The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 11, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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► ✓ ~ 4
Jg 1- JP'J 1 'W
CALL 1991-ANY 'PHO(NE."«" *»* Sfr CALL 1991-AW "PHONE. *lfr~fr
! JSmMnl PP| Christo ls Christ - wi JSmmfta \
i' Shop now—open only Monday, Tuesday -aTjTI \2S! r».pj P r fatA Vfll All Christmas fund checks may be cashed <
and Wednesday evenings preceding Christ- f. EVCryOIIC D at The Transfer Department, main floor, •
► mas—close at 6P. M. Xmas eve. J ~ ■■ no °Wig at i° n to purchase. •< I
: Ift ' 1 Here .*. .*. .*. I J| ;l
I Especially for "His" Christmas |
From the Furnish
y mm ■ ■ n ,i W Men's plain white hemstitched handker- jfl * v i
For Little Brother f B; Q fh •
ice skates Mechanical toy, » wl *-"s# ul haudkerchiefs. at 10*, 121 of and 25* V VV <
► nf- •-'l" 8 horSf w" Men's and boys' neckwear, 4-iu-hands > '* R. '* '<
Toy sailboat Ha hi coal MiHtary brushes attractive patterns, at / jKf ; /\J|f <<P-> Jk"
► Train of cars Rubber Loots Kvening shirts Muffler 2Hf 7*fir nnH SI OO y«l'.f W:V frvm/ •■ %teqt
. Sled Kite White vest Bed room slipper# ... ' and Jpl.vW J // .
► Football rooi chest snk woks I'lmsnjr diah combination sets, including garters and '> Wy% r .^vi&-vli^g7L r ' */• W l
► KSfSST asa » ?,os arm bauds; belts and garters: suspenders I
Electric battery »S*ne "mlreUa BSS and garters; tie and suspenders: tie. hose I '<
► Small desk Bathrobe Tie holder Writing table ami handkerchiefs, at ... . 2d<* to SI.OO \ QAK V )$ t I '( t I 4
► &? k ' a'R Hat bRnU white siik s'uspenders Knitted mufflers at 25<, 50* and $1 i ( XJ
Baseball Printing press silk mufflers at and $1.50 I \ </■( ■'- I
y Horn Leather belt Wool scarfs, plain and fancy, at \ t* 1 i
* Toy Automobile AmeHoan flag With An IttWard PaSSion 50c and SI.OO -, '
► Catchers piove and mask . T ...... Mouito half hose, black and colors, don- v i\ ~v <
► Baseball" 1 Foofbail Cowboy. Indian or Solder 0 y Gratitude llle soles, lligll spliced heels. Silk lisle at j X <
► uniform and hat TT A x „ 25* pair. Thread silk a. 50c» pair | V ,-"' N
: Helps for the i Comfortable Bath 1 ■ \ ! x ;
: Gift Giver Robe or House :
1 From the Upholstery Depart- _ , YOU May Be IB
► menf »nd Frtlkal GHts. Too toat terested in Shirts I Vmß& \
► Shirt Waist Boxes at $2.25 to SS.OO— Anyone desiring to give ••him" a gift ~ , ' flrf' f\ i tilHllr 1 '// V- ',' I '«iR/A
► matting covered; bamboo trimmings, ban- t: at will add to his coin.'ort ran find notli- If a«> TTiTTi" '' OBr* f + \i\ IvHk I'm /'/>'' '«' f /'"A-HBxA *
y dies and castors: with and without trays. ing more suitable. *XXJXI ( \nWf' j>\t\ } *rJ' j'-iy A
► Leather Pennants at 35r and 45c- Kpi( , hf nilttl>l . n :,. rrth4>B Mens SI.OO dress shirts, fine quality of \WfMjg /U; / ■ / /// j"'/)<
" : vifh I , ndians and tt Du,c, 1 l kuls pai ! lte . (i a - n - d cotton" and wool-son,e with slippers'to boxe'sj ™ ! V' f
' an™9sc°valuef C ° re & ilk ,tyle. French \ ®|
" I, B ' eoan , a^nn $2.98, $3.50, $3.75 and up to $lO. cuffs, at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. \WM 11 ~
, Cedar Boxes at $9.00 to sl, .00- House Ooats-a size and stvle to fit and Mens silk front shirts, coat style, French \\ O. 1
. . with and without trays: plain ftnish and , " M/ ; dm '. , le " aiul ....a-,. )lt «i » \-\ RfSk*W& wCBR <
Kracc y suit every male member ot the Christmas t urts - dt »A.oU. % WPff/n
► trimmings. family. Priced at $3.98 to 88.50. Men's dress shirts, percales and madras, )j)un, flHf " X %WVn
y Fancy scrims, with hemstitched hem and Thir.i Fioo- no\VM\X'B ' ° at st » v ' o, att * e hed cuffs, at SI.OO and i- ISWefMi v - 4
open work borders: also plain voiles and ' $1.50. v. •=/, ' v '■■ vWbh * 4
► marquisettes for curtains. Yard, 18c to Men's flanuel shirts, in blue, tan and 9^' "* v «v.
K 50f. grey; plain and military collars, at SI.OO j^sHtt
► White bed spread and bolster roll to OUT Ad Oil 1 MWvV
► match: with and without ruffles, with col- XLCaU VUX AUUU Boys bouse waists. ,n imd |W i
► ored bands and finished edges of lace, at - ~ mi \' ra •' at and
c $1.75, $2.00 and $2.75.
rr * CLLv and madras, plain and tanc.v, at SI.OO I.J /I
Lace, novelty net. scrim, voile and mar- 0 and $1.50. Outing flannel at SI.OO ' -A' "
► quisette curtains, 2U and 3 yards long. Telling of complete Holiday and $1.50. Y. '•-!-••
► Pair, 49r to $6.50. stocks and assortments: rtlld Muslin uight shirts at 50c, 75c and
► Cretonnes, repps, taffetas, erafter's of helpful suggestions to the SI.OO. j *
► cloth; for windows and door draperies, j <rjff viver liannel night shirts at 50c, 4
, Yard. 16c to 55c. | 75c and SI.OO. J f*\ j
► Yelours, plain and figured tapestrv for \.na W |" 1
: f Seasonable W liy 11UL OCIdLL ;
: weights in tu- +nr
. jrftadw.covert. Yard. 2s< and _ /V/ Underwear Wliltcr Apparel
► Sunfast materials for curtains and drap- >;| V*\ Men's heavy natural wool mixed under- ... C
k eries, 31 to 50 inches wide; in rose, blue, i y > — | * •' r \ wear, at 69c. Where you have unlimited selection at your command; enjoy <
y brown and green, "i ard, 40c to $1.25. # T', lens ""'"'J* 1 at sl, privacy and comfort while making selection; and feel satisfied that <
► anw Df Sfir U M^7sToir TO WitboUt Val * \V\/;« | i-, V Men s heavy "olton fleece lined under- vou have received full value for the purchase amount? \ "
y . . wear, plain and ribbed, at
► . Bolster rolls in white, blue. pink, yel- /V- -/ ...j? Munsing union suits, heavy cotton, V/\«*. n«< C+ttl a <
► lla psib le . with sections for pillows, ~\\ / 7 \ fleece lined, al SI.OO. Xatural wool, at I OUI dl llCUiar OLVIC 01 <
, $1.20. n/ / )JL $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. ,
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAX'S. Men's SI.OO underwear, heavy weight, "D rt 1«M /IM T« TTSVMSV
k ,VA natural wool, silk finish; pearl buttons, at 15<ILV1<IC3L<IXL IS 11010
i' . ; Lj (& 89c. "
| y 'Kerchiefs Men's $2.50 natural wool ribbed union Three new models that are truly smart and nobby will add to the i
s "wii?hfM, „„,i»™, o .. f„. „ , variety. Patterns include green, tin and grey overplaids. Sizes to "
Full and plenteous assortments Tllo BOyS ClOtll- SI.OO. ' ' ' ™ e ' 8 fit vou. Priced at $7.50. Heavier'weights in Balmaeaaus come at
for men. women and children. Main Fft»or— BOWMAN'S. SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50.
► Many at special prices. m g Departmollt
:: Any Time Is Makes Sngges- Men's Shoes for Undeniable Smartness in the ;
Linoleum Time tinns for thp Dress Wear New Form Fitting Overcoats
* lime tions lor tne To Please Winter Weather v . . . * , . j
We are offering very special induce- Men's fine viei kid. gnu metal calf, pat- F ° r Smait dressers who d . esire something new and different. Cut
► ments in linoleums this week. Nothing that JjOVS ItIIL ent, colt and tan Russia calf button and knee length; velvet collars. Chine lillas and diagonal cloths, lined <
' 1? n X e h „ S eD n /f e i ome more lace oak soles Goodyear welt Shoes. The with serge and Venetian cloth. Priced at SIO.OO, $12.50, $15.00 <
than a tresh new piece ot linoleum. t r , f„iu„;„„ i; ot . , best in the laud for $3.00. . . 1Q v
1 r, i , . , The following list represents new and ■« . and SIB.OO. 1
Hi^ er J iaps [ t bath t r i oom - vestibule, : B tyii ß h garments: Men s Turkish Towe ing
| dining room or kitchen that needs a new ■ n»LCr
piece, we have a full assortment to choose Boys' overcoats at $2.50 to $9.50 Bath Slippers 'PTI i\ IVPTXT'
* rum - Boys' Mackinaws at $3.95 to $6.95 'lust the thing for comfort inside. All Xllftl* " WHXI» X V/U. V V
New Process Linoleum, at 33c sq. yd.; Boys' Balmaeaaus at.. .$2.98 to $8.50 sizes—also for women. Priced at 25£. # 1
y regularly 39c. Boys' Raincoats at ....$2.95 to $7.50 Third Floor —BOWMAX'S. "PfAUli VAlll*iJolf i
► v ' u y . 4 , Boys' Knickers at... 39C to $1.75 JrlUnilOCU 1 UUIOUII
► resuiX D 4 q ' J ' Boys Novelty Suits at..52.98 to $5.00 StOMt Shoes for BOVS T t, * I ' '+ ' f , •. ~ „.. . ,
► re ? u «any ouc. ! Boys' Norfolk Suits at $2.98 to #IO.OO ... u . , Is here m a choice variety of s nart suits for men. English and
k J" loI ei>m—pattern goes through j Boys' Caps at 25<Mo 75C vampsbandTull'double^oles— an "ideal' win- conservative styles. Prominent ill the showing are tartan checks,
► by. Sq. yd!.Vl.lSand'#l.3o.' I,a "* Boys' PlayVuhs aV!!!!!!98C to $l!?0 ler 8h 1 0e: -Z e8 11 Jo }&* at ' 2 -®° P r i « re - v cheek s. and black and white stripes. Also dressy blue serges.
► Fourth FIoor—BOWMAX'S. ' Third FIoor—BOWMAX'S. Floor— BOWXIAX'S. Priced at $9.90, $12.50, aild lip to $25.00. j