2 BOOKS Ttie Spirit of Chrlft mu. by J. H. J° we **- coruea bo* edition. Hoe Th« Story of th« Other Wiu Man. by Henry Van Dyke. aoe The Lost Boy. b£ Henry Van Dyke, Bo* FThdlns His Soul. Iry Norman Duncan ...S«c The Ansel and the Star, by Ralph Connor. 50c The Hand* of Beau, by Margaret Deland, |I.M I Came la and aee our complete rtaek. Evangelical Book Store 1 201 N. Second St. 81 ROBBERS OET DIAMONDS Attack Pittsburgh Salfsmau and Steal o«ms Valued at SIO,OOO Greenshurp. Pa.. Deo. 12.—C. Brampr, salesman for a Pittsburgh dia mond house, was beaten and robbM of SIO,OOO -worth of diamonds at Irwin, this county, Thursday night. Rrauier had been in Irwin looking after Christ-1 mas trade and spent the evening at the) home of J. L. Frirk, a friend, who; lived two blocks from the centre of; town. In his pocket he carried a case! containing the jewels. Only a block from the Frick home he; was attacked, a handkwehief was fat tened arouud his eyes anK pa»».a«er» at the dock in Bermuda without tranafer by tender. WEST INDIES 8. S. Oman a and other Steamer* every fortnight for St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Bt. Lucia, Bar bados, and Demerara. Far fall iaformalioa apply to A. EL j OI I KKHKIDI.K * CO., Aicrata Quebee > S. f. I.td., 2» Rroadway, New York, i •r any Ticket Agent. ' HAVANA "ISS3?*" Sailings Thursday, and Saturday,. NASSAU Weekly service from New York and direct connections with Havana. JAMAICA Fortnightly Scrvict t. i. HA VARA 19.060 Tm. *I. lAtATOGO II.N* Tm. M>d 1m oi luge Meaner, m Mrnce. Bailt ia America uwj I.ilin. uaervisio®. .Prom the rejuLies many of special j value have been received. "Farm arithmetic, farm geography! and text-books in agriculture," have been secured by Berks county, Pa., | Newton county, Mo., lias succeeded iu maiknag the school a community by | having work done to supptemeox that done at home and by inducing patronaj to visit the schools. The latter is ac-1 complished by the "old farm wagon j and bo.g dinner'' plan, whereby as many as 2,000 persons in the conrmu nitv hav* visited on« school on a eer-: tain day in the year. A teacher of Warren county, Ind., i who gave her pupils the '' option of i work in agriculture or Virgil" was' astonished to find that in practically every instance the students took both j subjects, and the grades rose beyond anything before experienced. "We have improvised domestic sci ence teaching by means of coal oil stoves and kitchen utensils which the i patrons of the school gave through a I ' kitchen shower,''' says an enthu ! siastdc teacher from Chester township, I 10. A teacher who was not a gradu- j ate in domestic science twit who had | i'' grit and determination'' put the girls | | of this school to work in preparing j hot lunches which were sold at a few I ! cents. A varied menu was provided. Plainville township, Conn., selects i one school in each village and makes i! of it "a model school," to demonstrate j what a rural school under ordinary ! conditions may become. The result has | been that the standard in all the ! schools in the county has been elevat ■ ed. In Carolina county, Md., lantera , slide views contrasting the best and j poorest agricultural and domestic con • ditions are used to good effect. Summing up the results of his in- I vestigation, Mr. Hodgcis deularos: i "The letters received reveal improve-1 ! ment everywhere in the schools for j country chiklren. There is a feeling | that the country child will be best edu- j I caited for whatever life he may lead,; whether in the city or in the country, j if taught in tenns of country life. The movemrtnt toward this is nation wide, j j Country school houses are used to | i some extent as civic centers in all i | States of the Union. No speoiaJ feature ot' rural school work is confined to any I one State or section. The home project ! method of teaching agriculture, used i in Massachusetts, is ah*) used in Lou : isatia, Wisconsin and other t*t«tes. ' Boys' and giris' agricultural clubs are I found in atmoct every State in the Union.'' Checks Croup Instantly You know croup is dangerous. And. i you should also know the sense of se curity that comes from always having Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. It cuts the thick mucus and! i clears away the phlegm, stops the : strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Take it for ! : coughs, colds, tickling throat, hoarse ness and for bronchial and la grippe coughs. Contains no opiates. Every user is a friend. George A. Gorgas, 16 : North Third street, and P. R. R. Sta tion. adv. LIVE WIRE CIRCLES A BOY Twines Around Him and Badly Burns Writhing Legs Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 12.—Floyd Taylor, 10 years old, was nearly elec j trocuted yesterday when a telephone wire swung against a higfh-power feed wire, burning it off and the flying ends | wrapped about his legs. : In answer to his screams for help,! j John Fullmer and Wilbur Hunt re- i ! moved their rubfoer overshoes, using them for glovee, while they untangled I the live wire. Taylor's legs were badly burned ami he was more dead than aiive when re- ! leased. TESTIFIES AGAINST HUSBAND | Denies Testimony of Defendant in Mur- 1 der Trial at Sunbury , Sunburv, Pa., Dec. 12.—IMrs. Joseph j I barankofsky, whose husband is on trial j I here for the murder of Joseph Jerosky, ' j testified that statements her hustoatid J | made in his own defense that she was ! | intimate with Jerosky were untrue. The jury has been out many hours I and her statements may send hiin to the . electric chair. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED ' Expiate Crime of Murder and Robbery 1 Within 24 Hours ' Shreveport, La., Dec. 12.—Charles! Washington and Breard Henderson, ne | groes, charged with robbing and killing ! I Cyras Hotchkin, a white man, near j Mooringshort, La., Thursday, were | lynched near here yesterday While j ing taiken to Mansfield, La., for safe- ! ; keeping. Authorities said they had eon , fessed. Handcar Crew Injured Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 12,—A Lancas ter and Quarryville Railroad motor' ; handcar jumped the tracks near Refton I yesterday afternoon, throwing off three j of the occupants, residents of Quarry- 1 ! ville. Isaac Aulthouse and Benjamin- I Minuich, seriously injured, were' j brought to a Lancaster hospital. Ros well Waltam was severely hurt. Jail Alleged Black-Hander Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 12.—Frank! Bernard, alleged to be a Black Hander, I has been lodged in the Westmoreland county jail, charged with blackmail.' Hernard is accused of having written a j letter to the First National Bank of! Greensburg, that unless he was paid IBTOOO the bank building would be blown up. Another letter to Giuseppe j Policnstro, a local Italian, demanded SSOO, and one to George Pallete asked 'for S3OO. HAKRISBURQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EYENTNTG. £ —' nil NOW FOR THF FINAL WINDUP _ This Player Piano $240 | ■ J ■»■■ ■wr ~ mm IManoa. rcKardleaa of rout or value, .rr thro,,,. Into thlx area! meltlnu I'ot of «in»,.il > v.i„.. I„.i " nh Mu " t b ' " ol «'- T »'«- I'rtcen arc on the Plnnoa and the aateamen nre ln»tru<-t.?«VV ,,el > h > ««•*• reaoureea and reputation of the Winter «n, «i I tfk» TO l" i Y ("A "I""* reliable and (niHtni)rthy I'lnmi Hnu»i a In the United State*. COMB TO THIS STORK H m "uoilfcAHS WHIBN o ¥o»°Co«lS^Ni 6 THg I I $lO DOWN $2 A WEEK C are fully: ■ 1 FarK nnH Fiwnrpe in a TSJl'tcholl B fl cornea like a thunderbolt out of the^he"a\Vn a"Ym- S n 'avis ana figures in a m.isneii pa»cy^i-aM aitjftgajßrf raF "* iJ' t thi '"i" n J an ' ,|ou " 'na«"-»ment, hut mu.t H YOU we lii6V/JJi ilsi IS® ful. ' he oa*f In Stool and nearf aecom- K| Dntr OIA ■ WE deliver the Pl«yer In yonr home. elate thin I'lano unleHM you nee nnd henr It. P The X'ay <>JLU ■ WK tfiy e you TEN DOLLARS' wortl* of moiile roll*. B SI.OO H *-A - I)OORS OPEN PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK. DOWH Iwf H | Vf ,0 ° "'b * ,l,a<»«« "»ve aay amount of 'eaah" money to Put into a Piano eome T rould afford a IManotheT «ould fcavi - "A!! . r I B Herr " nd < fc . e Inatrumeat. We menn thia moat Emphatically. 1.,, .... . . II .; arent and uranil «nnortnnlt7 Thi! mI. .it.* i 'V®" #M f Ifl We can Que money. We are not to admit It. You can save n» IHf NHfIPP KZo taSV ahallar to thl? el'n f«t A ■ ■ Hi«h «| 9200 on the Piano you .elect. Money Talka at Thin Sale. IlllUUllUill HUIIIiU z,s; ll sss-jjblissbs - •■-•" - | your railroad fare to thla aale. tut out fi - "" ~ 1 " ' «*la coupon and preaent It when mak-'^J In* purchaae and we will redeem It in jM ' s OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK "E™ WINTER PIANO CO. r