2 I 'A "KIMBALL" Piano for S9B KftftSEl A Clrni Swwp of Ewything | The Qre«f Closing Out Sa'a Is On J We have gone over this stock, we have Annihilated Prices, we have I We are selling: Pianos us fast an we can wait on the eustomers. We gj Shaved Terms down to a shadow. We have taken Old reliable Standard 1 are Helling: I'lanos Cheaper than They Have Ever Been Sold la the lOntlre Ri High-Grade Pianos and Literally shot the Prices to atoms. We are Going Jk History of the Husiness. Can You imngine such Pianos as you «ee to sell Every Piano, Player Piano, and Organ, Regardless of Prices or T depleted in this paper here to-day? < Look nt the Prleea and Terms. Thi* ftf Terms. We must Convert this Tremendous Stock into cash or contracts M,lle hn " taken on sueh enormous pioportiouN that it i» heyond the mm at once. A brand New Full-size Upright Grand Piano Delivered into Bounda of Human Comprehension. People are from nil over the K| vnnr homo «Ht»i o Qfnni o your home With a Stool and a Scaif for only S9B, and on terms Of llarrishurir and every train, and every eleetrle ear brings it load of 83 $2 down and $1 a week, Will give you a Faint Idea of'the Overwhelm buyers from the neighboring: towns. This in Ihe e*ent of a lifetime In HI ing Values we are offering. This is your one Great and Grand Onnor- Harrlsburg; Its like will never again be duplleated. Our floors are K tnnitv—— Grann Tt jammed with buyers and pianos. The doors open at 8 o'eloek. Be here H p when the doors open. ' Bj I! Pay I 1 H $lO tlfiil scarf. -vj n T-, WE give you a com- Here Is 3 "WHITMAN" Piano. This instrument H A "WE33ER BROS." Piano for $lO6. You can- B§ II UGWII bination bench. needs no introduction to the American public. ■ not appreciate what a tremendous bargain this s|| S 52 WE keep your player ■ 18 one of tlle ever created by a craftsman, fl Piano really is unless you come to this store and K2 S . in tune for one year. H " e have hashed the price to $125. The terms axe ffl see it. We have cut the price to the above. The M B- • WE guarantee to 59 down—sl a week. H terms are $2 down—sl a week. r,™ 11 i | This "CEOWN" Pi® reduced to $101). This fSj> WH ONT* PTAVn fl Another beautiful new Piano with the price Piano is recognized by unprejudiced musical au- H >*.' S 1 claughtered to SOB. Tree stool, scarf, delivery and thorities as being the world's best Pisno. Irre- ■ a <r,«»r n 11 SHr' 22 «*I We Pay Railroad OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK . K |fr? p oTS& WINTER PIANO CO ■ I Christmas Eve, if I P Uy6 ' S 23 N. Fourth St., Harrisburg, Pa. H. M. Eldridge, Mgr. You Say So |j Morgue Engineer Slain Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. B.—Thomas Gunning, 75 years old, for 10 years en gineer at the county morgue, is a vic- Tim of murder under strange circum stances. His body was found lying oii a bridge. Gunning was known to have $1 ,600 in his clothes when last seen HARRISBUBG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMFER 8, 1914. alive. Lancaster Stock Tarda Reopen Lancaster, Pa., Dee. 8. —The Union stock yards, closed for over a month ou account of the foot and mouth dis ease, were reopened yestorday, when 20 cars of Virginia cattle were received. STOP SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA OR HAY FEVER If Asthmador does not instantly re lieve the very worst attacks of Asthma, Bronchial Asthma and the Asthmatic symptoms accompanying Hay Fever your money wil be returned, is the terms upon which Oeorge A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, announces he is sell ing Dr. Rudolph Schiffmaun's Asthma dor and Asthmador Cigarettes. No matter how inveterate or obsfmate your case, or how often or violent the at tacks, Asthmador will instantly relieve you, usually in ten seconds but always within fifteen minutes. These Druggists have been author ized by the Doctor to sell every pack age of his Asthmadof on a guarantee to return the money in everv single ease where it does not give instantaneous relief, or is not found the very best remedy ever used. You will be the sole judge yourself and under this positive guarantee by George A. Gorgas abso lutely no risk is run hi buying this remedy. Persons living elsewhere will be sup plied under the same guarantee by their local druggist or direct by Dr. R. Schiff manV. St. Paul, Minn. WESTERN BUSINESS GOOD Grain Marketing Exceeds Last Year's, Yet Reserves Are Heavy Chicago, Dev. B.—lßusinese condi tiflns throughout all sections of the Weet, North, Northwest and Soutihwest are healthy, and making gains. Good, leold weather is needed, however, to stimulate more animation in the 'buying. Farmers have marketed 42 per cent, more corn so far this season than for the same time last year. The North wcstfrn corn movement is largely to Chicago, and is a month earlier than usual. Marketing of wheat sin-ce July 1 has exceeded laurt year's by 46 pe'r cent, and of oats 'by 3b per cent. In t!ie face of this heavy movement farm reserves are large except on the Pacific coast, where they are only ten per cent, of wheat. PRISON TURNS HIM AWAY Convicted Man Forgets His Papers— Is Annoyed at Delay Salem, Ore., D e <- 8 - —R- N. Gibson, sentenced from Multnomah county to serve from one to five years in the? penitentiary for obtaining money by false pretenses, was refused admittance when he arrived at the prison, unat tended, yesterday. He had been au thorized by {Sheriff Word, of Portland, to make the trip alone, but had forgot ten to bring his commitment papers. He was told to return and get them and started for Portland again, express ing annoyance at the delay. Returns to Native Land to Die Hanieton, Pa., Dec. B.—Word was received here yesterday that Cosmo Bciapo, who sustained a broken back while working in the Jeddo mines of the G. B. Markle Company and sent at the expense of that firm to his native land in Italy, has arrived there safely under escort of a friend, whose passage was also paid by the firm. The victim some time ago expressed a desire to re turn to his native land to die and his wish was gratified. Mother and Daughter in Same Class Hays, Kau., Dee. B.—A mother and her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice V. Kirk nian and Miss Beatrice 1). Kirkman, will graduate next June from the Fort Hays State Normal School after com pleting the regular four-year course. Mrs. Kirkman has been a teacher in Ellie county schools for the last 14 years. » Scientists Meet in Chicago Chicago, Dec. 8. —Scientists from universities throughout the country at tended the semi-annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, which opened yesterday at the University of Chicago. Sessions'will continue until tomorrow. Silver Fox Skin Brings $235 Grand Rapids, Minn., Dec. B.—Albert Hasche, of this place, sold the skin of a silver gray fox to an lowa buyer for $235. This is the lirst animal of that species caught in this locality for a number of years. It was found about two miles from Grand Bapids, along the Prairie river. Dies of Elephantiasis Pottsville, Pa., Dec. B.—Harvey Long, 22 years old, died at his home at Landingvillc yesterday of elephantiasis. His right leg swelled to a thickness of 57 inches in circumference, due to an injury. Jts Great-Grandmother at 56 Amigo, Wis., Dec. B.—Being a grandmother at 32 and a great-grand mother at 56 is the novel experience of Mrs. H. C. Glauderman, of this city. A ba'by boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. Glauderman's grand daughter, recently. I Makes Stubborn Coughs | I Vanish in a Hurry | S Surprisingly Good Coach Syrup ® 0 Eullr and Cheaply © Made at Home ® If some one in your family has an ob stinate cough or a bad throat or chest cold that has been hrnging on and refuses to»yield to treatment, get from any drug store ounces of Pinex and make it into a pint of cough syrup, and watch that cough vanish. Pour the ounces of Pinex (80 cents worth) into a pint bottle and All the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total cost is about 54 cents, and gives you a full pint—a family supply— of a most effective remedy, at a saving of $2. A day's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in 5 minutes—full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste. Children like ft. I It's really remarkable how promptly and easily it loosens the drv, hoarse or tight cough and heals the inflamed mem branes in a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cougn. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for ,4 Z% ounce* of Pinex,"'and dp not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with this preparation or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft, Wayne, Irid. \ SELFISH N ESS-H YSTERIA Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel O. Dixon, M. D., LL. P., Commissioner of Health One cannot say that selfishness is re sponsible for nervousness ami yet un questionably it is often a considerable factor in causing nervous ailments. The self-centered individual who is continually thinking of h'is own comfort and who manifests annoyance over ev ery trifle w'hicb interferes with his par ticular occupation or activity, is run ning a decided risk. With advancing age a marked degree of irritability is almost sure to follow. v If a selfish attitude is cultivated and consideration is demanded for individ ual wlhims without consideration for others, this readily grows to 'he little less than a mania. Our nervous systems aro delicately adjusted and onee the mind weakens its control it is apt to •become a factor for ipain and discom fort. In the beginning many of the things which "get on our nerves" do not really distress us. We note thorn casually. With their repetition comes the selfish wish to have our individual comfort considered without regard for general conditions. If we give way to this, the most trifling occurrences hold the possibility of causing infinite an noyance. The greatest, number of sufferers from Mirvous diseases are not as might be exj-eeted, overworked individuals, but ire commonly enough, people who have little or nothing to do and for want of activity devote too muoh time to thinking of self. It is common to lied* some irri'taiMe individual say, "so and so gets 011 my nerves" and the very manner of the speaker has an equally irritating effect upon the unfortunate auditors. Nervous irritability and selfishness I>eget their like. They are contagious. Let us be unselfish and avoid the spreading of this all 'too common com nlairt. REMARKABLE RESULTS FROM NEW REMEDY Amolo.x, the new scientific prescrip tion, will positively cure eczema, acne, pimples and all skin eruptions." It stops all itch and burning instantly. Simply apply or wash the diseased skin with this penetrating, mild, soothing solu tion and all agonizing itch will) stop, and restless, sleepless nights wilr be a thing of the past. Sufferers from ec zema and other disfiguring skin diseases, go to-day and get a bottle of Amolox. Remember Geo. A. Gorgaa and H. C. Kennedy and dealers everywhere will refund your money if Amolox doesn't do all we claim for it. Trial size 50 cents. Chronic cases that have suffered for years should use both ointment and liquid. Adv. VACCINATION SUIT UPSET Judge Decides Girl Has No Claim Against Health Officer Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 8. —Judge Charles V. Henry yesterday ordered a compul sory non-suit in the $2,500 damage case brought by Oscar Peffley and daughter, Beulah, against Dr. Edwin H. Gingrich, city health officer during the smallpox epidemic last year. The Peflfey girl claimed she was compelled by Dr. Gingrich to undergo vaccination. The testimony showed that, the girl had not refused to be vacci nated and also failedi to show that she bad suffered any damage. A month ago Judge Henry, specially j presiding in the trial of a caso in the ! Philadelphia Courts, upset a $5,000 j verdict awarded a negro against the ■ city of Philadelphia for the loss of a J leg, resulting from negligence on the part of the doctor who vaeciuated him. KILLS TWO IN COUBT Enraged Father Shoots Prisoner, Also Juror by Accident Cashmere, Wash., Dec. B.—C. D. Franklin, superintendent of a Sunday school at Leavenworth, was shot and killed in court here yesterday by Harry E. Carr, a rancher. Franklin was charged with having committed an of fense against Carr's 10-year-old daugh ter and at the time of the killing was on trial on charges of a similar offense against another girl. One of Carr's bullets missed Frank lin and killed a juror, J. C. Parsons. Carr surrendered to the Sheriff. WOMAN AWARDED $7,500 St. Clair Held Responsible for Accident to Her Husband Pottsville, Pa., Dec. B.—A jury yes terday awarded Mrs. Elizabeth Long, of St. Clair, $7,500 damages against St. Clair borough for the electrocution of her husband on March 25, 1913. Long, a hotfelkeeper, went into his cellar to adjust the electric lights. A minute afterward he was a human torch, find ing it impossible to let go of the wire he had grasped. Flames came from his mouth, hands and legs and friends who tried to pull him away were themselves stricken unconscious. Mrs. Long claimed that the terrific force which killed her huslband was cause by both the arc and incandescent light wires being crossed. The borough of St. Clair owns its own light plant, and, therefore, was the defendant in the case. DRYS WIN IN WET COUNTY Vote License Out of City in First Test of Kind in Ohio Findlay, 0., Dec. B.—Temperance forces won in a local option election on the liquor question here yesterday. Findlay was placed in the "dry" col umn for three years by a majority of 363. Yesterday's election was the first to 'be held by a city in one of the 40 cointies made "wet" by the recently adopted home rule amendment to the State Constitution. Socialist Case for Jury Allentown, Pa., Dec. B.—Judge Gor man yesterday gave an opinion in the case of James H. Maurer, of Reading, head of the State Federation of Labor, and Charles W. Erwin, a newspaper editor of Philadelphia, in their appeal from a decision by Mayor Rinu, fining them SSO each for attempting to hold a Socialist meeting in Centre Square on a Saturday night last summer. The decision puts the matter to a jury trial. Free Treatment ton Piles Sample treatment of Pyramid Pl!e\ Remedy mailed free for trial gives qnlek relief, stops Itching, bleeding or protrudlnK piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, In the privacy of your own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy Is for sale at all druggists. 60c a box. Mail this Coupon to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 616 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., with your full name and address on a slip of pupcr, and sample treat ment of the great Pyramid Pile Remedy, will then be sent you at once by mail, FREE, in plain wrapper. ELECTED CURATOR OP MUSEUM Dr. Levi W. Mengel Will Head Read ing Institution Reading, Pa., Dec. B.—Dr. Levi AV. Mengel, vice principal of tho Reading High School and a member of the Peary Arctic Expedition in 1891, was yoster dav elected curator of the' Reading Nat ural Museum. Dr. Menget is a member of the Penn sylvnnia Museum, the Academy of Art and Sciences, of Philadelphia, and is well known in scientific circles through out thg, country. SLAUGHTERING 100 ANIMALS Foot and Mouth Disease In Fine Herd at Danville Insane Hospital Danville, Pa., Dec. 8. — The foot and mouth disease, which was thought to have been stamped out in Montour county, has broken out anew on the farm of the Danville State Hospital for the Insane, necessitating the slaughter at once of 400 animals, which includes the hospital's herd of a hun dred Holsteins, considered to be one of the finest in the country. The outbreak at the hospital is traced to cattle ship ped to Danville from Lancaster a month/ ago, part of which were taken to the hospital. Not only all the cattle, but also all the hogs on the big hospital farm will bo slaughtered. The killing started yes terday, and will go forward as fast as the huge trenchos that will receive the carcasses can be dug. Plies Cured In 6 to t4 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT MENT falls to cure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First ap plication gives relief. 50c. $130,000 War Tax in Revenue Lancaster, Pa., Dec. B.—The re ceipts at the revenue office for the spe cial war tax during November were $130,000. During the monthi the re ceipts from cigars were $198,157.76; from beer, $187,615.43; from spirits, $32,590.91, and from tobacco, $23,- 591.39. Jailed and Fined Under School Law Annville, Pa., Dec. B.—Henry Fit tery, a North Annville township farmer, was taken to jail to serve five days for failing to send his 13-year-old! daughter to school. William Getz, a neighbor, who had refused to send his son, paid 'Squire John F. Light the fine. This—And Five Cents Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co., Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress cleairly. You will receive in re turn a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in side® and back, rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, especially comfortable to stout persons. For sale in your town by George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street and P. R. R. Station. adv. Conscience Sends Thief Back Columbia, Pa., Dec. B.—A few hours after John Wintermyers robbed the store of George Black, h© became con science-stricken, called on Black,' con fessed his guilt and returned a watch, money and cigars he had taken. Cuts Throat, Leaps Into Cesspool Columbia, Pa., Dec. 8. —Abijah Butt, 40 years old, cut his throat with a butcher knife and then jumped into a cesspool, where his body wae found. STEAMSHIPS ?::B<Lrnu\d& Golf. Ten ilia, Hontlnjt, Ha thin k, nnd Cy clinic Tour* ln«*. Hotel*. Shore Excurilona. I.owrfit Ratea. Twin Q C "RFttMliniAN" 10.518 Tons Screw DLnintlflAn displacement. Fnateat, neweat and only Ntramrr land ing; paMMfiiKcra ut tlic dock In licrninda without transfer by tender. WEST INDIES S. S. Guiana and other Steamers every fortnight for St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar bados, and Demerara. For full Information npply to A. K. (H TKIUIUIIM.i: A CO., Aeentx Quebec S. ff. Co., Mil., 211 iiroßihvfly, New York, or any Ticket A Kent. r > Winter Trips and Cruises HAVANA Intereating and restful, becauae of the fascinating charms of tropical life and climate. Excellent hotels. Sailings from New York each Thursday and Saturday at noon. Through rates to the Isle of Pines, Santiago, etc. NASSAU In the Bahama* J I man y attraction! aa a Winter Resort. ' Balmy climate, charming social life, golf. | boating, bathing, tennis, polo, motoring, etc. Regular connections between New York. Nassau (Bahamas), and Havana (Cuba) during the winter months. Low rates of pnssagr. IVrltc for bookktt. , , NEW YORK & CUBA MAIL S. S. CO.. (Ward Line) General Offices, Pier 14, Eut River, N. Y. Or any Railroad Ticket Office or Authorized Tourist Agency V..i *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers