14 ___ §)v^f^C\mm^V^AiL\\mr\ 9Furs~The Royal Road to Cushions-Leather Table r~*' c. o ,• c .• Covers. Serving Trays. Gift Satisfaction Gift Hints From the Santa Clans delivers few things that bring so much joy as furs —because pretty T T "L 1 O and useful as many other presents are, furs are practical and necessary. LjOilOlStGrV oGCtlOfl Anybody—man or woman—may buy furs here with perfect confidence in their absolute reliability and safe assurance that prices are in their favor. Hundreds of other inexpensive and useful gifts We have gathered in the fur section every kind of good fur, from the compara- abound in this up-to-date section on the Third floor. I tively low in price to the rare and delicate pieces. On view on the second floor. S|lk flosß cuahions with Batin top in beßUtiful patterns aßd coloringg , OMc 1 Silk repp cushions in square, round and oblong 91.5 ft KjHRD ' . f \\ T ' /" O' 11 1T O *ll T\ • 1 Leather and felt cushion tops, fringed or plain edge, .. . $2.50 to $».50 ■fkvs Oiit Waists ot bilk and Lace bpecially Priced 551K7 ***"&* a green si.so to $4.50 IV V\ ) daintiest gift imaginable is a lovely waist of lace or silk, and the style Serving Trays < I—\ i i '—.Lc •, I gathering now to be found both on the Fourth street gift aisle and in the Silk .1, ■ .u # , . 7 * . j 1. e, * j», . 1 ii 1 * P mi Serving trays with white and gilt frames, tlaintv rose trimmings, "'Tuas the night before Christina* \\ aist section on the Second tloor is so complete that every woman s fancy will ' 50c, 75c to $1.50 .... ' 1 ,1 1 hr> e-iHwfinil ' Mahogany and mission frame trnvs with cretonne centers, attractive col- When all through the home " l »«*u»«cu. or i ng9 „ Hc Nni n rrpnturp iras itirrinn Crepe de chine waists in white, maize, green and I White embroidered lace waists over net organdie; Fancy cretonne cushions filled with silk floss made in our own work " black with long rolling collar and long sleeves. Spe- collars and cuffs finished with fine pleating, touches room, 69c to SI.OO jS'ot even a mouse" cially priced SI.OH j of black ribbon add to the styles $2.98 Tahlp Mate ariH Pnrmorc Navy and black messaline waists, with roll collar: 1 Black and brown messaline waists with tucked front, luc I'laLtj <UIU rvuiintJl a , sleeves finished with cuffs and jet buttons SI.OB collar and cuffs of white messaline; jet button trim- Imported table mats and runners iu tinsel and colorings in rose, blue Tovland is happilv fulfilling its function as the an- Pink, blue and white crepe de chine waists with raing $4.95 aml g rePn .$2.35 to $«.0« , ~r r •- , j , i ; 0 flare collar; lapels and front finished with ecru point sM.sft white chiffon waists veiled under fine lace; „ .. . (lllcil jovmaker tor JJirlS HllCl DO\ S, cHl(l lillliulC K lace. Specially priced, j whito silk bengaline girdle and large flaring collar and Dives, Ponierov & Stewart, Ihnd Floor, Front—Three Elevators. fllll of the lauehter of happv VOlingStei'S. White embroidered crcpe de chine waists with boned ! cuffs of white bengaline silk. Specially priced, $5.95 . , . . , ' • i i <• ~ lace flaring collars; lace sleeves and bone buttons, I Green, black and brown Panne velvet waists with Tovland is Santa v laus gieiit neatic|uaiti is 101 <?vei\ $8.50 sleeves of green chiffon; veiled over white; large flaring Another Lot of Those Extremely Popular Large fnnr>pivahlf> kind of tOV White china silk veiled in black; lace collar; vest boned collar of white bolton cloth $7.50 pi.,,.1, Voli-ot C C oi n „ cjo net . j so nr concenaoie kIUU m W\. and cuffs of fine white lace $3.98 ; Green, black and brown Panne velvet waists with Black V Cl\ et Sailor Shapes, aild $3.95 Bring the Children to-monow, aild IIP a KUI Navy and black messaline waists with military col- : fancy collar and cuffs and chiffon sleeves. t-r Dives, Pomcrov k Stewart, Secoud Floor, Front Three Elevators aj_r a in with them. lar: cuffs 411(1 girdle of fancy plaid 95.95 | $8.50 and $9.50 v- ' " Pictures That Reproduce Oat ffi J V J 1 Pfl I fiftn ® JfS® MS e( i Spread of Rich Al=. 11l \{Wl i ifHWllMlr/lUil W ley 7J Quality Makes the tions of the old masters, including the Madonna, >•*>'-•••-• '—* ■■"*!■ 1 7if mm 9 ■-'iwf Hoffman's Christ, Rock of Ages, and The Lord's -it Supper are among the noteworthy subjects to be _. - /~*\ m \ 1 T"> t . . __ , A IVHJIO V^llCCllUl l housands ot Out boxes tor Oirls and Boys Inexpensively Priced ceptable gift pictures embrace this list. *J IT 17 Hemmed crochet bed spreads at raraPrKSffSSTS Boys' Books at The Outdoor Chums Series, Girls' Books at Th Vhue zed Tr * n ' stewart Bdward Si.oo to §1.95 four subjects 25c and ftsc The Moving Picture Boys j The Moving Picture Girls j Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts. Scalloped and cut corner crochet bed Pictures of Religious subjects :{»c The Moving Picture Boys in the West The Outdoor Chums 011 the kake The Moving Picture Girls at Oak Farm 1 ran , „ ' st(>ck '" n - Pictures for the Den, the Librarv, the Dining The Moving Picture Boys on the Coast J The Outdoor Chums in a Forest The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound Cab and Caboose. Kirk Munroe. spreads, JJSl.Ot# to fA.DU R/wmyi Wall nr Bedroom inrlndine the "Dancine The Moving Picture Boys in the Jungle | The Outdoor Chums on the Gulf The Moving Picture Girls Under the Cattle Ranch to College, Russell Dou- HommnJ M„.. £ ..;i1„„ u„j j Boom. Hall_ol •Betu'oom inciutung tne uancing The Moving Picture Boys in Earthquake , The Outdoor Chums After Big Game Palms bleday. Hemmed Satlll Marseilles bed spreads, Lesson, Baby and RaDDlt, Mme. Le Brun Land I The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat The Moving Picture Girls Rocky Ranch College Years Ralph P Paine AA ttT nn and Daughter," "Exciting Moments, "Cupid The Moving Picture Boys and the Flood , c?oXdS 52.00 to $7.00 Awake and Asleep." "Nature Fruits" and "Six riivlc Q ov i oc The Central High Series, The Boys' SCOUt Boys, The cruise Ot the Catchaiot, K. T. Bui- Scalloped and cut corner satin Mar- Greater Moments of a Girl's Life," at 30c me uuucioor uriiis oenes, ° le . n ,• . i L ..„ __ Davidson's Hand-colored Nature Prints in or. 250 80/u Bmidin'' and"Boatin of the Plains, Joseph A. seilles spreads, at 53.50 to $7.50 three sizes, in Circassian or mahogany frames. v I ThP air | s of c entra | .Uong the iiohawk Trail S .Feb Hutton, Joseph B. Connolly. Spreads with holsters to match, in satin 50c to SI.BO The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale The Girls of Central High on l-.ake I>una For the Honor of the School The Jester of St. Timothy's, Arthur ' Harrison Fisher heads and Other subjects, in The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow The Girls of Central High at Basketball Animal Heroes. Stanwood Pier. .Marseilles patterns, . . .<j4.WO and SpO.OO f „_„ W. The Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car The Girls of Central High on the .Stage Baby Klton, Quarter 1 ack, Leslie W. Jim Davis. John Masefield. c. V The Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp I The Girls of Central High on Track and Quirk. A Midshipman in the Pacific, Cyrus x a* . r. Sir Galihad at SI.OO to 52.2.» The Outdoor Girls in Florida 1 Field The Call of the Wild. Jack London. Townsend Brady. • Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Many a Gift Item Is to Be Found in This List of Friday Bargains Boys' $1.25 Trousers Scout Shoes Popular Cotton Dress Black Dress Goods White Goods SI.OO Corsets at 25^ Fridav at Q 6 **? Men's $2.25 acout shoes, brown calf Wpjivps SI.OO black Panama: 54 inches wide. 12'/2C English nainsook fur under- American Lady and D., P. & S. eor •' skin with oak leather soles. Special *| Special Friday only, yard, 00c wear; 36 inches wide. Special Friday sets, sizes 19, 24, 25, 26 and 32 to 36. Boys' trousers in grey Scotch mix- Friday only, 81.05 50c crepe with embroidered figures, $1.50 black broadcloth; 54 inches only, jard, 8c \ alucs to SI.OO. Special Friday only, tures, brown worsted, grey diagonal, Bovs' $1.75 scout shoes, brown elk nea * styles. Special Friday only, yard, wide. Special Friday only, yard, sl.lO 25c beauty cloth: 28 inches wide; fancy shadow stripes, pin stripes and skin,'elk soles. Special Friday onlv, I!>c $1 25 black serae- 54 inches wide. S ood grade for dresses and shirts. Spe- a-, eciprpes 7^/4 plain colors: lined: our entire stock of ■ «V, ... , .. . 31 . „* . . J°-'5 spr / e ' lu,u, - s w eial Friday only, vard 15c CraSSiereS, 4 Off $1 25 trousers Special Fridav oulv * ' sl ' 2 '' Sllk and cotton P°l ,hn : 3b Special Friday only, yard o,»c cwi rr.uaj ou.j, yaru ' O.Tc Mpn'q TTpavv Pllhhpr* inches wide; solid shades; self color fig- $1.50 black coating; 54 inches wide. 12 %e small dimity cheeks; 28 inches Button back brassieres trimmed with men b Xieavy rvUDuerS ures and one half Sllk. Special I'rid ay V . H Si no W1(lc ; flne grade for aprons. Special embroidery medallions and Valenciennes ■RnvV and <sfi 00 Sllifq « . ei O- , , ~ only, yard 45c p • * Friday only, yard 8c lace, value $ 1.50. Special Friday only, Boys ?»O.UO ana ?)b.UU buits Mens *1.25 heavy plain rubbers 50c silk and cotton poplin; colored $1.25 black unfinished worsted. Spe- . "75c "Cr^i/4ntt ot «•> Qt < • Friday at Special Friday only 08c Silk. Special Friday only, yard. . .25c . BraSSiereS at 25^ Boys' suits in grey Scotch mixtures, Women's Rubbers Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Lining Specials Brassieres of net with shields and brown worsted, fancy grey Scotch mix- Street Floor. r,oc Farmer's satin; 40 inches wide. I Kft , , ... . . „ I cambric brassieres trimmed with lace tures and blue serge: broken sizes Sto Women's 50c rubbers with high or Special Friday only, yard 30c . , mercerized table damask, I i or em broidery, open front or back. 17 years; $5.00 and $6.00 suits Spe- low heels; all sizes. Special Friday • 20c black satine. Special Friday wT P ' P «0c Special Friday only 25c ""1 Friday only s!!.».> only ;{Bc only, yard 12}±c * M Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, W Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, clothing. MiscW Rnhhpr«; Colored DreSS Goods DivPS , Pomerov k Stewart. Linen Napkins Seoond Floor—Three Elevators. .Second Floor, Rear—Three Blevators. IWlhfaeS IVUDOeTS Street Floor. I vr- • uu j *„ . . t- an,on , crepe, all wool, best $1.25 linen napkins, 18x18 inches. fi ♦ ,be ? m s de . 0, l f v J"" shades. Special Friday only, yard, 30C Special Friday only, dozen 08c lasts, 82ZPS 11 to 2. special Fridav . 1 J Jy - onlv iy(> Snephera s checks; 42 inches —_______ Taffeta Eibbons .a, s ri ,i mi., „i,-i. .« Trimmed Hats ' iSSJnS? »~r ' ' Friday Specials in Sleds _ _ , . . a. f J n stewart ' SI.OO Roman strme suiting; oO , . lafleta. and satin taffeta ribbons: 1 ireet 1 loor, Rear. inches wide; three styles. Special Fri- of <C"I AO ?7'?r ! 0< ! s ' ec ! a ' Friday only, $1.50 to I'i inches wide, values up to 10c. _____dav onlv, vard, 50c lluay at Jpx.Ulr ___— $1.75 Sleds. Special Friday only, 91.30 Special Fridav onlv, vard, 5c ' , . , ji trr i $1.69 Sleds. Special Friday only, $1.83 , ————^. 75c basket cloth; 54 inches wide; About two dozen trimmed hats have Art rleeClle WOrK _ r ' b -. OU A ; ,n - ! rno j rp rtoo. T „ n „A ftIAU«. shades of garnet and Copenhagen. Spe- I I been taken fron stock and reduced to I I I I tw Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, < in a large range of colors; 4 to .> inches uraS Lamps ailu VrlODeS cial Friday oaly, yard, 50c SI.OO for Friday's sale. 15c to 25c fancy Japanese povelties Third Floor —Three Elevators. day e 'only?'yard! l '. !° .~. 5C '. . 15c $2.00 white enamel solar baby arc , B , 9t ' all wool; inches wide; tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, inC . ludiu f faV °" a "' l l )incushlotls ' Women's Handkerchiefs !arnps '. complete. Special I I c i a i Friday onlv yard .60c II II • i I ——— • .»»c • • < 25c stamped scarfs and centers; fine Women's hemstitched cotton hand- 10c colored inverted gas globes. Spe- „ serge; 54 inches wide. MillinerV Suecials nnw cross-stitch designs. Special Fri- 50C Colored Bath TOWeIS, kerchiefs; sheer quality. Special Fri- cial Friday only V. . 5c Special Friday only, yard o,»c JMimuoijf opociaia day only 12ttc ' day only, 10 for 25c „ . , $3.00 fancy mixed coating; 54 inches FridaV at Women's Collars Decorated China Specials W.de. Special t>iday only, yard, . ,o.>c J tubing size; 42 and 45 inches. Special rft . . SI.OO broadcloth; 50 inches wide; Final clean-up of velvet and felt Friday only, 30c 50c colored Turkish bath towels in omen s embroidered collars in manv $1.20 «lecorate«l cake sets; 7 pieces. srood shades Special Fridav onlv shanes. special Fridav only, 5c lavender, pink and blue, ttligntly soiled. styles; some with a touch of color: Special Fridav onlv, JWc y arf j * 4 * * ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Special Friday only, ISttc values up to $1.50. Special Friday „ „ deeorated ohina tea sots eon . ' n . so ' 'navy ' bengaline';' 5V ' i'nehos s.eciuVS'Hdlv'onlv" Third Klevators - 29c Bath TOWeIS 19<^ 49c sisting of tea pot and 6 cups and wide. Special Friday only, yard, «1.10 Sl e ° lUl nday * Calll Silk Windsor Neckwear saucers. Special Friday only 08c ?2 00 Duvetyne; 54 inches wide; i< Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _______ _ 29c large Turkish bath towels, plain . ~ .... , 98c decorated china berrv sets: 7 shade of brown. Special Friday only, Second Floor, Front —Three Elevators. _. ntii n white and colored borders. Special Fri- Silk crepe de chine Winds.r ties in pieces. Special Fridav onlv, " OOc vard sl.lO Linen PlllOW Cases day onlv .....19c ombre colors, worth 39c. Special Fri- 1 r u i- J J da - v onlj ' 25c Coffee Pots inches wide;°heavT°nough for 'eoaU ! ! TIT" 25c Plain TOWeIS, 15tf Shadow Lace -n , . .. Special Friday only, yard sl.lO Men's Silk Shirts, day only pair ' ' $1 10 . AT u- OllctuuW i-KtCc jQc bj u(> ar)d white enameled coftee . oniy, pair 2 UC colored juaid Turkish bath tow- Shadow lace edces in white- about 3 l' ot9 - s l' ec 'al Friday only 23c " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's high-grade silk shirts. Special $4.00 hemstitched embroidered linen els, in lavender, pink and blue. Special inches wide: values up to 10c! Special „ 00r ' Friday only $2.70 pillow caseg . 45*36 inches. Special PViday only, 15c Friday only 5c WaSll i3ollerS Men's $1.50 soisette mushroom Friday only, pair 1 SI.OB , _ . » , txr n;,-o. t c . „ . _ , .... ———————_ tucked white mercerized shirts; sizes L——————— XIUCK iOWeIS, lOy tr Dives, Pomero.% k Stewart, Galvanized wash boilers — ,4 to ic Soeeial Fridav onlv sl.lO Street Floor. . _ .._ ~ . Crepe KimOnOS 25c linen hemmed and hemstitched oF,! C 1«! °*\Z Men's $1.59 shirts in corded madras, T?ramAH Pir>tlirp« huck towels; good size and quality. '.? c^ ize .' Sp« c ial Inday only f> .. . .«5 Orene kimonos: linaerie collar trim- Anderson's percale and mushroom bos- J Tamefl SDecial J'ridav onlv 15c —————— SI. ID size. Special Friday only, ..isc med with lace insertion and laee edge, oms. Special Friday only 05c .. B!w su# Bed Spreads ' 89(1 Men's SI.OO Flannelette TJL, »1.20 imitation filet bed spreads, five 39c oyster fryers with wire basket. Muslin Gowns Pajamas, """" Sr """ Fri "* > ' "* Me,,', fI.OO pajamas rth «t.» «k art? priata. 18 oaly. ,(4 .' « n rt n(m ,'j n „ Muslin gowns; high or V-shaped neck; frog triinniiugs; sizes 15 to 1,8. Special *32 inches, subjects includes old mas- 25c Fancy Cretonnes 19<* -crass V/Uspiaors long sleeves. Special Friday only, ;Jsc Friday only 70c ters. Special Friday only 08c $1.39 brass cuspidors, nickel plated. 'NTainannlr flnumc t3r " Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, 10c pictures in wood and metal ~t »»= nainsooK bowns M ,a-, 5,„.. st,«, n.0,. r.., •« Men's and Boys' Neckwear "cial Friday only, yard, 10c Demonstration this week of Wear , Nainsook gowns; low neck; kimono 1— Second Floor, Front—Three Elevators. Ever Aluminum Cooking Wear. 10c and sleeves; embroidery edge and ribbon Men's and boys 25c and 35c silk $1.39 Serving Trays, 89* ™.»" • ■ • Unbleached Muslin ; ISTtSSI t a.Sr r ialm"r(ma,™* h ?Sa™ d o'M » Div«, Pam.ray i Small Aprons 10. 40 ia,h u.Mcckrt mualia. Sp._ Children's Bath RobeS and glass cover; 11 inches wide and asemen . cia ri< a\ on y, yar , < % Children's $2.98 blanket bath robes; Men S Shirts 20 inches long. Special Friday only, ' a ° c y aprons; embroidery trim- g c 36.i nc y, fi lle unbleached muslin. sizes Bto 18 years. Special Friday 89c lned - Regular price, 50c. Special Frt- Special Friday only, yard 7c onlv SI.OB Mpn » ollt,D <? cloth to P shlrt "- flat day only, 30c ' J and military collars. Special Friday $2.00 Velour Runners, Marabou Neck Pieces, Voile Blouses Bleached Sheets Men's Bath Robes on,y :Wc ' 3 for $, 0 ° $1.69 Marabou and marabou and ostrich s&c 76x90 inch bleached sheets. Spe- Men's $5.00 Terry or Turkish bath 50C Silk NecktieS, 29(* combination capes and stoles in black, Three styles of voile blouses; trim- . . p ■ j„ v j_ t ij Wc robes. Special Friday only, ...s:t.oß $2.00 velour table runners in mixed natural, black and white and natural med with bunch tucks, embroidery pan- J , &0c extra large flowing end silk four colorings for library and den tables. and white. Values up to $5.00. Special eI » and lace insertion, organdy collar 69c 76x90 bleached sheets, seal- -Mens »o.uu oatn rooes wun sup- in-hand ties, l.arge selection of pat- Special Friday only $1.60 Friday onlv, 08c aU( ' cuffs. Special Friday only, . .60c lfped edge. Special Friday only, ..50c P ers to.match. Special triday terns. Special Friday only 20c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, fcf" Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tS' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators. Street Moor. Second Floor—Three Elevators. / > Street Floor, Hear. Men's Store, Street Floor. Men's Store, Street Floor, Rear. 1 fl I , HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10, 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers