The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 11, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Acid Stomachs Are |
Commoaa >rn»r %<Klee h) a Olslli-
ICMhhril SprriaHU
"Acid" stomachs are dangerous be- j
cs\us acid irrita;«s and inllamca the
t delicate lilting of the stomach, thus hin
dering and preventing: the proper ac«
• t on of th*» stomach. and leading to
|>robahly nine-tenths of tht- esses of i
t>;omach trouble from which people
suffer. Ordinary medicines and medici
nal treatments are useless in such cases '
lot they leave the souroe of the trou
. t»?e. tile acid in the stomach, as dan
• as ever The acid must be neu- |
t allied, ami its formation prevented.,
ami the best thing for this purpose is a j
waspoonfui of bis'iraled magnesia, a
simple ant.u id. taken in a little warm
or • »ld w ite- after eating. which not
only neutralises the acid, but also pre- {
vents the fermentation from which
aridity is developed. Foods which or
' c..iiaril> cause distress may be eaten!
th impunity if the meal is followed j
v--Ith a little bisurated magnesia. which
can be obtained from any druggist* |
; id should always be kept handy.
• 4 * adv.
Election Shows 17.1 Majority for State
Antagonist of E. B. Dorsett—Wom
en Best School Sanitarians and
Cops Best Game Wardens
Meadville, Pa.. Dec. 11.—John A. j
Sl.Sparren. son of James G. MeSpar
•ren. was yesterday elected worthy mas-!
ter ot' tiie Pennsylvania Grange, de
feating E. R. Dorsett, of Tioga. Official
announcement of the result will not be
made until the entire vote for officers
is counted; bat it is stated next to of
f. -ally that MeSparren had 173 ma
Aside from election of officers. the
d:'.v's sessions of the Grange were ta
lon up with the hearing of of |
committees and a great variety of ex
pressions of \ iews, from disarmament
to revision of the weights and meas
ures law. The committee on women's
work recommended that women have
compiete charge of sanitary work in'
schools an i churches: it was recom
mended that every grange have its own
insurance agent: the repeal oi the
Jones highway law; the removal of
butter, milk and cheese from the t're>
list; taking a large portion of the pres
ent power out of the hands of the State
Came and Kish Commissioners and!
pacing it In the hands of the State po
lice: increased patronage of grange!
co-operative concerns: a more full and
comprehensive course in agriculture inj
rural public schools: the establishment'
of a permanent committee in the grange
on household economics, which the mas
ter was authorized to name, and that
every granger write his Congressman
and Senator, urging support of the
Hob=on prohibition measure.
The question was discussed of estab
lishingl in each county of the State an
experimental -tatiou study of intensive
agriculture. This wa- referred to the
committee on agriculture.
A Bradford county delegate made
the declaration that it cost more in his
county to I'are for inmates of the poor
house than it would to board them at
a hotel.
Master William T. Creasv in a short
•peech criticised legislation affecting
agriculture, and thought it would be
■wise for lawmakers to get into touch the farmers before legislating.
\ esterdav Mrs. D. O. Oliphaut. an
other suffragette of New Jersey, re
j-iied to Wednesday's address by Mi~
Louise Hall, of Boston, and held the at
of a large audience.
A v ite of thanks was given to Mor
timer Whitehea i for his work for tb
range, and Master Creasy was au
thorized to wire it to Mr. Whitehead
ST t'ompton. Lai. The convention closes
: .I sonata POISONED
Stricken IU After Eating Chicken at
Church Supper
Ratav.;:. N. \.. Dec. 11.—Three hun
dred persons, who attended a chicken
supper at a church here Wedneslav
right, are under physicians' care. Al
tiiough many are in a serious condition,
it :s believed all will recover.
The r ailment was diagnosed as
j tomaine poisoning, than half an
l.our after the supper was served, a
s-ore became ill. By midnight the num
ber had crossed the hundred mark, and
late report* show that the entire com
1 any had been stricken. The city au
t lorities have commenced an investiga '
Mining Head Says Scranton Accident
Was Caused by an Explosion
S ranton, i'a., Deo. 11.—Replying to
reports that the accident in the l>ia-
Jiiond mine Wednesday which cost the
lives of 13 men was caused by a "rot
tm and shaky carriage, the floor of
■which dropped out." Colonel R. A. Phil
l*p?. general manager of the Lackawau
r s Company, yesterday declared that
"the carriage was in excellent eondi
-1 tion, as examination will prove."' and
siy> the floor was smashed bv an ex
plosion when a miner dropped a box of
I nited Mine Workers' representa
tives made an investigation yesterday,
but would make no statement. A C'or
i ncr 's jury will begin sessions to-night.
Doctors Having Great Suc
cess With Amolox
Amo'ox. the new remedy for the
cure of eczema and skin diseases, is
, applied externally. Does not soil or
stain, dries instantly, is soothina and
antiseptic, penetrating the skin, killing
, the germs that cause the disease. It is
the prescription of a well-known physi
■. riaa. who has used it with remarkable
j suc< ess in his private practice.
Cases of ehronic ecz'-ma. tetter, •
psoriasis, acne are now being cured
after all other remedies have failed.
It will positively kill the germ and
1 eal the skin in bnrber's itch in a few '
days. Stops all itch and burning in
stantly, readers the skin soft and I
foothes it so the sufferer can rest and
sleep, lieo. A. Gorgas and H. C. Ken
nedv will refund your money, if you i
r,re rot satisfied. Best results are "ob- '
talned when both liquid and ointment i
are used. Trial size 30c. Adv. I
The Pig Iron Market Appears to Have
Reached the Cr st of the Buying
Wavelet Last W>-*k. Says Report of
"The Iron Age'
New York, Deo 11. —"The Iron
I Age" says December buying of steel
products which was expected to follow
rather promptly u;«on the appearance
of a 1.05 c., Pittsaurgh, price for bars,
plates and sliaps is not vet large. Five
weeks of better feeling have doue some
thing for order books, and buying has
increased in the past week, but there
i is thus fur no repetition of the free
contracting of three years ago, or even
of the lesser movement in January of
this year.
It is still true that when any consid
erable business is done prices suffer.
But there are rather plain indications
that the response to 1.05 c., Pittsburgh,
quotations lias not been enough to
convince the mills that the market can
be lifted by temporarily going under it.
Hence more is heard of I.loc. for bars,
plates and shapes for the lirst quarter,
while 1.05 c. applies to earlier deliver
ies, reaching in some cases into and
! through January.
The pig iron market acts as tbougli
' the crest of the buying wavelet was
I seen last week. With a few exceptions.
. the purchases by foundries were of
' moderate size and some of them were
based also on expectations of usual
casting contarots. Their effect o.i
prices is not yet clear. Buffalo fur
naces are firm at sl3 for No. 2 X iron.
\t Chicago sales last week were gener
ally below sl3 at furnace, which is
now asked, while iu the Central West
prices of the past two weeks remain and
in Southern iron $9.75. Birmingham, is
st ill to be had for the first half of 15*13.
December sa'.os of Southern iron are
put at 100.000 tons, including about
I 30,000 to pipe foundries. At Pitts
burgh in the past week 24,000 tons,
mostly Northern iron, was bought for
sanitary foundries, making a total of
75,000 tons of foundry and steel-mak
i ing iron iu that district in two weeks.
Cincinnati reports that the recent buy
ing of foundry iron there foots tip more
than was indicated at the time aud at
Cleveland last week's selling was on a
scale, one firm's orders being 20.-
000 tons. SO per cent, being foundry
gra les and the remainder malleaible.
Pig iron production dropped sharply
ui November. The 147 furnaces active
I December 1. a loss of tl in the month,
were producing at the '•ate oi 48.464
'ons a dav. against 33.25" tons a day
!on November 1. Thus the country is
' producing at a yearly rate of about
17.700.000 tons, the lowest since Sep
tember. 190 S. or a little more than halt'
the maximum rate of February and
March. 1913. which was about 34,-
000,000 toas.
The Santa Fe railroad has increased
its rail orders tor 1915 to 67,000 tons,
adding to the 12,000 tons being roll»d
at Chicago an order for 34,000 tons
for the Colorado mill. In the interna
tional rail market Queensland is inquir
ing fo- 20.000 tons. Denmark for 10.-
000 tons and Greece for 5,000 tons.
British rail prices are up 2s 6d and
higher ore has generally stiffened the
finished steel market there.
Fxpor*s of steel are hampered by
high freights and a more marked scar
itv of vessel room. To F.ngland 23s to
30- is the current market, which at
$23.73 for sheet bars in the Swansea
Valley makes such exports far from
attractive to American mills.
are always aggravated during
damp, changeable weather
and ordinary treatments are
often useless.
Such conditions need the oil-food
in Scott'* Emulsion to reduce the
injurious acids and strengthen the
organs to expel then.
Scott's Emaltion, with careful diet
for one month, often relieves the
lame muscles and stiffened
joints and subdoea the sharp,
unbearable pains when other
remedies have failed. Yijf
- .■■ini.Mii ■■■■■■■\
Governor-elect's Total Increased 1,091)
and Penrose's 6,80» Votes
Pittsburgh. Dec. 11.—Judges Evans
and Haymaker, who presided in Com
mon Pleas Court during the eomputa
tion of the vote in the recent election
by the official returning board of Al
legheny county, yesterday gave out an
order amending official totals for this
county for various candidates for Unit
ed States Senator and Governor.
The new totals computed on adding
machines gives Boies Penrose 56,306
votes, instead of 49,4 97. or an increase
of 6,809: A. Mitchell Palmer. 20.274.
instead of 20.333, a decrease of 50,
and Uifford Pinchot, 34.109, instead of
33.990. an increase of 119. For Gover
nor the corrected returns are: Vance
C. MeCormiek, 45.913. instead of 45,-
229, an increase of 684; Martin G.
Brumbaugh, 63,466. instead of 61.467,
■ an increase of 1.999.
The recount was made as the result
of the tiling of a petition by Walter J.
Christy, .'hairman of the Republican
County Committee. The corrected fig
ures have been certified to the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth.
A Natural Question
Our small daughter is very fond of
her bath, writes a contributor to Har
per's Magazine, but she objects vigor-
I ously to the drying process.
One day, while we were remonstrat
ing with her, she said: "Why, what
wouli happen, tnamma. if you didn't
wipe me dry! Would I get rusty T"
Curvature of the Earth
The eartrh's curvature is very nearlv
eight inches for t'oe first mile, thirty
| two for the second, seventy-two for
I tile third, 128 for the fourth, and so
on. Law: Curvature of phe earth's
I surface on a true plane at sea level
is close to fhe product of eight inches
multiplied by the square of the num
ber re .resenting miles. Thus 128
; equals eiglit multiplied by four squared
i e<iual» eight multiplied bv sixteen.—
I New York Journal.
Exhibit Has Been Great Success Fea
tured by Many White Wyandotte*
—Handsome Trophies Given Win
ners—Will Continue To-morrow
Eleven silver cups ami JSSO in .-ash |
prizes have been awarded in the sec
ond atiuual poultry show held in the 1
Chestnut street auditorium under the i
auspices of the Central Pennsylvania
Poultry Association. Pri/.e winners
were late yesterday after-,
noon. The show will continue until to
morrow night at 10 o'clock. Although
the weather has lessened the atten
dance, the show has been a great sue- j
cess from the number and kind of ex !
A. .1. Veil, of West Palls. Pa., took
most of the prices in the White Wyau-1
dotte eiiiss, which exhibit featured the
show. Tlio .judges were:
W. Andrews. White Wyandotte?;'
.1. IV Koons. White Rock and Wvan-;
dottes; A. W. Newcomer. Bantams
Rhode Islau.i Reds; A. B. Cos, Barred
Ro.ks and Leghorns.
The awards follow:
Barred Bocks
Cocks—First, C. Guy Mevers; second.
Scibert Bros.; third, 'c. Guv Mevers;!
fourth. K. F. White; fifth, John Camp
bell. |
Hens—First, second, third and fifth,
C. Guy Meyers.
Cockerels—Kirst, second, third audi
fit'th. C. Uuv Meyers; fourth, Stees i. i
Pullets—First, second, third and ;
fourth, C. Guy .Meyers; fifth, Stees \
Exhibition Pen—First, C. Guy Mey
ers; second. Cooper.
PuHet-bred Cocks—First. C. Guy
Meyers; second, K. Berlew.
Cockerel-bred Hens —First and sec- !
ond, C. Guy Meyers.
Pullet-bred Cockerel—First, C. Guv
Meyers: second, third and fourth, M. li.
Stnnsfield: fifth, C. Guy Meyers.
Cockerel-»bred Pullet- —First, C. Guy '
Meyers; second and third. Robert 0.
Pullet-bred Hens —First. G. W. Kin
ter; second, Stees & Reeves.
Coekerc!-bred Pen—First. C. Gu;- !
Meyers; second. Stees i. Reeves: third,,
Mrs. Jay X. ilursh.
White Bocks
Cocks—First. Geo. Hale A- Bro.; sec- I
ond and third. J. 11. Zeiders.
Hens—First and second, Geo. Hale
& Bro.; third and fourth. J. 11. Zei
Cockerels—-First, X. H. Klopp; sec
ond, Geo. Hale A; Bro.
Pullets—First and second, X. U. I
Klopp: third and fourth, Geo. Hale A I
Silver-iaced Wyandotte
Cockerels—First, F. Wm. Ziegler.
Pullets—First. F. Wm. Xiegler.
Pene—Fir-»r. G. G. Schellehamer.
Golden Wyandotte
Pen—First. Kemper Yass.
S. C. B. I. Beds
Cocks—First. M. H. Banks.
Hens —First. M. 11 Banks.
Cockerels—First. M. H. Banks; sec- ,
ond. Fred W. Downs; third, M. H. j
Banks: fourth. V. G. Brandt; fifth, .1. I
11. Michaels.
Pullets—First. M. H. Banks; second, j
Ira K. Bigler; third. A. G.;
fourth, W. W. Feeser; fifth, J. H. .
Pens —First M. H. Banks; second
lira E. Bigler: third. M. H. Banks.
8. C. Brown Leghorn
Hens —Fir*r and second, I). K. Bar
' ris: third and fourth. Arthur Ho!lis.
S. C. Buff L-e jfcorns
Cock—First. H. E. Wert.
Hens —First. G. E. Wert; second. G
I W. Ellerman.
Cockerels —First and second. G. W
Ellerman; third. H. E. Wert.
Pullets —First, H. E. Wert; second
| G. W. Ellerman.
S. C. White Leghorns
Cocks —First, Dr. A L. Shearer: sec
: ond. Sairuel Thomas: third, Geo. hi
I Brown.
Hens—First. Ssin el Thomas: sec
!on i. >. W. Bright'iill; tiiird. Rvai:
1 Bros.: fourth and fifth. S. W. Bright
I bill.
Cockerels—F'rsi. S. W. BrightbiH:
• second. J. H. Michaels; third, S. W
I BrightbiH: fourth. Ryan Bros.; fifth
S. W. Briglitbill.
Pullet" —First, second, third an
fourth. S. W. BrightbiH; fifth, J. II
Mi haels.
Pens—First. S. W. BrightbiH; sec
ond. Geo. M. Border.
S. C. Black Minorcas
Cocks—First and recond. .las. H
j Smith; third, C. Guv Me- ers; fourth
; M. H. Banks.
Her.s—First. Geo. A. Sloa.l: second
Jas. H. Smith: third. C. G;;y Meyers:
fourth and fifth. M. H. Banks.
Cockerels —First and second. G. X
The Original
Our Trafie Mark Xo. 6 is reg
istered in the V. 3. Patent
Oflli e as No. 53.3«»0.
Get Acquainted
with the superior qualities of
this perfeet blend. In the
neck of each bottle now is a
New Sllvared
Non-Reililable Device
permitting an absolutely free
flow without in any- way af
fei .l ig tb- color u> puiity of
the contents.
Bottled Only la Full MinrH
On Ladies' Suits, Coats, and Furs.
On Men's Suits, Overcoats
For Your Choice of ONE LOT OF a
S 200 Missss 9 6 Children's Coats 160 Ladies' Coats,
THIS LOT AND In Mackinaws, Balmacaans and HJF
M *b.u»sol.di«'AllWo.ll.r g . THESE MLL^S'ELL PAST. M
uriises Values Up to msoi JML
[Extra Large Black or Brownsg* SO Your Choice of 25 Sealette
I Ladies' Suits & s<ij JjP|k Men's Suits &
Long Coats 8 Iff B Overcoats
J About 200 to Select From. lIIS .JjjfflJ You Must Take Advantage of
I Values up to S2O. PRICE, $lO Jgk This Sale. Choice at . . $lO |
Seltzer: third and fourth, C. Guy Mey-!
ers; fifth, .las. 11. Smith.
Pullets—First. C. Guy Meyers; sec
ond, G. X. Seltzer; third and fourth, P.
J. Pooher: fifth G. X. Seltzer.
Pen—-First, M. H. 'Banks.
S. C. Bull Orp'ngtons
< \>. k«—Third, C. Guy Meyers: first,
C. Guy Meyers: second, Tlios. Roberts.
Hens—Second, C. Guy Meyers; third.
(\ Guy Meyers: first, C. Guy Meyers;
rnur.h. Tn is. Ri berts: fifth, T'hos. Rob
Cockerels—Se.'ond, C. Guy Meyers;
firs", <'. Guy Meyers.
Pullets—Firat, C. Guy Meyers.
S. C. W. Orpingtons
C ock ' —First, G. F. Win u rs; second,
G. I . W.nters.
Hers —First. G. I*. Winters; se-oifcl,
G. F. Winters.
Cockerels—First, G. F. Witters; sc.'-
ond. G. F. Winters; Third, Sheet* Bros.
Puilets—- coed. G. F. Winters: first.
G. i\ Winters; third. Siadtl Bros.
Pen First. G. F. Winters.
Cccks —Fine. J. 0. Metherell.
'Hens—First. I. G. Metiierell.
Cockerels —First, J. G. Metherell.
Puilets—l rst, -I. G. Metherell; sec
ond. J. G. MetiiereH; third, J. G. Mot'h
Pens —First. J. G..'Metherell.
Ears Cornish
Co Its—First, Harry Dra. e.
Hens—Fourth. K. [). Reider; third,
H. D. Rei.ler: fiith. -i. W. Tawney: sec
ond. Harry Drace; first, Harry Draco.
Coekerels-—Firs;, J. W. Tawnev.
White Cornish
' 'ks—l irst, Jho. H. .Shef'er.
Hens—'Kirs*. Jao. H. Sheffer.
Cockerels —First, Jno. D. Sheffer.
Pullets—First. Jno. Sheffer.
Silver Campiues
Cocks—First, ti. G. W. (Jafber; sec
ond. R. D. Reider.
Henc—First. G. W. Garber; third,
7c a Day for Thi«t
The Watch and the Price Defy
All Oimpetitlon
Women's and Men's
Open fare or Hunting ense.
These watches fully guaranteed,
Elgin or Waltham movement, ex
j pansion balance, polished regu
lator, display winding works, pat
ent self-locking setting device,
and rust-proof cßse guaranteed
for 25 years. Perfect in every
Only $14.00
BOc a Week—Can Yon Beat It?
Fall Line of Xmu Good*
Now on Display
American Watch I
Diamond Csmpany
Open ETcnings
G. W. Garber; second, R. D. Reider.
Cockerels—Second, J. K. Klinefelter;
first, G. Horsman; tihird, Goo. B. Schef
Pullets—Second, .T. K. Klinefelter;
fifth, G. W. Garver; third, G. W. Gar- •
ver; fourtth, R. D. Reider; first, George
B. Se'haeffer.
Golden Campines
Cockerels—First, A. A. Schuller.
Pullets—First, A. A. Schuller; sec
j ond, A. A. Schuller; tlrird. Geo. B.
Schaeffer; fourth, Geo. B. PfchnefTer.
Pen—'First, A. M. Jaeoby.
fi. C. B. Bantams
Cocks—First, M. !H. Banks.
Hens—(First, M. H. Banks; second,
M. H. 'Banks.
Cockerels—First, IM. H. Banks.
Pullets—First. "M. H. Banks.
Black Cochin
Conks—First, Jno. A. Simons,
j Hens—First, Jno. A. Simons.
Cockerels—Third, Jno. A. Simons;
■first, <'? has. Madenford; second, Ohas.
I Madenford.
Pullets—Third, Jno. A. Simons; first,
Ghas. Afadenford; se*o:.d, C*has. Maden
j ford.
R. C. Whites
Cocks—Second. Sheet/ Bros.; first-,
(Mrs. Walter F. Fisher.
Hens—First, Sheetz Bros.; secoml,
|IM.TS. Walter F. Fisher.
Cockerels—'First, second, third and
| fourth, Mrs. Walter F. Fisher.
Pallets—First, second, third and
. four'lh, Mrs. Walter F. Fisher.
Golden Soabright
Hens—'First, S. Russell Xoss.
| Pullets—First, S. Russell Xoss.
White Carriers
j First, second, Geo. "vlrmidt.
White Wyandottes
Cocks —First, A. J. Fell; second,
West Mt. Poultry Yards; third. Charles
- ; U Briner: fifth. A. J. Fell; sixth, A.
J. Fell: seventh, A. J. Fell; eighth,
, West. Mt. Poultrv Yards.
Hens—First, A. J. Fell; second, A.
jj. Fell: third. A. J. Fell; fourth, West
i Mt. Poultry Yards; fifth. A. J. Fell;
: sixth. A. J. Fell; seventh, John Nottle;
! eighth, West Mt. Poultrv Yards.
_ Cockerels—First, West Mt. Poultry
'Yards; second, A. ,T. Fell; third. West
I Mt. Poultry Yards; fourth. Charles E.'
Henninger; fifth, A. J. Fell; sixth, West
Mt. Poultry Yards; seventh. West Mt. i
Poultry Yards; eighth, A. J. Fell.
Pullets—First. A. .1. Fell; second,
A. J. Gies; third, West Mt. Poultry
i Yards; fourth, West Mt. Poultry!
\ards; fifth', A. .1. Gies: seventh, A. .i.l
| Gies; eighth, A. .T. Fell.
Young Pens—First, A. J. Fell; sec !
| ond, A. .T. Fell; third, Ellwool Tavlor;i
; fourth, West Mt. Poultry Yards; "fifth,J
j Charles E. Henninger; sixth, Z. Fletch
ior & Son; seventh, A. G. Hagenberger;
| eighth, Mrs. Harry C. Weils.
Aged Philadclpbian Reminiscent at
White House
Washington, Dee. 11.—Wayne Mac '
Veagli, of Philadelphia, Attorney Gen
-1 eral under President Garfield, was a |
caller on President Wilson Wednesday. |
.He remained with the President for !
some time, hut declared that the visit j
was purely personal and had no bearing'
j on public matters.
Mr. MacVeagh said that he had \
opened his home here for the winter ajil .
had dropped in to chat with the Presi-1
: dent and for no other purpose.
As he sat in the executive offices >
. chatting with Senator J. Hamilton Lew
; is, he became reminiscent and recount- i
I ed inany Washington experiences.
"I called on President Buchanan in j
i the White House just 60 years ago,"
he said, "he was a warm friend of j
Mr. MauVeagh is over 81 years old
j and for the last five years has lived
I more or less retired un his farm,
' " Brookfield," near Bryu Mawr.
/" \
To-night. "Billy, the Kid"
To-morrow afternoon and evening,
"Damon and Pythias"
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous /audeville and pic
''Billy, the Kid"
"Billy the Kid" will warm the heart
of every loving mother in the audience
at ItociMujestic this afternoon and even
ing. '"Billy is a character which ap
peals to aii classes, young and old. His
devotion as a son, his gallantry and
love-making as a sweetheart have cap
tured toe female element all over the
country. It is one of those plays, so re
plete with real human interest, that i't
will probably live for years. Berkeley
Haswell is starring in this production of
"Billy, the Kid." Not in years has
there been a drama which in any way
approaches this one in popular interest.
"Damon and Pythias"
In the most enthusiastic endorse
ments the Supreme Tjodge of the
Knights of Pythias has hailed this won
derful moving -picture as the greatest
work of its' character America has yet
produced. Xot only is it of special aip
feal to Pythians, but no incident in
earth's hstory, no love of man for man,
has been so idealised as by the example
of these noble warriors of flreece.
Again, it is t'hev that answer the eternal
question, "Who is my friend?" You
ask yourself, you ask your friend "can
friendship be as Constant as this?" See
this wonderful story for an answer that
has illuminated all age-s. This surpass
ing spectacle will be presented iu six
I arts at the Majestic to-morrow matinee
and night, and its scenes of massive and
elaborate investiture are filled with ac
tion, intense dramatic fire and most ap-
She is our Guest and is with our exhibit at the Poultry Show every
I afternoon and evening demonstrating the famous
Prairie State Incubators
Everyone interested in Profitable Poultry should take advantage of
this opportunity to talk with Miss Trench and get the valuable practical
information she is able as an expert to givo you.
I pealing senftiment. The strongest east
I yet assembled I'or a picture production
appear anil Damon atnl I'ythfcis are
! most ideally realized. Adv.***
At the Orplinum
" Pekia Mysteries ' at the Orpheun
tlbisj week is as wonderful as it is unique.
Admirers of tlie quaint Orient are
i bound to delight in this troupe of per
formers, not ouly because of the dis
tinctly foreign atmosphere they bring
with them, but because their feats ;ne
s>) skillful anil by all odds the best v.p
have seen. In the act of "i'ekin Mvj-
|teries" it is not :i (•use of how many
I feats they perform as it is the excel
lence of each of them. There is no stall
i ing, no mediocre tricks just to fill in,
but each one of tltem is extraordinary.
Rquilibrism, magic and OrientaJ dancca
are all hap; ilv blended into a rattling
entertainment. Supporting this Oriental
i novelty is Betty Bond and Jimmie Ca£\
sou in their delightful and nifty song;
dance ami patter «kit; Nane, t'he Pa
risian dancer, appears in a splendid
| Parisian dancing novelty; Cameron and
; Gaylord present a surprise comedy tiling
is richly humorous; .1. 0. Nugent nn«
company serve up a comedy with
touches of sentiment, entitled "Tlrft
I Square/" that calls in clever playing,
interesting situations and bright lines.
I The Orpheum's bill is replete with merit/
I and clever entertainment. Adv.***
At the Colonial
A regulation " big time" vocal offer*
! iug, in fact one that is seldom seen oil
I popular price*l vaudeville -bills, is the
j rattling act that the Salon Singers ar#
I offering at the Colonial for the last hal?
jof t'he week. Such delightful harmoit*
• ists, six of tliem, together with pien£
' ing personalities and excellent stag#
I pictures, is equal to any attraction of
| its kind that llarrislmrgers have seen,.
| Other clever Keith acts of the bill in
{ elude Walsh, Lynch and company in a
comedy playlet, entitled "Huckin'J
j Run;" Dawson and Gilette, comedy,
i song and patter artists, and Musical
Irving, novel instrumentalist. Adv.***
i It Would Make a Difference
Schoolmaster—Now, if your mother
| were to give you a large apple and a
j small one and told you to divide wM»
i your brother, which apple would yo*
give him? .Johuny—D'you mean injfj
'I ig 'brother or my little brother?— Lol
l- don Tit-Bits.
War is a most expensive luxury, anil
j it is not mueh of a luxury at that.