The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 12, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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ROTARY-BELGIUM benefit at The Orpheum all I
of next week. Special Rotary bill secured by tb* 1 I
management. ™
i The four Center Bargain Racks have again been I
filled with DRESSES, SUITS, COATS, Etc. |j
202 Walnut Street
S OCIA L and
Given Last Evening at the Home of ;
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Stine Far
ley Gannett Is Elected President of
the Engineers' Society of Penna.
The guessts at the dance given last
evening by Dr. aud Mrs. Henrv M.
Stine at their home. 21 South Wout
ftie«4. for Mor.taudon Morris, of
St. Joseph. Mo., included:
Miss Margaretta Iteming, Miss Vir
ginia Hardest King, Miss Katherine Et
ter. Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Miss Mar- '
ian Augei. Miss .>anet lawyer,
Ranees Morrison. Miss Margaret Me
Lain, Miss lv»ra San ford Coe. Miss
Mary Elizabeth Meyers. Miss He,en '
Hammond. Miss l.ouise Cltapv, Miss
Eleanor Xe»l Clark, Miss Frances Bai-1
ley. Mi-s Kitii:- Bailey. Miss Margaret I
Williamson. Miss Montandon Morris.
Mis, Sara Fallerton Hastings.
Kiehard Knibloe. Robert McCreath,
U'iUiam MeCreath, Edwin Bevan. J.
( hirer e K.'nk, John Eri-son. John Ma
goun. George Shotwell. Henry M.
v riss, l>r. George R. MotStt. R. Boone
At-bott. Mr. Red us. Mr. Gifford. Mr.
Hardy, Mr. Seeley. Mr. Grahatn and Mr.
DT. Kumm to Lecture Here
l*r. H. K irl W. Kuinni. an African
t \[>!orer. who is in this country, work-'
iv._ t - ' _h rtu Sudan I'nited States
througn the Sudan I'nited States
stations 'ike bio k uoines across Africa
t- -top the spread of Mohammedanism
and slavery and to encourage the plant
ing and growth if Christianity, will
s **:»k on next \\ >»dne»d.*iy evening in
Market Square Presbyterian church.
l>r. Kuinm's admirers call uim the
Pavid Livingstone of the twentieth cen
tury. He has traveled ail over the
world, but his specialty is th-' Sudan.
He is a missionary, as well as a ceog
rap cr. an i inis aeen decorated b\ sev-!
erai societies.
Gannett Head of Engineers' Club
! a. Vv Gannett, chief engineer i f ;h -
> are Wat»r Suj»p'i ' ommission.
«• ' 'te-i |>resi lent • f the Hi giuet -s' So
• of Pennsylvania at a meeting
'e! l last evening in tne Engineers'
Hub. Ra'lots were received by mail
>'""111 memi ers tlm>u i .io..t the »*tate.
Charles H. M-«rce*. of the Penn-vl
vania Steel Company. wa« elected ti-«t
vi e president: .1. Murray Africa, of
f s
JeweSer and Silversmith
Men's and Women's Watches in the leading
American and Swiss makes at prices from $5 to
Every \\ atch we sell bears our personal guarantee,
backed by sixty-four years of business integrity.
2114=216 Market Street
Establisslhied 1850
I HarrisbvrgLight
1 S.pOWER.^O.
Will not make a mistake if he gives Electrical
Appliances this Christinas.
Electrical gifts are gifts that are sure to please,
gifts that can be used every day in the year, gifts
that are enjoyed and appreciated by the young as
well as the old. i
An Electrical gift is a sensible gift.
Huntingdon, second vice president; Ed
ward Dasher, secretary, and R. Boone
Abbott. treasurer. Thomas Earle and
F. Herbert Snow were elected resident
directors. The newly-elected Olivers
will not ;issume their duties until the
middle of January.
An interesting feature of the meet
ing wss an address bw George F. Watt,
president of the Elliott-Fisher Type
writer Company, on his retent trip to
Europe and his experiences there after
wnr was declared.
Special Mseting Has Been Called
A s-.-eeial meeting of the Roberta Dis
brow-Lioyd Sunshine So ietv has been
oallei for Man da v afternoon at 3
o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. Every mem
ber is urged to be presen* as plans for
the Christmas work will be completed
an.l re orts of the members who have
been visiting the sick and ueedy will'
be given.
Wedding Invitations Issued
Marietta. Dec. 12.—Invitations haw
been issued for the wedding of .Miss
Alice Phillips, the accomplished daugh
ter of Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Phillips,
of Atgien. and Harlan Plans, of Cni
oago, the ceremony to be performed ou
Friday evening. IVcen.-ber IS. at the
home of the bride. Tiie bridegroom-elect
is a sou of the ate Dr. Plank, oue of
the lea iing physicians of Lancaster
May Make Song Requests
Considi rable enthusiasm has been
aroused concerning the recital of John
MiCormavk. the noted Irish tenor. Feb
ruary 3. Those who eare to make re
quests lor number on the program may
send them to Clarence H. Sigler at the
Commonwealth Trust Company.
Last Current Event Talk of Year
<>n Tuesday the Current Event class
will meet wth Mrs. Mabel Cronise
.'ones at the Y. W.C. A. for the last time
before 1 aristmas—l.;<o. IVcemoer to.-
It i- tally de.sir.tole that wis last
meeting >f tie term *ha!l be us large
:;s and it is hoped that every
one will make a special effort to at
teud. The class now numbers ".42.
Argus Will Be Out Tuesday
The Christmas uumber of the Argus
*\.:l >ssaed Tuesday. Winners of
tN? Mei onnick Story Contest will b?
annonnced and the winning stories will
appear in this number. It was an
nounced by the judges. Mi«s Zeiders,
Professor Hall and Professor Meixel
that prizes were won by two seniors,
who are members at the Demostheuian
Literary Society.
Girto* Athletic Association Will GKv«
Annual Christinas Affair-—Many
Committees Appointed
The annual bazar of the oiris' Ath
letic Association of Central High school
will be held in the Annex. Sixth and
Forster streets, Friday night, Decem
ber IS. Mus Lillian Kam sky, pre -ident
of the Societv. with scores of helpers,
is preparing for a big night.
There will be fifteen booths an.l the
hall will be elaborately devorstcd in
biue and grey bunting and High school
Miss Kmusky will be assisted by the
following committees:
Senior candy booth, Dorothy Helman,
Katherine Kelker, Katherine I'etrrs,
Mary Witnier. Margaret Weiseman and
Martha Miller; junior caudy booth,
Florence tiinkenlach, Gertrude Ed
wards, Gerttmie Wilson, ljiti'e Smucit
er and Sara HolTiuan; ice cream booth,
Helen Raueh, Elira >eth Bard, He'en
Smiley, Dorothy Schmidt, lvv Fiied
inan. Dorothy Steele, Ida Yoder, Mar
garet Smith and Emma Hoerner; cake
booth. Helen Gerties, Pauline Haack,
Helen Wallis. Marie Daughertv, Marian
Martz and Miriam Ryan; punch booth,
Marv Hutnian, Mary Arlinmyer, Clara
bel Claster, Katherine Carrol, Hazel
Kexroth and Sara Maloney; hot choco
late booth, Heima Kapuer, Helen Kei
ley, Claudine Melville, Esther ShultE,
Francis Burtnett and Miriam I And is;
sophomore grab bag booth. Margaret
Bacon. Ruth Richards and Jane White
man; Dutch booth, Hannah Burns. Jean
ette Claster, i aroline Hahn, Katherine
Jacobv, Helen Hampton. Marian Goho,
■leanette Nachman. Mary Jelly an I
Marian Towsen; Christmas bootn, Sara
Clark. Mary Kinzer, Hortense Strouse,
Margaret Land is, Sara Morgan and
Martha Cress well; fortune tellers, na'in
readiug by Austa Fee; fortune to'd by
cards bv Elizabeth McCormiek; fiesh
man booth, Helen Hoffman, Helen Cook,
Nancy MeCulloeh. Marie Yonst, Mil
dred Jjv'iKirger, Emma Keenry anil Syl
via l taster; popular girl booth. Ger
tru i e Drawbaagh and Getiia High; flow
er booth, Helen Ferguson, Eva Seil
aeimer, Edna Dowdell. Katharine
Simonetti and Mabel Bright: Red
Cross stamp booth. Silvia Howe and
Florence Lamberson; art exhibit. Ele
anor Wolfe. Miriam Ke;st-r, Helen
Broomall and Julia Swiler.
Held at the Home of Mr. and Mrs.
White, Hummelstown
Tlw 1. I. I. Club of the Ziou Luth
?ran church, of Hummelstowu, helil its
regular monthly meeting at the home
jf Mr. and Mrs. D. Musser White last
evening. A short business meeting was
held after which a delightful social
lour was spent with music and games.
Those present included Misses A 1
i'erta Grove, Man Grove. Pearl Beii
ley, Rebecca Sutcliffe. Blanche Cassel,
Beatrice Zeiters. Ethel Ebersole, Mary
Bolton, of Hummelstown. and Betty
Phlegar, of this city; Ralph Gingrich,
Bertram Hummel, Howard Burns. Ed
far H. N'eihert. Gsorge Grove and Mr.
;ind Mrs. Musser D. White.
Shenk-Charles Wedding
Rock Hill, Dec. 12—.Miss Barbara
>». Partes, of Xew Danv He. *ras maY
r»M last evening to Harry H. .1. Shenk.
of this ;>la e, at ;:h? parsonage of the
1 luted Brethren church bv the Rev
A brain B. Herr. They w,»'re attended
by Miss Emma C. Nisslev an ) Benjam ; u
H. Miller, of Rock Hill.
Enterta;ning at 'r>oo"
Miss Connie Beidleman is entertain
ing at five hundred at her home, 1200
l hestnut street, this afternoon.
Debating Society to Meet
The next meeting of the Philonean
Debating Society will be held at the
home of Anson Devout. 1220 Chestnut
street, next Wednesday evening.
To Supply Cigarettes for Banquet
The contract for supplying the Grid !
iron i lub dinner at Washington Satur
la.v. December 12. with «-ig| rette.= was
S'ven to s;ai.- & R* O ,J. Philadeiphia. '
Not Lcng Now Until They WiU Al!
Get Just What They Are
Rtvuember how grandma use I to tell
us at this season of the year tiiat w'd
be sure to get just what we would want :
for Christmas if we'd be good? Some
of us have grown into big girls and big {
boys now. and while we don't aiwavs
gee just w-nat we want, we know that 1
we stand a much better chance to gt:-'
ttng wha.; we need :f we are good. "An '
jest 'fore Chrism us we're as good as we
can be.''
If ' "or. want to got one of the Star
lodepc ient 's Christinas presents you 'd
r, ttter be quick now*. \ou 11 want more
than one. for who can think of a more
appropriate or useful gift than a mol
ern Bible, right up to the present date
in every particular? Take the $5 vol
ume for only one certificate and a small
eipeu e bonus amount and you've gut
a real $3 present for somebody. i
It's a handy -present to send by mail. !
for, unlise so many t>rf<ikable gifts, it '
requires but little wrapping, and it is'
packed in a carton with a $5 label on
it. The value shows for itself. It is
bound in gi nuine limp leather, stamped
in gold, printed on thin Bible paper, i
with large, readable type; in all a mom :
magnificent volume. It is simply an
ideal gift for Christmas or anv "other
o-t-asion. If you can think of anybody
that would not prize such a gift it must i
necessarily be one that cannot read. !
write or speak. Do you happen to know
of sueh a person?
This particular time is perhaps vour
best opportunity to clip the coupon.'You j
will find the entire plan explained there- :
in. Clip tiiat certificate to-dav and i
Cries Awaken Mother, Who Discovers
Blaze in Lancaster Store
Lancaster, Pa.. Dec. 12.—Early yes
terday morning Abram Ansel's grocery
store was entered and set on fire. It
was discovered by Mrs. Ansel when she
was awakened by her crying baby. The
alarm was git en in time to save the
property from destruction.
Fire of unknown origin yesterday
afternoon destroyed the big barn on
Walter Scott's farm in C'olerain town
ship, causing a loss of $5,000.
$1.50 Just Think $1.50
j Buys the Greatest Phonograph
Invention of the Age
! A PHONOQKAPH i. cuUS any
slae ami nil makes of records, producing
! tde same sound as any high-Krude talk-
I ins machine.
t Kmird aatl l*irkt(r of >rrillm Free
with machine. Sent by Parcel Post, pre
| paid, everywhere
JAY H. ROSKMIRIM CO.. Llpplaeutt
Hid* I'fclla., «»a.
N evs of Persons
Who Come and Go
Miss Busier, of Suntoury, is
visiting Miss Kn 'h»l Kline. 1246 Perry
, street.
Mrs. James Kezuer Barber, of Tren
ton. N. J., will arrive next week to
spend the holidays itU her parents,
and Mrs. James W . Mac Donald, 9
j South Fifteenth street.
Mr. ami Mrs. R. Grahm Tlurd have
returned from their wedding trip and
| will be ''at home" to their friends at
1 1100 Green street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. iM. Meikel and
, daughters, Florence and Edith, of Pit to
j ton, are spending the week-end with
redatives in this city and Middlotown.
(Miss Helen Miller, 1207 North Front
street, lias returned from a little visit
with Philadelphia friends.
John Seibert, of is
; >isiting his brother. Adam Herbert, of
1520 Naudain street.
Mrs. Marry Whitesall, 1911 Park
j street, left this morning for a visit with
relative* in Philadelphia.
George B. Schuyler, Seattle, Wash.,
is spending the aolidwys with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Schuyler,
. 1(12 2 IVrry street.
i Mrs. Sara Brooks returned to At
lantic City after a visit with Mrs.
| Charltw Walter, West Fairview.
Miss Lola Freeland, 325 Mac lay
street, will spend the week-end in
Mrs. Robert Hawk and daughter,
Miss Fannie Hawk, 608 North Eight
eenth street, returned from a two
I months' stay with relatives at Fort
j Myers. Fla.
Paul Laubevstein, Dickinson Col-
I l«;e, is sending the week-end wit.h
his parents, 32S South Sixteenth
■ street.
William Foreman and Miss Bertha
Foreman have gone to their home at
Baltimore, after a visit with their
aunt, Mrs. M. Baturin. 140 4 Market
j street.
Miss Helen Smith, Newport, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mingle,
! IT Souit'h Third street.
Joseph lJeuweir. Dickinson College,
is spending the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuw
er. I'axtang.
Miss Marie Bowers, returned to
Middlotown. after a visit with liar
father. J. Bowors, 1540 IK*rrv street.
Miss Etta Davis, of Nanticoke, re
| turned atter a \ isit with Mrs. Wilson
Zerbv, 164 2 Market street.
Rooert Hutchison has g<oiie to
state Cot.wge, after a_.visii with hu
parents, Mr. ai. i Mrs. Joseph llutch
-1 iusoi. 320 Btas street.
t'harics Sm th returned to Newport
after a \ .sit with Mrs. S. Bruce Min
! g!e, 17 South Third >treet.
llarrv Pierson returned to Baiti
' more after a visit with Mr. an.l Mrs.
, Jose:>b Waliaz, 34 South Seventeenth
; street.
Mrs. De! Bailey returnod to Cham
, bersburg after a visit with >lrs.
, Chauncey Thorpe, 1635 Market street.
Miss Etta inter returned to Sun
bur v after a visit with Mrs. Samuel
Weidenmyer. 32 South Seventeenth
Mrs. E. C. Eyde and daughter. Miss
Anna Kyle, 1504 Walnut street, are
in Philadelphia, for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cox and family,}
15.)7 Spencer -treet, have moved to!
Heading, where they will make their j
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I sing and
Miss Aunts Iring, Shiremanstown, are
gueds if Mrs. Charles Whistier, 322
South Thirteenth street.
Mrs. C. 11. Pastor and daughter,
Mrs. Harry Llri-h, 1609 Green street,!
left to-day for a visit to Philadelphia, i
Princeton, New York and Yonkeys. I
A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir
teenth street, who spent thre? weeks;
• h F.ortdr., i'::s returned. He spent most I
A Real Ford Necessity
li Extra Heavy EaKine Cover
Mai- from English l.eather. heavy
Blanket Joining.
I'KK'K —Sent express prepaid on
approv.;!. Asents wanted.
«i men city si*k< iai,tv co.
"OJ X. Urund St.. I'hiln.
Take Care of Your Eyes and
They'll Take Care cf'You
For a«lvlce. cdohuK
I l 5 ai%FILBERTStS 1
I; 2 M'nutes fromPtHNSYL- I
1 * r> * ) I i
• 250 Jdeautifiif OutsnZr |
anH I
i 1 CHuirifSce 1
i 52.00 *xnd u».
ViCfiopit/ctr &ri/7\ l
1b James c v^u- 3h yi
JBL •Manaqei"
of his time in and around Clearwater,
St. Petersburg ant) TVun|«a.
Miss SiaHra Clark, Itewphin, is the
guest of Miss Mary Klixaheth Middle
ton, 124 State rtiwt.
Mra. T. R. Koone, 1811 North HiTth
street, returned from a visit to Phila
Pyorrhea Alveolaris is the seientiAe
name given to a destructive disease of
the gums and tooth sockets which
causes the teeth to become loose. Un
til recently, when a few well-known
scientists announced that they had
found a specific for Pyorrhea, and dem
onstrated their claims, the terrible dis
ease was considered incurable.
The writer wishes to announce that
he is equipped to scientifically treat
Pyorrhea (Rigg's Disease} according to
the teachings of the men who discov
ered the specific, and demonstrate!
cures Dr. B. S. Behney,
202 Ijocust Street, Hnrrisburg.
/ ~ —^
To-night, '.'Damon and Pythias."
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous vaudeville and pic
—— i—
"Daaion and Pythia
The Universal Company will present
the stupendous moving picture produc
tion of "Damon and Pythias" at the
Majestic this afternoon and evening.
The story of "Damon and Pythias"
dates back four hundred years before
the Christian era, when Syracuse was
governed by a body of Senators, among
whom Damon is one of the most promi
nent. Dionysius, chief general of the
armies, covets the throne but Damon
strongly opposes him. Among Dionysi
us' gererals, Pythias is his favorite.
The friendship of Damon and Pythias
is a matter of note throughout Syra
All of the splendor Greece, the day's
of world mastery, is realistieuallv and
with the accuracy of antiquasion shown
to these amazing pictures. Its great
cities we see in times of joyous peace
with the classic dances of the period,
the picturesque villas and glorious gar
dens. the stadium games and thrilling
chariot races, varying to scenes of de
struction, battles on land aud sea, with
man against mau and through all shin
ing as an immortal light the ever in
specting story of the loyalty aud friend
ship of Damon and Pythias.
Adv. •••
At the Orpheum
All the clever Keith hits that com
bined into a fine show at the Orpheum
this week will leave that playhouse aft
er to-uigfit's" performance. This offer
ing was not only cleverly balanced and
entertaining, but it called in more dis
tinctly foreign acta than any one bill
of the se<ison. For instance "Pekiti
Mysteries" actually carried one to the
quaint Orient, for the time being; Nana,
who is distinctly Parisian, offered a
wonderful dancing spectacle, that bore
all the earmarks of a thorough Parisian
act. Other nationalities are represent
ed up to the American, of which Betty
Bond and Jimmie Casson in their de
lightful song and dance act carried
away honors. The Rotary Week bill
at the Orpheum looks especially invit
This, of course, will be next week,
when the local merchants will conduct
the Orpheum Theatre and all the funds
above actual expenses go to the Belgian
Relief Fund. Bessie Wynn, the lady
dainty of vaudeville, and who is so
well known in Ilarrisburg, will lead the
charity bill. Joe Jackson, the tramp
bicyclist, who created a storm of laugh
ter at the Orpheum about two seasons
ago, returns on this bill also. The
clever Farber Girls, who are favorites
here too, return next week too with an
entirely new act. and the remaining
attractions include some of the best
known and most popular artists to be
found in the Keith Booking Office.
Adv. **•
At the Colonial
A noteworthy musical attraction,
known as Dunbar's Salon Singers, and
which by the way will be a feature act
at Keith's Philadelphia Theatre, next
week, will appear at the Colonial for its
last performance to-day. In advertising
this act for next week, the Keith
"News'" says: 'The quartet includes
hakme Matzene, soprano, formerly so
loist with Thaviur* Band; Elizabeth
Baxter, contralto, who has been a fa
mous choir singer; Claud Saner, tenor,
who is one of the most promising young
singers in America, and Herbert Bailey,
basso, an artist who deserves the great
success he has attained. Herbert John
son, a pianist of rare ability, accom
panies the quartet." The other acts
on the bill are also of unusual calibre.
Adv. **♦
! "Her Bitter Lesson," 2-Act Kalem,
Photoplay To-day
"Her Bitter Lesson," a 2-act Kalem
I ctr&nia featuring Alice Hollister and
! Harry Millarde, is a drama which por
trays an extravagant, selfish and de
ceitful wife. H<T ways and methods
are a lesson to all. After many failures
the wife learns her lesson. "Unrest,''
a 2■•act Selig, is a physiological diuma
produced and the leading role essayed
bv Thomas Santechi. Miss Bessie Ey
ton supports him. A vein of love per
meates through the plot involving a
spirited automobile race and a pre
tended drowning which culminates in
a wedding. Arthur .Johnson in the
''Beloved Adventure Series," as Lord
Cecil in '' Fate ? s Taogiled Threads," is
a moral to all. adv.
New Yorker Was Injured in Fall on
Subway Stairway
New York, Dec. 12.—Richard Oan
field, widely known in sporting circles
of New York and Saratoga, died last
niglit at his homo here from cerebral
hemorrhage, resulting from a fracture
of the skull sustained in a fall on a !
subway stairway on Thursday last.
Canfield, who was 56 years old, was
generally rated a millionaire. He once
fA Big Opportunity Fori
ou N You Need Glasses |
Our Eleventh Anniversary Sale
Now Going On
During our 11 years in Harrisburg, we have fitted
up many thousands of people with glasses.
Our skill, thoroughness, carefulness and patience in
each and every examination of the eyes, have added to
I Thousands have taken advantage of our moderate
prices and have come to us to have their eyes exam- 3
med instead of going to the high priced man.. Our 2
examinations are identically the same—and we save 1
you money. B
Our prices are so low that there is no reason WHY H
you can t get a PAIR OF GLASSES, if you need them. §
Come in and see us. Be convinced.
Once, YQII Get Your Glasssg From lis, A ways 9
Our Big Anniversary Olfer, Your Eyes Examined Free 9
No Drops Used
' ,- For °one SS doUar we These spectacles JSS&jk
will examine your eye!
FREE and lit you with » H fat \ 1e t ave ™6e eye J® H ■
pair of glasses that you f9 Can ha f dly ™ M
wil be able to sew or I f?. auy I ® BS - M
; read. First quality lens ■ , wlll ra c ** min ? M
| —frames are gc'.d filled. | ye ®. »
I guaranteed, with rims ■ htyou with a pair of
n around those glasses for read
ing or sewing. Theso
REMEMBER frames are I-10—
these frames are not brass not filled and
nlitprf guaranteed to wear—worth W.OO.
plated, but gold filled. Our price $2.00.
Come in and ask for them—we have them. Special
prices cn Toric and Prescription lenses.
I Harrisburg's Leading Eye Specialists
Second Floor
Two good eye specialists to examine your eyes every
- evening until 8 o'clock.
was noted as proprietor of palatial gam
bling houses in New York City and at
Saratoga Springs, X. J., ami as an art
connoisseur. A friend of Whistfer, he
had a collection of that artist 's paint
ings which he valued at $300,000. His
Chippendale furniture, rerouted to bo the
most valuable private collection in the
world, was valued at sls-0,000.
Condemned Negroes Get Stay on Appeal
While on Way to Gibbet
Starkville, Miss., Dec. 12. —Two ne
groes, Henry Seals and Peter Behlen,
convicted ot murder, were saved from
hanging yesterday a few minutes before
the hour set for the extvution, when
a stay on an appeal bond subscribed by
white citizens reached the Sheriff.
A big crowd had gathered to see the
hanging, the negroes bad put on black
A New Model
It does not necessarily follow that the best merchan- 5
(lise always sells at the highest price. And here is "
an excellent example of illustration.
Everyone conversant with pianos knows the Stein- [*
way—knows it for tone quality, durability and work- 'i,
manship. Declared by the leading pianists of all
nations as being the pre-eminent piano—the Stein- "
way is the acknowledged leader.
This new model at $500.00 is an innova
tion in piano manufacture. The ownership
of a mahogany Steinway —the "aristo
cratic" piano—is now possible at a price
which places them within the reach of
C.yv\. Siller, Inc. |
Pianos Vlctrolas
30 N. 2nd.SL 1
-J i
robes, coffins had been brought up bo
fore the gallows and the Sheriff was
forming the procession to the scaffold
when the stay was received.
To Erect Large Warehouse at Hershay
Lebanon, Dec. 12.—Between tha
milk house and the Hershey Chocolate
Factory at Hershey there will be erect
ed a large warehouse. It will be 5(5
J feet long, 80 feet wide and four stor
ies high and will be of reinforced coa
j crete and limestone in harmony with
the general architecture of the "plant.
In Autos to Henroosts
York, Pa.. Dec. 12.—E>ven chicken
thieves travel by automcbile in York
county these days, as indicated by
tracks in the mud at the farm erf
Charles It-eider, in Newberry township.
Fifty chickens were removed from
Reider's coop at night.