2 I' The Useful Gift |Jj|K | Every Day In the Year 3/ What will be more appreciated than ¥ m Yes—we know lots of them are given v| every year—there's a reason. Every- \ A body enjoys the ease and comfort they # f$L/ J f) afford—how handy they are at night or " V in case of sickness. Every one in the ( \ family ought to have a pair or two. In Vi" making up your list of gifts think of °]fej w Slippers and you will score a hit every ,&! yM\ You will find the largest stock—the TO greatest variety and the way-down low i ft Children's Slippers / j?, s liver and all the secretions to action Directions Adults > < two tablets is ami should be taken inmed- c I iately - < S sons, who sufficient ) )to just keep The bowels open freely until tne Cough and; (Cold is relieved then take one-half the dose for a few \ ( days. Children who are not o'.d enough to swallow pills, the < ) tablet can be broken or cut in half and given in proportion > ?to age. To be swallowed not chewed For headache.take { IFac-simile of label on back of Laiativeßromo Quinine box) —but remember there is Only One "Bromo Quinine " To Ooi The GENUINE, GaU For Tho Full Name Laxative Bromo USED THE WORLD OVER TO DURE A COLD W OUE DAY J| Look for thla mlfnmtmrm M *!— *w< Mm 26 o. (o-ST^&frcrvt^ | j neetion with Water-Supply Paper 31S, 1 issued last year, gives a recorj of the principal streams for 1909. 1910, 1911, and 1912. Copies of No. 33 6 may be j obtruued free of charge on application to the Director, United States Geologi cal Survey, Washington, D. C. The ; supply of Water-Supply Paper 31S for tree distribution has been exhausted, but copies may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents for 50 cents each. CONVICTS TO WEAR NIGHTIES K(H) State Prison Inmates Will Put on White Robes To-night Boston, Dec. 14.—Nightshirts are to be worn to-night by inmates of the State prison in Charlestown for the i first time, it is said, in the history of penal institutions. Sixteen hundred of the garments are ready for the distribution among j the prisoners. Every person will get j i two shirts. Four hundred new iron j ; beds with springs and mattresses will I i take the place of the slat bunks in the ! old section of the prison. Line and Ground Men's Pay Raised Hazleton. Pa.. Dec. 14.—While do-i dining to sign any agreement with its men or to recognize the union in its negotiations, the Consolidated Tele phone Company has raised the salaries of its linemen and groundmen from five to ten per cent. This affects em ployes in the districts around Hazle ton, Allentown, Scranton, Carbondale and Wilkes-Barre. J Laxative Bromo Quinine, telling what it does and how it does it, you can understand why this remedy is used so effectively by so many millions of | people. Whenever you feel a cold com ing on think of the name Laxative Bromo Quinine. HARRISBURG STAR-TyDEPENDENT. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. 1914 $365,000 FOR MISSING MAN Disappeared at Age of IS and Would I Now Be 21 Kane, Pa., Dec. 14.—After searching for over seveu years for Keith Dal- t rymple, the former Port Alleghany boy I i who recently fell heir to a fortune i amounting to $365,000, without finding ! any trace of him, relatives and friends ' now believe that he has met with foul , piay- ! ( At the age of 13, young Dalrymple j l was taken to Long Beach, Cal., to re-1 ( side with his grandmother, Mrs. F. H. Arnold. A few months later the boy r left the Arnold home to visit a frieud ( of the family who lived in the vicinity ( of the Arnold home. Since that t.mc, despite continuous search, no trace of j the boy has been found. A sad incident in connection with i ( the mysterious case was the death of | ( the boy's mother, February 19 last, the twenty-flret anniversary of his ' birth, directly due to worry over her ' ( son's disappearance. The final account of the estate of; E. P. Dalrymple and Keith E. Dal-; rvniple has been filed by W. A. Dusen-j bury, executor of the "estate of J. E. j Dusenbury, who was guardian of Keith s Dalrymple and executor of the E. P. J Dalrymple estate. The guardian's ac-|! count shows a balance of $365,000 be- j longing to Keith E. Dalrymple. NEGRESS KILLS HUSBAND ! Man Fatally Burned When She Hurls J Lighted Lamp Philadelphia, Dec. 14.—Following - the death of her husband, which re- j j snilted from l»unis cameed when she i i threw a lamp at him, Mrs. Elizabeth | < Simpson, colored, 42 years old, Catha- ] rine streeit, above Front, was held 11 without bail yesterday morning by I Magistrate Ma« Far land on the charge] of homicide. On Saturday nigh't the accused worn-i < an and her husband, John Sampson, »0 years old, started to quarrel at their home. According to the police of the i Second district, the woman threw an , oil lamp at him, saturating his clothes! with the blazing fluid and setting fire , to the house. The screams of the man i I ami woman brought in the neicQrbors I and the police. Simpson was taken to j the Pennsylvania hospital, where he! i died yesterday morning. GARAGE MANAGER KILLED Accidental Discharge of Revolver Ser.ds Bullet Through Heart Scranton, Pa., Dec. 14.—Edward j Onurch, wlio came here a few weeks ago from Mifflin'burg, near Rloomsiburg, | to take a position as manager of a j garage, was killed vesterdav afternoon | i bv a revolver shot, fired accidentally bv ; Mrs. Margaret 'Mclaughlin, who with i others was in Church's room. Church called Mrs. Me Lough lin to look at some pictures. He opened his i grip to get the pictures, took a revolve; ; from the top anl playfully handed it to tlier, saving; "Here, Aoot yourself j while vou're happy." An instant later j j the revolver exploded and Church diet j in ten minutes with a ballet throu !i fhe heart. Mrs. MeLoughlin was ' not arrested. Her husband is in New i :\ork. Church was a thirty-second de gree Mason and was married. MIND BLANK, MAN DIES Mystery of Un : dentified Stranger May Never Be Clea/ed Up TitusviHe, l'a.. Dec. 14.—The mys tery that surrounded the mail found I wandering around tnis city about two i weeks ago with his memory a blank ! probably will never be cleared up. Ho died last night without giving anything more than a vague clue as to his idea i titc. Since thr trail was discovered and j the story of the case appeared in pa pers thorughout the country scores of letters and telegrams have been re -1 eeived at the local hospital, where the ' j man was under observation. It is believed that the man's name J was Charles Hosmer, but where he re | sided and the other details of his pri vate life are unknown. The remans will be held for a few days by the au j thorities in the hope that some rela tive may be found. EYES BLACKED, A"=KS $20,000 j Actor Says Discoloration Is Due to Specialist's Treatment New York, Dec. 14.—Ch:;r!es Ill ness. an actor, has sued Dr. Alexander Lavigne, an eye specialist, for $ !0,- 000, because, he alleges, the piiysi •: an is responsible for a pair of bla.k eye* he is forced to carry with him night; and day. In his complaint, filed in the County Clerk's office, the actor alleges that he had trouble with one eye and consulte 1 Dr. l.avigne June 1, i 913. The treat ment he received was such, he sets forth, that there shortly appeared under each eye two deep and wide circ.es, which have since made him look as though he had beem in a prize fight. The actor declares that consequently he is the butt of many jokes, his life is I made unbearable, and he can't j.e- a| .job on the stage. He wants SIO,OOO i for each eye. ARTHUR BRISBANE IS ILL New York Editor Suddenly Stricken In Atlanta Atlanta, Dec. 14.—Arthur Brisbane, editor of the New York "Evening; Journal," was seized with a sudden illness here yesterday and while his; friends are somewhat alarmed over his condition it is reported that he was I better last night. Dr. G-Ul Wylie has been summoned i from New York. Mr. Brisbane was 50 I years old Saturday. SAFE CRACKED; MONEY LEFT Burglars Overlook Package Containing SB,OOO in York Store York. Pa.. Doc. 14.—The safe in one] of York's big department stores, owned ! by James McLean Sons, was cracked I early yesterday morning 'bv two bur glars. " The thieves took a number of valu able papers, but overlooked an inner compartment which contained SB,OOO. Lay Cornerstone for New Church Lancaster, Dec. 14.—The corner stone of the now S«t. Paul's Methodist : Episcopal ehiurch, was laid yesterday afternoon before a large congregation, | representing many sections of Lane as- j ! ter county. Addresses were delivered' by the Rev. E. C. Griffiths, D. D., of Philadelphia; the Rev. Dt. Meminger and the Rev. Edward Bawden, of this city. The choir augmented for the oc casion, rendered special music. Work j on the erection will be pushed rapidly I towards completion. I SILAGE ACME OF FEEDS Bt*te. College Proves Money Is Being Wasted by Other Rations State College, Pa., Dee. 14. —To de termine the best ration for steer fatten ing in Pennsylvania a feeding experi ment. concluded Saturday at the Penn sylvania State College, has upset all theories as to the value of the Lancas tor county region as an economical one. For more than 14 0 days, 60 head of cattle, with beef blood predominating, were nourished with five distinct lotSj of feed, and the summary proves con-1 clusively, accenting to Professor \V. H. i Tomhave, in charge of the experiment, : t.h«t farmers persisting in feeiling by | the old system are losing money. He ] attributes the changing condition to the high cost of feed, especially bran. One of the most impressivo results obtained, said Professor Tomhave, was the reduced cost at which beef can be produced by farmers having silos. Corn j silage, as a beef producer, was unex- \ celled by any other ration. Aud the : experiment included alfalfa, cottonseed! meal, shelled corn and hay. A silo, it was shown, preserves the corn crop in a better manner than is possible in i harvesting it and husking it, and corn ] silage is a succulent feed that mnkee it possible to get the maximum food nu trient available from the other foods fed in combination. At the termination of the experiment! it was concluded that corn silage at] $3.50 per ton as the sole roughage is more economical than corn silage nnd alfalfa hay combined, when the latter I is sls per ton. As a source of protein wheat bran at $-5 a ton is more ex- 1 pensive, it was learned, than cottonsee I meal is $34 a ton. The additional cost of grinding corn was not compensated by greater gains from the steers, liullo-r tins will be issued by the college. ; DIES PLANNING SUICIDE Girl Drops Prom Edge of Bed, Victim of Heart Failure Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 14. —Declaring! th«it her long illness had made her tired j of life and that she was going to take ! a butcher knife and kill herself, Miss! Jennie Loguidice, aged 15, dropped! dead from heart failure as she sat on the edge of her bed, preparatory to re-1 tiring. Her sister had succumbed just as| suddenly last summer from the same j cause. MISSTEP COSTS POETESS LIFE Haverhill Woman Found Dead By Gas Asphyxiation Haverhill, M iss., Dee. 14.—With an unfinished Christmas poem upon her' desk, Miss Mary L. Hnrtlett, a High | school teacher, and of local promi nence as a portress, was found dead j j Saturday niellit in her apartments, hav-1 | iuig been (incidentally asphyxiate"!. She was 74 years of age, and fori man v years was" a teacher of Knglisli; at the Haverhill High school. Miss Hartlijtt had tripped over a rubber tii'bing connected with a gas hoater, cU'USMig the tuibing to be detached from 1 the pije. ROBBED SIX TIMES IN SIX YEARS Yonkers Merchant Now Leaves His Cash Register Opau Yonkers, Dec. 14. —August Klein's i store at 96 Elm street, was rob>bt»d j 1 early yesterday for the sixth time in ] six winters. The burglars took many j i cigars, but got on. v $1 in money, j Klein no.v loaves his c a sill register 1 open because thieves'liave smashed it.! Klein is stiil a lap behind two other! ; Yonkers merchants. The stores of ] George W. llorton, clothier, and Frank j Knopfer, aborting goods, h'ave been I entered seven times in seven years. O:.E HUNDRED, T FOX TROT Moses Wohl Smokes. Takes Drink or Two, and Entertains . New Vork, Dee. 14. —Mo-cs Wohl j : was 100 years old yesterday, so :ie; smoked a dozen cigars or so. took a ■ few nips and tried to dance the tango! and fox trot with some of his great grandchildren. But lively a- he was he j could not master the new steps. Mr. \Voh! lives at 1043 Southern 1 Boulevard, The Bronx, and about one j hundred relative; attended his birth-1 i':iv party, lie lia< fo.ir children, five 1 grandchildren and fifteen great-grand-1 children. He was born in Bohemia and] came to this country thirty-two years ni*o. His wife died eighteen years ago 1 at the aye of 72. VICTIM EPAD; TRIAL HALTS American Woman 3-id to Have Been j SUot Abroad oy Student Florence, Italy (.Via Rome), Dec. 14. —Owing to the death of Mrs. Marv I R. Flavelle in Chicago last week, the i trial of Pietro Rossi a Florentine art : student, who is charged with having I assaulted her, has been postponed. The I case was set for the latter part of this | month. Hossi is accused of having shot and rt'bbed Mrs. Flavelle on board a train while she was journeying from Flor-1 ence to Perugia, Italy, lust May. WOMEN JURORS IN KANSAS j "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury" J Will Be Heard in February Kansas City, Dec. 14. —"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury" will be heard in the three divisions of the Wyandotte county district court at the February term. 11. H. Butterwiek, county assessor, will certify a list of fifty women who are willing to serve as jurors to the County Clerk before the first of Fetiru- j ary. Some of these will be drawn in ! the panels, and the " woman juror" will j establish herself in Wyandotte county.; A Camera Gift! Why Not ? A never-ending source of enjoy ment to the one, and always a pleas ant reminder every day in the year of your thoughtfulness. Prices range from $2.00 to $25.00 According to size and mechanism, j j Forney's Drug Store 426 MABKET STREET Sensational I IPiano Offer in the World's History!! SPOT^^l^9° Tit Floon moat Be Clcn«4t Thta Gl(utl« stock of I'Htao. most lie Cloaed oat resardlcu. of Price. iteitnrd- H ■ less «,f Come 'ii(„ tkii «(n'o to-olvtit or to-morrowi Go flaoack this maaraUleent stock If there IN a UN I Piano iii nils House that Plen«ea yon la appearance mui Tone call a Saleamnn, t.-lI >\hut you will Rive i.. r (in- H ■ Piano and How yon want to mo for It. if your oiler la within the Bonnda or Human Poaatbllltj w« will accept H I "• bmmmi this moot Poaitlvely. ran jron conceive Such aatoundliic tolutu us ur are offering Here, inm^inc ■ If you <-u» Snch Ptaaoa ns "Winter £ C 0.," "Rndolf," "Crown," "Whitman," "Weaer," "Haynefc," "Hldrldae," and |H ■ others of world-wide repute, all boiled down ill this «reol Price Hcdueiou Sale. l-'.vcr> I'laiio <3u*t lie sold. I lie Sg ■ I- iiKiish Ltugwise docs Not Permit us to Bspreaa this with suftlelent force. BVBKY PI AMI m st liu soi.u. Mfl ■ COME l\ AND SKI: is. GET THAT CHRISTMAS PIANO NOW. j) THESE S2 I WE WILL SELL ANY PIANO AT ANY PRICE AND | | TERMS OFFERED TH AT ARE WITHIN REASON if IM To the Public: A Cash and Time Buyers, Attention: g Come here and select a Piano at this sale. Bring 1 We want ash. We want as much of it as we Pi I any amount of money and we will send the Piano can get. But we will poattlvely accept any propoal- H' I that you select home. This sale will never lie dupli- ['«» «" any Plnnp in the hvnae if it is >\iihiu the M I cated. The world's best makes are here. They must Ipo nJv , " M rh! ,!, "i"'' 1,,s '"l , vl Hi ■ •_ n . , 0 MAI, I U-l> \1 . I 111* is am oppor{milty tt»r :uisl»;imJ ■ dc sola. ami wife to eoni it ii r. Come in to-Uey. STORE IS OPEN TO-DAY TILL 9 P. M. I Come In I WINTER PIANO CO. j WeAreopen | To-day | 23 N 4th St ) Harrisburg, Pa., H. M. Eldridge, Mgr. | To " day Kansas Democrats to Stay Topeka, Kan., De<;. 14.—Arthur Cap-> per, Republican Governor-elect, has an- j uouucevl that he will not make any | changes in the Democratic nflicers WUMI appointments have been confirmed.