8 SICK TO STAT IS LIKUOI Plans Now Being Made by Party for Big Meetings at Taber nacle Neaft Week SOCKS GIVEN EVANGELIST Company of Eighty Trail Hitters In cludes Widow With Eight Children and Young Man Who Confesses He Is a Hobo Preparations are uow being made by the Stough party for special nights at the tabernacle next week, in the event of a continuation of the cam paign beyond the specified time. This is the last of the six weeks provided for. Although there has as yet been no definite statement made from any quarter, the likelihood is that the tab ernacle meetings will continue through out next week, closing the Monday be fore Christmas. The Altoona cam paign opens the succeeding Sunday. "There are three things which call for a seventh week," said Dr. Stough from the tabernacle plafform last night. "The railroad men wntit another night, the firemen should have a special night, and there ought to be by all moans a church and Sunday school night. This would be the occasion for a monster demonstration. Church members would (father at Market square for instance, and parade with bands, redlights and torches through several of the princi pal streets to the tabernacle. Wo will not have room for any of these special nights this week. It is not for me or for any group to decide whether we shall have a seventh week. God must move us, and make known to us in pome special way whether the campaign is to be continued." Meanwhile, plans are being made for railroad night, for either Wednesday or Thursday of next week. No announce ments will be fnade definitely concern ing special nights until the seventh week ha.s been publicly settled upon. Stough Gets Socks and Blanket Novel gifts were given Dr. Stough last night at the tabernacle by the visitors. Instead of bouquets ot' flow ors, which ho usuallv receives, lie got pairs ot' socks for himself and stockings for his wife and a blanket, "to keep the iittle Stoiighs warm." The hosiery came from tno Moor head Knitting Company and from the New Idea Ho siery Company, and the bed covering lrom the men of New Cumberland. Socks and stockings were also present ed to Mr. ami Mrs. F. T. Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Spooner. I'rior to delivering his sermon Dr. Stough rjad a letter which lie hyd received, accusing him of showing par tiality toward persons of wealth. In reply, he declared that he would bang at the rich marti as well as the poor n hen occasion required. "I have lost thousands of dollars ibccause I dared bang away at the rich," he said. "Don't say that lam going to keep quiet because I am going to take up a collection for myself soon. I want to say right off the reel that T am not catering to men of money. If they want to, they can keep their money in their jeans." Kindness Theme of Sarmon The evangelist pleaded in his ser mon for Christians to exhibit more everyday kindness to their fellow crea tures. He made us of a wealth of il lustrations, with little humor to relieve the seriousness of his discourse. In making his final plea for trail-hitters he told the story of the Dauphin, son of i.ouis XVI, who. after he had fallen into the hands of the revolutionists, was placed in charge of "Old Meg" to be debauched, an 1 who stamped his princely foot in defiance of the old hag and said to her. "1 was born to be a king." "Yes. he was born to be a king, and to sit upon the throne," said the revivalist. "l.ik.» him, every one of you has been born to be a king. Why don't you enter into your heritage? God says v. e are to sit upon His throne. You that need to bo born again to en ter into your heritage come now,, come now.'' Trail-hitters a Mixed Company The eighty persons who hit the trail made a mixed company. There were husbands with their wives, as usual, in one another's arms and apparently en joying th»i" experience. One wife tes tified that she had prayed for this event three years, and another ten years. Un married men were present, and a num lter of young girls from various walks life. There was a woman who said sue was a widow and had eight chil dren, whom Dr. Stough enthusiastically greeted and called "a real heroine." There was alsi a young man who con fessed be hail no home and was a hobo, having wandered aimlessly into the tab ernacle with no place else to go. Sev eral small children went to make up the company NOTICE!! ■ Members of Mt. Vernon Council, \\>. 3liC, O. of 1. A., arc requested to "\eet at haJI of Post 58, G. A, R., Nlorth Third street, at 7 o'clock sharp, oii Thursday evening, Dei-ember 10, a»ll unite with the G. A. If. veterans yf attending the Htough evangelistic Itv oriier of Council, G. \V..Straw, K. S. A. K. Bock, C. adv. To Fight Foot and Mouth Disease By Astociatcil Presa. Washington, Dec. 9.—Special appro priation of $2,500,00(1 to tight the epi demic of foot and mouth disease was proposed in a bill favorably reported for action to the Striate today bv the Agriculture Committee. COMB, BRUSH & MIRROR SETS GORGAS 10 N. Third St. and Penna. Station HARRISBURG ST A R-INDE PENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 9, 1914. CHARGE EMPLOYERS EVADE THE WOMEN'S LABOR LAW Speakers at Federation Conference To day Declare the Measure Is All Bight but That There Are Not Enough Inspectors to Enforce It The conference of members of the Central District Federation of on the subject of legislation to be pre sented during the coming session, was continued to-day in the House caucus room, with James H. Maurer, of Bead ing, president of the Federation, in the duair. The session was devoted to the discussion of the women's labor bfll. Miss Florence Sanvill, of the Consu mers' League, Philadelphia, presenting the subject, said that the present worn en's labor bill, passed by the last Leg islature meets all of the requirements, is a most excellent law, when carried out, and as it could hardly be imp'roved upon, no amendments will be asked for. Robert Tomlinson, of Reading, repre senting the cigar makers, spoke at length on the present law and deplored the fact that it is not being carried out as it should be. In fact, he said, its ob servance is weak for the rea-on that employers, knowing there are not suf ficient factory inspectors to be on th 1 watch all the time, take advantage of that and overwork the women and oth erwise violate the law. President Maurer also spoke of the insufficiency of inspectors and said that having fifty inspectdrs for a big State like Pennsylvania is a joke. The conference took no action on this subject but it is very likely thiat when the executive committee meets to night a suggestion for an increased number of inspectors will be adopted in order that Commissioner Jackson, of the Department of Labor and Industry, may be enabled to keep a closer watch over evasions of the law and the women may be better protected, at least as far as the law contemplates. This afternoon's session was devoted to the discussion of bills relating to workingmen's compensation, child la bor, woman labor, minimum wage, mine laws and miscellaneous laws relating to the welfare of labor. The executive committee will meet to-night when it will be delegated to carry out the conference instructions. COURT HOUSE ARGUMENT IX WILL CASE Register Soon Will Decide If Adams Will Shall Stand Echoes of the court proceedings at which relatives contested the right of Harrison Seiferd, an alleged clairvoy ant to receive the bulk of the $12,000 loft by the late Martha J. Adams, were heard this morning whan attorneys in the case presented argument to Roy C. Danner. Register of Wills. Mr. Danner soon will decide whether he will permit the Adams will to be probated. Te allow the will to stand the Register first must decide that the deceased has testamentary capacity and that she was not influenced by the beneficiary. That is the contention of Seifer i while the relatives who are beneficiaries, contend that Seiferd, by his '-(j-called spiritualistic powers in fluenced the deceased. No matter what decision the Regis- I ter files, attorneys in the case say an ! appeal will be taken to the courts. Case Continued County Detective -lames T. Walters ; yesterday attended court in Chambers- I burg, where it was expected George | Brinlev, 01 this city, whom Walters arrested, would be placed on trial on j;v larceny charge. Brinlev is accused jot' taking S7OO in cash and S2OO in | notes from his wife's uncle, Alexander | Price, a Franklin county farmer. The case was continued because of the non | appearance of the prosecutor. j Auditors' Report The report of the auditors who ex j amined the accounts of the treasurer of Wiconisco township was tiled with j Henry P. Hollar, Prothonotary, this i morning. The balance in the treasury 'Oll December 1, 1y 1 J?, was $13.41; the receipts during the year were $3,- 778.43; the expenditures, $3,769.0 V, leaving a balance of $9.36. The au ditors were J. J. Zarker, Theodore Gor | don and Thomas Coles, ,lr. ■ To Sentence Juveniles Three juveniles arreste, I on criminal charges will be called before Judge McOrrell at a.n extraordinary session of court on Saturday morning. On Monday District Attorney will call for sentence a number of defendants, now in jail, who have eonfe-->l to criminal charges upon which they had been committed for trial. Letters Issued betters of aid ministration on the estate of Mary M. Winger, late of j Harrisbum, were issued this morning ! to Harry E. Winger. On the estate ot •Joseph Duncan, late of Lykeus, letters were issued to Walter Duncan. Marriage Licenses ' harles E. Baker, Waynesboro, and Anna R. Hall, Chamlbersbairg. Irvin V. Martin and Harriet M. Brinser, Harrieiburg. Have Not Paid Bill The County Commissioners to-dav took no action on the bills of Francis W. Riegel and Fred W. Huston, two of the I>auphin county auditors. John W. Cartel, president of the audit board! to-day said he is too busy to prepare his bill of charges and may not have it ready before next week. TO INITIATE HEPTASOPHS Many Local Members Will Attend Cere mony Held in Lancaster Many Heptasophs from Harrisburg and vicinity will go to Lancaster on | Monday night to attend the initiating j of forty candidates of the George Ross I Conclave, Improved Order of Hepta ! sophs, of lancaster. The supreme officials from the supreme body will j also be present. — Nail Holes in the Wood Old nail holes in wood may be filled u.p by mixing sawdust with glue till it is the consistency of stiff paste. Press this compound into the holes, and it | will become as hard as the wood itself. FRENCH REPORT HAS ROSY VIEW FOR ALLIES ALONG ALL THEJATTLE FRONTS Paris, Doc. 9, 2.48 P. M. —There wan artillery fighting from the sea to the Lys during the ilay of December 8, ac cording to the French,official announce ment given out in Paris this afternoon and all the positions won by the French during the pasit two days have been strengthened. The French have made gaius in the Aisne, ih the Meuse and in the Argonne- Part of the statement is devoted to a recital of the situation in Kussiajand Servia. The text of the coinmufii. at ion follows: "During the day of l>ecember 8 there was artillery tiring from the sea coast to the Lys. In the regiou of Ar ras and further to t'he south there was nothing to report. The positions won by us during "the past two days have been organized and consolidate). "In the region of the Aisne artillery exchanges resulted advantageously for us. In the Argonne the activity of our artillery and tight;ng by our infantry resulted in appreciable gains for us. ■Several German trenches were occupied and we made progress along the entire front with the exception of one single poiut; here the enemy blew up on£ of our trenches with a mine. "On the heights of the Meuse our artillery showed itself distinctly the master of the artillery of the enemy. In this region as we.l as in the Argonne we have made progress along the. entirei front and occupied several of the Ger man trenches. The same thing happened in the forest of Le Pretre. "In the Vosges we repulsed several attacks to the northwest oif Sinones. In the remainder of t'.ie Segment of the Vosges, the enemy made no endeavor, during the day of December 8, to deliv er any serious attack on the position offered by us la-art week. "In Russia t'he stubborn attacks of the Germans against the front from Ilow to Lowicz and from Strykow to Lodz, and also along a line running north and south sixteen kilometres (ten miles) to the west of Piotrkow, were repulsed. Nevertheless because of the exposed position of Lodz at the head of a wedge, the Russians have found it advisable to evacuate this citv. * "In Galicia the Austrians, Who ap pear to have received German rein forcements, have resumed the- offen sive in the region of Neu Sandee to the southwest of Cracow, against the Rus sian left wing. "The Servian armies are making progress in the upper valleys of the Western Morava and on the left bank of the river Ljid. They have taken possession of the heights of Meljen, capturing numerous prisoners and also taking caimon from file enemy. In the region of Kosm&j the' Servians are in contact with the Austrian troops." LATE WAR HEWS^SUMMARY Continued From First Pace. victory would come to Germany because "our nerves are stronger than those of our enemy." The Russian war office states that a serious defeat has been inflicted on the Germans in one of the three war areas in the east. It is announced that in the region of Cracow, Galicia, the Germans were put to rout, their right wing be ing turned and that they are still beiaj pursued. German losses are described as enormous. It has been suggested in Lon don that the Russians would coment themselves with remaining on the de fensive in Poland, following recent German successes there and that, send ing reinforcements into Galicia, they would attempt to invade Germany from the south, across the Silesian border. Although Russia has not yet admit ted the fall of Lodz the official an nouncement contains the suggestion that the fighting in thai vicinity has been less in her favor than is said to be the case in Galicia. It is stated that in the battle near Piotrokow, a Polish city, a."> miles southeast of Lodz, there "were only partial successes." To the north engagements are in progress to the east of the border of East Prussia. A previous official statement from Ber lin spoke of the presence of Russians on German territory about .1.) miles west of the frontier. According to current reports in Rome, Germany does not look to Italy as a possible ally and is bending all her efforts to keep that nation out of the war. It is said that Prince Von Buelow, the former German c ouncillor, now serving as Ambassador to Rome! has been authorized to arrange the ces sion by Austria to Italy of the province of Trent. This province, formerly Ital ian territory and populated largely by Italians, has been in possession of Au stria for a century. Attacks by the allies and counter at tacks by the Germans in the west ap parently have not thus far made essen tial changes in th e positions of the op posing armies. The Germans have re sumed the offensive in Belgium with force. In the Argonne also hard fight ing is in progress. CESSION OF I KENT TO ITALY IP LATTER REMAINS NEUTRAL Home, Dec. 8, 7.05 P. M.-»—" Prince Von Beulow. the new German Ambassa dor to Italy," says the "Idea Nazion ale, " "comes to Home, authorized to ne gotiate the cession of the province of Trent to Italy in exchange for tbe niaintenanci of neutrality by Italy. It is asserted that Austria, on Germany's invitation, will proclaim the independ ence of Trent because a majority of the population is Italian and after this is done that Italy will occupy Trent. "Austria will make a protest for the sake of appearances, but Germany will recognize the annexation of the province of Trent te Italy. Home per sons even assert that Trieste will be proclaimed a free town under an Aus trian protectorate." President Poincare Back in Paris Paris, Dec. 9, 3.50 P.'M.—President Poincare ami Premier Viviani arrived in Paris to-dav from Bordeaux. For eign Minister Delcasse ami members of the diplomatic corps were to follow them later in the day. The Only Reason "Arc you hurt!" inquired the kind ly old man. "No; I'm just groaning to let you know I'm alive," whispered the driver from underneath the overturned truck. —Buffalo Express. STAR-INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS. GRAND CROSS OF LEGION OF HONOR FOR MUERRICK IS CONFERRED DY FRANCE New York, Dec. 9. —The Grand Cross j of the Legion of Honor is on its way across the sea from the President of [ France to 'Myron T. Herrick, in*fecog ! uition of Mr. Herrick's services to the j French people while American Ambas sador to France. 'Mr, Herrick was dec orated yesterday with a red ribbon, em blematic of the cross, by the captain of the steamship Rochambeau, acting on wireless orders from the French Ambas sador at Washington, who said he was actiug under instructions of President I Poincare. The decoration was pinned upon Mr. Herrick's coat as soon as the steamer reached t'he three-mile sea lim it of American sovereignty. The Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor is the highest honor which the French government can bestow. There are, including MT. Herrick, only forty five living persons throughout the world who liave been thus decorated. A spectacular welcome was given the retiring Ambassador and his wife when the vessel docked. The passengers, nearly all natives of Prance, .lined the rail and cheered as Mr. and Mrs. Her rick walked down the gang plank and the cheering was taken up by hundreds of persons who had gone to_ the pier to greet him on behalf of "the city, State, nation and the of Ohio. Mr. Herrick declined to talk for publi cation upon his experiences in France or to discuss the political situation in this citv. Mr. Herrick appeared to be annoyed when he heard that he had been men tioned for the ,1916 Republican Presi dential nomination. "I do not want to talk politics," foe said. "I don't want to talk about such foolishness. If any credit is due me for the small part I have played I do not want to capitalize it. I did not come home to talk about myse'lf. '•I am very tired and very 'broke.' 1 have just learned thai the Ohio so ciety lias engaged rooms for me at a hotel for wliich I will not have to pay. This is the best news I have heard in along time. "I want to make particular mention of the American Clearing House So ciety, which has been organized in Paris with a view to minimizing the waste of Charity. Mrs. Derrick said that she did not. believe that any of the stories concerning alleged German atrocities were true. *'l do not know of one case whero sufficient or convicing proof lias been offered concerning these so-called atrocities," she said. WTien the war is over I am sure that all such stories will be found groundless." CALLS FUR-KELLER A FRAUD County Detective Warns Women That Man Offering "Bargains" Is Try ing to Get s:t(> for $5 Goods "There is a 'num'bug' working in town who, we believe, can best be stopped through publicity. Hi has a flim-flam game and will walk out of the city wit')i a roll of moyey unless the people ge-t wise." County Detective James T. Walters gave out the atoove warning from the ofHce of the District Attorney this morning, stating that a "smooth tongue,l individual" is trying to fleece Harrislinrg women into buying $5 sets of furs for "only $25 or $30." '"Don's buy his trash," warningly remarked the detective. "The man is a t'akii""aud his story of 'hard times and his firm's downfall' js a farce." Mr. Walters said the visitor is rep resenting tiie fiirs he is offering for $25 and S3J) to be worth double the selling price; that the price has been cut because iiis firm lias suffered from the war and he wants to get rid of the stock. The detective added that the furs are not worth more than $5 or $6, that t'hev can be duplicated in the city for $5 and that the man's scheme is one intended to be a "quick-money-maker" for himself. AUDITORS' BILLS CUT DOWN Commissioners Consider Day's Work Eight Hours Instead of Six The County Commissioners this aft ernoon decided that the work of the County Auditors should be measured at the rate of eight hours a day, in stead of six hours, the basis used by Auditors Keigl,e and Houston in sub mitting their bills. The difference in the construction of how many hours constitute a day's work causes a variance of 38 days in all. or $125 in cash. Payment will be made on the eight-hour basis. The Au ditors have not announced whether they will make an appeal. The Mi Idletown and Swatara Wa ter Company was given permission by the Commissioners to extend their pipe across the new bridge over Swatara creek, at a rental of $25 a year. WOMAN KILLS HER HUSBAND Wealthy Contractor Shot by His Wife In Bed Room Pistol Duel Pottsviile, Dee. 9. —Nicholas Demi dio, a wealthy contractor of Miners ville, was shot four times by his wife in their bed room last niudit and in stantly billed. She says he can* home drunk after having been drinking and shot alt her three times as she lay in bed. She •eized a pistol she had taken from him Mondi.y when he threatened to shoot her an.l fired four shots. All took ef fect, any one of three of them being of a fatal character. Both ere ai'oout 50 years of age. Orders British Colliers From Panama Panama, Dec. 9.—Colonel Goethals this morning issued instructions for the immediate departure from Panama of the British colliers Kirnwood and Rod dam. This step was taken in order to avoid any question of the good faith of the United States respecting the ob servance of neutrality in the waters of the Canal Zone. Frank Resentenced to Death Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9. —Leo M. Frank was sentenced to-day in Fulton county I Superior Court to be hanged on Friday. ! January 22, for the murder here in I April, 1913, of Mary Phagan, a 14- I j ear-old factory girl. JOHN PRICE JACKSON TALKS TO STREET RAILWAY HEN Commissioner of Labor and Industry Tells State Convention Value of Co operation Between Company Offi cials, Employes and Patrons The value of co-operation in street railway companies between investors, employes, patrons and the povernmont was discussed at the session of the Pennsylvania Street Railways Associa tion held t/bis morning at the Board of Trade hall by John Price .Jackson, Com missioner of Labor and Industry of Pennsylvania. He dwelt also on the value of publicity, and urged that tlfere be mutual confidence not only between street railway companies ami the public, but also between the employers and em ployes of the conrjianies. A discussion as to whether or not street car companies should make their financial affairs known to the public oc cupied part of to-day's session of the Pennsylvania Street Railway Associ a tiou in convention here for two days at the Board of Tra'de twilding. It was held by one debater that expenses of construction work and of operating lines not to be made known to t'he gen eral puiblic, since the public, he de clared, has not been educated sufficient ly to understand the running of a street railway company. One speaker held that newspapers should not be entrusted with items re garding t'he companies anyway, since, he charged, newspaper men do not un derstand the business and are not ac curate in their statements. This objection was overcome by the chairman, C. L. Tingley, who spoke in telligently on the amount of benefit that newi?;aper publicity may do street railway companies. He told from ex iperience of good which has been done by tlhe press, in the interests of certain companies, by stories on "Where the Nickel Goes,' and bv aid ing in campaigns to instruct the puiblic in means of safety. He said that the trouble is tiuit street railway men do not know how to put their interests be fore the people, through the papers. Officers O'f the association elected at this morning's session were: Presi dent, C. L. 8. Tingley, the vice presi dent of the American Railway Com pany, Philadelphia; vice president, Thomas A. Wright, t'he president of the Wilkes-Barre Street Railway Company; secretary-treasurer, Henry M. Stine, of this city, and members of executive committee in addition to the [ resident and vice presitknt, P. X. Tones, the general manager of the Pittsburgh Railway Company; Gordan Campbell, the president of the York Railway Com pany; Thomas Cooper, of the Westing house Electrical Company, and T. B. Donnelly, the claim agent of the West ' Pen u Traction Comipaliy. The convention ended its two days' session at noon. ! JUDGES STARTWOrk TO-DAY To-night Will Be White Wyandotte Night at the Poultry Show When tille poultry show in the Chest nut street auditorium opened this morning at 10 o'clock, judges began their work. Thev have a difficult job, for the exhibits numbering more than 700 contain a thousand birds. Many entries were made yesterday. In addition to the eleven silver cups ! offered by the Central Pennsylvania 1 Poultry Association, which association I is running the s.how, the National White Wyandotte Association has of- j fered S3OO. This brings the amount of j the cash prizes offered up to SSSO. To-night will be white Wyandotte i night and the association will hold it# | annuaJ meeting. The wyandotte ex- i ihi'bit is one of t'he features of the : show. The result of the judging will j not be known until later in the week. Many cihicken fanciers saw the show yesterday, but attendance is expected to pick up as the week progresses. The show wil'l toe open every day this week including Saturday. MISSION DEACON KILLS GIRL Mother Witnesses Tragedy in Front Yard of Her Home liy Associated Press, St. Ijouis, Dec. 9. — Nannie Stricklin, 8 years old, was shot and killed in the front yard of her home here to-day by Robert Bailey, a deacon at a mission, who said he "had been trying to re form the girl. " Bailey shot himself and j was taken to a hospital in a dving con- ; dition. Mrs. Clara Stricklin, mother of the child, said that Bailey for more than a year hail annoyed her in efforts to adopt the child, saying he wanted to marrv her when she was grown. Naunie ha.l stayed in doors for sev eral days in fear of Bailey, who on Sunday was driven out of the house by Mrs. Stricklin. When the child left the house to-day Bailey, who roomed nearby, spoke to her and a moment la ter the mother saw Bailey raise a re volver and fire. MACK STATB WITH ATHLETICS Bays Rumor That He Is to Go to New York Is Untrue Bi) Associated Press, Philadelphia, Dec. 9.—"1 won't leave Philadelphia," said Connie Mack of the Philadelphia Athletics to-day when his attention wascaJled to a re port that he might manage the New- York American League baseball team next season. "I am well satisfied here." he add ed, "and I am laying p-lans for the 1915 season. I may have to build up a new team, but I have done that be fore. It may be a little harder work than the last team I built up but 1 will 'have a team that will be in the 1915 race all the time." Injured in JtO-Foot Fall Carmine Gnardane, 19 years old, a : laborer for the Hershev Chocolate i Company, fell thirty feet from a roof he was working on this morning, frac turing his right arm and right leg a.nd sustaining body bruises. He was ad mitted to the Harristourg hospital for treatment. Forty Dead in Peru Earthquake Lima, Peru, Dec. 9.—An earth quake yesterday did considerable dam age to the interior towns of Ijampa, Colta and Pausa. I'p to the present time forty bodies have been recovered from the ruins of wrecked houses. JURY WHEELUSEDBOYEARS SPINS IfISTJIME TO-DAY Continued From Plrat Paso. morning, that number representing the Dauphin eouutians who were liable for jury duty during 1914 but who had not been picked at the' regular jury drawings. Among the persons whose names were in the wheel but who were not called for jury duty, was Harry A. Bo.ver, president of the Harrisiburg School 'Board and Dauphin County Inspector of Weigfots and (Measures. Drawing juroTS literally is a lottery. The 900 names are obtained by the Jury Commissioners —some of them through tlie district political committee men—and they are inserted in the wheel near the 'beginning of each year. The law fixes fhe number of jurors who may serve at a particular term of court. For instance sixty are drawn for common pleas, ninety-six POT fhe general session, twenty-four for grand and sev enty-two for petit jurors. In selecting sessions jurors the first twenty-four names drawn from the wheel become grand jurors and the next seventy-two are petit jurors. The abandoned wheel will for a weeik or two be exhibited in one of the dis play window of a'Market street depart ment store, after which it will be given over to the Daufhin County Historical Society. Records of the county do not show when the old wheel was pur chased, although t)hey do rfhow that it has (been in use at least since 1834. ADDITIONAL ttPITOT NEWS Foot and Mouth Disease The State L/ive Stock Sanitary Board is keeping c-arefml watich on the developments in the spread of the foot and mouth disease in this State, but reports axe that the epidemic has not appeared in any new cases. Where the disease prevails, however, it is report ed as spreading from farm to farm in a few caaes, but not to an alarming extent. So thoroughly has the work of the board lx*en accomplished, that it is intended at the next board meet ing to remove the quarantine restric tions from several more counties. School Money All Paid The money for the public schools for 1914 has all been paid by the State treasury on warrants from the Department of Public Instruction, with the exception of about thirty districts that have not yet sent in their reports as required by law. Thus far $6,585,- 720.80 has been paid out. Dauphin county districts have all received their money except Reed and Susquehanna townships. Typhoid Epidemic TJie Stat. 1 Health Department has been notified of an epidemic of typhoid in Kittanning, and seventy-five cases are said to be on the list, increasing at the rate of eight a day. A represen tative of the department is now en gaged in an investigation, and the city has been placarded but not quarantin ed. More Protests A forma l protest against the in creased passenger fares was filed with the Public Service Commission this morning by fhe Wayne Public Safety Association. Informal protests were filed by the Frankford Business Men's aud Taxpayers' Association, of Frank foru; William Barnett, Jr., Mt. Alver no, Delaware county; Dr. A. 11. Cleve land. 256 South Fifteenth street, Phila delphia, and Andrew Brown, Pittston, li l a. 1 Mrs. Lottie M. Hanmer Mrs. IJO t tie M. Ilanmer, 31 years old, the wife of E. L. Hanmer, Second and Chestnut streets, Worinlevsburg, died last night at 11.15 o'clock after suffer ing but a short time from acute indi gestion. Besides her husband, she leaves one son, William; two daugh trs, Ruth and Dorothy; seven sisters and one brother. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late resi dence, the Rev. Mr. Geotz, pastor of the Clfurdh of God. Steelton, officiating. Burial will be in East Harrisburg ceme tery. Mrs. Alice Dawson The funeral services of Mrs. Alice Lawson, 45 years old, wife of John Lawson, who died Monday at her home, 1414 Fourth street, were held this aft ernoon at 2 oclfeck, the Rev. C. J. Car penter officiating. Burial was in Lin coln cemetery. UNIFORM OOATS ARRIVE Captain and Lieutenant of Police Don Garments To-day The uniform overcoats for the cap tain and lieutenant of police have ar rived in the city and those officials donned them for the first time to-day. The coatß are kn"e length, of a color similar to the ones worn by officers in the United States navy. The coats have belts in the back and are clasped in the front with braid. The insignia of the rank is shown on the coat sleeve, loops of 'braid being attached, like service coats in the army. Two loops signify the rank of captain and one the rank of lieutenant. Uniforms for Sanitary Officers December 15 has been determined on as the day when the sanitary officers attached to tht city health bureau will appear in their new uniforms. They will wear single-t>reast ersford To-day . FIREMAN'S LEG IS CRUSHED OFF Engineer of the Express Dies in the Phoenixville Hospital, While En gineer On Coal Engine Expires Soon After Being Taken From Wreck By A nunc ml nil Press, Reading, Dec. 9.—A serious wreck occurred on the Reading railway at Koyersford at 5.40 a. m. to-day, when the Buffalo Express, leaving here at. 4.55 a. m. for Philadelphia, dashed into the side of a coal engine 1599, resulting in the death of two men and severe injuries to others and blocking of all tracks. Joseph Springer, of Tamaqua, en-' gineer of the Buffalo Express, was badly Injured about the body ami scalded. He died at the Phoenixville hospital at 9.10 a. m. C. U. Fisher, engineer of engine 1599, residing in this city, expired' shortly after he was removed from the wreck. He had been in the employ ot' the company seven years and n.n en engineer the past three years. John W. Stabler, fireman of the ex* press train, was badly injured but wiil recover. He resides at Tamaqua. He is at the Phoenixville hospital. i Paul Lejbey, Pottsville, fireman of engine 1599, had one of his legs >o badly crushed that it had to be ampu tated. He was taken to the Phoenix ville hospdal. , It appears that some one turned the switch and signal and led Engineer Fisher to start his train from the (on to the high speed track. The fireman, who turned the switch evidently for-' getting that the express had not yet! passed. There was but a brief interval when the express came thundering along and dashed into the side of the big coal locomotive. Both engines were upset. The express due in Reading from Philadelphia at 10 a. m. was run via •the Pennsylvania. \ N. Y. CENTRAL DIVIDEND OFF Board of Directors Decides Not to Cut Melon In January By Associated Press. New York, Dec. 9.—The board of directors of the New York Central and Hudson River railroad have decided that the dividend on the stock of that road, usually payable in January, will not be declared at this time, according to an. announcement made to-day by A. H. Smith, president of the road. An official statement gives as a res son for postponing dividend action the approaching consolidation of the New York Central with the Lake .Shore and Mlielii'gan Southern railway and va rious other subsidiary roads of the so called Vanderbilt system. The directors of the New York Cen tral and the Lake Hhore have express i ed the opinion that payment of divi dends after the consolidation has been effected is a matter to be dealt wit!* [ by the board of the consolidated com j panies and not by the board's of the | constituent companies. The consolida tion is expected to become affective j alb out January 1. ALLEGED TRUST IN MOVIES Attorney for Defense Argues Case in U. S. ©istrict Court Hii Associated Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 9.—•Self-preser vation was the principle upon which the alleged motion picture trust en tered into uniform agreements in 1908, according to the defence offered in the j United States district court to-day by j Charles S. Kingsley, attorney for the j Motion Picture Patents Company, to ! the suit of the government, for a dis i solution. The object or thought of a j monopoly or restraint of trade in mov - ing pictures was "preeminently ab | sent," he said. Counsel added that out of the chaos' ! of the bitter war in 1908 between the j Ellison interests and the Biograph and Kleine interests, the Motion Picture Patents Company was forced and as a consequence the perfection of animated pictures has been incalculably aided. PHILADELPHIA (LOSING Philadelphia, Dec. 9.—Stocks closed, steady. Cambria Steel 4 0 Gen Asphalt 3,3 do pfd lit! Lake Superior 12 Lehigh Nav 7o Vi Ltlhigh Valley .. * 85 P. R . R 52% Fhila Electric 2 3 Phi la Company pfd 53 i Phila Rapid Transit ......... 11 Storage Battery 47 Vy I'nion Traction 29'... I United Gas X 2 :; Chicago Board of Trade i New York, Dec. 9. —F'ollowlna lire ili« 1 o'clock stork prices as issued hy the Stock Kxchanßc committee, last sale: t Amalgamated Copper, 10 V American fleet Sugar -!■ American Can 24-V American Cotton Oil :t4 !. American Smelting 52y American Tel. and Tel 11l Atchison HI Ketlileliem Steel H 'i Brooklyn Transit S7 • Canadian Pacific l.io'S Central leather .I.i 7 S St. Paul s.'i Missouri '"acid " New York Central SI Northern Paciiic V its Pennsylvania, lilo',j Heading 140 t'nlon Pacific ] I i New Haven r>l :l i Texas Oil, 1 311 New York Bond Prices Chicago, Dec. !*.—Close: Wheat —December. Ilfi'ii: Ma>. l-i' :l «. Corn December, i>2 I Si: Ma v. HSi s . Oats—December. t7: May. Pork—January, 18.12; May. 1K.."i2. Lard—January, !i.77: Ma>. :iT. Kibs—January, U. 77; May, 10.07.