The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 07, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    i CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. ;
FOUNDED 107 1 m t
Jjmm&tU i
: Sale of Notions and Domestics :
► !
; For One Day Only-Tuesday 3
► An opportunity for dressmakers and housewives to take advantage of
► unusual savings on inanv little neeessities.
► ' ———— 4
k 12'ji' Baby Flannel, in blue, —————— Outing Flannel, in neat i
► pink, white or cream. Yard. T>„ T\T„ J • blue and pink stripes, <
y 10c -Kliy .Notions in inches Wide. Yard. ...10c <
; Quantity Lots ~~~ !
♦1.19 Mohawk Sheets, size , _ Press Flannelette, dark
81x108 inches; no seams; and Save More r} y - v" r ,u ' s - m>a, -? a L <
► terns. i aul 7'-.f
.sowed: at " <
' John J. ('lark's best 6-cord
► spool cotton, ...S'-O spool ... ~, . , . ... j
10c shaker or I anton Han- <
45c Superior Sheets: size 72x 25c extra heavy hose sup- icl. bleached and unbleached.
K (H) inches: tine qualitv ; center porters, for corsets, rubber Yard 8e
► seams, at 29c buttons. 4to set. at .... 19c
► :>«• l>olt white tape, four
j. sizes If 20c Pillow Tubing. 42 and 45 < 1
► *1.25 Skirt Patterns, all wool. 5c real silk hair nets, 5 for inches wide. \ard 15c <
k pretty patterns in grey, blue . . f '
* or red. at 95<* " 1 Machine Kmbroidered Pillow
► , . Cases: 42-inch size; made of
► 10e boxes dressmakers tubing; 4 patterns; boxed.
► t»sc shrunken cream Flannel. IM,IS1 M,IS ** Pair, hojly boxes 75f* <
136 inches wide. Yard. . 38r 10r ro " toiM P i,,s lr
■>e linen finish thread: two
spools 5 C Machine Kmbroidered'Pillow
10c I'nbleached Sheeting, tine 24-yd. roll white tape. 10f
quality: 36 or 40 inches wide: lOe spool-holders 7c , l ' ,( «nA
1 , ' ~ , , . , , boxes. Pair SI.OO < \
washes nicely atul bleaches :> dozen nickel pins.
T easilv. Yard T' -f " )(1 ... ~. , , . i
f ' 5c pearl buttons, 2 cards, 10c Outing Flannel; Ught and ]
N - r dark colors, lard. .. 0 1 -**
► 12'-jc Cretonnes, 36 inches 25 tango hair pins, . 10<- —— Ji
► wide: forty diftereut pat- 1 t>i- tomato pin cushions, ('i leeso ('loth: very tine «
► terns to select trom. ard. Tv quality; in plain Xmas green X
y 9o or pure white. Yard,. .3 1 •_■<* JJ
Disappointment Over Volume of Or
ders for the Holiday Trade
liancaster. De.'. 7.—The holiday
trade has proved a great disappoint
inent to Ijaneaster county's leaf to
baeeo dealers aud cigar manufacturers
a ike. for the liberal orders that were
expected from retailers failed t > c me,
nSd tlie only reason assigned 'n t»e
. ullness of business generally aro.m i
Lancaster. where industr al plants of
various kinds are operating on short
With the cigar factories slack it
followed that the leaf market woui I
be ljull out of sympathy, light fa torv
orders meaning a light call for leaf to
bacco. The trade has now settled down
to the conviction that it will be useless
to look for any revival of business un
til after the holidays.
The packers have now finished sam
pling their 191;{ goods, aud they are
pronounced to be gooi burners, of
pleasant bouqet, an.l very ikely to
prove acceptable to the tra le. But
while some inquiries have been made
about thi« tobacco very little ha* been
• mm • mmm mm* • mm 0 mm • <© csbbi ©.ckssd © cam © «»•<««• • mi • «» • mm • *m» • mi • mm • «n» • mm •■■» • mm •
ft •
Beginning To=day, 7, J
! The Star-Independent Will Give Away -m, j
i 2 Reserved Seat Tickets to the Orpheum {
j Every Day Until the Close of the Season £
• We don't know who will get these tickets, but someone will get 2 every day. Perhaps YOU will be one of the lucky ones. ™
I XJI?'D 17 TC HPXJI? DT A TVT • Every weekday a young lady, an employe of the Star-Independent, will be blindfolded. She will open Boyd's Directory of m
il TyK 10 J il r> ± • Harrisburg and vicinity and will make a mark on one of the pages. The person whose name is nearest the mark will be m
ti given absolutely free of charge two reserve seats, which will be good at the Orpheum on a date which will be announced with jj
• the name of the person to whom they are awarded. *
A The announcements will be HIDDEN among the Want, Lost, Found, For Rent, For Sale, etc., ads, but will be so plain that any one can easily find them. • . •
! Look! Look! Start To-day. Read Over the Classified Columns Every Evening. Perhaps Yours Will Be There I
Someone was awarded two tickets to-day. Find out who got them. If you were not lucky this time perhaps your turn will come next. It will be a lot of fun following up the m
winners. I
' IF YOUR NAME is announced don't hesitate to call for the tickets. The Star-Independent wants you to enjoy them.
• Special Notice—Tickets must be called for before 8 o'clock the evening of the next dav after the announcement is made or they will be forfeited.
j I
• mm • mm • mmm mm • mm • mm • mm • mm • mmm • mm • mm • mmm mmm • mm • mmmm mm* • mam • mum mmm • mmm mm • mm* •
<1.14. not enough of it to e tablish a
price standard.
ljdtely there has been some more
selling of the 1901* tobacco, the pri -cs
bein-j from Sto 9 1 cents a pound-
Old goods. 1911 and 1912. the lit. If
selling, brought from 14' , to 16 <ents
a pound. The growers appear t> be in
no hurry to strip the ne v crop, thaugii
there ha< been enough moiit weather to
permit of the handling of the tobacco
in the -hod. j.ra -ti. ally al' ot which -
now through' i Tiiat cut earl e«t
ha* the best color. The tobac o not
cut until towards the end of the twelve
weeks' drought failed to take the rich
brown tone so much desired by cigar
ninimta. turers. And it i« uext to a
certainty that there will be no buy n»
of rhi crop until it is stripped.
Unarmed Man Is Quick to Take Hint
and Sprint
Pottsville. Pa.. Pec. 7. — A big hla-'k
bear on the second mountain below
Schuylkill Haven was nearly sue.-ess
ful in ending the life of William Hin
kle voter iav. 11 ink 1 e was walking along
the road to Bover's Miil, w hen he heard
au uuusual noise in the mill pond.
.lust as he got to the edge of the
water to investigate, the bear dashed
through the bushes at him. an.i was so
close that it stood on it< hind legs to
strike Inn. H.nkle succeeded in es
ea|"iig. and «ui!Miioned aid.
The bear was tra ke.l some distance
by h inters, but the trail was tiuabv
Reading' Pclice Say Youth Held His
Started Many Fires
Reading. I'a.. Dec. 7. —
a mania "to see the fire engines rfn.'
<o the police a«eir he confessed Kl
; mer Spre her. 29 years old. prominent
: lodge an i church worker, taken into
rustody lure vrster ay. is alleged tj
have conducted a wholesale campaign
|of incendiarism during the last two
years, involving halt' a dozen fires, re
-lilting in lo<es aggregating several
| thousand dollars.
► 4 1 r
; CALL 1991-AIW'PHONE.'#" •«=•-at- Store Opens CALL 1991-ANYVHONE.-ft*:
' f?. XSffiK 'VV m V BAM -
: J3jOUtiTlC[/714 53 c 0 r M :
► 4
We Need Experienced ?
: Salespeople ft''«Vv '
[ Ami request that folks who have had experience Hi j 1
in selling and department store routine, make Y \ <
application to Superintendent. Experience is J
► Will you help stamp out Give a man something \
y tuberculosis! Buv Red Cross that adds to his comfort and
. :r »i< ggypt A Little Canary Bird Will;
Christinas seals and post _—Everv vote vou east counts I A , n , f\p Ql* Atl "A/Til TITT T tcf C
► cards in pretty and striking one for 'some child's Santa UII Ifldliy VJIIL <
► designs hpp oil tilt? Mum ('lhiw ilrawiiiif Uv voting von t ,. . . 4
► F "» r - f »;»» ,G " n """ y) """" ies >
► -If you have a Christmas desening chit. They are rich all yellow birds, and others of yellow, mixed .<
► fund, why not shop NOW and On the greatest of all here and there with black. A fine assortment. <
l pav for same when you receive evenings,—Christmas eve, this ,>•. . «•> oe «•> in j &>•> no j u , L
1 i i i » , i . .■ ,■» t need at MoC, JiJ.45) and 53.98, and all must .
. vour Christmas fund check? store will close at ti 1. M., in ~,« ♦ lv , . „ , .. ».
► <•,. . . ~ . , ~ . , i measuie up to guarantee, remiiles at 98<? are for breedinsr
All Christmas checks may be order that customers and to t u ' clulu s i
* cashed here— Main Floor, salespeople may spend this '' s ' j*
► Transfer Dept. evening at home. <
; Service, Suitable for Gifts
► Over twenty-five choice patterns, including foreign and domes- 4
► Dinner Sets that can be matched in case of breakage while in 4
► American Porcelain Dinner Sets at $7.50 - 4
y Regularly $9.50 —KM) pieces; gold decorations. 4
► Boys, Ixarn to Build with Steel American Porcelain Dinner Sets at $11.50 *
. Yo« can lrtkc your ewn Railroad S»|nab. . f _ J
To»:rs,eic.,withik*AmericanMtdiißegularly $1.1,90 —HXi pieces; tloral decorations, gold I
► A»k ear e'erk to shew you u outnc* trimmed. 4
Kct&ils fr«»m SI.OO up. 1 I
► American Porcelain Dinner Sets at $11.90 -
I American Model Builders KJSf n4M ~ im l " e " tSi " or " 1 eoH J
r XTTIII -4-Vkrv DrtTT Decorated English Porcelain Dinner Sets f
Will lirducdtc tli6 xJoy At $13.50 1 M)-piece set—regularly $16.90. ,j
No otiicr tov can compare with this great amusing, instructive 513.90 100-piece set regularly $17..>0.
" and interesting novelty. j At $15.00—100-piece set—regularly $18.90. «
* Boys can build anything from a wheelbarrow to a battleship, Austrian China Dinner Seta--
► and will never grow tired of it. A , $18.50—100-piece set—regularly $22.50. <
► Several sizes are shown—five are here mentioned: j At $24.50—100-piece set—regularly S2B 50 4
► No. 1. at SI.OO set. | At $42.50 -100-piece set—regularly $48.50. Jj
No. 2, at $2.00 set. i
► No 3 at $3.00 set. ! German China Dinner Sets 4
* No. 4. at $5.00 set. At $32.50—100-piece set—regularly $38.50. <
► No. 5. at $7.50 set. j At $34.50—100-piece set—regularly $40.00. '•<
Three warrants charging arson have
already been lodged against the accused
and several more expe.-ted to-day. l)ep- 1
uty state Pi re Marshal Wander, of this
city, is the prosecutor in the present
case, ami iu tile information alleges
1 that the accused set fire to the hail of
of a lodge of which he was a member
on November 3. Heronls :ind equipment |
of tlit* organization were destroyed, en-1
tailing a los< ot' SSOO. One warrant |
charges the accused with trying to burn i
| down Iris home and the other with be
ing responsible for a blaze wliich de
i st roved household poods at a residence
■ lie formerly occupied two years ajjo.