The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 11, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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: f!""' a ' H ~"'<"""» 1 I
JSjQUJftIG/Tld 9A - M Closes 9 P. M. merit Main F/oor. &&U?7JICZ/fl4
i And Now for the Merriest Christmas of All \
► __ » ~ 4
I a New Spoke in &.0£ ), (9\ tD\A Two Important Events
; the Wheel of jffjjjflßfe Begin To-morrow: In Cloak Department •
: Service • No. 1-300 Coats I
; tHHnw the i.r P , «.a m. Xmas Candies and Nuts From ej. » & o™,*™. win i» -
p * „„.i pomfnrt Station for . * -,, , r . « , \ sold at reductions of one-fourth to one- «
" oT.h" llnid Cr! wiX open- An entire section of the Mam floor (rear) will now be devoted to all third , and all are o( the newst trials A*/
' ed. and we wish every woman might sorts ot Xtitas candies and n >i. sc <tt<dnn s. arid best shades. The maker's name is a J
consider this an invitation to visit and ~ - stj'le guarantee.
The spacious colonial rest ro->m, tin- Striking Reduc- Gloves for "Her" 1 At $7.98, $8.98, $9.98,
; d w k bae ok ,h; 9 eis tioiis On Black in Plentiful $12.50, $13.98, $15.00 i* VNyfv
► boasting of all marble and tile, signities _ HTT~-. \ufl \.
, the highest standard of sanitation. SUkS, SUggeSted ' ASSOrtlUeilt i that"were .TikJo' />* <
► Again we invite you—Lome! * OO . / W W A
► , _C The Autocrat Glove—2-elasp, black with i In many styles only one coat —others / j |M •<
► 1 10l VTIItS heavy white embroiderj*. Pair, $2.35. two or three —and not many ot' any one / I A'jtia < i
► Ml waist and dress patterns will be neat- The Ladmiar (.love—l clasp, \yh)te with , model, but a wonderful lot of different /. / \ -fli
mmm Mrn . . « All w aisi anu uir» | , heavy black embroidery and black with Aim ijj , • , 11l 1 r
y First fniint nT ly boxed m Christmas boxes, free of heavy white embroidery. Pair, $2.25. st - vles *. Two hundred and ninety-three / IW& O A \
► I II Jl VWMIII v« charge. The Valmy Glove—l-dasp, in white, coats in black, navy, dark brown, dark / J l J® 4 I
► . 36-inch Black Satm Messaline, black and tan, with three rows embroid- green and plaids and mixtures. / j I 1 <
l/nfpc Peau dc Soie and Satin Duehesse. at oJc ery p a i r , $2.00. 11l J
>* d - : re P u ' ar^v . T . , , .j- Fownes' 2-elasp overseam French kid A/a 0 /I hii Qllif / » I H V\\
; Li the Santa Clans drawing contest S££r and sues, P«, f 1.50 ||\ |
J sf'TnVXildt'nam!"'doernot a'pp'ar 'TSh BlSk Satin Imperial. Satin de blieMa'nMdTe^Pah. I MJWtn«: at} 19.98 II In
► fop 0 ami one'whole ['egulariv «.S '''' "" " Sl ' 6B rd ' ; o , v " s, p a '" "'Vj/i's''' This priee includes all the finer broad- iLj {
► the final count. Get busy now and se- re 4o-"ch Biack Silk Crepe de Chine at j l « n grey. Pair. and $1.25. I c loths, gabardines, poplins and coverts. ,
► cure votes. 51.00 yd.; regularly $1.40. Among them are a number of suits that vrff l!
; ► JS'o. of 40-ineh Black Silk Crepe de Chine at have arrived within the past week, includ- \[l IT /* i
► Name Votes $1.19 yd.: regularly #1.69. QEE The Display of La Reine ing popular sand colored covert suits. A nwJ /'
| > RoseannaKevs 185 $i 50 C yd s■>' e " Corsets on the second floor. A great many fur trimmed suits and mili- _j/ 4\
George w. Tatehell 146 40-inch Black Casc'adue at 98< yd.; style for every figure. Guaran- tary models. There are suits among them n t!
► Roger Massimore 137 regularly $1.50. teed "Nobrake" side steels. Six that were $32.50, $35.00, $37.50 and $40.00. I nOUSanCI flew
;; So w Stnn h e "r art . z :.::::::::::::::ill Dnchesse at 92,25 models ' prieed at slo ° to None win be . sent on approval, nor - oepe de chine waists
l Helen Capin 11 5 V -io-[nfh Black"Satin Charmense at 9C<? v C. O. D. Alterations at the usual prices. Go on Sale To-morrow j
!► i)^Taffeta at 99< y d. ; Suits for stout Figures- at $1.98, $2.50, $2.93 1
Helen Gastrock 112 regularlv $1.25. 14<V __ e . - , An assortment of styles and ■#
1 ► Helen Douglass 112 36-inch Black Moire at $1.50 yd.; reg- ! VCIT OpCCiai dt SIU.UU colors that cannot fail to meet I A\
,y Ham* Cover 112 ularlv $175 ~ the wants of fastidious seekers J
| , Fred Schukofski 110 36-' inch" Black Satin Faille at $1.50 yd. / A complete assortment of between sizes for gift waists. Higher priced j
: „ 24-inch Black Bengaline at 99<* yd.; V —37 to 55—in black and navv poplins. ones are here, of course, but
' . regularlv $1.25. T Neatlv tailored; absolutely new; line these are so smart and pretty—
<3L 36-inch Black Habutai at 85< yd.; reg- Bf A workmanship and the materials are the same <
!► .r — nlarly SIOO CT\ Jl> IA P " as used m waists at twice these <
;> 26-inch Black "Waterproof Habutai at ///- J Valued at s2o.oo—unusual, to be sure, P rices - And the color assort
; " 1 59r yd.: regularly Ssc. / 'Jfo bllt the va l ues are j ust as we Say, and the ment not a shade is missing. ]
;► .< 27-inch Black Jap Silk at 39* yd.; reg-
' h ularly oOc. >\\ / JmW _ r
h f i$%L *•£ The Hair Goods shop /*' At Least One Pair ' .„ ~ ~ 71 <|
i; Jfcf, \ .Offers You An Unusual <»»«*"""•■«• »«•> , tt_„ o • ; t®ok for Our fldvsFhsiimsnt j.
;► ! <2: Opportunity When You See "The HOSe «n Opposds Paga
—JJ? ; o et; e b".7^£' l w?«rr:^ g n" Tipperary" on the for "Her" numberless Rifts, j
! ► \ and 30-inch hair switches-usual $4.00 Street Kayser's Italian silk hose, in black and and^Httl? I fallows
i. ► grade, at $2.50. colors at $1.50 pr. Extra sizes at $2.00 men-tolks and little teIIOWS. I
J With such a switch the hair can be most You will know it came from Bowman's. pa j r > j
! ' becomingly arranged—it will add to one's It is a new model, following the popular ' - lt • ui„„v nrw i . . , . .
, ia.cMWMlsi.mFw, , . military tendeney and indeed, a very cbic co donble .olea, high spliced beela.
:■ Fine Assortment of , R< "' s '"' a ' fl ' r '"- SriXS »i,ie ,« P .. ,t ?i.oo $,.50 Close Friend Gift ;
;; Embroidered Gift Women's Gaiter Boots "Vs'* ,"TT aJ r lk £?£ 4
; Pillow Cases .♦ ti o«t OOR o m «yT Ji h? pSS 1 g ,e " ,s - PriMd * l s l - 00 »?».98. -j
■ i at SI.VO aUCI O&iVO a » $4,95 and $5.95 ter tops, pair. Night Gowns; trimuied with shadow lace
;► There are scores of women who would Various in the season'« mo ß t nnn , D • D . Onyx hose, medium and heavy weight, and German val. Priced at $1.98 to <
► delight in receiving a gift of this sort. , arious st>les m the sas n s most pp- SpeCldi Price Ofl PllimeS cotton, plain and silk lisle; regular and $1.98.
I \ erv useful and practical, as well as inex- 11 ar «.•**' oi ,e , Handsome plumes of genuine ostrich extra sizes: at 25^ t and pair. Corset covers: prettily boxed, at to 1
« v pensive. Gift Slippers feathers, 17 inches long and 8 inches wide. Women s silk boot hose, in black and
] All handsomely embroidered in striking Can you think of anything more sensible Special at $2.00 —18 inches long and 10 colors; 2 pairs in box, tor SI.OO. White Petticoats; nainsook, cambric and <
| designs mostly white, although delicate and useful? inches wide, special at s2.9o—compare Complete lines ot Burson seamless; sateen, lace and embroidery trimmed.
1 ► shades are plentiful. Come in pretty holly For Men—Kid. felt and calf: black, favorably with many plumes that are light and medium weight cotton; regulai Prices range from to $4.98. <
\ > boxes. brown and tan. SI.OO to $2.00. priced at $5.00. an d extra sizes, at pair. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. <
\ y Pride of the West cases in 42 and 45 For Women —various leathers and fab- Children's Hats, 48£ and 9S£ —choice Women s plain black cashmere hose, at
1 inch seamless tubing—sl.oo pair. 80l- rics in every shape and color, 49<* to of any style that was priced up to $3.00. 25<, 39< and pair. LUfle Warm Sweater CoatS
i sters, SI.OO each. $1.49. Variety of styles and colors. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
J for Baby <
t Of soft wool yarns; plain and fancy i
y " __ mmm 4 weaves; roll or shawl collars and pockets; <
1: i a n(BH' Toy Town, Joy Town Little ;
1 K J J Knitted drawer leggings, to $1.25
Girl flnfj Boy Town ;
y Toy is Harrisburg's land of joy, where children smile and little tots jump and frolic in pure delight. It is Santa •<
„ PSP'y' Claus Land, for here Santa dwells from early in December until time for kiddies to trot off to bed Night before Christmas, *
i when he jumps into his sleigh, gives his whip a crack, arid is off to fill'homes with happiness and cheer, and gladden thc ,
; Wonderful Things, Santa Has Here 1
' Naturally, when Santa makes Toy Town his headquarters, he brings bis largest and best stoek of toys to make him feel
i * l "° me To-morrow—This $1.69 }
■: 1 ' More Toys in Less Space Aluminum Roaster, 98c j
. '/* J ? Toy Town of to-day is quite different than in former years. Every kind of toy is placed together and kept separate ,^ *•
*t ♦> jßf£ from the rest. This method makes it less crowded, and also simplifies selection. ape. in delation to 1 oaster, sep- i
> /} > / W arate pans can be used for baking.) A
I: Everybody Is Invited to Toy Town To-morrow Basement—BOWMAN'S. 1
Dr. Fixem is still receiving doll patients. He leaves for his southern trip on December 19th, after whic'a time no dolls 111 f/l0 Wall Paper Department *
will be received into his clinic. ] s an initial showing of special 1915 pa-
J pers, featuring low prices. <