The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 09, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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DUDLEY 2v£ inches
NORMAN 24 inches
2 Icn 23 rt*. HwH. NaWf A Co., Ire. P.Wi
Copy of Statute Expected to Reach
Secretary Bryan To-day
Phoenix, Aril., Dec. 9.—Secretary
Bryan telegraphed yesterday to Gov
ernor Hunt that as soon as he receives
a copy of the W Arizonia law provid
ing that no Arizona business employ
ing more than five persons shall have*
loss thaui SO per cent, of its employes
American citizens, he will take up the
matter of ascertaining whother it con
flicts with treaty provisions.
Croat Britain and Italy have pro
tested against the laiw. The copy of the
act is exipeeted to reach Washington
Arkansas Bandits Take Dog That Was
Put on Their Trail
Fort Smith, Ark., Dec. 9.—Two ban
dits who Monday robbed a rural mail
carrier near tliis place and shot and
wounded a farmer, stole one oj; a pair
of bloodhounds placed on their tr;> .
was made known yesterday by return
ing members of the posse.
One of the bloodhoun is was found
shot dea.l, but the bandits took the
younger and better animal with them.
Federal and State otlicers vainly pur
sued the men.
Robber's Gun Goes Off When He
Strikes Samttel Acri
Marietta, Doc. 9.—About 11 o'clock
Monday night Samuel Acri, proprietor
of a movii • picture theatre here, was
"held up nii.le on his way home by a
marked highwayman. Acri threw up
his hands when ordered to do so. when
he receive-1 a heavv blow on the head
with the revolver the masked 'nan car
ried. AHnort at the same time the
woapoii was discharged, the bail lodg
ing in the victim's arm.
The nsfaiiant tied while Acri sought
m?dical assistance.
Money Will Be Used to Buy Fann
Next to LoysviHe Institution
York, pec. 9.—A click for i 14,000
the gift of Frederick Mehring and his
tister, Margaret Mehring, of Keynier.
Md., was presented yesterday to the
trustees of the Lutheran Orphans
Home, LoysviHe. Pa.
The presentation was made at a
meeting or" the board. The money will
be used in the purcha-e of a farm
•which adjoins the home.
Large Swiss Plant in Lancaster Trans
ferred to Stehisilk: Corporation
Lancaster. Dee. 9. —A deed from
ijteihl i. < iir,;«iny, of Zurich. Switz
erland, was file! yesterday in the Re
corder- office, transferrin.' their silk
mill in I.<incaster, one of the largest
in the United States to the Steiilsilks
Corporation, of New York.
The stamps on the deed show that
the purchase price was 1 265,000.
Attributes Hsalih
To Ouffy's
•* Wag &KBag
v* mgm
The stomach is tile disturbing point
of the human body. From it we get
our blood and strength. Hence it is
important that it be kept in a healthy
conditions. The beneficial resu'ts ob
tained by the judicious use of Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey in the treatment'of
stomach complaints has been testified
to by many grateful people. Here is
another man who attributes his present
good health to Duffy's Pure Malt
"I attribute my present good health
to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which I
have used for three years and it has
relieved me of stomach trouble." Rubin
Krakower, 6 Temple St., Paterson, j
Duffy's,* J
Pure Malt Whiskey
taken as directed before meals stimu- !
latss the mucous surfaces and little
fjatids of the stomach to healthy action. I
thereby improving the digestion and as- j
urn* lat ion of the food and giving to the
body its full proportion of nourishment. !
With perfect digestion no fermentation
can take place and no disease germs can
be generated. This is the secret \of
puffv'g Pure Malt Whiskey in prolong-1
ing health and activity.
"Get Duffy's
bottle; Commercial
Quarts SI.OO j>er bottle.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
Rochester, N. Y. I
All Demands For the Stickers Now
Being MA By Officials
As was expected by the local in
ternal revenue colkvtor, additional
supplies of the revenue stjunps have
now been received ami no businesses
are heiny interfered with. Not nil de
nominations of the stamps are as yet
on hand but orders «in be met by "the
lower values.
Proprietary stamps, for use on
articles of merchandise taxed by law,
can be procured at the revenue' oflice,
Federal building. Documentary stamps,
for use on commercial papers, can W
had not only at that office, but also at
the resistry window of the postoffice
and at several banks.
While all demands for stamps are
now being met, many merchants are
still keeping records of their Kales and
will not apply for stamps until they
are nwre plentiful.
Long Termer Files Jail Bars
Toledo. Doe. 9.—John Mack, of To
ledo. sentenced to from One to twenty
| years for blowing a safe at Brailey, es
caped from the jail at Wauseon last
; night. He filed off three bars, which
allowed him to get into the corridor.
As Ins sister and three friends were
going out of the front door. Mack dis
played n gun and the turnkey tied. •
1 New Home Carp That AnyoßF Can t'nc
Without Discern fori or l.oaa of Time
We have a New Method that cures
Asthma, and tve want you to try it at
•our expense. No matter whether your
case is of long standing; or recent de
velopment.**vhether it is present as oc
casional or chronic Asthma, you should
I send for a free trial of our method. Xo
I matter in what climate you live, no
matter what your ajre or occupation, it
i you are troubled with asthma, our
I method should relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to
those apparently horeless cases, whore
I .ill forms of inhalers, douches, opium
preparations, fumes, "patent smokes,"
etc.. have failed. We want to show
It veryone at our own expense, thai this
is designed to end all dif
ficult breathing, all wheezing and all
those terrible paroxysms at once and
for all time.
] This free offer is too important to
| neglect a single day. Write now and
then begin the method at once. Send
ino money. Simply mail coupon below
' Ho It To-day.
r -v
•i74J, Niagara and Hudson Sts.. Buf
falo. N. V.
Send free trial of your method to;
Sm 1 HI
Saloon Forces. Sure of Victory, All Re
main at Home
Oct a. 0.. Dec. 9.—Assuming that the
village would vote ''wet" as it has
done in every "wet" and "dry" elec
tion in its history, not a single saloon
advocate went to the polls at the elec
tion this year, and as a result the town ,
was carried unanimously by the
''drys'' who cast 35 votes.
tVta was the only municipality in
the county which voted "wet" when
the county was carried by tJie temper
ance forces in the Kose county option
law electiou.
Only One "RKOMO Ql IMXE"
Whenever you feel a cold coming on,
think of the full name, LAXATIVE
BROMO QI'IN'INE. Look for signature
E. W. GROVE on box. 25c.
Pennsylvania Veteran Kills Himself at
Home in Wilmington
Wilmington. Del., Dec. 9.—Daniel
Stanton, a Civil war veteran, shot and
killed himself yesterday afternoon at
his home. Slri West Ninth street.
He was 74 years old, and a native
of Pennsylvania, but lived here many
years. He served in a Pennsylvania
regiment in the Civil war. and was a
prisoner of war for many months at An
dersonville. He leaves a wife and one
son, Harry C. Stanton, head of a local
manufacturing concern.
Species Jinown in South America as
Cannibal "Eats 'Em Alive"
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Dec. 9.—Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt gave a private
talk on his travels in South America
to a party of friends at Sagamore Hill.
He described the "cannibal fish,"
which, he said, is 18 inches long, and
almost as wide and of indescribable
fierceness. \ 1
On one occasion, he said, a native
carrier was in the river, when others
heard an outcry! The man had been
attacked by Vcannibal fish." When a
boat full of rescuers arrived only the
skeleton of the man was left.
Two Weeks' Service, and No Skulkers,
in Schuylkill
Pottsville, Pa.. Dec. 9.—ln filling the
jury wheel for 1915 vesterdav, Judge
Bechtel ans the Jury Commissioners put
in only _1.500 names, instead of tlie
usual 2.500. The reason is the an
nounced determination of the Court to
make every citizen drawn for jury serv
ice serve two weeks instead of one.
The Court did not allow the name of
any juror to be put in who is past
service, declared that he had conscien
tious scruples against capital punish
ment and would not vote for a first de
gree. regardless of the evidence. These
jurymen have impeded numerous jury
trials in this county in the past.
Storm Gives Up Hurdy-Gurdy
Asbury Park, Dec. 9.—The after
math of terrific northeastern yesterday
afternoon brought to light many queer
finds washed ashore. Among these was
a hurdy-gurdy such as are used by
itinerants. It was found by M. E. tieis
and Esther A. Ziessen. In "front of the
organ and covered with glass were pho
tographs of strike scenes in the Colo
rado mines. A number of boats were
also recovered.
Pastor Refuses Pay Increase
Reading, Pa., Dec. 9.—The Rev. H. I
P. Walter, pastor of St. Mary's Epis
copal church here, refused an increase
in salary of $25 a fhonth. saying the
parish could not afford it at this time.
Fire Sweeps Village
Findlay. 0., Dec. 9. —The business
section of the village of Benton Ri'ige,
near this place, virtually was wiped,
out by fire of unknown origin yester-1
day morning. A hotel, two general '
stores, a restaurant ami several small
er buildings were- destroyed.
I!IM We Have Turned the Piano Business Upside Down II
We Have Absolutely Cut and Slashed Prices and Terms to the Bone ||
Time Piano Buyers, Attention: | Cash Piano Buyers, Read This:
Piano Buyers in and around Harrlsburg were completely taksn oft their feet by the Money Talks. It Talked for us when we Purchased this Gigantic Stock of Pianos, tjSjli]
announcement of the Gigantic 940,000 Closing-Oat Sile. We have taken the entire Stato The prices that we have placed on this stock are so Low that every Piano should be a spot- ®®if]
by storm. We have been deluged with Letters, Telephone Calls and Telegrams. We cannot j i , . . . „ ~. . iMflKri
stop to answer these urgent calls from buyers. The sale Must go on. All Pianos must go. 0 transaction. If you have any amount of money to pay "cash ' for a Piano, bring it here fellsiJ
We will Positively sell this stock at J»riccr and Terms so Ridiculously Low that it will > to this store. You can roam through this store, select the Piano Ycu Like Best, tell us How
ft?.rtle the Piano wcrld. Jrst imagine such values as you sec advertised in this paper to-day. you wish to pay for it. Could you ever expect to Beat this offer. All "Winter & C 0.," £* wl
They will behold. They Must Be Sold. Bead the terms. Can you resist the temptation to "Rudolf," "Kimball," "Crown," "Eldridge" Fianos will be sold at any price that is within jl Kj
place one of these instruments in jour home? Come in at once, either during the day or the Bounds of Human Comprehension, Bring Your Cash Here, Select Your Piano Now aud & H
evening. Wo will Remain Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock. have it Delivered at Once or sot aside for Christmas Delivery. ;
ClliC ' Pit>a °'* b ' B 18 store to-day and ask'any of the
EL $2 D&wn, $I a Week ! I|ll7 $2 Down, $I a Week ||
Free Stool, Scarf, Delivery 00502 Free Stool, Scarf, Delivery ||
We Pay Railroad I WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK | We Will Hold the M
1 1 pSVrefghtYnPia'nos I WINTER PIANO Hfl I Pi " no Y ° U SdeCt and 11
HTo Any Point in I WW ■ ni; ■ kit I IM H U MU ■ I Deliver It Christmas §8
El Penns y lvania I 23 N. Fourth St., Harrisburg, Pa. H. M. Eldridge, Mgr. | Eve If You Wish