2 PREMATURE BALDNESS F\ /pt Jili lUoion BUILDS COMMUNTTY HOME Pittsburgh Man Will House Four Sous' Families Under One Boof Pittsburgh, Pa.. Dee. 11. —In a 32- room a[wrtment hw.se. containing four suites. George W. Morton, a retired eoal operator, on Christmas o FIRE AT CORRY Blaze Starts in Eagles' Club—Clothiers Heavy Losers Corry. Pa.. Dec. 11. —Fire started on the second floor of Cameron Eagle's Clubroom yesterday morning and gut ted the building, with a total loss of *50,000. Half of this amount was sustained by Samuel Jaeobson et Co., leading cloth iers. CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT Albert F. Smith, of York. Accused by Philadelphia Firm York. Pa.. Dec. 11. —Charged with embezzling $360.70 from Gately & Fitzgerald, a Philadelphia firm, Albert F. Smith, this city, was arrested yes terday by detectives and committed to jai! for a hearing. He had been employed as an agent by the company. WOMAN LEAVES TWO WILLS Mrs. Margaret McQuail Cuts Off In stitutions in Second Paper Pottsville. Pa.. Dec. 11. —That Mrs. Margaret McQuail. of Xew Philadel phia, left two wills, one bequeathing large sums of money to charitable in stitutions and relatives, and the other ignoring these beneficiaries and leaving i her money to neighbors and her young J and pretty housekeeper, Mamie Rice, i was brought out in a hearing before J Register of Wills H. H. Seltzer vester- I day. t Interested persons are seeking to J have ho:h wUi> a in.itted to probate. DON'T FUSS WITH - MUSTAM PLASTERS Musterole Works Easier. Quicker and Without the Blister There's no sense in mixing up a mess of mustard, flour and water when you can so easily relieve pain, soreness" or stiffness with a little clean, white MUS TKROLK. MI'STEROLK is made of pure oil of mustard and other helpful ingredients, i-ombined in the form of a pleasant white ointment. It takes the olace of the out-of-date, mustard piaster, and will not blisterf MUSTEROLE gives prompt relief from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, ' roup. Stiff Xeek, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache. Congestion, Pleurisy, Rh'eu • n:atism. Lumbago, Pains and Aihes of' the Back or Joints/ Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet. Colds of the Chest tit often pre vents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sure yon get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations —get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. STARVING PALESTINE JEWS Turks Will Allow U. 8. Succor SMp to Go to Jerusalem By J«stxSa(rd Press. Washington, lie*. 11. —The TuVkinh government through Ambassador Mor genthaii has signiritsl to the State de partment its willingness that an ex pedition be setit to the relief of the people of Jerusalem. The expedition is being organised by Hebrew philna thr»[»rc soeieti«*> in Xw York which plan to semi a ship rhivugh the Medi terranean to Palestine. Xew York, Dec. 11. —Louis Mar-j sha.i, president of the American Jew ; ish Relief committee, which plans to \ send a ship load with supplies to the people of Jerusalem, said yesterday J ' the Writish French and German gv>v-. ernmetits, in addition to the Turkish, j have been asked whether they are will : ing to permit such an expedition to go \ through safely. There are approximately 100.00 Jews in Palestine who are in dire ; necessity, said Mr. Marshall. The I plaiis for the relief of these people are ' ; still tentative. A committee has been j unable to decide whether it would be' j more feasible to semi a relief ship x* ' Jerusalem frotn some point 111 Italy ; rather than from the Units*! States." j ' Orders Receiver for Power Company By Associated Press, Trenton, X. J., Dec. 11. —Chancellor I Walker in the court of chancery has | | tiled an opinion deciding that an in j junction should be issued against fho i ' International Power Company restrain- j j in<: it from continuing business and I I ordering the appointment of a receiver, i Bail Bond Declared Forfeited By Associated Press. New York. Dei'. 11. —A bon«l of! SI,OOO furnished by H. L. Liuder was i . declared forfeited yesterday by the. | court of general sessions when Lander j failed to appear before ,Tu I strong if you are thin, j Perfect health and good, solid beauti- ] t'ul tlesh can only come through the uso | of Samose, the remarkable iltsh-form- j | ing food. | Samose is not a drug or a stimulant: j | it is a scientific flesh-forming food that I restores thin people to a normal condi ; tion of pood healthy flesh. These statements are confirmed by H. C. Kennedy's offer to refund the money to anyone buying and using Sa- : inose who does not gain in weight as promised. The risk is all his. The thin aud scrawny can buy Samose at Drug gist H. C. Kennedy's store, with the ; knowledge that if it is not successful it will cost absolutely nothing. Adv. FILIBUS TERERS KILLED Expedition, Partially Broken Up by U. S. Cavalry, Meets Carrauzistas Brownsville. Tex.. Dec. 11. —Three Mexican filibusterers from tie Texas t side were killed and seven captured bv ' j Carratiza troops opposite (Hidalgo, Tex*, j ten days ago. according to news Which j reached the Mexican Consul here ves-1 terday. This as the filibustering expedition | which was partially broken up on the j American side recently by United States : cavalrymen. Six of tihe Mexicans cap-! tured by these cavalrymen were yester-' day sentenced to sixty days in jail ' here. ' " j Wfcy U LAXATIVE BROMO QI IXINE Better Thnn the Ordinary Quinlnef Because of its tonic and laxative effect ' LAXATIVE BROMO QI'IXIXE will t the solemn business for several weeks, i HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 11. 1914. | RUE HAND OF I Piano Pricss and Torms Absolutely Slaughtered I Mr. Tims Piano Buyer Mr. Cash Piano Buyer I i ;s»srs."it • *■-°r pi " n ° forw ~ •«»*«- I are simply deluged with Pianos. We positively must dispose of some 50 a week, what will be your price for cash? No matter what amount of cash Bfl Pianos within the next 24 hours. We will say nothing more in connection with - 011 ' lave on hand, be it great or small. Put it in your pocket and come down ftp 'his proposition. All we ask is that you come down and "See us. WILL YOU to our store. Let us show you what a tremendous bargain we can give you. ' ' A DOLLAR SAVED IS THE EASIEST DOLLAR YOU EVER EARNED. |1 s.»ss•«s rorpov i« WORTH *in sssss! This Piano has been used ir* Concert This beginners'upright in Mahogany. A M fffi'K Subject to the conditions of this advertise- fgfft. W ° r * un f d pJupmSvp St ° ol wonderfully light touch, designed exclus- KS ment W**# and Scarf. REMKMBbR every piano car- lvely for beginners use. This Piano can ■ I sssss'(• ries our Month's Exchange Guarantee.— be exchanged at any time within three Kg I s*ssss ' ' ( • : , ssssss If vou want a High Grade Tiano cheap vears against any Piano we carry regu- pK I I saw your ad. in 1 he Star-IndepenJcnt. don't miss this. larly in stock. N Are you a regular subscriber? ssssss ' ■ (Yes or No) H B s>•sss# Do you own a Piano now? * Ye » ° r No) sssss.s _ __ ___ _ _«_ _ _ ■SK==::::::::::::: B' A SPOT-CASH SPECIAL j ' 1 JVI. £LSfHiIICOHt Sffl Only one coupon will apply on any one piano. S3OO Piano, , Id j| I This coupon not good unless presented when purchase is Brand New With DIREC TIONS—Cut out the coupon above. Fill in the I jj|" Bench and Brape at its face value for TEN DOLLARS. Our objev* in doing I HHBU for li Harrisburg can bring the greatest returns. A KB We do not make any restrictions. This Coupon can be ap- 111 # •v Vr plied on any Piano or Player-Piano in our entire stock. fclffl R ifa 3 ——— %w I|| | Spot Cash ■ New Pianos S9O and up. Terms as Low as $2 Down, if'l a Week WMMnMiMMrawwiMewnnneeMn■■—■■■win n in —milium mm h /| I OTHER PIANOS, $285, $69, $95, $147, $2lO, slls, SIBO, $l6O | I A Single Little $2 Bill Sends a Piano Home. Select Your Xmas Piano Now. i 1 ! WE ARE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK: 0 H FREE DELIVERY _ RAILROAD list WINTER PIANO CO. £ - 23 N. Fourth St., Harrisburg, Pa. H. M. Eldridge, Mgr. . g