WITMER, BAIR & WITMER Specials—Fare Refunding Sail 4 1 S Christmas Saving Club | Checks Cheerfully Cashed I * m / ' \ Voile, organdy, crepe and lingerie waists, FCfts* I values SI.OO to $1.95. Special tlvrv I v —- Black broadcloth coats —self trimmed and in laid velvet collar values $4.75 and $6.50. Special $2.50 and «DO. I *■ ' I , V Boucle and cheviot coats —mostly black and navy—values SIO.OO to $1(5.75. Spe- QQ a - \ Suits—Long, medium and short coats—mostly navy, black and green—values $25.00 (EOK A A to $45. Special. SIO.OO, $15.00 New Spring Models—tan. black, navy, green aud brown —made up for present-day wear. v * ' FURS FURS ' Closing out Marabout and Ostrich sets, values $11.50 to $20.00. (Pi 7 r A Special $5.00 and ® v » Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 WALNUT STREET \ —— I—!!!■ Ml I llll * SOCIAL and PERSONAL SOCIETY FOLK PLAN FOR ANOTHER QUAINT CONCERT Elaborate Arrangements Started for Charity Affair in Easter Week— Wednesday Club Holds a DeUghtful Concert This Morning At a meeting held last evening at the home of the Misses Pearson. 503 North Front street, a committee was appoint ed to arrange a benefit concert, an "Old Folks' Concert," which will be given Kaster week in the Technical High school auditorium under the aus pices of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It is planned to devote a part of the proceeds of the concert to the Harrisburg war and home relief fund. The society gave a "Grandmothers' • oncert in the Technical High school on a previous Easter Monday night and the affair proved such a success and so delightful in every way that many re quests were made for a repetition. The participants in the '•Grand mothers' Concert " were prominent men and women of the city and the members of the younger social set. The debu tantes of that season took a conspicu ous part in the cast and will do so again this year. The music, costumes and scenery were very beautiful and all of the colonial days. The concert was held in the setting of the parlors of an obi colonial_ mansion and the guests spent a delightful evening sing ing the pretty, quaint ballads of long ago. sewing carpet rags and knitting the while. The choruses also were the old-fashioned ones and thoroughly en joyed by the large audience. The committee is planning to have the concert this year along similar lines, but on a much more elaborate scale, and no pains will be spared to make it even more delightful than the previous one. The following were appointed to have charge of the preliminaries: Chairman. Miss Mary Harris Pearson: music. Mrs. David Watts, Mrs. Carl Elv and Mrs. Philip T. Meredith; decora tions, Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel. Mrs. Durbin; publicity. Miss Amelia Durbiti and Miss Bashore, costumes, Mrs. Da vid Watts, Mrs. Carl Brandes Kly, Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. Kunkel, Mrs. McAllis ter, Miss Katherine Irwin Kgle. Miss Keliey, Miss Bashore and Miss Durbin. Programs and tickets will be in • harge of J. Clarence Funk and John Olmsted Any amount raised in excesr- of SOOO will be given to the Harrisburg war and home relief fund. Wednesday Club Concert To-day "Music of the North American In dian and its Influence Upon American Comjiosers'' was the topic of discussion at tli • working musicale of the Wednes day Club held in Fahnestoek hail this morning. The program included the following: (a) "From An Indian Lodge." Op. r 'l. No. 5. MacDowell. (b) "An Indian Id' i, Op. 62, No. 6. MacDowell, Miss -niavely; Omaha Indian music, tran • ribed. Fillmore. Xos. 12. 13. 16, 24. Mrs. Harris: " Ichibusshi." Op. 13, Arthur Farwell. Mrs. Hall; "American Indian Songs,' Op. 45, Cadman, '' I'rom the Land of the Skyblue Wa ter, "Far Off I Hear a Lover's Flute," "The Moon Drops Low," chor us: "Lyrics of the Red man." Loomis, (a) "Music of the Calumet." (b) "The Silent Conqueror," Mrs. Henrv; (a) "Prayer to Wakonda," (b), "The Chattering S';uaw." (c) "The Thunder Ood and the Rainbow," Mrs We aver: Pueblo Indian corn-grinding songs. Natalie Curtis, Mrs. Hull; (a~ " Wah-w ah-tay-see, " Cadman. (b) '"Ghost Dance of the Zunis." Carlos Trover. Miss Lemor; "Traditional Zuni Songs," Carlos Trover, (a) "Zuniai Lullaby." (b) "The Surprise Call," Mrs. Hertzler; "Indian Suite." Op. 48, HI five movements. MacDowell, Mrs. Rhodes and Mirs Lavertv. A general concert of the club will be held on Thursday evening. December 17. v.hen a program of Christmas music will be presented. Members will be privileged to invite guests to this con cert. Mrs. A. M. Paget Hostess Mrs. A. Maxwell Paget entertained j at the home of r ner parents. Mr. and! Mrs. E. P. Banm, Wornilevsburg, Mon-.j day evening, the members of the Wed- i nesday Afternoon Embroidery Club, and i their husbands. The guests spent a pleasant evening' with music and games, after which i dainty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Paget will leave shortly for their home in Canton, China. HOME FROM WESTERN TRIP Given Reception by Relatives and Friends in Celebration of Return Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard were given a delightful reception at their home. 172H North Sixth street, last evening, in celebration of their return from an extended western trip. A de lightful evening was spent during which the guests of iionor tol-d many inter esting stories of their travels and of the cities they visited. Dinner was served wit'h covers laid for the follow ing: 'Mr. and Mrs. 1 Leonard. Mr. and tMrs. Johu Burchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. a nil Mrs. William Young, Mrs. Ussier, Mrs. Mary Oilman, Mrs. William Fiiekinger, Mrs. W. E. Hartzell, Mrs. William Klinepeter, Mrs. John Keagle. Mrs. Jacob Miller, Mrs. Sarah Dimes, Mrs. A. L. Sterrick. 'Mrs. Bella Beattv, Mrs. A. H. Eastright, Mrs. Charles K. Williams, Mrs. William Conrad. Mrs. Martha j. Hartzell, iMrs. Ella Wilt. Mr. and Mrs. R. at. Leonard. Miss Fannie Weaver, Miss Olive Young. M;ss Ada K. Hartzell, Blair Smith and Harrv Leonard, 3d. MISS KAJISKY ENTERTAINS Members of Demosthenian Literary Society Last Evening Miss Lillian Kamsky entertained the members of the Demosthenian Lit | erary Society of Central High school | at her home last evening. A sliort busi ness session was held atter which the j evening was spent in a social manner, i Jkainty refreshments were served to | the following members: Misses Dorothy Hel man. Helen WaJlis, Miriam Ryan, Lillian Kamskv, | P aniline Hauck, Helen Gerdes, Marv , Witmer. Marion Martz, Martha Miller, j Katherine Fahnestoek. Helen Broom | all, Caroline Hatton. Margaret Weise : man, Helen Smiley, Kiiztbeth M•- ! Cormick, Catherine Ortli, Naomi Ba i vard, Katherine Peters ami Cather ine Kelker, Carrol Dennev, Paul Wal ; ter, Leroy Smucker, Frederick Lyter, I John Black, Karl Peters, Anson De ; Vout, Paul Partheniore, Richard Hainer, Clarence Cooper, Raymond Meek, Kenneth Patterson, HeWbert j Springer, Charles Pease, William ; Bingham and Charles Fox. The next meeting will be held at ! the home of Miss Catherine Kelker, j the lirst week in January. Packed Box of Clothing The Women's Auxiliary of St. An drew's Episcopal church niet this after - | noon at 2.30 o'clock in the parish house to pack a box m clothing which will be sent to J. P. Daniel, lay reader of i Newberry, S. C. Entertained for Miss Williams Mrs. Henrietta Walkemeyer enter tained at her home. 553 South Front street, last evening, in compliment to her gue.-t, Miss .lean Williams, of Bal , timore, Md. QUICK RELIEF FROM i CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets This is the .joyful cry of thousands j since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab i kets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time en ! rmy, discovered the formula for Olive , Tablets while treating patients for ! chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets do not | contain calomel, but a healing, soothing i vegetable laxative. | No griping is the "keynote" of these i little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets. 1 They cause the bowels and liver to act | normally. They never force them to ifff ! natural action. If you have a "dark brown moutli" i now and then—a bad breath—a dull, I tired feeling—sick headache—torpid j liver and are constipated, you'll find j quick, sure and only pleasant results ; from one or two little Dr. Edwards' I Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two everv ; night just to keep right. Try them. I 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. | The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, Ohio. ' Adv. HARRISBURG STAB-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1914. News of Persons Who Come and Go •Mrs. John W. Urban, 1436 Derry street, aud Mrs. A. M. Boyson', 1530 Walnut street, returned from a visit to Lock Haven, wiherc they visited the daughter of the former, Mrs. •tames L. OTimes, who is roiniAned to the hospital, where she is undergoing a.u operation. Mrs. Charles T. Rose, 1617 Boas street, and Mrs. Charles Froehlich, 1111 Market street, aire registered at the Hotel Asior, New York, for sev eral Jays. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, and child, at' Newport, returned from a visit with Mr. ami Mrs. Kdwin Mil ler. 632 Harris street. Miß3 Lillian Decevee, of Brooklyn, N. V., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Alice Marie Decevee, 607 North Sec ond street. Dr. Julia C. Loos. of East Liberty, Pittsburgh, a former physician of this city, will lie in Harrisburg on Decem ber 15 and 16, at 32 North Sivoaid street. Mrs. Robert McKelvev, of Titus ville. Pa., is visiting Mrs. Henrv C. Orth, after a trip to New York. Miss Helen Albright, of Columbia, is the guest of Miss Beatrice Hrnkle, of Enola. Miss Roberta Milnor has gone to her home at Wiiliamsport, after a visit with Miss Edith Fischler, 1207 Swa tara street. Miss Jennie R. Blaekwell end tyss Katliryn Welsh returned from Lan caster, where they were guests ot Mrs. M. Metzgar. Miss Bertha Kopenhaber, of Mil lers'burg. is the of Mrs. George Spruce-bank, 411 Walnut street. Harold Hast, of St;Ke College is spending several days with his par ents, 2 7 North {Seventeenth street. Mrs. Paul Urunden, 22 North Pif teentli street, returned from Philadel phia. Miss Jessie Weaver and Miss Mar garet Weaver, of Syracuse, X. V., who have been guests ot' Mrs. Harry Young, 516 A South Thirteenth street, left for their new home. Misses Caroline, Helen and Emma Sheafler have gone to their home at Carlisle, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John McKendrick, 429 Hummel street. Mr. and Mrs. John tritt, of York, are g.iests of Mr. and Mrs. Gitt, 1303 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sauter. 12S Locust street, are spending several days with the latter's parents at Lan caster. Mrs. Mabel Cusack, Mrs. Irvin Gott schall and daughter, Marv Jane, have gone to their home at Darby, after a j visit with Mrs. Josepji Berry, 242! Hamilton street. Miss Klsie Hoke and Miss Martha i Hoke returned to Newport, after a I visit with Miss Mabel Bright, 22 7 Hummel street. Mrs. John DeLony, of Allentown, is the guest of Mrs. Joseph Berry, 242 Hamilton street. Miss May Thompson lias gone to her home at Williamstown after a visit' with Miss Nellie lloig.e, Market street.' Mrs. Emilv Grimm Smith, of Ly-1 kens, is visiting local friends. Mr?. Harry Baldwin, Market street,! returned from Philadelphia, where she was the guest of friends for a week. RAKTY FOR H. H. BANKI.ER i Birthday Surprise Given at His Home Last Evening A pleasant birthday surprise party was given in honor of' Harrv H. Hank-: ier. at his home, 1314 Susquehanna street, last evenimz. The evening was spent in a social manner with musk* an i games as fea tures of the entertainment. At a late hour dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. an i Mrs. Harry j H. Bankler, Mr. and Mrs. Geo:,:.' li. i Übersole, Miss Catherine Turns, lerrvi Hummed. Charles Wh'itting'on, Miss Annie Wal lower and the members of' the Shamrock Fire Company, to which Mr. Bankler belongs. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McAllister.; SO4 Noii'b Sixteenth street, announce; the birtii of a son. Ho.vard Findlev M.- Allister. Mr. and Mrs.' Park Ree l, 51»> South I Thirteenth street, anuonnce the biuli I of a son Monday, De ember 7. Will Winter in Ashvii'e, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Abbott and daughters. Ivouise and Dorothy ' Marie, of Cleveland, ().. are spending' several days wish relatives in this citv J and ("amp Hill, en route to Ashville.' N. C„ where they will spend the win j ter, Bubb-Anfel Wedding Adamstown, Dec. 9; —Miss Mabel; Anfel, of this place, an I Frederick N., Bubb, of Linglestown, were married yesterday by the Rev. C. B. Weiser, pastor of the Reamstown United Evan gelical church. They were unattended. Married at Lancaster Marietta, Dec. 9.—Miss Susan H. Hauser and George Enck, of Lancaster, \ were married yesterday by the Rev.! Paul Schneider. A reception followed. PENXSY ORDERS 1050 CARS Steel Carriers of the Battleship De sign for Early in 1915 Altoona, Pa., Dec. 9. —Orders for 1,050 allsteei box cars wore received 'at the Pennsylvania Railroad shops! here yesterday from Philadelphia. This' is the first of the 1915 construction program. The cars arc to be built over! the Class X-25 model, known as the I " battleship " design. It is stated that the new cars will! not be delivered before .February or March, as work on them is not to be i started until all orders at the car shops j are filled. Meantime orders fer ma terial will be placed with the steel! companies and other concerns. Tho; cars are to be turned out at the rate of 400 a month. Flsher-Huber Wedding Miss Rom ai lie Huber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Huber. of Me- \ chaniesburg, and Edwin L. Fisher, of ; t'iiis city, were married in Baltimore, j 'Md., Thursday, November 12, bv t)he Rev. Dr. lie&cli. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher 1 are "at home'' in the Fisriiman apart-1 meats, Sixth and Herr streets. ' MASS OF FRIES AND BLACKHEADS On Face. As Big as Peas. Remedies Didn't Seem to Help. Suffered Terribly, Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trouble Gone. 315 Wayne Ave.. Ellwood City. Pa "At Ant my fkn became rough all at onco and before many days it a mass of t pimples and hi&rhheads BO I didn't know what to do. pimple* looked as big as peas. They would stay on my face a few days and then I would squeeze tliem out with my Angers. By doing so matter and a blackhead would come out and after that It would Ileal up. then it was tlie same thing over again. "Remedies didn't spent, to help me any so I c;i\ e up trying and all that time I was suffering terribly. 1 was ashamed to go out my face looked so. After about three months of suffering I read an advertisement about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample of each which proved great. I bought some and In four weeks my trouble was gone. It took three cake* of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of CuM cura Ointment to cure me." (Signed) Misa E. Smith. Jan. 29, 1914. Samples Free by Mail In purity, delicate medication, refreshing fragrance, convenience and economy. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment meet with the ap proval of the most discriminating. Often successful when all else fails. Cuticura Soap (25c.i and Cuticura Ointment (50c. 1 are sold everywhere. Liberal wimple of eack mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Addreai post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." HOUSEWIVES SHOULD BUY CHICKENS UNDRfIWW U. S. Government Tests Show That Un drawn Chickens Keep Much Better Than Those That Have Been Fully Dressed Washington, I). Dec. 9.—The poultry handling specialists of the Unit ed States Department of Agriculture are urging housewives to buy their chickens undrawn and with their heads and feet still on. An undrawn chicken they say shows its lack of freshness or its unfitness for food muc'h more clear ly than does a fuilv dressed bird, in the dressing of nhi.h certain significant signs can easily be removed by the crafty poultry dresser. Moreover, by actual government tests as reported in circular No. 70 of the Bureau of Chemistry, fully drawn poultry with head and feet removed, decompose the most rapidly, while un drawn poultry keeps much better than does poultry either wholly or partly drawn. This is because ouce a chicen is opened for cleaning, the delicate tis sues in it are open to the bacteria of the air, which multiply very rapidly and soon destroy the flavor of t*iie chicken, even if t'liey do not bring aibout actual , utrefa.'tion. Tire undressed chicken is far less likely to be contaminated in this way. as the outer skin is a protec tion agairst rite inroads of such bac teria. When the feet of chickens are re moved, the housewife loses one of the easiest met he.ls of determining whether tje bird is young or dd. Voting chick ens have smooth, clean feet anil shanks. Old birds ha\o scaly, rough legs and but,oils or spurs. The head of a dea.l chicken gives very clear indications of -;ale»es-\ Tap head of a thicken that is nc<; fresh will rho« a greenish color below the 'bill, sunken eyes, ami a darkening 01 discoloration on t>be neck, all of which iifdicato decay. Shsaid See Entrails Withdrawn The housewife should require that the entrails of a chicken be not drawn, or at least should have the butcher draa- then in her presence. Moreover, tee entrails of the chickens often show diseased conditions the: are not evident alter the bird is fully drawn. The appearance of the entrails will help her to tell whether the chicken is fresh and whether it has been properly handled. Entrails in a good chicken should be almos:; empty, round, lirni in texture, and s'holv.irg little red veins 'here and (litre. If the intestines are full, the 'bird wps not starved for twenty-four hours before killing, as it should have been, or else sand was fed to it to in crease its weight and work a fraud 011 t::e 'buyer. T; the animal heat was not removed quickly and completely, the roundness of the intestines will 'be lost and tiie folds of the intestines will stick together. There also will be an undue amount of sl'minets and an unpleasant odor 'vl.i •.! is noi found in a properly chilled bird. There is, of course, aiwavs some odor when the body cavity of a bird is opened, even if it is just killed, but t lis odor is qjite different from the pronounced smell which comes with decay. An unscrupulous dealer can not foist bad birds on the housewife who dresses the chickens herself and knows how to interpret what she sees and smells. What the Skin Will Tell The skia of a chicken will tell the housewife w'het'her the bird has been properly "dry" picked and "air (••hilled" or whether it has been "scald ed" in order to remove the feathers, f'iie skin of a dry-picked chicken is flexible, translucent, with the feather papillae plain*- visible and contains Don't Neglect THROAT Troubles v&af because the swollen glands Jpf and inflamed membranes often " affect other tisanes and impair their healthy action. __ SCOTT'S EMULSION affords feJ great relief because its cod J Aj lirtf oil is speedily con- / f verted into germ-resisting tissue—the glycerine is TOSOH curative and healing, jr** while the combined emul- i —zrt.j] sion strengthens the lungs to avert lung trouble. j v REFUSE SUHSIIIUIta mmd [~~}l short hairs which have to be removed by singeing. If a chicken has been scalded, tfhe skin is 'hard, thick, close to the muscles underneath and almost free from these liairs. The skin of a dry-picked chicken which has been chilled in water lias lowf the powdery look which is characteristic arod is shiny, thicker than when air chilled, and it is scarcely possible to see tJha pink muscles underneath as one should be aible to do. A water chilled chicken is also a fraud to t'he buyer because it a'bsords water, which is charged for at chicken prices. Housewives should insist on a drv picked chicken, (because any wetting of a chicken, aud especially scalding, les sens or destroys the delicate flavor of the meat. How to Draw a Chicken Following are t'he directions given by the poultry-dressing specialists of the department for drawing a chicken at home: (1) Hold the chicken bv tilie legs and run it quiekly over the flame from a losely twisted lighted newspaper which, for safety, may be laid in a coal bucket or ash tra.v. This will remove the tine hairs. Remove anv pi>n feathers with the aid of a shnr 1 ;', small knife blade. The charred hair may 'be washed off later. (2) Cut the legs off well below t'he knee .joint. If the legs are cut atbove the knee joint, the flesh on the drum srtick will be pull 'back from the end. (3) Cut the head off, leaving as much of the neck as possi'ble, then push the skin of the neck ■bac'k and cut the neck off close to the body. The envelope of t!he remaining skin gives the dressed bird a neater appearance. The neck bones with the adihearing meat make a valua'ble addition to the gi'blets. The gullet and windpipe are. of course, on the neck and must be pulled away. How to Remove Entrails * (4) To remove the entrails, make an incision about 2>/ 2 inches in lengtih across the abdomen and as close to the vent, as possible. Jn making this in cision, be careful not to penetrate the intestine. Slip t'he fingers in first, and gradually insert the whole hand through tile flit into t'he body cavity. Work the viscera loose from its attach ments by sliding the fingers over t'he in ner surface of the 'body walls. In this way, after a little practice, the viscera can 'be removed quickly and easily. The lungs will almost invariaibly tear, leav ing shreds sticking to the 'back. These, ami the kidneys of the chicken, vv'hich are two long, dark red bodies lying each side of the backbone and firmly fastened, should be removed in pieces. The rest of the viscera, including the crop which lies far front and just un der the sk-in of the'breast, when loosen ed will come out in a mess through the incision. The intestine is still attached to tihe bird at the vent. To separate it cleanly, the tube should be picked up just as close to the vent as possible anil its contents pushed well back from the vent. Then cut closely around t'lio vent, holding the intestine tightly be tween the fingers to insure cleanliness. Run a stream of water through the slit into the 'body cavity in such wise that it flows out through the vent and clean?, the sihort 'piece of intestine sftil 1 remain ing. Then cut •bo't'h vent and intestine away, leaviug a neat, round hole no larger than is necessary. Preparing the Giblets To prepare the giblets, detach the heart, gizzard and liver, taking great care not to break the little green gall bladder attached to the liver, which contains a very bitter liquid which, if allowed to es«ape, will give a bitter flavor to the giblets and gravy. This gall 'bladder is so close to the liver bhnl some liver tissue must be cut away, to be on t'he safe side. The color of a healthy chicken liver may vary from yellow to dark red. To prepare the gizzard, hold it with the thin edge to ward the palm of the hand and make an incision the whole length along t'he tfliick side, being 'careful merely to cnt through the muscle, but not into tho inner sac. Then open t'he gizzard as you would a pocketfbook and remove the inner sac which is full of gravel, if possible without breaking it. Finally, wash the chicken and gib lets in clean, cold water, but do not let. t'he chicken soak in the water, be cause the finest flavors of the meat and much nutritive material are dissolved in the water. Once the c'hirtken is dressed and washed, put it at once in the coldest. lace available and keep it there until it is to be put on the fire. The 'best way is to dress it just in time to go into the stove. PYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS Pyorrhea Alveolaris is the scientific name given to a destructive disease of the gums and tooth sockets which causes the teeth to become loose. Un til recently, when a few well-known scientists announced that they had found a specific for Pyorrhea, and dem onstrated their claims, the terrible dis ease was considered incurable. The writer wishes to announce that he is equipped to scientifically treat Pyorrhea (Rigg's Disease) according to the teachings of the men who discov ered the specific, and demonstrated cures. Dr. B. S. Behney, 202 liovust Street. Harrisburg. Adv. LINGLESTOWN Mrs. Annie Buck Entertains Members of Embroidery Club Special Correspondence. kinglestown, Dec. 9.—The Misses Martha and Elizabeth Gra.vbill spent several days of last week with friends at IMifflintown. Mrs. Chester Johnson and daughter, Ruth, of Steelton, on Monday were the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Parling. Mrs. Maria Zimmerman, of Pleasant View, spent a few days of fhis week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sc'haner. Miss Adaline Sehaner was the week end guest of friends at Harrisburg. The Embroidery Club met at the home of Mrs. Buck on Monday evoning. Roibert Hoke, of Mount Joy, is spend ing several weeks with friends here. Edward Buck, a student of Gettys burg College, was the recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buck. Miss Sue M-cllhenny, of Harrisfourg, was the guest of Mr.'and MTS. George Goss on Monday. The Rev. anil Mrs. Clyde 1/yncfh, of Harrisburg, on Tuesday visited friends here. Mrs. Harry Juillard spent Tuesday wit'h friends at Harrisburg. Former Annville Citizen Dies Lebanon, Dec. 9. —A. L. Lessley, of this city, received word of the death of his brother. Isaac at Seaford, Del., on Suudav, at the age of 71 years. He was a native of Annville. A broth or. John Lessley, died two weeks ago and A. L. Lessley is the only surviving brother. "THE QUALITY STORE" Bath Robes & Gowns Ideal Gifts for Men and Boys tD EALLY the men have come to look for these comfortable, "loungy" garments at Christmas time—they actually feel "miffed" . if you overlook them. BATH ROBES AT $2.98 to $lO Of cotton and wool in a broad variety of strikingly beautiful patterns—all well GOWNS AT $3.50 to $15.00 Very popular because they button down the front and have belt and shawl eollars—handsome patterns. BOYS' BATH ROBES AT $2.98 For the little chaps 10, 12 and 14 years we show a wonder ful assortment—almost any one will please him. OTHER CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Men's Handkerchiefs, in plain linen at I 50p each. ! Men's Initial Handkerchiefs at 15c and 35c each. Jap Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c, s«c, 75c and SI.OO each. All Linen Handkerchiefs, % dozen in pretty leather case at $1.50. Suspenders in fancy boxes at 80c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25. Combination Sets of Suspenders, Garters, Armbands and Belts at 50c and SI.OO each. Knitted Four-in-hand Ties, in a wide variety, at 25c, 50c and SI.OO each. Silk Ties, wonderful assortments, at 25c, 50c and SI.OO. New Phoenix Full Dress Mufflers, in silk and mercerised, at 50c to $2.50. Men's Dress Gloves at SI.OO to $2.00 per pair. « Men's Hosiery, cotton and silk, at Men's Dress Shirts, in every stylo, at 50c, SI.OO and $1.50. ■ Men's Silk Shirts, all beautiful patterns, at $3.50 to $5.00. 5 Men's Pocketbooks and Card Cases at 25c to $.1.00 each. | [L W. COOK FAMILY IN DEATH'S SHADOW Two Dead. Four 111 and Two Threat ened in Pikeville Household Reading, Dec. 9. —With four of its members lying critical ill with typhoid fever, two others threatened with the disease and two deaths occurring with in two weeks, t-he family of William Hil'bert, of Pikeville, this county, is sorely afflicted. Jwo weeiks ago a granddaughter, May Sitler, ded, and on the evening 'before the child's funeral, the grand mother succumbed to a stroke of apo plexy. Two days ago Kate HiJbert, a daughter of William Jiiibert, and Alary, wife of Sylvester Hilbert, were taken ill with typhoid fever. Yesterday the father, William Hil 'bert, and the son, Sylvester, both went to bed with the disease, and a daugh ter, Alice, and another son, show symptoms of it. Mrs. Charles Glasser, of Rockland township, another daugh ter, and her husbamd are both ill with the disease. LEBANON MAYOR'S SMALL PAY Gets Less Than a Policeman and His Colleagues in Council Lebanon, Dec. 9.—Council at its regular session last night decided to fix salaries for Councilmen and Mayor for the term ensuing when their two years terminates, January 1, 1916. The sal ary ordinances were introduced by Visit This Store During Opening Week ( All This Week ) We invito you to visit the remodeled home of the C. M. Sigler Incorporated, Piano, Player Piano and Victrola Music Store. A ehange of business management has brought with it new members to the firm, more spacious accommodation for those lines of merchandise we represent, greater conven iences for our patrons, and a higher degree of the excellent \ service we have always accorded our patrons. We want you to become acquainted with our store; with our new business associates, and to this end we invite you to Visit Us Th In this store, now confined to the representation of musical instruments, is offered The AEolian Group of Pianolas Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stuyvesant, Stroud. These six styles of pianolas range in price from twelve hundred and fifty to five hundred and fifty dollars. Steinway Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, C. M. Sigler Pianos These pianos, every one of them of standard make and tested quality, known for their excellent tone production and ability to withstand the greatest strains, range upward in price trom s2s.oo—convenient terms of payment if de sired. Victor Victrolas and Victor Records A high class store, dealing in a high class manner with high class merchandise, without excessive prices. C. A\. Siller, Inc. Pianos Victrolas £££ 30 N. 2nd.SU Councilman E. W. Sowers, who as head of the Finance Department, found that his duty. The first measure fixes the Mayor's salary, as the Clark bill necessitates that it must be fixed at $1,200 a year. This is the minimum salary according to the commission form of government act. The present salary is only $720 a year or S6O a month. Mayor .1. I'. Longenecker is at present receiving s"> a month less than the subordinate po liceman and $2.50 a month less than his colleagues in Council. Send us your name and address for |l opy of our new catalogue. It is free. Large and beautiful. All prices in plain figures. H. C. Claster, Gems, Jewels, Silverware, * 302 Market Street. Ad\'i Harrisburg Women Visit Lebanon Lodge Lebanon. Dec. 9. Household No; 4(>80, of this city, held a big meeting last, evening. The visit to the local lodge of several officers of the Harris, burg Household was the feature of tlis evening. The visitors were Mrs. Anns L. Davis, K. 8. M. N. G., and Mrs} Dolly Gray, supervisor of the Harris; burg lodge. Mrs. Davis made an ex cellent address to the local lodge, out lining the work in this city. — j Wtife (after callers toad gone)— How dare you scold me before company! * Hulb—-Well, yo>u know my dear, 1 don't dare do it when we are by ouf» selves.—Boston Transcript. 3