14 . Christmas Savings Fund Checks Cheerfully Cashed .'" t " Ham! Boys' reversible Bara- celery trays. ...' .'411.08 to sa.t»H tileH silk toui -iu-llilllds, * B Dives, T'omeroy & Stownrt, 16<; 3 for 45?. ' Basement. We Refund Car Fares This Week To Out of Town Purchasers Gloves Make An Attractive Appeal to Beautiful Pattern Cloths, Napkins, Luncheon gL'h". F^tXmi™™cw££ d™. I Sets and Fancy Linens: Special Gift Items Pair 85c A niagmneent C hristmas display of tlliost quality table linen, pattern cloths, dusting days arc *»*<— turned into Holidays by your thoughtfulness. It One-clasp Capjp gloves with Prix seams; in tan. at napkillS and t'anev lineilS, all imported direct, await vour selection. e ,ves her 'time of her own" to spend as she wishes. Two-clasp kill srloves with Paris point stitching; iu tan, grev, _ I " n uu,n . v patterns, 8-inch bread and butter doilies, . L Aak about white and black Pair $1.50 In Matching Patterns »..»5, sa.so, $8.50 to »8.00 89c and 6*c . our charge One-clasp kid gloves with P. K. seams, in tan. white and black. Bleached table damask. 70 inches Table Linen Sets 12 inch plate doilies. «sk ror , account }> a j r $1.50 " iJ< r _ Pattern table cloths and one dozen • w>c < * Sc t0 Jij'.ffihk offer. One-clasp cape gloves of tinest quality, with spear points and iVchw/down," Si.TO *w.oo, *«..*> to fio.oo ineX?!?' 2 ° "" a 24 JfiSHP®®® Prix seams, in tan and black, at sl.To aTd \ • • ;•■ v•• • • ' Pattern cloths — »i.so, s2.so, nw.nn to jw.oo igSriftW T &Ti\ EW^StSmm Children S one-Clasp kid gloves in tan. at sl.2a Napkins. inches, dozen, 92.50 i o x ; yards. . .fti.OO, $3.00 to SH.OO Linen evelet embroidery luncheon JHMffliWlJwf Is. C, box of ti, Yard ' 1 si as si 89 to Si s»> v t * 7is ° *® * lOw. y%{ Men s linen initial handkerchiefs: each. 25r, box of 6. $1.40 | x.pkin 8 ; doze,, S; { .oo. 54.00. S-Voo VV^. Men s 50c silk handkerchiefs; plain and ianey border and center Pattern Table Cloths j 24x24 inoheß ' doze "- | (M . to S1( , ((0 »«•«»• #a.oo to S«.oo Each ooC) o tor spi.ini JFi.chi to 910.00 Cluny 4unohcon sets, 13 pieces, \ / '■ Men's fancy bonier silk handkerchiefs 25r ,„!'S r ua | t ,^ s ffl crn Th«! ' Fancy Linens „ t ' ,**•»#.. $«».oo to fJJ.oo WtmßSffifflSßS&l: J3x2^*L47AmBMMW . tii • • j » 1•. 1 • 1 1 1 it 1 n »n\ vizc or kind ot t>iblt. intsi J Cliinv luce tr'inHiod s<*jirt*K mill VnAr vh favtvA'f^F Mens silk initial and plain white hemstitched handkerchiefs. , cloths will be boxed free for gift- , Madeira and rinny doilies and side board covers, 25c to $1.25 ! civing. I luncheon sets—all boxed. j 53.00, 53.80, 54.00 to Slt.OO V Wool Remnant Day: Tomorrow Each Remnant Is Appropriately Hoxrd for Oit't Giving A/ yVS Huor, t rues, carpets, stairs —Asunder ; SUv A Wide Choice ot' Fabrics in Colors aud Black ' %f«| Santa KnOWS sfiil Boxed Silks Will Be Sold To-morrow at 15 Per Cent. Savings i* r« „ . b dirt and holds it in the dust-proof bag! w«»* 7 -^^p^^S, W tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. Whst tO Pill 111 AIH New Fur Hat Trimmings , Every Stocking you can order htr's over the telephone now and get a nachine as perfect Orno tYlon f c D Qf . J c TI V? bi | Toy land with its thousands of toys makes it, easy for Santa Claus to pick ** f ° yos and hook and lad- Ferris wheels. «f>r to ttftr. - . - Tv »-*■ / jiPS». \ u r d .°" tl i e la !f st u ter v° r.v. oNr' SSLUm ««'•*«• "-"s. s«c. «kc ,o As Pictured Here / Jjf*- \ (ds lntroclucea DV the _Ne\V to * 1.95. er. »>cr: lee wagcon. *l.sr.i tire I -^ ad soldiers. SOc, SBc, »Sr, »I.ll>. _ . |S| / \ York millinery houses. This' boatß ' ta «,**. Makes a Desirable Inexpen- F* ""Tril lis one oi the most complete j ?&*"*• to * r*'U I'' 4 ' yjp I showings of the kllld we have t < Jl a I^ a ] t £^ ft ,or * 4>k, » 6Hr * fron trains, 4Nc. OSr to 91.7.1. 12..10 to * ' SIVG VJllt 1 A i 111 i'l affit ever tad. and with the kfcrt ; •«' 55SK-" *" n „ „ | U V shapes aud frames to select Merry-go-rounds, tme «.. >-..-0. The Furniture Department on the tliircl floor is 1, * 1 f I*olll. our trimmers are ready Wnmon'c JC-» sc V " ol i. t \» 11 neh 111 Its s \ ,gg<,stlons 01 glft hlll,s tor nien antl |^i\ to create for you the smartest OlTieri S Ivlisses olllts lfl ohort or JViOCiels women and lor the home. For a mall s den, l° r top- « " .L—'| millilierv modes of the hour Jlo.OO suits in mod- French serge suits, i itarv stvle closing high throat; instance, there is a good looking smoking Stand of (■ l(' W ''| ' Fur Skins ' tiT'or with redingote eo.ts. belted finUhed'with fur; navv black fumed oak. This gift item is priced at $1.75- | 11 * , 0 , . pii. n or tur, in sues tor with self material ar.d trim- and «zreen $;i0.00 , „ . . . pi \\ M brown marmot skins 91.bU misso? and women. Reduced med with vehet band and but- New velvet suits in navy, arut there are scores ol others, among them these: fj X Tiger eonev skins, 98C Large piece of near seal, .$1.98 to .............. 812.50 tons. Reduced td ... .514.50 1 green and plum; military col- M V j Imitation ermine band; vard. $3.95 Imported mink skin, .......82.50 , h „ a "'. xe ,et *V lts Wl ,' h > j, , ,ar - waist finished with sntiji Golden oak and fumed oak desks 96.00 fi ' ,j French eonev 1 inch - vard 39c Brown srenet skin 2R !\ l / P ° P . broadcloth suits tn SH sh $32.00 s4.3Mahogany rockers *2.00 | V rrent n tonej. 1 mm. jara, . . .Wf Brown genet Skin, |-.-S broadcloth and novelty navy, black and other good • Velvet suits in jaunt v short $5.96 mahogany rockers W.OO J ' •' i J inches; yarn 69c Black skunk skin $2.50 I weaves; collar and cuffs of colors, finished with silk braid coat styles, finished with fancv *16.50 Turkish rockers, fitted with seng springs, J\\ H Fur Ornaments Russian pitch skins $4.00 !>elf colored \el\et. and skirt ornaments. Reduced to I cording of velvet; skirt and I anteed for 5 years. Special at Latest styles of fur ornaments. Black coney skins, 69C, 750,980, $1.50 and $1.98 Skunk ,pos„m, ...... .'.*.55.00 1 522.00 and S2O. W , ,ty)e»'with shim coats iTmli- 1 | Kt t i o ,den oak^ J W Here s a Special Lot of s Balmacaans Reduced to These Overcoats $ Taken Right Were Formerly sls Vll W\ W Out of Stock L'!\ t at This Price—Thursday, Friday and Saturday \Q Jmßl mmP t 'wlYYe^ e ave Planned to make this the biggest week this Season in the sales of rin iff Wml 1 Wti Men's Clothing. To meet our expectations we must sell more overcoats —and I I f^lßHnrhV v' I l' ! g Iff j {Mbf t.s ( ii :^iil\.' 1 have taken these Balmacaans right out of regular stock and place them on sale Jl-M Wl/yw-tifffi W \ Thursday, Friday and Saturday at this low price, $9.50. M Liß I^l 7 / fullWtt/iMvMi r I Remember that our stock is made up of the best Bal- flfl J COO CH O^l / ' '' macaan styles presented this season, embodying patterns WU.UU 8110. Ip2ZSU Dal ' WT lH of distinction and tailoring of marked superiority. ITIB.CB.BnS 8t sl4 50 mIBI to" - f 'fl 1 11 R Imported grey and brown mixtures . An °ther lot of Balmacaans from stock. This BH pJf jK| f |H .« .. , , is the lowest prioe quoted on these handsome overcoats am H @1 Jwk ' Green overplaid grey Scotch weaves this Fall. Mm Mmf * Green and grey Scotch mixtures The styles include:— 4L |J lt f3 : Jot' Black and white checked mixtures ®*' ue S re 3 T chinchillas hMltfii3g'Rftl% riM , „ , ■ , Grey mixtures and overplaids ihese Balmacaans are all Cravenetted; convertible col- Scotch tweeds and plain oxfords lar; sizes 33 to 38. Bizes 33 to 38; convertible collar; Cravenetted. v tr Dives, Pomeroy & Btewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. Three Elevators. HARRISBURG STAR-IXDEPENDEIST. WEDNESDAY FVENING. DECEMBER 9, 1914.