The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 11, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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What Kind of a Piano Will You
Choose for the Family
Christmas Gift?
Will you be satisfied to take chances with a "bar
gain" piano, a cut prics piano, or will you make sure of
alter satisfaction by choosing an instrument that will
be a splendid expression of your affection, even if the
Why not take the same sum +
that you might otherwise spend HHH //*\ I If/
in an instrument of unknown HBmH ;////
quality —come to this store to- J !
morrow and' let it be the ylill >
Down Payment on a piano
I with a worthiness beyond BBBj[H wj \
question, sound true and en- |||®
during, cne that will speak of f
you to them through all their j/% p
Prices for Pianos of Proved Goodness Start at $l9O
And Go Upward to SBSO. Player-Pianos
! $395 to SIOSO
i Choosing the Christmas Victrola or Edison
' Disc is quite a pleasure and satisfaction here,
IV 1
' To-morrow's display consists of all the new
*! ' types in every desired finish, at
sls, $25, S4O, SSO, $75, SBO, SIOO,
$l5O, S2OO, $250 and $275
• !
Charge purchases billed January Ist or pay
/ cash for your records, begin paying monthly in
January. Orders now booked in rotation. Get
yours in to-morrow—every instrument oiled,
xur tested, timed and inspected before delivery.
Visit the Store To-morrow. Attractive Values In
Used Upright Pianos—Square Pianos
■ j
Unprecedented Reception on Part of
New England Public of Dodge
Brothers' Automobile
An official reception by Mayor Our
ley, newspapermen and public officials
of Boston was part of the welcome
awaiting the first Dodge Bros.' car
shipped into New England territory
last week. Not only the staid citizens
of Boston, but hundreds of out-of
town visitors were on hand to obtain
their first view of the new car.
"The occasion was absolutely
unique for this section of the coun
try," wired H. D. Day, New England
representative for Doiige Bros. "Over
fifty decorated cars were on hand and
Jed by the mounted police. Tb-e entry
of Dodge Bros.' first car into Boston
was a sort of triumphal affair."
Over 5,000 people visited the sales
rooms of C. 8. Henshaw, following the
parade, to inspect the new car. Mr.
Henshaw reports many stales in the
first twelve hours, the car stood on his
floor, although he and his salesmen
were kept constantly busy explaining
the many features of the new ear, anil
made little or no effort to take orders.
Send us your name and address for a
copy of our new catalogue. It is free.
I.arge and beautiful. Ali prices in plain
H. C. Claster,
Gems, Jewels, Silverware,
303 Market Street. Adv.
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Prank J. Rieker, Mgr.
Former Harrisburger to Become City-
Editor of New York Newspaper
Kobert E. MacAlarnev, formerly of
Harrisburg, the announcement of whose
retirement as head of the Pulitzer
School of Journalism in Columbia Uni
versity was made some time ago, will
remain there until next June, and then
assume the city editorship of the New
York ''Tri'bune."
Since the announcement was made of
Mr. MacAlarnev's intention to retire
from the Pulitzer school lie has had a
number of offers, but the place on the
'"Tribune" is most congenial to him.
Mr. MacAlarnev is a native Harris
burger, the son of the late Joseph C.
MacAlarney, who was prominent at the
Dauphin county bar. His first newspa
per experience was gained in this city.
The funniest Keystone comedy ever
offered in Harrisburg, featuring Mabel
and Fatty in bathing suits, is "The Sea
Nymphs," a ripping two-reeler, which
heads an excellent bill of above the
average photoplays ait t'he Victoria the
atre, 223 Market street, to-day only.
Fatty, with wife, mother-in-law and
implements in the shape of numerous
boxes, bags and bundles, goes for an
outing at Santa Catalina Island. On
the steamer he is badly smitten. Mabel
is traveling with tlie parental neces
sity—a very significant-looking little
father with side whiskers. Fatty un
aware of the relationship interferes
with the old duck flirting with the
young chickens and pitches him over
board. The whole party then goes
swimming and Fatty and (Maibe! give
a diving exhibition and the thrilling
program concludes with Fatty getting
j liis and Maibel is dragged unceremoni
j ously off by her enraged parent.
Equally full of thrills is "Lieut.
| Daring and the International Jewel
I Thieves, a three-reel special, which
i also is at the Victoria to-day. Exciting
| adventures, plots and counter-plots in
j terming led with daring esca.pes com-
prise every inch of the film.
Another Keystone comedy, which is
full of fun, is "The Wild and Wooily
West," in one reel and "The Path'e
Daily News," showing latest views on
j the big war, conclude to-day's Victoria
! program. Adv.**"
Election Returns Show National Pro
hibition Has Been Defeated
Wellington, New Zealand, via lx>n
i don, Dec. 11, 10.15 A. !M.—'The elec
| tion returns though incomplete indicate
that the licensing position is unchanged
i and that national prohibition has not
j been carried. The prohibitionists re
ceived a set 'back in several places.
| The returns give the government 38
j mem!bers of Parliament, the Opposition
I 30 and the Ijabor Social Democrats 8.
, As the latter support t'he Opposition
j party the strength in Parliament is
I equal, though the votes of t'he soldiers
| abroad are yet to be counted and may
affect the result.
Lebanon Will Have Christmas Tree
Lebanon, Dec. 11. —The community
Christmas project was firmly launched
on Wednesday evening at a gathering
of representatives of fraternal organiza
tions of this city. The project was set
on its way with great enthusiasm and
with every prospect of success.
State Live Stock Sanitary Board Re
moves Restrictions Made Necessary
by the Spread of tbe Hoof and
Mouth Disease
The SH&te Live Stock Sanitary Board
has ordered t)he release of fifteen ad
ditional counties from the quarantine
for foot and mouth disease, and the
order interdicting the removal of cat
tle in or out of county boundaries now
applies only to the following t-oumties-.
Adams, Allegheny, Beaver, Berks,
(Bucks, Oarbon, L'hetter, Columbia, Oum
herland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin,
Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh,
Ly-coming, Mifflin, Montgomery, Mon
tour, Northampton, Northumberland,
Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, West
moreland and York.
In all counties with the exception of
those noted above (he quarantine has
been lifted, but it will be rigidly ob
served in the counties mentioued. The
board reports t'he disease well under
control, and as fast as counties are
freed from the disease t'he announce
ment will "be made.'
Governor's Appointments
Governor Tencr to-day appointed the
following trustees of the mothers' pen
sion fund for Adams county: Mrs. VV.
Arch Mc.Clean, Mrs. D. P. McPherson,
Gfettysburg; Mrs. William Himes, Jr.,
New Oxford; Mrs. J. J. Hill, Littles
town; Mrs. Jacob Leschv, York
Springs: Mrs. VV. 8. Adams, Benders-;
ville; Mrs. William Robert, Cashtown.
Clayton D. Fretz, of Sellersville, was
to-day appointed a trustee of the Penn
sylvania State Hospital for the Insane
at Norristown.
Howard C. Oren, New Cumberland,
was to-day appointed justice for Lower
Allen township, Cumberland county.
To Purchase Game
C. E. Brewster, of Michigan, long
connected with the Bureau of Ethnol
ogy in Washington and familiar with
game conditions all over the United
States, was at the Game Commission's
office to-day conferring with Secretary
Kalbfus on the purchase of game with
which to stock the Pennsylvania pre
serves. It is the intention of the Com-
I mission to make extensive purchases of
[quail and other wild birds for breeding
purposes iu order to restock the Pcnn
| svlvania fieljs. These birds will be
placed in the localities best adapted for
breeding purposes, and afterwards may
lie hunted by any hunter with a license.
It is also proposed to pay the expenses
of purchase from the hunters' license
fund. Mr. Brewster is in touch with
dealers in the West who have quail to
! sell as h'igli as $33 per dozen, but that
I kind will not be bought for this State.
Preparing a Report
Harry S. McDevitt, president of the
■ Keonomy tuid Efficiency Commission,
| engaged iu securing the inside infor
| matior. regarding the employes and
1 officials of the State administration,
their duties, salaries, hours of work,
etc., will be with the Commis
! sion's report in a short time, an<i it
promises to be a very interesting State
paper, containing information that will
be of a surprising character.
State's Inventory
The inventory of every bit of prop
i erty, real or personal, belonging to the
| State no matter where located, is now
; being completed by the Commission
! headed by Executive Controller Todd
and the data secured will be rea ly for
; the Governor to incorporate in his mos
! sago to the Legislature. It will be the
! first time on record when the State
will know the exact value of all of its
belongings. The sum total in millions
will be amazing.
Chief Kephart Here
Chief Kephart of the Senate was at
the capitol to-day looking over things
with Senate I/ibrarian Miller in order
that everything will be in readiness
for the meeting of the Legislature a
few weeks hence.
Board of Pardons
The last meeting of the Board of
Pardons as at present constituted will
be held on Wednesday of next week,
December 16, and under the impres
sion that the Board will be lenient and
look with favorable eve on the appli
cations many mor e than usual will be
presented. Up to the present time there
have been forty applications made for
recommendation to executive clemency,
and the chances are that the Board
will be occupied far into the night iu
the consideration of the many cases.
C. V. I\E WS
Forger Apprehended by Carlisle Mer
chant Systematically Worked His
Game of Swindle
Carlisle, Dec. 11.—That the man
who, as Harry Nagle, was arrested
Tuesday evening following his un
masking as a bad check passer by Ja
cob Wiener, is the same person who, as
"Robert Mapning," worked a similar
grime at Chambersburg last week, is the
belief of officers here and in that town.
Chief Klenzing, of Chambersburg,
telephoned the jail here relative to
the matter and got a description of
the man which, he said, tallied in
many details with that of Manning.
Fell a Victim of Tuberculosis at Age
of Fifty-seven
Gettysburg, Dee. 11.—After a pro
longed illness from tuberculosis, Jacob
F. Trimmer died at 2 o'clock Wednes
day aftomoon at his home at New
Chester, aged 57 years.
He leaves his wife who, before mar
riage, was a Miss Shank, and four
children, Cletus and David Trimmer,
at home; Mrs. Ira Klepper, New
Chester, and Mrs. Frank Dettcr. New
Oxford. He also leaves a sister tond
two brothers. Mrs. William Shank,
and George F. Trimmer, of New Ches
ter, and Chnrles Shank, of Hanover.
Funeral to morrow morning at 10
o'clock with brief services at the
house, followed by services in the Re
formed church at New Chester, con
Dodge Cars jl
We are glad to advise that about Jan.
Ist, 1915, we will receive our first Dodge 1
This Car has unquesfionally
set a new standard of
car value for the
Touring Car and Roadster
Price, Fully Equipped, $785.00
F. O. B. Detroit
* »
Keystone Motor Car Co.
1019-1027 Market St.
ducted by Dr. W. A. Korn. Interment
in the church cemetery.
To Erect Big Building
Waynesboro, Dec. 11. —The direc
tors of the Arcade corporation adopted
plana for the new Arcade building to
be erected on the site of the old Snive
ly and the Elden buildings, West Main
street. The plans call for a five-story
building, the front of which will be of
buff bricks with terra cotta trimmings.
There will be three bay windows ex
tending from the second floor to the tap
and the whole will be surmounted with
a massive and well-proportioned cor
Vagrant Died in Jail
Cham bersburg, Dec. 11.—William
Gallagher died Wednesday afternoon at
the county jail, aged 60 years. On No
vember 18 he was placed in .jail on a
vagrancy charge, having been on a
spree. He went in under the name of
William White and was not well when
he was admitted. He became worse
and for the past few days was deliri
ous. Gallagher has a brother, who is a
priest in Baltimore, and who took
charge of tbte body.
Small Jail Population
Gettysburg, Dec. 11.—With the re
lease to-morrow of Maurice Moxeno
vech from the Adams county jail, that
institution will be left with only one
inmate, Mary Plank, who has been un
der Sheriff Thompson's care for several
months. Should no other prisoners be
brought in during the next two weeks
the jail will have its smallest Christmas
dinner for many years.
Janitor Found Dead in Cellar
llagerstown, Md., Dec. 11. —Joseph
Tolston, colored, janitor at the Conner
building, West Washington street, was
found dead in the cellar under the
Board of Trade rooms yesterday morn
ing about 8.30 o'clock. Tolston was
found by Lizzie Johnson, colored do
mestic in the Conner home.
Ninety-four Years Old To-day
Waynesboro, Dec. 11. —Mrs. Maria
Russell, who recently returned to
Brooklyn, N. Y., to spend the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. John H. Mow
en, after spending the summer at her
old residence, No. 37 East Main street,
this place, celebrated her ninety-fourth
birthday to-day.
Fined for Killing Deer
Chambersburg, Pa., Dec. 11.—Wil
liam Resenberry, of Altoona, pleaded
guilty here yesterday to shooting a
•deer with horns less than two inches.
He was fined SIOO and the costs, which
amounted to $29.86.
Will'ie—Pa.w, what is a square deal
Paw—Thait's whem you get about 10
per cent, the best of it, my son.—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
Has Been Filed With the Court Along
With Half a Dozen Other
Seven accounts of receivers, trustees,
assignees and com mitt es will be pre
sented to the court on January 14,
1915, for confirmation according to a
notice sent out to-day by Prothonotary
Holler. Among them is -the report of
Simon C. Peters, principal, and Arthur
King, 1. O. Nissley and Eugene Laver
ty, trustees, of the Emas Orphan
The receipts during the year, includ
ing a treasury balance of $1,001.37 on
December 3, 1913, totaled $7,129.59,
the expenditures amounted to $6,-
246.71, leaving a balance in the treas
ury of $882.88. There is due the
home from ground rent a total of sl,-
804.15. During the year SSOO was
expended on improvements to the home.
Other accounts to be presented to
the court for confirmation include
these: Third and final account of the
York Trust Company, receiver of the
Standard Building and Loan Associ
ation of York; first and final account of
Lewis M. Neiffer, assignee of .1. J.
Nutt, of Lykens; first ami final account
of Commonwealth Trust Company com
mittee for Leah Light; first and final
account of George VV. Me Williams, com
mitte of Lewis Winegardner; second
and final account of Commonwealth
Trust Company, committe of Donald
Cameron Haldeman; first and final ac
count, of Clair T. Komberger, assignee
of Andrew .1. Spannuth, Jackson town
Have Planted Many Trees
More than two hundred new trees
have been planted in and along the
Front street park, from Iron alley to
State street within the last several
weeks and fifty-one have been set
along city streets, according to a re
port compiled by Park Commissioner
Taylor to-day.
Must Remain in Hospital
The court, aifter a hearing on a writ
of habeas corpus obtained against Dr.
If. L. Ort'h, superintendent! of the State
'Hospital for the Insane, t'his morning
refused to make an order directing the
release of Floreuce Adams from the in
stitution. Relatives sought the woman's
release, although jJhvsicians at t'he hos
pital declared s r ne is suffering from
dementia precox. Experts last week
declared Edward G. Smi'th, accused of
murdering his grandfather, is suffering
from the same afiiiction. Hospital phy
sicians agreed witjh the alienists on the
definition of dementia precox, which
was described as "mental inaccessibil
Suing for Divorce
Marital infidelity is alleged by t'he
husband in the divorce suit lodged this
morning by Edward Bixler against his
wife, Martha K. llixler. The libellant
names William Heler as co-respondent.
Two More Estimates
Two owners of properties in "'Hard
s. rubble" last evening filed with City
Solicitor Seitz, estimates of the value
of their properties, making the total
number filed exactly twenty. The So
licitor will turn the estimates over to
t'he City Commissioners at their meeting
on Tuesday, this being one or the pre
liminary steps toward the reopening of
Front street, from Heir to Calder.
Marriage Licenses
Carl P. Rockwell ami Edith .May
Keller, city.
Peter iDivich and Marv Lakosh, city.
Miss Nora Trench Tells How to Hatch
Chicks That Live
Miss Nora Trench, of the Prairie
State Incubator Company, of Homer
City, Pa., is demonstrating at the poul
try show in the Chestnut street audi
torium this week how to hatch chick*
that live. The exhibit of company is
part of the exhibit of Walter S. Schell,
1307 Market street.
One of the standard incubators with
the entire equipment of the brooder and
portable hover is being demonstrated.
The incubator has a pan below a wire
mesh screen on which the eggs are
placed which is filled with sand and
water to provide moisture, necessary lo
the eggs. After hatching the chicks
can be "chilled" by degrees in this
incubator by a new attachment which
regulates the door opening. The chicks
are then ready for the broo ler after the
chilling process has reached the last of
the notches in the graduated lock on
the doors.
Teachers Applaud Boyer
City school teachers attending the
lecture of Dr. J. Levy, of Pitts
burgh, in the Technical High school au
ditorium last evening, tendered an ova
tion to Harry A. Boyer when he en
tered the hall. Mr. Boyer. who has
served five terms as president of
the School Hoard, is a candidate for
re-election. The board is deadlocked on
a selection.
Policemen Receive Invitation
Policemen of the daylight force did
not take action this morning on the
invitation of Dr. Henry VV. SMough to
attend the meeting next
Tuesday evening in a body. The invi
tation was read by Sergeant Page. Ac
tion will he taken 10-inorrow.
Many a man puts his foot in it when
he asks a woman for her hand.