The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Christmas Can Bring No Finer Gift
To Your Family Than a New
tor-Victrola, or Edi
i son Diamond Disc
for the entire family. One 111
of these instruments is bound |il j f
to suit your tastes and your [P||Hm Ml
. purse, and any of them is \
safe to buy upon a moment's \j
notice. To stimulate early Jmfy
selection we will now
Reserve Any Instrument for Xmas Delivery
With No Payments Coming Due Until
Jan. Cash Deposit Quite Nominal
Come in this evening or to-morrow and see and hear the new and beauti
ful instruments on display. New pianos, guaranteed makes, ranging in price
from 190 o SBSO. New plaver-pianos, $395 to SIOSO. 1
• And don't put off choosing your Xmas Victrola or
Edison Disc. The present demand is enormous and the
visible supply limited. To avoid disappointment we are
booking orders in rotation, and to make it quite easy for
you to choose either a Victrola or Edison, we require cash
only for the records you select j begin paying on the in
strument in January. But before you decide upon either f
come in and hear them demonstrated side by side. |
Prices, 15 to $275. slew style XVI Victrola, j
gjjOQ electric motor, no winding, $250.
Used and Rebuilt Upright Pianos, SBS Up
Rebuilt Square Pianos, $25 Up
Terms: $2 and More Monthly
Troup Building 15 South Market Sq.
Display at Harrisburg Public Library
Will Aid Donors to Make
Proper Selections
People who are in doubt about what
)>ooks to give for Christinas or who
■want some idea on books for old or
young, only need to go to the Karris
burg Public Library. Miss Alice K.
Eaton, the librarian, has arranged what j
is called a, Christmas bookshelf on j
which are displayed books which will j
give ideas at' what to get. The books
are taken from the shelves of the li
brary and in addition the price lists
of practically every book publishing
housa dealing in Christmas or gift or
standard books is arranged on a table.
■ The display is the mort unique ever
wiade in the city and gives first class
\ Another arrangement is a collection
fcf books to give ideis on programs
lor Christmas, with lists of hymns,!
enrols and the like, which can be easily j
inferred to and which give many good i
sJglgesfcions for Yuletkle celebrations. I
\The "War Extra" table contains j
tome new books albout the countries at :
was and has attracted no end of at
tention from the hundreds of visitors
at the library.
Circulation at the library during tho i
"month of November amounted to 8,564 1
against 8,519 during the month of,
October. Of this number 2,74 4 were j
juvenile books. There were 3,284 read
ers at the library, of whom 1,065 were
Btate College to Give Short Mid
Winter Course
State College, Pa., Dec. 9.—The
Pennsylvania State College will give a
inid-winter short course for millers and
«iillers' apprentices during the Christ-
Bias recess of the college calendar. The
session will be held simultaneously with
tho practical course in agriculture I
%hich is given during "Farmers'
Week." hast year there was an at
tendance of 976 in these courses. An
Extended scries of evening and day lee
4ures will be given at this time on sub
ject relating to agriculture, milling,
{arm engines and mechanics. All these
lectures given in the evening and many
of those given during the day are open
to students taking the milling course.
The short course for millers begins
Monday, December 28, 1914, and con
tinues until Wednesday, January 6,
This course will be similar to the one 1
given last summer in the summer ses- j
sion for millers except that the course |
will be very much abbreviated on ac
count of having very much less time
available. The major part of the ses- i
sion, however, will be devoted to ex
periments with practical methods of '<
j testing flour, such as absorption, gluten, j
j expansion and comparative baking |
I tests.
Find Twins Dead in Bed
Kutatown, Dec. 9.—The twin sons
' /■ " ■ N
I &pOWER.ff). j
will not make a mistake if he selects the following
Electrical Appliances for gifts:
All the above-mentioned appliances are useful as
well as appropriate.
The above, as well as many others, are on display
in our store room.
Electrical gifts are sensible gifts.
—■*———— '
■ |
bom to Mrs. Moses Handwork, on
Thanksgiving Day, were found dead in
bed by the mother yesterday. Heart
trouble was given as the cause.
Bloomsburg Attorney Granted Continu
ance on Embezzlement Charge
Bloomsburg, Dec. 9. —A true bill
was returned yesterday by the Grand
j Jury in the case of A. X. Yost, a
Bloomsbung attorney, charged with
; embezzling funds of the Industrial
i Building and Loan Association, of
j which he was secretary.
A continuance was granted until the
Febnui&ry term of court," with the un
derstanding that the bail will be in
creased from $2,30.0 to $6,600 and
cover a nunilber of years.
Continued From Pint Paso.
ness throughout the country is the best
Evidence that confidence ha* been re
stored. There is every reason why the
country should look forward to the fu
ture with confidence go far as its trade,
commerce and industry are concerned."
Small Seduction of Gold Holdings
In spite of drains from Europe,
where the natioii owed about $450,-
000,000 at the outbreak of the war,
Secretary McAdoo aays that the Treas
ury's gold holdings show a reduction
of only $88,656,279 on October 31,
1914, compared with holdings of sl,-
258,218,357 on June 30, 1913.
Secretary McAdoo referred in somo
detail to his action against banks
which, he publicly announced, were
hoarding up money, piling up reserves
and charging hiigh interest rates with
out good cause. It was a disagreeable
duty, he said, but one which resulted
in a determination on his own part to
withdraw government deposits from
banks not using such founds for the
benefit of their communities.
"This action," he said, "had a
salutary influence, because it was fol
lowed by a general loosening up of
credits; and while it is not for a mo
ment contended that the improvement
is attributable wholly to the action of
the department it is, nevertheless, be
lieved to have had l a beneficial effect
upon the situation."
Should Extend Wax Tax
Mr. McAdoo's report is devoted
largely to a review of the activities of
tois department for the fiscal year end
ing on June 30, before the war began,
but he included detailed statements of
the Treasury's participation in various
post-war problems.
The -Secretary makes several recom
mendations. He suggests to Congress
that the war revenue tax law should
not expire December 31, 1915, ibut that
its operation should toe extended until
the end of the European war, by proc
lamation of the President.
Income Tax Law Amendment
Discussing the income tax law, the
Secretary advocates a change in the
law so that persons having a gross in
como of $3,000 toe required to make a
roturn instead of those persons with a
net income of that amount or over.
"Such an amendment," he says,
'' would simplify the administration of
the law, assure more complete returns
and materially increase the income tax
revenue, and save an immense amount
of expense to which the government is
now subjected in maintaining a suffi
cient corps of inspectors and investiga
tors to hunt out tha people who have
failed to make returns." He recom
mends also the repeal of the provision
by which taxes do not accrue until ten
days after the close of the fiscal year
and would make them accrue July 1
each year.
Although the law did not produce the
revenue expected, the Secretary says, it
has proved satisfactory and explains
the administration of a law of that
character has many obstacles to over
come at the outset and that folk are
unaccustomed and must 'be edxicated to
it. Taking the tables of returns, Mr.
McAdoo infers that there must be many
who failed to pay the tax.
Thousands Failed to Make Return
f 'lt is clear," Bays he, "that there
were thousands of persons who failed
altogether to make a return as required
by law. The remedy for this, of course,
is to have the colleetsrs of internal
revenue in each district make an assess
ment upon those who, in the opinion of
the collectors, are liable to the tax,
and, in addition, to make such investi
gations as may be necessary to deter
mine who in each district have failed
to make proper returns. The experi
ence of the department shows that
many erroneous and faulty returns
have 'been made." The work of dis
covering such cases, he adds, is being
pushed forward with all possible rapid
Succsss of tlie Tariff Act
"The collection of revenue for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 1814," says
Mr. 'McAdoo, ''show the success of the
tariff act of October 3, 1913, as a
revenue measure." He goes on to show
that t'his act was estimated as the pro
ducer of $270,000,000 in its first year
and I;hat there was actual')' collected
$292,320,014. That, however, includ
ed nine months under the new law and
three months ui.der the Payne-Aldrich
law. He slhows that the total raised un
der the new law with its corporation
and income tax features was $363,-
701,289, or $9,803,593 in excess of
the previous year's receipts under the
preceding revenue measure. «
War Affected tlio Be venues
"The European war," said the Sec
retary, "seriously affected tlhe revenues
of the government from imports. The
revenue from customs for October,
1914, was $16,271,529, and for Oc
tober, 1913, it was $30,138,049, a
decrease of $13,566,220. The reduc
tion is solely due to the falling off in
importations. The estimate made 'by
the department indicated a yearly de
crease of between $60,000,000 and
$ 100,00'0,000. It is obvious that these
estimates cannot 'be accurate as no one
can forecast the course of events while
the titanic struggle in Europe is in
progress. To keep tho treasury in
strong condition in these abnormal
times was obviously tihe first duty of
the hour. Upon it largely depended the
safety of business and finance in this
Facilities of Parcel Post
Mr. McAdoo again recommends to
Congress t'he consolidation of the Rev
enue Cutter and Life Saving Services,
to bear the name "Coast Guard Serv
ice." He nrged the 'building of two
more revenue cutters and the appro
priation for a leprosarium for the use of
the Public 'Health Service.
He announced that the Treasury De
|>artment is making a study of the fa
cilities of the parcel post in the trans
portation of money and securities be
tween the treasury, sub-treasuries and
banks. He points out that the total
payments for such service to express
companies during the last three years
have averaged $375,000 and expresses
the hope that a plan for the use of the
mails or their use in conjunction with
the express companies can be worked
out to effect a large saving and also to
insure a much faster delivery service.
He asks Congress once more to give
him a contingent fund of $i2<3,000 to
make effective investigations, eradi
cating aibuses, etc.
Summaries of reports of his 'bureau
chiefs are included in the report. U.
8. Treasurer Joihn Burke advises author
ization of a $5 gold certificate. The
Reven'ue Cutter Service asks for a cut
ter for use- near the Panama canal zone.
Secretary McAdoo points out that the
Federal Reserve 'Board will make a sep
arate report.
Estimates of Receipts and Payments
Secretary McAdoo estimates the re-
"Indigestion and practically all forma
of stomach trouble are, nine times out
of ten. due to acidity; therefore stom
ach sufferers should, whenever possible,
avoid eating food that is acid in its na
ture, or which by chemical action in
the stomach develops acidity. Unfor
tunately, such a rule eliminates most
foods which are pleasant to the taste
as well as those which are rich in
blood, flesh and nerve building proper
ties. This is the reason why dyspep
tics and stomach sufferers are usually
so thin, emaciated and lacking in that
vital energy which" can only come from
a well fed body. For the benefit of
those sufferers who have been obliged
to exclude from their diet all starchy,
sweet or fatty food, and arc trying to
keep up a miserable existence on glu
ten products, 1 would suggest that you
should try a meal of any food or foods
which you may like. In moderate
amount, taking immediately afterwards
a teaspoonful of bisurated magnesia In
a little hot or cold water. This will
neutralize any acid which may be pres
ent, or which may be formed, and In
stead of the usual feeling of uneasi
ness and fullness, you will find that
your food agrees with you perfectly.
Bisurated magnesia is doubtless the
best food corrective and antacid known.
It has no direct action on the stomach;
but by neutralizing the acidity of the
food contents, and thus removing the
source of the acid irritation which in
flames the delicate stomach lining, it
does more than could possibly be done
by any drug or medicine. As a physi
cian. I believe in the use of medicine
whenever necessary, but I must admit
th-at I cannot see the sense of dosing
an inflamed and irritated stomach with
drugs Instead of getting rid of the acid
—the cause of all the trbuble. Get a
little bisurated magnesia from your
druggist, eat what you want at your
next meal, take some of the bisurated
magnesia as directed above, and see if
I'm not right." • adv.
cei-pts of the government for the fiscal
year 1915, ending June 30, at $728,-
000,000, including $220,000,000 from
customs and $54,000,000 from the
emergency war tax. Exclusive of the
Panama canal, he places disbursements
at $710,000,000 for the current year.
Counting upon $28,000,000 for the ca
nal out of the treasury's general fund,
he places the excess of disbursoments at
For the fiscal year which ends June
30, 1916, Mr. McAdoo says he ex
pects receipts amounting to $735,000,-
000 with customs bringing $240,000,-
000 and the emergency war taxes
$34,000,000. The Secretary* places or
dinary expenditures for that head at
$713*765,105, with $19,000,000 addi
tional for the Panama canal, leaving a
slight surplus.
In his estimates Mr. McAdoo puts
the return from the income tax for the
current fiscal year at $80,000,000,
$4 0,000,000 each from individuals and
corporations. For 1916 he expects the
tax to produce $85,000,000. half to 'be
paid by individuals, half by corpora
Already Sentenced to 45, Now Prose
cuted by Postal Authorities
Philadelphia, Dec. 9. Sentenced
on Monday in the Lehigh County Court
to a prison term of 45 years for vari
ous robberies, which he was convicted
of, J. H. Freyer, of Allentown, was
brought here yesterday by postal in
spectors, who say that he faces another
prison sentence of 40 years for a chain
of postotfice robberies. According to
the inspectors, Freyer confessed robbing
a number of postoffiees in Bucks and
Lehigh counties.
Freyer told the inspectors a weird
tale of having been so hounded by sev
eral men during recent years because
he possessed the secret of a buried tem
ple, filled with gold, in the Sahara Des
ert. The secret, he said, was given him
by an old man whose life he saved
some years ago on the Erie Canal. Im
mediately afterward the men put in
appearance and have followed him from
place to place, torturing him, in an ef
fort to obtain the secret. The postal
inspectors will have the man's mental
condition inquired into.
Ban McKinley's Funeral Train
Baltimore, Md., Dec. 9.—John N.
Unglaub, 69 years old, engineer of the
train which carried President Garfield
to Long Branch after he had been shot,
and also the train that was used to
transport the dead body of President
McKinley to Canton, 0., died here
Not at All
"Is this outdoor sleeping arrange
ment you propose tentative!" ■
"Oh, no. You can take a shack if
you don't like the tents."—Baltimore
Paris Playhouses
The receipts for the theatres and
music halls of Paris have just been
published. These statements are re
quired by law in view of the poor re
lief tax levied on these earnings. The
figures, states the Paris correspondent
of the London "Times," have never
been as high as they are for last year
—nearly $13,383,000. They exceed by
$583,000 the record established in
1912 and by $1,946,000 the returns
for 1911. The increase is due princi
pally to the takings of cinematograph
shows. These establishments in 1913
earned $1,655,000 as compared with
$1,314,000 the year before.
Try Musterole. See How Quickly It
You just rub MUSTEROLE in brisk
ly and usually that pain is gone—a
delicious, soothing comfort comes to
take its place.
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. Use it
instead of mustard plaster. Will not
Doctors and nurses use MUSTER
OLE and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what relief
it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma* Neuralgia,
Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lum
bago, Pains and Aches of the Back or
Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the
Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what
you ask for. The Musterole Company,
Cleveland,/ Ohio.
United Bt»t«s Bureau of Education
Tbus Describes the Kindergarten
*in Orphanages
Washington, D. C., Doe. 9.—The kin
dergarten as a "'humanizing factor'' in
orphanages and other institutions of
child 'betterment is described in a bul
letin, "The Kindergarten in 'Benevolent
Institutions," just issued by t'he Unit
ed States Bureau of Education. Heads
of such institutions declare that frhe
kindergarten supplies at least a partial
substitute for the family influence and
for the spontaneous activity lacking in
institutional life.
The report says: "The kindergarten
and trained kiudergartner are of spe
cial value to institutions because tbey
substitute t'he maternal spirit for that
of mere constituted authority in deal
ing with child life. The function of the
kindergarten is a nurture, unfold, form,
and train the child's inherent powers;
to teach him to become a self-educator.
"(Philanthropic enterprises for the
afflicted, both public and private, sudh
as schools for deaf, dumb, blind or de
fective children, tihould have kinder
gartens, because of tlheir educational
benefits, through the training of tihe
hand. Properly taught, the hand may
become the outer ear and we, eveu the
outer brain, for these unfortunates; for
through the hand the brain is awakenod
and stimulated.
"'A kiwdea-gairten is the first de
m«uid of the social settlement because
through it the settlement worker gains
tihe first interest of the nei/ghlbor'hood.
The kindorgnrtner must visit the homes,
and t'he parents of the children soon
find that her visits are disinterested.
S'he has no ax to grind, in trade, poli
tics, or religion; she comes as a friend
of t'he family. Suspicion of any ulterior
motive soon disappears, and she is wel
come; she meets with the greatest
courtesy and kindness in the neighbor
hood. Hundreds of churdhes and mis
sions with records of true beneficence
have found the kindergarten absolutely
essential in their work.
"The biggest bill the community has
to pay if that run up by pauperism, vice
and crime. Little can be expected from
remedies applied to Chronic cases; such
treatment is palliative, at the best;
only prevention can 'be genuinely last
ingly beneficial, and prevention is the
peculiar office of the kindergarten.''
To Free Your Skin
of Hair or Fuzz
(Boudoir Secrets)
No toilet table is complete without a
small package of delatone, for with it
hair or fuzz can be quickly banished
from the skin. To remove hairs you
merely mix into a paste enough of the
powder and water to cover the objec
tionable hairs. This should be left on
the skin about 2 minutes, then rubbed
off and the skin washed, when it will be
found free from hair or blemish. Be
sure you get genuine delatone. Adv.
Departuro From Old-time Methods Has
Been Made in Busy New
York Streets
They certainly have speeded up the
gospel wagou hereabouts, says an ex
change, referring to New York City.
Every one has seen the old-fashioned
noonday evangelist at work. H<e usual
ly stands upon a soap box, he is some
times aided by a bunch of singers
whose voices need immediate patching,
and he is always earnest, but often re
grettably greasy. Also, a good many
of him have the habit of passing tho
hat by proxy before the wary audi
ence can make its getaway.
The most elaborate old-time outfit
only ran to a cottage organ in a wag
on. The organ always wheezed and the
organist know only the sad tunes—
with a universe full of joyous melodies
to pick from.
They don't do it that way any more.
Street evangelism is on the first speed,
along with everything else. Every noon
nowadays an up-to-date entertainment
committee can be seen at Madison
square. The evangolist rides to his
daily task in a taxicab and when it is
his time to speak he stands on the front
seat and steadies himself by holding to
the driver js head.
In the cab are from three to five
good-looking women —good-looking, get
that? —who can and do sing. Some
times they are accompanied by a
cornetist who is a real artist. They
sing regular songs, too, with a gospel
flavor and at a quickstep. Sometimes
they use megaphones pointed upward
at the windows of the surrounding sky
Heads jam those windows the mo
ment the first note is -heard. There
isn't anything cheap or commonplace
or sordid in the outfit. The women
are well dressed and have good voices.
The speaker is always witty and elo
quent —and he is just as earnest, even
if his coat doe* fit and liig collar is
dandruffless. When the noon hour is
over they ride to their homes in the
It is a departure from the accepted
rules of street evangelism—'but isn't it
like New York?
Confess Brutal Crimes in Sandusky
and St. Louis
O., Dec. 9.—ln police
court here yesterday, Frank Davis, 18,
of Pittsburgh, pleaded guilty to first
degree murder after confessing that
he caused Frederick Valentine, of
Cleveland, to jump to his death from a
moving Lake Shore railroad" freight
train at Bavbridge, a week ago.
Ed. Moore, 24, colored, of Jersey
City, N. J., also pleaded guilty, having
been implicated in the confession of
Valentine, it is said, was compelled
jump af tet\he had been robvied.
Sit. Louis, , Dec. 9.—Thomas Olapp,
20 years old, of Tamms, 111., yesterday
confessed to the murder of David and
Ad«.m Brown, brothers, who were
found dead in their home near Tamms
last Sunday. He also implicated his 16-
year-old nephew, Lester Moody, also of
The Browns had received money MI a
business transaction, and it was under
stood that they kept more than SI,OOO
in the house.
Samose Fills Out the Curves and Makes
Thin People Fat
If you are thin, your health is not .
what it should be. If you are losing
weight steadily, there is something
wrong that should be attended to at
once. You cannot be healthy and
strong if you are thin.
Perfect health and good, solid beauti-N
ful flesh can only coine'through the use
of Samose, the remarkable flesh-form
ing food.
Samose is not a drug or a stimulant;
it is a scientific flesh-forming food that
restores thin people to a normal condi
tion of good healthy flesh.
These statements are confirmed by
H. G. Kennedy's offer to refund the
money to anyone buying and using Sa
mose who does not gain in weight as
promised. The risk is all his. The thin
and scrawny can buy Samose at Drug
gist H. ">C. Kennedy's store, with the
knowledge that if it is not successful
it will cost absolutclv nothing. Adv.
!H 01 MBIT
Governor-elect, Back
From South, Says His
Mind Has Not Been
on Politics
Hopes to Improve Those of State Al
though, He Points Out, Law Pre
vents Floating of Special Highway
Loans in His Administration
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Philadelphia, Dec. 9. —When Gover
nor-elect Martin G. Brumbaugh return
ed to Philadelphia from Southern Pines
yesterday, he showed that he didn't in
tend to do much talking before inaugu
ration. Very pleasantly he evaded all
questions concerning his Cabinet ap
pointments, his program and his atti
tude toward the Republican leade'rs. He
didn't even take the trouble to deny
the rumors that have been going about
with reference to certain places which
he is supposed to have agreed to fill.
Leading questions directed at the
Governor-elect, however, drew from
him an inference that he is not going
to start a fight with the leaders of the
Republican Organization, at least for
the present.
He was asked first if he thought the
party organization was essential to the
success of his administration.
"Organization," he said warily, "is
necessary to all things. Without or
ganization no results could be accom
Then he was asked about local option
—whether he would use his power as
executive to force .the Legislature to
pass a local option bill. He hesitated
before replying to this, and finally said
he didn't care to be quoted at this time.
Not Talking at Present
"In fact," he said, "I do not be
lieve 1 should make any statement now.
After I take office, I'll have plenty to
When asked about the make-up of
his Cabinet, he replied;
"Honestly, that matter has not yet
been decided upon in any particular.
As a matter of fact, no names will bt»
announced until January. While 1 wai
playing golf at Southern Pines, soma
people up here made up a Cabinet for
me. So why should 1 worry! They
seem to know more about it than 1 do.
"I was down South for a month and
enjoyed myself, resting most of tho
time. All the time I was there I did
not see a ]>olitician or talk politics. I
hardly thought about it. There is much
work ahead for me and I want to be
in shape to do my job well. If I had
worried about things down there, I
might not fell so well as I do.''
Dr. Brumbaugh looks extremely
well. He is browned and rugged anil
all traces of fatigue left by the hard
campaign of the fall have been elimi
nated. On his way North he stopped
in Washington on Monday night to bo
the guest of Congressman William S.
Vare at a banquet where he met the
, Pennsylvania delegation in Congress
, together with several noted House lead
Hopes to Improve the Roads
He said yesterday he meant every
word of the speech he made on that oc
-1 casion, when he said he intended to
1 keep all his personal platform pledges,
1 with the help of the Republican lead
ers, if possible, but without thcin, if
One thing Dr. Brumbaugh seemed
to want to talk about and that was
roads. He said he had inspected a
number of roads in North Carolina and
had found them fine and cheap, being
' made of sand and clay. This kind of
road, he pointed out, cannot be made in
, i Pennsylvania, owing to the frost. He
said he would give considerable time to
' the study of roads and tho improve
; ment of the roads of this State,
t "All improvements to roads during
■ my administration," he said, "will
j have to be paid for out of current reve
nue. The $50,000,000 road loan amend
" ment to the Constitution was rejected
by the people in 1913 and cannot be
brought up again for four years. That
' makes it impossible to float road loans
: during my administration. However, I
hope to do much to better tho roads of
I the State."
Dr. Brumbaugh was asked if it was
* true that he intended to thoroughly ro
< organize the Highway Department of
r the State.
1 "We will cross that bridge when wo
! come to it," he replied.
.Increases in value each year. Our
stock this year is unusually large and
!■ attractive. Prices arc right.
H. O. Claster,
1 Gems, Jewels, Silverware,
302 Market Street. Adv.