The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 11, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    —— 1
We Refund Railroad Fare to Out-of-Town Customers
F.urth t ! \ CTDirH'C 1 F»Hk t
N.rk.t | t\.iJ 1 mLll i 3 j M.rkii
Women's and Misses' Newest Goats, l$Q QQ
' Made to Sell for sls and $16.50 Choice, j #€r w
A fine big purchase of these thoroughly good ultra smart Winter Coats that
look every bit ot' their -f 15.(X) to $.16.50 worth will go to help make Saturday the
biggest coat day of the season—You couldn't hope for a better value even at the
end of the season.
Smart Overplaids—Rich Heather Mixtures —English Coatings-
Pebble Cheviots—lmported Zibelines
Choice of Black, Blue, new dark shades of Brown and Green.
Women's and Misses' New $M AO Women's and Misses' Now $Q QQ
f57.98 Mixture Coats, fsls to $lB Coat Suits,
■ j Smart mannish models with big reppling back. I I Mostly Navy Blue and Black in a variety of up I
I jaunty coats with novelty belt effect ami others I Ito ilato styles. Only one or two of each stvle. Alt I
I with straight back styles. Choice. 94.0H | I sizes represented; quantity limited. |
PI IIGH ff^IXT C In a va riety of choice models at prices
i rLU kJI I Vtft/rtfkJ that cannot be duplicated.
Plush Coats CIK AA Plush Coats <£l Q 7K Plush Coats (gOO CA
$20.00 kind. vltiiVV $25.00 kind. $27.50 kind,
Women's and Misses' latest $F QQ Women's and Misses' New SIC
fSO to $lO Cloth Dresses, w^wO - ] r522.5Q to {27.50 Coat Suits, 19")
j i In a variety of smart models, most of which arc I I All our regular $22.50. $25.00 aud $27.50 Coat
• I samples in the latest pleated or circular skirt ef- I I Suits will be grouped for special clearance. This
I fects; good a."sortment of colors aud sizes. | j season's choicest models are among them.
> * — t——
Special Holiday Sale of Little Girls' Coats
Pretty New Fashions at Big Savings
$1.98, $2.98. $3.98, $4.98, $5.98 to $10.98
Mrs. Robert C. Williams Issues Invita
tion for Dance at Country Club on
Christmas Eve—Hanisburgers to
Attend Dinner in New York City
A number of Yuletide parties are be
i:;g planned by and for the voting folks
who will be home from the schools and
college? and it looks as if the younger
brothers and listers of the debutantes
TV ii! have quite as good a time as the
debutantes and big brothers themselves.
Mrs. Robert C. Williams, of 1616
North Second street, has issued invita
t.or.s for a dance at the Country Club,
cn ••the Light before Christmas" for
Miss Arta Williams, and the guests
sue will on certain during the ho'.idavs.
riie debutantes of the se;ison and
t' 1 younger members of the dancing
will attend the dance which will
' piven ti.'s evening by Dr. and Mr-.
Henry M. Stine, at their home. 21
Pcuth I : ' t -tree:. . -omplimentarv to
t.ieir -ue-t. Miss Montandon Morris.
K.™ Joseph, Mo. The decorations
v;.: •<» Vaierican Beauty roses an i
Christmas gretns. i
To Attend Dinner in New York
Mr-. James Henry Darlington, first
vi.-e j resilient of the Council of the
•v vietv of Pennsylvania Women, ant
. . -s Kioine Bergner are among the
K.irri- .urgers who will attend the din
-1,1 of the sovietv to be given eo
.. v with th. Pennsylvania Soviet v
if New York to-morrow night in the
• • aldorf Astoria. New York Citv.
\uu>':g the men of the eitv who will
r r.'it.l tin- I'enusvlvania Societv meet-
V -iH the following: Governor Ten
• . W r.aither. Harry S. McDevitt.
' • i! - >' Baker. Senator Beidlemau,
••om-m-sioiu'r Jackson'. Charles li. Berg-
Mr, Frank A. Smith. John A. Hermau
iind George Btrgner.
»tr- Kollin Alger Sawyer and Mrs.
F. Herbert Snow poured tea at the an
nua! Christmas » H le of Triuitv Guild
of St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal
«*nurcb. which is held this after
noon from 3 to 6 o'clock in the parish
house. Home-made cakes, candies and
goodies of all kinds are being soid. as
\veli as fancy articles suitable for gifts.
A dance will be given at the Coun-'
try Club Monday evening bv Mr. and I
Mrs. F. Herbert Snow complimentary |
' . I
I re«ent one to the family this Christmas. They range in price from
915.00 to 8300.00. We will arrange convenient terms if von wish.
C. A\. SiAlar, Inc.
Pianos YlctroU* »
jzz 3© N_
i to Miss Louise Carney, one of the sea
son 's debutantes.
Met at Home of Miss McCormick
A meeting of the Red Cross division
of the Harrisburg Home and War Ke
lief Committee was held yesterday at
the home of Mi*s Anne McCormick,
301 North Front street. The work of
this department, which will be very ex
tensive, was outlined and discussed.
Some of the members yesterday spent
some time in the Blough Manufacturing
Company's plant, learning the method
of sorting garments and obtaining oth
er information essential to the work
which will be carried on. The Bieugh
Company will cut all the garments to
be made.
Each division will have it's own!
room and it's own desk, and later on
an information bureau will be estab
lished. thus preventing any confusion.
The executive committee will meet
every Wednesday evening at 8.30
o 'clock.
Members of the Red Cross division
will sell home-made candy on the open
ing night of the Belgium week at the
Orpheum and if the venture proves suc
cessful. the other divisions will select
nights and do the same.
The Re I Cross division committee in
cludes: Mis> Anne McCormick, chair
man: Mrs. Carl B. Ely, vice chairman:
Mrs. Ros< A. Hickok. Mrs. John E. Fox,
Mrs. George G. Kunkel, Mrs. John C.
stine. Miss Gemmil, Mrs. John Fox
Weiss. Miss Mary Robinson, Mrs.
Morris E. Jackson. Mrs. Richard M. H.
Wharton, Mrs. J. B. McAUster, Mrs.
Orville W. Hickok, Miss Kathleen West
brook. Mrs. John K. Royal. Mrs. H. B.
Bent. Mrs. Roy G. Cox] Mrs. Carl W. j
Davis. Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. Cam 1
eron S. Young. Middletown; Mrs. Rob-;
ert H. Thomas, Jr., Mechanicsburg; '
Mrs. i;. A. Bell. Camp Hill; Mrs. Ster
lng. Dauphin; E. Z. Gross and George'
W. Reilv. 6
To Count Vote at Engineers' Club
To-night will be a big night at the
club house of the Engineers' Society
of Pennsylvania as the ballots for the'
annua! election of officers will be count
ed. These ballots are coming in from
members ail over the State and it is j
expected that there will be a big at
tendance of members to hear the re- i
suits. The announcement will be made '
about 5.30.
The society is electing a full set of
officers. Farley Gannett, chief engineer
of the State Water s>upplv Commission,
is the only candidate for president.
There are interesting contests for other
In addition to the election the pro-
gram for the night in dudes talks on
; -Europe When the War Broke Out,''
I to be given by Dr. John Price Jackson,
Commissioner of Uibor and Industrv,
and president of the society, and George
F. Watt, president of the Elliott-Fisher
Typewriter Company, both of whom
were >u Europe when hostilities st.iri
ed. There will also be a collation.
The Ceremony Was Performed This
Morning in Fourth Street
Church of God
! , Tl ' e wedding of Miss Sue B. Djgan.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Uu-
I gan, .'3 North Seventeenth street, to
Frank H. Eager, of this citv. was ,i
quiet event of to-day, taking place this
norning in the Fourth Street Church
ot God.
Ibe ceremony was performed bv the
Hex. Dr. Bradley Markward, pastor of
Bethlehem Lutheran church, assisted bv
the Rev. l>r. \\ ilham N. \ rites, [*a-:or
o; the Fourth Street Chinch of God,
j iu the presence of the immediate num
bers of the families. There were uo
i attendants
Following the ceremonv Mr. and
Mrs. Eager left for a wedding trip
through the South and on their return
will be "at home" after January 15
at the Covert apartments, North FoJrth
1 street.
The bride is a well-known contralto
of the city and is a member of the
quartet of Bethlehem Lutheran church
and of the Wednesday Music Club.
Mr. Eager is cocnected with the
| Henry Gilbert & Son hardware firm.
Entertained Classmates at the Home of
His Parents
Mrs. Oscar G. W'n-kersbam enter
tained the classmates of her son,
"Tom," at luncheon at her home,
North Front street, to-day in celebra
tion of his ninth birthday anniver
The luncheon table was beautifully
; decorated in the bright colors of the
Christmas season. A large sleigh, in
; which was seated Santa Claus with his
i pack, formed an attractive center
piece. Running from the sleigh to
eaeh guest's place was a red ribbon to
which was attached a gift from the
pack of Santa Gaits. Covers were laid
for sixteen.
Entertained Members of Embroidery
Club at Her Home
Mrs. Charles A. Stigelman enter
tained the members of the Thursdav
Evening Embroidery Club at her home,
24 Prospett street, last evening. The
guests sewed and enatted, after which
dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were Mrs. George Eet
terhoff. Sirs. Yeneda Llewellyn. Miss
Nancy Kline, Mrs. Ed. Von Houser,
Mrs Frank Goodhart, Mrs. V. B. Stigel
man. Miss Evelyn Stigelman. Miss
Artye Haulman and Mrs. C. A. Stigel- j
Ziegler-Taylor Wedding
Mountville, Dec. 11.—John F. Zieg
ler and Miss Jean Florence Taylor, of
Stockton, Cel., were married yester
day by the Rev. Horace E. Neeka. The
| bridegroom is engaged in the jewelry
: business and is a graduate o>f several
i colleges. A reception followed.
Erb-Beach Wedding
Pequea. Dec. 11. —Miss Barbara C.
: Beach, of this place, was married to
day to Chester W. Erb, of Moltwood,
at th<> parsonage of the United Breth
ren church, the Kev. A. B. Harnish of
ficiating with the ring ceremony. The
couple was attended by Miss Nora Hen
ry and Walter Rnsb. A reception fal
lowed at the hom e of the btride.
Announcement Wai Mad* at Party
Given by Mis® Hazel Webb,
Last Ereolni
Miss Ha/.el Webb entertained in a
most delightful manner at h«r homo,
2323 Noruh Sixth street, hurt evening.
The house was prettily decorated with
Christnuis greens, holly aud needlopine
During the evening Miss Wetab an
nounced, in a novel way, the engage
ment of Miss Helen Z. King, daughter
of Mrs. Oarrie King, 547 Seneca
street, to Dr. Howard K. Gensler, 132S>
Derrv street.
Miss King is a gra<Hiate of Central
High school, class of 1909, and Uas
been employe*! as a stenogirapher in
the Department of Koouomy and Jsf
flencv on Capitol Hill. Dr. Gensler is a
graduate of Central High sehool, 1907,
and orf Philadelphia Soliool of Phar
macy, claas of 1912, aud is assistant
chemist and aonlvigt in the Depewt
me«t of Agriculture on Ca,pitol Hill,
The wedding of the voting people
will take place Christmas Day at the
home of the bride, the Rev. Harry Ill
rich, of Princeton, a classwate of Dr.
Gensler, officiating.
The 'guests i ucj iiijivi: Miss Helen Z.
King. Mr. and Xlrs. George King, Miss
Elizabeth Gwisler. Miss Bessie Gensler
and Miss Bother Gensler, of Bermuda,
Adams eounty; Mi«s Hazel Webb, Miss
Blanche Baker, Mrs. Carrie King, Mrs.
Kate Holbert, Carlis'e; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Webb. Harry WeW) and Dr.
Howard E. Gensler.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bushey Given
Pleasant Surprise by Their
Friends Last Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Johu M. Bushey, who
have just returned from their wedding
trip, were given a delightful surprise
last evening, when the members of the
Adult Bible Classes of the Lutheran
church of the Holy Communion, march
ed to the home of Mr. Bushey's par
ents, 1406 State street, ami presented
them with a chest of beautiful siher.
The presentation speech was made
by Captain Lumb, of the State Con
stabulary. The Rev. John Henry Miller,
pastor of the church, and H. A. Ixieser,
superintendent of the Bible school, also
made appropriate remarks.
The guests were entertained by piano
solos by Professor Carpenter and vocal
selections by Mr. Bushey and VST. E.
Bachman, after which refreshments
! were served.
I Those present were Captain and Mrs.
I liUtnb and sou, Fred; the Rev. John
Henry and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
'H. A. Ijoeser, Mrs. Landis, Mr. and
Mrs. Gernet, Mr. and Mrs. Yingst,
Mr. and Mrs. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Xagle
I Professor and Mrs. Carpenter and son,
I Kliner; Mrs. Bailey. Miss Light ner, Mr.
and Mrs. Shearer and son, Carl; Mr.
and Mrs. Hossler, Mrs. Lehman, Miss
Books, Mr. and Mrs. Carr Brvner, Miss
Brvner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer
man, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bushey,:
Miss Helen Bushey, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bushey and John M. Bushey, Jr.
Ladies the Quests Last Night of the
Men of Redeemer Lutheran
An entertainment and so.'ial in hon
or of the ladies was given last night
at the Plat Iron bui ling by the Men's
Bible class of the Lutheran ChKMch
of the Rt'deoaier. Following the invo
cation by the pastor, the lie v. E. Vic
tor Roland. the address of welcome,
"Alwiys Smile," was given by the
teacher of the class, E. X. Lebo.
The musical numbers on the progTam
included vocal solos by Harry Etter
and by M. M. Tawnev; vocal duets by
Miss Flora Bshenowor and Miss Esther
Gauffer; piano solos by Miss Benson
and selections by the Pie,'to Mandolin
C'lub. A well rendered reading by Miss
Margaret Cover won considerable ap
Refreshments were served at the
conclusion or' the program, with favors
for the ladies.
Annual Christmas Service of Market
Square Presbyterian Announced
The hoir of Market Square Presby
terian church, un.ler t r ne direction of
Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris, with Miss Ruth
'onkling, organist, will give its annual
Christmas carol service on Sunday, De
cember 20. at 4.30 o'clock. The etooir
will be assisted by Mrs. E. ,T. Decevee,
soprano: Miss Mary Seaman, contralto,
and Dr. John I'. Reed, violinist.
The program promise* to be one of
special beauty and will consist of
carols, ancient and modern. Miss Belle
Middaugh will sing Barnby's ''When I
View the 'Mother," and Mrs. Harris
will sing the old German carol, "Holy
Xight, Silent N'ight."
Special attention is called to the
hour of this service, 4.30 o'clock. There
will be no.evening service at the usual
hour on that Sunday.
On December 27, John E. West's can
tata, "The Story of Bethlehem," will
be sung by the choir.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Miss Margaretta Spooner. a 9tudent i
at Simmons College, Boston, Mass.. will!
arrive the latter part of next week to |
spend the holiday season with her j
mother, Mrs. W. H. Spooner, 117 Lo '
cust street. Miss Spooner will bring
W Hirer. ' IK tm. btifc
I cwm.r..w, k c. ur. i.k„
Main F
Robe iwjrSjg
IT'S a man's sort of Christ
-1 mas gift—the kind he
would buy for himself. Any
thing that is useful, practical,
sensible, pleases him he
wants his money's worth.
Exceptional Value
Bath Robes at
$5 and $7.50
■pHB most beautiful colorings we
have over shown—the quality
is of the highest order—some
with two buttons, three pockets
and coriled silk edges. others
two poekets and rope belt—all
Neckwear —
most unusual showing of neck
wear—Silks, knitted and silk
knitted—in a gorgeous variety, at
50c to $3.00
Open Evenings
Third and Market
with her several classmates, who will
be her guests'.
Miss Sara Sergeant, of Carlisle, is
spending a month with her sister, Mrs.
lohn C. Kunkel, 11 South Front street.
Miss Mary Sergeant, who has been vis
iting friends in the city for the past
week, has gone to Philadelphia.
Mrs. John C. Houek and little daugh
ter. Eleanor, of Lebanon, are visiting
the former's parents, Mr. and Mr:}. E.
E. Ewing. 1208 North Second street.
Mrs. George W. Reily. Jr., and Miss
Mary Reily. Front and Keily streets,
are spending several days at the Blen
heim, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Robert McKelvey and little
daughter, of Titusville. who have been
visiting the former's mother, Mrs. H. C.
Orth, '-'23 State street, have gone to
New York City. v ~
Mrs. Harry B. Whitesall. 1911 Park
street, has "returned from a month's
visit with relatives tmd friends in
Mrs. John Y. Boyd and Jackson Herr
Bovd, 124 Pine street, left this morning
for a trip to New York.
Mrs. Frederic C. Martin, of River
side, left this morning for New York
City, where she will be the guest ot
Dr." and Mrs. Douglas Doty, Riverside
Mrs. Jacob Eshelman. 234 2 Derrv
street, is the guest of her father, Henry
Rodman, Lebanon.
G. Mappelbv, of this city, is spend
ing several days in Atlantic City, reg
istered at the Hotel Dulop.
J. Schwartz, this city, is registered
at the Hotel Jackson, Atlantic City.
Miss Marian Strouse, Irving College,
is spending the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse,
1632 Ntrth Second street.
W. Gardner, Providence, R. I„ is
spending the winter with his son. Wil
liam Gardner, 1833 Spencer street.
William Worcester, 1941 Green
street, is home from New York.
Miss Mae J. Ijong, Kast Orange, N.
J., returned after a visit with Mrs. J.
R. Bartlev, 1305 Market street.
Mrs. John Whistler, 322 South
Thirteenth street, is home from a visit
Qo S e g- Co mn Imi O©l mi g
v npHAT'S the story of our Ladies' Coat Department. Every
day brings us the newest and freshest and most
stylish Ladies' Coats---and that same day sees most of
i!siSi going out.
We've surpassed even ourselves this season. Ladies'
/ i \ tell us so-«-and they know---they get around some.
| For This Week Another Record Breaking Sale /
\ lOOCoats,mostly "Pile Fabrics", Zibelines, Plushes,Chin
r—-—chillas, Caraculs and many other imported fabrics that
S njfs ladies' fairly revel in, because they combine richness with
// 1\ comfort--twelve different models, some with fur collars
/ 1\ Ladies' Coats that sold at $35.00 are . . . $25.00
J Jy Ladies' Coats that sold at $25 and S3O are $18.75
Ladies' Coats that sold at $22.50 and $25 are $15.00
Ladies' Coats that sold at $lB and S2O are $12.75
Ladies' Bazaar
The Sort of Sift She'll Appreciate Most
At Liberal Price Redactions
In choosing a gift for her, deride upon something that will give her
lasting service and pleasure. For mother, wife or sister any of these
suggestions will prove especially desirable from a quality ns well as a
price standpoint.
We'll Cash Your Christmas Clnb Check
t \
Eiderdown Bath Robes
ThAy come in a variety of light
and dark shades.
$3.00 values,
*3.50 values. $2.29 j
v -
t \
Furs and Maribous
A wide variety, attractive in
style and price.
Maribou throws and muffs in
natural, black and mixed with
ostrich, sold separately or in sets.
$5 to 112 Throws,
$2.98 to $7.98
$« to sls Muffs,
$3.98 to $12.98
Black Fox Furs, sold separate
ly or in sets.
Neck pieces $3.98 U P
Muffß $4.98
See the New Barrel Muff
We have it in Siberian Wolf,
trimmed with fitch, and hand
somely lined,
$4.98 up
Other furs of every description
in separate pieces and sets rang
ing in price up to $50.00.
V /
r \
Crepe* kimonos in floral and
other patterns, worth $1.50 to
*- r, ° 98c to $1.98
Silk kimonos in a variety of
patterns and models,
$3.98 up
srsar w 10.121.4 th ». -»■ ra
with her parents, Mr. atrd Mrs. Charles j
Ising, Shiremanstown.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Gardner, 1833 i
Spencer street, are home from a visit
with relatives at Lancaster.
J. Mutz, of PottsvUlo, was a guest i
of his daughter, Mrs. Raymond Zweibel,
1828 Kegina street.
Mrs. Joseph Naehman, 1615 North l
Second street, has returned from Bal
Mrs. William Harper, 331 South
Eighteenth street, has returned from
Miss Anna Wolf-son, 514 Walnut
| m i/yy .» w «/m> » *C3
j. City of Harrisburg Bonds "
I Denominations SIOO and SSOO >
Free of All Taxes in Pennsylvania f
', 224 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. < *
11 II iflf li ifti ■ 1 11 llflr-- n - ill iftfr- liflftr mflir «i
Silk Petticoats
We have them in messaline in
all the wanted shades and a va
riety of styles.
$2.00 values. $1.49
$3.00 values, Qg
$5.00 values, $2.98
EXtkA SPECIAL—A lot of
dainty crepe de chine petticoats
in white ami pink, flounces and
trimmings of very fine lace,
worth $6.98,
New arrivals for Christmas
gift purposes. The very newest
models decreed by fashion.
Crepe de chine waists in all
shades, worth $3.00, ® J gg
Flowered chiffon waists in dif
ferent models, worth $5 and $6,
$2.98 and $3.98
Others in lingerie, pique, mes
sallne and pussv willow silk,
98 * to $3.98
Muslin Underwear
A large stock here of combina
tion suits, petticoats, princess
slips, corset covers and drawers,
including bloomer styles,
98c to $1.98
Silk Hose
Ladies' Silk Boot Hose in all
the wanted shndes. including
bronze and mouse, the raging fa
vorites; worth 50c. Special,39c
street, left for Baltimore and V7«shinjj
ton, where she will visit relatives.
Alexander Cohn, of Baltimore, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aronscm,
257 h'orster street.
Miss Mary Paughertv, of Carlisle,
returned after a visit with Miss Olga
Meloy, 901) North Fifteenth street.
James Buck, of Roanoke, Va., is
spending a few weeks at his home, 1719
North Third street.
Miss Ida Shipman, of Snydertown,
has returned home after a visit to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hil'bush,
622 Curtin street.