The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 08, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Witmer, Bair & Witmer j Witmer, Bair & Witmer
Phenomenal Quick Sale Prices for This
' Co-operative Fare Refunding Week
Bargains all over the store —The most wonderful kind >ftre have placed on 4
large round racks through the center of the store.
Full Back No. I—DRESSES FOR STREET am) Style No. 4—Rich Sand ami Putty-colored Wor
afternoon wear —many arc reduced othere less umbo Coverts SUITS—New York's latest fad and
than x k- Phenomenal d* "J 7C tO AA on t ' le K ool ' kind and high-grade styles. If you
■ quick sale prices are. •J & priced them this week $35.00 and $45.00. Phe
- :r"!,r k . $29.75 and $35.00
* Full Rack No. 2—COATS of all kinds—all re- . , . , .
duced. Phenomenal rA CIC 00 v»iiriStm3.S suggestions t licit SF6 3.1-
j quick sale prices are W.uU 4) 13.UU ways acceptable and expected.
Silk Petticoats, $1.95 to $5.00 I
! Full Rack No. :J—COATS, navy, black, etc., all «™ — _______
■ reduced. Phenomenal il7 sto 1s OO . I
quick sale prices are «PO./ O «P 1 J.W
; Full Rack No. 4—SUITS, inanv reduced to %,
aßking prices ' Phpnorncnal Waists, Silk, Lace, etc., 95c to $7.50
SIO.OO, $12.50 & $15.00 -
———"———— House Dresses, sl, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65
The roost unusual feature of this Co-operative Fare
refunding Sale is— ——
New Spring Model Suits .. SPECIAL
About 5 Marabout and Ostrich Sets
?, made up of ° abaradine ' —511.50 to $20.00. Phenomenal quick
Broadcloth and Coverts, Skinner's satm lined and in- , r,rirp<s 00 fltlH *7 rPr <?Pt
terlincd for the cold months sure to come, at a SPE- Sale prices, «pO.UU allQ «pi.OU pSF S6u.
CIAL REDUCED PRICE, and yet refund your fare. ——•
Style No. I—SUITS—Navy, Brown and Black . . . * Evening Coats
Gabardine; $29.75. Phenomenal Light blue and pink—silk lined and interlined—
quick sale price - B,i ß ht, y soi,ed Ht cuffs an(i collar. <£9 CA
Phenomenal quick sale price, •PX'.iJv/
G-reen and Brown; $29.75. Phenom- eTm I I Hundreds of other Coats and Suits I |
enai quick sale price «pZi).UU at recently purchased prices on sale.
■w niwii—ii mi -i
Plans of the Harrisburg Home and War
Relief Committee Are Made in Meet
ing at Mrs. Olmsted's Home—Har
ris »urg Club Holds Annual Dinner
Despite the fact that this will be a
very busy winter socially, Harrisburgers
expect to find time to do a great deal I
of work toward gathering funds for the
sufferers in war-stricken Europe and to
aid the poor of this city as well.
At a joint session of the Emergency
Aid Committee of Harrisburg, and of
the Rotary Club C-ommittee held yester
day afternoon at the home of 'Mrs. Mar
tin E. Olmsted, 105 North Front street,
it was decided, in order to designate the
purpose of organization, to change the
name of the former committee to the
Harrisburg Home and War Belief Com
mittee, w'hich will work in co-operation
with the similar one in Philadelphia.
Quite a number of people interested
in this work attended the meeting and
all seemed eager to do their share in
furthering this splendid movement.
Mrs. Herbert Clark, of Philadelphia,
formerly Miss Elizabeth Bent, of this
• ity, has lent her home at 7 North
Front street, to the committee to be
used as a headquarters during the win
Tin l committee announced that it is
thought that by next week the work
to be given to sewing clubs and em
broidery rlii'bs will lie ready for distri
Executive Board Selected
An executive board of nine members
was appointed as follows: Warwick M.
(Vgelsbv, Edwin S. Herman, John Fox
Weiss, Carl B. Ely, W. O. Hiekok 3d,
Miss Anne Mci'ormick, Mrs. Marlin E.
Olmsted, Mrs. Krancid .1. llall and Mrs.
.Lyman D. Gilbert.
Committees were appointed as fol
Red Cross Division—'Miss Anne M«-
Cormiek, chairman; .Mrs. Carl B. Ely,
vice chairman.
•Su;<plv—Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted,
chairman: Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, vice
Home Relief—'Mrs. Francis J. Ball,
chairman; Miss Marv Emily Reilv, vice
Foreign Relief—Mrs. Lyman D. Gil
bert, chairman; Mrs. Philip T. Mere
dith, vice chairman.
The chairman and vice chairman of
these committees will appoint other
mem'bers of their respective bodies in
several days. The executive body of
Established 1850
Jeweller and Silversmith
Wc are always glad to havo you come into
our store and look around, whether or not you
intend to purchase. At this time a visit to us
would be especially profitable. When you
come in we will take pleasure in suggesting
to you gifts for those persons who "have
214=216 Market Street
five was empowered to appoint as many
committees as found necessary. The
j members of the advisory board will be
j announced later.
Harrisburg Club Annual Banquet
At the Harrisburg Club's twenty
ninth annual banqu.jt, held last night in
its assembly rooms, three members of
the board of governors were»elected.
They are Morris E. Finney, W. M.
I Ogelsby and Neal E. Salsich. About a
; hundred members of the organization
j were present.
j American flags and oanners consti
; tuted the decorations of the room. The
music was furnished by Burris' orches
tra. Cartoons of memlbers of the club
were thrown on a screen.
Those present were: W. R. Batt. C.
j H. Bagenstose, C. H. Bergner, C. Reese
Boas. E. G. Brady, John T. Brady, B. F.
' Burns, A. A. dark, R. G. Cox, J. ,T.
I Conklin, J W. Cowden; J. F. Culp, M.
jA. Cumbler, R. P. M. Davis. E. F.
1 Doehne. D. L. Diehl. W. W. Davis, J. P.
' Dohoney, J. A. Donaldson. W. M. Don
aldson. D. M. Dull, E. F. Dun lap. F. M.
Eastman, J. R. Fletchei, M. E. Finnev,
i S. 1). Foster. J. F. Dapp, O. L. Gagg,
j R. L. Gillespie, J R. Guyer, R. G. Golds
borough. W. L. Gorgas, 1,. K. Graver,
i H. S. Gross, Henderson Gilihert, C. F.
i Hill, Galen Hain. William Hain, F. J.
i Hall, William Hargest, William Hen
j derson, J. A. 'Herman, W. T. Hildrup,
!J. F. Hoak, John Boft'er, Forrest
1.. A. .Tohnson, Paul Johnston, C. M.
j Kaltwasser, H. A. Kelker, C H. Lloyd,
j -I. P. McCulloch, S. W. McCulloeh, Les
ley McCreath. Robert MeCreath, W. P.
j Maguire, P. T. Meredith, J. B. Mesereau,
C. 11. Mann. Thomas P. McCubbin. C.
A. Miller. .T. J. Moffitt, Thomas IJ.
Montgomery, W. L. Montgomerv, B. M.
Nead, R. C. Neal, Jr., W. H. Nell, W.
G. Oglesbv, John Oenslager, ,T. M. Pe
[ ters, M. H. Plank, W. S. Ray, C. S.
Rebuck, George W. Reily, J. W. Reilv,
i R. W. Rutherlord, W. 8. Rutherford,
IN. E. Salsch, . T . L. Shearer, Jr.
| P. A. Smith, B. F. Smith. H. M.
Mine, C. C. Stroh.'B. W. Stubbs, J. R.
Swartz, T. J. Sweeney, A. M. Sides, S.
N. Traver, D. E. Traeey, B. L. Weaver,
, M. A. Stroup, L. A. W. Shoaff, F. E.
Zicgler, W. S. Seibert L. H. /little,
j James Brady, John E. Fox, F. W.
Fleitz, G. A. Lockett. Ralph J. Baker,
! R. P. Bliss, N. R. Buller, N. D. Gray,
j W. H. White and J. W. Warren.
Lichty-Weise Wedding
Marietta, Dec. B.—Miss Ida Weise
j and David N. Lichtv, of Coatesvillc,
i were married yesterday by the Rev.
' | William S. Rehrer, at the parsonage of
■ ; the Terre Hill United Evangelical
; church. They were unattended and
j the ring ceremony was used.
Important Business Transacted at Ses
sion Yesterday—Plans Made
for Christinas. Work
The regular monthly meeting of the
Roberta bisbrow-Lloyd Sunshine So
ciety was held yesterday afternoon iu
the \oung Men's Christian Associa
tion building. Reports concerning the
work done during the jiisl month were
read, showing that shoos had beeu sent
to tubercular children at Mont Alto,
milk and eggs given to sick children
in the city, and many articles for the
comfort of invalids provided. One mem
ber reported that a class of young ladies
of the Market Square Presbyterian
church had asked for the name of a
poor family, to whom they might give
a Christmas dinner. The name, with ad
dress, of a worthy family was fur
Plans for the dispensing of the cus
tomary ('hristmas benevolence were
then dii'aissed. Many suggestions were
made for an improvement of the work
this year, but it was finally decided to
hold a speciaJ meeting next Monday at
3 o clock at which time a plan, some
what different from thai of previous
years, will be adopted. In the meantime
members will visit many |K»or families
and ascertain their needs. Members who
can assist in t'his work may re.eive
any time after Wednesday of "this week
names and addresses with instructions
from Miss Matilda Blester, 1100 North
front street. Reports will then be
made at the special meeting on Mon
day. It i-i hoped that many will re
spond to this tall an I assist the society
in doing even better benevolent work
than ever before.
Requests have been made for blank
ets and comforts. Members and tiieir
friends are urged to donate such ar
ticles, old or new, and they should be
sent to Miss Mary Miller, 1109 Green
Owing to the fact that the Christmas
! work will be thoroughly outlined at t'he
! special meeting next" Monday, it is
[ hoped tliait there will be a large" attend
Married at Baltimore Wednesday, De
cember 2, by the Rev. Dr. Sullivan
away last Wednesday with-
I out telling any one, not even iter sis
j ter, Mrs. Charles Wilsou (iaff, UOB
i North Kighteenth street, with whom she
j resided, Miss Macgaret Viola Uoetz
anil Bar tram North Stewart, of Passaic,
j-V went to Baltimore, Md., where
j they were married at the Lutheran par
sonage by the Rev. Dr. Sullivan, the
j pastor.
j Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left iramedi
! ately after the ceremony for a wedding
, trip through the South and on their re
! turn will reside in Passaic, N. J.
Wedding of Margorie Fackler and
Thomas Black, a Summer Event
At a luncheon this afternoon, Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Parkier, 1626 Mar
, ket street, announced the engagement
of their daughter, Margorie, to Thomas
C. Blark, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
, The wedding will be MI early summer
I event.
Dinner for Bride-elect
Mrs. F. Pinklestein, 1322 North
| Sixth street, has issued cards for a din
j ner, to be followed by cards, at her
| home Thursday evening in compliment
!to Miss Pauline Brenner, a popular
j bride-elect.
j Miss Byerly's Engagement Announced
Uphrata, Dei'. B.—At a dinner given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. R.
Leed, the engagement of Miss Bessie
Byerly to Harry C. L»eese, of Potts
ville, was announced. The wedding
will occur in the near future.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garfield Smith
have returned from their wedding trip
and liax* taken up their residence at
2240 North Secoud street. The Smith-
Kniselv wedding was an event of
Thanksgiving Pay.
Mrs. William Baird McCaleb and
son, Baird, 27 North Front street, left
this morning for a stay in Atlantic
Mrs. 9. O. Reed has returned to her
home in Sunbury, after spending a few
days with her daughter. Mrs. William
B. McCaleb, 27 North Front street.
Miss Bessie Pager, 1212 North
tSev'ond sweet, is convalescent after
several weeks' illness.
Mrs. H. O. Hubler, 266 Peffer
street, is visiting friends in Philadel
Vrs. William Movverv, of Penn
street, is spending some time with rel
atives in Philadelphia.
Mists .Marv Wilhelm, 170G Green
street, returned from Philadelphia.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Shell, 1456
Vernon 9treet, returned from Freder
icksburg, Pa.
Mrs. Charles Monroe, Peffer street,
returned from a visit to Philadelphia.
MT. and Mrs. A. B. Rubrigh( and
children, have goaie to their home, at
Tunkhanuoek, after a visit with Mrs.
KubrigM's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lid
win Fischier, 1207 Swatara street.
Mrs. Joseph Nachman, North Second
street, is the guest of relatives in Bal
William Henderson, North Second
street, is home from Philadelphia.
E. Pierce Shope returned to Dick
inson College, after spending the week
end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
S'hope, 610 North Third street.
Miss Sara Barbanell, of Lancaster,
returned after spending a week with
the Misses Gross, of Walnut street.
Miss Sarah Coover, of Mechanics
burg, is the guest of friends at Lan
William Worcester, 1914 Green
street, is spending a few days in New
.lohn,' 23 Sout'h Third street,
is home from t'oa.ldale.
Charles King returned to Altoona,
after being the guest of relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. John Whisler, 322 South
Thirteenth street.
Garlysle Orr returned to Gettysburg
College after spending several days
with Mr. and Mrs. Appleby, 1810 Mul
berry street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Bartley, 1305
Market street, returned from a visit
with friends in New York.
Miss Hannah Smuckler, of Gettys
burg, is the guest of Miss Anne Gar
onzik, 314 ( alder street.
Ross 0. Brine, 137 Paxton street,
returned after spending some time at
Miss Grace Stones, of Higlispire, re
turned from a visit to Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Meeteh, 1620
North Second street, will leave this
week to upend the winter in Florida.
Mrs. C. E. Oroce, 414 Harris street,
is spending the week at Xew Freedom.
Gordon Snyder, North Third street,
left yesterday for several days stav in
New Yort
Mrs. Emma Grove, of Columbia, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hiram
Sheuk, 1171 Hamilton street.
Mrs. Charles Lenta and son, Warren,
of Endcrs, Pa., are guests of the for
mer's sisters, Mrs. Walter Emlers, 1734
Walnut street, and Mrs. Ray t'ordes,
522 North Sixteenth street.
Mrs. Katherine Martin, of Worm
ley s:i:;rg, wiio has been the guest of
relatives at White Plains, N. Y., re
turned home.
William Kennedy, of Philadelphia,
spent t'he week-end with his parents,
•Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, 356
South Thirteenth street.
Miss Helen Smith, of Newport, is
the gue?t of her sister. Mrs. Bruee Min
gle. 17 South Third street.
Miss Eunice Ing'ham, of Ijock Ifa
ven, is the guest' of Miss Emily Cum
in ings, 22fi ('res.'en't street.
Emorv Lutz returneJ to York after
a visit with his mother, Mrs. W. B. Cun
ning'ham, 310 Hummel street.
Miss Xaucy Canan. formerly organ
ist. at Covenant Presbyterian church,
has resigned to accept a position with
the Second Reformed church, this city.
Kdward Dennis returned to Richmond,
Va., after a visit with his mother, IMTS.
Annie Dennis, 222 Kelker street.
Mr. anil Mrs. William Henderson,
200 5 Green street, are uome from Phil
Anna V.vde. I~io4 Walnut street,
M He'll
our new Christmas Cravats. And
there's a reason! You know we show
more VARIETY than any mere "de
partment." Recently we wrote for
another fresh supply, and we secured
real new silks, mostly advance
Spring numbers BOc to *5.00
Shirts 91.U0 to #7.30
Pajamas *I.OO to s!>.oo
Gloves tUt.OO to $3.00
Auto Gloves 91.R0 to «.~>.oo
Bath Robes 910.00
dollar Bags 30c to 1&2.50
Collar Boxes $2.00 to JfMI.OO
3ilk Hose ROc to SS.OO
Suspenders 50- to 91 ~V>
Dress Mufflers fI.OO to SIO.OO
will stamp their presents aa O. K. if
they come from
> i
is home from Philadelphia, where she
was tlhe guest of relatives.
Miss Brown returned to Columbus,
Ohio, after a visit with Mrs. W. C.
Zeiders, 40 ,North Thirteenth street.
Mrs. Dallas Wolf, 14116 Berryhill
street, returned from Philadel'[ !hia.
E. C. Draw'baug'h, a representative
of the'Harriaburg Gas Compa/ny, return
ed from 'Minneapolis where he*attended
tihe tenth annual convention of the Na
tional Commercial Gas Association.
Dr. R. L. Perkins, 2001 North Sec
ond street, returned from a t.w 0 weeks'
hunting trip in Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bartley, 1305
Market street, are home from New
Miss 'Marie Bowers, of iMiddletown,
is the guest of her father, J. Bowers,
154 0 Derry street.
Mrs. William Traxler and daughter,
Miss Feme Traxler, 315 Burchfield
street, are home from Mt. Holly.
Mrs. Edward tfoshorn, 1315 Vernou
street, returned from Baltimore.
Miss Dora Meiffe, of Ijancaster, is
the guest of Mrs. -8. C. Becker, lil2
Regina street.
Musser-Ament Wedding
Rohrerstowo, „Dec. B.—Miss Kath
ryn A. Anient, of this plac'e, and Chris
tian F. H. Musser, of near Mountville,
were married yesterdav by the Rev.
Abram B. Herr, at the parsonage of
the United Brethren church. New Dan
ville. The couple was unattended and
the ring ceremony was used. A recep
tion followed.
Married at Bainbridge
Bainbridge, Dec. 8. —Miss Mary
Tschudy, of this place, and Hiram
binder, o<t Mizabethtown, were mar
rieil yesterday at the parsonage, of the
St. Paul's United Brethren church, the
]>astor, the Rev. L. N. Seldom ridge, of
ficiating. Tfiey were unattended. A
reception followed at the home of the
Announ-e Birth of a Son
Dr. and Mis. H. Hcrshey Farnsler,
1835 Market street, announce the birth
of a son, Saturday, December 5.
Issues Cards for a Tea
Mrs. Augustine S. Wiest, 237 Kcl
lter street, has issued cards for a tea
at her hone, Saturday, December 12
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Entertained at Cards
Miss Esther Elizabeth Smith enter
tained at cards at her home Saturday*
afternoon in celebration of her birthday
anniversary. Prizes were won by Miss
Mabel Edwards and Miss Georgine
Klineline. After the games a buffet
luncheon was serve'! to the following
Miss .less Kolle>, Miss I.ou Boatb,
Miss Bess Bcistline, of Carlisle; Miss
Vera Van Horn, Miss Georgine Klineline,
'Miss Mabel Edwards, Mrs. Charles I-'
Andrews and Miss Esther Smith.
Men's Bible Class Met
The Men's Bible class of Riverside
M. E. Sunday school met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Soger Mailer last
evening. After a short business ses
sion plans for „ membership campaign
were made. Music by the class quartet
This Medicine Cabinet is well made and finished in f \
white enamel, has a mirror in the door and a lock, the CFNT C
interior is divided off with shelves. The Cabinet is fNUrNIi) oE/fN 1
fourteen Inches wide and eighteen inches high over all. Q p OR. PHONE
It is a good two dollar value, but we bought a quan- nDHFUC ITU I
tity, and can offer them at a special price VlLiLiCjLf
Any of these would make an acceptable Christmas gift;
something that is useful and will hold the donor in long re $10.50 $12.50
Solid Oak Writing Desk—fin- \ genuine mahogany Sewing
ished either golden oak, early comfortable Turkish Rocker —up- Table—finished dull, pure Co-
English or fumed oak, has roomy . , , . ' i . , , . '
drawer underneath and is an ex- holstered in the best grade of imitation lomal lines, aud just the handiest
ceptional value. leather, and made with claw foot base. thing to have in the home.
You miss a treat if you miss a visit to our TOY DEPARTMENT. There are
toys here to appeal to bov and girl, and everyone is sold at a surprisingly LOW
I price.
We don't figure a profit on this Department—that's the reason all our toys
are cheaper.
■BgiSßjtt „ , My pen I to the lit-
You who wor tie girl a
JIM t ., . . are enameled
It s an eighteen-nich char- ( -uitf 1
acter doll with unbreakable " shade of blue
head, and attired as a Volun- Will hold a
I teer Fireman. In we good sized doll. I
have some of these dolls uni- J J QQ
wSjf formed as a Soldier and Base- Value
3E BBC ,)a " Frii > jm
MB WPS same as before, only #?f Q el 51^™
CASH or CREDIT 28-30-32 S. Second St.
V — , - - - JJ
UsKful Christmas Gifts for Women
At tliis great store there is offered an excellent opportunity to secure
Christmas Gifts which every woman will appreciate. And at savings
which make the offerings doubly attractive. Here is a partial list of the
many offerings to he found here. ,
Silk Hose Bath Robes
Silk Hoße in holly boxes, j n a variety of designs in all
2 pairs to the box; .
SI.OO value, each, ... 79C *' olors - lneludlD « thc P°P ular
Indian designs. They aro of
Onyx Silk Hose in all colors; $3.00 and $3.50 values, but are
, SI.OO and $1.25 val- specially priced now j 9$
———«—• ______________ ,
Underwear in a Handsome Chrisimat Shewing •
Kimonos > Petticoats
i_ nn A ty Silk Petticoats in all :
in i repe and Crinkled Crepe, ~.l™. to i\t\ *
'■■"l'.."- $1.29 )
QRr to $1 Ofi | Brocaded Silk Messaline I'et I
' *P I «"0 ticoats, all colors; £ f fIQ
$3.00 value I .VO
Silk Messaline, Habutai Silk Crepe de Chene Petticoats,
and Crepe de Chine Kimonos, plain and lace trimmed, all col
made in newest styles, ors; $5.00 flfi
1 value J7Z.VO
$3 98 t0 $ 10.00
Shirt Waists
wn T7 t.i A wide variety of Shirt
bilk VeStS & BlOOmerS Waists in Lawn, Marquisette,
Organdie, Crepe de Chene,
Silk Vests and Bloomers to Pussv Willow Silk and Messa
r:l,*!Lr.";sl.9B 98c t0 $5.00
Suits and Coats Reduced One-Halt
Sfiir wv io-t2 s. 4ih sf. "Z'sz
was a feature of the social hour which
followed the business session. Lunch
eon was served by Mrs. Maher- and
Miss Zorger.
Recovering From Illness
Miss Helen Kauffman, who has been
confined to her home, 318 Lewis street,
Riverside, for the past two weeks, is
Fire Company at • Fifteenth and Herr
Streets Elects Officers
At Hie regular monthly meeting of
the Shamrock t'ire Company No. 11
held last night in the company's social
quarters, the following officers were
elected to serve during the year .1915:
Harry G. Dybhe, president; Thomas
Wenrick, vice president; Charles C.
Doelker, recording secretary; Charles E.
Low, financial secretary and treasurer,;
John Moore. Ira .1. timnpher and Walter.
X. Funk, trustees; John Moore, Ira .1.
Gumpher and Lewis Straining, horse
committee; Lawrence Robinson, fore
man; Walter N first assistant
foreman; Thomas Wenrick, second :")•
sistant foreman, Klmcr Uiney, FMwar'l
F.llis and John Moore, delegates to the
Firemen's I'nion; l<Mward FJlis, Klnrir
Hiney and William 11. IJIW, delegate
to the Firemen's Relief; Frances <ia; I
ner, delegate to the State firemen'*
convention; William how. alternate to
the State firemen's contention; Jacob
Weaver, Charles Simll and Lawremji
Robinson, delegates to the ('unilierhml
Valley convention: Lewi* Straining,
alternate to Cumberland Va'le ■ coliveit
tion; the Rev. John M. Warden, chap
lain, and Kdwnr.l Mct/.ger, driver.