The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 08, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report* Page «
g£ A ?. L J 8 S T H 6 ED VOL. 77—NO. 4.
GET 100,000
Report That Germans
Capture Great Army
of Prisoners as the
City Falls
Entire Crew of Swedish Steamer Per
ishes When Vessel Strikes a Mine
Off the Finnish Coast—Two Other
Boats Similarly Lost
London, Dec. 8, 11.50 A. M.—A
•'Central News" dispatch from Am
sterdam says that according to a mes- ]
•age from Berlin, it is reported there J
that upwards of 100,000 prisoners!
were taken by the Germans when they j
taptured Lodz, Russian Poland.
News of the capture of Lodz, this i
message says, aroused extraordinary!
enthusiasm at Berlin. The houses there
•re decked with German and Austrian!
Hags. No official report has yet been:
received concerning the number of I
prisoners and guns captured.
London, Dec. 8, 5.10 A. M.—A die !
patch from Stockholm reports that the!
entire crew of 37 men of the Swedish,
fteamer Norra Sverige perished when)
the ship struck a min e off the Finnish'
Two Swedish steamers, the Luna and j
the Everilda, were reported yesterday j
as having been lost in a similar man
Nish, Servia, Dee. 8, Via London,
11 A. M.—The Servian victory on De
cember 5 on the northeastern front is j
further emphasized in the Servian of- j
ficial statement issued to-day which
concluded as follows:
"The enemy was overwhelmed and
had to retire in disorder. In pursuit'
we took six officers and 1,800 men 1
prisoners. We captured two howitzers
and nine other guns and also ambu
lances, many rifles and telegraphic ma-'
Berlin, Dec. 7, Via Wireless to Say
ville, Dec. B.—Au officer of tlie general
staff states that tne report from the
front that the JVench near Ypres, Bel
gium, had captured a whole corps of
<>erman aviators is absolutely unfound
ed. Denial is also made of the Lou
don report that aviitors belonging to
Ihe allies had thrown bombs on the
Krupp factory at Essen.
The Hussian statement contained in
the official communication of November
29 that the German attack near Czent
ptochowa had failed with heavy losses is
declared to be uinrue. On the con
trary, it is said the Seventeenth Rus
sian army corps, which was met in this,
attack, was defeated on November 29
and suffered heavy losses. The Rus
sians, it is declared, left a large num
ber of killed and wounded on the bat
The situation in the western battle
field shows little change, it is stated.
!News of decisive results in the east is
expected here.
Official advices from Berlin to-day
confirm the reports that the allies have
assumed the offensive in France and
Belgium, but do not indicate that the
movement has yet grown to formidable
proportions. The attacks, it is said, have
been few in number and have been de
feated. Private dispatches from Holland
are to the effect that fierce fighting is
in progress along the Yser Canal. These
reports' are in partial agreement with
the latest official French communica
tions, which, however, tend to show
that the forward movement of the al
lies is being attempted at points all
along the lines.
Berlin is already looking toward the
possible investment of Warsaw, as a re
sult of the capture of Lodz, Russian Po
land. It was said officially at the Ger
man capital to-day that news of de
cisive results in the campaign against
the Russians may be expected at any
time, and that latest reports from the
military headquarters lead to the belief
that "operations thus far have been
successful." It is reported unofficially
Continued ou Ulitbth I'nge.
®ic Star- I Itikpettkni
fmWtk I r 1 \ i\\
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For the first time In the history of Paignton, royalty visited that place on the occasion of the Queen's presence at the American Women's Ked Cross Hospital at Oldway House. The hospital
was flying the American and the British flags. During the Queen s progress through the hospital she passed through the magnificent marble hall in which is the large oil pninting by the French
irti»t, David, depicting the ceremony of Napoleon I. crowning the Empress Josephine. The photograph shows the yueen with the staff of the hospital and her attendants. Left to right:—Dr. Car
per. Dr. Steel, Dr. !• rampton. Dr. Stabb, Dr. Bennett. Mrs. Paris E. Singer, the Queen. Mr. Paris E. Singer. Lady Arthur Paget. Dr. Real (American)'. Rev. R. A. Fuller (the vicar of Paignton), Colonel
Sunnrng (the commandant), Sir Charles Cust, Miss Fletcher (the matron) and Mrs. Harcourt. Mr. and Mrs. l'aris E. Singer, who ace Americans, accompanied the Queen to the railroad station
Lady f ortesque is fourth from the right
Weather Bureau Says Precipitation Is
Ended Although It Will Be Cloudy
To-night and To-morrow—Little
Prospect of Cold
While it will take some time to re
pair the damage caused by the Atlan
tic seacoast storm, the fog end of
which has been felt in this city in the
last few days, there is uot likely to
be any further damage iu this vicinity
or throughout the Kast. The storm
center has moved off the Now Jersey
co(|pt and beyond a high surf. Weather
Bureau officials expect no further de
There was some belief that following
on the heels of this storm a high pres
sure area from the northwest would
find its way South, but belated weath
er reports coming into the local office
of the Weather Bureau showed at noon
to-day the presence of another depres
sion of moderate strength from the west
which will likely give cloudy weather
here and keep the temperature slightly
above normal for the next few days.
Weather Bureau officials have very
little hope of clear cold weather in
the near future, although there is ao
depression of strength, enough to cause
precipitation, according to the fore
To-day's forecast for Harrisburgi
reads: "Generally cloudy to-night and
Wednesday. Not much change in tem
The lowest temperature registered
in Harrisburg in two days has been the
freezing point and that occurred during
last night, the mercury being two de
grees lower than the" minimum mark
of the previous night. Although the
snow here was heavy at times it did
Continued un t.lnhtli Pnge.
Bessie Hagey Swallow Bichloride of
Mercury Tablets by Mistake—
Her Condition Is Alarming
Miss Bessie Hagey, 23 years old, of
321 Poplar street, Steelton, was ad
mitted to the Harrisburg Hospital late
this afternoon suffering from ]>oison,
taken by mistake.
Suffering from headache, Miss Ha
gey, who is employed at the Harrisburg
Cigar Factory, took a pill and a half
under the impression that they were
headache pills. Her condition in a
short time led to inquiry- when it was
found that the girl had taken bich
loride of mercury, a deadly poison.
Her condition this afternoon was re
ported to be very serious, with but
faint hopes of her recovery. She is a
daughter of Henry W. Ha gey.
Polyclinic Hospital Has Busy Day With
Many Patients
To-day has been a very busy day at
the Polyclinic Hospital, in addition to
attending to their regular (atients, the
physicians performed two successful
operations. Miss Catherine Ross, of
New Cumberland, was operated on this
morning for appendicitis and iMiss Kdit'h
Miller, North Nineteenth street, Har
rietburg, had an abscess removed' from
her neck.
So far five ba'bies have entered the
world at the Polyclinic Hospital and
all of tihem have been boys, the fifth
being born yesterday.
Six cases cf typhoid fever treated at
this institution have been successful.
The seventh case of this disea-se is
about ready to be discharged. The ofli
cials feel that this is a very satisfac
tory report and expressed a desire to
have their success continue.
City Commissioners
Let It Be Known To
day That the Budget
Will Be Reduced
, Mayor Asks for Increase in the Sal
aries of Hutchison and Ibach—
Wants Auto for the 'Sealer and
i Standard Scales lor Markets
The City Commissioners in session
this afternoon fixed next Thursday as
the time for snb«iittiuc their depart
mental budget estimates for 1915 and
; putting the annual budget into shape,
i The budget, when complete, is expected
Jto be many thousands of dollars less
[ than was allowed in 1913, and it will
i come within the revenue to be derived
from a reduced tax rate, nine mills.
The tax rate this year was nine and
one-half mills.
The Mayor said his budget is about
I same as that of a year ago, yet a num-
I ber of salary increases and changes
I are suggested and will be carried out
lif his requests are granted! He asks
'for SI,OOO for an auto fur the Sealer
I of Weights and Measures; s.">oo to cov-
I er the cost of installing standard scales
in three of the markets; an increase of
j S3OO in the annual salary of Chief of
Police Hutchison, making it SI,BOO in-
I stead of $1,500, and an increase of
i SIBO in the salary of City Detective
Joseph Ibach who now receives $1,020
a year.
In addition the Mayor asks for SSOO
to cover the cost of opening Front
street, from Paxton street to Iron alley,
Continued on IJlulith Page.
Cargo of British Steamer Vedra Ignites
as Vessel Is Driven Ashore
in a Heavy Gale
Bu Associated Press.
j Bairow. Dec. 8. Via London, 11.15
!A. M.—The British steamer Vedra,
| from I'ort Arthur, Texas, with a cargo
| of gasoline, went ashore near here this
; morning in a heavy gale. The cargo
j ignited and of the crew of thirty-six
I men on board the Vedra only two were
saved, and they were severely burned.
The steamer Vedra left 'l'ort Arthur
lor London November 14 anil passed
Norfolk on the 21st. She was reported
yesterday as passing Tuskar, in the
Irish sea, which would indicate that
she had changed her destination and
was bound for some port on the west
coasl of England. The Vedra was un
der the command of Captain Brewster.
She was built in 1893 at Sunderland,
England, was of 4,057 tons anil be
longed to the Associated Oil Carriers'
Company, of London.
Falls From Top of Church Steps
l<ebanon, Dec. 8. —Seized with what
was probably_ an attack of vertigo,
Harry B. Shultz, a clerk, fell from the
top step of Salem U. B. church Sunday
evening and was rendered unconscious,
in which state he remained until yes
Boyer Says "They'll
Have to Knock Me
Out" of Fight to Head
i School Board
Independent Members of the Board In
dicate They Are Determined Not to
Give Way When Struggle Is Re
sumed on Saturday Evening
There was no indication of yielding
on the part of either side to-day to
break the deadlock on the presidency
of the School Board which was re
sponsible for seventy-eight ballots be
ing taken without result at the annual
organization meeting of the Board late
yesterday afternoon.
Harry A, Boyer, who has been presi
dent for tour terms and is a candidate
to succeed himself, was loath to discuss
the election this morning. He declared,
however, that he* knew of no plau to
break the existing deadlock.
"They have drawn me into it," he
added, "and now they will have to
knock me out. And I am not going tj
vote for myself either."
The independent ranks in the Board
were split between Adam I). Houtz
and the Kev. Dr. William N. Yates.
Harrv M. Bretz, a Democratic member
of the board, who was temporary chair
man of last night's meeting, would not
discuss the plans of his colleagues ex
cept to say that he knows of no plan
for a conference of the independent
members to agree on :i course of con
certed action.
It requires five votes to elect a can
didate. The first ballot showed Messrs.
8011, lOohl, Kennedy and Saul for Hoy
er. Mr. Hover voted with Messrs.
Werner and Vates for Mr. lloutz, and
Messrs. Houtz and Bret/, voted for Mr.
Yates. With the exception of the
ten times that .Mr. Werner vote 1 for
Dr. Yates all the ballots showed the
Same results as the first one.
. A recess of five minutes was taken
after the third ballot and again ikt'ter
the seventy-fifth vote. It was then
moved for recess until Saturday
evening at 7. 1*0 o'clock. Temporary
Chairman Bret/, ruled that several more
ballots should be taken. Three more
were counted and the meeting was de
l-lured adjourned.
Destroyed This Morning When Barn of
John Swartz, Near Boiling
Springs, Burns to Ground
Carlisle, Pa., Dec. B—Three horses
and seven cows purished in llames that
started at 6.45 o'clock this morning
and destroyed a barn belongiug to
John Swartz one inile southwest of
Boiling Springs. The barn was burned
to the ground and most of the con
tents were lost. The damage is
$5,000 and is covered -by insurance.
The flames started from the explo
sion of tt lantern that ." farmhand was
using while feeding the cattle. The
fire spread with great rapidity and
practically nothing of the contents of
the barn was saved. Besides the loss
of the animals, a large number of fariA
implements and much hav, feed and
crops were destroyed. The barn was
situated on what was formerly the
Oyster farm.
Rev. B. H. Hart and Su
perintendent F. E.
Downes, Oppose Re
location of Hotel
Decision Reserved on Application of
Owner of Hostelry in Capitol Park
Extension Zone to Move Business to
Third and Dauphin Streets
Hearing on the application of Pat
rick T. Sullivan for the transfer of his
retail liquor license from 727-729 East
State street, in the Capitol Park ex
tension zone, to 1819 North Third
street, at the corner of Dauphin, was
held in court this morning before
Judges Kunkel and McCarrell. Testi
mony was offered both by those favor
ing and those opposing the transfer
after which the court took the papers
and reserved decision. It is likely that
a decree will be entered within the next
day or two.
Sullivan is seeking to relocate his
hostelry by reason of the fact that
more than four-fifths of the properties
which, up until two years ago, had
been situated in the Capitol Park zone,
have been taken over by the State and
the majority razed, and his place of
business will also soon be taken over.
In support of his application tsu 11i
vau presented a petition signed by 217
electors of the Eleventh ward. A re
monstrance signed by 1,679 men and
women was filed by James A. Strana
< on (Inn i'<l uu IJlKhlli I'nitr.
The Athletics' Famous Second Baseman
Is Sold to the Chicago American
League Team
Philadelphia, Dec. B.—Eddie Col
lins, star second basoman, was to-day
sold to the Chicago Americans.
According to Connie Ma.-k, manager
o*f the chiannpion Athletics, negotiations
have been under way for some time and
the deal was consummated in New
Vork to-day, the contract being sigite»l
in that city.
N'ew York. Dp. . B.—4Ban Johnson,
president of the American League, sai> 1
t'iiat Collins had signed a five-year con
tract, the, consideration being Cash and
some players of the Chicago Americans
which Connie Mack will select later on.
New York, Dec. B.—Jacob Ruppert,
New, York brewer, is negotiating wi't'li
William 8. Deverv and Prank Far re II
for the purchase" of the New York
American I-eague baseball club. The
price wanted by Deverv and Farrell is
$.">00,000. 'Hie deal has not yet been
closed but Han Jolhnson, president of
the American League, is endeavori'ng to
put it through.
Struck by a Trolley Car
Mark Brown, of Wormleysfourg, was
struck by a trolley car at Cameron and
Magnolia streets last evening. He re
ceived a lacerated face and left knee.
Ilis injuries wore not serious and he
was sent to his home after treatment at
the Harrisburg hospital.
Party at Chestnut Street Hall—At
Least the Hens That Are There Are
Not Doing the Cackling—Open for
Rest of Week
The cock that crowed in the morning,
having been removed from its favorite
roost to the Chestnut street auditorium
for the second annual show of the Cen
tral Pennsylvania Poultry Association,
now crows :tM the time. After assem
bling the seven hundred oitd fowl for
the exhibit the mnnagcrs rfVwl 1-„ek
and listened to the racket. Straightway
it was decided that there would be no
orchestra engaged to provide music for
the show.
The poor little hens are there in num
bers, but they cannot attract any at
tention but that of the judges, the
roosters taking so much of the spot
light. S-o the average layman will pass
up the hens while the roosters yell
greetings to each other across the hall.
It is a splendid exhibit and shows
great improvement over last year's
show. There are more exhibits and bet
ter birds, exhibitors coming from ten
different States. Some are from as far
west as Missouri and others from as
far north as Connecticut.
For the show's opening this morning
more than 700 birds were on hand. The.
exhibition will be open mornings, after
noons and evenings during the rest of
the week.
Judges have been appointed as fol
lows: .1. W. Anderson, white wyan
dottes; Henry D. Roily, barred rocks;
A. B. Cox, leghorns of all kinds; J. D.
Koons, white rocks and minorcas, and
A. W. Newcomer, all other varieties.
Eleven cups will lie awarded to the
winners in each class.
The officers of the Central Pennsyl
vania Association are Harry Stonelbrak
cr, president, and ('. S. Smith, score,
tary. They are in charge oif the show.
Brown-King Company Successful Bid
ders on Excavation Work for
New Freight Station Here
The contract for the grading and
excavating work for the great freight
station that the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company is going to build at Second
and Mulberry streets, was awarded yes
terday to the Brown-King Construction
Company of Philadelphia. The specifi
cations provide that the work will be
completed by April 1, 1915. The work
will start at an early date.
The improvement will be a big win
ter job for Harrisburg and should pro
vide work for a largo number of men
as approximately 50,000 cubic yards
of earth will have to be removed. In
addition to this the job will include the
laying of about 2,000 feet of sewer
pipe and much concrete work.
The concrete used in the con
struction of :i retaining, wall to extend
from the subway abutment on the oast,
side of Second street, along Mulberry
street. This wall will support the
tracks out of the yards beyond Third
Pennsylvania Railroad officials here
declined to state the figure at which
th» contract was awarded.
Freight Rate Cancellation Suspended
By Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. S. —Cancellation
of joint freight rates between certain
small roads in connection with trunk
lines operating in official classification
there which .yould result in an increase
in thO rates from five to twenty per
cent, was supendid to-day by the In
terstate Commerce Commission until
June 20. The rates of these short lines
now are under investigation.
President Talks to Con
gress on the Unpre
paredness of Uncie
Sam for War
Would Not Turn America Into Military
Camp and Ask Young Msn to Spend
Best Years of Their Lives Making
By Associated I'rcas,
Washington, Dec. B.—President Wil
son, in his annual address to Congress
to-day, gave Iris answer to those who
contend the United States is unprepared
for national defense.
"Let there be no misconception, 1 '
he said. "The country lias beeu mis
informed. We have not been negligent!
of national defense. We are not unmind
ful of the great responsibility resting
upon us. We shall learn and profit by
the lesson of every experience and ev
ery new circumstance; and what is
needed will be adequately done.''
Assembled in joint session in the hall
of the House, Senators and Representa
tives heard the President reading his
address in person from the clerk's desk,
outline the administration legislative
program and voice a fervent hope that
the United States might he instrumental
ii bringing peace to Europe. The legis
lative program includes passage oi the
conservation bills, the bills for ultimate
independence of the Philippines, ratili
cntion of the London convention for
safeiy at sea, a government owned mer
j chant marine, charting the perilous wa
| tcrs of the Alaskan coast and measures
i for economy in all branches of the gov
| einment.
The Regulation of Business
The President's remarks in full with
j relation to business legislation were as
I follows:
"Our program of legislation with re
. gard to the regulation of business is
now virtually complete. It has been
put forth as we intended as a whole
and leaves no conjecture as to what is
to follow. The road at last lies clear
ami firm before business. It is a roiid
whirih it can t/avel without t'esr or em
ba'rrasament. It is the road to un
grudged, unclouded success. In it ev
! ery honest man, every man who believes
! that, the public interest is part of his
own interest, may walk with perfect
I confidence."
Subject of National Defense
But the portion of the President's
| address which commanded intense in
! terest was that in which he discussed
I tne subject of national defense.
"It is said in some quarters that
! ve are not prepared for war," said the
President. "What is meant by being
I prepared? Is it meant that we are not
icady upon brief notice to put a nation
in the field, a nation of men trained to
arms? Of course we are not ready to
do that, and we shall never be in time
of peace so long as we retain our pres
ent political principles and institutions.
An l what is it that it, is suggested we
should be prepared to do? To defend
ourselves against attack? We have al-
Continued on Twelfth Pase,
Residents of Allison Hill to Petition
Railways Company for Extended
Trolley Accommodations
Residents of Allison Hill met in the
Shamrock hose house, Fifteenth and
Herr streets, last night to arrange for
the presentation of petitions to the
Harrisburg Railways Company for bet
ter and more extended service of the
lines touching the Hill section. At
present the requests will be for a belt
line out Herr street and across Allisou
Hill and more frequent and rapid, serv
ice on all lines on the Hill. v - *
W. VanDyke was elected chairman
of the organization and 11. G. Klugh,
of the Department of Agriculture, was
made secretary; Plan* were made for
the presentation of petitions signed by
4,000 residents of the Hill and thev
will be perfected at another meeting
to be held at the Mount Pie asnnt en
gine house on the evening of Decem
ber 22. It is planned to place peti
tions urging this improved service in
various business places on the Hill and
secure as many signatures as poxsibla.
It is understood that further re
quests will be made of the trolley com
pany involving one fare to Rutherford,
all night service on Allison Mill, bet
ter seating capacity on the Borryhill
line, and east and west cars on Market
street beyond Thirteenth.
Wilson Orders Probe at Suggestion oJ
Dominican Minister
By Associated Prctt.
Washington, Dev. B.—President Wil
son announced to-day that he hud in
structed the State Department to make
a full investigation of published charges
against James IVI. Sullivan, American
minister to the Dominican Republic.
Mr. Sullivan cabled to President VVil
son to-day asking for an investigation
of the charges tihat he had used his in
flue tree to get contracts for friends and
relatives from the Dominican govern
ment. Such charges have once been in
vetrtigated by the State Department,
and after the last investigation Mr.
Sullivan was allowed to return to hi*