hinges the success of the spring sale sea
| Death Besult of Diphtheria
Waynesboro, Dee. 14.—The first
■ death in \\ aynesiburo in a long time,
i resulting from diphtheria, occurred Sat
j urdav. Frank B. Wagner, young son
: of Harry and Anna Wagner, Harrison
I avenue, died of heart failure following
I a serious illness from diphtheria. The
■ lad had practically recovered from the
I diphtheria. One of the results of the
| disease is a weak heart and the youth
| succumbed to this. He was aged 7
! years and 25 days.
Lay Flans for Trolley
Chambersburg. Dec. 14.—A meet
i ing of the shareholders of the MeCon-
I liellsburg and Fort Loudon electric line,
! traversing the Sorth mountain between
| those points, will be held on Wednes
day afternoon. Of the total capital
stock, $25,000 hav; been subscribed
|to provide for organization expenses
and preliminary surveys.
Wednesday 's meeting will be held
I for Che purpose of the election of di
-1 rectors and other officers and to pro
vide for the granting of a charter. The
capital stock will be $25,000, with 5
per cent. 20-vear bonds to the amount
of $300,000.
Pneumonia Causes Death
Carlisle, Dec. 14. —After a brief ill
ness, M rs. Gworge Line died about 1
o'clock Saturday afternoon at her home
on West South street, aged 68 years.
Death was due to pneumonia.
Mrs. Line was born in the county, but
the greater part of her life had been
spent here. She was an active member
of the Second Presbyterian church and
had a wide circle of friends.
Surviving her is one son, Herbert,
! connected with the United States mail
service. Funeral announcement will be
made later.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
i 1 |
Little Talks on Health and Hygiene
by Samnel O. Dixon, M. D., LL.
D., Commissioner of Health
This is the season when pneumonia
becomes the chief ally of death and
Slaughters thousands. _ During the
changeable we at-her when winter sets
in and agsiin in the spring, it's great
est toll is exacted.
Pneumonia is a germ disease, the
minute organism wlii-eh causes it is
called by physicians the pneumocoeeus.
It is to a certain extent contagious.
However, these germs are sometime*
found in the throats of perfectly
healthy persons. When the bodiiy re
sistence of the individual becomes low
ered through physical exhaustion and
this is followed by exposure iu poorly
ventilated rooms. offices, crowded
street cars, local railroad trains or ill
ventilated theatres, which are hot beds
for the infection, pneumonia is apt to
result. •
Cold itself is not directly a factor.
In the Arctic regions the genn doM
not exist in the pure frigid air. This
points to one of the secrets for avoid
ing the disease, seek fresh air for pneu
monia is found where it is forbidden.
Work and sleep with the windows
Men have more of a tendency to the
disease than women because of addi
tional exposure to impure air and
hardships which they must endure.
Alcoholism is a factor in many eases.
The man who indulges in much alcohol
is apt to reduce his power of resistance
and thereby become susceptible.
Great fatigue should be avoided if
jMjssible for it is a predisposing factor
in lessening the Natural resistance to
this and other disease. If you are ex
posed to rough weather and get wet a-nd
cold take a rub down with a coarse
towel and change to dry clothing.
Above all avoid stuffy ill-ventilated
places where crowds congregate.
Many people consider it impossible
to follow this advice at this season of
the year when the holiday rush is on.
Because it is or seems to be impossible
for thousands of OUT workers t0 ob
serve these precautions, the grim fig
ures win head the mortality tables for
Washington, Dec. 14.—Scenes in a
little French village far from the ex
citement of the battle line are dra
matically sketched in a letter just re
ceived here from a Bed Cross nurse
serving at Dinard, Brittainy. With
the word pictures came an appeal to
Americans to send necessities for the
"Where fashionable women in lux
urious motor cars sped through the
avenues, - ' wrote the nurse, "now sol
diers hobbling on sticks and crutches
or wheeled in chairs appear. Women
and children swathed in crepe wander
in dumb groups in the esplanade. The
shops are full of soldiers' necessities.
Everywhere high and low, young and
old, the seamstress, the shop keeper be
hind her counter, the young girls tak
ing their morning walks, even little
school girls, all are knitting.
"Strong vigorous young men one
never sees. Only wounded soldiers, old
men in mourning and priests ceaselessly
on their errands of consolation arfd
• "In this hour of tributation France
has turned devoutly and reverently to
religion. The tone of the press lias
changed—a reverent and humb e--eek
ing after divine help is felt in their ar
ticles. ''
Saw Shot Tired at Kaiser
Paris, Dec. 14.—A Paris woman who
was a dressmaker to the German royal
court for a number of years writes to
the "Journal des Debats" stating that
while she was on her way back to
France she saw a German youth of 17
fire a shot from a revolver at the
Kaiser while the Utter was boarding a
train for the front. The bullet missed
its mark. The German newspapers have
made no reference to this affair.
Armstrong Drescl Is HI
London, Dec. 14.—Armstrong Drexel
son of Anthony J. Drexel, who has been
serving at the front as a. chauffeur
for General French, has beeu invalided
home. At present he is staying with
his mother in Portland Place. Ilis in
disposition is not serious.
Kill Two G-prmr.n Officers
Atfhens. Dec. 14.—-A mutiny broke
out amongst the crews of the Turkish
fleet at ( onstantinople, owing to the
brutal conduct of the German officers.
At the same time owing to a similar
cause, there was a revolt in the bar
racks at Stambul in whiiSi two German
officers were killed.
A music publisher says he spent over
SB,OOO to popularize a song. Still, he
got man} - a Whistle for his money.
Fancy Initial Tumblers
Six Ifol For Only
Fancy M One Coupon
Sterling' I From
• Silver f|ju- Jp" ii J The Star-
Initial ' wl'll '
Qpfj| Independent 11
Thin-Blown j'j~ »'| ll^i 1 'jl and
& Pint 10 Cts - Extra
Women readers of THE STAR-INDEPENDENT will not need much in the way of persuasion to see the
unusual value of this new offer. The tumblers are of the finest thin-blown glass, and are decorated with a
very dainty sterling silver initial design and silver-banded rim. The set will look well on the table or in
the china closet. Your own initial on each glass. Each set is put up in a heavy corrugated carton with six
These Fancy Sterling
were never sold iri the ordinary way at such a low price. You may now obtain this set at a nominal cost by
clipping the coupon which appears on Page 2 in this issue and by presenting it, with 48 cents, at the office of
On sale to-morrow. If ordered by mail, 10 cents extra.
Remarkable Bise of American Express
Company Employe
New York, Dec. 14.—Official an
nouncement has been made by the
American Express Company that H. K.
Brooks, formerly manager western fi
nancial department, has been elevated
to the position of vice president and
manager of the financial business and is
another illustration that it is not al
ways influence that counts. Mr. Brooks
started his career as a newsboy on the
New York and Oswego 'Midland rail
war of New York State.
He entered the employ of the Amer
ican Express •Company in 1882 as clerk
in the money department, (Milwaukee.
For several years Mr. Brooks occupied
various ]<ositions iu the finamiail de
partment of the com p.any, \jntil ISO 4
when his training and ability won for
ilim the position at Chicago. This po
sition he has filled up to the present
I A number of years ago when the
'•om[-any originated its travelers'
cheftues and engaged in foreign remit
tances. Mr. Brooks made a study of for
eign exchange. Ho is the author of sev
eral books on that su'bjeet which are
extensively used by colleges, banks and
business houses. Mr. Brooks is a di
rector of the Chicago Savings Bank and
Trust Company, member or the South
Side Oountrv Club, Traffic Cluib and
Credit Men's Association in Chicago.
From newsboy to vice president is a
record of which anyone may well be
proud. Mr. Brooks will move to New
York, making his office at 65 Broad
Man's Injuries Probably Fatal
Paradise, Dec. 14.—Peter Grim, who
several dava ago had his hand caught
in a circular saw while sawing wood,
is" in a serious His right arm
was amputated in the hope of saving
his life as blood poisoning developed.
He suffers mu-th pain and little hope is
entertaiiwd for his recovery.
Miner Boasted in 16-Hour Fire
Minersville, Pa., Dec. 14. —A six
teen-how fire in the interior of the
Lyt.le colliery, which threatened serious
to the coaJ w&sheries, was ex
tinguished yesterday. Joseph Kemiskv,
a miner, was terribly roasted by the
A Friend in Need
Soubrette—Raven yelp thinks a great
deal oif the president.
Comedian —Yes; the president did
him tihe best turn any one cifti possibly
do an actor.
Soikbrette —What was itt
Comedian—Gave him an audience.
Patience—Did you see Peggy down
ait the beach
Patrice—Oh, yes.
"What was she doing—flirting, as
usual t''
"No; she said she wemt down there
for a rest."—Yonkers Statesman.
Helping Him
A section foreman on a southern rail
way - heard the following conversation
between two of his dusky laborers:
"Jim, you bettah come here an' he'p
me. I's talkin' up fer you."
"How's datf"
" W 'y, dis here man say you ain't fit
fer de dawgs, an Ah tole him yes you
is!"—[Everybody's Magazine.
May Depend on Story of Daughter
Whose Husband He Killed
New Y'ork, Dec. 14.—When William
V. Cleary, the Town Clerk and political
boss of Haverstraw, comes to trial in
New Y'ork City on Thursday for kill
ing his 18-year-old son-in-law, Eugene
M. Newman, it is possiblMhat his fate
will hang on the testimony of his
daughter, whose intimacy and marriage
with Newman exasperated him to the
verge of mildness
Since she recovered from the first
shock of the murder in Cleary's office in
July the possibility of the ordeal at the
trial has been before the young widow.
She has hoped that she would not have
to face it, and it seems certain that the
prosecution will not call her. But there
remains a chance that the defense will
! appeal to the unVritten law and that
i th«'testimony of Mrs. Newman, whose
wedding ring merely accentuates her
youth, will be the pivotal point in the
Two theories of the shooting have
been advanced. One, that Cleary's dis
covery of his daughter's physical con
dition before her marriage made him
wild with rage, and that his aversion to
young Newman was such that even aft
er he learned of the *edding he, took
the first opportunity to kill the boy.
The other theory is that he knew noth
ing of the wedding and that tlie an
guish of a father who believed his
daughter ruined beyond reparation led
the murder.
Widow, Son and Daughter at Funeral
< Services
New Y'ork, Dec. 14. —The body of
Richard Canfield, gamblcT and art con
noisseur, who died last Friday from a
fracture of the skull, was cremated yes
terday at Freßh Pond, h. I. The ashes
were shipped to New Bedford, Mass.,
to-day, to be buried tliere in the Can
field family plot.
Prior to the cremation simple funeral
services were conducted in the Broad
way Tabernacle, Broa-dwav and Fifty
sixth street, the Rev. Dr. William A.
Kirkwood, the assistant pastor, offici
ating. Only Canfield's widow, Mrs.
Genevieve C'anfiold; his son and his
daughter, Mrs. Grace ilannon, and a
few friends attended.
Although information was refused at
the Canfield home, No. 506 Madison
avenue, it was said that the gambler's
widow, son and daughter departed late
last evening for Providence, R. 1.,
where Mrs. Canfield lives.
Ship Captain Punished
San Francisco, !>er. 14.—The mas
ter's license of Captain J. J. Carey, of
the steam schooner Hanalei, wJhic/h
struck on Dux'bury Reerf November 23
while off her course with a conse
quent loss of twenty-three lives, was
suspended yesterday for two years. A
board of three United States inspectors
found Captain Carey guilty of negli
gence and unskilful seamanship.
Bed Men to Hold Shooters' Parade
Lebanon, Dec. 14.—I.VIemibers of
Swatara Tribe No. 276, Improved Or
der of Ked Men, are heading a move
ment here to have another big celebra
tion in the shape of a New Year's
shooters' parade in this city on New
Year's eve, Dtxerrtber 31. The mum
mers' parade on New Year's Day was,
however, abandoned for 1915 for vari
ous reasons, principally the lack of
funds. Local clubs, fire comipanie* and
other organizations way take part in
the celebration.
Superflous Adornment
"I am now engaged on a beautiful)
design for a new coin," said the art
ist. , |
"I don't see why we need it," re- ;
plied Miss Cayenne. "You can't make]
i money so good-looking as to render it j
any more popular than it already is."
—Washington Star.
I ' I
wr-gp 1
"A * a shimmering, glimmer
ing. fiery stone with iridescent brilliance
—the most beautiful of all earth's
Jewels." I
C OUNDS prood In Websterian superlative expression, I •
but a perfect diamond is even more beautiful than J
words can describe. Therefore a diamond ring, a dia- I
mon<l tie pin, or a diamond stud<'%.l La Valliere, cuff I
links, or locket, Is most highly prized by those so for- I
tunate as to receive them.
How to Grow
a Diamond
Buy a diamond ring here as modest in price as your
Judgment suggest®. I
$12.50 .'HIS .00 $22.50 $25.00 I
$35.00 $50.00 $60.00 SBO.OO
$125.00 $150.00 $350.00
We will allow you the full amount for your diamond
you buy here in exchange for a larger one.
If you bought a JlO diamond ring Q
about a year ago and wish to buy a f
$25 diamond ring, you give us sl6
and your ring. >
Other gift articles In splendid va
riety, such aa the leading standard $13.50.
watches, silverware, cut glass and 1
Jewelry trinkets of the modest or more
elaborate sort.
V. ) j
, "The store where standard quality is !i
J modestly priced In plain figures/' Jo Secret
j I, __ Mrtfcod of
! J Marking
98*"* 18 North Fourth Street J
j "Papa, what is an escutcheon 1"
j "This story says there was a blot on
; liia escutcheon."
"Oh, yes. An escutcheon is a light
j colored vest. He had probably been
carrying a fountain pen."—Houston