12 "The Quality Store" l Handkerchiefs Always Acceptable As Gifts EVERY dainty conceit is included in our broad and beau tiful collection of handkerchiefs —the whole range is covered —and many of them are artistically boxed. Hnndkcrchlef * in cotton with showy embroidery and in linen with neat embroidery—a beautiful line at 12V*<* each. Initial HundkereHlefs, initials all well and neatly made, at 12 | and 25c raoli. Embroidered Handkerchief*. in the new Abbey embroidery, all i handwork —very pretty designs—in the new wide hems as well as narrow hems, at 25c and ?»Oe each. ftcnutiful Handkerchief*, in plain white and with colored em broidery and dainty colored hems, at l2*-xe to 92.50 each. t*h!ldren*n Xma* Handkerchief*. the best and prettiest we have ever shown, in neat boxes, at 10c to 25c per box. Children** Separate Handkerchief*. excellent qualities, with and j without initials, flt 5c to 25c. Other Gift Suggestions Tourlat Cn»e», in a wide variety—exceptional values, at 25« and SOc each. TouriMt CaHcs and Has*, for men and women—also the very | popular Pullman Apron for women, at SI.OO to $3.00 each. l.adlcN* HandbaK". in staple and new shapes, every leather—all the better kinds, at SI.OO to *«.r>4» each. Xmim t'nrdfi, in plain and ffilt edges —white and dainty tints, at ißie to 50c per box. PupeterieN. beautiful Xmas boxes—excellent quality paper—the I prettiest assortment we have ever shown at Me to KJ.OO per box. Children'* Papeterlen. in a beautiful variety at loe to 35c per box. Ivorv Pvrnllne Xoveltle* —the better grade of celluloid—Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Powder ami Puff Boxes. Jewel Cases and Trays. Button Honks. Shoe Horns. Manicure Articles, etc., in a wonderful variety— nil moderately priced. L. W. COOK i J I - ■—rr » < George A. Gorgaa, Edw. F. Doehne, President. Vice President. ! Security Trust Co. TO ALL OUR FRIENDS: Our 1914 HOLIDAY SAVINGS CLUB checks are now coming to you. Watch the J mails. THE 1915 CLUB is already open and you can join now. EVERYONE should join. WONDERFUL how much is saved in this way. EVERY CUSTOMER WELL PLEASED AND HAPPY. We want our FRIENDS. NEW and OLD, to join. YOU CAN SAVE with a bank account. We make it easy for you. MAKE THTS BANK YOUR BANK. Security Trust Co. J. 0. S. Poorman, 1 Treasurer.' 36-38 N. Third Street. Wales Now a Guards Captain London. Dec. 11.—The Prince of Wales, who was a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards, has been promoted to be a captain in the same regiment. Ballet Girls in Serious Dilemma Copenhagen, Dec. 11.—Girls of the "Royal Danish hallet are placed in a seri cus dilemma. They cannot get bullet shoes from Paris. The 'ballet shoes man ufactured here are so heavy that the | girls cannot dance with them. If the conditions do not improve, the ballet master will be compelled to arrange bal-' lets with naked foot dances. Oranges Oranges A regular Xmas box packed in gold and silver tinsel and Spanish moss, shipped to any address FA in U. S. or Canada, express prepaid, for ... We pack mixed Oranges, Grape Fruit, Tangerines, Kumquats, Limes, Sotsumas, King Oranges and Pineapples—in ordering name the fruit you want packed. What is nicer than having a box of Florida's choicest fruit sent direct to your friend from the Land of Flowers as a Xmas present. Mail your order now, tell us what day to ship. Delivery guaranteed. Money with order. Reference, Commercial Agencies and Citizens Bank of Jacksonville. Economy Supply Co. 8 Broad Street Jacksonville, Florida Boys and Girls Read This CHRISTMAS SPECIAL A largo Pencil Set arid One Pound of Baking Powder for tJUv A set that every hoy and girl will be pleased to have. Grand Union Tea Co. UOH NORTH SECOND STREET To Reorganize Board of Trade Lebanon, Dec. 11.—A reorganization of the Lebanon Board of Trade is in prospect as a result of a special meet ing of that body held last night, at | w'hich the resignation of Frank P. Ham | man, as secretary, was accepted, and at whic'h President George D. Krause also announced that lie will not accept a re-election. Professor !M unsterfcerg's prediction j that t'he war will last from twenty days | j to twenty years is what might be called j | a fairly safe guess, psychologically con- I sidered. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, 1914. 6 r ' emfeSj |y.° A 6° I T cSLI, IS&A r&vAsA GERMAN cavalry U } / J J&% .m.7 aOUDENam* fiK > NAO advanced IN { , \ V aJwTDW -ij hr* Ltupefivf p \ • t THE REGION OF jr \» \ C ,*V .BKSM \ YPRES AND LILLE £ A ———nsr Aire >/mj rj\ \ \ » \ V-vmK V NAMUR\ t " K ' n v """5 P * by gold coast toward expenses of war. "The Sultan of Zanzibar has issued a most loyal address to the Moslem community of coast region of East Africa protectorate." Germany for Holiday Truce Berlin, Dec. 11.—Immediately Ger many received the suggestion of Pope Benedict for a truce among the warring nations during the Christmas holidays, an affirmative reply was sent to the) Vatican. The reply, however, was con-1 ditional on the acquiescence of all the other belligerents in the Pope's sug gestion. Russia to Purchase Wheat Abroad Booße thus relieving the situa- I tion. CZAR'S VISIT TO TIFLIS RELIEVES APPREHENSION Pfltrograd, via "London, Dec. 11, 5,45 A. I.Vl.—The arrival of the Russian Em peror at Tiflis and the enthusiastic re ception he has received in the Caucasus relieves considerable apprehension whidi has prevailed regarding that sea tion of the country. 'His arrival at Tiflis is chronicled to-day. The apprehension regarding the Caucasus was due to the fact that emis saries of the Turks and the 'Germans had started a propaganda in that region promising the Georgians a re-establish ment of the old Georgian kingdom and enlisting Mohammedan sympathy for Turkey. No'body doubted t'he sentiment of the Armenians and the cultured I Mohammedans and Georgians, but mduy | doubted the illiterate Georgians and ' Mohammedans who constitute tliree- I quarters of the population of the Cau . casus. The Km; eror's trip and recep-1 | tion have now dispelled all fears. ALMAC'S MANY CHANGES AS A RESULT 8F THE WAR Her'.in. via The Hague and London, | Dev. 11, 4.10 A. M.—The new edition , of the Almanac De Gotha has appeared ' am'd presents numerous changes as a ! result of the war. Names in uuimber ! of places appear in small type with the | simple comment that the peTson has | fallen in battle and the date and place ! is given. | A noticeable change is the fact that • the sovereigns have generally divested I themselves of the titles and decora tions conferred by nations with which they are at war, but Emperor William i is still c arried as a doctor of Oxford J and a Knight of the Garter, while : Prince Henry is given as chief of the Riu-'Mian Hussar regiment and as a British admiral. The Russian Emperor j is no loinger titled as the chief of Austrian legiments but like King Al bert of Belgium, is still credited as a 1 knight of the Black Eagle. The King I of Montenegro is carried as an hon- I orary commander of an Austrian res ilient an>d as a Knight of the Black | Eagle. DETAILS OF VICTORY CLAIMED ! BY SERVIANS OVER AUSTRIAN'S London, Dec. 11, 9.10 A. M.—A dis i pate'h from Nish, Servia, to Reuter 's I Telegram Company contains a statement giving additional details of the recent j overwhelming victory over the Aus- I trians claimed by the Servians in | Northwest Servia. I ''The pursuit of the enemy is pro ceeding along the whole line," says the j statement, "especially on our left and center." I The statement reviews the fighting from Derember 3 to 7 inclusive, esti mates the total prisoners at upwards of 2,000 and enumerates an immense and varied assortment of war material captured, including an entire artillery depot. War Names for Cats and Dogs Paris, Dec. It.—The generation of cats ami dogs of 1914 iu Krance will be recognized as long as they live 'by their war names. "Turco," '"Tommy- Atkins," "'Goumier," "Ghurka," "Guerrier," "Ohasseur," " Dragon," '"Troufion," "Flamand," "Beige" are among the most popular of the many names derived from passing events which fond owners give to their four footed pets. Christmas Turkeys Scare in London I London, Dec. 11.—'Most of London'« Christmas turkeys come in ordinary times from Servia, Hungary, Russia, Italy and Southern Prance, and all of these sources will yield only a fraction of their usual supply this year. The shortage is expected to bring a corre sponding increase in prices. 1,100 Turks Captured ljondon. Dec. 11.—The Indian Office reports that about 1,100 Turkish pris oners, exclusive of wounded, and nine guns were captured at Kurna, on the Persian Gulf, which was occupied on December 8. SPORTS Additional Sports on Page 11 COLLEGE TEAM COMING Susquehanna University Five at Ar mory To-morrow The first college game scheduled for ' this city will be played to-morrow, when the Harrisburg team meets Susquehan na University on the Armory floor at 8.15 o'clock. Susquehanna this year has a stronger team than for several years and will push the local live hard, Manager Taggart has ibeen working his | five hard during the past week and will make a strong bid for this game. As an added attraction between halves of this game, the Methodist Olub, one of the city's strongest ama teur organizations, will meet the Nei dig Memorials, of Oberlin. Music for old-fashioned dances will be played fol lowing the game. Ford Leading Bowlers Averages for fifteen games in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. bowling league show Ford leading with an average of 178. Mendenhall is second with 176, I | and Hostetter is third with 176. Gaut Wins at Billiards C. S. Gaiuit won from C. E. Fritcher, 100 to 96 in a class B, billiard match in the Holt?, man parlors last evening. The game went sixty-six innings. Alumni and Tech Play To-night The Alumni team will oppose the Tech five in the school gym this even ing in the opening basketball game of the season. The Tech team will be picked from the following: Forwiairds. Melville, Yoder, Me- Curdy, Harris; center, . Gregory, Em manuel; giuard, Beck, Sheffer. Bennett Heads Basketball Five Ruby Bennett, who has been elect ed captain of the 1915 footiball team at the Harrisburg Academy, was yes terday tendered another honor, being elected to head the basketball five. The team will play in York to-morrow. Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great nerve tonic—the famous j Wendell's Ambition Pills that will put vigor, vim and vitality into nerv- j ous tired out, all in, despondent people in a few days. Anyone can buy a box for only 50 cents, and 11. C. Kennedy is authorized by the maker to refund the purchase j price if anyone is dissatisfied with the | first box purchased. Thousands praise them for general debility, nervous prostration, mental depression and unstrung nerves caused by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco, \ or overwork of any kind. As a brain food or for any affliction < of the nervous system Wendell's Ambi tion Pills are unsurpassed, while for ; hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Fifty cents at H. C. Kennedy's and dealers every where. Mail orders filled, charges pre paid by Wendell Pharmacal Co., Inc., j Syracuse. N. Y. Adv. AMUBEMENTT. PHOTOPLAY TO-PAY' The Master Cracksman ID Five Aoti. A Wonderful Protlur- I (lon with an entire New York Cant. BRONCHO BILLY'S DOUBLE ESCAPES S. A A. Western CONVICT, COSTUMES AND CON FUSION 21 Act Vltfiffrapli Comedy, featuring Billy Quirk and Lee BeKKM THE LAST OF THE HARGRAVES Kdlion Drama <===> -^ STERLING SILVERWARE^jr^ A FEW POPULAR ITEMS &L-& AT PRICES THAT SHOW 6 THE WONDERFUL PRODUCING POWER OF THE HALLMARK STORES. \^r3^7 i No. 1 Mustard Jar $3.50 !,' f Coaster !.!.! Per. 'doz„ &00 „ •> Sandwich Plate, 7-inch 8.50 | 3a Same, 9-incli 12 00 „ . ( andle Stick-, <> inches high 4.00 5 Salt and Pepper Pair, 200 6 Comporte, Plain 559 " Comporte, same. Pierced 6.50 7 Individual Alinonds Set of 6, 675 8 Bon Bon Dish sqq i HALLMARK is the trademark of the United lev, el- ! C [ S ' J nC j- ' le Cfiled Jewelers is the company owned bv the leading retail jewelers of the United States, one only in each city and town, and the purpose is to produce co operatively a line of merchandise for sale only in the stores of the stockholders at a verv material saving and of ' the unquestioned quality maintained bv these higher class stores. The trademark HALLMARK stands for quality and lower price whether it appeaers on a fifty-Cent pin o'r a five-hundred-dollar diamond ring. This is the HALL- ! MARK Store in this town. Store open evenings after December 12th. fc«J P.G.DIENER Ci I Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry j S 408 MARKET STREET ( L i I— ———HWBWBWBroBHMSBk SCHMIDT'S SATURDAY SPECIAL Z Fresh Out Roses I SCHMIDT 13 Market Street I and FLOKISX p. r. R. Practical and Useful Suggestions For Father, Mother, Brother and Sister THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED tl aII ilescriptiuns Lorgnettes anil Lorjinons. the larfrost lino pver shown in All stylos at prices J specialist you Kot tho benefit of 20 yours' ; experience and a full guarantee with every E. L. EGOLF, Eyesight Specialist | With H. C. CLASTER MARKET STREET i AMUSEMENTS J AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC THEATRE TO-NIGHT—LAST TIME TO-MORROW tfa!. and Night Thai Ever Popular Melodrnnin M**A 1 S 10-DAI The I niverMMl llotlon IMcturcn I'n - BillV the Kid Damon & Py;!iias J The Mont Remit! f til Story of lliiinnti with iuitaiiv Ua.n.n * u u..« Friendship Kvfr Tohl. iliiitorNril Berrellj Unwell on the Hero by Knight* of I'jthifl*. 1 PRICES— lOe, JiOc, 30e find .%Oe PlUCl3S—Adults. SMet Children, 1«c. ORPHEUM COLONIAL High Clam Vaudeville. 2.15 and H.ts Yaudrtlllr mill Picturci), a.IS, 7 A 9 P«kin Mytftriu * V,! ' ™ B "-SSrwiiS 0 ■* TIIE SALON SINGERS Surrounded By Excellent 1111 l and Seats !\low Selling nt Box Office Huckin's Run for ROTAIUAX WEEK, beginning WALSH, LYNCH A CO. neit Monilny nt Oriihenm, Benefit of Two Other <>oo