The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 12, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
12 NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD .300 HITTERS DECREASE: NUMBER OF BATTERS CROW Taking Fifty Games as a Basis, Four teen Sluggers Qualified iu Select Class Last Year to Nine in Cam paign Just Closed New ork, Dec. 12.—A comparison oi the official batting averages of the National League for the s»asons of 11'1 .i and 1914 developes some inter esting and puzzling features. Includ ing all those [ layers who ; art icipatid, iii any wanner, in fit'toon or more each sea-son. the roster for this vear shows ISS unities, .igains" IS3 twelve months ago. Notwithstanding this in crease ill the total number of oattera en rolled iu the records, but fifteen of the 1914 hitters hammered their way into the .300 or better ranks, while in ±9i3 the select list included twenty-three games. When these lists are again reduced by eliminating all those players who did not participate in at least titty games or approximately one-third of the season, the record shows (hat fourteen 'batters qualified in 1913 io nine i hi-; season. Of this number, but four. Dau bert, Becker, Wheat and Mag.<e appear in both lists. (Whether the pitching which the batters faced during 1914 was betier than n year ago or"a sort dt sympathetic slump existed in the National League it is impossible to state, but the fact remains that a nrni ber of those who batted their wav into the .300 class in lUI3 could not ill pli cate the feat during the past summer. Oravaith, of the Philadelphia tilth, hit 41 in 1913 and .298 in 1911. Viox, of Pittsburgh, dropped from .31J to .265, Zimmerman, of Chicago, from .313 to .296, Chief Meyers, of New ork, from .312 to .286, Loibert, of i hiladolphia, front .300 to .275 and Wagner, of 'Pittsburgh, from .300 to ._'s2. This was the first time since 1 597 that Wagner dropped below .300, l ilt this was not surprising in the case o' Homis, for. like other batting heroes of the pa-t, Wagner was at last fore\l to bow to the all-powerful arm of Fa ther Tine. For the period from 1897 to 1913, ine! isive. Wagner had a grand ::vcrnge of .341. His highest mark was .380, made in 1900, and his lowest .TOO, made in 191 3. Anothe- peculiar feature is that three of the four players who figure in the . 100 or better class for both seasons increased tiieir averages, while all mound theiu the heavy hitters were dropping below their last year's per formances. .lake Dau'bert, the cliain lion batter of the league for 1913 and 1914, fell from to .329, but he v as the exception to tnc general rule of the quartet. Beals Becker raised his 1913 aver age of .316 to .325. Zach Wheat gained eighteen points bv batting .319 in place of .311 rmd Sherwood Magee moved up from .306 to .314. Speaking of records and averages brings to mind the fact that Charles Edward Bricklev, the captain of the Harvard I'niversity team of 1914, will leave quite some figures behind him when he is graduated next spring. Bricklev since lie entered Harvard as a Freshman in 1911 has piled up 259 pointi for the Crimson, i>s of which were made on the Fieshman eleven and the balance as a varsity player. During the three years that Brickley played r Non-greasy Toilet Cream—Keeps the £kln Soft and Velvety In Rough Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep aration. -5 c. GORGAS DRIT. STORE?" 10 X. Third St.. and I'. It. It. Station CHICHESTER S PILLS . TIIK UIAMOXD IiHAKB™ i /So, ft I known M Beat. Safest. Always RelUb^ "Vr SOU) BY DRUGGISTS £V£RVWULRf #The Newest Derby something different. You'll appreciate it when you see it— I it's different—but not extreme ! Give him a hat for Xmas. POULT O VT S 1 SN. Third St. IN I "WHERE THE STYLES ORIGINATE" jj ASK FOR> Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. | on the varsity eleven Harvard teams scored ->i>S points, of which he made | 2.'2. In view of the fact that ho Bg | tired in but two of the nine games of I the 1914 schedule, his record is all the I more remarkable. If it had not been for his attack of appendicitis and the j following operation early in October, it ■ is quite likely that Bricklev would have : scored more than 50 per cent, of the j ]K)ints made by the Crimson teams of , 1912-13-14. As it is, his record, which follows, will afford a high mark at which future football stars can aim: Year. Touch- Goals. Field Total downs. Goals. Points. 1911 . . 6x 5 10 65 1912 .. 10 0 13 99 I 1913 ..8 0 11 81 ' 1914 6 3 1 42 Totals 30 8 35 287 xTouchdown counted 5 points in I 1911. Baseball as a panacea for militarism | ridden Burope is put forth bv a Har vard alumnus, who has spent some , years abroad. In a letter to the Har- I vard alumni weekly, he writes: "My idea, of the best cure for this 'war condition would be 'more base , ball.' 1 believe that if they had had I a regular baseball league in Kurope, with Berlin, Paris, London, Vienna, Ant j wenp, etc., participating, as well as a minor league taking in Belgrade, Brns i sels and it few other such places, the : fans would never have tolerated the | breaking out of this war during the baseball season, and if they had post ; pohed it until the world's series was | over it would have given tliein all time to cool off, and they probably would S not have had any war. They say that | basdball has done more to civilize the I Philippines than the American army, J constabularies and missionaries put to gether." j The stadium fever continues to | spread throughout the land. Philadel-1 I pliia anil Chicago civic associations are j now discussing the feasibility of erect ing immensive structures capable of seating 1(10,000 spectators. It is the idea of those fostering the plans that | stadiums of this size can lie used for i many purposes, such as big football ; : games, track meets, pageants, choral I ! festivities and military displays. The [ estimated cost ranges from one to two million dollars and the receipts, on pa- 1 per at least, are expected to equal all j , disbursements in the course of a few 1 years. GIANTS TOP ATHLETICS P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Match Won by 1«X Pins The Giants won easilnr from the Ath letics last evening in the P. R. R. Y. M. A. match by 168 pins. Fagan and Myers starred. The score: ATHLETICS ilMumma ... 128 126 151— 405 | Richmond . 134 133 172 439 iK. Saul ... 102 192 144-*- 43S Chard .... 139 151 194 454 Mathias ... 159 1.60 184— 503 Totals . . 662 762 845—2269 GIANTS Martin .... 135 182 148—465 jK. 0. Smith. 158 153 138— 449 G. K. Smith 123 103 148— 374 Pagan .... 175 214 168— 557 j Myers 184 185 204 573 Totals .. 775 837 806—2418 ARTISAN'S TAKE ELKS' GAME i Down Little Peps by a Margin of l«8 Pins The Artisans and the Little Peps en gaged in an Elks' howling match in the club house last evening, to the sor j row of the Little Peps, who lost the j match by 16S pins. Tausig and Beh- S nev had high scores. The scores: ARTISANS | Knauff .... 168 133 163 482 | 'Palmer ... 155 150 121— 426 I Polk 175 133 163 471 Heli nev ... 151 157 185— 493 Hoffman .. 156 153 159 468 Totals . . 823 726 791—2340 LITTLE PEPS Ennis .... 173 127 160— 460 Williams .. 135 147 157 439 Tausig .... 145 120 189— 454 S. Weber .. 112 127 117— 357 | Brackenridge 178 158 126 462 Totals .. 743 680 749—2172 Academy at York The Harrisburg Academy five played the York Collegiate Institute team this afternoon in York, it being the first big of the season. The probable lineup: Rennet and Stackpole, for wards; Broad hurst, center; Jennings, Senseman and White, guards. | They who pine in their youth can never look spruce in their old age. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1914, COLLEGE FIVEJT ARMOR* Susquehanna University Team Meets Harrisburg To-night—Meth odist Boys Play The IHarrie»burg Basketfball Associa tion, which for years has been giving Harrisburg a good class of basketlball will present a double attraction at the Armory to-night. Harrisiburg will meet Susquehanna University, member of the State Intercollegiate League, while a second game will be played 'between the Methodist Club and Neidig Me morial. It is the aim of the associa tion to have the amateur chanrpionsitup of the comity determined by these sec ond games at the armory on Saturday nights. In the a'bsence of several of the regular players, Manager Taggart will try out several new men, including Striekler and Hollinger, of Lebanon Valley College, and Seiltzer, of 'Middle town. Old reliable Pat Reagan, one of the (best all-around athletes ever turned out from this vicinity, who has been elected captain of next season's Villa Nova football team, -wil'l guard, while it is li'kely Gaffney will go back to his old position at forward. Beginning with to-night no extra charge will 'be made the men for dan cing, a simple admission of 25 cents being asked. Loeser's orchestra will play. The first game will start at 8 o'clock. The lineup: First Game Susquehanna. Harrisburg. Swoope F Gaffney Follnier .F ». Striekler Mliddleswor'tJh . . . X' Seltzer Shan.non G Doyles Martin G Reagan Second Game Methodist ■Clu'b. Neidig 'Memorial Fleck F Nunemacher Fliekiuger F L. Aungst Winn O. . ' Bennett Rudy G E. Aungst Krebtw G Osman R«ferce: 'White. EVERS' CONDITION IMPROVES Physicians Declare Braves' Captain in No Immediate Danger New York, Dec. 12.—The condition of J aim n v Evers, captain of the Boston National League baseball flu'b, who is confined in a local hotel suffering from pneumonia, was reported as unchanged yesterday. The physicians in attendance assured President Gaffney, of the club, that the Bra ves' second 'baseman was in no immediate danger. According to this statement, Evers, while not entire ly out of danger, is resting comfortably and tlhere is no occasion for alarm re garding his condition. His wife, who arrived from Trov Thursday night, is at his bedside, and several friends and officials of the Bow ton Club are at the hotel. Although Evers expressed a desire to return to his home yesterday, no attempt will be made to move him for several days, or sueih time as the physicians are assured that his request can be granted with safety. Telegrams of sympathy and inquiry regarding the condition of the Braves*' star infielder have been received in large numbers from all parts of the country, and are being answered by the Boston Club officials as promptly as possible. j LOBERT STILL UNSIGNED President Baker Fails to Come Here to See Player Philadelphia, Dec. 12.—William F. Baker, president of the Phillies, WE is not in Philadelphia yesterday, and the interview with Hans Lobert regarding a contract for next season did not take place. Baker is in New York with Pat 'Moran trying to fix up a deal for Charley Dooin and will not be here be fore Monday. Lobert called at the Phillies' office yesterday afternoon, hut did not talk 'baseball to any one. It is not thought there will he any trouble in getting the third baseman to put his name to a contract, providing the salary offer ed is somewhere near what Lobert ex pects to get from the Federals if lie jumlps. A Class Wins Again In the game yesterday afternoon at Felton Mall the B Class'of the Central Grammar school, of Steelton, held the A Class to a score of 13 to 11. The lineup: Class. B Class • | Weufchinskii F Soster Tuptanoski F Reisch •tones O Williamson ; Donatella G XoH Karmatz G Hart man I Field goals: Donatella, 3; Tuptanos- I ki, 3; Reisch, 2; Sostar. Noll. Foul i goals: Noll, 3; Karniatz. Referee, : Hartman. Scorer, H. Shutter. Timer, j Jacoby. Periods, 20 minutes each. P. R. R. Teams Meet To-night I he P. R. R. Y. >M. C. A. team will meet the Pottsville P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. 'five on the gym floor at the association building to-night, the game starting promptly at 8 o 'clock., Harrisburg. Pottsville. <F. . .(.Miller) Shaw Cough (Smith). . . F Argall \ oder C Lightcap Hoover .ft Schwenk Colestock (Rupp). .G (Hill) Tripp Von Hoff Wins Match Von Hoff won from Carmichael in a class A match in the Harrisburg bil liard tournament last night, 100 to 84. The match went to 62 innings before Von Hoff was finally able to win. CRADS FALL BEFORE TECH Maroon Team Wins Its Opening Game, 33 to IK—Second Team Defeats Methodist Boys Thy Technical High school team won its opening game Inst evening from the Alumni team in the school gym nasium by the score of 35 to 18. Aft er the first few minutes of play Tech had clinched the game always having a comfortable margin. The Alumni five showed lack of form. German, Peiry and Story played good games for the grads but the floor work of Melville and Seheffer was too good for them. McCurdy played a good game. Thfr score: Tech. Alumni. Melville F German Harris F Perry Emanuel C Story Beck 0 Peters Staffer, C'apt. ... G . Killinger, Capt. .Substitutions, Yoder for Melville, McCurdy lor Harris, Harris for Beck. Field goals, Melville, 4; McCurdy, 3; Sheffer, 4; German, 4; Perry, Story. Foul_ goals, Melville, 4; McCurdy, Per ry, 5; Story. Referee, Arthur; timer, Knauss; scorer, Todd; time of periods, 20 minutes. Second Team Wins / Between the halves the Tech scrubs defeated the Methodist Club by the score of 24 to 12. Fleck's foul shooting and Flickinger and Winn's play fea tured for the Methodists, while' Greg ory and Yoder played beat for Tech. The score: Tech. Methodists. Yoder F Fleck Killinger y wfnn Gregory C Flickinger G Rudy Ml " e f G Krepps Substitutions, Tech, Little for Yoffe, Britocb for Miller; Methodists, Flick inger for Rudy, Rudy for Flickinger, field goals, Yoder, 6; Killinger, Greg ory, 2; Miller, Winn, 3; Flickinger. jjoul goals, Yoder, 2; Gregory, 2; 1 1 leek, 4. Referee, Arthur; timer, Knauss; scorer, Todd; time of periods, 10 minutes. BOWLING SUMMARY Casino League ... . W. L. Pet. Alp!"" 18 9 .666 Monarehs 17 10 630 Onpheuma 13 l 4 >4Bl ?T'? tor * 12 IB .4 44 Nationals 12 15 444 Colonial* 5 ls ; 333 Holtzman League 1 1 W. I j. pet. federals 17 10 .629 Americans 14 13 512 Nationals 14 13 512 Internationals 13 14 Tri-Staters 12 15 444 Centrals 11 16 UO7 P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. League 11 A 1 W ' lj - Pet. i,« iorais 7 .en J llBO " 8 11 7 .611 "raves 1 7 >6 n Senators 10 8 .555 Giants 9 9 500 Eagles 8 10 .444 Barons 6 12 .333 Athletics 6 12 .333 Elks' League W. L. Pet. ; Va l )s 11 4 .733 Braves 10 5 .666 Artisans 8 7 .533 Athletics 6 6 !sOO Federals 4 11 .267 Little Peps 3 9 .250 FEDERALS MAKE RECORD In Setting New Mark They Easily De feat Centrals The Federals walloped the Centrals in a Holtzman Duck Pin League match last evening in hanging up a new match total of 1,67.3 pins. The mar gin at the close of the play was 196 pins. Burger was high man. The score: FEDERALS Wall 86 131 134 351 Gipe 76 93 114— 283 Baird 97 125 97 319 Banks .... 97 106 103— 306 Burger 160 119 135 414 Totals . . 516 574 583—1673 CENTRALS Goudv .... 82 114 70— 266 Koch 87 93 120— 300 Fox ..;... 117 87 108—312 Thorne .... 88 98 83— 269 Gable 126 96 108— 330 Totals .. 500 488 489—1477 PITTSTON WINS, Jtt TO 13 Harrisburg Five Walloped on Invading Coal Town' Wilkes-Barre, Dec. 12.—The lllnrris burg live lost to Pittston last night, 4 9 to 13. The visitors were handi capped by the Slippery condition of the floor, which made their playing difficult. Atticks played a good floor game for Harrisburg, while Krout and Baum bach were other stars. For the Pitts ton team. Huston, Dunn and Macsach lin played best. On Saturday night the Harrisburg team meets Wilkes-Barre here. The lineup and summary: Harrisburg. "Pittston. Bauinbaeh F Haston Krout F Harris Haddow C Dunn Sourbier G Macsaehlin Atticks G Pounall 1 Field goals, Krout, Haddow, 2; At ticks, 3; Harris, 4; Haston, 5; Dunn, 6; Macaachlin, 4; Hill. Foul goals, Haddow, 5; Haston, 9. Referee, O'lHara. Periods, 20 minutes each. Dies After a Long Illness Marietta, Dee. 12.—Jacob Z. Heisey, 59 years old, died yesterday from a complication of diseases after a long illness. He was a painter, undertaker and cabinet maker, and a basso singer of some ability. He was a deacon in the Reformed church, Maytown, and member of the choir. His widow and three children survive, as follows: Dr. William Heisey, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Jo seph Hollenbaigh, Alberta, Canada; Miss Mary, Maytown. Guilty of Manslaughter Norristown, Pa., Dec. 12.—Joe Ma zur, of Swedeland, 19 years old, tried hero for the murder of Walter Cicos ky during a quarrol in front of the Polish church at Swedeland, was found guilty of manslaughter by a jury yes terday. Dziroc Kazcniasz, an older man, who was tried with Mazur, was acquit ted. Cicosky was stabbed through the heart, dying almost instantly. All con cerned are Poles. GENERAL FUND. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA—TRKASt'KY "DEPARTMENT. Harrisburg, Dec. 1, 1914. Statement of amount In the Stat* Treasury at > the close of business on November 30, 1814, eveluslve of moneys appropriated to the Sinking Fund: American Bank. Phlla $20,000 00 Armstrong County Trust Co., Kittanning, 10,000 00 Athens National Bank, Athens 20,000 00 Bank of Commerce, Phlla., 75,000 00 Bank of North America, Philadelphia 100,000 00 Bank of Secured Savings, Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Beaver Trust Co., Beaver, 10,000 00 Bentley ville Nat. Bank, Bentleyville 5,000 00 BvaOroru National Bank. Bradford 25,000 00 BrlUgovllle Trust Com pany, Brldgevllle, 10,000 00 Broadwuy National Bank, Scottdale 20,000 00 Brookville Title and Trust Co., Brookville 25,000 00 Blairsville National Bank, Blairsvllle 10,000 00 Cambria Title Savings and Trust Co., Ebensburg,... 15,000 00 Carlisle Trust Co., Carlisle, 10,000 00 Carnegie Trust company, Carnegie 15,000 00 Catawissa National Bank, Catawissa, 10,000 00 Central National Bank, Philadelphia 20,000 00 Central Nat. Bank. Wll klnsbufg 10,000 00 Central Trust Co., Harris burg 20,000 00 Charnbersburg i'i .ml Com pany, Chambersburg, ... 5,000 00 Chester County Trust Co., West Chester 5,000 00 Citizens' Bank, Harrlsburg 5,000 00 Citizens" National Bank, Bellevue 15,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Big Hun 10,000 00 Citizens' National Bank. Greencastle 5,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Meyersdale 25,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Newport 5.000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Washington 15,000 00 Citizens' Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Coudersport.. 25,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Lansford 10,000 00 Citizens' Title and Trust » Co., Uniontown 50,000 00 CltifeeniT Trust Company. Clarion 25,000 00 Clearneld National Bank, Cleartleld 50,000 00 Clinton Trust Co., Z ock Havi#n, 8,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 200,000 00 Columbia National Bank, Pittsburgh 100,000 00 Commercial Bank, Hbg„.. 10,000 00 Comint-rciHl National Bank Bradford 25,000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany, Philadelphia 40,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh, 150,000 00 Conesiogti Mition..i Bank. Lancaster 5,000 00 Continental Trust Com pany. Pittsburgh 15,000 00 Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia 100,000 00 Coudersport Trust Co., Coudersport 10,000 00 Conewago Trust Co., War ren 10,000 00 Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.. Harrisburg 10,000 00 Deposit Nat. Bank, Du- Bols 15,000 00 Deposit Savings Bank, Kingston 10,000 00 Dime Bank, Pittston lu,ooo 00 Dubois Nat. Bank. Dubois. 10,000 00 Duquesne Trust Co., Du quesne 10,000 00 Dime Deposit B'k, Wllkes „ Barre 20,000 00 East tend Savings and Trust Co., Pittsburgh,... 75,000 00 Elk Co. National Bank, Ridgway 20,000 00 Farmers' Bank, Indiana,.. 5,000 00 Farmers' and Mechanics' Trust Co., Greenville, .. 10,000 00 Farmers' and Mechanics' Trust Co., West Chester, 50,000 00 Farmers' National Bfcnk, Butler 10,000 00 Farmers' National Bank, Canton 5,000 00 Farmers' National Bank, Freeport, '..... 5,000 00 Farmers' Nat. Bank, Mon trose 10,000 00 Farmers' National Bank, Oxford 10,000 00 Farmers' and Miners' Nat. Bank, Forest City, 10,000 00 Farmers' National Bank, Leechburg u.OOO 00 Farmers' Trust Company, Lebanon 15,000 00 Farmers' Trust Company, Carlisle 15,000 00 Federal Trust Co.,'PMla.,. 15,p00 00 Fidelity Title and Trust Co., Pittsburgh 10,000 00 First Mortgage Guarantee and Trust Co., Phlla 40,000 00 Fourth Street National Bank. Philadelphia 125,000 00 Franklin National Bank, Philadelphia 50,000 00 j Franklin Trust Co., Pliila., 25,000 00 | Freehold B'k. Pittsburgh, 300,000 00 i Freeport Bank, Freeport,. 10,000 00 Fredonia Nat. Bank, Fre donia 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Ap0110... 20,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Ashley... 10,000 00 First National Bank, As pin wall 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Blairs vllle 25,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Blooms burg 15,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Bradford, 2.1,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Charieroi, Co.uOO 00 First Nat. Bank, Cherry Tree, 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Chester,. 25,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Conflu ence 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Couders port. ..: 10,000 00 j First Nat. Bank, Dunmore, 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Dushore, 10,000 00 I First Nat. Bank, Ebensb'g, 15,000 00 ! First Nat. Bank, Eldred,.. • .>,OOO 00 ! First Nat. Bank. Emlenton 20,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Erie, ... 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Freder icktown, ...' 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Fry burg, 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Genesee,. 5,000 00 First National Bank, Glen Campbell 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Ilarrls-b'g 70,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Hawley,. 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Hazleton. 15,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Houtzdale 15,000 00 ; First Nat. Bank, Irwin,... 10,000 00 I First Nat. Bank, Kane 10.000 00 First Nat. Bank, Mllford, 5,000 00 First Nut. Bank. Mononga hela City 10,000 00 First Nat. Bunk, Montrose, 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Munhall,. 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, McCon nellsburg 5,000 00 First National Bank, New Bethlehem, . 6,000 00 First Nat. Bank, New Wilmington 6.000 00 First Nat. Bank, Oakmont, 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Olyphant, 2iooo 00 First Nat. Bank, Ph11a.,... 2n,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Portage,. 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Beading, 15,000 00 Mrs'. Nat. Bunk, Hlmers burg 15,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Sayre, ... 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Schuyl kill Haven 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Sharon,. 15,000 00 First Nat. ISank. Shlngle house 6,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Shlppen ville 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Somerset, 25,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Towanda, 10.000 00 First Nat. Bank, Tyrone... 20,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Unlont'n, 50,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Verona,. 20,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Wnrren, 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Wellsboro 60,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Willlams port 60.000 00 First Nat. Bank, Wllklns* burg 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Wyoming 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank. York,... 10,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Grove City 15,000 00 First Nat. Bank. Wampum 5,000 00 First. Nat. Bank, Port Al legany 5,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Cone maugh, 10,000 00 German National Bunk. Pittsburgh 150,000 00 Germantown Trust Co., Philadelphia 15,000 00 Glassport Trust Co., Glass port 35,000 00 Grange Nat. Bank. Mans field 10,000 00 Grange Nat. Bank of Brad ford Co., Troy 10,000 00 Grange Nat. Bank of Me- Kean Co., Smethport, ... £O,OOO 00 Grange National Bank. Ulysses, 6,000 0« Guaranty Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Butler,.. 6,000 00 Guarantee Trust and Safe Depoalt Co., Phila 100,000 00 Gettysburg Nat. Bank, Get tysburg, 10,000 00 Hamlin Bank and Trusl i Co., Smethport 6,000 00 Hamburg Savings Bank. Hamburg 5,000 00 Hamilton Trust Co., Phila., 10,000 00 Hanover Bank, Wilkes- Barre 16,000 00 Harrisburg National Bank. Harrisburg 15,000 00 Homewood People's Bank, Homewoo<l 15,000 00 Honesdale Dime Bank. Honesdale, 10.000 00 Home Trust Co., New Cas tie 6,000 00 Homer City National Bank. Homer City 6,000 00 Jeannette Savings and Trust Co., Jeannette, ... 30,000 00 Kane Trust and Savings Co., Kane 10,000 00 Kennett Trust Co.. Ken nett Square 6,000 00 Keystone Nat. Bank, Pltts burgh 40,000 00 Lamberton National Bank. Franklin 10,000 00 Lamberton Nat. Bank, Oil , City 10,000 00 Lincoln Nat. Bank. Lln . co 'n 6,000 00 Logantown Nat. Bank, Lo gantown 6,000 00 Luzerne County Nat. Bank Wilkes-Barre ' 30,000 00 Luzerne National Bank, Luzerne 6,000 00 Lycoming Nat. Bank, Wll llamsport 26,000 00 Madeira Nat. Bank, Ma deira l Oi ooo 00 MahafTey National Hank, Mahaffey 10,000 00 Marion Center Nat. Bank, Marion Center 6,000 00 Market St. Nat. Bank, Slia mokin 6,000 00 Masontown National Bank, Masontown 6,000 00 Mauch Chunk Trust Co., Mauch Chunk 6,000 00 Mercer Co. State Bank, Sandy Lake 6,000 00 Merchants' National Bank. Allentown 6,000 00 Merchants' National Bank. Harrisburg 25,000 00 Metropolitan Nat. Bank, Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Miners' B'k, Wilkes-Barre, 10,000 00 Monaca Nat. Bank. Monaca 10,000 00 Monongahela Trust Co., Homestead 16,000 00 Markle Banking and Trust Co., Hazleton, 15.000 00 Mill Han State Bank, Mill Ha " 5,000 00 McKeesport Title and Trust Co., McKeesport... 25,000 00 Natlonul Hank of Chester Valley, Coateavllle 6,000 00 National Bank of Ciays viHe, Claysville 10,000 00 National Bank of Fayettj County, Unlontown,... . 10,000 00 National Bank of Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore, ... 5,000 00 National Bank of Oxford, Oxford, 10,000 00 New Cumberland National Bank, New Cumberland,. 5,000 00 .NOrtc Pntlcdelphiu Trust Co., Philadelphia, 20,000 00 Northern Central Trust Co., Williamsport 50,000 00 Northern Trust and Sav ings Co., Lancaster 6,000 00 National Bank of German town, Philadelphia 10,000 00 Nanticoke Nat. Bank, Nan ticoke 10,000 00 Oil City Nat. Bank. Oil c'ty. 10,000 oo Oil City Trust Company, OH City 10,000 00 Pattison Nat. Bank. Elk land 10,000 00 People's Bank,. Erie 10.000 00 People's Bank, McKeesp't, 5,000 00 People's National Bang, Ellwood City 5,000 00 People's National Bank, Mifflin 6,000 00 People's National Bank, Seranton 50,000 00 People's National Bank, wayn»!Sbu»B .«,< 00 cu People's Savings and Trust Co., Hazleton 15,000 00 People's Trust Co., Phila., 10,000 00 Provident Trust Co., Pitts burgh 20,000 00 Peoples Nat. Bank, Rey noldsvllle 10,000 00 People's Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Penbrook Nat. Bank, Pen „ brook 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank. Lebanon 10,000 00 People's Bank, Wilkes- Barre 10,000 00 Heading National Bank, Reading 25.000 00 Real Estate Title Insur ance and Trust Com pany, Philadelphia 30,000 00 Real Estate Trust Co., Washington 5,000 00 Republic Trust Co., Phila,, 10,000 00 Ridgway National Bank, Ridgway 20,000 00 Rlttenhouse Trust Com pany. Philadelphia, .... 10,000 00 Rochester Trust Co., Roch j ester 5,000 00 Bate Deposit and Trust Co., Greensburg 5,000 00 Savings and Trust Co., In diana 5,000 00 Seranton Sav'gs and Dime Bank, Seranton 60,000 00 Second Nat. Bank, Erie,.. 10,000 00 Second National Bank, Wllltes-Barre 10,000 00 Security Savings and Trust Co., Erie 10,000 00 6ecurlty Trust Company, Harrisburg 5,000 00 Sixth St. Bunk, Harrisb'g, 15.000 00 Sligo Nat. Bank. 51ig0,... 5,000 00 Somerset Trust Co., Som erset 25.000 00 Standing Stone National Bank. Huntingdon 8,000 00 State Bank, Avis 5,000 00 State Bank. Elizabeth. ... 6.000 0# Second National Bank, Al toona 25,000 00 Title, Trust and Guaranty Co., Johnstown, 50,000 00 Turtle Creek Savings and Trust Co.. Turtle Creek. 6.000 00 Textile Nat. Bank., Phila., 25,000 00 Union Banking and Trust Co., Du Bois, 20,000 00 Union Nat. Bank. Johns town 50,000 00 Union National Bank. Mc- Keesport 10,000 00 Union Nat. Bank. Seran ton 15,000 00 Union Trust Co., Donora... 6,000 00 Union Trust Company of Penna., Harrisburg 20,000 00 Union Trusl Co., Washing ton 15,000 00 | United States Nat. Bank, Johnstown 10,000 00 I Valley Nat. Bunk, Chain bersburg 5,000 00 Warren Savings Bank, Warren 6,000 00 Warren Trust Company. Warren, 5,000 00 Washington Nat. Bank, Bulgettstown 10.000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co., Philadelphia 10,000 00 West Side Bank, West Pittston 10,000 00 Western Nat. Bank, Pitts burgh 100,000 00 Woodlawn TrUßt Company. Woodlawn 15,000 00 Wilklnsburg Real Estate and Trust Co., Wilklns burg 50,000 00 Wyoming Nat. B'k, Tunk hannock 10,000 00 Wyoming valley Trust Co.. Wilkes-Barre 15,000 00 West Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia 30,000 00 York County National Bank, York 5,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 325,316 !■> Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburgh, "1,979 "4 Farmers and Mechanics' Nat. Bank. Philadelphia, 530,892 "8 Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 405,385 G9 Quaker City Nat. Bank. Philadelphia, 319,17 i 76 Total amount In General Fund $6,575.776 89 The above statement includes th« names of all hanks, corporations and firms with whom the moneys of said fund are deposited. Bonds are held by the State for the safe keeping of the same. Interest at the rate of 2 per centum per annum is received by the State on such deposits. State of .Pennsylvania. City of Harris burg, ss: Personally appeared before me, A. W. Powell, Auditor General, R. K. Young, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to law, salth that the fore true an< ' correct t» the best of his knowledge and belief. R. K. YOUNG, . Stale Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed before me. this Ist day of December, 1914. A. W. POWELL, PnhihahnH i„ Auditor General. , d VJ P"r<mance of the visions of section 8, Act of May a 1*74 entitled An Act supplementary to the ur«r ra in a . U .i elat !' sto tllß stat ® Treas- Hf" and the Commissioners of the Sinking I>und. and SectloD 11 Act of February 17. 1900' or A. W. POWELL, . . Auditor GeneraL Harrisburg, Pa. WTHE COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND—TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. ,) , alance "• the Sinking [Mind at the close of business on November 30, 1914: <*"m«"s on Anthracite Trust Co* A^h'1 110 ?' r S at c ° ' Armll °' • • ,0 °!ooo 00 Ashland Nat. Bank. Ash- Berwick Savings and Trust 6 '°° o ° # C'fl Bank,"' Mt! M " savings -- aVd ciSr M L c{sfc..::: ll:Z SS Citizens' National C Ban'lc.' M °° °° Middletown c ftnn AA Citizens' State Bank, Will liamsport >... „„ Farmers' Bank. Humm'elil 0 „ town 16,000 00 Farmers' and Miners' Trust Co., Punxsutaw- F « r mers''' National ' Bank, 36,000 00 Farmers' and Traders* Na- 6,000 00 Bank. Westfleld.. 10,000 00 First National Bank, Alll- ' " ~,^ u ' p PJV ' • ■' 10.000 00 1* I rat Nat. Bank, Beaver r «t 'wat. Bank, Carnegie' o°o° First Nat. Bank, Elwood First* Nat." Bank,' "Praokl 6,000 00 FlMt nV; ®£ n \- Knoxvl'lie "'ooo 00 1 lrst Nat. Bank, Leech- Flrst^Nat.'' Bank,"Man«l 6,000 0() wi . 15,000 00 First Nat. Bank, Mon _ toursville o aaa a a l 4 irst Nat. Bank, Patton,.. 15 000 00 ou* National Hank of FI?s h t Cr NaT. 1 Bank^ Ur Jtate 6, °°° °° Figt I,e l fa e Busau.: 6,000 09 First' I "Nat.' Bank, Monti 3 ° ,00 ° °° gomery 10,000 00 Grange Nat. Bank, Tioga, 6,000 00 Guardian Trust Co., York, 6,000 00 Honesdale National Bank, r Hone sdale 15,000 00 Lancaster Trust Company, Lancaster n nnn nn Lewlsburg Nat. Bank. Lewi ' 00 isburg B ()00 00 Lincoln Nat. Bank, Pitts burgh 26 000 00 Manchester Savings Bank and Trust Co., Pitts . burgh 10,000 00 Mechanlcsburg Nat. Bank, Mechanicsburg 6,000 00 Miners National Bank, Blossburg 15,000 00 National Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia,. 16,000 00 National Bank of West Grove, West Grove 10 000 nn Ninth Nat. Bank, PhiiadeU phia> 25.000 oo North Seranton B'k, Scran ton 10,000 00 Northern National Bank, Lancaster, 6,000 0« People's Nat. Bank, East Brady 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Lancaster 6,000 00 Plymouth National Bank, Plymouth 10,000 00 Potter Title and Trust Co., Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Real Estate Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 40,000 00 Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Greensburg 15,000 00 Schuylkill Trust Company, Pottsville 10,000 00 Schuylkill Valley Bank, Reading 10,000 00 South Side Trust Co., Pitts burgh 80.000 00 Susquehanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. Wil liamsport 30,000 00 Second Nat. Bank, Mechan icsburg 10,000 00 Tioga County Savings and Trust Co., Wellsboro,... 35,000 00 Tower City Nat. Bank, Tower City 6,000 00 Union Nat. Bank, Mahanoy City 10,000 00 Union Trust Co., Lancas ter 10,000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penna., Harrisburg 15,000 00 Vandergrift Savings and Trust Co., Vandergrift,.. 10,000 00 Wayne Co. Savings Bank, Honesdale 15,000 00 Farmers' and Mechanics' Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, 14,733 40 Total amount in Sinking Fund $811,733 10 The above statement includes the names of all banks, corporations an.l llrnis with whom the moneys of said fund are deposited. Bonds are held by the State for the safe keeping of the same. Interest at the rate of 2 per centum l is received by the State on such depos its. State of Pennsylvania, City of Har risburg. ss: Personally appeared before me, A. W. Powell, Auditor General, It. K. Young, ! gtate Treasurer, who being duly sworn I according to law. salth that the fore going statement is true and correct to | Hie best of his knowledge and belief. It. K. YOUNG, State Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed before me this Ist dav of December, 1914. A. W. POWELL, Auditor General. Published In pursuance of the pro visions of Section 8, act of May 9, 1874, entitled "An Act supplementary to the ! several acts relating to the State Treas urer and the Commissioners of the ; Sinking Fund." and Section 11, act of February 17, 1906. A. W. POWELL, Auditor OereraL Harrisburg, Pa. STATE SC'HOOI. I'tMl OF PENXSVI,- VANIA. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TREASURY DEPAIITMENT Harrisburg. Pa., Dec. 1, 1914. Statement of amount in the School 1 Fund at the close of business on No vember 30, 19|4. Commonwealth Trust Co.. Harrisburg $30,804 77 Total amount in School Fund, $30,804 77 Stale of Pennsylvania, City of Harris burg. ss: Personally appeared before me, A. W. Powell, Auditor General, R. K. Young. State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to law, salth that the fore going statement is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. H. K. YOUNG, State Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed before me, this Ist day of December, 1914. A. W. POWELL, Auditor General. Motor ItpiiiNtrntlon nnil License Fees CO MMO N W F.A LT H""o F PENNSYLVA NIA—TItEASUKY DEPARTMENT Statement of amount in Motor Regis tration and License Fees Fund at close of business November 30, 1914: Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $8,973 00 Total amount In motor registration and license fees fund $8,973 00 The above statement includes the names of all banks, corporations and firms with whom the moneys of said fund are deposited. Bonds are held by the state for the safe keeping of the same. Interest at the rate of 2 per centum Is received by the state on such deposits. State ol' Pennsylvania, City of Harrisburg, ss: Personally appeared before me, A. W. Powell. Auditor General. R. K. Young, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to law, salth that the fore going statement is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief R. K. YOUNG. * State Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed before me this Ist day of December. 1914: A. W. POWELL, Auditor General.