The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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* IJpr Asthma and Hay Fever
* Go to George A. Gorgaa, 16 North
* Third street and Pennsrlvatria Ksilrond
" Station, and buy a package of Dr.
* Rudolph Schiffmann's Asthmndor to-dav
* and if it does not give instant relief,
„ and even more, if 3'ou do not find it to
f be the very best remedy you have ever
s u»ed, go back and your money will he
. theerfully returned by these druggists,
* Without any- question whatever. No
matter what else has failed. Asthmador
* or Asthuiador Cigarettes will give in
■ Hunt relief usually within 10 seconds,
J but always within 13 minutes. It does
* not matter how violent the attack or
J obstinate the ease is, or what else had
a been tried and failed, Asthmndor will
* relieve instantaneously. If it does not,
t this |iackage will cost you nothing. Go
k back and get your money refunded. You
" are to be the sole jndjte as to whether
s benefited or not. No risk is run in
* buying this remedy under this positive
* guarantee by George A. Gorgas.
» Persons living elsewhere will be sup
* plied under the same guarantee by their
local druggist or direct by Dr. R. Schiff
mann. (?t. Paul. Minu.
* That Is What Mrs. Maud E. Heyne
Charges in Suit for
New York, Dec. 10.—A remarkable
complaiut was filed in the Supreme
Court in u suit of Mrs. iMtuid K. Heyno
for separation from William M. llevue,
hea 1 of the foreign collections dopart- ;
nient of the Equitable Trust Company, I
me:wt>cr of the board of governors of !
the local chapter of the American In- j
stitute of Banking and writer on ti- |
nancial subjects, in waioh she alleges |
her husband has abandoned her and her '
three daughters.
Mrs. Hevne *jys «he lived happily '
with her husband until August. 1913,!
when be called her and their three j
daughters into the parlor of their home 1
.in Rurtierford, N. J„ and said to her: i
"'Maud, 1 have loved you devotedly I
■ uatii the lajt two or three years. Now j
1 have some one else. I want you to !
be a woman for once in your life au<l
make my getting away easy. I want a
Mrs Heyno says she was stunned by
her husband's and when
she recovered she replied:
"I will make it (>o»sible. I mar
ried you because I loved you."
Mrs. Hevne allege* lier husband then \
became angry and created a scene be !
fore their children. He packed up his i
belongings and as he left the house he j
said to his daughters:
"I am going away. Do yon wistii to j
Jive with me or with your mamma " |
"With mamma.'' the children re
Mrs. tleyne says her huA&nd then
told tae rhiklreti: "You cau call me I
tip at Anna's." by which, site says, he j
meant the home of Mrs. George D. j
Ware. The complaint states that tic i
eldest of the three daughters ;a Mildred,
3 6 years old, who is deformed and re
iitiires constant care. Tiie others are
Rdth. 14. and Marjorie, 11 years old.
Mrs. Hevne says he- husband now a!
lows her only Sa week for each oc the
children and gives her nothing. *'l will >
r.ot have any money for you uatii we
are divorced. I »i£geet tha" we start
j rocer lings immediately," 'Mrs. Heyne
says • hiirbanl toid her.
Child. Killed by Shotgun
Emails. Pa., Pec. 10.—Six-year-old
Florence Morgan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Morgan, was killed yester
day while playing with a shotgun,
which she and a number of small com
panions found in an attic. The weapon
va ? discharged accidentally, the full
charge striking the little "girl in tho
riirht <iue, arm and shoulder. She lived
but a few hours after the accident.
Pay Out Christmas Fund
Marietta, Dec. 10.—The Exchange
bank, of this place, was the first bank
in Lancaster county to pay out tho!
Christmas savings fund yesterday. The
number of people who received checks '
this year were more than ever and the .
amount of inonev will reach nearlv i
*IO,OOO. ' j
They Create
Nerve Power
Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Renew
Old-Time Vitality in Run-Down
Hen and Women.
.Are you "On the toboggan"—an
"Old codger" at middle age only?
Are you sliding from life's happy
health summit to the valley of •'down ;
and out?" Kellogg* Sanitone Wa- I
ten are your stars oX hope. They re- '
tf« •• Emt to Be • Count as ■ No Aceooat, if
Yen UH KeQosi's Sanitone Wafers.
vitalize your played-out nerves with
their old-time vigor and snap. You
feel nice a gamecock with his spurs on,
ready for whatever fate may turn up.
Don't lose your ambition or lag into -
premature useleesnesss. Be a live wire,
full of mental and l>od;iy energy from
revitalized, force thrilled nerves. Kel- I
loss's Sanitone Wafers put new vim In i
both men and women. They relieve I \
insomnia, brainfag and nervous break
down. no matter what the cause. 11.00 I
a box at druggiets. ,
Send your name and address to-day
with six cents in stamps to help pay '
postage and packing, for a free ooc ! 1
trial box of Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers. ; i
to F. J. Kellogg Co.. 2729 Hoffmaster .
Block. Battle Creek. Michigan.
The regular SI.OO size of Kellogg's 1
Sanitone Wafers are fer sale in Harris- l
burg at C. T. George, IJOS N. 3rd St.;
G. C. Potts. 1101 X. 3rd St.; C. M. For
ney. successor to Forney & Knouse, 1
Market St.; J. H. Park. Jr., 821 Itace •
St.; C. K. Keller. 405 Market St.; W. If. ,
Steever, 14th and Walnut Sts.
No free boxes from druggists. adv. I
Syrtmwiß of Timber Tree* of Ksw
Mexico and Their Uses at Saa
• j Diego Exposition
J j Washington, D. C., Doc. 10.—Pnrt of
(the government's exhibit for the Pan
; ama-ialifornia exposition at Sau Diego
j leaves Washington this week. This por-
J ' tion has to do with the national forests
. of New Mexico and will be shown ia
rhe New Mexico 'building, the exhibit
' having been prepared in co-operatioa.
; with tho State Board of Exposition
. t Commissioners of that State. The ma
terial also shows specimens of the prin
| cipal trmfcer trees of New Mexico and
' | their uses.
[ Other exposition material is to leave
soon for San Francisco, where it will
I form a part of the Panatnal'aci&c ex-
Part of this is ■being prepared
| I through co-operation between the forest
| service ami the United States Civil
I Service Commission. The commission
! -asses on the qualifications of all can
didates for positions in the forest serv
i ice. testiug the titness of those wh.< I
wist to becor.jc forest oflicers through
I outdoor examinations in riding, survev-
I 'ng, tiuCw estimating and similar mat-'
: ters as well as by more conventional
,; methods; its exhibit will illustrate the
dirties of these officers.
Co-operation aJso exists, in the pre«p
--; aratiou of exhibit material, between the
j forest service and the bureau of educa
j tion. This sho'ws how forest subjects
are used in the ■public schools, in con
nection with nature study, commercial
geography, agriculture and the like.
One of the exhibits is a displav made |
by the normal school pupils of the Dis
trict wf Columbia, in whjen a number 1
of those who are studying for teach
ers ' positions entered a prize contest on
tree study. Each of the contestants
prepared a separate exhibit showing the |
life history aud the products of indi
| vidual trees, such as white piue, hick
pry, or sugar maple.
Dr. Howard's Dyspepsia Specific; Regit
i lsr Price 50c; H. C. Kennedy's
Price 33c
i The special half price sale of Dr. j
I Howard's specific for the cure of con '
i stipation and dyspepsia by H. C. Ken- j
j nedy means the saving of a few dollars '
: on every family's yearly bill for med-
I icinee.
Each 50-cent bottle (Mr. H. C. Ken- '
m\iy sells it for -sc) contains sixty
dose's of a medicine that is pleasant to
take aud which can be depended upon ;
to cure the worst case of constipation, i
dyspepsia or liver trouble.
1 his remedy is not an ordinary medi-,
j cine. It is the favorite formula of a ;
| well-known physician, and has the eta-;
! dorsoment of hundreds of physicians of j
J eminence iu their profession, who pre- i
I s<Tibe it in all cases of constipation, !
(dyspepsia or liver trouble, knowing
; from experience that it will make a
; nlete nnd lasting cure. Adv. I
Busy Investment Dispenser Charged
With Swindling Aliens
Easton. Pa.. Dec. 10.—Robert Mey
er. aged 30. of South Bethlehem, is iu!
the county jail, charged with swin
' dUug many foreigners. A half dozen!
roinplam-s- have already been ledged!
before Alderman Kelly and more are to
follow. Representing himself as an in
surance agent, it is charged. Mover "in
sured ' the lives aiul household goods
of his victims at such low rates that
they couUln't resist them. Thev nev
er received the policies.
Another scheme charged against him
was to take victims to a manufacturing
' plant on a Sunday, tell them that he
was one of the owners of the plant an i
then sell them an interest in it, prom
; ising huge profits.
To Cure a Cold la One Day
Tablets. Druggists refund monev if it
fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is on each box. !se.
Total for Year Ended June SO, $71,-j
380.274—Pennsylvania Second
Washington, Dec. 10.—The total re- t
eeipts from the income tax during the;
j year ended June 30, 1914, amounted to i
f71,350.274. From the corporation ex-:
: cise tax the receipts were $10,671,077; j
■ from the corporation income tax, $32,-]
| 456,662, and from the individual in-i
j come tax, $28,253,534.
Pennsylvania stands second in the;
I amount contributed to the Federal Gov-I
ernment. The receipts from New Jer-j
j sey. Delaware and Pennsylvania are:
Corporation Excise Tax—Delaware,
$34,574; New Jersey, $34,181; Penn
sylvania, $1,452,511.
Corporation Income Tax—Delaware, j
! $121,468; Xew Jersey, $1,191,468;
j Pennsylvania, $4,643,794.
Individual Income Tax—Delaware, I
$94,904; New Jersey, $716,756; Penn-l
j sylvania. $3,176,095.
Harvey Burkhart Foiled in Attempt to
Enact Triple Tragedy
Allentown, Pa., Dee. 10.—A sensa '
jtional near-triple love tragedy occurred |
here yesterday, and Harvey E. Burk
hart, a stonecutter, 25 years old, the]
principal actor therein, was committed)
to jail yesterday morning to await the |
result of injuries he inflicted on Mrs. i
Jeanette Hall.
Armed with a hunting knife with a!
I blade six inches long. Burkhart ealled
at the Hail home to find the husban.i at
work and another man there, Drygor
Rydberg, an Armenian. He jumped at
| her, inflicting deep gashes in her neck
: and right hand, before thtf-Arraenian,
I after a despearte fight, managed to dis
! arm him.
Neighbors called the police, and Mo- 1
torcvcle Officer David hustled Burkhart;
to the lockup.
The knife thrust in th« woman's'
neck is dangerous, but not necessarily'
fatal, but the surgeons fear her neck
will be permanently stiff.
That there was not • double murder
and suicide was due to the quick action |
of Rydberg. Bnrkhart left a 30-page i
letter detailing his woes, saying he
would kill Mrs. Hall and Rydberg and,
then put an end to himself. In bis let
ter Burkhart says he met Mrs. Hall!
last Christmas eve.
Through her musical talent Mrs. Hall
won a scholarship at the Ithaca Conser
vatory. went there about a month i
ago to continue her studies, but rc-'
turned in a week.
' P
I Mt ~ and Mrs. Piano Buyer : B
How many dram hr.vr >ob »al<l ">l, K |rl will never have «o go into tke mill?" |) nw ■ ■
mnny tlmen have you KIIH "1 Tom villi rurr have to work the way 1 have had to." I Are yon Kolnic to firive the children that I'iano for ChrlxtiiinHt \re von i-olnir to IIUP S S
l ota 1* <>ulj o boy lion) Mary ix only a *lrl. but the .:ru^ K lr for rxlstrnrr will firaiu- I a IMnno ChrlKtmai mornlns? If not, why not f Is It tin- Hie I'rlceH that nrr usnnllr 1 Iffi
1., yonr hoy anil strl Just as It .area the IIOJM and slrl* of yeatrrday. . Mr. | charged for I'lanoa that Prevents Yonf Is It the Klrat I'uvmelit thai < IIUN, « ron to Hci
\\orkln K «.au H. are the boy of yesterday,, How about your Hoy or your Cilrlf Are H HeaKatef Don't Deny the Children a IMai.o thla t on ae<. n" ,!f Klthe? We ■ «S
you XOIUK t.. them a Chaneef \o«. boy. that Girl that alta on your Knee To-nl K ht 1 have cut Prices to the heart. We Have Placed Tern."» low tk.l . \™l.» B
May be a Mualcul (■enln», huf yon Muat «lve her the chance to Develop that Talent. I for n Piano. Come dnnn to this atorr. Ilrlnic BIOIIK a few Dollars We will deliver the I HI
m "
IWINTPR pi am n r*n 1
■ road Fare Both Waya to Out WW I ■ 1 ■ AUB 1 1 I m ■ I | cannot an.wer our I H
lof Town Buyers. ■ WW M U ■ IW|I V WWb I V&uR'Z I I
23 N. Fourth St.. Harrisburg, Pa. H. M. Eldridge, Mgr. ;•